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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Calamba City
Calamba City
S.Y. 2018 – 2019

2nd Periodical Test in TLE 7 (Bread and Pastry)

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is used to roll or flatten the dough.

A. Rolling pin B. scraper C. wooden spoon D. cake pans
2. Comes in different sizes and shapes and may be round, square, rectangular or heart shape.
A .Rolling pin B. cake pans C. wooden spoon D. scraper
3. It is used to sift the flour.
A. Mixing bowl B. paring knife C. flour sifter D. grater
4. 4 cups : 1 quart
___cups : 3 quarts
A.9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12
5. 1 tbsp = 3 tsp. How many tsp if you have 2 tbsp?
A.6 tsp B. 7 tsp C. 8 tsp D. 9 tsp
6. 1 kilogram : 2.21 pounds
2 kilogram : _____ pounds
A.4.40 B.4.41 C. 4.42 D. 4.43
7. __________ the flour.
A. Remove B. sift C. scoop D. level
8. _________ to fill the measuring cup to overflow.
A. Remove B. sift C. scoop D. level
9. _________ off with spatula.
A .Remove B. sift C. scoop D. level
10. Easily broken.
A. Fragile B. strong C. tough D. sturdy
11. A space for keeping something.
A. Storage B. garage C. store D. room
12. Is a great natural cleaning product as well as a disinfectant and deodorizer.
A .Lemon B. vinegar C. baking powder D. baking soda
13. It is a great substance to clean and shine brass and copper.
A. Baking powder B. vinegar C. lemon juice D. baking soda
14. It can be used to scrub surfaces in much the same way as commercial abrasive cleaners.
A. Baking powder B. vinegar C. lemon juice D. baking soda.
15. 5 whole eggs =1 cup. How many eggs do you need if you need 3 cups?
A.14 B. 15 C. 16 D. 17
16. __________ the detachable parts.
A. Clean B. remove C. wash D. wipe
17. __________ the beaters and bowls after use.
A .Clean B. remove C. wash D. wipe
18. _________ the parts with dry cloth thoroughly.
A. Clean B. remove C. wash D. wipe
19. To cause harm or adverse health effect.
A .Risk B. hazards C. decease D. accident
20. A chance or probability that a person will be harmed.
A .Hazards B. risks C. decease D. accident
For questions number 21-25

A. B. C. D. E.
21. Safety equipment
22. Danger signs
23. Safety information
24. Caution signs
25. Serious injuries
Arrange the fire drill procedure in proper sequence. Write A for the first, B for second
and so on and so forth.
_____26. Remain calm.
_____27. Review the expectations before drill.
_____28 Line up and stay in line.
_____29 Know your escape route beforehand.
_____30. Go quietly through the school to your destination.
31. It is used for different baking procedure for beating, stirring and blending.
A .Electric mixer B. wooden spoon C. mixing bowl D. wire whisk
32. Is used to remove bits of food inside of the bowl.
A .Rubber scrapper B. spatula C. wooden spoon D. rolling pin
33. 1 cup butter = 1 cup margarine
1 ¼ cup butter = ______ cup margarine
A.1 B. 1 ¼ C. 1 ½ D. 2
34. 1 cup milk = 6T sifted crystals and 1C water
1 ½ cup milk = _____T sifted crystals and ____C water
A.7 T and 2C B. 8 T and 3C C. 9T and 1 ½ C D. 10T and 4C
35. 1 Tbsp = 2 Tbsp all purpose flour
½ Tbsp = _____ Tbsp all purpose flour
A.1/8 B. ¼ Cc. ¾ D. 1
Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.
36. _____ Loose handle of tools and equipment A. Baking Soda
37. _____ The result of negligence of cleaning the tools
before using B. Rusting
38. _____ Keeping wet equipment C. Repair
39. _____ Dissolve soap scum D. Contamination
40. _____ It can be used like other abrasives E. Lemon juice
Write A if the statement is correct and B if the statement is wrong.
41. It is an important factor for safety and health as well as good business.
42. Improves appearance of general-shop and construction areas.
43. Reduces overall tool cost through maintenance.
44. This also ensures that tools are in good repair at hand.
45. Teaches workers principles of (tool) accountability.
46. Convert 100 degrees centigrade to degrees Fahrenheit.
A.212 B. 213 C. 214 D. 215
47. Keep this when not in use to avoid cuts/wounds.
A. Knives B. tongs C. kitchen shears D. spatula
48. This is an important practice to keep tools safe and effective.
A. Label B. storing C. proper storage D. cabinet
49. The following are “On Job Hazards” EXCEPT…
A. slippery floor B. dark walkways C. secured cords and wires D. no fire safety rules
50. It fosters a no-negligence environment that thrives on participative behavior.
A. Whistle blowing B. Giving instruction C. Reporting D. Observance of silence


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