CausesofTransformerFailure 2017

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Causes of transformer failures and diagnostic methods – A review

Article  in  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews · July 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2017.05.165


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6 authors, including:

M. A. Salam Quazi Rahman

Universiti Teknologi Brunei The University of Western Ontario


Fushuan Wen Swee Peng Ang

Zhejiang University Institut Teknologi Brunei


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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Causes of transformer failures and diagnostic methods – A review

Christina AJa, , M.A. Salama, Q.M. Rahmanb, Fushuan Wena, S.P. Anga, William Voonc
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Berakas Power management company, Brunei


Keywords: This paper presents a review on the sources of failures of transformer in the substation. Different investigations
High voltage bushing failure and test analyses have been conducted to identify the root causes of failure of the transformer in the power
Transformer failure system, and to identify the preventive measures to avoid these breakdowns. The review work has been presented
Bushing diagnostics with the focus on bushing-failure, which has been identified as one of the major causes of transformer
breakdown in different reported studies. In determining the lifespan of the insulation of the high voltage
bushing, along with different factors, moisture effect has also been considered in presenting the degradation
Transformer diagnostics
analysis. On-line measurement has been preferred over off-line measurements due to its benefits measuring the
reliability and uninterrupted functioning of the future generation, transmission and distribution systems. Post
fire-outbreak, external inspection of the damaged bushing along with analytical results, obtained with the aid of
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis, have also been
included in this study. In the analysis, electric field and equipotential lines with different oil levels have been
simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics software.

1. Introduction This statement is supported by the International Council on Large

Electric Systems (CIGRE / Conseil International des Grands Reseaux
Power transformer is one of the most important devices, which Electriques), survey, which stated that 10% of transformer failures
provides a vital link in the chain of other devices for supplying electric were caused by bushing damage, followed by a catastrophic conse-
power to the consumers. Reliable and continued performance of power quence [7]. While looking into frequent sources of transformer failures,
transformer is the key to profitable generation and transmission of bushing failure is found to contribute a significant percentage of the all
electric power. Transformer failure could take place in terms of the causes depicted in Fig. 1 [8].
tripping that results in an unscheduled or unseen outage. Hence, a From the physical and electrical point of view, bushing appears to
good maintenance strategy is a crucial component to have in a power be the weakest part of the transformer. The initial breakdown process
system in order to avoid unexpected failures. In this paper, the causes of the bushing structure could not be detected easily, and that could
of transformer-failure within the power system have been reviewed. lead to a sudden failure of bushing, eventually, failure of the whole
The review components have enclosed the possible causes of power transformer. Statistical data on the outages due to bushing problems
system failures that have been gathered through diagnostic results and from 2004 to 2009 are illustrated in Fig. 2 [9].
experiments. Research works, that studied different types of test
analysis and monitoring methods to prevent future unwanted events, 2. Overview of power transformer
have also been cited. Bushing-failure, being identified as one of the
major causes of transformer breakdown in different reported studies 2.1. Transformer failure analysis
[1–5], has been considered as one of the key focusses of this review
work. Kumar et al. [10] have published a flow chart for transformer
Testing of damaged transformer bushings revealed several impor- maintenance as shown in Fig. 3 and efforts were made to analyze the
tant facts about transformer bushing failures. Bushing appears to be a root causes that contributed to the failures of power transformers.
fragile part of a transformer, and it has been found that 44% of forced Authors have broadly categorized the modes of power transformer
outage of the large transformers related to bushings and windings [6]. failures into three parts, namely: 1) electrical, 2) mechanical and 3)

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. AJ).

1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Abu Jahal, C., Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2017),
C. AJ et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

[11,12]. Most of the transformer problems have already been classified

in terms of incipient faults classified into four major categories in
[13,14]. Wang et al. [15] further illustrated in Table 2, that any type of
fault might occur due to more than one causes. Authors in [16] have
realized that some transformer problems occur due to contaminated
oil, and these problems are generally caused by insulation oil degrada-
tion, overload, and thermal stress, humidity in oil or paper and defects
on the bushing. (Fig. 4).
With the aim to prevent any fault or failure of a transformer, the
authors in [7] have analyzed data collected from the tripping caused by
transformers and protective relays. The analysis have shown that 87%
of the transformer’s tripping occurs, due to the power system faults
followed by 10% of false operation of protective relays, and the rest is
due to the failures within the transformer itself. Also, it has been
revealed that the number tripping of the transformer varies from time
to time.
Fig. 1. Bushing failure shows significant percentage of transformer failure [8].
2.2. Transformer failure test analysis

AC power system is a complex network and, due to insulation

breakdown, failures in power transformers cause considerable financial
loss due to power outage, and cost of replacement or repair.
Inspections are conducted for the assessment of the transformer
condition by data collection, and information on transformer failure
cases [18]. In the early 2000, Pukel et al. [3] mentioned three different
types of tests to be performed before the operation of a transformer,
namely: 1) routine tests, 2) type tests and 3) special tests which were
Fig. 2. Outages due to bushing problems [9]. used for different tasks. Common diagnostic methods for checking the
transformer conditions are chemical, electrical, thermal, optical and
mechanical. Chemical diagnostic method consisting of Dissolved Gas
Analysis (DGA), breakdown voltage, and furfural analysis delivers the
most significant results and the most popular and important diagnostic
methods compared to the other methods. Mirzai et al. [19] have
presented a case study regarding the reliability of 63/20 kV transfor-
mer by using Weibull distribution statistics. The authors have also
stated five failure analysis of transformer consisting of: 1) periodical
test, 2) services, 3) protective operation, 4) insulation problems and 5)
others (bushing faults, development, lightning, etc.), which are neces-
sary to investigate in order to improve production technology and
maintenance program as shown in Fig. 5. Ugur et al. [20] have also
used Weibull distribution to develop a model for analyzing the
reliability, and to predict the breakdown time of the polymeric
insulation material.
In 2013, Michael Bocovich [21] presented different types of transformer
failures, which were considered to be catastrophic for three different
Fig. 3. Flow chart of transformer maintenance [10]. substation locations, namely, Fifth Street Substation, Harrison Substation,
and Chicago Substation in which standard IEEE C57.125 [22] was used as
Table 1 a guideline for transformer failure investigations. The following stages are
Typical causes of transformer failures [11,12]. conducted in order to investigate the cause for transformer failure: 1)
internal inspection and 2) test which includes physical test [23], oil quality
Internal Insulation deterioration
[24] and dissolve gas analysis [25]. An advanced analysis to determine the
Loss of winding clamping
Overheating root cause of power transformer failures are presented by Boguslaw
Oxygen Bochenski et al. [26] using thermal performance and electric magnetic
Moisture field (EMF), achieved by implementation of finite element method (FEM)
Solid Contamination in the insulating oil
using the AC/DC module with the application of Maxwell’s equation and
Partial discharge
Design and manufacture defects
Ampere’s law. The process of modelling the task is divided into five stages:
Winding resonance 1) drawing (CAD software), 2) setting up domains and boundaries
External Lightning strikes (boundary conditions), 3) meshing, 4) solving and 5) post processing.
System switching operations Uzair et al. [27] have dealt with three different types of tests, applied on a
System overload
132/33 kV, 15MVA power transformer from a Port substation in Andhra
System faults (short circuit)
Pradesh, India for analyzing the transformer failure: 1) conventional oil
test, 2) furan derivative test and 3) Markov model criteria. The test would
thermal. These failures are further categorized into internal and indicate the conditions from the transformer investigation, which are
external components as shown in Table 1, which often occurs in the categorized namely as healthy, moderately deteriorated, and extensively
main tank, bushings, tap changer and power transformer auxiliaries deteriorated. Table 3 shows the comparison of the results based on these
three tests [28].

C. AJ et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Power transformers incipient faults and causes [15].

Causes Faults

Arcing Corona Overheating of cellulose Overheating of oil

Winding turn-to-turn short-circuit X X

Winding open circuit X X
Operation of build-in OLTC X
Winding distortion or displacement X X
Lead distortion or displacement X X
Loose connection to bushing terminals, tap leads, terminal boards X X X
Free water or excessive moisture in oil X X
Floating metal particles X X
Loose connection to corona shields X
Loose collars, spacers, core ground straps X
Through fault X
Overloading X X
Damaged yoke bolt insulation X
Rust or other damage on core X
Damaged shunt packs of tank X
Jammed oil circulating path X
Cooling system malfunction X

140 124 Preventive tests and diagnostic techniques are on the rise due to the
b off transformer's

120 economic motivation with the advantages of predicting fault condi-

100 87 tions, enhancing maintenance, and increasing the power transformer

80 reliability. Thus, a need of change in time based maintenance program


56 to condition based diagnostic procedure and online monitoring
60 488
approaches are introduced [29]. silva et al. [30] have introduced an

early failure detection method called predictive maintenance in power

20 transformer in terms of the insulation and checking the existence of the
0 partial discharge. This study has been introduced and conducted by the
2006 2007 2008 20009 2010
authors using equipment involving hardware, control and signal
acquisition software and signal analysis software containing sets of
Fig. 4. Power transformer tripping [17]. algorithms made up of namely, signal processing algorithms and
artificial intelligence algorithms with intelligent extraction techniques
and interpretation of data. The advancement of the digital acquisition
system, and digital signal processing for maintenance strategy has been
developed since year 2000 as mentioned by Arango et al. [31].

3. Overview of high voltage bushing

3.1. Types of HV bushing and bushing failure analysis

Bushing is well known to be the most critical electric power system

device, playing an important role, as insulation and support [32].
Fig. 5. The percentage of any type of failures [19].
Bushing is the key link to connect the outer and inner insulating
systems and also the essential electrical accessory in the power system
As presented by Henny I. Septyani et al. [9], bushing can be divided

Table 3
Results and comparison of conventional oil, furan derivative and Markov model criteria tests [28].

No. Oil sample analysis Furan analysis Markov Model analysis

1 In this analysis, the oil samples are subjected to eleven In this process, Furan derivatives, which are a measure of Here, first the fault is classified, then library is
tests to determine the gas composition. cellulose paper degradation, are determined from the degree of designed, fault is diagnosed and identified.
polymerization of the paper.
2 The gas composition is significant in obtaining the Furaldehyde content in the oil sample is determined. Software program using HMM generates the
transformer deterioration condition. fault possibility.
3 Dissolved gas levels increase resulting the breakdown Furan derivatives in the oil increase with the age of the The more fault probability percentage, more
of chemical compounds of the oil as the transformer transformer and thus decide its operating capability. dangerous the power transformer condition
ages. is.
4 Ratio of appropriate gases is considered and Furaldehyde content decides the transformer insulation Matlab program is used to get the results with
conclusion is made regarding the oil condition. condition. the HMM scope.
5 The obtained ratio describes the condition of the No computation of any ratio. (Furaldehyde value of less than No computation of any ratio. Gas
transformer. (Value that satisfies the standards 0.1 ppm indicates a healthy transformer) concentrations are taken and results are
denotes a healthy machine). obtained.

C. AJ et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

they have demonstrated that the activation energy for oxidation and
hydrolysis differ from each other, and the measuring instrument,
Microcalorimeter has the capability to mimic the aging behavior and
thus, has the potential to act as a tool for quick aging examinations. V.
R. Garcia-Colon [42] has identified three different causes of bushing
failure, 1) water ingress due to aged solder, 2) corrosion in bushing tap
and 3) damaged gaskets due to environmental conditions. Using
preventive test, Xiao et al. [43] have detected that the cause of the
abnormal growth of bushing dielectric loss in 500 kV transformer was
due to the presence of moisture on the capacitor core. The results
showed that the presence of water tends to increase the conductivity of
the material, but for low contents, it does not strongly affect the
conductivity. D. M. Getson [44] further explained the impact of the
presence of moisture towards high voltage bushings. The author added
that degradation and aging of cellulose and oil contribute to the failure,
and also decrease the electric power device’s life [45]. Liao et al. [46]
Fig. 6. Variation of DP value of different paper layers vs aging time [46]. have presented an experimental research on thermal aging character-
istics, and degree of polymerization (DP) of OIP used in bushing.
into four main parts: 1) Insulation, 2) Conductor, 3) Connection clamp, Variations of DP value at different insulating paper layers associated
and 4) Accessories. They further specify two different types of insula- with aging time, have been presented in Fig. 6. Authors in [47] further
tion, which are Condenser type (Capacitive graded) and Non-condenser proved the relationship between distribution of water content in paper
type (Solid bushing). High voltage bushing can be broadly classified insulation and its DP and ambient temperature. IEEE recommended
into three categories, namely 1) Composite bushing, 2) Compound- that the mean DP can be represented as a reliable characterization of
filled bushing and 3) Condenser type bushing [33]. Authors in [34] insulating paper aging [48]. ..Edison Selvaraj et al. [49] have studied
further sorted different types of condenser type bushings into Resin- and analyzed requirements, various problems, and preventive mea-
bonded paper bushings (RBP), Resin-impregnated bushings (RIP), and sures on bushing, which are summarized in Table 4.
Oil-impregnated paper bushings (OIP). Feilat et al. [35] have revealed,
that the two common types of transformer bushings, Solid porcelain
3.3. On-line monitoring of power transformer bushings in high
bushing and Oil filled condenser bushings, are particularly used in
voltage substations
smaller and larger transformers, respectively. In this work, the authors
have also presented the output results based on the investigation of five
Bonaldi et al. [50] have stated that due to the economic implica-
blackouts due to local bushing failures from the internal degradation of
tions involving the operation and each equipment failure in the
the bushing insulation as indicated by the burn-through marks on the
electrical network, new technologies are implemented for monitoring
condenser paper, and two melted spots on the HV central conductor.
and evaluating the performance of the operating service equipment. A
Setayeshmar et al. [36] have introduced two methods for bushing
technique called Electrical Signature Analysis (ESA) had received
monitoring approaches, which are: 1) The usage of summation voltage
attention by the industries for the increase in demand of predictive
of transformer bushings from bushing taps considering the involve-
technology. On-line condition monitoring reduces cost related to the
ment with and without neutral point voltage and 2) Consideration of a
operation and maintenance of installed equipment and have mentioned
new sensor to be implemented for providing a signal reference of
the need of change in time based maintenance program to condition
voltage signal from the HV conductor in each bushing. Positive output
based diagnostic procedure and online monitoring approaches. Faifer
results were found from the laboratory measurement, enabling to
et al. [51] presented a novel monitoring method from condition based
monitor the bushing condition in terms of its oil level, moisture, and
temperature variation. Authors in [37] have also acknowledged that the
Table 4
failure of the transformer in a power system is caused by bushings, Different types of problems in bushing and impacts [49].
which is vulnerable to high dielectric and thermal stresses. Xue et al.
[38] have discussed that faults in bushing have a considerable effect on Type of problem Impact
the reliability of the insulation system and hence, accelerates the aging
Cracked Porcelain Moisture enters, oil and / or gas leaks, filler
phenomenon. This information indicates that in smaller transformers leaks out
aging related failures are dominant. In the medium power rating class, Determination of cemented Moisture enters, oil and / or gas leaks, filler
tap changer failures constitute the highest failure rate. Also, in the large joints leaks out
transformers insulation coordination failures are the most common Leakage in Gaskets Moisture enters, oil and / or gas leaks, filler
leaks out
cause in the early service life of a transformer [39]. The three main Insulation Moisture Moisture enters
causes for the insulation failures due to bushings are discussed by Leakage in solder seal Moisture enters, filler leaks out
Dongxian Tan along with other researchers, which consist of: 1) bad Broken connection between Sparking in tank (apparatus) or within
design, 2) flaws in the process of product manufacturing and 3) severe ground sleeve and flange bushing, discolored oil
Voids in compound Internal corona
operation environment [40]. They have done an analysis on a 40.5 kV
Mitigation of oil Filler contamination
power transformer bushing failure. The equipment was dissected, and No oil Moisture enters
a simulation was done to study the electric field to verify the cause for Displaced grading shield Internal sparking, discolored oil
the breakdown. Electrical flash over Cracked of broken porcelain
Lightning Cracked of broken porcelain
Corona Internal breakdown, radio interference,
3.2. Degradation analysis and moisture effects on HV bushing treeing along the surface of paper or internal
Authors in [41] have done their research by using two different Short circuit of condenser Increased capacitance, reduced voltage at
sections capacitor terminal, adds internal stress to
methods which are, oxygen pressurized bottles with oil-paper insula-
tion and the used of microcalorimeter. They have discovered that the Darkening of oil Radio interference & poor test results
degradation reaction rate is not linear with oxygen concentration. Also,

C. AJ et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

maintenance (CBM) by superimposing high frequency sinusoidal

voltage. This monitoring technique is then implemented in obtaining
accurate measurements [52]. On-line monitoring to optimize the
operatinal management is the key factor for future profitable genera-
tion, transmission and distribution within the power system [53–56].
McDermid [57] has demonstrated that certain on line and off line test
methods such as dissolved gas-in-oil and water-in-oil tests were found
to be effective in detecting defects in bushings under service conditions.
Li et al. [58] have compared both on-line methods and off-line methods
to identify the more effective method to indicate potential risks of
electrical system. It is concluded that the off-line leakage current
measurement has higher sensitivity meanwhile, on-line test can replace
off-line test for dielectric loss detection. Recently, Cristaldi et al. [59]
have studied the limits of the applicability of the on-line monitoring
method for transformer bushing as presented by previous authors. It is
found that the method does not solely focus on bushing itself, as it is
also dependent on other parameters.
Sokolov and Vanin [60] have demonstrated that, the principle of
sum current method is a successful one for the application in the on-
line monitoring of the devices. Lachman et al. [61] further used the
method and analyzed it in order to alert the condition of the bushing in
terms change in imbalance current in the power system [62] as shown
in Fig. 7. Joshi and Kulkarni [63] have discussed a simple-online
approach for the diagnosis of transformer winding deformation by
using current deviation coefficient (CDC) at a selected frequency as a
deformed location indicator by observing deviations in neutral and line
frequency currents. This approach is said to be suitable for implemen-
tation in three-phase wye and delta windings. The authors in [64] have
also presented that the CDC can be used to determine the condition of
bushing and winding of a transformer. Apart from using summation
current or voltage, the authors further introduced another method for Fig. 8. Typical power factor / voltage curve [71].

monitoring bushing failure, and this method uses sensor voltage signal

Fig. 9. Insulation deterioration related to the intensity of partial discharge measure-

ments [76].

as a signal reference for the high voltage conductor in the bushing. This
method prevents most outages or catastrophic failure caused by
bushing. Limits on the sum current method, presented by Berler [65]
stated the importance of voltage sensors as an external reference for
further improvement. This method cannot provide enough information
about the defects and deterioration process in the bushings. Dielectric
spectroscopy is a more accurate method that can provide good
information about the insulation for a wide range of frequency before
severe damage occurs [66,67]. Dielectric response is verified by
responses measured by insulation diagnostic systems IDAX [68] and
LCR meter [69]. The dielectric loss was studied by measuring the phase
difference between current and voltage using digital oscilloscope and
found that the dielectric loss factor increased with the increase in the
moisture level. The permittivity is calculated using the reactive power
of a capacitor and it is evaluated, showing the same behavior similar to
both conductivity and dielectric losses to the moisture level [70].
Fig. 7. Changes of the imbalance voltages in the power system [61].

C. AJ et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 10. Partial discharge testing related to traditional testing method [77].

Fig. 11. Specimen I and III extracted from the burnt bushing.

Fig. 12. Specimen II extracted from the burnt bushing.

3.4. Measuring of power factor and capacitance

found that the measurement of power factor and capacitance over a

Authors in [35] have shown that the bushing failure can be avoided
working voltage produced extensive information about the condition of
by detecting the fault by applying a diagnostic technique which
bushing. Fig. 8 shows five distinct power factor or voltage character-
includes capacitance and power factor, an important diagnostic method
istics curves according to different bushing conditions.
to detect critical degradation. As reported in [71], to prevent HV
In Fig. 8, curve 1 signifies a normal power factor behavior, showing
bushing failure, measurement of power factor and capacitance had
the power factor ‘knee’ above working voltage representing flat
been conducted for the first time, in which the researchers focused on
characteristics of a typical new bushing. Curve 2 shows a high level
the laboratory and field tests on 132 kV Condenser Bushings due to its
of power factor. This is caused by water penetration from damp oil,
occasional failure despite being operated for twenty five years. It was

C. AJ et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 13. Electron image of specimen I produced by SEM. Fig. 15. Scanned image for specimen II by EDS.

which creates low insulation resistance at the surface of the synthetic properties change with variation of power factor and capacitance of
resin bonded paper. Curve 3 shows a significant drop in the power insulation system. Maik Koch and Michael Kruger [74] have presented
factor level caused by a carbon path, either because of the insulating an absolute method of a new on-line approach for measuring capaci-
section has punctured as shown in curve 3(a) or due to poor contact tance and dissipation factor measurement of high voltage bushing for
exists at a buried foil as shown in curve 3 (b). Curve 4 shows a low recording grid transients and for partial discharge monitoring at power
‘knee’ point, indicating voids discharging at working voltage or less. transformers.
This void containing air spaces are usually small but may cover in large
areas. However, little evidence suggests that failure of the insulating 4. Partial discharge theory and applications to electrical
section would result the existence of air spaces. A steady rise of the systems
power factor curve 5 is associated with oil penetration into the bushing.
In this case, electrical performance around the bushing structure is not An electrical equipment design handbook [75] stated, “Discharges
greatly affected, but it would be weak mechanically and less effective as once started usually increase in magnitude with stressed time, but
an oil barrier. discharges can become short circuited by semiconductor films inside
Setayeshmehr et al. [72] have introduced an on-line method to the void and discharging is terminated”. Partial discharge are related to
measure power factor (tan δ )and capacitance (PF & C) of transformer the tracking that appears on the insulation as illustrated in Fig. 9 [76].
bushing. Here the authors implemented two sensors to allow two on- Dongxian Tan [38] have identified, partial discharge as an im-
line signals indicating the bushing’s condition and reference signal. portant method for electrical test on bushing in order to control the
Also a bushing monitoring, diagnostic system has been presented that quality of the product. However, continuous use will lead to aging of
consist of hardware and software schemes. The hardware would the insulation material as mentioned by the authors in [75,76]. Paoletti
perform four functions: 1) filtering, 2) amplifying, 3) conversion of et al. [77,78] defined the meaning of partial discharge and promoted a
analog signal to digital signal and 4) storing of results meanwhile, the theory for understanding partial discharge for an early detection of
software would compare the amplitude and phase difference between deterioration of insulation as a predictive maintenance tool to reduce
the two signals. Mehta et al. [73] have studied the insulation system of unscheduled downtime. It is also stated that partial discharge monitor-
the transformer bushing and in-field measurement of power factor and ing is an effective on-line predictive maintenance test as the analysis
capacitance using a specific equipment called Doble M4000 insulation and diagnostics can be done during normal operation. The partial
analyzer. The authors carried out a case study on two different discharge testing related to the traditional testing method is shown in
transformers to demonstrate how the moisture level and dielectric Fig. 10. In 2008, Koltunowicz et al. [79] have introduced a modern
digital partial discharge measurement system allowing advanced

Fig. 14. Map sum spectrum analysis of the scanned specimen I.

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Fig. 16. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 22.

Fig. 17. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 23.

Fig. 18. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 24.

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Fig. 19. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 25.

showed that this detection method had high sensitivity and anti-
interfere capability and it could widely be used in insulation diagnosis
and partial discharge detection of power transformers.

5. Modelling of electric field and potential distributions

In insulation system, cavities can be formed during fabrication,

installation and operation. The deterioration and breakdown of di-
electric insulation are strongly influenced by the presence of cavities.
Air filled cavities have a lower permittivity and lower pressure than the
surrounding dielectric insulation. This leads to a stress enhanced
region and a weak spot in the insulation [81,82]. Liu et al. [83] have
used finite element analysis (FEA) to study the behavior of a transfor-
mer bushing and to calculate the electric field by varying parameters
such as structure, resistivity of the materials and barrier position. Chen
Mingkui [84] and A. Kurita [85] used finite element analysis, which
Fig. 20. Scanned image produced by EDS for the specimen III.
deemed to be suitable for solving a complex structure with diverse
dielectrics, and concluded that the electric field distribution is corre-
correlation method such as three-phase amplitude diagrams, 3PARD
lated to resistivity and temperature.
for noise suppression and discrimination thus, provided a high
Smith et al. [86] further studied the electric field and potential
relevance for on-line application. Shen et al. [80] found another
distributions by applying single and multiple air filled spherical cavities
effective method to monitor bushings’ condition and to detect partial
for simulation using finite element method (FEM). This study of
discharge by applying a range of acceptable sinusoidal signals based on
electric field distribution within dielectric materials of different geo-
direct digital synthesis (DDS). Simulation and experiment results
metric configurations has been carried out by many researchers

Fig. 21. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 8.

C. AJ et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 22. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 9.

Fig. 23. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 10.

Fig. 24. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 11.

[81,87,88]. In 2012, Hazlee Illias et al. [89] have developed modelled of COMSOL Multiphysics software. From this study, an understanding
two-dimensional axial symmetrical model geometries of high voltage of electric field distribution in bushing geometry may be attained,
capacitor and surge arrester bushings using FEA method, with the aid which may help in designing high voltage bushing stress control. Lijun

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Fig. 25. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 12.

Fig. 26. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 13.

Fig. 27. EDS spectrum analysis – Spectrum 14.

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Table 5 Table 11
EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 22. EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 10.

Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label

O 0.43 – – – O 0.79 – – –
Al 0.11 Al2O3 0.22 Al2O3 Si 0.69 SiO2 1.48 SiO2
S 0.07 SO3 0.17 FeS2 Total: 1.48 – 1.48 –
Ca 0.28 CaO 0.39 Wollastonite
Cu 0.23 CuO 0.28 Cu
Zn 0.22 ZnO 0.28 Zn Table 12
Total: 1.34 – 1.34 – EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 11.

Element wt% Oxide Oxide (%) Standard Label

Table 6
EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 23. O 1.42 – – –
Si 1.25 SiO2 2.67 SiO2
Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label Total: 2.67 – 2.67 –

O 0.31 – – –
S 0.05 SO3 0.12 FeS2 Table 13
Ca 0.29 CaO 0.41 Wollastonite EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 12.
Cu 0.28 CuO 0.35 Cu
Zn 0.23 ZnO 0.29 Zn Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label
Total: 1.17 – 1.17 –
O – – – –
Al 0.00 Al2O3 0.01 Al2O3
Table 7 Si 0.00 SiO2 0.00 SiO2
EDS spectrum analysis for spctrum 24. Total: – – 0.01 –

Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label

Table 14
O 0.48 – – – EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 13.
Mg 0.12 MgO 0.20 MgO
Al 0.08 Al2O3 0.15 Al2O3 Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label
S 0.05 SO3 0.12 FeS2
Ca 0.34 CaO 0.48 Wollastonite O 0.94 – – –
Cu 0.28 CuO 0.35 Cu Si 0.83 SiO2 1.77 SiO2
Zn 0.22 ZnO 0.27 Zn Total: 1.77 – 1.77 –
Total: 1.57 – 1.57 –

Table 15
Table 8 EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 14.
EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 25.
Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label
Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label
O 1.69 – – –
O 29.19 – – – Si 1.48 SiO2 3.17 SiO2
Si 25.36 SiO2 54.25 SiO2 Total: 3.17 – 3.17 –
Ca 0.09 CaO 0.12 Wollastonite
Cu 0.58 CuO 0.72 Cu
Zn 0.45 ZnO 0.57 Zn
et al. [90] have introduced a mathematical model in order to calculate
Total: 55.66 – 55.66 –
the electric field distribution of a 126 kV HV GIS bushing and
simulation was conducted by using ANSYS software. Research has
Table 9 been done and found out an increase of the voltage level of the bushing,
EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 8. the non-uniformity of the electric field between the center conductor
and the grounded flange become outstanding [91–93].
Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label

O 0.30 – – – 6. Investigations on power transformer bushing fire

Al 0.00 Al2O3 0.01 Al2O3 activities
Si 0.25 SiO2 0.54 SiO2
W 0.02 WO3 0.03 W
Total: 0.58 – 0.58 – 6.1. SEM and EDS analysis on burnt bushing

Three collected specimens labeled as I, II and III for white ash,

Table 10 burning housing ashes and solid remains from the burnt bushing,
EDS spectrum analysis for spectrum 9. respectively, are shown in Figs. 11 and 12. These collected specimens
were carefully cut into appropriate pieces to be fitted under the
Element wt% Oxide Oxide% Standard Label
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in order for obtaining the
O 2.19 – – – electron images. The elements in the specimens are further identified
Si 1.92 SiO2 4.11 SiO2 by analyzing the entire scanned area of electron images derived from
Total: 4.11 – 4.11 –
the SEM with the help of Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS)
software involving X-ray spectrum [94].

C. AJ et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 28. 2D representation for bushing with full oil and without oil insulation respectively.

Figs. 13 and 14 represent the SEM electron image and map sum without any insulation (oil acts as insulation) can lead to dielectric
EDS spectrum analysis of the specimen I respectively. In Fig. 13, failure in the bushing [96]. It is then concluded that, bushings are to be
Green, blue and red colors on the electron images identify Silicon (Si), considered in order to reduce the risk of fires associated with the
Carbon (C) and Oxygen (O) elements, respectively. Figs. 15–27 transformer.
represents the scanned image by EDS and EDS spectrum analysis for
specimens II and III, respectively. Tables 5–15 gives the detailed 7. Conclusion
information of the identified elements of the derived EDS spectrum
analysis where, wt% represents the weight of an element in percent. A review on the sources of failures of transformer in the substation
The results obtained from the analysis indicates that specimen I has been presented in this paper by taking into account different
consist of a large percentage of Si (49.2%) and O (49.5%). For studies, which have been conducted to identify the root causes and
specimens II and III different spectrums were obtained by selecting possible remedies of this issue. It can be concluded that condition
random locations within the specimen. Tables 5–8 represents the based diagnosis and maintenance are crucial techniques in the field of
elements found in Specimen II based on the EDS analysis. As can be power transformers. It does not only reduce the maintenance cost, but
seen in Table 8 for spectrum 25 Silicon dioxide (SiO2), also known as also prevents catastrophic event, and thus in turn, lengthens the
silica, is found to have a large concentration (54.25%). This large operating service of the transformers. Research from the previous
concentration comes from the contribution from both SI (25.36%) and and recent years clearly shows the importance of the advanced
O (29.19%) that constitute silica. The chemical element Wollastonite technologies such as intelligent computer programs for developing
(CaSiO3), which is composed of Calcium (Ca) and Silica (SiO2), is diagnostic and maintenance methods to obtain reliable data in order to
found to be common in every spectrum. Tables 9–15 represents the deduce the condition of the equipment operating within the power
types and percentages of elements or compounds found within speci- system. To complete this review some analytical data on a recently
men III. It is found that this specimen is mainly consists of silicon damaged bushing of a power transformer has been added to this study.
dioxide (SiO2), and traces of aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) and tungsten In this case, in addition to calculating the Electric fields and equipo-
(W). tential distribution lines of the damaged bushings of the power
In the power industry, these elements or compounds are usually transformer, SEM and EDS analyses have been carried out to find
made into electrical insulating polymers in order to achieve specific the chemical compounds, which contributed to the bushing fire.
electrical, mechanical and thermal properties [95]. Comparing both
output results of the spectrum analysis and external inspection, it can Acknowledgements
be concluded that the specimen under analysis, belongs to a part of the
high voltage bushing structure, which comprises of cast-resin housing, The authors of this paper would like to acknowledge that this work
electrical insulation and stress cone. Thus, the post fire-outbreak is jointly done and has been reviewed several times.
external inspection supported the analytical results.

6.2. Simulation of electric field using COMSOL

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