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Riga Foods –
Development, Alignment of workforce toward a
common goal, Action and Achievement

Dear Ms. Dalmiya,

We would like to thank you for considering partnership with Aspire. At Aspire, we
believe in people. It is this that makes us go way beyond the traditional or technical
approach of connecting the dots and give that extra push to get the engine of
productivity moving. Aspire also believes in preparing and empowering people so
they can take accountability and keep the ball rolling even in trying circumstances.

Based on our discussion and understanding, we propose the following for :


In this domain, we will focus on identifying the following :

1. Needs

Identifying individual and organizational needs will be the first step toward
deciding what form of process will be inculcated toward achieving –

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Once a Need Analysis is conducted we will offer the following :

a) Dealing with the dark side

b) Removal of Personal and Professional Blocks

c) Alignment with the Self and Team

d) Motivation, Goal Settings and Expectation

e) Professional Development

f) Reinforcement of Vision

g) Leadership Development

To elaborate further ;

a) Dealing with the dark side :

We will specifically work on , demystifying discomforts, unresolved issues and

present dilemmas to alleviate symptoms and provide permanent relief

b) Removal of Personal and Professional Blocks :

Bringing about large scale transformation requires helping people complete the
puzzle of their lives, assembling the pieces together so they can honor all that has
happened in their lives and leverage exactly who they are and amplify those talents
and abilities. At Diva, we will be working on these elements in bringing removal of
personal and professional blocks to fruition by unearthing what holds each
individual and organization back.

c) Alignment with the Self and Team :

We will bring a common ground consensus in commitment and delivery by bringing

about alignment of the individual with his or her own self and then with the team.
Sometimes this process can be a reverse alignment as well.

d) Motivation, Goal Settings and Expectation :

We work towards finding what drives/motivates one towards achieving a goal and
then setting realistic and achievable goals to ensure the bar of expectation is met on a

e) Professional Development :

In the event of discovering a skill set or professional learning gap, Aspire can offer

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specialized training or advanced professional learning for individual or team for
improving skill sets, professional knowledge, competency and overall effectiveness.

f) Reinforcement of Vision :

Reinforcement of core values, building on belief for what the organization stands for.

g) Leadership Development :

Aspire supports in development of Leadership competencies by matching specific

leadership skills and traits to the needs and requirements of the organization;
fearlessly investigate the mind-sets that underpin behavior and monitor impact .

2. Methodology: The programme will consist of elements of Communication and

Behavioural Skills which will be imparted through a series of experiential activities
that draw from a number of sources, including psychology, neurobiology, cognitive
therapy, behavioural skills, experiential learning, drama and movement therapy,
Gestalt Therapy and coaching, among others. We will ensure that students learn by
doing, are engaged, enthused and that all the learning they receive is through real-
life examples which is relevant to their current reality. Although there are three
distinct elements to the programme, they will of course be interconnected. All three
elements will be introduced each day to break monotony and add variety. All
activities will be designed to support learning, which will be reinforced through
debriefs. Theatre activities will be an intrinsic part of the programme as they are a
great way of learning new skills and exploring self in an engaging way. For each
batch, we will typically have 1Facilitator and 1 Teaching Assistant. The facilitators
will move between batches while the Teaching Assistants will stay with the same
group. This will ensure that each batch of 25-27 is able to experience three different
facilitators over the two days. Each facilitator will have their own unique style and

3. Ways to Achieve

We will follow the process below to achieve the same. The commercials for the same

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are listed :

Total Senior Management Staff : 7

Total Junior Management Staff : 203

Duration 3 Months
No of
Sessions No. of Cost
Elements of Delivery Individu
needed Session s

Collaborative Meeting 7 1 1
Pre Process
Individual Meeting 1 7

2 sessions
per month
for 2
Individual Coaching 7 individual 28

2 session
On Process per month
Group Coaching and for 2
trainings months 4
Automated System for
tracking goals
One time
Automated feedbacks,
deliverables, tracking and
assesments NA NA
Collaborative Meeting 7 1 1
Post Process
Individual Meeting 7 1 7


Duration 6 Months
No of Total
Sessions Cost
Elements of Delivery Individu No. of
needed s
als Sessions
Pre Process
Collaborative Meeting 7 1 1
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Individual Meeting 1 7

2 sessions
per month
for 5
Individual Coaching 7 individual 70
2 session
On Process per month
for 5
Group Coaching and trainings months 10
Automated System for
tracking goals
One time
Automated feedbacks,
deliverables, tracking and
assesments NA NA
Collaborative Meeting 7 1 1
Post Process
Individual Meeting 1 7


In this domain, we will focus on identifying the following :

1. Needs :

We will follow the same process as outlined for the Senior Management. Some of the
main features of the development, action and achievement of goals for the junior
management and restaurant staff will be to first conduct SWOT Analysis, bring the
entire restaurant staff holistically, coach on time management, hone interpersonal
skills, encourage to manifest their personal goals, bring about a reduction in the staff
attrition rate, inspire and put the common goal in action.

2. Methodology :

3. Ways to Achieve

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Duration 3 Months
No of
Sessions Co
Elements of Delivery Individ Total No. of Sessions
needed sts

Collaborative Meeting zone wise or restaurant wise

Pre Process or 20 in each group 203 10 10
Individual Meeting with Senior Managers 1 7

for 5
On Process Individual Coaching for Senior Managers al 2x5x
2 session
for 5 2x5x10 groups = 100
Group Coaching and trainings months sessions
Automated System for tracking goals
One time
Automated feedbacks, deliverables, tracking and
assessments NA NA
Collaborative Meeting 203 10 10
Post Process
Individual Meeting 1 7

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Duration 6 Months
No of
Sessions Co
Elements of Delivery Individ Total No. of Sessions
needed sts

Collaborative Meeting zone wise or restaurant wise

Pre Process or 20 in each group 203 10 10
Individual Meeting with Senior Managers 1 7

for 5
On Process Individual Coaching for Senior Managers al 2x5x
2 session
for 5 2x5x10 groups = 100
Group Coaching and trainings months sessions
Automated System for tracking goals
One time
Automated feedbacks, deliverables, tracking and
assessments NA NA
Collaborative Meeting 203 10 10
Post Process
Individual Meeting 1 7

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B. Commercials

As you are aware, we have tried to fit our commercials into your budget that was
shared with us which means that out margins are almost nil. However, since this is a
first programme with Riga and you have your own budgetary constraints, we have

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tried to accommodate the budget in the best way possible without actually going
into a loss.According to our calculations on what needs to be delivered and the
logistics involved, we will charge a total amount of INR 1,76,000 plus GST for 3
months OR a total amount of INR 1,76,000 plus GST for 6 months.

About Us

About Aspire Human Capital Management Pvt. Ltd.

Aspire Human Capital Management Pvt. Ltd. or Aspire (, A

McNulty Prize-wining social enterprise in Education since 2007 which has pioneered
two programs in India, (i) Socratic Dialogue and Case Studies led Values-based
Leadership Programmes, and, (ii) Employability Education. Over the past 11 years, it
has trained over 65,000 trainees across 18 Indian states in more than 100 educational

About Amit Bhatia

Amit Bhatia is the inaugural CEO of The Global Steering Group of Impact Investment
(, responsible for global Impact Investment eco-system development.
After SRCC and DSE, over 27 years, he has founded Aspire, a social enterprise in
Education; was Founding CEO of India’s Impact Investors Council; Founding CEO of
WNS Knowledge Services; Country Manager of Free Markets, and, Founder of
McKinsey Knowledge Centre.

About Triansha Tandan

Triansha Tandan is the Chief Learning and Development Officer at Aspire. She is also a
Communication Consultant, Behavioural Skills Facilitator and Coach (ICF Certified).
She has supported corporations and educational institutions globally, for over twelve
years. She is certified in Hogan Assessments, DiSC Assessments and is a member of the
Indian Society for Applied and Behavioural Sciences (ISABS). Among others, she has
worked for McKinsey and Company, as a Communications Specialist.

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