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Entrepreneurship creates job opportunities

When an entrepreneur starts a business using his financial assets, he must need some time to share his work
load. For this purpose, he hires people to work with him. As the time passes, the entrepreneur gets satisfied that
he is investing his money in the right place. So he starts a huge business, hence creating more job opportunities
for people.

Entrepreneurship cause economic growth

By creating job opportunities for people, an entrepreneur provides wealth to the people. They tend to start a new
business with innovation like providing the best quality product within low price so that people can save their
money and get the best product. This strengthens the economy of a country. For this purpose Government also
welcomes entrepreneurs to start their business.

Entrepreneurship provides strength to small business

Most of the time, entrepreneurs prefer to invest their money in small businesses. Such activities of the
entrepreneurs provide strength to the small business. So the niche markets flourish providing strength to the
economy of the country.

So entrepreneurship can be categorized as investment and it is very important for a country to flourish its
economy. For this purpose, governments of many countries support entrepreneurs, just like Væksthuset in
Denmark. If you have a good business idea that is scalable you have the oppurtunity to be rewarded with up to
20.000 DKK. When I started my first project/business idea I got this money as a help by the danish government
to get started. For more tips on your career, take a look at

Check out these 10 tips that make for a lucrative entrepreneur.

1. Embark on something that you love – One thing in common that young and successful business owners have
is their love for what they are doing. They start with a hobby or something that they are very interested in doing
and build that into a money earning venture.

2. Be certain of where you want to be – Create a vision for yourself and make it happen. Ask yourself whether
you want to do this on a full time basis or together with your current status as a student. Knowing what you are
aiming for will let you manage your time and resources better.

3. Give everything you have got in you – Youth has the uncanny capacity to think of innovative and unlimited
ideas. You also have boundless reserves of energy to draw from. Utilize these and be courageous to prove your
ideas. Take a look at what you don’t want in a product or service and revolutionize it. Show the world what you
are made of.

4. Do everything legally and above board – Your budding business maybe small but you have a responsibility
to ensure that everything has paperwork. That means you register your business using the proper channels and
pay your taxes like a good law abiding citizen that you are. This is very important in Denmark. These will
ensure that your business is off to a good start and will help you to manage it effectively once it grows

Watch this video about how to start a foreign company in Denmark.

5. Time management is not a cliché – Learn how to separate your tasks as a student from that of an
entrepreneur. Launching your business while you are going to school will play havoc with your schedule. In
order to avoid stress, employ all the tools that are available for you to be able to manage your time effectively.
These can be an email client that will have your designated appointments organized so you don’t miss any or
some other application that will help you to maximize your time.

6. Utilize your resources at school – The prime benefit of being a business owner while studying is you have
access to a lot of resources right at your fingertips. Schools offer the free use of their computers with internet
connection and each professor is an immediate and accessible expert who is willing and able to give you advice
and tips to help you make a success of your business.

Live in Aarhus? Take a look at this: AU Centre for Entrepreneurs

Live in Copenhagen? Take a look at this: CBS School of Entrepreneurship

7. Get a role model – Students have an adviser for a reason, so they have someone to look up to. It goes the
same for business; you need a mentor to guide you through the intricacies of owning your own business. Look
for someone with a track record of success, preferably a person you can talk to and exchange ideas with.
Someone that will encourage you and yet be realistic enough to give you a word of warning if needed.

My role models are: Martin Thorborg, Jesper Buch and Rune Risom

8. Take advantage of the online community – Forums are a good source of information and there are a lot of
these especially for business owners that are just starting to launch their business. Be a part of the online group
of experts who offer free, tried and tested advice on how to make a success of your ventures. Make them a
motivating factor to get you where you want to be.

I recommend – Denmarks best online community for entrepreneurs.

9. Give yourself allowances – You may pride yourself to be a very systematic person with excellent
accomplishments but there will be days when you are simply overcome by what is happening. Relax and give
yourself time to recover. Get out and enjoy, change your environment even for a day. Give your thoughts a rest.
This will provide you with the renewed energy and enthusiasm for the next challenge.

10. Give importance to your state of mind – The success stories about young entrepreneurs making it big are
sometimes a two way street, it can both inspire and pressure you. Do not compare yourself with others in terms
of achievement. Each person has a capability for success so it does not mean that just because your business is
not growing as fast as the one before you or the newest rave on the internet, you will give up.

You are a business owner which means you work for yourself and not anyone else. You are only answerable to
yourself and whatever success you make is yours. No matter how small or big a task you undertake, give it
everything you’ve got and measure your accomplishments not by anybody’s yardstick. What matters is you
have started. Rome was not built in one day.

Being a student gives you boundless opportunities to start your own business. Get out and grab that chance now
for you may never find that break again

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