Effects of Time Management Chapter 1 - 5

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This research is entitled THE EFFECTS OF TIME MANAGEMENT IN



know the effects of time management skills in academic school activities of the

Grade 11 Senior High Students. According to Macan, Shahani, Dipboye & Phillips

(2000), In the modern world, time is seen as an indefinitely divisible and usable

commodity. It helps to infuse the concept of time through the institution. All the

material and human resources possessed by organizations can be enhanced in

the course of time or be transformed as time goes on; yet the only asset that cannot

be changed or purchased or stored is time itself. The secret to achieving success

in life is effectively managing this resource that everyone possesses equally and

paying sufficient emphasis to planning. According to Laurie and Hellsten (2002),

Time saving techniques and behaviors can be categorized into numerous groups

and be liable to contribute to a number of fundamental qualities in general. There

are three surfaces of time management behaviors: short-range planning, long-

range planning and time attitudes. According to Kaushar (2013), at higher

education level the study schedule must properly planned, implemented and

controlled for better results. Emphasizing time also helps to develop cost effective

educational policies by the authorities especially at higher education level.

According to Sabelis (2001), The effectual utilizing of time and managing time

requires procedures and good quality planning behaviors. One can make use of

time effectively and competently by keeping time logs, setting immediate and long-

standing goals, prioritizing responsibilities, constructing to-do lists and

arrangement, and organize one’s workspace, as studies of earlier period and

plentiful how-to books proposed. According to Sevari and Kandy (2011), In

developing countries where students have a lot of issues during academic journey

have a new story for the researcher to dig out much more interesting result. Time

management practices have an impact of time on academic achievement, this

relationship is not given importance by the students. According to Yilmaz et al.,

(2006), Short-range planning was defined as time management activities

surrounded by daily or weekly time structure and cover the activities such as

setting objectives at the commencement of the day, planning and prioritizing daily

behaviors and creation work contents.





know the effects of time management skills. Therefore, allowing the study the

following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Strand

2. What are the effects of time management in academic school

activities dominating the Grade 11?

3. Is there a significant difference in the respondents among their

respective strand in terms of the effects of time management in

academic school activities?


There is no significant difference in the respondents in terms of strand on

the effects of time management in academic school activities.


The focus of this study was undertaken by the following conceptual

framework that has three-part process: the input, process, and output.

Input Process Output

The demographic The effects of time

profile of management in
respondents in academic school
terms of: activities of the Grade
 Age 11 Senior High
 Sex Students of Pateros
 Strand Technological

Figure 1

The conceptual framework shows the independent variable of the study

“Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Pateros Technological College” and the

dependent variable, “The Effects of Time Management in Academic School



This study would be beneficial to the following:

To the School Administration. This study will serve as a guide to understand the

importance of teaching in students’ time management skills.

To the future Researchers. They may use this study as a reference material to

their on-going study which has the same topic.

To the Faculties. The result of this study hoped to help them to encourage student

to improve the use of time management and guide them to make it proper.

To the Parents. Being the guardian of the students, they will understand the

importance of time management to their children’s academic performance to

achieve high grades.


The overall population of Grade 11 students is sixty-three (63) that will serve

as our sample size that will be divided into three (3) groups and as a result, there

are twenty (20) respondents that will be performing the survey.

However, the survey was not easily done due to the students who skipped

their class. The said number of twenty (20) students were not followed, because

of the absentees in every section. That is why the researchers used the distribution

method where they distributed the students to complete the three (3) strand.


Academic Track. This track appeals to those who have set their minds towards

college education. Divided into degree-specific courses, the Academic track in

senior high school aims to prepare students to more advanced university courses.

Under this umbrella are four strands.

ABM. Accountancy, Business and Management, under the academic track. This

strand would focus on the basic concepts of financial management, business

management, cooperate operations and all things that are accounted for.

Administration. a group of people who manage the way of school to become


Demographic Profile. is defined as statistical data about the characteristics of a

population, such as the age, gender and income of the people within the

population. When the census assembles data about people's ages and genders,

this is an example of assembling information about demographics.

Discipline. a way of behaving that shows a willingness to obey rules or orders.

HUMSS. Humanities and Social Sciences. This strand focuses on the study of

human behavior and social changes, and analysis of arts, culture, literature, and

politics. And these subject focus on developing your reading, writing, speaking,

and thinking skills.

Senior High School. is a secondary school that students attend in the three or

four highest grades before college. A high school where someone is a freshman,

sophomore, junior and senior in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades is an example of

a senior high school.

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track. It calls out to eligible students

with subjects focused on job-ready skills. Besides, it offers practical knowledge

with matching certificates to help students land their desired job after they graduate

from SHS. Under the senior high school tech-voc track are the following strands.

Time-Management. process of planning and exercising conscious control of time

spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or




This chapter presents a selection of literature and studies that has a bearing

on the present study. The researchers have gone through readings of materials,

all of which has great significance to the problem during the course of thesis




According to Keely (2011), in her article, she mentioned that students find

that their greatest challenge in adjusting to college life and to succeeding in the

classroom is in managing their time effectively that even though attending class

and completing assignment is a top priority for most students, may find that they

are not allowing enough time for their studies. On the average, students should

spend about 2 hours of study for each hour of class time.

According to Cotrell (2013), in her book sees the main risk of studies crossed

time are (1.) feeling there is more time available then there is; (2.) not developing

sufficient structure to your time to ensure one got everything done; (3.) missing

deadlines; (4.) drifting-not being sure where one is in time if one has few regular

employments to mark out the time.



According to Lam (2015), Time management is about how you organize and

plan the time you spend on specific activities. On the surface of things, it seems

that time management should be easy and straightforward something that just

happens. In practice, time management is a skill that takes effort to develop. Time

management is about spending your time in the right places, on the right thing. In

order to manage your time effectively, it’s important to know your priorities,

obligations, and schedule. You have to find the strategy that works for you.

According to Sharma (2016), time management is important for students to

do the study with focus. Time management is important for students to get high

marks. Student's success in studies depends much on managing time efficiently.

The habits and morals they acquired during schools’ time and home will stick with

them throughout future. Time management shapes the student's mind into the

direction of discipline and sense of duty. Discipline is extremely important

especially in school life to become better students. The management is a skill that

enables students to use their time productively and efficiently. Time management

is not taught as an academic subject in school. Students have to utilize their 24

hours to become best students and experts in the subject. The focus of learning

time management skills is just to develop the habits of spending time wisely.


One case to ponder on is Yeng Remulla (2011) on “manyana habit’’ on her

book “Productive Pinoy” --- says she, the manyana habit is something that we

Filipinos have learned from Spaniards. The word manyana means tomorrow or

specified future time, also known as procrastination in plain English, “mamaya na”

in Filipino.

Remulla (2011) even described how it works; as follows:

1. One need to do something now… but then you decide to do it later.

2. One tells himself that he will do I tomorrow… tomorrow comes, the cycle


Little as it known, procrastination becomes a habit but Remulla (2011),

contends that with a behavior that I acquired through frequent repetition, no

amount of planning or preparation can change… that the only way to change a

habit is to replace it with another habit. However, the traits concerning negative

time management is neither inclusive nor exclusive, individuality plays a role.

One’s style of treating time may vary from one to other. Especially with the case of

students who are taught of the value of time and deviated from their awareness its

significance and the role it takes for success and development. Students are aware

of the value of time. They know the saying that “time is gold”, but they don’t

internalize the practice of this precious proverb. They have shallow understanding

of time, which is a misconception of time. It is therefore important give them the

concept of time management. With an efficient time, management behavior, come

grater chances of completing tasks, ease of learning, more leisure time; And with

these, security of high rating in achievement in different academic domain. It would

be least ensured by the students who practices proper time management are good

study habits.

According to Tan (2016), for Filipinos, being late and starting things late

have always been part of our culture. Many Filipinos seems to either practice it us

accept it, so much that we’ve been given a term for it. However, what many

Filipinos don’t realize is how crippling on our total productivity Filipino Time can be,

and how it says a lot about the character of Filipinos. With the deep-rootedness of

tardiness in Philippine culture and literature, the horrible Manila traffic and public

transportation system, and our lack of ability to discipline ourselves, Filipino Time

will always be a glaring facet of Filipino culture, and its strong network effects

speaks volume about the kind of people Filipino are. Today’s society, there are

legitimate reason as to why Filipinos still have the habit of Filipino Time. One of

these is the incredible traffic Filipinos have to go through in Metro Manila. Metro

Manila is now known to have the “worst traffic on Earth” based on a global survey

by Waze. As such, when people want to meet up at a certain time in Manila, the

unpredictable traffic can make them either way too early or too late for their


Based on Palabrica (2011), there are moves to make “Filipino Time”, or the

habit of many Filipinos of coming late for their appointments, a thing of the past.

Last week, the Department of Science and Technology, in cooperation with the

Philippine representative of the Discovery Channel, announced its plan to make

Filipinos time conscious. Dubbed “Juan Time” project, the campaign will start with

encouraging Filipinos to synchronize their clocks and watches with the Philippines

Standard Time. With everybody aligned to the same time reference, it would no

longer be an acceptable excuse to come late on account of the wrong time

indicated in the timepiece.

According to some Filipino sociologists, the tardiness habit is a carryover of

the practice during the colonial times of Spanish officials delaying their attendance

in formal functions to show their “ascendancy” over those who came earlier. It was

the kastilaloys’ subtle way of saying that they have more important things to attend

to so they should not be expected to be as prompts as the punctual attendances.

Fifty years of American rule, which emphasized time discipline, were not enough

to wean Filipinos away from this deplorable vestige of Spanish colonialism.



According to Mahasneh, et al (2013), time and how to manage it is one of

the things that are very important for humans. In other words, the value is not equal

for all and not everyone uses it the same. Many of them are interested in using it

at their best, while others not. How to use time at optimum level, a range of skills

and special management is required. In other words, the more we are familiar with

it, the better we can control and manage it. The primary purpose of this study was

to assess levels of university students' awareness about time management skills

in the Faculties at the Hashemite University in Jordan. A sample of 1014 students

participated in the study by responding to the 27 item Time Management

Questionnaire (TMQ). As indicated in the results section, the mean value of the

students' response on the time planning was 2.38, time attitudes were 2.26, and

time wasters was 2.96 signifying a low level of students' awareness regarding time

management skills. This result indicates that university students have not reached

an acceptable level of awareness about time management skills. Another strand

of results regarding demographic variables reveals that gender and academic

performance had no effect on students' awareness of time management skills. This

result is `explained by the fact that both male and female university students are

treated equally time management skills. Further, students at various academic

performances may not be gradually exposed to time management skills.

According to Bashir (2015), There is usually room for improvement in time

management if students rethink and review their plans or routines. Students must

be made aware of the importance keeping in view that time does not have any

rewind, retake, return or reverse pattern. There is a crucial need to highlight the

mismanagement of time and its effects on the academic life of students.

The key is to have balance in order to have proper time management this

will be helpful and good for the students; hence it would also help them on which

activities and tasks are they able to engage in during the process in making their

time table. Most students lack knowledge about the process on how to create the

right time planning, thus resulting for the students to fail to do or to accomplish on

the activities and tasks that would have them to be able to do if only they have

planned their time productively. Students should manage their time according on

what's: (1.) Important and urgent. (2.) Urgent and not important. (3.) Important but

not urgent. (4.) Not important and not urgent.



This chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. It also describes

the subjects of the study, the instruments used, the procedure of gathering data,

and the statistical treatment of the data.

This study will determine the effects of time management.


This study will use a descriptive method because it is done in the present

time, the researchers choose a survey for it serves as the best to answer the

questions and the purposes of the study. According to (Nworgu 1991:68), the

survey research is on in which a group of people or items is studied by collecting

and analyzing data from only a few people or items considered to be representative

of the entire group. In other words, only a part of the population is studied, and

findings from this are expected to be generalized to the entire population. Similarly,

McBurney (1994:170), defines the survey accessing public opinion or individual

characteristics by the use of questionnaire and sampling methods.


The overall population of the students of the Grade 11 Senior High School

of Pateros Technological College is sixty-three (63) from the three (3) strands of

the Grade 11 Senior High Students.

The researchers used fishball method to choose the respondents for the

study that is being conducted.

The sample size that is use for the study is sixty (60) students of the Grade

11 Senior High of the Pateros Technological College that was obtained by using

the Slovin’s formula that is 0.03% Margin Error. The researchers picked twenty

(20) in each strand as the respondent for the questionnaire that is to be answered.

This is gathered through dividing the sample of the population in each strand of

the Pateros Technological College.

The formula that is used by the researchers as shown below:


n= 2


n = sample

N = numbers of population

e = margin of error

Below is the computation of the researchers to determine the sample

respondents to answer the questionnaire.


1+63 (0.03)2

1+63 (0.0009)


n = 59.60 or 60


In order for this research to be successful, Grade 11 students with a

population of sixty-three (63) served as respondents that was divided from the

three (3) strands and as a result there were twenty (20) respondents per strand

that had been accomplished by using the questionnaire as a component to make

research useful. Such tests had a combination of scaling and locally constructed

questionnaire. The researchers used the test questions that are relevant to the

subject of the study. Scaling was used to identify the ability to answer the

questionnaire with the numbers of 1-10 questions. The researchers used 4-point

scaling with an interpretation of poor, fair, very good, excellent.

Rate Interpretation
4 – (3.50 – 4.00) The students are excellent at complying at the effects of time
management in academic school activities.
3 – (2.50 – 3.49) The students are very good at complying at the effects of time
management in academic school activities.
2 – (1.50 – 2.49) The students are fair at complying at the effects of time
management in academic school activities.
1 – (1.00 – 1.49) The students are poor at complying at the effects of time
management in academic school activities.


The questionnaire has been tested out by the eighteen (18) Accountancy

and Business Management (ABM) Grade 12 Senior High School students. The

students that has been chosen were not counted as respondents for this research.

Here are the steps done by the researchers to test the use of this.

The first step, the researchers used a draft paper for the questions and

opinions of the three (3) professors.

The second step, the questions has been checked by using the expert


The third step, a pilot testing has been done to the Grade 12 students of

ABM and lastly, the fourth step. The questions that were not clearly understood

were revised until it was finally clear and then was distributed out to the



The researchers asked for permission to the head admin of Pateros

Technological College, by sending a letter of acceptance for the gathering of

information needed regarding the research. The head admin of Pateros

Technological College, accepted the request of the researchers and asked for

guidance from the head admin of the Senior High School. This includes the class’

professor’s permission for the researchers to give their questionnaires to the

students of Pateros Technological College.

The Grade 11 students of the ABM, HUMSS and ICT were the one chosen

to answer the questionnaire. After the test, the questionnaires were handed out by

the researchers to their respondents, with the help of the head admin. The

researchers, discussed the directions to the students for them to properly answer

the questions.

The answered questions were gathered by the researchers for the

analyzation of the data.


To fully understood the information gathered the following were used:

Frequency for the number of students, Respondents to total the number of the

respondents to the study and multiplied to 100 that serves as the constant value.

1. Percentage. This is used by the researchers for them to know how many of the

students will be included in taking the test.


F x 100


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Numbers of respondents

100 = (Constant value)

Research Table 1

Distribution of Total Population and Respondents of the Research

Strand Population Frequency Percentage

ABM 11 17 20 26.98

HUMSS 11 16 20 25.40

ICT 11 30 20 47.62

Total 63 60 100%

The table represents the number of the respondents who respond to the set

of questions prepared by the researchers.

2. Mean. This is used to describe the effects of time management in academic

school activities to the Grade 11 Senior High School Students.

The formula below has been carefully checked by the researchers and was

given the right information.

∑ {f x r}
Wtd Mean =


Wtd = Weighted Mean

F = Frequency

∑ = Summation of frequency

R = Ratings of options

N = Number of students



This chapter discusses the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the

data gathered by the researchers. The research conducted at Pateros

Technological College in Grade 11 has a total population of sixty-three (63).

However, only twenty (20) questionnaires per strand were given making it a total

of sixty (60) respondents.

The presentation of the data placed on the table is obtained by the

percentage followed by the sentence as an explanation.

I. Personal data of the respondents of Grade 11 of Pateros Technological College

based on:

Research Table 1

Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

20 (above) 3 5%

17-19 40 66.67%

16 (below) 17 28.33%

Total 60 100%

The research table 1 indicates that ages 17-19 is very active in terms of

participation in the study with the frequency of 40 out of 60 respondents, and with

the percentage of 66.67% followed by the ages 16 below with the percentage of

28.33%. However, ages 20 above has only 3 respondents with the percentage of


Research Table 2

Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Sex

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 30 50

Female 30 50

Total 60 100%

The research table 2 shows the number and the percentage of the students

who responds based on sex. It indicates that there are the same number of men

and women who respond to the questionnaire.

It is concluded that the number of men and women involved in the research

is much better to prove if there is any difference between the two sex perspectives.

This will prove to the majority of the studies that have gathered positive data and

some of the conflicts in the study.

Research Table 3

Demographic Profile of Students in terms of Strands

Strand Frequency Percentage

ABM 11 20 33.33

HUMSS 11 20 33.33

ICT 11 20 33.33

Total 60 100%

The table 3 indicates the respondents in the strands of HUMSS 12, ABM

11, ICT 12, ICT 11, and HUMSS 11.

Research Table 4

Distribution of the Male Respondents based on the Interpretation of Data in

ABM 11

N = 10

Questions E VG F P WM Verbal
(4) (3) (2) (1) Interpretation
1. I passed all the 1.6 1.2 0.4 0 3.2 Very Good
projects and
assignments on time.
2. I try to devote class 0.4 1.8 0.4 0.1 2.7 Very God
time to organize and
store special knowledge
about its topic.
3. I’m trying to 1.2 1.8 0.2 0 3.2 Very Good
customize studying
hours a sufficient time
during the weekend to
study and review
4. I’m trying to organize 1.2 0.6 0 0 1.8 Poor
studying hours of the
day and week in order
to achieve academic
5. I manage my time 0.4 1.8 0.6 0 3.44 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
highest level of
academic achievement.
6. Homework help ease 1.2 1.5 0.4 0 3.1 Very Good
the availability of
adequate time to review
the course material and
to increase the
academic achievement.
7. Distribution of time 1.2 2.1 0 0 3.5 Very Good
and course materials
helps get the highest
academic levels.

8. Organization of study 0.8 1.5 0.6 0 2.9 Very Good
hours helps to heighten
academic rating.
9. I manage my time 1.6 1.2 0.2 0.1 3.1 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
rating excellent.
10. Identifying strengths 0.8 1.8 0.4 0 3 Very Good
and weaknesses of the
course material helps to
raise my academic
Overall Result 2.97 Very Good

It can be concluded that in table number 4, the male respondents of ABM

strand consider “I manage my time efficiently and effectively to reach the highest

level of academic achievement” as the effect that they comply the most in having

time management on academic school activities with the weighted mean of 3.44

and has the meaning of very good while on the other hand the effect “I’m trying to

organize studying hours of the day and week in order to achieve academic goals”

as the least that they comply in having time management on academic school

activities with the weighted mean of 1.8 and has the meaning of poor.

Research Table 5

Distribution of the Female Respondents based on the Interpretation of Data

in ABM 11

N = 10

Questions E VG F P WM Verbal
(4) (3) (2) (1) Interpretation
1. I passed all the 0 2.1 0.6 0 2.7 Very Good
projects and
assignments on time.

2. I try to devote class 0 2.1 0.6 0 2.7 Very Good
time to organize and
store special knowledge
about its topic.
3. I’m trying to 0 1.8 0.2 0.3 2.3 Fair
customize studying
hours a sufficient time
during the weekend to
study and review
4. I’m trying to organize 0 2.1 0.6 0 2.9 Very Good
studying hours of the
day and week in order
to achieve academic
5. I manage my time 0 1.5 1 0.1 2.6 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
highest level of
academic achievement.
6. Homework help ease 0.4 1.8 0.2 0.2 2.6 Very Good
the availability of
adequate time to review
the course material and
to increase the
academic achievement.
7. Distribution of time 0.4 2.1 0.4 0 2.9 Very Good
and course materials
helps get the highest
academic levels.
8. Organization of study 0.4 2.4 0.2 0 3 Very Good
hours helps to heighten
academic rating.
9. I manage my time 0.4 1.5 0.8 0 2.7 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
rating excellent.
10. Identifying strengths 0 2.7 0.2 0 2.9 Very Good
and weaknesses of the
course material helps to
raise my academic

Overall Result 2.71 Very Good

It can be concluded that in table number 5 the female respondents of ABM

strand considers "Distribution of time and course materials helps get the highest

academic levels" as the effect that they comply the most in having time

management on academic school activities with the weighted mean of 3 and has

the meaning of very good while on the other hand the effect "I'm trying to

customize studying hours a sufficient time during the weekend to study and

review materials" as the least that they comply in having time management on

academic school activities with the weighted mean of 2.3 and has the meaning of


Research Table 6

Comparison of Male and Female ABM 11 students according to their

Response to the Questionnaire

N = 20

Male Female

1. I passed all the projects and 3.2 Very 2.7 Very

assignments on time. Good Good
2. I try to devote class time to 2.7 Fair 2.7 Very
organize and store special knowledge Good
about its topic.
3. I’m trying to customize studying 3.2 Very 2.3 Fair
hours a sufficient time during the Good
weekend to study and review
4. I’m trying to organize studying 1.8 Poor 2.9 Very
hours of the day and week in order to Good
achieve academic goals.

5. I manage my time efficiently and 3.44 Very 2.6 Very
effectively to reach the highest level of Good Good
academic achievement.
6. Homework help ease the availability 3.1 Very 2.6 Very
of adequate time to review the course Good Good
material and to increase the academic
7. Distribution of time and course 3.5 Very 2.9 Very
materials helps get the highest Good Good
academic levels.
8. Organization of study hours helps 2.9 Fair 3 Very
to heighten academic rating. Good
9. I manage my time efficiently and 3.1 Very 2.7 Very
effectively to reach the rating Good Good
10. Identifying strengths and 3 Very 2.9 Very
weaknesses of the course material Good Good
helps to raise my academic rating.
2.97 Very 2.71 Very
Good Good

The table number 6 illustrates the Male respondents of ABM 11 that were

very good and has the most number on the Question number 7 with the mean of

3.3 while they have the least and were poor on the Question number 4 with the

mean of 1.8. Therefore, the male respondents of ABM 11 comply most in

distribution of time and course materials helps get the highest academic levels.

The said table also illustrates the female respondents of ABM 11 that were

very good and has the utmost number on Question number 8 with the mean of 3

while they have the slightest number and were fair on Question number 3 with the

mean of 2.3. Therefore, the female respondents of ABM 11 comply most in

organization of study hours helps to heighten academic rating.

Research Table 7

Distribution of the Male Respondents based on the Interpretation of Data in


N = 10

Questions E VG F P WM Verbal
(4) (3) (2) (1) Interpretation
1. I passed all the 0.4 1.8 0.4 0.1 2.5 Very Good
projects and
assignments on time.
2. I try to devote class 0.4 2.1 0.4 0 2.9 Very Good
time to organize and
store special knowledge
about its topic.
3. I’m trying to 0 1.8 0.6 0.1 2.5 Very Good
customize studying
hours a sufficient time
during the weekend to
study and review
4. I’m trying to organize 0.4 2.1 0.2 0.1 2.8 Very Good
studying hours of the
day and week in order
to achieve academic
5. I manage my time 0.4 1.8 0.6 0 2.8 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
highest level of
academic achievement.
6. Homework help ease 0.4 2.4 0.2 0 3 Very Good
the availability of
adequate time to review
the course material and
to increase the
academic achievement.
7. Distribution of time 0.4 2.4 0.2 0 3 Very Good
and course materials
helps get the highest
academic levels.

8. Organization of study 0.4 1.8 0.6 0 2.8 Very Good
hours helps to heighten
academic rating.
9. I manage my time 0.4 2.1 0.4 0 2.9 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
rating excellent.
10. Identifying strengths 0.8 2.1 0.4 0 3.3 Very Good
and weaknesses of the
course material helps to
raise my academic
Overall Result 2.87 Very Good

As can be seen in the table number 7 the male respondents of ABM strand

considers “Identifying strengths and weaknesses of the course material helps to

raise my academic rating” as the effect that they comply the most in having time

management on school activities with the weighted mean of 3.3 and has the

meaning of very good, the said strand also considers “I’m trying to customize study

hours a sufficient time during the weekend to study and review materials” as the

effect that they comply the least in having time management on academic school

activities with the weighted mean of 2.5 and has the meaning of very good.

Research Table 8

Distribution of the Female Respondents based on the Interpretation of Data

in HUMSS 11

N = 10

Questions E VG F P WM Verbal
(4) (3) (2) (1) Interpretation
1. I passed all the 1.2 1.5 0.4 0 3.1 Very Good
projects and
assignments on time.

2. I try to devote class 0 2.1 0.6 0 2.7 Very Good
time to organize and
store special knowledge
about its topic.
3. I’m trying to 0.4 1.2 1 0 2.6 Very Good
customize studying
hours a sufficient time
during the weekend to
study and review
4. I’m trying to organize 1.2 1.2 0.6 0 3 Very Good
studying hours of the
day and week in order
to achieve academic
5. I manage my time 0 2.1 0.6 0 2.7 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
highest level of
academic achievement.
6. Homework help ease 0.8 1.2 0.6 0.1 2.7 Very Good
the availability of
adequate time to review
the course material and
to increase the
academic achievement.
7. Distribution of time 0.4 2.4 0.2 0 3 Very Good
and course materials
helps get the highest
academic levels.
8. Organization of study 0.8 1.8 0.4 0 3 Very Good
hours helps to heighten
academic rating.
9. I manage my time 1.2 1.2 0.6 0 3 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
rating excellent.
10. Identifying strengths 1.2 1.2 0.8 0 3.2 Very Good
and weaknesses of the
course material helps to
raise my academic

Overall Result 2.9 Fair

As can be seen in the table number 8 the female respondents of HUMSS

strand considers “I passed all the projects and assignments in time” as the effect

that they comply the most in having time management on academic school

activities with the weighted mean of 3.1 and has the meaning of very good, the

said strand also considers “I’m trying to customize studying hours a sufficient time

during the weekend to study and review the materials” as the effect that they

comply the least in having time management on academic school activities with

the weighted mean of 2.6 and has the meaning of very good.

Research Table 9

Comparison of Male and Female HUMSS 11 students according to their

Response to the Questionnaire

N = 20

Male Female

1. I passed all the projects and 2.5 Very 3.1 Very

assignments on time. Good Good
2. I try to devote class time to 2.9 Very 2.7 Fair
organize and store special knowledge Good
about its topic.
3. I’m trying to customize studying 2.5 Very 2.6 Very
hours a sufficient time during the Good Good
weekend to study and review
4. I’m trying to organize studying 2.8 Very 3 Very
hours of the day and week in order to Good Good
achieve academic goals.

5. I manage my time efficiently and 2.8 Very 2.7 Very
effectively to reach the highest level of Good Good
academic achievement.
6. Homework help ease the availability 3 Very 2.7 Very
of adequate time to review the course Good Good
material and to increase the academic
7. Distribution of time and course 3 Very 3 Very
materials helps get the highest Good Good
academic levels.
8. Organization of study hours helps 2.8 Very 3 Very
to heighten academic rating. Good Good
9. I manage my time efficiently and 2.9 Very 3 Very
effectively to reach the rating Good Good
10. Identifying strengths and 3.3 Very 3.2 Very
weaknesses of the course material Good Good
helps to raise my academic rating.
2.87 Very 2.9 Very
Good Good

Research table number 9 denotes that the male respondents has the

greatest answer and very good on the Question number 10 with the mean of 3.3

whereas they have the least answer and fair on the Question number 3 with the

mean of 2.5. Therefore, the male respondents of the HUMSS 11 comply most in

identifying strengths and weaknesses of the course material helps to raise their

academic rating.

The said table also denotes the female respondents are very good and has

the furthermost number on the Question number 1 with the mean of 3.1 though

they were very good on Question number 3 it has the lowest number with the mean

of 2.6. Therefore, the female respondents of HUMSS 11 comply most in they

passed all the projects and assignments on time.

Research Table 10

Distribution of the Male Respondents based on the Interpretation of Data in

ICT 11

N = 10

Questions E VG F P WM Verbal
(4) (3) (2) (1) Interpretation
1. I passed all the 0.4 1.5 1 0 2.9 Very Good
projects and
assignments on time.
2. I try to devote class 0.8 2.1 0.4 0 3.3 Very Good
time to organize and
store special knowledge
about its topic.
3. I’m trying to 0.8 0.6 0.6 0 2.4 Fair
customize studying
hours a sufficient time
during the weekend to
study and review
4. I’m trying to organize 0 2.1 0.6 0 2.7 Very Good
studying hours of the
day and week in order
to achieve academic
5. I manage my time 0 1.2 1.2 0 2.4 Fair
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
highest level of
academic achievement.
6. Homework help ease 0 1.8 0.8 0 2.6 Very Good
the availability of
adequate time to review
the course material and
to increase the
academic achievement.
7. Distribution of time 0 2.1 0.6 0 2.7 Very Good
and course materials
helps get the highest
academic levels.

8. Organization of study 0 2.1 0.4 0 2.9 Very Good
hours helps to heighten
academic rating.
9. I manage my time 0.4 1.2 1 0 2.6 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
rating excellent.
10. Identifying strengths 1.6 0.9 0.6 0 3.1 Very Good
and weaknesses of the
course material helps to
raise my academic
Overall Result 2.76 Very Good

As a presumption in table number 10 the male respondents of ABM strand

considers "I try to devote class time to organize and store special knowledge

about its topic" as the effect that they comply the most in having time

management on academic school activities with the weighted mean of 3.3 and

has the meaning of very good it can also be said that the strand choose the effect

"I'm trying to customize studying hours a sufficient time during the weekend to

study and review materials" and "I manage my time efficiently and effectively to

reach the highest level of academic achievement" as the least that they comply in

having time management on academic school activities with the weighted mean

of 2.4 and has the meaning of fair.

Research Table 11

Distribution of the Female Respondents based on the Interpretation of Data

in ICT 11

N = 10

Questions E VG F P WM Verbal
(4) (3) (2) (1) Interpretation
1. I passed all the 1.2 1.5 0.4 0 3.1 Very Good
projects and
assignments on time.
2. I try to devote class 0 2.4 0.4 0 2.8 Very Good
time to organize and
store special knowledge
about its topic.
3. I’m trying to 0.8 0.9 1 0 2.7 Very Good
customize studying
hours a sufficient time
during the weekend to
study and review
4. I’m trying to organize 0.4 1.5 0.8 0 2.7 Very Good
studying hours of the
day and week in order
to achieve academic
5. I manage my time 0.8 1.2 0.8 0 2.8 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
highest level of
academic achievement.
6. Homework help ease 1.2 1.8 0.2 0 3.2 Very Good
the availability of
adequate time to review
the course material and
to increase the
academic achievement.
7. Distribution of time 0.8 1.5 0.6 0 2.9 Very Good
and course materials
helps get the highest
academic levels.

8. Organization of study 0.4 2.1 0.4 0 2.9 Very Good
hours helps to heighten
academic rating.
9. I manage my time 1.2 1.5 0.4 0 3.1 Very Good
efficiently and
effectively to reach the
rating excellent.
10. Identifying strengths 0.4 2.1 0.4 0 2.9 Very Good
and weaknesses of the
course material helps to
raise my academic
Overall Result 2.91 Very Good

As a presumption in table number 11 the female respondents of ABM

strand considers "Homework help ease the availability of adequate time to review

the course material and to increase the academic achievement" as the effect that

they comply the most in having time management on academic school activities

with the weighted mean of 3.2 and has the meaning of very good it can also be

said that the strand choose the effect "I'm trying to customize studying hours a

sufficient time during the weekend to study and review materials" also "I'm trying

to organize studying hours of the day and week in order to achieve academic

goals" as the least that they comply in having time management on academic

school activities with the weighted mean of 2.7 and has the meaning of very good

Research Table 12

Comparison of Male and Female ICT 11 students according to their

Response to the Questionnaire

N = 20

Male Female

1. I passed all the projects and 2.9 Very 3.1 Very

assignments on time. Good Good
2. I try to devote class time to 3.3 Very 2.8 Very
organize and store special knowledge Good Good
about its topic.
3. I’m trying to customize studying 2.4 Fair 2.7 Very
hours a sufficient time during the Good
weekend to study and review
4. I’m trying to organize studying 2.7 Very 2.7 Very
hours of the day and week in order to Good Good
achieve academic goals.
5. I manage my time efficiently and 2.4 Fair 2.8 Very
effectively to reach the highest level of Good
academic achievement.
6. Homework help ease the availability 2.6 Very 3.2 Very
of adequate time to review the course Good Good
material and to increase the academic
7. Distribution of time and course 2.7 Very 2.9 Very
materials helps get the highest Good Good
academic levels.
8. Organization of study hours helps 2.9 Very 2.9 Very
to heighten academic rating. Good Good
9. I manage my time efficiently and 2.6 Very 3.1 Very
effectively to reach the rating Good Good
10. Identifying strengths and 3.1 Very 2.9 Very
weaknesses of the course material Good Good
helps to raise my academic rating.
2.76 Very 2.91 Very
Good Good

The table number 12 denotes the answers of male respondents that has

the utmost and very good on the Question number 2 with the mean of 3.3 while

they have the smallest and fair on the Question numbers 3 and 5 with the mean

of 2.4. Therefore, the male respondents of ICT 11 comply most in “I try to devote

class time to organize and store special knowledge about its topic.”

The said table also demonstrates the female respondents that has the

most number and very good on the Question number 6 with the mean of 3.2 even

though they were very good on Questions number 3 and 4 it has the lowest

number with the mean of 2.7. Therefore, the female respondents of ICT 11

comply most in homework help ease the availability of adequate time to review

the course material and to increase the academic achievement.



This chapter summarized the study by highlighting the outcomes of the

research. The conclusion given was drawn from the outcomes of the survey

questionnaire and analyzing the data gathered. A summary of the major results

described. Moreover, recommendations were based from the findings and

conclusion of the study.

The Effects of Time Management in Academic School Activities as

Perceived by The Grade 11 Senior High Students of Pateros Technological

College. This study was compromised of sixty (60) out of sixty-three (63) Grade 11

Senior High School Students of Pateros Technological College. The researchers

used descriptive method in the survey questionnaire and use the Likert’s four -

point scale. The researchers used the weighted mean to determine on what are

the beneficial factors of time management namely in school activities, household

chores, and leisure time.


Based on the findings, the following are the results of our study.

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

Based on the assessments of the respondents of study in terms of

age, 17 out of 63 respondents are 16 below in age, while 40 out of 63 respondents

are 17 - 19 in age, and 3 out of 63 are 20 above in age.

1.2 Sex

Out of sixty - three (63) respondents from the Grade 11 Senior High

students of Pateros Technological College, thirty (30) respondents of the students

in Pateros Technological College are male and thirty (30) respondents are female.

1.3 Strand

Based on the data gathered out of sixty - three (63) respondents from Senior

High School of Pateros Technological College, twenty (20) respondents were

picked from each strand ABM 11, HUMSS 11, and ICT 11 while the ABM 12 strand

were used for Pilot Testing.

2. What are the effects of time management in academic school activities

dominating the Grade 11?

The researchers found out that there are three effects of time management

in academic school activities of Senior High School of Pateros Technological

College. The first is “I try to devote class time to organize and store special

knowledge about its topic,” the second one is “Distribution of time and course

materials to helps get the highest academic level,” and the third one is “Identifying

strengths and weaknesses of the course material helps to raise my academic


3. Is there a significant difference in the respondents among their respective strand

in terms of the effects of time management in academic school activities?

The researchers found out that there is significant difference among the

respondents of each strand to the effects of time management in academic school

activities as perceived by the Grade 11 Senior High Students of Pateros

Technological College as of the demographic profile strand.


The researchers found out that the effect that students comply the most are:

“I try to devote class time to organize and store special knowledge about its topic,”

“Distribution of time and course materials to helps get the highest academic level,”

and “Identifying strengths and weaknesses of the course material helps to raise

my academic rating.” The researchers also claimed that the effect that the students

comply the least is “I’m trying to organize studying hours of the day and week in

order to achieve academic goals.”

Therefore, students who practiced time management skills revealed better

academic performance.


It could be therefore recommended:

 Conducting workshops on time management skills for the students.

 Increase awareness about time management among students.

 Divide each large task into easy tasks.

 Have a plan for measuring and managing time.


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Survey Questionnaire

March 18, 2019

To the Respondents,
responds to make this research validated.
Thank You!

Name: __________________________________________________ (optional)

Direction: Please read carefully and check (√) the corresponding boxes for your
Sex: _______ Strand: _________________ Age: ________
Male HUMSS 11 20 (above)
Female ICT 11 17 – 19
ABM 11 16 (below)

Direction: Put a check (√) and rate yourself honestly based on what you actually
do given and the statement using the following scale.

Questions Excellent Very Good Fair Poor

(4) (3) (2) (1)

1. I passed all the projects and

assignments on time.

2. I try to devote class time to

organize and store special
knowledge about its topic.

3. I’m trying to customize studying
hours a sufficient time during the
weekend to study and review

4. I’m trying to organize studying

hours of the day and week in order
to achieve academic goals.

5. I manage my time efficiently and

effectively to reach the highest level
of academic achievement.

6. Homework help ease the

availability of adequate time to
review the course material and to
increase the academic achievement.

7. Distribution of time and course

materials helps get the highest
academic levels.

8. Organization of study hours helps

to heighten academic rating.

9. I manage my time efficiently and

effectively to reach the rating

10. Identifying strengths and

weaknesses of the course material
helps to raise my academic rating.

15 F. Antonio St., Brgy., Malinao, Pasig City
Contact No. 09296000417
E-mail Address: domzguray@gmail.com

To be able to apply and enhance specialized skills through position applied.

Personal Information:
Nickname: Domz Height: 4’9’’
Date of Birth: March 16, 2001 Weight: 61 kg.
Place of Birth: Pasig City Age: 17

Religion: Roman Catholic Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Educational Attainment:


Accountancy and Business Management
P. Herrera St., Brgy. San Pedro, Pateros,
Metro Manila
June 2017 – Present


Lope K. Santos St., San Joaquin, Pasig City
2013 – 2017

Primary School Pasig Elementary School

Caruncho Ave., San Nicholas, Pasig City
2006 - 2013

- Computer literate (Ms. Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
- Flexible


Secondary Overall Top 1 in section (Grade 7 & 8)

6th place in Radio Broadcasting

18 – A Kentucky St., Bambang, Taguig City
Contact No. 09218988919
E-mail Address: llenojaneth@gmail.com

To be able to find an internship where I can fully utilize my skills and knowledge,
and further enhance them to contribute to my development as a person: and to
be able to be a part of a team whose development I can contribute to as a
member, in preparation for my future career.

Personal Information:
Nickname: Jane Height: 5’3”
Date of Birth: July 11, 1999 Weight: 49.5 kg.
Place of Birth: Tuktukan Lying-In Age: 19 years old

Religion: Roman Catholic Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Educational Attainment:


Accountancy and Business Management
P. Herrera St., Brgy. San Pedro, Pateros,
Metro Manila
June 2017 – Present


Col. P. Cruz St., Tuktukan, Taguig City
2013 – 2017


Liwayway St., Sta. Ana, Taguig City
2006 - 2013

- Computer literate (Application Programming and Webpage Design)
- Having wholesome values and integrity
- Willing to extend knowledge in the field of computer and technology


Primary Huwarang Bata (Kinder)

7th Honorable Mention (Grade 5)
4th Place in Editorial Cartooning Filipino
Category Division Level

Secondary Graduated with Honor


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