Chapter 1

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In understanding the essential points of the study. This chapter contains the background

of the study, its significance, statement of the problem, scope and delimitation, theoretical

framework and definition of terms.

Body of the Study:

The internet and information communication technology (ICT) are becoming a natural

part of everyday life for children and adolescent. Many researcher refers to the generation born

after 2013 as the always on generation: this generation is growing up in a world that offers them

instant access to a wide range of social media that offer them the opportunities to connect, create

and collaborate with each other. They can play watch and/or create game, make videos and

photos and buy the product they want online. The down side of these growing opportunities is

that they also create more possibilities for negative experience such as online bullying online

bullying mostly referred as cyber-bullying is describe as bullying and harassment of others by

mean of new electronic technologies primary mobile phone and internet ( Smith, Steffgen, &

Sittichai, 2013, p.3) over that last 10years many studies have been published about cyber-

bullying that have provided increased insight into the relevance determinants, coping strategies

and consequence related to cyber-bullying.

However, while the research field of cyber-bullying is growing more critical studies are

appearing about the uniqueness of cyber-bullying: Is it just a form or an extension of traditional

bullying or is it a completely new phenomena? In addition recent critical papers have been

published concerning the different definitions of cyber bullying, instruments to measure cyber-

bullying and the poor theoretical background of most available studies. Bullying is unwanted,

aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real perceived power

imbalance. The behaviour is repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time bullying

includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or

verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Cyber-bullying is different from

traditional bullying due to the anonymity that the internet can provide cyber-bullies do not have

to own their action to the anonymity and cyber-bullying is often outside of the legal reach of

schools and school boards since it often outside of the school.

The purpose of this paper is to further understand cyber-bullying which continues to

occur more often as technology becomes more readily accessible by everyone, especially

students and to explore ways of preventing cyber-bullying before it happens. As the days, years

and generation pass by, the world of social media is growing bigger and bigger. It becomes more

advanced than ever and a lot of people want it to improve and they think that it would be better if

it continues to develop more than the usual thing that we have nowadays. As it continues to

grow, people have the advantages it has been helpful to them in many aspects like connecting to

other people easily by chatting them or posting something that makes them feel like they’re just

close to who you are. But opposite of the advantages that they have, they also have the

disadvantages of using social media like they experience cyber-bullying which can emotionally:

This cyber-bullying is also growing which is resulting to more incidents of it. Many people

already experienced cyber-bullying, not only the known personalities like the government

officials and celebrities but also and ordinary individual may experience it.

Espelage and Swearer (2014) and Cowie and Jennifer (2016) favour an ecological model

for understanding bullying behaviours, similar to the one used by Bronfenbrenner, a

developmental psychologist, as a way of examining bullying and cyber-bullying behaviours.

“This framework views youth behaviours as shaped by individual characteristics and a range of

nested contextual systems of schools, adults, neighbourhoods, and society” ( Swearer et al., p. 42

2014). This model places the individual at the centre and society as the overarching feature

surrounding it. The reciprocal model endeavours to clarify how young people situate themselves

and behave within the society to which they belong. It was developed to help understand the

interactions between personal and environmental factors.

According to the consolidated report of Department of Education (DepEd), bullying cases

on elementary and high school of both private and public schools of both private and public

schools on 2014 those by 21% or a total of 6.363 cases, compare with the 5, 236 on 2013 this

translates to 31 daily bullying cases from a division of 201 school days. The statistics was

disclosed by Rep. Gerald Anthony Gullas Jr. a member of those house committee on basic

education. In my opinion, its too early to say the rise of reported bullying cases is a consequence

of the reporting requirements of the Law Bullying cases is ramparts however, it remain under

reported prior to the anti bullying act. This is understandable, since no parents or even school

administrations would like his/her family or school to be famous because of bullying. Schools,

however, to mitigate the effects and reduce the incidence of bullying, should comply with the

implementing rules and regulations of the Anti-bullying Law of 2013 to address the root causes

of bullying. And the important ones aside from the reporting.


Bullying is can be done at any forms. It may be physically or verbally but there’s one form of

bullying that can affect one particular person even though it not through a physical or verbal

contact it is cyber bullying. This is major problem that occurs in social media and may individual

have already experienced this is why we, researcher would like to be answered by studying and

creating thesis:





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