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Center for Industrial and Building Energy Audits

Phone : 92-91-9222103 Fax : 92-91- 9222217
Email :

Dated: Jun 30, 2019


Ghulam Sarwar
Project/Field Coordinator
Technology Development Fund, R&D
Higher Education Commission
H-9, Islamabad

Subject: First Year Progress Report of TDF 20-040: Center for Industrial and Building
Energy Audits

Attached herewith please find the first year progress report for the TDF 20-040: Center for
Industrial and Building Energy Audits. The following documents are attached.

1. 1st year progress report via email in soft form and hard copy via surface mail with ✓
covering letter (Annex-I)
2. 1st year Audit utilization report duly verified/original/stamped/signed by the ✓
resident Auditor as per specimen is given below (Annex-II)
3. Copy of Award letter (Annex-III) ✓
4. Budget Utilization Report (Annex-IV) ✓
5. Copy of Disclosure agreement (CDA) ✓
6. Copy of Material transfer agreement (MTA) ✓
7. Copy of license agreement (provisional with 1st year progress report but must with
2nd year)
The hardcopy with all the signatures is also sent out. Thank you.


(Prof. Dr. M. A. Irfan)

H-9, Islamabad (Pakistan)

For HEC use only

Proposal Identification Number

1st Progress Report (FY 2017-18)

1. Project/PI particulars
Project Code TDF-(02-040)
Title of Project Center for Industrial and Building Energy Audits.
Name of Principal Investigator Dr. M. A. Irfan
Email & contact # /03469304648
Department & Mechanical Deptt. UET Peshawar.
Name & contact details of Dr. M. Adil
Name & contact details of Engr. Zarak Khan(0300-8560439)
(Industrial Partner)
Project start Date July 1, 2018
Duration 2 Years
Reporting Period July 1,2018 - June 30, 2019
Completion Date (Tentative) Jun 30, 2020.
Total Approved Budget of 11.371 Million PKRs.
1st Installment Received 9.162 Million PKRs. Dated:
2nd Installment (to be paid) 2.209 Million PKRs.
Total Funds utilized
(as per audit vetted
expenditure statement) Attach the audit vetted Copy as annex.
TDF Promotional Video Yes

Page 1 of 12
2. List of Content

3. Executive Summary
Center for Building and Industrial Energy Audits (CIBEA) is an HEC /TDF funded project. We
have the manpower of 7 people from diverse Engineering background. We have conducted the
first Industrial and Building Energy Audit in March 2019 of FF Steel and suggested them
numerous Energy Conservation Measures which lead to Millions of rupees in savings. We have
successfully conducted one-day Workshop on ''Industrial and Building Energy Audits'', in which
numerous Industries of the Region participated. We have also conducted two Seminars. We have
developed our Website.
4. Project Team with Job Descriptions (Each staff 1 page JD as annex to this form with
• Attached as Annexure.
5. Progress versus proposed Research Work Plan (4B) as per approved project document
S.No Proposed Research Work plan Progress
1. Ordering of equipment Done
2. Research group training Done
3. Awareness seminar to students Two Seminars done
4. Database development Under Progress
5. Webpage development Done
6. Building Energy Audit Done
7. Building Energy Audit report writing Done
8. Industrial Energy Audit Done
9. Industrial Energy Audit report writing Done
10. One day Workshop on Energy Audits Done
6. Progress versus Business Plan (item 8) as per approved project document:
S.No Progress Status
1 Website Development Done(
2 Marketing Strategy
• Awareness Seminars 2 Seminars done
• Day Workshop Done
• 4 orders from different On progress

Page 2 of 12
• UNIDO bid for KP and UNIDO bid accepted. Two projects awarded by
Baluchistan. UNIDO to CIBEA in consortium.

3 Data base development In Progress

7. Details of interaction with Partner Industry;

S.No Interaction via Outcomes
1 Seminar Chairman FF Steel visited CIBEA Lab and gave suggestions on
Business Plan and revenue generation for CIBEA.
2 Detailed Energy CIBEA has given a detailed brief Energy Audit report on Energy
Audit Savings in FF Steel.

a) Comments of the industry partner on project commercialization and integration in its

setup or a new business. Explain its potential in terms of revenue generation and
capacity building.
• Our Industrial partner FF Steel Chairman Noman Wazir visited CIBEA Lab
and give suggestions regarding commercialization and revenue generation.
• First few Energy Audits should be free of cost to commercialize the business.
• Then CIBEA can charge industries for their Energy Audits in two ways.

i. Upfront cost
ii. Per Annum cost on Energy Savings.
• Focus on large scale manufacturing industries.

b) Frequency of Visits
• 4 visits

Page 3 of 12
c) Pictorial Proves (R&D at Industrial level)

d) Level of engagement of Industry Partner Financial & In kind (proves)

• Provided access to industry
• Provided Stay, boarding and lodging to 4 Engineers for 3 days at Lahore twice.
e) Copy of NON-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
signed and attached.

8. Project KPIs for 2nd Year (Table with Score)

S.No. Parameter to be observed Frequency Time line Score (1-10)

1 Awareness Seminars 3 1 day 10

i. Need for Industrial
Energy Audits
ii. Energy Savings in
iii. Energy Savings in
Power Plants
2 Ordering of equipment 2 3 months 9

3 Building energy audit 1 3 days 8

Page 4 of 12
4 Industrial energy audit 1 3 days 8

5 Building energy audit 1 1 month 7

Report writing

6 Industrial energy audit 1 1 month 7

Report writing

7 Design of database 1 3 months 7

8 Workshop 1 1 day 10
9. Overall Progress
S.No Project Objective Significance of outcome Measurable
1. Reducing energy consumption by The audited industries One Industrial
energy Audits and Energy Audit and
buildings will be given One Building
written Energy Audit has
reports on energy audits done successfully.
including suggestions to
improve energy
2. Human Resource Development in Different Trainings will 2 CEM and 2
Energy Audits be given to MSc and LEED certified
Phd students to avail will be available
certifications. after 2 years.
3. Developing Database of Industrial Over the years this At the end of 2nd
and Building Energy Consumption center will year, the
develop a database of database will have
energy complete energy
usage patterns by KPK information for 3
Industry and Buildings industries and 3

4. Creating Awareness about Energy The Industries will 1 Full Day

Conservation and Energy Efficiency become more aware of workshop and
Energy Efficiency best Three Seminars
practices. done.

Page 5 of 12
Human Resource development
CIBEA will produce the following M.Sc and PhD Students as a Human resource.

S.No Student Thesis

1 Zaeem Ahmad Energy Efficiency Resource Assessment of Marble Industry

2 Muhammad Rizwan Energy Efficiency Power Plant

3 Faizullah Khan Energy Efficiency Resource Assessment in Textile Sector

4 Adeed Khan Energy Efficiency Resource Assessment in Buildings of


5 Mohammad Shoaib Building Energy Modeling

Also CIBEA has conducted one workshop and Three Seminars.

• Seminars

S.No Title Audience

1 Need for Industrial Energy Audits UET Students

2 Energy Savings in Universities VC and Faculty

3 Energy Savings in Power Plants Final Year Students

Page 6 of 12
Pictorial Proofs

Page 7 of 12
• Workshop on "Building and Industrial Energy Audits".

Guests List
i. Cherat Cement

iii. MOL

iv. FF Steel

v. Faculty

vi. Students

Page 8 of 12
10. Obstacles (if any with strategy/solution.
S.No. Issues Solution
1 Our proposed budget was 14 Million, While HEC We have to cut equipment costs
has awarded us 11 Million only. and other costs accordingly.

2 Given equipment budget was very low ,and we We have to cut equipment costs
were not able to procure all equipment. and other costs accordingly.
Because of the dollar rate, the quoted equipment
price were 1.5 times of our expected price

11. Patent/ licensing details?

• No Patent
12. Details of equipment purchased (exclude chemicals & consumables):
S.No Equipment Name Pictures
1 Power Quality Analyzer

2 Exhaust Gas Analyzer

Page 9 of 12
3 IR Thermometer

4 High Temp.

5 Laser Range Finder

Page 10 of 12
7 Moisture Psychrometer

9 Bore Scope

13. No of Publication (give proper list as Reference and attach copies as annex)
Khan Adeed et al. , 2019,''Strategy for Urban Building Energy Wastage Reduction as a
Resource'', AICTBM-2019,4th Abasyn International conference on Technology and Business

14. Recommendations (if any)

15. Level of satisfaction with Technology Development Fund:
a) Team

b) Rules & Regulation

c) Modes operandi

d) Your recommendations for continuation of the TDF

TDF ia a great initiative by HEC. It performs the function of "Angel Investor" to carry of
business for "Valley of death".

Page 11 of 12
16. Any other comments/suggestions (if any):

Note: Following documents are required:

1. 1st year progress report via email in soft form and ✓

hard copy via surface mail with covering letter

2. 1st year Audit utilization report duly ✓

verified/original/stamped/signed by the resident

Auditor as per specimen is given below (Annex-II)
3. Copy of Award letter (Annex-III) ✓

4. Budget Utilization Report (Annex-IV) ✓

5. Copy of Disclosure agreement (CDA) ✓

6. Copy of Material transfer agreement (MTA) ✓

7. Copy of license agreement (provisional with 1st

year progress report but must with 2nd year)

Page 12 of 12
Annex- II
Office of Treasurer
University name: UET Peshawar.
City: Peshawar.
No :__________________________
Date: June 30, 2019.

It is certified that below given details and correct as per Audit/Finance/Treasure office

1st Year Annual/ Consolidated Utilization Report

Name of PI: M.A.Irfan Project title:CIBEA

Project Number: TDF-(02-040) PI Joint Bank Account number:
(0109 0002 50006 0845)
Name & Branch of Bank: UBL Peshawar University Branch

Sr.# Items Total 1st Total Balance Remarks (show

Approved Installment Expenses ( If amount balance
Funds as Released/ any) as committed
per award funds against bills or
letter received saving clearly)
A. Salaries and 3.36 1.63 1.130 0.499
B. Permanent 4.90 4.90 4.82 0.08
C. Expendable 1.10 0.90 .1102 0.7898
D. Others;
D1.Literature etc. 0.40 0.20 0.0888 0.1112
D2.Local travel 0.12 0.04 0.05 -0.01
D3.Miscellaneous 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0

E. Indirect cost: 1.438 1.1519 1.1519 0.0

15% if notified ORIC
2% if not notified ORIC

(Signature/ Stamp of PI) (Signature/Stampof InternalAuditor)

________________________________ _____________________________
(Signature/ Stamp of Chair Department/Dean/Registrar) (Signature/ Stamp of Director ORIC)
1. Balance amount mentioned in the utilization report will be adjusted in the next installment.
2. Over and above cost in any budget head isn’t allowed.
3. Re-appropriation of the budget at any stage isn’t allowed.
4. Committed amount will be treated as balance amount with the PI.
5. Please attach duly verified Bank Statement of the duration of expenditure statement.
6. Expenditure statement must be forwarded through ORIC/Directorate of
Research/Dean/Registrar office.
Higher Education Commission
H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan website:
Phone: (051)90401930 Fax: (051) 90401906

Dated: 22nd of May, 2018
Dr. Mohammad A Irfan,
Professor Mechanical,
UETP, Peshawar.

Subject: Award of the Grant to project title: “Establishment of Center for Industrial and Building Energy Audits
(CIBEA) at UET Peshawar” under HEC project Establishment of Technology Development Fund (TDF) 2nd
call 2017-2018

I am pleased to inform you that the HEC-TDF steering committee has approved the funding of subject project under the
Establishment of Technology Development Fund (TDF) Program.

The HEC will release PKR. 11.371 million for this proposal in two installments on yearly basis as given below:

Year HEC Component

1 9.162 Million
2 2.209 Million
Total 11.371 Million

Detailed approved breakup of the budget is enclosed herewith.

Note; this is a conditional award letter and release of 1st instalment in FY 2017-18 is subject to provision of legal

Specimen of the agreement is available on TDF web page. Agreement must be on stamp paper worth PKR 100 duly signed
and notarized by the Notary Public. To get release of first Installment this agreement must reach under-signee office within
five working days of the receipt of this letter.

The following document may also be provided along with agreement.

 Attested CNIC copies of PI and Co PI

 Attested CNIC copy of Industrial Partner

Best Regards,

Tariq Aziz Chaudhry


CC: VC, UETL, Lahore.
University ORIC.
Dr. Mohammad A Irfan, Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering, UETP.
Establishment of Center for Industrial and Building Energy Audits (CIBEA) at UET Peshawar
YEAR 1 YEAR 2 Total Amount
HEC Industry HEC Industry HEC Industry
A. Salaries and Honorarium
PI: One month/year of basic salary @ 0.069 0.069 0.138 0.00
CO-PI: One month basic salary for whole project @ 0.100 0.100 0.00
Rs=20000/- per month fixed for Ph.D. (1 x students) 0.240 0.240 0.480 0.00
Rs=15000/- per month for M.S./M.Phil. (2 x students) 0.360 0.360 0.720 0.00
Database manager (Rs. 10,000 pm) 0.120 0.120 0.240 0.00
Webpage manager (Rs. 10,000 pm) 0.120 0.120 0.240 0.00
Electrical Engineer (Rs. 60,000 pm) 0.720 0.720 1.440 0.00
Subtotal A: 1.63 0.00 1.73 0.00 3.36 0.00
Prototype Development Cost
B. Permanent Equipment
Item Detail & Quantity HEC Industry HEC Industry HEC Industry
Power Quality Analyzer 0.90 0.90 0.00
Thermal Imager 0.60 0.60 0.00
Exhaust Gas Analyzer 0.30 0.30 0.00
IR Thermometer 0.21 0.21 0.00
High Temperature Anemometer 0.15 0.15 0.00
Clamp meter x 2 0.04 0.04 0.00
Laser Range Finder x2 0.04 0.04 0.00
Equipment Travel Hard Boxes x3 0.09 0.09 0.00
Air Quality Analyzer (meter+datalogger) 0.70 0.70 0.00
Air flow monitor 0.03 0.03 0.00
Hygrometers (Temp+RH) 0.06 0.06 0.00
Moisture Meter 0.30 0.30 0.00
Moisture Psychrometer 0.05 0.05 0.00
Hotbox 0.10 0.10 0.00
Borescope 0.13 0.13 0.00
Blower Door System 1.20 1.20 0.00
Subtotal B: 4.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.90 0.00
C. Expandable Supplies
Item Detail & Quantity HEC Industry HEC Industry HEC Industry
1 day Workshop for Awareness for Industries 0.20 0.20 0.40 0.00
Software 0.70 0.70 0.00
Subtotal C: 0.90 0.00 0.20 0.00 1.10 0.00
D. Others
D1. Literature, documentation, information, literature research,
HEC Industry HEC Industry HEC Industry
contingencies, postage, etc.
Energy Audits Report Publishing 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.00
Contingencies 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.00
Subtotal D1: 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.40 0.00
D2. Local Travel (Destination and Purpose) HEC Industry HEC Industry HEC Industry
Travel to Industry in KPK for Energy Audits 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.00
Night Stay in KPK during Energy Audits 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.00
Local Travel 0.01 0.01 0.00
Travel to Islamabad to meet NEECA 0.02 0.02 0.00
Local Conference Paper Presentations 0.01 0.01 0.00
Subtotal D2: 0.04 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.12 0.00
D3. Miscellaneous HEC Industry HEC Industry HEC Industry
Accountant Fee (Max Rs. 10,000) 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0
Subtotal D3: 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0
Subtotal (D1 + D2 + D3): 0 0 0 0 1 0
E. Indirect cost (University overheads)
15% to University ORIC or 02% of Total direct costs to the
1.1519 0.331 1.4832
university portion meet office support, utilities, etc.)
Grand Total (A + B + C + D + E): 8.831 0.000 2.540 0.000 11.371 0.000

Total Budget HEC + Industry Components 8.831 2.540 11.371

Total Allocation to Research Project By HEC 7.679 2.209 9.888

Total Allocation to ORIC (If any) By HEC 1.483 1.483
Grand Total 9.162 2.209 11.371
Annex- IV
Budget Utilization Report (As per approved project Document)
(Rs. in million, please avoid simple calculations)
DESCRIPTION YEAR 1 (HEC) YEAR 1 (Industry) Total Amount

Actual Expense Actual Expense Balance Balance

HEC Industry
A. Salaries and Honorarium
PI: One month/year of initial basic salary (BPS____) @ 0.069 0.069 0.0
Co-PI: One month initial basic salary for the entire duration (BPS_____) @
Patent filing
Rs=20000/- per month fixed for Ph.D. (1 student) 0.240 0.152 0.088

Rs=15000/- per month for M.S./M.Phil. (2 x 0.360 0.2935 0.0665

Webpage manager (Rs. 10,000 pm) 0.120 0.055 0.065

Electrical Engineer (Rs. 60,000 pm) 0.720 0.560 0.160

Database manager (Rs. 10,000 pm) 0.120 0.0 0.120

Subtotal: 1.63 1.131 0.499

Prototype Development Cost
B. Permanent Equipment (Please attach invoice/quotation and expected delivery date for items costing over Rs 0.1 Million)
Power Quality Analyzer 0.90 1.886 -.0.986
Exhaust Gas Analyzer 0.30 0.398 -0.098
IR Thermometer 0.21 0.184 0.026
High Temperature Anemometer 0.15 0.098 0.052
Laser Range Finder 0.04 0.065 -0.025
Hygrometers(Temp + RH) 0.06 0.08 -0.02
Thermal Imager 0.60 0.0 0.60
Clamp meter 0.04 0.0 0.04
Borescope 0.13 0.079 -0.066
Moisture Psychrometer 0.05 0.132 -0.082
Hot Box 0.10 0.0 0.10
Blower Door System 1.20 1.7 1.20
Air Flow Monitor 0.03 0.098 -0.068
Equipment Travel Hard Boxes 0.09 0.0 0.09
Air Quality Analyzer(meter + Data logger) 0.70 0.0 0.70
Cabinet for Equipment 0.0 0.011 0.011
Subtotal: 4.90 4.82 0.08
C. Expendable Supplies
1 day Workshop for Awareness for Industries 0.20 0.1102 0.0898

Software 0.70 0.0 0.70

Subtotal: 0.90 0.1102

DESCRIPTION YEAR 1 (HEC) YEAR 1 (Industry) Total Amount

Actual Expense Actual Actual Expense Industry

D. Others
D1. Literatur ; documentation, information, online literature search, contingencies, postage, etc.
Energy Audits Report Publishing 0.10 0.0

Contingencies 0.10 0.0888

Subtotal: 0.20 0.0888

D2. Local Travel (Destination and Purpose)

Travel to Industry in KPK for Energy Audits 0.02

Night Stay in KPK during Energy Audits 0.02

Subtotal: 0.04 0.05

D3. Miscellaneous
Audit Fee (Max. Rs 10,000) 0.01 0.01
Accountant Fee (Max Rs. 10,000) 0.01 0.01
Subtotal: 0.02 0.01
Subtotal (D1 + D2 + D3): 0.26 0.158
E. Indirect cost (University overheads)
15% to University ORIC or 02% (in case ORIC is not notified) of Total 1.1519 1.1519
direct costs to the university portion meet office support, utilities , etc.)
Grand Total (HEC 1st year A + B + C + D + E) vise versa: 8.831 7.6411
Please make sure calculations will be correct.
Center for Industrial and Building Energy Audits
Phone : 92-91-9222103 Fax : 92-91- 9222217
Email :

Ref. No._______________ Dated: Jun 27, 2019

Non Disclosure Agreement

This is certify that CIBEA will not disclose any confidential or proprietary information obtained
as a part of Energy Audit.

(Dr. M. A. Irfan)

(Director CIBEA)
Center for Industrial and Building Energy Audits
Phone : 92-91-9222103 Fax : 92-91- 9222217
Email :

Ref. No._______________ Dated: Jun 27, 2019

Material Transfer Agreement

This Agreement is made by and between: University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar
and Center for Industrial and Building Energy Audits (CIBEA).

All the laboratory material and equipment will become the property of the university after the
successful completion of Project.

(Dr. M. A. Irfan) (Dr.Abdul Shakoor)

(Director CIBEA) (Director ORIC)

Job Description: Director
CIBEA being a start-up firm, the Director has to perform at different fronts. The following
describes some of the major job responsibilities of the Director.
A. Strategic
To provide strategic direction to the start-up. To clearly articulate the future vision and translate
it into operational plans.

B. Leadership
To lead the team on different operations related to projects. To act as a coach and mentor to the
team members.

C. Business Development
To be constantly cognizant about business development and financial growth of the start-up.

D. Operational
To guide the team on day to day operational affairs related to HEC-TDF project tasks and future
business development tasks.

E. Chief Accounting Officer

As PI of the project the Director is also the Chief Accounting Officer, responsible for financial
management and financial reporting of the project accounts.

Page 1 of 6
Dr. Mohammad Adil
Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Engineering and Technology,
Peshawar, Pakistan.

Job Description :Building Energy Audit Team Leader:

As a Building Energy Auditor Team Leader, with the help of my team I measure, record,
and evaluate the flow of energy in Residential/ Commercial building, determining if it is
being used efficiently and pinpointing where it is being wasted. I lead audits of different
complexity, from a quick walk-through inspection using latest testing equipment to a
comprehensive analysis of the implications of alternative energy efficiency measures
designed using latest energy design software. Once an energy audit has been
conducted, I guide team of professionals to analyze the results and produce a technical
report for the client that reveals areas where energy efficiency can be improved.

Page 2 of 6
Job Description Project Engineer (Electrical)

Faizullah Khan

• Conducting Energy Audits(Electrical loads and appliances)

• Report writing of Energy Audits

• Organizing awareness workshops and Seminars for Industries and students

• Help in equipment purchasing

• Help in maintaining Accounts

• Help in achieving targets of TDF

• Training Human resource in Energy Audits

• Equipment handling and operation

Page 3 of 6
Engr. Adeed Khan

Job Description Ph.D researcher

• Conducting Energy Audits for buildings

• Report writing of Energy Audits

• Software training

• Organizing awareness workshops for Energy Audits

• Training Human resource in Energy Audits

• Equipment handling and operation

• Office work

Page 4 of 6
1)Engr. M.Rizwan

2)Engr. Zaeem

Job Description M.Sc researchers

• Conducting Energy Audits

• Report writing of Energy Audits

• Organizing awareness workshops for Energy Audits

• Training Human resource in Energy Audits

• Equipment handling and operation

Page 5 of 6

I have developed the website for CIBEA and I am running and managing the website by adding new
content and improving the website with time. I am also working on SEO which will help the website be
on top in the search result of Google etc.

Page 6 of 6
Strategy for Urban Building Energy Wastage Reduction as a Resource
Adeed Khan
Lecturer Department of Civil Engineering, Iqra National University, Peshawar, Pakistan
Mohammad Adil
Asstt Prof. Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Peshawar, Pakistan
M. Irfan Mufty
Prof. Department of Mechanical Engineering, UET, Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Shoaib Khan
Researcher Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Peshawar, Pakistan

On one hand the typical energy resources are becoming limited around the world but
also the renewable sources of energy are not efficient or economic enough to fulfill the
rising emerging demand of future. Above all, Pakistan is already affected by energy crisis
and struggling to produce more power sources that may replace environmentally
hazardous fossil fuel based energy in this country. It is evident in literature that saving or
conserving energy has been a major contributor in reducing energy demand in developed
countries. It is not known that how much of energy wastage is typical in an urban
environment of a developing country like Pakistan and then according to the available
resources and technologies, how much of it can be saved.

This paper presents one of the strategy for assessment of energy wastage and
identification of energy saving methods for Pakistan and other developing countries in

Keywords: Energy wastage, urban, energy resource, energy demand

By looking at the energy statistics of Pakistan, almost 70-80 % of our energy supply is
being wasted. Much of this waste is recoverable by deploying energy efficiency, energy
conservation and waste heat recovery measures. A MW saved is a MW generated,
however this savings can be achieved at a fractional cost as compared to installing
additional generation capacity. The first step to realize these savings is conducting an
energy audit. The Energy Conservation Measures thus suggested can easily save 5% to
30% of the Energy bill. This is immediate profit for the industry and immediate saving on
the fuel bill for the government. “We cannot improve what we cannot Measure.” Energy
Efficiency is the “low hanging fruit.” Internationally Energy Efficiency is treated as an
“Energy Resource.”
Industrial and residential sectors are consuming energy up to 42 TOE which quantifies
488 Million MWH in Pakistan. This is very big amount and 5% to 30% of total can easily
be saved through energy conservation measures. Average tariff is Rs 10/KWH and 5% to
30% saving can benefit from 244 Billion to 1,464 Billion annually. [4]
The determination of energy audit is to determine the usage of energy in a building and
its improvement techniques and Energy Services Companies and other engineering
consultants are estimating energy auditing. Accurate data is required during energy
assessment of building and energy auditors must be in touch with client and other team
member to ensure efficiency. Buildings energy consumption is high and energy audit can
help in existing building energy retrofitting measure that will achieve less consumption,
and environmental impact of buildings. So its purpose is to assess current energy
consumption of building and define alternative solutions energy user for energy saving.
Buildings have many system like plugs, lighting, heating devise and cooling etc. which
consumes energy with different amount and these demands vary with different factors
like outdoor and indoor air quality, orientation and location of buildings. Energy
assessment of building must be done to determine effect of these factors. [1]
Energy audit of all system in a building gives accurate results and clear idea of energy
saving opportunities in different system. But energy audit of specific system may miss
some energy saving option but it’s good for having less funds and specific projects.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineer (ASHRAE)
have categorized into three level of energy audit. Each level depends on data collection
and its assessment and hence energy saving opportunities is increased. [1]
Walkthrough audit of building is visual observation of building and to get familiar with
operation and maintenance of different system. This audit include meetings with owner
of building and online survey to know about problems that effect energy efficiency of
building. For saving of energy simple actions are suggested to building owner. At the last
report having capital improvements and further process for extra effort in energy saving
are provided. [1]
This level of audit includes calculation of energy assessment through measuring devices
and simulation. This will require energy modeling of building and to measure major
energy consuming components in building. [1]
This level of audit includes same techniques as above but requires some greater level of
detail and higher level of preliminary cost. [1]


In modern technology, many stakeholders which includes states, federal government,

municipalities and etc have documented the main part that the energy saving can play
confronting energy, climate change and economics disasters. Now this change is
growing towards energy saving scaling in U.S buildings, mainly in residential buildings,
which costs about one fifth of total energy usage in the U.S. [8]

In early 1970s and 1980s, different utility companies of America are running simple
residential energy saving techniques and programs. Many of recent days residential
energy saving programs are remain to drive old programs, a new energy saving
technologies has begun. These fresh generations of techniques are used for economic and
different features of energy usage and also consider the behavioral and social aspects of
energy consumption. To increase the energy saving in residential areas a variety of
approaches informed by behavioral and social sciences research, like feedbacks,
mobilization of community and etc.

Many investors in the energy saving field debate that rising a platform that practices
complicated methods to succeed energy savings is essential to measure up energy saving
to stages that can sufficiently report energy and environment tasks [3]. Although there
has been little assessment of this fresh group of energy saving platforms, fresh educations
focus how the combination of behavioral and educational plans into database strategies
can help rise energy savings [2]. The rising request for comprehensive methods to
domestic energy saving databases highpoints a main change emerging in the energy
saving pitch. With current energy saving programs strong only 2% of the target
population, platform managers are facing enlarged pressure to study how resident
frameworks can encouragement the act of an energy saving program [5].

In terms of identifying strategies to improve energy performance, whole-building energy

benchmarking permits owners and facility operators to track and set targets by comparing
to peers for improvements and allows receiving acknowledgements for superior
achievements [6]. In the design phase, benchmarking can be used to validate designs. For
existing buildings, benchmarking allows for the identification of maintenance and control
problems. In doing so, owners can identify savings potential and further prioritize future
projects [7].
Electric Energy and Gas Energy is wasting in commercial and residential sector of
Peshawar we can save it on bases of energy audits. Guideline is also not available for that
but it can be assessed by energy audits. Energy efficiency has become a common target
for every building. In under developed countries reduction in energy consumption is
difficult in residential and commercial sector. In order to overcome these difficulties this
research will propose a framework to asses formulate energy saving potential of
For assessment of building energy wastage, Building information modeling can be used
as a choice. Figure 1 shows room model in which we did its energy audit. Results shown
in figure 2 shows energy loads on building that can be interpreted as cooling and heating

Figure 1. Room Model

Figure 2. Monthly Heating Load

Figure 3. Monthly Cooling Load

Figure 2 shows heating load on that room which shows that value of heat below the zero
line is wastage. Heat wastage occurs through wall so if we use insulated wall this wastage
can be controlled. In the same manner figure 3 shows cooling load on that room and
value of cooling loads above zero line is gain and below is loss. So for value above zero
line heat must be added for thermal comfort.
Different instruments are commonly using for measuring energy efficiency throughout
the world few of them are given below.

Pinless Moisture Psychrometer + IR Thermometer

Pinless moisture Psychrometer benefits us for measuring moisture in different type of
materials and while remote pin probe is used for direct contact moisture. Temperature
and humidity probe allows us to get relative humidity, air temperature plus Grains per
Pound (GPP), Dew Point (DP), and vapor pressure. Extech MO295 can memorize upto
20 readings, and having analogue display for showing high and low moisture values,
alarm for humidity, condensation point, data hold and Auto power off function.

Figure: Pinless Moisture Psychrometer + IR Thermometer [9]

Wireless Inspection Camera
Extech’s Video Borescope Inspection Camera having 4.5mm camera that facilitates a
good filed view. It has TFT LCD of 3.5” with wireless monitor which can be removed
from lower part and viewed from a remote location up to 32ft (9.75m) from measurement
point. Videos and pictures can be made also with time and date and these videos can be
played back and also can be transferred to PC via USD input.
Figure: Video Borescope/Wireless Inspection Camera [10]
Anemometer data logger is used to measure Air flow, temperature of environment,
moisture content, wet and dry bulb temperature and also dew point. It can memorize upto
12000 values for analysis.

Figure: CMM/CFM Anemometer/Psychrometer Datalogger [11]

High Temperature Infrared Thermometer
IR thermometer is an ideal instrument for measuring temperature in industrial
environment like in steel industry production area, steel refining and smelting, glasses,
chemical process environments.
Figure: High Temperature Infrared Thermometer [12]
Temperature Humidity Meter
Temperature and humidity must be controlled and maintained for thermal comfort f
building and good environmental indoor air quality. Temperature humidity meter can be
used to measure accurately temperature and humidity.

Figure: Temperature Humidity Meter [13]

Energy Analyzer
By use of energy saving instruments we can discover where energy wastage is occurring.
By this instrument we can get cost of energy wastage due to poor quality in dollars.
You’ll also have the built-in capacities for distributing power quality, conducting load
studies and capturing hard-to-find voltage events.

Figure: Energy Analyzer [14]

A proposal has been made for a methodology to the application of a standard energy audit with
academic purposes which can be implemented in the residential and commercial sectors. This
methodology allows to establish an energy diagnosis is easy to use and can be executed anyplace
where there is consumption of electric energy, through the use of equipment’s, that can be rented
for a short period in order to make the corresponding measurements.
The proposed methodology has the advantages that can be used anywhere because the equipment
for the measurements are transportable and easily accessible and the used software for the
comparison of the results is free access and easy to use. This process seeks to raise awareness of
the quality of energy used by the general population in their work or in their homes, and then
design and implement energy saving plans that can reduce the cost of energy consumption and
apply the concept of energy efficiency.
1. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
(ASHRAE). “Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits” (2004).
2. Farnsworth, G. (2010). Can I Get Credit for That? Fundamental Elements of Successful
Behavioral and Instructional Programs. 2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy
Efficiency in Buildings. Retrieved from
3. Fuller et al (2010). “Driving Demand for Home Energy Improvements. Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory”. Retrieved from
4. "Ministry of Petroleum and Natural resources”. (June 2016). Pakistan Energy Year Book
2015. Islamabad: Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan.
5. Michaels, H. (2009). “Enabling Deep and Scalable Energy Efficiency in Communities.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Community Energy Efficiency Practicum”.
6. Matson et al (2005). "Review of California and national methods for energy performance
benchmarking of commercial buildings."
7. Mills, E. (2003). "Benchmarking: what's your building's energy IQ?" PCEA Hawaii
Conference & Expo, Wailea, Maui.
8. U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2005). 1.1 “Buildings Sector Energy
Consumption. Buildings Energy Data Book”. Retrieved from

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