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Q1. For the assembly of springs as shown figure 1.1 below, determine global stiffness matrix
using (a) Rayleigh-Ritz Method and (b) System Assembly Procedure.

Fig: 1.1
Q2. Two trolleys are connected by the arrangement of springs shown in figure 1.2 below. (a)
Determine the complete set of equilibrium equations for the system in the form [K]{δ} = {F}
in global sense. (b) If k=50 lb/in, F1 = 20 lb and F2 = 15 lb, compute the displacement of each
trolley and the force in each spring.

Fig: 1.2
Q3. For the spring system shown in the accompanying figure 1.3, determine displacement of
each node using (a) Rayleigh-Ritz method and also by (b) System Assembly Procedure.

Fig: 1.3

Q4. Consider the spring mounted bar shown in figure 1.4. Solve for displacements of point P
and Q. Assume cross-sectional area of the bar is ‘A’ and modulus of elasticity of the bae
material is ‘E’.

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Fig: 1.4
Q5. Consider the bar as shown in figure 1.5. Determine the nodal displacements, element
stresses and support reactions using Finite Element Method. Consider modulus of elasticity
of the bar material as 200 GPa.

Fig: 1.5
Q6. A tapered rod is subjected to body force f= x2 acting in the x-direction and also a point
load P= 2N as shown in figure 1.6.
(a) Use Rayleigh-Ritz method with an assumed displacement field u = 𝑎0 + 𝑎1 𝑥 + 𝑎2 𝑥 2
to determine expressions for displacement u(x) and stress σ (x).
(b) Determine deflection at free end and at midpoint of the tapered bar using FEM.
Consider here thickness of the tapered bar as 0.2 m and modulus of elasticity of the
bar material is 50 N/m2.

Fig: 1.6

Q7. Figure 1.7 depicts an assembly of two bar elements made of two different materials.
Determine the nodal displacements, element stresses and reaction forces at support.

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Fig: 1.7
Given A1 = 4in2, A2 = 2.25 in2, E1 = 15 ×106 lb/in2, E2 = 10×106 lb/in2 and L1 = L2 = 20in.
Q8. The plane truss shown in Figure 1.8 is subjected to a downward vertical load at node 2.
Determine the deflection of node 2 in the global coordinate system and the axial stress in
each element. For both elements A = 0.5 in2 and E = 30 ×106 psi.

Fig: 1.8

Q9. For the truss in figure 1.9 a horizontal load of P= 4000 lb is applied in x-direction at node
2. Also consider E= 30×106 psi and A= 1.5 in2 for each member. Now
(a) Determine deflection of node 2 and 3.
(b) Evaluate stresses in element 2 and 3.
(c) Determine reaction force at node 2 in y-direction.

Fig: 1.9
Q10. The cantilever truss in Figure 1.10 was constructed by a builder to support a winch
and cable system (not shown) to lift and lower construction materials. The truss members are
nominal 2 × 4 southern yellow pine (actual dimensions 1.75 in. × 3.5 in.; E = 2 × 106 psi).

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Calculate global displacement components of all unconstrained nodes, axial stress in each
member and reaction forces at constrained nodes.

Fig: 1.10

Q 11 Figure 1.11 shows a two-member plane truss supported by a linearly elastic spring.
The truss members are of a solid circular cross section having d = 20 mm and E = 80 GPa.
The linear spring has stiffness constant 50 N/mm. Now determine global displacement of the
unconstrained node. Also calculate reaction forces at constrained nodes and stresses in bars.

Fig: 1.11

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