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Monalisa Aritonang

Skills for Academic Purposes

May, 18th 2019


Article Info:

Priyo, A. (2109). More than 270 election staff die counting votes. More than 270
election staff die counting votes. Jakarta: BBC News.

Summarize the article

More than 270 election staff die counting votes.This article explain about why
election workers in Indonesia have died. In April,17 2019 election do in Indonesia.
Each citizen chooses in his own territory. After that, the votes will be counting and
the staff have long hours of work counting millions of ballot papers by hand. In this
election, staff were expected to work through the night in sweltering conditions,
which took a hefty physical toll on many. The KPU spokesman said 272 election
workers had died from overwork-related illnesses. The elections were the first time
the country of 260 million people combined the presidential vote with national and
regional parliamentary ballots, in order to save money. The huge numbers have
apparently taken their toll on temporary election staff, who unlike civil servants, do
not undergo a medical examination before starting work.

Offer my opinion
Even thought combining the elections can decrease state budgets, the government
should reconsider the effect of this merger. Because this is the first time Indonesia has
used such a method. As a result, many of election workers in Indonesia have died,
mostly of fatigue-related illnesses caused by long hours of work counting millions of
ballot papers by hand.
Monalisa Aritonang
Skills for Academic Purposes
May, 18th 2019

Article Inview:
Winiharti, M. (2016). The analisys of creative writing teaching
through story book rading for the first group students of Tunas Muda Internasional

Summarize the article

One method to support the success of teaching of writing skills is using story books.
It has many kinds of benefits that provides the students more creative and challenging
texts that require personal exploration, easier understanding of information which are
commonly hard to comprehend and remember, and easier illustration in making
connection among various elements and concepts being taught.

Explain and Criticize the method use:

In this article, the researcher used easier illustration in making connection among
various elements and concepts being taught. This research deals with teaching
creative writing through story book reading, and it is aimed at finding whether this
method is beneficial or not in increasing creativity in writing. The study is carried out
using a pre-test and post-test design to 14 students from the first grade. Between the
two tests, the students were provided with basic knowledge of creative writing.

Explain and Criticize the method use:

In my opinion this method is really good. I can make people more creative with a
good method.

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