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COMSATS University Islamabad

Sahiwal Campus

Internship Report On
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

Gulghast Exchange Bosan Road Multan


Mr. Waqas Sadiq (Lecturer MS Department)

Submitted By

Hafiz M. Anees Iqbal



December 10, 2018

COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus

COMSATS Road, Off G.T. Road, Sahiwal
Ph. 040-4305001-5 Fax: 040-4305006 Website:



First of all I would like to thanks to ALLAH Almighty and my parents who give me
support in every moment of life. And thanks to all my teachers who give me the right
direction and help to better myself.

I would like to thanks to all those people who either directly or indirectly helped me
during various phases of internship. I am thankful for their kind co-operation to the
completion of my project work. It was a new experience, exciting but challenging and
indeed guidance rather frequently, which was afford very generously. I express my
deepest thanks to Mr. Nazar Shah, Manager Direct sales of OSS Gulghast
Exchange Multan for his precious guidance, necessary advices and all the facilities
which he provided to complete this toughest task. I owe very special thanks to Mr.
Khalid Hussain Abbasi, Assistant Manager for her deep and valuable involvement
throughout every phase of internship and Miss Sumaira, Assistant Manager for her
dedicated efforts for all my learnings during that period.
Executive Summary:

In this report first of all discussion is about the introduction of PTCL. PTCL is the one
of the oldest communication network of Pakistan which provides landline and
wireless and wire line internet. All the departments and structure of PTCL are
mentioned in that report. There are many direct and indirect competitors which are
local broadband internet providers and many GSM service companies.

This report also cover all the marketing operations of the PTCL in which write about
all the operations which are perform in that department and also discuss the
hierarchy of marketing department. In the next stage SWOT Analysis of PTCL
discuss in which do the performance analysis of PTCL and discuss about strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. That analysis helps PTCL to improve their
organization work. There is also discussing all the marketing strategies which are
used in PTCL. These strategies are very helpful for the growth of the company.
These marketing and competitive strategies are used for the growth of the business
and also used to compete with their competitors. This area of report also covers the
sales skills of the PTCL. Sales do direct and indirect both type of selling direct selling
is perform from their exchanges and indirect selling is perform by local retailers.
Customer service department is very important in PTCL. All the strategies of how
new customers attract and how to retain old customer are planned in that

In the next section discuss about all the duties which I performed in my internship
days. Many kinds of duties I perform in my internship days which are given by
Manager. These duties are guide the customer, performing call activity for telling
customers about new promotions recharge the devices of the customers and pay
their bills on PTCL bill payment machine and many other duties are perform in my
internship days. I also perform many tasks which were assigned to me by my
supervisor of PTCL. I get new knowledge from PTCL. This internship tells me about
the practical work and tells that the duties are performed in an organization and
manage the time. I face many problems during that internship which are related to
customers and organizational environment and also related about work. But I face
this problem and learn many things from these problems. This internship is very
beneficial for my practical carrier and helps me in my work in future.
Table of Contents:
1.Over View of the Organization........................................................ 01
1.1 Background of the Host Organization: ...................................................... 01

1.1.1 History: ................................................................................................. 01

1.1.2 Business Portfolio of the Organization: ............................................ 02

1.1.3 List of Major Competitors: .................................................................. 03

1.2 Strategic Orientation: ................................................................................. 05

1.2.1 Vision ..................................................................................................... 05

1.2.2 Mission ................................................................................................... 05

1.2.3 Core value: .............................................................................................. 05

1.2.4 Objectives of PTCL: ............................................................................... 06

2.Business Operations ...................................................................... 07

2.1 Organizational Structure ........................................................................... 07

2.1.1 Organizational Hierarchy Chart: ...................................................... 07

2.1.2 Number of Employees: .................................................................... 07

2.1.3 Introduction of the All Departments .............................................. 08

2.2 Structure of the Marketing Department ..................................................... 12

2.2.1 Department Hierarchy ..................................................................... 12

2.2.2 Marketing Operations: ..................................................................... 12

2.3 SWOT Analysis: ........................................................................................... 13

2.4 Marketing Strategy: ..................................................................................... 16

2.4.1 Segmentation Strategy: ................................................................... 16

2.4.2 Target Marketing Strategy: .............................................................. 16

2.4.3 Product Planning, Development & Management: .......................... 17

2.4.4 Positioning Strategy: ....................................................................... 17

2.4.5 Pricing Strategy: ............................................................................... 18

2.4.6 Distribution Strategy: ....................................................................... 18

2.4.7 Promotional Strategy: ...................................................................... 19

2.4.8 Branding Strategy: ........................................................................... 20

2.4.9 Customer Relationship Strategy: .......................................................... 20

2.4.10 Marketing Research Mechanism: ........................................................ 21

2.5 Sales Strategy: ............................................................................................. 21

2.5.1 Functions of the Sales Department ............................................... 21 Sales Methodology: ...................................................................... 21 Type of Selling ................................................................... 22 Sales Returns Procedures ................................................. 22

2.5.2 Customer Services Department: ..................................................... 23 Process of Developing Relations with Customers: .................... 23 Techniques of Attracting New Customers: ................................. 23 Techniques of Retaining Customers: .......................................... 24 Ways of Handling Different Kinds of Customers: ...................... 24

2.5.3 Competitive Strategy: ..................................................................... 24

2.5.4 Business Process Analysis: .................................................................. 25

2.6 Policy Recommendations: .......................................................................... 26

3.Learning as a Student Intern: ......................................................... 28

3.1 Duties: ......................................................................................................... 28

3.2 Accomplishment: ..................................................................................... 28

3.3 New Knowledge Acquired: ........................................................................ 29

3.4 Skills Recommended by Organization for Potential Employees .......... 29

3.5 Problems Encountered by Internee: ......................................................... 29

3.6 How Experience Impacts your Career: ..................................................... 30

4. References: ................................................................................... 31
1. Over View of the Organization

1.1 Background of the Host Organization:

1.1.1 History:

PTCL is abbreviation of (Pakistan Telecommunication Limited) is the backbone of

the country telecom industry. PTCL is the telecommunication network which is
partially government and partially private organization. PTCL has more than two
thousand exchanges in Pakistan which are work for the betterment of telecom
industry in the country. The services offered by PTCL in the country are Landline,
Broadband, Wireless EVO Charji , Smart TV, Vphone and Ufone mobile services is
working as a subsidiary of PTCL. If we talk about PTCL share division than 62%
shares are owned by government and 26% shares purchased by Etisalat
telecommunication and in 2006 12% shares sold to the general public by PTCL.

In the start it was post and telegraphs department in 1949 than in 1962 it was
change into telephone and telegraph department. PTCL has a main company for
telecommunication in Pakistan. Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation gets all the
function and operation of Pakistan telephone and telegraph under the
telecommunication act 1991. In 1991 the announced that they want to privatize
PTCL and in 1994 the government announced six million shares which are
exchangeable into 600 million shares and the value of one share is ten rupees per
share. In 1996 Pakistan telecommunication corporation change into Pakistan
telecommunication limited and in the same year PTCL listed itself into stock
exchange. Under the telecommunication reorganization acts 1996 all the assets and
right of PTC are given to PTCL. PTCL launched its subsidiary of mobile and data
service in 2001 with the name of Ufone and Pak Net. After some time Ufone get a
good market share in mobile market than they dissolve the Pak Net. In 2005 the
government decides to sell 26% of the share of PTCL to Etisalat than in April 2006
Etisalat get the 26% of the shares of PTCL after that decision many of the workers of
PTCL do protest against government and PTCL and they create disturbance in many
connections of public sectors then Pakistani army take action against workers and
put them into jail. After some time this problem resolved. Ufone start its operation in
January 29, 2001 as a subsidiary of PTCL in GSM service sector. Ufone increase its
coverage and customer base and prove itself one of the best telecommunication
companies in Pakistan.
1.1.2 Business Portfolio of the Organization:

Products and Services of PTCL:

PTCL is providing many products and services to their customers. These products
and services are written below.

 Land Line
 Broadband Internet
 Smart TV
 EVO 3G wireless
 Charji 4G EVO
 Charji 4G Cloud

From the decades PTCL landline is primary choice of customer for making voice call
and it is providing services from generation to generation. PTCL attracts its
customers by attractive packages, cheap rates and highest quality. PTCL providing
many attractive packages like freedom package, International packages and Mobile

PTCL is one of the largest broadband internet providers of Pakistan. PTCL provide
many unlimited internet packages which are according to customer choice. The
customers of broadband internet of PTCL increased day by day. Many business
corporation demand high data transmission rate so that PTCL provide those
customers high band width of internet facility on demand.

Smart TV:
PTCL also provide smart TV services to their customers as a value added service.
They provide high definition HD TV. PTCL provide that smart TV service along with
PTCL broadband internet.

Wireless Internet Services:

PTCL is the first who provide wireless broadband internet in Pakistan. Here we
discuss some wireless internet products and services of PTCL.

EVO 3G Wireless:
PTCL introduce EVO 3G Wingle 9.3 mbps and EVO3G Nitro in Pakistan which we
use everywhere. The both devices are wireless so that we can easily use internet
through Wi-Fi and as a portable device. These EVO devices provide speed up to 9.3
MB and connect 5 to 6 users at the same time. These devices are easy to hold and
also portable.

Charji EVO:
Charji EVO is the 4G wireless device of PTCL. It provide high speed 4G internet with
the speed of up to 36 MB. This device is portable and also gives Wi-Fi signals. We
connect 8 to 10 users at the same time.

Charji 4G Cloud:
PTCL also provide 4G charji cloud with high speed internet with the speed of up to
36 MB. This device is portable and also chargeable. After charging we can use this
device anywhere. This charji cloud connects 10 users at the same time.

Online Services Offered by PTCL:

PTCL provide their customers many online services at their door steps now PTCL
customers pay their bills at their homes by using internet with the help of information
and technology. They also get duplicate bill of all PTCL products and download
these bills at their computers through internet.

Products and Service Availability:

 UMall
 PTCL One Stop Shop
 Retail Outlet
 PTCL Exchange
 Online PTCL website Shop

1.1.3 List of Major Competitors:

Competitors of PTCL:
Almost every telecom company have competitor in market so does PTCL have. Here
we will shortly give the introduction, working and services of competitors of PTCL.
Some competitors of PTCL are introduced below.

One of the most dominant GSM telecommunication is jazz and it is delivering voice
and data telecommunication individually and on corporate sector base. And it is
providing service to 52 million customers from last 19 years. It is providing an
extensive variety of value added services which include voice and data as jazz is
also competing with other telecom companies so it adopt the latest technology to
satisfy customer its roaming service is available in more the 150 countries.

Warid merging with Jazz:

In November 2015 Warid tel and Moblink announced mergers which were approved
by PTA on 23th May 2016.

Product and services offered by Jazz:

 Voice data
 Internet data
 Jazz cash

Another leading telecom company in the market is Telenor. Telenor is owned by
Norwegian telecom group. This group is providing its services in two continents,
Europe Asia. In 2004 Telenor was successful to acquire its license; in 2005 it started
its services in Pakistan. Currently it is the 2nd largest mobile company with 40 million

Product and services offered by Telenor:

 Voice data
 Internet data
 Easy Paisa

Zong is secondary ancillary of china mobile communication which is also first
overseas setup under millicom to operate GSM network in Pakistan. It took over 2%
market shares in 2007. And currently these market shares are increase to 21%
which is a fabulous growing speed. Zong is currently providing 4G in more than 100
cities of Pakistan. It started its services with 2G and proceeded to 3G and 4G. Zong
is the 3rd largest telecommunication network of Pakistan currently it has 32 million
Product and Services Offered by Zong:
 Voice data
 Internet data
 4G internet Devices

Local Competitors:
PTCL has many local competitors in every city of Pakistan which providing internet
services at local level. They provide internet services at cheap prices at compared to
PTCL and also they provide batter and fast internet services as compared to PTCL.

Max Tel:
For example in Okare many local internet services providers who give batter service
than PTCL. Mex Tel is one of these internet service providers. They are supplying
high speed internet with fiber optics. They are also giving voice services that provide
you seamless calling without any hassles of top up. They also provide high definition
television service through fiber optics network.

Services Offered by Max Tel:

 Voice Call
 Broad band Internet

1.2 Strategic Orientation:

1.2.1 Vision

To be the leading and most admired Telecom and ICT provider in and for Pakistan.

1.2.2 Mission

To be the partner of choice for our customers to develop our people and to deliver
value to our shareholders

1.2.3 Core Value:

 Professional integrity
 Team work
 Customer satisfaction
 Loyalty to the company

1.2.4 Objectives of PTCL:

 To provide quality services to its customers in Pakistan.

 To provide maximum satisfaction to its customers by using the latest technology.
 To increase the worth of owners.


2.1 Organizational Structure

2.1.1 Organizational Hierarchy Chart:

PTCL Organizational Chart. [Photograph]. Retrieved from
2.1.2 Number of Employees:

There are more than 18000 employees working in PTCL. They are performing their
duties in different departments of PTCL. These employees are performing their

duties in different cities of Pakistan in different departments of PTCL and perform
their duties very well.

2.1.3 Introduction of the All Departments

Departments of PTCL:
Every organization has different departments according to the working criteria. Every
department has performed his duties and functions so to perform these duties and
functions skilled staff has hired to perform specific work.

The main head office of PTCL has many different departments according to the
functions that are performed in the organization. So that we say functional
departmentalization policy is performed in PTCL. Different departments of PTCL
written below:

 Technical department
 Operational department
 Finance department
 Human resource and Admin department
 Information & Technology Department
 Corporate Development Department
 Commercial department
 Marketing department
 Sales department
 Customer’s services department

Technical Department:
Technical department of the PTCL handle all the technical issues of the
organizations. This department is responsible for managing the technical features of
PTCL. This department provides technical manpower, trainings and equipment’s to

Operational Department:
Operational department is control different operations of the PTCL. Operational
department manage different operations of head office, different branches and
exchanger and the issues of subsidiaries.

Finance Department:

Finance department of PTCL is divided into sub departments.

 Accounts
 Finance
 Revenue

Finance department of PTCL is doing main role in the company. Without finance
department it should be difficult to run different operations of PTCL. With the help of
finance department the company should define its long term objectives and also
develop feasibility reports to run new business activity. The finance department of
the PTCL is deal with revenue related issues of organization. The accounts
department of PTCL is used to maintain transactions of PTCL as well as it is used to
develop and keep proper books of account of the organization. Accounting
department also handle the documents of company audit. Revenue generation is
responsibility of the sales department. Sales and marketing department increase the
revenue by selling products and services so that revenue department collect that
revenue and maintain that revenue in the system.

Human Resource and Admin Department:

HR and Admin department of PTCL play important role in the organization. That
department makes connection in Lower level management and top level
management. HR and admin department of PTCL make different policies for
achieving the company overall goals and objectives by using the company
resources. HR department of the PTCL begin in 1996 and restructure time to time.
The HRIS systems of PTCL develop in 2005. Human resource and Admin
department of the PTCL work in the direction of SEVP and General Managers in
different regions of Pakistan.

The main function of HR and admin department is to recruit new people in the
organization according to demand. The employees are the property of the
organization. The HR and Admin department of PTCL do efforts for providing their
employees good organizational atmosphere and also provide their employees
training for running the operation of organization in affective manners.

HR and Admin department perform these functions to meet the requirements of the
 Hiring of Employees
 Training and development

Hiring of New Employees:

HR and admin department of PTCL do recruitment of new employees. They conduct
interviews for selecting affective man force. PTCL also do third party hiring. PTCL do
following type of hiring like contract base hiring; fix hiring and student internship

Training and Development:

PTCL also do training of their employees PTCL chose different methods of training

 On the job training

 Off the job training

On the job training is that in which employee get training in their regular work within
the organization in different department and off the job training in which employee
get training outside the organization in training centers.

Information & Technology Department:

IT department in PTCL is established for introducing new and latest technologies in
the organization. The main purpose of that department is to work on new technology
and maintain the IT related issues in PTCL. With the help or that department all the
system of PTCL is converted into Computerized.

Corporate Development Department:

The main purpose of corporate development department is to handle the issues
related corporate sector. This department maintains and solves all the legal issues of

Commercial Department:
Commercial department has different sub departments.

Marketing Department:
Marketing department of PTCL is used to promote different products and services of
the PTCL. Marketing department of PTCL is use different marketing strategies for
the advertisement and promotion of PTCL services. For enhancing and promoting
PTCL products and services marketing department chose different channels like
print media and electronic media. Marketing department also do some more
functions like.

 It will make long term sales policies of products and services of PTCL.
 Marketing department also make decisions for giving different incentives to
their customers.
 Marketing department also develop strategies to increase the revenue of the

Sales Department:
Sales department of the PTCL is divided into two main regions.

 North Region
 South Region
 West Region

All the selling of these regions is handling by regional managers of different areas.
These managers are responsible for managing different products and services of
PTCL. These products and services are selling in smart shops in every city which
are with main exchange of the city. The selling of products is also by the local
retailers of every city.

Customer Service Department:

Customer service department of PTCL is very important where customers can
explain their issues and problem about products and services of PTCL. The helpline
of PTCL is open 24 hours where the customer can call and register his complains
and PTCL customer service center person try his best to resolve the issue.
Customer also order for Broadband connection and also order different products and
services of the PTCL.

2.2 Structure of the Marketing Department:

2.2.1 Department Hierarchy:

2.2.2 Marketing Operations:

There are different operations are performing in the marketing department. The main
function of marketing department is to attract more customers and promote their
products and service in the customers.

The main operation of marketing department is promoted their products and services
to their customers. So for the purpose of promotions PTCL use different tactics

PTCL use to do promotion of their products and services with the help of media.
PTCL use different Medias like Internet, Newspaper, Television, Billboards etc.

With the help of internet PTCL advertise their products through different social media
channels like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, also from their website. PTCL
use these channels to for promoting their products. They tell us about new offers
products and different services through these social media channels.

They also use newspaper for promotion of PTCL and their products services and
offers. They print their blogs and about new offers and products in different

PTCL make different TV ads for the sake of promotion of their products and services.
They target most of their customers by these television ads.

They also use to place billboards of different famous places of the cities. Where they
print there offers and products because billboards are best for promotion people see
these billboards in the city every day.

2.3 SWOT Analysis:

1. 1st telecommunication Sector Company of Pakistan. PTCL start its work in
1996 at that time there is not any other telecommunication company in
2. It provides bandwidth to other telecommunication companies. Many local
internet provider companies like Max Tel and Storm Fiber get bandwidth from
PTCL and provide broadband internet facilities in different cities of Pakistan.
3. Through one connection PTCL give many services like internet, smart TV,
and landline. With one wire connection of PTCL the customer connects with
broadband, Smart TV and landline. There is no need of different wires for
these three connections.
4. PTCL has wide distributional channel. PTCL provide their services from direct
and indirect distribution channels customers get their services from their
exchanges, smart shops, one stop shops and local retailers of PTCL.
Customer also gets the services from online shop of PTCL and also orders
PTCL Charji EVO from

5. International Submarine Cables. PTCL has four submarine cables which are
SEA-ME-WE-3 (South East Asia - Middle East & Western Europe - 3) with
capacity of 480 Gbps with two fiber pairs, SEA-ME-WE-4 (South East Asia,
Middle East and Western Europe 4) with the capacity of 1.28Tbps, I-ME-WE

(India-Middle East-Western Europe) with Design Capacity of 3.86Tbps and of
Asia-Africa-Europe 1 (AAE-1) with design capacity of 40Tbps.
6. PTCL has a large network. Their network access is very broad and it spread
throughout the country. Other networks use PTCL line on rent to spread their
own signals and connections.

1. Customer dissatisfaction. The customer of PTCL dissatisfy because the slow
speed of their internet. PTCL cannot provide speed for that they charge.
2. Slow speed of Broadband internet as compared to other local networks like
Max Tel and Storm fiber. These networks give good speed of internet. If we
talk about PTCL they speed of broadband is very slow as compared to these
3. Very slow response rate of employs regarding any issue of network. When any
customer complains for any issue regarding their internet and landline than
PTCL employees cannot solve problem immediately. The employees solve the
problem with in 2 to 3 days that is too late.
4. Very low marketing and advertising regarding new offers and products. If we
see their competitors their competitor’s expanse of marketing and
advertisement is much higher than PTCL.
5. Issue regarding non paid bills by customers. Many of the customers cannot
pay their bills. That is the big problem of the PTCL because they cannot
properly recover the bills from customers. So that their revenue decrease day
by day.
6. Lack of training program. PTCL cannot do any training program for the training
of their employees.

1. Provide trainings to their employees for improving customer service. If the
company provides training programs than they will help to increase customer
satisfaction and they also deal with customers very well. These training
increase the skills of the employees which will motivate the employees and
they use these skills in their work.
2. Introduce latest technology. In wireless network they cannot expand their 4G
network in all over the country. In few cities of Pakistan they provide 4G

network for Charji devices. If they expand their 4G technology in all the cities
of Pakistan than it will increase their revenue and sale wireless segment.
3. Hire skillful employees to improve customer complains about DSL and
Telephone service. Because their employees of PTCL are very slow and
cannot solve the problems of customers immediately when the customer
complain for the network problem. If PTCL hire skillful employees or train the
already hired employees for the solving the customer complaints about DSL
and Landline so that it will help to increase the satisfaction of the customers.
4. Provide PTCL service in rural areas. PTCL cannot provide landline service in
all the rural areas of Pakistan. If PTCL cover that rural area segment of
Pakistan so that it will increase their profitability and their customers.
5. PTCL should do aggressive marketing for the promotion of their products and
services that will give hard time to their competitors. If the PTCL increase their
marketing and advertisement expanse to compete their competitors than
PTCL increase their customer base and also increase their sale.
6. PTCL need to do proper planning and implementation for the improvement of
wireless PTCL broadband and Evo service in the country. because I already
tell that the wireless network of PTCL is low as compared to their competitors
if they provide 4G in all the cities of Pakistan than the customers of PTCL
increase and their market expand so that their revenue will increase.

1. Strong competitors. In Broadband internet many local competitors like storm
fiber, Wateen, Max Tel and Naya Tell. And in wireless internet Zong, Jazz and
Telenor is their main competitors.
2. Market share decrease. Because the bad reputation of the PTCL the overall
market shares of PTCL decrease many of the customers of PTCL move to the
other networks due to the low performance of PTCL network.
3. Different local internet providers like storm fibers, Max Tell are threat for DSL
offered by PTCL. If we talk about their competitors in DSL broadband storm
fiber is the strong competitors of PTCL they provide high speed internet with
low rates as compared to PTCL. In Multan many of the customers shift to the
storm fiber from PTCL due to the slow speed of internet.
4. Cloud devices and USB devices for internet offered by different companies
like Zong and Mobilink are threat for PTCL. In wireless Charji Zong is their
strong competitor it provide high speed 4G internet with good packages in
almost every city of Pakistan as compared to PTCL which will provide 4G
wireless internet in few cities of Pakistan.
5. Cyber-crime risk is very high. Because in these days numbers of hackers are
increase in the world. These hackers do cyber-attacks on the networks of
different companies and get their get their useful information and use that
information for bad purpose.
6. Change in government policies are also threat for PTCL. The government
changes the rules and policies to do business in telecommunication sector or
increase the tax rates on telecommunication sector will a big threat for PTCL.
High tax rates decrease their revenue.
2.4 Marketing Strategy:
2.4.1 Segmentation Strategy:
Segmentation strategy of PTCL is based on two segments.

 Consumer Sales
 Corporate Sales
Consumers Sales:
The consumer sales further divided further two segments.

 Students
 Every day Users
PTCL provide their products and services these two segments. They provide
different packages in these segments. They provide student packages in student
segment these packages are in cheap prices. In other segment they provide
economy packages to every day users.

Corporate Sales:
The corporate sales are also divided into two segments.

 Organizations
 Industries
PTCL provide their services to different corporate sectors like school, colleges,
universities, banks, of many other different businesses and industries. They provide
them high speed internet for their organizational works.
2.4.2 Target marketing strategy:
In Target Marketing Strategy PTCL first of all define a specific group or segment for
target their products and services than communicate and advertise their offers to the
specific segment and then offer their service in that segment. For example if they
want to target students. First of all they define the area where they want to target
than do advertisement in that area to the students and do promotion in different
places like in schools colleges and universities and give their student offers to them.

2.4.3 Product Planning, Development & Management:

PTCL develop different products and services for their customers. Everyone knows
that that is the era of technology and people adopt latest technologies. So that PTCL
adopt latest technologies for developing products and services for their customers.
They provide latest and high speed service of internet and landline service to their
customers and provide latest technology products.

They provide following products and services for their customers.

 Landline
 Internet
 EVO Wingle
 Charji Devices
 Broadband
 Smart TV
That is the product line of PTCL. They use latest technology in these products and
services. They do further time to time development in these products and offer them
into the market.

For the purpose of product planning PTCL do research and development like what
type of product customer demand and what type of technology customer adopt these
days and also what type of latest technologies come into the market Then develop
their products according to customer demands for that they also get help through
customer service representatives. And if they face any problem in their products and
services than for managing these problems and issues they used effective
techniques for solving these problems and solve these problems as soon as

2.4.4 Positioning Strategy:

PTCL positioned itself in the minds of customer high speed broadband internet
provider. PTCL said in their promotions and ads that they are high speed internet

providers in that region so that they positioned as a high speed broadband internet
provider. PTCL also repositioned itself Your first Companion.

2.4.5 Pricing Strategy:

PTCL do different pricing strategies for their products and services.

 Competitive Strategy
 Psychological Strategy
Competitive Strategy:
In the competitive strategy they use their prices according to the prices of their
competitors. They use that type of pricing strategy to compete with their competitors.
They use competitive strategy in wireless broadband like EVO Wingle, Charji EVO
and Charji Cloud.

Psychological Strategy:
They also use to do psychological strategy in some of their products like Wire line
products Internet DSL, Landline, Smart TV etc. in the psychological pricing
companies play with the minds of customer. PTCL use to do odd prices which are
little less than a round number.

For example 2MB unlimited internet price is 1699 which is equal to 1700 but they
use 1699 customer think that the price is under 1600.

The company offer low prices on different cultural events like Eid and other events.
They also low prices in different interval of time in a 24 hours. These types of pricing
strategies increase their revenue and profits and also give the benefits to the

2.4.6 Distribution strategy:

PTCL use to distribute their products and services through different channels.

 Direct Distribution
 Indirect Distribution
Direct Distribution:
In the direct distribution the products and services given direct from PTCL
exchanges, Smart shops and PTCL one stop shops. These shops and exchanges
are at different points where customers easily get these products and services. The
products reach to the consumers through different channels. The products like charji,

EVO, Smart TV and Broadband devices send by suppliers to PTCL Head Quarter
then head quarter to PTCL exchanges and then customer purchases from these
Indirect Distribution:

In the indirect distribution the products and services given indirectly from local
retailer and dealers or from online shops like Customers buy products
like EVO Wingle and Charji Devices from these dealers and also get online. The
products send from suppliers to PTCL head quarter from head quarter to franchises
and franchises to sub dealers and local retailers. Customer purchases these
products from these dealers. In that way products reach to the final consumer.

2.4.7 Promotional Strategy:

PTCL do different promotions of their products and services these promotions are

PTCL do advertisement of their products and services for increase their customers
and also for aware their customers about new products and services. PTCL use
different media channels to promote their business like print media and electronic
media. Electronic media channels are Social media, television Ads and different
internet base promotion or in print media newspaper, billboards and broachers.

Sales Promotion:
PTCL also do sales promotion in which they give discounts to their valuable
customers. They give promotional discounts to those customers who cannot use
their services from some time and also those customers who cannot pay the bill. If
they pay their bills they will get discounts for next some months.

PTCL also give different promotions to increase their customers and for the publicity
of their products and services. For example they give freedom package with
broadband, free smart TV with 6 MB and more than 6MB broadband, Different
starter packages, different charji free MB offers for new customers. With these sales
promotions customer attract and it will increase the productivity of the organizations
and also generate revenue to PTCL.

2.4.8 Branding Strategy:
PTCL use branding strategies for their products and services.

Umbrella Branding:
PTCL use umbrella branding in their wire line and wireless products like PTCL has
landline, Broadband DSL Smart TV services in wire line and Charji EVO, EVO
Wingle, PTCL Netro Cloud and PTCL Charji cloud in wireless products. These
products and services are under the umbrella of PTCL. In this type different products
and services of PTCL are in one brand name.

2.4.9 Customer Relationship Strategy:

For making good relationship with customers PTCL do many efforts.

 Sponsoring Events
 CSR and Charity Programs
Sponsoring Events:
PTCL sponsor different events for making good relationship with customers and also
making good image in the society and in the minds of customers. In August PTCL
hold a football tournament for teenagers in which different teams was participated.
PTCL also sponsor Islamabad United in PSL which is one of the strong team of PSL.
PTCL also sponsor many other events like sports events in different schools that
make a good relationship with the customers and also make the good image of
PTCL in the society and also in the minds of the customers.

CSR and Charity Programs:

PTCL also do corporate social responsibility and charity events time to time for the
help of people and for the welfare of the society. In these charity programs PTCL
give funds to Kaghan Memorial Trust that is a charity school in the earth quack areas
of Pakistan and give funds for the schools operational costs. PTCL also give free
medical facilities in the rural areas of the Pakistan and give fund for making schools
for special children. PTCL also participate in tree plantation campaign and plant
more than 3000 trees in different places. PTCL do another tree plantation campaign
on Margalla hills the purpose of that program is protect the environment and clean
the environment. The purpose of that event is raised the awareness about protection
of environment. That is a good initiative for corporate social responsibility. PTCL do
more charity and corporate social responsibility for the wellbeing of the society that
make great impact of the environment and on the society it also make the good
image of the PTCL in the minds of customers and also make a good relationship
between customers and PTCL.

2.4.10 Marketing Research Mechanism:

For the purpose of marketing research PTCL hire market research managers and
employees who conduct researches for evaluating present trends of technology and
get the customer opinions about PTCL products and services.

PTCL conduct qualitative and quantitative researches for the products in all the life
cycle of the products. These researchers collect data on consumer’s competitors and
on market than combine that data which they collect into useful form. They conduct
surveys for internal market research activities. When they conduct the survey than
the data which they collect than interpret it and make reports of that data and give
recommendation which are relevant to the business. The purpose of marketing
research is to check the market trends and offer the products and service according
to customers’ requirements. With the help of marketing research the company
should check that what type of products and services are given by competitors and
then the company make new strategies to defend their competitors. So that PTCL
conduct several types of researches and surveys and check market trends and try to
know their customer requirements and competitors strategies and offerings and take
actions according to the results of that researches.

2.5 Sales Strategy:

2.5.1 Functions of the Sales Department Sales Methodology:
There are two types of sales methodology in PTCL which are described below;
 Direct sales
 Indirect sales

Direct Sales:
In direct sales PTCL sales its products through their sub offices in different cities.
The products are distributed in sub offices from head office according to demand. It
also includes its services. Customers can get the products i.e. chargi device, evo
wingle etc. from PTCL offices directly without any problem.

Indirect Sales:
In indirect sales PTCL sales its products through different retailers shops and
dealers in different cities. The products are distributed in retailers from head office
.this kind of selling is preferred in those areas where PTCL offices are little bit away
from any specific populated area. Moreover some products are also available on Type of Selling

In PTCL there are two types of selling,

 Personal selling
 Door to door selling

Personal Selling:
In personal selling PTCL sell its products at their offices according to respective
cities. Customers approach to offices and respective product is sold to them
according to their demand.

Door to Door Selling:

In PTCL products are not sold door to door but the service of PTCL is provided door
to door i.e. in case of applying new telecom connection or to clear any problem
coming in streaming or supply to customers approach. Sales Returns Procedures

There are different sales returns policies for different modems and devices. When
the customer buys these devices the company tells him all the terms and conditions
of these devices.

If the customer buy PTCL broadband device if there is any damage in the device and
that damage is not cover all the terms and conditions of damage than the customer
should pay for new device and it should cover the terms than the company give them
new broadband device. Another thing the broadband modem is PTCL property when
the customer close his connection he must return the modem to PTCL otherwise he
will pay the price of modem.

If the customer buy purchase smart TV device and the device damage by customer
than for new device he should pay to PTCL if this damage is not in the terms of

PTCL and also smart TV device is PTCL property when customer disconnect his
smart TV connection he return his Smart TV device to PTCL.

I the customer buy PTCL CHARJI EVO and cloud these devices have one year
warranty if the device is damage with in the warranty time period than that is the
responsibility of the company to repair that device if the device is not repairable than
the company give the new device to customer without any payment of that device if
the damage of that device is fulfill the terms and conditions of PTCL. If the damage
cannot fulfill the terms and conditions of PTCL than the company cannot repair or
give new device to customer without charges the customer give money for repair or
new device. These devices are customer property the customer cannot return to
PTCL. If the customer wants to repair his device in which the warranty of the device
is expire than PTCL will repair that device but in return of repairing these devices
PTCL charge money according to damage of device which PTCL repaired.

Billing Payment:

For the purpose of paying bills the customer should go to the PTCL exchange where
they pay bill to the billing counter and also customer should pay bill on billing
machine and also recharge their devices. Or the customer should also pay bills on
different banks branches, retailer shops, Easy pysa shops, through jazz cash
accounts and also pay on their website through ATM cards.

2.5.2 Customer Services Department: Process of Developing Relations with Customers:
To develop relationship with customers PTCL do different activities.

 Charity Funds
 CSR Activities
 Sponsored Events Techniques of Attracting New Customers:
For attracting new customers PTCL give different promotion. With the help of these
promotion PTCL attract more customers in these promotions Double edge
promotion, new package, Service Expansion and new campaigns are used to attract
more customers. In double edge promotion PTCL give double package in the money
of single package. PTCL also introduce new package in cheap price for new

23 Techniques of Retaining Customers:
For retaining the old customers PTCL use different techniques these techniques
stick their customers to use that network. They give different type promotions which
retain their customers. These techniques are:

 PTCL give the low cost packages to their old customers that are a good favor
for their customers. Customers happy from these type of low cost offers and
they also avail these type of offers.
 PTCL give their customers student packages. The prices of these packages
are cheap students avail and use these types of promotions.
 PTCL also give different type of bundle offers in which customer’s bundle of
call minutes on different network and on net free.
 PTCL give their customers seasonal discounts which are vary in different
seasons like Ramadan Offer, Eid Offers, Azadi Offers and many more other
 PTCL also give their valuable customers reconnect offers. In reconnect offers
if any customer cannot use PTCL service from some time PTCL give him offer
if he again use PTCL service ptcl give him discounts and free offers.
By using these techniques PTCL retain their old customers. Ways of Handling Different Kinds of Customers:

There are many customers come into PTCL who are angry and dissatisfy from the
service of PTCL. To handle furious or problem creating customers PTCL employee
should keep calm he/she cannot give any angry reaction in result. The employee
cannot take personally the bad behavior of customer and listen his problem carefully
which he want to tell in angry mood and search solutions to solve that problem. The
employee should show his sympathy to the customer and try to convince the
customer and give his best to satisfy the customer by resolving his problem. When
the problem of the customer resolve after that employee of PTCL say sorry to the
customer about that problem which the customer face and dissatisfy from the PTCL.

2.5.3 Competitive Strategy:

PTCL is 1st company of the telecommunication sector which provides high speed
broadband service in Pakistan. They adopt latest technology to satisfy their
customers and do day to day updates in their technology.

The one of the biggest competitive edge to PTCL is it provide band width to other
telecommunication companies so that other telecommunication companies depend
on PTCL to get band width.

One more competitive edge to PTCL is it provides many products and services to
satisfy their customers. The services PTCL provide landline, Smart TV and
Broadband from one wire line connection which give strong competition to their
competitors. In wireless line they have products like EVO Wingle, PTCL Wireless
Charji EVO and PTCL Charji cloud. These products and services give hard
competition to other competitors. PTCL adopt latest technology to provide their
customers good products and services.

One other competitive edge to PTCL is that it has international submarine cable
cables by which they provide their service to their valuable customers. Because
PTCL has the only company which has four submarine cables so that PTCL has
monopoly in submarine cables so that other local internet service providers depend
on PTCL for getting bandwidth. PTCL provide bandwidth to these local companies.

2.5.4 Business Process Analysis:

For performing different business processes PTCL has different exchanges, smart
shops, one stop shops and different online and local retailers who sell different
products and services of PTCL. For buying different products and services the
customers go to these points and get these services.

When the customer want to get PTCL landline broadband and smart TV connection
he come to the PTCL exchange with one copy of his ID card he fill the form of PTCL
where he fill all the requirements of form and pay the fees of getting connection and
the fees of devices. Than PTCL give the number for this connection and one person
of that area who give connections in that area go to that point where the customer
want connection and give connection to his place. PTCL give that connection at
customer place within 48 hours after filling the form for new connection. If the
customer has any complaint regarding slow speed of internet and any problem in
landline than he will came to PTCL exchange or smart shop for register his complain
and he will also registered complain on PTCL helpline number than PTCL resolve
the complaint within 48 hours.

If the customer want to buy PTCL CHARJI EVO and cloud than he will go to the
PTCL smart shop or local retailer’s shops of PTCL with his ID card and fill the form of
PTCL for getting PTCL CHARJI devices when the customer fill the form than he will
pay the price of the device and the PTCL employees register that device on the
customer and do his bio matric registration after that they give that device to the
customer. When the biometric is complete after 20 to 30 minutes the device is in
working condition the customer should recharge and use that device. If the customer
has any problem with device the contact with those from there the customer
purchases that device.

If the customer wants to change his broadband, landline, and CHARJI package than
the customer should go to the PTCL exchange or smart shop and request them to
change the package than they will change the package according to customer’s
requirement the customer also call on the helpline to change his package.

For paying his landline broadband and CHARJI bills the customer come to the PTCL
smart shops and pay their bills at bill payment areas the customer also pay their bills
at PTCL bill payment machines and also recharge their devices on those machines.
The customers also pay their bill at different banks branches and PTCL local
retailers shops.

2.6 Policy Recommendations:

 PTCL should update their equipment’s because which BTS system is used by
PTCL it is now old so the efficiency of that system is now decrease and traffic
on that system in increase so that PTCL should generate new system to do
work efficiently.
 PTCL should recruit new technical people on the basis of merit.
 PTCL cannot provide their all staff refreshing training and there is not any
schedule of training. The training department should arrange training course
one time in a year for all the employees of PTCL.
 There is less number of training centers in PTCL so that they should build
more training centers. If PTCL have fewer resources than they utilize other
organizations training institutes by fixing terms and conditions with them for
using their training centers.
 Customer service of PTCL is very weak. Many of the customers are dissatisfy
from PTCL. Other competitors of PTCL hit PTCL from that area so that PTCL
should focus on their customer service department to improve their weakness
into strength.
 PTCL should focus on their marketing strategy because PTCL should do less
number of advertisements on different channels. PTCL should increase their
advertisements and commercials on different TV channels and also give ads
on different print Medias.
 PTCL should have proper reward system if the employees give good
performance it will to increase the motivation of the employees which should
convert into productivity of the PTCL.
 In PTCL promotion of the employees is on the basis of seniority but the
promotion should be on the basis of good work, skills and performance.
 PTCL cannot provide telecom facility in many rural areas of the Pakistan I
recommend PTCL to provide PTCL landline and broadband service in these
rural areas.
 PTCL should send their finance and marketing officers in the international
seminars, training programs and workshops. It would help PTCL to get new
knowledge, skills, techniques and procedures in the organization which they
apply in the organization.
 The wireless network of PTCL is very low as compared to their competitors.
PTCL provide 4G wireless internet in few cities of Pakistan. In many cities
only 3G facility is available. PTCL should provide 4G facility for Charji and
wireless internet in all the cities of Pakistan as early as possible.

3. Learning as a Student Intern:

3.1 Duties:

 Fill the forms of customer who want new connections.

 Guide the new customers about the packages of Broad Band, Charji Evo &
PTCL telephone connections.

 Performing call activity of different broadband, Landline, and Charji for the
promotion of new packages.

 Recharge the customers Charji devices from PTCL billing machine.

 Write the information into the register of those customers who disconnect their
PTCL network.

 Check the accessories of broadband devices which customers returned back

to PTCL when they closed their connections.

 Call to the head office of the PTCL to close their connection and give the
verification of the customer information and close their connection

 Learn about the PTCL Customer Relationship Management (pCRM) software

which is used to check and manage the customer Charji devices or other
wireless devices.

 Perform the call activity of old customers who can’t use Charji Evo and do
efforts to agree them to use this Evo and tell them that PTCL has upgrade
their network from 3G to 4G. I also tell those customers about new offers of
internet who can’t use Evo from many times.

3.2 Accomplishment:

During my internship time period I performed my tasks that are given by Marketing
and Sales Manager of PTCL.

 I perform the task of call to those customers who cannot use their PTCL charji
devices and tell them about promotions and attract more customers to use
these offers and maximize the customers of charji device.
 Also perform the task of recovering the old bill payments by those landline
customers who cannot pay their bills from 3 to 4 months by calling them and
tell them the promotion of half bill if they clear previous bill payments. . This

task is to gain maximum old customers and force them to come back PTCL
 I perform one more task to maximize the customers of Smart TV by telling the
customers that if they upgrade connection to 5MB and above 5MB than Smart
TV is free for them they only pay device charges.
 One more task given by Manager is to write all the record of those customers
who close their connection of landline and internet that month. And write the
detail of broadband devices like serial number or other data into the notebook
of closing records.
3.3 New Knowledge Acquired:

That is my 1st experience to work in an organization as an internee. I learnt many

things in the practical work of an organization. I learnt that in the big firms how
employees perform their duties to satisfy customer needs and attract more
customers. This internship gives me the opportunity to analyze the working of
organization practically. Before internship at PTCL I was unaware of prepaid and
postpaid EVO devices, its prices, packages, usages etc. But now I am fully trained of
all these devices, Evo Wingle, Charji Wingle and Charji Cloud. That internship in
Marketing and sales department give me more knowledge about marketing, sales
and promotion functions of an organization.

3.4 Skills Recommended by Organization for Potential Employees

The skills recommended by organization for potential employees is learned how to

deal with different type of customers such as educated, uneducated, aggressive,
polite, senior citizens etc. How to be patient and maintain polite attitude with
customers and people around. How to satisfy those customers who are dissatisfied
from that organization. They also recommended the good skills of marketing, sales,
advertising promotion and customer care for rapid growth in any organization. Good
communication, dressing, is also important skills for the potential employees.

3.5 Problems Encountered by Internee:

In that internship week I face many problems in different matters. Every day I face
different type of customers some customers were very polite but many customers
behaved rudely. Those customers who are dissatisfy from the service of PTCL they
talk to us in a bad way. In the start of internship I was too much confused in dealing

with customers and employees but after some days with the help of my senior staff I
learnt how to interact with customers and employees. In start I also face the problem
in using pCRM, CRM software and PTCL billing machine but my office senior staff is
very helpful they told me how to use these software’s.

3.6 How Experience Impacts your Career:

In the duration of internship I learn many things like how to accomplish the tasks of
the organizations that are given by the boss. I also learn that how to survive in
difficult problems that are come in performing different projects. These internship
days in the practical working condition also teach me how to attain the goals of the
organization. . This experience really shaped and groomed my personality in a better
way. This experience showed me the right path to be more mature, perfect accurate
in your decisions and build good contacts with people. And also it will support me in
my job career. I would like to say that it will be one of my best experiences that
would remain with me and help me in the coming life which offer many challenges.

4. References:


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