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The pages in the report must be arranged as follows:

1. Cover Page
2. Certificate (by company)
3. Certificate
4. Acknowledgement
5. Table of Contents
6. List of figures ,if any
7. List of Tables, if any

8. Chapters:

i. Company Profile: An overview to the products/services offered by organization

ii. Industry at a Glance (Brief about various Departments)
iii. Tools and Technology Used in Industry
iv. Modules Description/ Activities of Industry
v. Modules of Industry (on which I worked)
vi. Details about the modules (on which I worked) with snapshots
vii. Training Outcome
viii. Conclusion

9. References

Text Format
Margin: 1 Inch
Text Size: Heading-18, Sub Heading-16, Sub-Sub Heading-14, Normal Text-12
Font Name: Times New Roman
Footer: Page No., Paragraph: Spacing 1.5 Line, Alignment: Justify, Pages: 60-80
For Presentation: - 30-40 Slides, Time: 30 minutes

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