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ACT 1 (three scenes)

Venice, seaport in Cyprus

Iago hates Othello and criticizes him for choosing Cassio to be his lieutenant

Iago serves Othello, as his ensign, in order to take advantage of him

Roderigo and Iago decide to disturb Brabantio, Desdemona’s father

Old black ram: referring to Othello

Roderigo wanted to marry Desdemona

Barbary horse: referring to Othello

Lascivious Moor: referring to Othello

Othello and Desdemona got married

Othello claims to come from a royal family

Desdemona is referred to as a prize

Brabantio accuses Othello of having put a spell on Desdemona and practicing dark magic

The FirstSenatorand the Duke describe Othello as “valiant”

Brabantio says Desdemona is dead to him and insists on the idea that she was drugged or put
under a spell

Othello has been a warrior since he was seven years old

Even Desdemona calls Othello “the Moor”

Sir, if goodness is beautiful, your son-in-law is beautiful, not black.

Brabantio warns Othello that Desdemona may deceive him

Roderigo says he wants to drown himself

Iago is 28 years old

Rumor has it that Othello has slept with Iago’s wife

Iago plans on turning Othello against Cassio by insinuating that the latter is trying to seduce

Iago thinks Othello is easy to manipulate

ACT 2 (three scenes)

A seaport town in Cyprus

The water destroyed part of the Turkish fleet

They don’t know whether Othello is alive or not

Cassio describes Desdemona as being extraordinary

Iago has a very sexist view on women

Iago claims to be very critical

Black as a synonym for ugliness?

Iago tells Roderigo Desdemona is in love with Cassio

Iago plans on having Cassio fired with Roderigo’s help

Iago suspects Othello has slept with his wife, consequently, he wishes to destroy the latter’s

Black Othello

Iago gets Cassio drunk and spreads rumors that he is an alcoholic

Roderigo provokes Cassio and causes a big confusion to start

Othello fires Cassio whose reputation is now ruined

Iago advises Cassio to persuade Desdemona to convince Othello to forgive him

ACT 3 (four scenes)

Cassio goes to the castle. He wishes to speak to Iago's wife so that she could help him reach

Desdemona intercedes in Cassio's favor and convinces Othello to talk to him

Othello gets suspicious

Iago talks about the importance of having a good name

Iago warns Othello about the danger of jealousy

Iago tells Othello he should keep an eye on Desdemona

Othello asks Iago to ask Emilia to do that

Gay scene: Iago lying about Cassio's behavior while sleeping

Othello asks Iago to kill Cassio and plans on killing Desdemona

Othello makes Iago his lieutenant

Iago places Desdemona's handkerchief in Cassio's bedroom

Emília'a speech about men: they stomachs and women are food

Cassio finds Desdemona's handkerchief in his bedroom and gives it to Bianca, his lover

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