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(O)Outstanding (G)Good (S)Satisfactory (B)Beginner (U)Unstatisfactory

(N/A) 5 (N/A) 4 (N/A) 3 (N/A) 2 (N/A) 1

Artistic (O)Outstanding (G)Good (S)Satisfactory (B)Beginner (U)Unstatisfactory

10 pts The student put forth The student put forth the The student put forth the The student put forth some The student put forth
Work ethic; the time dedicated extraordinary effort to effort required to complete effort required to finish the effort required to finish the limited effort or the project
to the project inside and/or out complete the project as well the project well; used class project; used some class project; class time was not was not completed; class
of class. as possible; used class time time well and completed all time adequately and used well and completed a time was not used well and
Starting research, well and completed all research and critique work. completed some of the limited amount of research did not complete research
critique and final evaluation. research and critique work. research and critique work. and critique work. and critique work.

Craftsmanship/ Skill (O)Outstanding (G)Good (S)Satisfactory (B)Beginner (U)Unstatisfactory

5 pts
The attention to design, style, The artwork shows The artwork shows good The artwork shows average The artwork shows some The artwork shows limited
and colour relating to outstanding craftsmanship, with some craftsmanship and average craftsmanship and some craftsmanship and limited
experimentation of Batik art. craftsmanship,with clear attention to design, style, attention to design, style, attention to design, style, attention to design, style,
attention to design, style, and colour relating to and colour relating to and colour relating to and colour relating to
and colour relating to experimentation of Batik experimentation of Batik experimentation of Batik experimentation of Batik
experimentation of Batik art. art. art. art.

Creativity/ Originality (O)Outstanding (G)Good (S)Satisfactory (B)Beginner (U)Unstatisfactory

5 pts
Inventiveness, expression of The artwork demonstrates The artwork demonstrates The artwork demonstrates The artwork demonstrates The artwork lacks evidence
ideas and imagination original personal expression some personal expression an average amount of some personal expression of personal expression and
portrayed in the construction of and outstanding Batik art and Batik art skills. personal expression and Batik art skills. Batik art skills.
project. skills. Batik art skills.

Instruction & Concepts (O)Outstanding (G)Good (S)Satisfactory (B)Beginner (U)Unstatisfactory

5 pts
Planned and completed artwork The artwork was planned The artwork was planned The art work is planned The artwork shows some The artwork shows limited
and it is framed titled and carefully and is framed, and framed, titled and adequately and, titled, evidence of understanding understanding of the
signed. titled and signed. signed. framed and signed. the concepts and concepts and instructions.
instructions. Art work was Artwork was not framed,
framed but not labeled or labeled or signed.
signed .

Reflection (O)Outstanding (G)Good (S)Satisfactory (B)Beginner (U)Unstatisfactory

5 pts
reflects and assesses the The student insightfully The student understands The student basically The student minimally The student does not
characteristics and merits of understands Batik Batik techniques and understands Batik understands Batik understand Batik techniques
artwork techniques and describes it describes it fairly well in techniques and didn't techniques and failed to and did not turn in their
well in their reflection. their reflection. describe it well in their describes it well in their reflection.
reflection. reflection.

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