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IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICS scored, interpreted, and evaluated.

The tests are

1. MEASUREMENT composed of items that can be classified,
Measurement refers to the assignment of checked, graded and counted.
numbers to object or events according to a 6. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TEST
specific set of rules (Christensen, 1991). This refers to test and procedures with proven
To measure the variables of the interest to social sensitivity to the effects of brain damage
and behavioral scientist, we find that (Gregory 2000).
standardized measurement typically does not 7. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING
exist. This refers to the use of psychological and
However, the type of information that is educational which are essentially objective and
communicated and the arithmetic operations standardized that measures persons behaviors.
can be calculated on the numbers assigned to 8. BATTERY TEST
such variables depending on scales of
measurement being used. This refers to the administration of series of
psychological tests, the result of which are
Four different scales: integrated into a single score interpretation.
Interval This refers to the test subjected to thorough
Ratio scales of measurement validation processes, such as try-out and
analysis, provides time limits, instructions
Each scale represents a different way of scoring standards, undergo reliability and
information, and allows us to use different validity process, and establishing norms.
arithmetic operations (Christensen, 1991).
Evaluation is the process of summarizing the Methods used in providing a concise description
results of tests and assigning meaning based on of a collection of quantitative information .
the value analysis.
Descriptive statistics are simply numbers, like
Evaluation is more comprehensive than percentages, numerals, fractions, and decimals.
measurement. These numbers are used to describe or
summarize a larger body of numbers (Kubiszyn,
Evaluation could determine whether a student’s 1996).
test score is superior, above average, average, 2. INFERENTIAL STATISTICS
dull or poor. Methods used in making inferences from
3. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT AND observations of a small group of people known
EVALUATION as “sample” to a larger group of individuals
It is defined as a scientific way of assigning known as “population”.
numbers or events according to prescribe set of Observations are made on a relatively small
rules and the accurate appraisal of individuals in group of subjects and inferential statistics are
terms of intelligence, aptitude, interest, used to estimate the characteristics of the larger
personality, and social behavior based on the group called population.
test results. Statistics exist only when there are data. Data
4. TEST consist of facts, some of which are descriptive or
A test is a measurement tool used to identify qualitative facts and characteristics that cannot
the mental capability, personality, be expressed in numerical terms; therefore,
characteristics, behavior, and academic these facts are called attributes
proficiency od an individual.
Major objective of test is to collect objective 1.1 Scales Properties
information that may be used in conjunction Magnitude. It is the property of greater degree.
with subject information to make better A scale has the property of magnitude if we can
educational, employment, and clinical decisions. say that one instance of the attribute represents
5. TEST ITEMS more or less amount of quantity of interest than
This refers to specific statements to which an another instance of the attribute.
individual’s overt behavioral response can be
Equal Intervals. A scale has the property of scores is small. If there is a large amount of
equal intervals if the difference between two variation in test scores and many of the test
points at any place on the scale has the same scores are zeros and so many categories that it
meaning as the differences between two other becomes too difficult to interpret the data.
points that differ by the same number of scale Grouped frequency distribution – consists of
units. counting the frequency scores that occur in each
Absolute 0. This is obtained when there is of a small number of class intervals. The size of
nothing at all of the property being measured. the class interval refers to the number of
For psychological qualities, it is very difficult to intervals of a given unit size of the class interval
define an absolute 0 point. For example, if we is to subtract the lowest score from the highest
are measuring the aggressiveness on a rating score.
scale with points 0 to 10, it is hard to say that 0
means the person is not aggressive at all. PERCENTAGE
TYPES OF MEASUREMENT SCALES This refers to a part considered in its
Nominal Scale – the numbers are used to label, quantitative relations to the whole. Usually, a
classify, or identify the people or object of proportion in a hundred parts.
interest. Nominal is the lowest and weakest Formula:
degree of measurement because it has no Percentage / % = FNx100
numerical value and no indication of magnitude. % = Percentage
Ordinal Scale – this is consider as a rank order F = Frequency
scale. This scale determines which is better or N = number of cases
worse than any other. However, the ordinal CENTRAL TENDENCY
scale of measurement does not assess anything A measure of central tendency refers to a
other than rank ordering variables. It only gives measure of average performance. The central is
the rank order of position and provides the frequently used to communicate information
property of magnitude. about the group of scores
3. Ratio Scale – this is a scale which has the It also suggest that particular different indices
three properties: magnitude, equal intervals, could be used to indicate the most central
and absolute 0. Each of these scales has a zero location of scores within a distribution of scores.
point which implies that there is a total absence THE 3 MOST COMMONLY USED MEASURE OF
of the characteristics being measured and the CENTRAL TENDENCY
units above this zero point increases in equal Mean. This refers to the average of a group of
amounts. numbers. The mean is nothing more than the
4. 4. Interval Scale – this is a scale that has equal average of a group of scores. It is the most
distance between adjacent numbers. In an reliable measure of central tendency.
interval scale of measurement, you gain the Median. This refers to the middlemost score
ability to specify the distance that exists when all scores have been ranked. It is also the
between the people, objects or events of score that divide into equal parts, so that of the
interest for the attribute being measured. scores fall above and half below.
FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION Mode. This refers to the most frequently
Is a method for systematically showing scores on occurring score. It is also a score that appears
an attribute or a measure to reflect how more times any other scores.
frequently each value was obtained. It is also MEASUREMENT OF VARIABILITY AND
defined as all the possible scores and DISPERSION
determines how many individuals obtain each of The measurement of variability or dispersion
these scores. help us determine how compressed or
Scores are arranged from lowest to highest. expanded the distributions are. It is possible for
A bell-shaped distribution will have the greatest two or more distributions to have the same
frequency of scores toward the center of the values for the mean, median, and mode but
distribution and the frequency of the value may be different in the way their scores are
decreases as they become greater or lesser than spread out around these measures. That is why
the value decreases as they become greater or we must have an estimate of variability.
lesser than the value in the center of the Range – can be determined by subtracting the
distribution (Kaplan,2001). lowest score from the highest score. Sometimes,
2 TYPES OF FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION the range is defined as the lowest subtracted
Simple frequency distribution – summarizes from the highest score plus 1. This is called
data effectively only if the spread of the test inclusive range.
Semi-quartile range – is one half the distance the correlation or degree of relationship that
between the first and the third quartile. exists between 10 students intelligence quotient
c. Standard Deviation – is the square root of the (IQ) and the academic performance in three
average squared deviation around the mean. It subjects: Mathematics, Languages, and Science.
is used as a measure of variability in a The correlation between any two set of scores
distribution of scores. can be positive, negative, or zero. A positive
It is also a measure of dispersion, which correlation means that an increase in set of
depends on the distance from the mean to each scores correspond to increase in another set of
in the distribution. scores .
It is useful in the field of testing and it is a
measurement which primarily provides a A negative correlation means that the increase
standard unit of measure having comparable in set of scores corresponds to decrease in
meaning from one test or score to another test another set of scores. A zero correlation means
or score. that there is no relationships between the two
It is more precise method of measuring sets of scores. From Table 7 you will observe
variability and is based on the difference that the higher the IQ, the higher also the
between each individual score and the mean of academic performance of No. 10 student.
the group. Therefore, the correlation of the IQ and the
The mean must be computed before the academic performance of the 10 students is
standard deviation can be computed. positive.
Standard Deviation – is a statistics that Pearson Product-Moment Correlation –
characterizes a distribution of score. The larger identifies the degree of linear relationship that
the standard deviations, the wider the spread of exists between two variables.
scores and the smaller the standard deviation, Spearman Brown Formula – after the
the scores are tightly around the central value coefficient correlation is obtained, it is treated
or mean. by the Spearman Brown Formula as follows.
Based on the Spearman Brown computation,
The measures of variability give us some index the two sets of scores have a very high positive
of how much the scores within a distribution correlation. Likewise, the reliability of
vary about their mean score. For example, if the relationship is very high.
standard deviation of a group of scores were 2, Generally, an r of .80 and above is considered
you would know that there was a very little high coefficient, an r of around .50 is considered
variability and the scores were clustered closely moderate, and an r of .30 or below is considered
around the mean. On the other hand, if the low coefficient.
standard deviation was 12, you would know the
scores varied a lot and deviated quite a bit from Three Possible Explanations Why Two Variables
the mean (Christensen, 1991). X and Y can be Related:
Once you know the standard deviation, you can One may be the cause of the other, X may cause
specify the score that lies at a specific number Y.
of deviation units above or below the mean. Y may cause X.
And therefore, the standard deviation is The two variables, the X and Y may be the result
significant because it tells you where the specific of a common cause or both are related to the
scores lie within the whole distribution of third variable Z.
scores. The major uses of correlation coefficient are the
computation of reliability and validity of the
Measurements of relationships and predictions- tests.
are used to describe the relationships between The Spearman rho- is a method of correlation
two variables. It also expresses the extent to that is used to find the association between two
which two variables are associated. It could sets of rank or scores.
predict one score from a combination of several
scores. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation is
CORRELATION only one of the many types of correlation
coefficient and it is the most commonly used
Correlation- is a statistics that describes the because most often we want to find the
degree of relationship which exists between two correlation between two continuous variables.
variables. To introduce the concept of Continuous variables can take on any values
relationship, assume that you want to identify over a range of values (Kaplan, 2001). For
example, height, weight and intelligence are When many such tied ranks occur, Pearson r and
continuous variables. However, there are Spearman r can produce different results; when
situations where we want to find the correlation they do Pearson r is the more valid index of
between variables which are scaled in other correlations. However, unless the number of
ways (Kaplan, 2001). tied ranks is quite large, the difference between
Pearson r and Spearman r is small and can be
Spearman rho on the other hand, is a method of safely ignored.
correlation that is used to find the association Spearman r when the data contain several tied
between two sets of rank. The Spearman rho is ranks.
easy to calculate and is often used when the Spearman r is an expedient method of
individuals in a sample can be ranked on two computing the degree of relationship between
variables but the actual scores are not known. two variables that are ranked ordered. However,
its usefulness arises primarily when two
NORMS AND TEST STANDARDIZATIONS numbers of subjects is rather exist in the data.

Norms- refer to the summary of performance of Moreover, it can further, observe that if many
a group of individuals who have been tied ranks occur, it can produce different results.
administered a test under standard conditions. Point biserial correlation r is a statistical
The norms, usually, are the mean and the 50th technique used when between two variables,
percentile. Norms are used to give information one of which is measured on a continuous
about performance related to what is expected. interval or ratio scale, and the other is a true
Norms are obtained by administering a test to a discrete dichotomy (Christensen, 1991)
sample of people and obtaining the distribution
of scores for that group (Kaplan, 2001). For example, you would like to know the issue of
Stanine Scale- refers to scale in which all raw sex and the relationship to academic
scores are converted to a single digit system of performance of students. Such situation
scores ranging from 1 to 9. requires the point biserial correlation
ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE CORRELATIONS coefficient because one of the two variables
METHODS that you want to correlate, is academic grade a
Spearman is a statistical technique appropriate continuous variable, measured on a ratio scale
for attaining a measure of degree of relationship and the other variable, sex is a discrete
between two variables, both of which are dichotomy. It can be seen that there are two
measured on an ordinal scale of measurement. possibilities with regard to the sex variable –
Within the social and behavioral sciences, many students are either female or male.
variables such as honesty, beauty, performance, Discrete variable is a categorized variable; an
leadership ability, social and emotional maturity arbitrary value is assigned to it. One of the
are rather difficult to evaluate quantitatively, categories is male with assigned value is
and at times, the best you can do is to rank assigned value of 1 and the other category is
order the characteristics from first to last or best female with assigned value of 0.
to worst. At other times, it may even advisable This provide a numerical value for discrete
to reduce an intervally scaled variable to a rank variable and that enable us to compute a
order. numerical coefficient of relationship. Once this
numerical assignment has been made, the
Regardless if two variables are assessed on a correlation between two variables can be
rank order basis or on an ordinal scale of assessed by computing the point by biserial
measurement, you may still want to assess the correlation coefficient
relationship between two variables. You could
compute a Pearson r between ranking of two
such variables.
However, when the N is small, less than 30,
Spearman r is a faster procedure to use since it
gives the same results when there is no tied
Assuming, you are a sport psychologist
interested in the consistency with which judges
from various countries evaluate the athletic
skills of the players.

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