19 Precise Theodolite

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. Observe a levelling staff

(2) Bring the telescope level central by the foot screws
about 100 m away and note the reading.
pe and again set the vertical
(3) Loose the vertical circle clamp, transit the telesco
if necessary and again read the staff
circle to read zero. Swing through 180" • Re-level
held on the same point. If the reading is unchan
ged, the adjusbnent is correct.
Adjustment : (1) If not, bring the line of collimation
on to the mean reading by. Precise Theodolites
ruming the vertical tangent screw.
clip screw.
(2) Return the vernier index to zero by means of
by means of adjusting screws attaching
(3) Bring the bubble of the level rube central 19.1•. INTRODUCTION
it to the telesco pe.
degree of refinement. lu earlier
The instrumentS for geodetic survey require great
(4) Repeat till no error is discovered. ent was obtained by malting greater
days of geodetic surveys, the required degree of refinem
lite of Ordinance Survey bad a diameter
PROBLEMS diameter of the. borirontal circles. The great theodo
were replace d by the micrometer theodolites (similar
of 36". These large diameter theodolites
theodolite and state the object of as the Troughton and Sirnm's 12" or
1. Give a list of the permaaent adjustments of a traDsit n axis peljleodicular to the vertical in principle to the old 36" and 24" instruments) such
how you would make the trunnio cy bas been to replace the micrometer
each of the adjostmeot. Describ e . . the Parkhurst 9". However, more recently the tenden
axis. arc) such as the Wild, Zeiss and
theodolites by others of the double reading type (glass
2. What is spire test 1 How is it carried ? The distinguishing features of the
Tavistock having diameters of 5 ~" and 5" respectively.
level over T·frame of the vertical
"i 3. Explain the adjostment for making the axis of the spirit double reading theodolite with optical micrometers
are as follows :
cin:Ie peljleodicular to the vertical axis of the theodolite.
(1) They are small and light.
(il) The graduations are on glass circle, and
are much finer.
mean of the two reading s on opposi te sides of the circle is read
(iii) The
directly in an auxiliary eye-piece genera lly besides the · telescope. This saves
saves disturb ance of the instrument.
the observing time, and also
for microm eter run are necess ary.
(iv) No adjusnnents
(v) It is completely water-proof and dust proof.
(w) It . is electrically illuminated.
lation of high precision.
There are two types of instruments used in the triangu
2. The direction theodo lite.
1. The repeating theodolite.
(1) The Repeating Theodolite
is that it bas a double vertical
Tbe characteristic feature of the repeating theodolite
more verniers to read to 20, 10 or
axis (two centres and two clamps). It has two or
lite. The vernier theodolite by M/s.
5 seconds. The ordinary transit is the repeating theodo
tic Theod olite No. I, fall under this category.
Vickers lustruments Ud. and the Watts Microp
(2) The Direction Theodolite
single horizontal clamp-and-tangent
Tbe direction theodolite bas only one vertical axis, and a
Optical micrometers are used to
screw which controls the rotation about the· vertical axis.
of the gradua ted circle. The direction thecdolite
read fractional parts of the smallest divisions
in the first order or second order triangulation survey.
is used for very precise work needed
category, and will be discussed here.
Wild T-2, T-3 and T-4 theodolites fall under this
Graduation 360' to 1112°
microptic theodolites Reading by vernier microscopes to 30".
Messers Hilger and Watts Ltd. manufacture three models of optical
precise having a least count 3. T.4co pe
No. I. No. 2 and No. 5. Out of the three, No. I is most II .
directly to 20" and by estimation to Length of telescope 8 T6 10.
of I" while in No. 2, the reading can be taken
I. 7 .
5". Fig. 19.1 shows Watts Microptic Theodolite No. Aperture of object glass I 16m.
and images of both are
The Theodolite has horizontal and vertical circles of glass Internal
brought together with that of the micrometer scale, into the
field of view of the reading
are figured at each degree.
Min. Focus 8 i
ft. l'
eyepiece. Both circles are divided directly to 20 minutes and [;
scale (Fig. 19.2) which gives the micrometer 26 dia.
Finer sub-divisions are read from the lowest Magrtification
intervals and figured at every 5 minutes. The two The borizontal circle is read with the help of micrometer microsc
opes. Fig, 19.4
reading. It is divided at 20 second '
e precise setting. They take
circle scales are read against patented indexes which facilitat (a) shows the image after the target I
ments of the lines beneath '
the form of hollow triangular pointers which indicate light displace has been aimed at. This position
y large asymmetry of small
them. A small lateral displacement of a line result
on either
it. Estimat ed readings may 'l"SilY
is shown as 'zero position'. In [
triangles of light beneath the pointer the lower half of the field of view
he made to 5 seconds . the graduDJion is seen while
In use, the micrometer is adjusted until the nearest division of
the circle being observed the secondary graduation appears I
·· b !Il ! i iI l l l l J I
:---:-:: :-o
is brought into coincidence with the index. r-':-:-: at the upper half. Double.Jine index
The reading of the micrometer scale is I· ill
191 190 191 190
Oower half of figure) is used for
th~ added to tha~ of~ circle to give
v · · · v v· · - v setting of graduation, while sin·
(a) ZERO rosmoN
(b) READING rosmoN ii
the msb11Dlent reading. Ftg. 19.2 (a) shows

1 'r
gle.Jine index is used for setting ( 38' 23' 32" )
the field of view when coincidence has
H/ 12l 1T 1 H11111~H of secondary graduation. Fig. 19.4 fl
been made for the borizontal circle reading,
using the optical micrometer screw. The ~
24 23

ililllllliM IIIiiliiil
(b) marks the field of view as PIG. t9.4. BXAMPLB OP HORIZONrAL CIRCLB READING.
it is seen when the grsduation line
readin g on the horizo ntal circle is which may originally appear at the left of the firm double-line 'i"
23° 20' and that on the micrometer is index has been placed keenly amidst the double-line index
12' 30". The total reading on the horizontal (a) (b) by means of the micrometer screw on the microscope. By
circle. is, therefo re, 23° 20'+12' 30" Coincidence for horizontal Coincidence for vertical this arrangement, the secondary graduation has been posed auto·
cl<ele reading 23'32'3cr circle reading 190047'30"'
= 23" 32' 30". Fig. 19.2 (b) shows the matically (l1ld mark in the figure 3' 16d (' = double seconds).
same field of view when coincidence has FIG. EU Vlf.W IN tw-11CR01o1ETER OF WATfS Readin gasper figurel husisfo undtob e38' 23' 16dor3 8' 23' 32".
been made for the vertical circle reading. MICROPTIC TIIEODOLITE NO. I
The vertical circle is read by simple vernier microscope.
The reading on the vertical circle is 190" 40'
vertical circle is, therefore, Fig. 19.5. shows the example of vertical circle reading. The
and that on microm eter is 7' 30". The total reading on the
reading after setting to reading position is 129" 34' 00"
190° 40' + 7' 30" = 190° 47' 30". PIG. 19.5. VERTICAL CIRCLE
'Themi'. The insb11Dlent circles are made of
Fig. 19.3. shows the photograph of Fennel's precise theodolite Fig. 19.6 shows the photograph of Wild T-2 theodolite. Both
and that of vertical circle is 70 mm
has following specifications : glass. The diameter of borizontal circle is 90 mm
le mirrors . The artificial illumin ation required at
1. Horizontal circle and both are illuminated through adjustab
g the mirror. The telescope
Diameter 5 in. night or in tunnels is supplied by an electric lamp replacin
mm. The vertical axis system
Graduation 360" to 116" . is of internal focusing type having an over-all length of 148
on ball bearings. which
to ...... 2". consists of the axle bush and the vertical axis turning therein
Reading by micrometer microscopes ensurfug easy ·estimation ent. The glass circle is moumed on
is automatically centred by the weight of the instrum
2. Vertical circle as desired by drive knob. Since there
the outer side of the axle bush and is oriented
Diameter 4 in.
39S ll
The images of divisions, diametrically opposite each other, are made
to coincide when If
is only one set of clamp and tangent
screw for the motion about the ver-
are d
6' ...oo• ... ... oo•
setting the micrometer. The reading can be taken
0.25" or 0.5". ·)·
direct to one second and be estimated to

tical axis, the angles measure
An optical plumme t for centring over a ground mark is incorporated. The horizon
by direction method only. ThiS is, imperso nal manner

M 8
being controll ed in an
circle is rotated by level pirtion, the engagement l,.
therefore a direction theodoUte. by cam connected to the cover ov.er the control screw. A
single slow motion screw is I·
The readings are made with
the microscope mounted adjacent to
r"T 'I"'t~B ' . ,,?1 rr: Jl: :rJ provided in azimuth.

Fig. 19.9 shows the field of view of the 7 7 i:

the telescope eyepiece. In the field (a) (b) 13"54'32"
reading micrometer at coincidence. The coincidence 8 v 9 '~;

of view of the microm eter appear 6 r ,,


is made by the micrometer setting theodolite. 30 ~·

the circle graduations from two parts
of the circle ISO• apart. The circle
•s• os• ~s~ os~
Coincidence takes place at intervals of 10 minutes,

the coarse and fine readings always being additive, l+

is divided in W-minute intervals. FIG. 19.9 VIEW IN TilE MICROM ETER r~.
230 231 providedtheobservernoteswbetberthecoincidence :.:
The appearance of field of view takes place opposite the reading mark or sym- OF COOKE TAVJSl'O CK ll!EOOO UTI!. ['
is shown in each of the rectangles r
metrically on either side of the reading mark
of Fig. 19.7. rr:f'f'""'~",, r=:f'l"'f'"'"'fj (as illustrated) in which case 10 minutes must be added to
the coarse reading, short of
i·~ o;

Coincidence system is osed -':-:; Thus, the reading illustrated is ''

(c) (d) 230"26'46' the reading mark, in addition. to the micrometer reading. _]1
to take the readings. Fig. l9.4(a)
shows the field of view before co- FIG. 19.7. VIEWS IN MICROMEI'ER OF WILD T-2
78" 56' 27".5
by Messers Vickers
In another model of Geodetic Tavistock theodolite manufactured
incidence. The rectangle shows the ll!EOOOUTI!.
Instruments Ltd., the reading can be taken direct to 0.5 second of arc on the horizontal l~-'
scale reading, while the micrometer
ion over a range from circle and I second on the vertical circle.
scale, seen underneath the rectangle, shows single second graduat
is thua rotated, the positions 19.6. THE WILD T-3 PRECISION THEODOLITE
0 to 10 minutes. The lower numbers in the micrometer scale
oplical/y simulta neously by equal primary triangulation.
of the circles that appear in the rectangle are moved Fig. 19.11 shows the W'dd T-3 precision theodolite meant for
occurs, as shown in Fig. 19.7 (b) where The graduat ion interval of horizontal
amouniS in opposite directions till coincidence Both the horizontal and vertical circles are made of glass.
the reading is 13" 54' 32". Fig. 19.7 (c) shows another illustrat ion before coincidence and
circle is 4' and that of the vertical is 8' . The readings can be taken on the optical
·~I :~r

after coincid ence where the final reading is to 0.02". The followin g is the technical data:
Fig: 19.7 (d) shows the .saine micrometer direct to 0.2" and by estimation
230° 26' 46". Magnification 24, 30 or 40 x :·.
nce occurs every '
Since both sides of the circle are moved simultaneously, a coincide Clear diameter 2.36 in. (60 mm) :~
. The microm eter scale, therefor e, has a range of only
time they are moved 11 minutes
occurs, the index line will Sbonest focusing dislaJICO 15 ft (4.5 m)
10 minutes to ensure reaching a coincidence. When coincidence
20 minute lines. Normal range .. .. . 20 to 60 miles (32 km to 96 km)
either be against a 20 minute line or half-way between two
Field of view at 1000 ft .. .. .. .. 29 ft (8.84 m) ~~
uame from the fact Length of telescope 10.2 in. (260 mm)
The Tavistock theodolite is a precision theodolite and derives iiS "'Hi
Tavisto ck in Devon between Sensitivity of alidade level, 7" per 2 mm ~I
that it was the outcome of a conference held in 1926 at :~:

instrument makers and British Govermnent survey officers . Fig. 19.8 shows the Cooke's Sensitivity of collimation level 12" per 2 mm ·
Tavistock theodolite manufactured by Messrs Vickers Instrum eniS Ltd., England . Coincidence adjustment of vertical circle level to 0.2"
on the glass annuli. Diameter to horizontal circle· 5.5 in. (140 mm)
The horizontal and vertical circles are graduated every 20 minutes
is provide d for both circles, the circle reading eyepiece being Graduation interval of horizontal circle 4'
A single optical micrometer
situated parallel to the main teloscope. A control on the standard
of the instrum ent enables Diameter of vertical circle 3.8 in. (97 mm)
Both circles are illumina ted by a Graduation interval of vertical circle 8'
the observer to select which circle is to be viewed.
single mirror. Graduation interval of micrometer drum 0.2".
~ ,I

Diameter of scale : 250 mm {9.84")

axis rurning therein
II The vertical axis system consists of the axle bush and the vertical Interval between divisions : 2'
the instrument. The glass
on ball bearings, which is automatica!ly centred by the weight of Direct teadings 10 : 0" .I
as desired by drive
circle is mounted on the outer side of the axle bush and is oriented
knob. siiice there is oiJiy one set of clamp and tangent screws for the motion about vertical Elevation (vertical) circle on glass, 360"
method oiJiy. This is, therefor e, a direction Diameter of scale : 145 mm 5.71"
axis, the angles are measured by direction
tlu!odolile. Interval between divisioris : 4"
. The micrometers for reading the horizontal and vertical
circles are both viewed in
Direct readings 10 : 0" .2
the same eyepiece which lies at the side of the telescop e. In the field of view of the
two parts Setting circle, for telescope angle of sight
micrometer appear the circle graduat ions from
Interval of divisions : 1•
of circle 180" apan, separated by a horizontal line.
Scale reading microscope interval : 10'
The horizontal circle is divided. in 4' interval. The ap-
pearance of field of view is shown in Fig. 19.10 in Angles can be estimated to : I'
which the top window shows the circle readings. A Sensitivity of · suspension level : I"
vertical line in the bottom half of the window serves of elevation circle level : 5" Example of a vertical
as an index from which the coarse readings are taken. of Horrebow level (both) : I"- 2" drcle reading
The lower window is graduated to seconds readings · 34° 25' 26. 9"
and carries a pointer. Coincidence system is used 10 The vertical and azimuth circles are both
take the readings. To read the micrometer, rilicrometer equipped with a reading micrometer which gives
Example of a horizontal
knob is turned so that the two sets of graduations in automatica!Iy the arithmetic mean of two dia- drde reading
the upper window appear 10 coincide one another, and Circle reading 16640' metrica!ly opposed readings. Fig. 19.13 shows 146° 27' 19. r

I, I'
II then be given 39" 3 the example of circle readings.
finally coincide. The seconds readings will I st drum reading
39" .4
by the scale and pointer in the lower wmdow. The
2nd drum reading The eyepiece is equipped with the so-called
:·:. i FIG. 19.10 166"41' 18".7
,, . reading on the seconds scale in the bottom window longirude micrometer for accurate recording of
',' I
I' is one-half of the proper reading. Hence, the number a star's transit. The reversal of the horizontal
, or opposite graduations · axis and telescope is carried out by a special
!! ! of seconds which are read on this scale must either be doubled
the two readings on
in the upper window should· be brought into coincidence twice and hydraulic arrangement which ensures freedom from
:1 I the seconds scale added together, as illustrated in Fig. 19.10. vibration. Electrical lighting, to illuminate both
in a clockwise circle and field, is built into the body.
! To view the horizontal circle reading, an .inverted knob is turned
in the reverse direction.
direction ; to view the vertical circle reading, the knob is turned
Thus, the same eyepiece can he used for taking the readings of bow the circles.
FIG. 19.13
ation, the
The Wild T-4 is a theodolile of utmost precision for first order triangul
mical observa lions. The instrument
detenniruuion of gecgraphic positions and taking astrono r of that
which is almost double the diamete
has a horizontal circle of 250 mm (9.84")
with greater accurac y. The theodol ite is "
of T-3 model. The reading can thus be taken through
the image formed in the telescop e is viewed
of the 'broken telescope' type ; that is,
hollow. The graduation
an eyepiece placed at one end of the trunnion axis which is made
optical micrometer. The
interval on horizontal circle is 2' with direct reading to 0.1" on
other technical data is as follows :
Telescope power : 65 x
Clear objective glass apertute : 60 mm (2.36")
Azimuth (horizontal) circle on glass : 360"

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