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Primary motor

The primary motor cortex participates in the initiation of skilled, delicate, and agile voluntary

Premotor cortex on the lateral surface of the frontal lobe has

(1) a primary role in the control of proximal limb and axial musculature
(2)an essential role in the initial phases of orientation movements of the body and upper limb
directed toward a target.

The supplementary motor cortex has a significant role in the programming of patterns and
sequences of movements.

motivation are generated within the limbic system  ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens) and
ventral pallidum

control is in the province of the basal ganglia  amygdala, hippocampus, ventral anterior, and
dorsomedial thalamic nuclei.


The primary somatic sensory (somatosensory) cortex

size, shape, and texture  sensations of touch, position sense, and pressure

The secondary somatic sensory area (SII) is located on the superior bank of the lateral fissure below
the primary motor and sensory  organized with respect to such general sensory modalities as
touch, position sense, pressure, and pain  receives input from SI as well as bilateral inputs from the
ascending pathways.

Somatosensory association cortex  superior parietal lobule and in the supramarginal gyrus 
Further neural processing of the multisensory somesthetic input takes place before being integrated
into the levels where perception of shape, size, and texture and the identification of objects by
contact occur.

Primary visual cortex visual area I, is the striate area of the occipital lobe
(1) to perform the act of fusion of the inputs from both eyes into one image for binocular vision
(2) to analyze the visual world with respect to the orientation of stimuli in the visual fields
The extrastriate association cortex  visual area II (area 18), visual area III (area 19), angular gyrus
(area 39), and inferotemporal cortex (areas 20 and 21)

Angular gyrus  comprehension of a visual image (symbol)

The inferotemporal cortex of the tectal syste has a role in higher visual functions.
It reacts to such stimulus features as size, shape, contrast, and color.


The primary auditory cortex  detection of changes in pattern and in the location of the source of a

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