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Date: Nov 3, 2018

Time: 2:15 PM
Number of attendees: 21
Opening Prayer: Myron

Inspirational Talk: Bro Allan –Franciscan way of life and values

Continue to serve while you are still young

Input: by Fr Marcelo Tubac

 pointed out about Christ, the eternal masterpiece - earth (our home should be preserved)
 Being a Franciscan youth is never an accident but a respond to call
 We are all saved by Christ’s death and resurrection
 Sin separates us from Christ
 The moment we are conceived we are already tainted with sin, but God cleanse us to redeem us
 Never worry about your failures, God has won our battles. Find meaning and purpose of your
life and overcome your demons.
 The great victory of the resurrection meant evil is destroyed forever and death lost its sting
 Knowing that Francis recognize Christ as the king, we should also do the same


Regional Concerns

Western Mindanao – Hanna

 Still adjusting and trying to impart the YouFra activities. They are still struggling to attract youths
to join them.
 Most of the elected officers are unaware of their responsibilities. Lack of communication and
 Lack of materials on how to conduct activities

Cebu- Jane

 They are struggling to reach out the school-based (Mactan) to establish a local fraternity.
 Reorientation of the OFS-animator
 Lack of funds (region)
 Allocate time to make an input to be used in the orientation
 Suggested to have a three year term

Leyte – Myron

 To conduct a reorientation of the OFS-animator since most of their SA are being reshuffled.
 Most of the newly assigned animator/formator lacks knowledge in handling the YOUFRA

Samar – Regine

 Lack of regular formation

Biliran – Mark

 Some of the animators are not oriented with the YouFra formation manual
 Local officers are not responsive
 Deteriorating members

Bicol – Xian

 They have a hard time in reaching out their spiritual assistant and with regards to their
animator, distance creates miscommunication

Central Luzon – Bricks

 Lack of YouFra module to different stages

 They have difficulty in reaching out their SA (they don’t know where to look for them)


 Impart during the YFAM an orientation to guide them on how to handle the youth
 To conduct fund raising activity that answers the needs of every region/local groups
 To have an activity that caters not only serious ones but empowers them to create more
 To make a clarification regarding those Promise members to go directly to candidacy stage
(undergoing OFS)
 Build a good relationship with the OFS (render obedience and humility)
 Every Region should send a representative in every expanded meeting since the activity is
conducted only once a year.

(5:40 PM)

Agenda - Council Meeting

Time: 8:45 PM
Presider: Earl
 Evaluation of past activities (YNG 2018 – Samar & YouFra Vietnam Visitation)

Financial Reporting: Jeck

 Cash on Hand – 16,198.89 (as of October)

Meeting Proper

Nationwide Feeding Apostolate

 Every 3rd Sunday of November in celebration of St Elizabeth of Hungary (OFS and YouFra Day)
 Regional president should follow up their OFS for the said event

Christmas Apostolate

 Any apostolate shall be done every December

Christmas Fund Raising

 Cake raffle
 Regional officers will look for cake sponsors
 Raffle ticket numbering and design will be provided by the national council
while regional Council will print the ticket
 Ticket will be priced at 5php
 December 1-10 ticket selling
 Cash remittance will be on December 10
 Raffle draw will be on December 16/ region
 Proceeds for the ticket will be proportionately shared by the national and
regional group

Annual Dues

 Suggestion for the Annual dues

 collection should be thru regional president/treasurer
 Barya para sa YouFra (remitted within December)

National Youth Day

 April 23-28, 2019

 There should be delegates coming from every region
 Registration will be 1,500php
 Confirm the number of delegates and detail from Kuya James

OFS YouFra National Reunion

 Possible venue will be in Mindanao

 To be suggested to the OFS National council

YNG 2019

 Venue: Leyte
 May 22, 2019 Arrival Day
 May 23 – 26, 2019 YNG DAYs
 During Taize Prayer there will be a portrayal of saints (night with the saints)
 Live band or night jam (Franciscan songs – to be researched by Bro. Allan)
 Music Ministry – YouFra Biliran
 Pilgrimage proposal - from Baybay to Maasin

YouFra ID

 100/head
 80php will be awarded to first region who will comply (until December only)
 Will be given to those who complied first
 There will be a designated layout artist (Photoshop) / region

YouFra Encounters 2019

 Will be conducted every October by areas (ie, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao)
 2-3 days event (Final dates will be on August 24,25,26, 2019)
 Venue
 Luzon – Central Luzon
 Visayas - Biliran
 Mindanao – Iligan to be confirmed


 Local presidents should convince their formator/animator to join every YNG

 They are required to pay the registration fee

Other Matters

 FNYO concerns – there should be a representative from every diocese (so that we will be
recognized by the archdiocese as an established religious group)
Needed Information:
 Full name
 Nick name
 Mailing address
 Contact Number
 E-Mail Address
 OFS YouFra Asia –Oceania Congress – to be held at Vietnam

 No representative during the YouFra International Gathering 2019 Panama

Evening Prayer: By Bro. Allan (11:45 PM)


Opening Song: Francis’ Dream

Time: 10:00 AM

National Council and Regional President’s Retreat (Proposal)

 To be attended by the regional presidents and national council
 Date: December 7-8, 2019
 Flow for the retreat will be agreed/provided upon by the national council

Closing Prayer: Bro. Allan

Prepared by: MJRV

Approved by: National Council

Adjourned: 11:25 AM


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