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Please stick the barcode label here. 2018-DSE ENG LANG PAPER 3 PART A A ‘COMPULSORY HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORTY feat nemo | HONG KONG DIPLOWA OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION 2018 — ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 3 PARTA Question-Answer Book GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (1) There are two parts (A and B) in this paper. Ali candidates should attempt ALL tasks in Part A. In Part B, you should attempt either Part 81 (easier section) OR Part B2 (more difficult section). Candidates attempting Parts A and 82 will be able to attain the full range of levels, while Level 4 will be the highest level attainable for candidates attempting Parts A and B1 (2) Write your Candidate Number and stick barcode tabels in the spaces provided on the appropriate pages of Part A Question-Answer Book and both Part 8 Question-Answer Books, (3) Wrte your answers clearly and neatly in the spaces provided in the Question-Answer Books. Answers writter the margins will not be marked. You are advised to use a pencil for Part A. (4) Alllistening materials will be played ONCE only. (5) Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied on request. Write your Candidate Number, mark the question number box and stick a barcode label on each sheet and fasten them with string INSIDE the Question-Answer Book. (6) The rough-work sheets provided are for you to take notes. They will be collected separately and will not be marked. (7) No extra time will be given to candidates for sticking on the barcode labels or filing in the question number boxes after the "Time is up’ announcement. (8) The two Question-Answer Books attempted by candidates (one for Part A and one for Part B) wil be collected together at the end of the examination. Fasten the two Question-Answer Books together with the green tag provided, (9) The other unused Question-Answer Book for Part B will be collected separately at the end of the examination. This will not be marked, Do not write any answers in it 2018-DSE-ENG LANG 3-A-1 7 | | lll | lil | *AO2ZO0EOS A * Part A. Situation What, Why, How is an online magazine about science and culture. You will hear several conversations between people who work for the magazine as well as a weekly podcast, which the magazine broadcasts. In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and in the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need ia the Question-Answer Book and the recording, You now have two minutes to familiarise yourself with Tasks 1-4, 2018-DSE-ENG LANG3-A-2 “a Answers writen in the margins will not be marked. Please stick the barcode label here. Task 1 (13 marks) Kaity Chandra is the editor of the magazine. She is holding a meeting with two journalists, Iris Mu and Dan Lai, about the next issue. Listen to their discussion and complete the missing information in the spaces below. One has been provided as an example, You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers. What Iris, Dan and Kaity did at the weekend Iris had a (1) weekend because her (2) Dan had a (3) weekend because he (4) 0 Kaity had a(5)______ weekend because she (6) Suggested topics for the next edition of the magazine Topic: games and play | Name of game ‘Accepted | Reason by Kaity? Computer games for |The Next Mozart__| Yes These ore popular earning example) Ms) ‘des (10) eee @) api fay No (13) ‘Answers written in the margins will not be marked, END OF TASK 1 2018-DSE-ENG LANG 3-A-3 2 5 i a = i e e i 2 Answers written in the margins will not be marked. Task2 (13 marks) Iris is working on an online game for the next issue of the magazine. There are three parts to Task 2. In Part A, Iris explains the game to Dan. In Part B, Dan plays the game. In Part C, Dan and Iris discuss the game. You now have 30 seconds to study the task, At the end ofthe task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers. Part A Fill inthe missing information in the spaces provided in the Monster Maze key. Monster Maze key aa) Forward a E Left Right |M {0 Backward z a | ° 5 j-05) ©. = route taken 10203 M =landed on a hidden monster | (as) Part B Plot Dan’s route by putting a circle (‘0’) in each square like the example shown above in the Monster Maze key and put an ‘M’ if he lands on @ hidden monster. (17) Dan’s first life be : & Pej 1 2 3 4 5 6 “Answers written in the margins will not be marked. Answers written in the margins will not be marked. 2018-DSE-ENGLANG 3-4-4 -- Answers written in the margins will not be marked, Please stick the barcode label here. (18) Dan’s second life PartC Listen to Iris and Dan's discussion and answer the questions. Please note you do not have to answer in full sentences. ‘What are Dan’s suggestions for improving the Monster Maze game? Il not be marked, a9) 20) How will people play the game online? Q)) (22) How can the player trust that the game doesn’t cheat when placing the monsters? a 2 EB 8 j : a 2 (23) First, when the game starts, (24) Second, when the game’s over, (25) Third, (25) Fourth, ‘Answers written in the margins will not be marked. END OF TASK 2 2018-DSE-ENG LANG3-A- 4 Answers written in the margins will not be marked. Task 3. (13 marks) Koaity is atthe airport. She is calling Dan to ask him to edit an article she has been working on. There are three parts to Task 3. In Part A, you have to correct some sentences. In Part B, you have to provide labels for parts of a ing and in Part C you have to complete a text. You now have 30 seconds to study Task 3. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers. Part A Each line of the text below may have one mistake. Correct the mistake as shown below. If the line is correct then puta tick ¥ in the right hand column. The first has been provided as an example. paintings (example) | ‘Children’s Games’ is one of the most famous @#8##828 to show children playing. (27) It was started in the year 1560. (28) The artist who created it was called Pete Bruegel the Elder. (29) He was born in the Netherlands and died in Belgium. Part B Label the four games the children are playing inthe painting. Use no more than FOUR words for each. (30) Gl) a ae y (ew \ me NEG i, (32) (33) Answers written in the margins will not be marked. 2018-DSE-ENG LANG 3-4-6 a Answers written in the margins will not be marked. Answers written in the margins will not be marked. Part C Complete the text. Write one or more words in each gap, video game is based on classic works of art. Most of these One kind of contemporary games use (34) because the game designers enjoy the | | challenge of using (35) with (36) to make (37) The games are simple and their intention is to be (38) These games can be played online (39) Answers written in the margins will not be marked. END OF TASK 3 2018-DSE-ENG LANG 3-A-7 i Answers written in the margins will not be marked. i z 3 = 2 & Answers written in the n Task4 — (12 marks) You will listen to the What, Why, How weekly podcast. Kaity is discussing the psychology of games and play with two professors of psychology. Answer the questions below and complete the table, You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have three minutes to tidy up your answers, What are the three key aspects mentioned in the definition of a game? 49) 4) aa! (42) Which point do Jonathan and Natalie disagree about? 43) Complete the table below: Animal | Type of Play Benefits ‘Ants | play fighting 44) 7 a cr Fish | (45) (48) What three key points does Natalie make about rats play fighting? (47) First point: (48) Second point: (49) Third point: ‘Answers written in the margins will not be marked. 2018-DSE-ENG LANG 3-A-8 ar Answers written in the margins will not be marked. ‘Answers written in the margins will not be marked. What do the rats learn from play fighting? G0) GI) END OF TASK 4 End of Part A Now go to Part B Sources of materials used in this paper will be acknowledged in the booklet HKDSE Question Papers published by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority ata later stage. Answers written in the margins will not be marked. 2018-DSE-ENG LANG 3-A-9 Answers written in the margins will not be marked,

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