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Circle Idiomatic Expression in the texts below.

A. Kim walked to school each day. The school C. This is a story when I was young. One day
was just a hop, skip and a jump from a house. when school was over, I really, really needed to go
She always arrived to school at wee hours to the bathroom. I would have asked the school bus
because her mother taught her that the early driver, but it was too late. I realized that I was in
bird gets the worm. Once she was at school, Kim hot water on the way home. My house was still so
enjoyed lend a helping hand to her teacher far away. I went all out trying to control my
before class. She would make sure that all the bladder. I tried to catch forty winks, but of course
lessons were in order for the day. it didn’t work. I shouted a little each time the bus
shook. Some other students looked at me like I had
Kim loved school and always did her best in each a screw loose.
class. Her work was second to none. When the
teacher was talking, she was al, ears. In fact, she I came clean and asked him to go faster. He thought
as the apple of her teacher’s eye. Everyone liked for a moment, but the bottom line was, “Sorry...the
Kim, because she was a good friend as well. She safety of all children comes first. I cannot drive
never gave another child a cold shoulder, even if faster for you.”
they didn’t see eye to eye on everything.
Finally, I arrived at home and ran to the bathroom!
One day, out of the blue, Km’s teacher called her After that day, I made sure to go to the bathroom
to her desk. She told Kim that there would be a before riding the school bus. I would never make
very challenging test on the next day. She told this mistake again.
her to give it a shot, but that would be very
difficult. She said, “Do not be down in the mouth
if you didn’t get your usual 100!”

The next day, Kim took her test. She did her best
and blew that test out of the water. Kim was
walking on air when she went home that day.

B. In my daily life, there are many kinds of

people, but my boss, John is a really special and
incredible person. He is totally a good egg.
Although he is a company big shot, he doesn’t
abuse his power. On the contrary, he often lets us
have a ball during the workday. He never leaves
important decisions up in the air, the greatest
reason that I admire him is that he leaves no stone
unturned in his work. Although there are lots of
challenges, he faces them all and never gives up.
All in all, his work ethic has really caught my eye.

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