St. Joseph'S School of Mactan: Mactan Lapu-Lapu City A.Y. 2019-2020

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Mactan Lapu-Lapu City
A.Y. 2019-2020


DATE: September 10-13, 2019
UNIT TOPIC: Modern Art
CONTENT STANDARDS: Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Perform/ participate competently in a presentation of a creative impression

(verbal/nonverbal) from the various art movements

A1. Identify the elements and principles of arts.
A2.identify distinct characteristics of arts from the various art movements
A3.describe the influence of iconic artists belonging to the various art movements
M2.reflect on and derive the mood, idea, or message from selected artworks

Activity 1: What is art?
1. Before letting the learners define what an art is project first pictures showcasing the different art forms.
2. After that, let the learners define what art is.
3. Encourage them to give their own definition and let as many learners to answer as possible.
4. After their answers, praise them and stress that art has varied definition. Give a concrete definition of art or summarize
their definition into one phrase or sentence.

Activity 2 : Pretest
“Differentiate an art Element from Principle”

Call different learners to group the words projected on screen from Element and Principle. Let them write
their answer on the board
Element Principle

1.Process their answers by asking the class if they AGREE or DISAGREE with their classmates’ answers.
2.Let the learners differentiate art element form principle.

Answer: Art element is the visual components in an art while principle is the way the artists organize and use the

Activity 2: Interactive Discussion
1. Present the different movements in modern art and present a different example of art pieces in each
a. Impressionism
b. Expressionism
c. Cubism
d. Dadaism
e. Surrealism
f. Abstract Surrealism
g. Pop Art
h. Op art
i. Performance Art
j. Happenings and Mob
2. Also present the different artist under the art movements and their influence in each movement.

Activity 3: “ Art Analysis and Art Interpretation”

1.Let the learners differentiate the difference between art analysis and art interpretation.

Answer: Art analysis is identifying how the element and principle was used in an artwork or giving the physical
characteristics in an art while art interpretation is giving the mood, message, or the feeling being perceived or
conveyed the moment you look at the art.

2.After differentiating, let the learners give the art analysis and interpretation on the following works:

A short quiz will be given to the learners to check if they really comprehend the topic.

Prepared by:Ms. Hygeia E. Bercero Reviewed by: Mr. Mark Dan Lyster Fiel Approved by: Sr. Misheil Oporto, SFIC

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