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My chosen Miracle is The Feeding of the 5000 where there was a boy who volunteers to give his only

five loaves and two fishes to be shared with multitude. Jesus then have thanks and broke them then
Jesus handed them to his disciples to distribute them to the people. Just because a there’s this one
generous boy who is willing to give the only food he had left, all 5000 people were able to eat and cure
there hunger by the power of Jesus. So my reflection for this is that never waste the chance to help
others. A small help to someone who is in need means a lot, just a small help can make someone who is
need to carry on in his/her life and journey until the day you will find out they now have strength to take
care of there own. Someday, because of the generosity that you had committed, a lot of gratitude will
come back to you. Helping someone can mean healing someone, and having the chance to do this kind
of action is more than enough.

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