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Application Form /Call for Participation


Contact information

Your name: Edwin Aronds

Title: ing.

Organisation: Rayvin Energysystems BV

Address: dr. M.A.M. Klompéstraat 17

City: Gorinchem

Country: The Netherlands

Phone and Fax: +31183629021 or +31650682189



Name of innovation: Rayvin Savonius Turbine

The disadvantage of the Savonius wind generator is the low yield. Reason for this low yield is the resistance that
the blade edge gets when it is turning against the direction of the wind.

Figure 2. top view (drawing) of the Savonius wind generator
The net yield(= red circle) will be around the difference of power on the blade edge which turns around with the
direction of the wind, reduced with the power that the blade edge has to perform to turn around against the
direction of the wind.
Rayvin Savonius Turbine (RST)
To prevent or to reduce this disadvantage, Rayvin Energysystmes developed a construction for the Savonius
windmill so that the blade edge which turns around against the direction of the wind, gets hardly no resistance
anymore. This is only a cover around half of the windmill which prevents that the incoming wind reaches the blade
edge which turns around against the direction of the wind..

Figure 2. top view drawing of the Savonius wind generator

The net yield(= red circle) will be around the difference of power on the blade edge which turns around with the
direction of the wind, reduced with the power that the blade edge has to perform to turn around against the
direction of the wind.
Rayvin Savonius Turbine (RST)
To prevent or to reduce this disadvantage, Rayvin Energysystmes developed a construction for the Savonius
windmill so that the blade edge which turns around against the direction of the wind, gets hardly no resistance
anymore. This is only a cover around half of the windmill which prevents that the incoming wind reaches the blade
edge which turns around against the direction of the wind. This is the red line in figure 3.

Figure 3. Rayvin Savonius Turbine construction

To upgrade the incoming wind so that it reaches much better the blade edge which turns around with the direction
of the wind, the other half of the windmill is partly covered. (black line)
The complete cover(red and black line) are connected together with a top- and bottom plate and can also turn
around independed from the windmill itself.
The opening of the windmill will always be directed to direction of the wind by the weather-vane.

Opening in

Figure 4. Rayvin Savonius Turbine construction

The air that flows around the cover can also cause a certain vacuum performance around the cover.
The cover therefore contains more than one gap (δP on the figure 3) so that the arise vacuum will suck the air out

of the cover. The resistance of the blade edge in the cover will then be lowered so that the yield will increase
more then 100%.

Other advantages of this wind generator are:

-safe operation;
-smooth running;
-long lifespan;
-hardly no maintenance;
-easy and simple construction and therefore an affordable price;
-only very small horizontal pollution;
-for turning around it is independend of the direction of the wind;
-already turning around at very low wind speed;
-no risk for flying birds because they can see the total wind mill.

800 mm

1200 mm


Figure 5. Rayvin Savonius Turbine construction

. Figure 6. Photo Rayvin Savonius Turbine

Extruded aluminium or stainless steel turbine and self lubricating bearings from the automotive industry eliminate
the need of servicing.

The generator is a permanent magnet 1000 Watt generator which can be mounted beside or at the end of the
spindle drive.

The wind generator has a maximum capacity of 1000 watts. According to the average wind speed in the
Netherlands, the average yield will around 350 Watts per hour or around 3000 kilowatts per year for a
standard household. This will save around 70% on the use of electricity from the grid. For the central
electricity production the result will be around 40% less production of electricity and so less use of fossile
fuels and less emsision of CO2

III. Costs and Liability

How much would it cost to purchase your product / process / innovation? Between € 2500 - € 3000
exclusive tax but inclusive a battery and an inverter.
Give us an estimation of the operating and technical maintenance costs of your innovation. € 10,-
a year
What would be the value-price ratio of such a purchase?
What economical or financial profits, could a company or any purchaser make from your product
/ process / innovation? 25% - 40%
Could you quote existing references, which would prove that your product is already on the
market? The first standard wind generator is now being produced.
Which firm or country is already trying out your innovation? The Netherlands
What are the results? The results of the pilot model are:
With the cover construction for the Savonius windmill all the advantages will be maintained and the disadvantage
is reduced to a minimum. Test results with a 12 Volt and 100 Watt generator showed that the yield at several
windspeeds increased with more than 100%.
Graph 1. Testresults yield measurements
Testresults Rayvin Savonius Turbine

6 Am pèr e y ield
without cov er
Am pèr e y ield with
5 cov er
Am pe r e

w indspe e d 5 10 16 25

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