AP Trial Balance Report Analyser

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Download the EBS Payables Trial Balance Analyzer

latest version (200.14)

The zip file contains the package definition file ap_trial_balance_analyzer.sql,

AP_TBAZ.ldt for the concurrent program and wrapper script
ap_trial_balance_analyze.sql for running via the alternate SQL*Plus option.

Since Analyzers are regularly updated to include newly identified issues and
solutions, we highly recommend always using the latest version.
To verify the version of your installed analyzer:

 Execute the analyzer and review the Execution Details section in the
generated output HTML file.
 Alternatively, you can find the analyzer version in the executable package
using following sql statement:

Select name, text from dba_source

text like '%$Id%';

Install the script

 Unzip the file into a local directory, it contains:

o ap_trial_balance_analyzer.sql - defines the Trial Balance Analyzer
o ap_trial_balance_analyze.sql - wrapper to submit the process

 Execute the script as APPS to create the package definition. This is

required each time you download a new version of the script.

sqlplus apps/<apps_password>
SQL> @ap_trial_balance_analyzer.sql

Want to be notified via email when this document is updated? Check out
the Enabling Hot Topics section under the Just the Facts tab of Doc ID
793436.2(My Oracle Support How to Series: How to use Hot Topics Email notification to
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an Important Update - [VIDEO])

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The EBS Payables Trial Balance Analyzer can either be run as a Concurrent Request or
via SQL*Plus. Instructions for both options are listed below.

 Parameters

 Mode: (REQUIRED) This is the diagnostic mode which gives the

flexibility for this diagnostic to run either in Transaction/Daterange
o Transaction (To run it based on invoice_id)
o Daterange (To list all potential problem invoices on APTB)
 Ledger Id: (REQUIRED) The ledger ID of the transaction.
 TB Definition_Code: (REQUIRED) The TB Definition Code defined
in the system.
 Liability Account: (REQUIRED for Date Range mode) The Liability
o Full Liability code combination with separator '-' has to be
 Invoice Id: (REQUIRED for Transaction mode) The invoice ID of
the transaction.
 Start date: (REQUIRED for Date Range mode) The start date of
the period to check the transactions.
 End date: (REQUIRED for Date Range mode) The end date of the
period to check the transactions.
o When running in Date range mode, please pass the Start
Date and End date as the first day and Last day of the AP
period respectively so that the correct corruptions are
 Maximum Rows: (DEFAULT of 20) A number value to indicate
the maximum number of transactions to display for any particular
data validation. Use this number to control the potential size of the
output file if there are validations which return many instances.
 Debug Mode: (DEFAULT of Yes) A yes or no value to indicate if
detailed debug information should be printed to the process log
file. This can be enabled when there are issues running the process
itself in order to assist support in troubleshooting the report
process /span>

Mode details

 Transaction Mode

Use this mode to:

o Show invoice and related payment details for problem
invoice on the Trial Balance.
o Show remaining Amount for Invoice in 11i Trial Balance for
upgraded invoices.
o Check for GDF Corruption: Missing records in
o Check for 11i TB Data Not in 11i Accounting Tables
o Check for 11i Data not in R12 Accounting Tables
o Verify Min and Max Accounting Date in Trial Balance For
Invoice/payment accounting.
o Verify all invoice and payment accounting references same
supplier data.
o Verify all invoice and payment events are accounted.
o Check for Data Marked As Transferred to Gl, but Not Exists
in GL
o Check for Data Multiposted to GL(for Invoice)
o Check for Data Multiposted to Gl(for Payments on Invoice)
o Check for Data with Incorrect Amount Between AP and XLA
o Check for Gl Transferred Data Missing From Trial Balance
o Check for unaccounted event(s) for this invoice/payment.
o Check for accounting not transferred to GL.
o Check for Payment Liability Data Missing Applied to
o Check for Duplicate Data For Invoice / Payment in Trial
o Check for Non-liability type accounting lines that use the
Liability account
o Check for Liability Account Not Defined For the Definition
o Check for Manual Event Data Exists in Trial Balance
o Check for Orphan Accounting Events
o Check for Orphan upgraded invoice accounting events not
associated to any transaction
o Check for Transactions not merged to Destination Supplier
o Check for Liability in 11i, transfer to GL in R12 missing in TB
o Check for various Invoice Related issues
o Check for NULL Accounting event ID
o Check for Incorrect Payment Accounting
o Check for wrong liability accounts to be charged for ERV
o Check for Imported expense reports with wrong precision
o Check for TRV and TERV distributions having wrong
o Check for Accounting transactions not merged to Destination
o Check for Payment accounting not fully relieved
o Check for Payment Adjustment events with incorrect
amounts when using discount
o Check for Wrong accounting dates for the Payment events

 Daterange Mode

Use this mode to:

o Identify generic issues with invoices on the trial balance for
account and date range provided.

Important: When running in Date range mode, please pass the Start
Date and End date as the first day and Last day of the AP period
respectively so that the correct corruptions are shown.

Tip: Run the Trial Balance Analyzer using the "Transaction" mode for
any invoice_ids returned to further investigate specific problem invoices.

 Run the analyzer as a Concurrent Request

Running the 'AP Trial Balance Analyzer' as a concurrent request allows functional
users to run the analyzer without needing the APPS user password.

1. Execute the scripts as user APPS to create the package definitions.

This is required each time you download a new version of the script.

sqlplus apps/<apps_password>
SQL> @ap_trial_balance_analyzer.sql
2. Register the concurrent program.

a. REQUIRED: Put the file AP_TBAZ.ldt (obtained from
downloaded zip file) on your server and use the applications
FNDLOAD command below to import the concurrent
program definition into your instance. Run this command
from the directory where you have downloaded the ldt file
on your server, and note that the APPS password is needed:

FNDLOAD apps/<appspw> 0 Y UPLOAD

$FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct AP_TB

This will create the concurrent program "AP Trial Balance

Analyzer" in the Payables application.

b. Optional: If the request group for the responsibility you use

does not include all Payables programs at the application
level, you will have the additional step of adding the process
to the responsibility request group.
o Determine what request group your responsibility is
- Connect to the System Administrator responsibility,
navigate to Security > Responsibility > Define and
query AP responsibility being used.
- Under "Request Group" note down the name.
o Query request group in Security > Responsibility >
o Add an entry for the Program "AP Trial Balance
Analyzer" to the request group being used.

3. To run the analyzer:

a. Navigate from the Payables responsibility to Requests > Run
b. Query the single Request "AP Period Close Analyzer"
c. Choose the OK button, then the Submit button
d. Navigate to View > Requests and choose Find
e. Click on View Output button to open output

When saving output, make sure to choose 'Web Page,

HTML only' for the Save as type.
4. Review the output file to determine if any issues requiring action
have been found.

5. If issues are identified, the output file will provide the action to be
taken, note and bug numbers to resolve the issues for the affected
transactions when they are available.

 Run the Analyzer via SQL*Plus (alternate method)

 Run the wrapper script ap_trial_balance_analyze.sql to submit

the process.
This script will prompt you for the TB Definition Code, ledger id,
Start Date, End Date, Analyzer mode and the transaction id
(depending on the mode).

 For additional flexibility, the process can also be called without

running the wrapper script as well. The report is run by executing
appropriate parameters. See below for a detailed listing of the
procedure's parameters and their usage.
Here are some execution examples:

SQL> set serveroutput on size 1000000

1. To validate a particular invoice:

p_mode => 'Transaction',
p_ledger_id2 => <ledger_id>,
p_tb_code2 => <TB_definition_code>,
p_invoice_id => <invoice_id>,
p_liab_acc2 => <liab_acc>);

2. To validate the other generic errors in a particular date range

related to APTB:
p_mode => 'Daterange',
p_ledger_id2 => <ledger_id>,
p_tb_code2 => <TB_definition_code>,
p_start_date => <start_date>,
p_end_date => <end_date>,
p_liab_acc2 => <liab_acc>);

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The EBS Payables Trial Balance Analyzer generates a html report output that
makes reviewing the output easy and effective. Where the output is stored is
dependent on how the report was run.

If the Analyzer is run as a concurrent request:

 Navigate to View > Requests and choose the View Output button.
 To save the output, select File > Save Page As then choose ' Web Page,
HTML only' for the 'Save as type'.
 The output is also available on your server at
$APPLCSF/$APPLOUT/o<REQUEST_ID>.out and can be copied &
renamed to <meaningful_filename>.html

If the Analyzer is run from SQL*Plus:

 The location of output file will be displayed in the SQL*Plus window after
 Name will be AP_TB_Analyzer_<sid>_<date>.html

Click the button below to view a sample output of the EBS Payables Trial Balance

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