The Effectiveness of Physical Appearance in A Romantic Relationship To Selected Students of Humss in Lyceum of Alabang S.Y. 2018 - 2019

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Basic Education Department - Senior High School

Humanities and Social Sciences Strand




OF ALABANG S.Y. 2018 - 2019


Camerino, John Cedric

Cataluna, Francezca La Reign

Fajardo, Lyza Alexandra

Pablo, Andre Lance W.

Pablo, Andrea Laurice W

Talastas, Oliver Wendell

Strand & Section:

11 – HUMSS - Lamentation

Basic Education Department - Senior High School
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand



Nowadays, a lot of teenagers also struggle through everyday life because

they don’t or can’t match up to what society wants and demands to see. Therefore,
anyone that doesn’t have these ideal and physical beauty that the society demands are
considered to be weird, freaks, ugly, or outcasts. Beauty in today’s society is perceived
in terms of one’s size and complexion. The notion of beauty in today’s society has been
misconstrued to mean slim bodies, flawless skin, etc. Most people think that beauty is
just on the surface, and now this study will inform us on how does it really affect a
relationship? Is it really a big Issue? Can you really measure the bond of a relationship
through the appearance of the other? The fundamental point and purpose of this study is
to enlighten the people that beauty does really had an effect to every individual, and also
change the true essence and meaning of beauty. I ask the reader to challenge the ideas
presented and reflect on his or her perception of beauty.

Basic Education Department - Senior High School
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Background of the Study

There’s no getting around it. In this world, you’re better off being good-looking. At
all ages and in all walks of life, attractive people are judged more favorably, treated better,
and cut more slacker. The first thing we notice when we meet someone is their face. There
are faces that launch a thousand ships, and faces that only a mother could love, and we
are supremely attuned to tell the difference. The brain, among its many other functions, is
a beauty detector. The brain is such a good beauty detector, in fact, that it can judge the
appeal of a face before you’re aware you’ve even seen one. Relationship between
physical attractiveness, physical effectiveness, and self-esteem: A cross-sectional
analysis among adolescents. Thornton & Ryckman (1991) explained in Journal of
adolescent, both attractiveness and effectiveness were significantly related to the self-
esteem of males and females. In contrast to previous research, attractiveness and
effectiveness did not appear to be differentially important to the self-esteem of males and
females and consistent patterns were evident across the different grade-levels. These
results are believed to reflect changes occurring in sex-role expectations and socialization.
This research has a title that everyone, Does Beauty or Physical Attractiveness of a person
really affect a relationship? In this research we will also investigate and study of how does
beauty or physical appearance in a relationship, does relationship is indeed measurable
by the way a person look like? French et al. (2009) found that better-groomed students
earned higher grades. Interestingly, they found no beauty effect in GPAs after controlling
for grooming and personality. (Ritts, Vicki & Patterson, Miles & E. Tubbs, M. Expectations,
Impressions, and Judgments of Physically Attractive Students: A Review. Review of
Educational Research - REV EDUC RES. 62. 413-426. 10.3102/00346543062004413).
This article examines the effect of students’ physical attractiveness on a variety of

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand
judgments made in educational settings. This review discusses the following issues: (a)
methodology for studying physical attractiveness in a relationship; (b) students’
judgments, expectations, and impressions of physically attractive towards their partner;
and (c) the influence of moderator variables such as gender, race, conduct, and physical
attractiveness effects. Finally, the possible mechanisms responsible for the attractiveness
effect and the limitations of this research are discussed.

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Theoretical Framework

The following content within this section of our research is the theory or other
literature related to beauty and its effect on the relationship of a person towards another
person. In the last decades there are other researchers who are interested in knowing
what really is the definition and Effects of beauty in our today’s society
The Darwinian Theory of Beauty (2010) by Denis Dutton
We need to reverse engineer our present artistic tastes and preferences and explain
how they came to be engraved in our minds by the actions of our largely prehistoric
Pleistocene environment, where we became fully human, but also the social situations in
which we evolved.
Knowner, 1995
a ranking of one's own physical attractiveness is related to the formation of
relationships between couples
Cunningham, Barbee, & Pike, 1990; Mehrabian & Blum, 1997; Singh et al., 1995
Specifically, well-groomed females with slender figures, low waist-to-hip ratios,
large breasts, and high-status clothing were selected to represent the attractive female for
our study. Well-groomed muscular males with neotenous features of large eyes,
prominent cheekbones, broader chins, and high-status clothing were selected to represent
the attractive male.

Basic Education Department - Senior High School
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Conceptual Framework


to Selected Results of the
Students in  Interview a few survey and
HUMSS Strand. HUMSS Interview.
Participants of Researcher will
 Survey selected
the Research be able to
students in determine
HUMSS Strand HUMSS Students’
Related Perception
Literature about
the Topic

Basic Education Department - Senior High School
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand


There is nothing rarer, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically
herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true beauty is. Do not
look outside look in the inner side of once person.
Example there are two friend the one is so beautiful and the other one is slight ugly but if
you know what is the true beauty is you can show them how beauty they are. It seems
that embracing your true self radiates a natural beauty that cannot be diluted or ignored.
That beautiful, radiant is you. Any woman or any people can be powerful thru their own
beauty. You can inspire them by creating more songs, poetry, and powerful expressions
of the true heart’s desires. A Woman that is powerful can exude a life-changing beauty,
sensuality, and confidence. If you know what true beauty is you will also know what is the
definition of Confidence and it will boost this on your performance. Lastly if the people
make you feel that you are not beautiful think the good people that appreciate your beauty
because yes they can tell you that you are ugly but only words they can give you.

Basic Education Department - Senior High School
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Significance of the Study

In fact, they are the one who will be able to see the beauty of individuality. This
study is directed to benefit the following:
 The Students
 The Teachers
 The Parents
 Future Researchers

Students: because nowadays the students didn’t know what is the true difference between
a relationship, if it is measurable by simply looking at the physical appearance of someone.
It can affect their studies as well as their co-students can affect them.
Teachers: because the teachers are the one who can see how does a relationship actually
get built, they will be able to guide the students when they knew how the relationship
formed by their students depends on physical attractiveness.
Parents: When they are informed about this study they will be able to guide their children
on how it will affect their studies and personalities.
Future Researchers: This will add up some informative details about understanding the
effectiveness of physical appearance to a romantic relationship. It can also be the source
of their research.

Overall this research can show the people their sense of physical attraction. The
students, teachers, parents and the future researchers.

Basic Education Department - Senior High School
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will cover some of the opinions of the selected senior high school
students in Lyceum of Alabang related to the effectiveness of beauty on some students’
relationship. This will also be focused on the respondent's Physical appearance or
someone related to the respondent.

The purpose of this study will be to discover the basis of an individual to know if
they are really having a very good physical appearance, and how can physical appearance
affect a romantic relationship between two persons. This study will be held in Lyceum Of
Alabang. This study will only be focused on senior high school students in the strand of
Humanities and Social Science.

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Definition of Terms

Beauty – (n.) the pleasing or attractive features of something

Effectiveness – (n.) the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired


Humanities – (n.) the human race; human beings collectively; humaneness;


Individual – (adj.) single; separate

Perception – (n.) the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the


Relation – (n.) the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected;

a thing's effect on or relevance to another

Society – (n.) the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.

Basic Education Department - Senior High School
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand


This Chapter presents the review or related literature and studies which is relevant
to our topic about the effectiveness of physical appearance in a relationship of HUMSS
students. This will also support the theories and hypothesis that we construct in our

Foreign Literature

Dion, Berscheid, and Walster (1972)

The existence of beliefs based upon the physical appearance of persons has been
recognized by philosophers and the lay public long before social scientists became
interested in investigating the variable of physical appearance. Dion, Berscheid, and
Walster (1972) mentioned the many theorems in folk psychology which supposedly
allowed one's character and personality to be judged simply from one's outward
appearance. One example is Aristotle's philosophical comment that "Beauty is a greater
recommendation than any letter of introduction."

Andrew Thomas et al. (2019)

they wanted to build a machine that can predict a person’s attractiveness. There
are several characteristics when we say a person is beautiful, While there is difference in
what each of us regards as beautiful, cutting through this noise are common and
consistent preferences. Psychological traits such as a sense of humor, intelligence and
kindness are generally sought after. Further than that, physical attributes such as waist-

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand
to-hip ratio (Vital Statistics), sex-typical voice pitch, and facial symmetry are also
desirable. Also mentioned in his article that in order to be beautiful in the mass of
people, we would be leading to ask a few people/students on which trait is the most
beautiful and the answer holds the most influence over anything. Doing this would
require taking a large sample of the population and measuring all the psychological and
physical traits known to contribute to Beauty

Kurzban and Weeden (2005); Thao et al. (2010)

The way we describe someone may actually influence someone’s perception
when it comes to beauty and labeling someone is not a really minor thing to ignore.
When we come in our right age that we will be able to choose someone we are going to
tie knots with, Physical attractiveness may serve as a gatekeeper directing us toward
partners who are healthy, age appropriate, and able to reproduce. And when we make
real-life dating and mating decisions, research indicates, physical appearance
dominates: We choose to pursue relationships with those who are attractive to us

Apostolou (2011); Apostolou (2015); Perilloux et al. (2011)

Consider the characteristics that are often considered desirable in a person—a
sense of humor, intelligence, kindness, understanding, a family orientation, good looks.
Which would you rank as most important in a person you are being with everyday?
Which is least important to you? Research consistently shows that we rank most or all of
these traits as more important than good looks, which explains that good looks is not
really important but can still affect a relationship.

Naifeh & Smith (2011)

This is to say that beauty can bring a moment that is so grand that time seems to

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand
have stopped. Now that we see the power of beauty in the eyes of Vincent, we must look
for the source of this beauty. In a letter Vincent writes, “I do not want beauty to come
from the material… but from within myself

Sherrie Campbell (2015)

a clinical psychologist, there are some traits that is already proven that is a
characteristic of a beautiful woman. Those are Elegance, elegance is a dignified grace
about your movement and behavior. Kindness, this trait is usually a reason of a person’s
softness towards another person because you can never be rough to a very nice and
kind person. Courage, It take courage to love fully, to change yourself than necessary, to
leave love when it’s scary and to chase your dreams with passion. Confidence, When
you are self-loving yourself you naturally possess a quiet confidence. Deliberate, you are
persistent and clear about who you are. Intelligent, It is all about the knowledge that you
have, but even more on the ability to control your emotions. Humble, being a sweet
person also means being a really humble person, a person you celebrates the
achievements of another than themselves. Honest, people gravitate towards what is
real. You are simple, upfront, gentle, but direct in the ‘being’ of who you are. Loving,
There is nothing more appealing to others than to be in the presence of a loving person.
When you love yourself you have endless love to give. You are warm towards others
and kind to yourself. There is nothing you wouldn’t do to help and this loving approach is
taken into every area of your life from career to parenting. To be truly beautiful, it is the
understated qualities of beauty which are sustaining.

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Local Literature

Rondilla (2009)
The Filipino fascination for fair skin must be rooted in the country’s more than
three-hundred-year-oppression by the Spaniards, closely followed by the American
occupation. We cannot deny the fact that these long years of Spanish and American
colonization have deeply rooted and ingrained effects on our cultural practices, beliefs,
and the like. This must mean that even our sense of morality, our religion, and yes, even
our standards of beauty might have been greatly affected by the years under western

Bradley (2010)
This is also sometimes referred to informally as being tisoy or tisay, depending on
whether a person is male or female, respectively. In the old days of Spanish colonial
rule, these mestizos were placed on a higher social status, between pure Spaniards and
pure Filipinos. That idea of being in a higher social caste based on mixed parentage has
survived in the form mentioned above until today.

Rondilla, J. L. (2012). Colonial Faces: Beauty and Skin Color Hierarchy in the
Philippines and the U.S. UC Berkeley. ProQuest ID:
Rondilla_berkeley_0028E_12807. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m5tb1bxw. Retrieved from
This project takes a transnational approach in order to compare beauty and skin
color hierarchy among Filipinas in the Philippines and in the diaspora. It examines how
beauty standards are constructed locally and globally, and how Filipino women in the

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand
Philippines and the U.S. respond to these standards. It addresses the popularity of skin-
lightening products in the Philippines and looks at how Filipino American women are
affected by this practice. This project also explores how skin-lightening products are
marketed and analyzes the role of mixed-race models in this marketing.

Nielson et. Al. (2013)

The professionalization of modeling creates cookie cutters of the same physical
aesthetics. In a study on the acculturation of Japanese youth, seventy-four percent of
Japanese magazines used caucasian models.

Shin (2014)
In her article, Jiyang Shin argues that Filipinos prefer to don the Chinese, Korean,
or Japanese looks in order to assimilate to nations that discriminate against Filipinos.
She goes on further to say that, such unequal treatment might have gradually developed
a sense of inferiority towards people of lighter skin color in East Asian countries

Luisito Batongbakal, Jr. (2017)

The Philippines, having white skin gives a person unspeakable advantage. You
will be admired by many, envied by some, and get the perks that those with brown skin
tones could only wish for. Although most Filipinos are born with nut-brown skin, our
society has taught us not to be proud of it. After all, our actions are shaped by the
standards set by the society and, here in the Philippines, white is synonymous with
beauty. Needless to say, Filipinos worship those with milky white skin—literally and

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Datta Gupta, Nabanita & Etcoff, Nancy & Jaeger, Mads. (2015) Beauty in Mind: The
Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Psychological Well-Being and Distress.
Journal of Happiness Studies. 10.1007/s10902-015-9644-6
These effects are slightly smaller when we adjust for demographics and mental
ability but, with the exception of height, remain significant. Our results suggest that
attractiveness impacts psychological well-being and depression directly as well as
through its effects on other life outcomes.

Researchers from the related literature and studies, explains that beauty comes
from within. We can only say that a person is Beautiful if they have the Ideal traits that an
Individual Desires. Majority of the studies are disagreed to the fact that the bond of a
relationship is measurable in the physical appearance of a person. HUMSS Student’s
Perception of beauty comes from within and Yes, That Kind of beauty from their perception
does affect the relationship of each and every one.

Foreign Studies

H. Langlois, Judith & Roggman, Lori. (1990). Attractive Faces Are Only Average.
Psychological Science. 1. 115-121. 10.1111/j.1467-9280.1990.tb00079.x.
Scientists and philosophers have searched for centuries for a parsimonious
answer to the question of what constitutes beauty. We approached this problem from
both an evolutionary and information-processing rationale and predicted that faces
representing the average value of the population would be consistently judged as
attractive. To evaluate this hypothesis, we digitized samples of male and female faces,

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mathematically averaged them, and had adults judge the attractiveness of both the
individual faces and the computer-generated composite images. Both male (three
samples) and female (three samples) composite faces were judged as more attractive
than almost all the individual faces comprising the composites. A strong linear trend also
revealed that the composite faces became more attractive as more faces were entered.
These data showing that attractive faces are only average are consistent with
evolutionary pressures that favor characteristics close to the mean of the population and
with cognitive processes that favor prototypical category members.

Jill Wallen (2016)

Perhaps “judgmental” is too strong of a word, He noticed a certain “instant”
labeling of people that could be considered judgmental. He conducted a experimental
research of how will affect that kind of personality, the surroundings and community he
belongs to. It changes him because after he describe the superficial features to them,
suddenly the only friends that he has, left him. This may also affect the way we see
beauty in an individual.

Hansen, Kirstine. (2016). The relationship between teacher perceptions of pupil

attractiveness and academic ability. British Educational Research Journal. 42. n/a-
n/a. 10.1002/berj.3227
Using data from the National Child Development Study (NCDS) results show that
not only do teachers rate the academic ability of students they perceive to be attractive
more highly than less attractive students both in terms of their performance across
different areas of learning (general knowledge, numbers, books and oral ability) and
whether they show any outstanding potential, but they are also more likely to overrate

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and less likely to underrate their ability than other students. This is true even after
controlling for a wide range of other factors related to the child, their family, their teacher
and their school that could influence the relationship, many of which are shown to be
independently related to teacher ratings.

M. Clifford, Margaret & Walster, Elaine. (1974). The Effect of Physical

Attractiveness on Teacher Expectation. Sociology of Education. 46. 248.
In this experiment, teachers were given objective information, presumably about a
child's scholastic and social potential, accompanied by a photograph of an attractive or
an unattractive boy or girl. It was found that the child's attractiveness was significantly
associated with the teacher's expectations about how intelligent the child was, how
interested in education his parents were, how far he was likely to progress in school, and
how popular he would be with his peers.

Umberson, Debra & Hughes, Michael. (1987). The Impact of Physical

Attractiveness on Achievement and Psychological Well-Being. Social Psychology
Quarterly. 50. 227. 10.2307/2786823
We find consistently significant and monotonic relationships of attractiveness with
four measures of achievement and eight measures of psychological well-being. Based
on these analyses, we conclude that survey research findings corroborate experimental
findings on attractiveness; that one's attractiveness does impinge on achievement and
psychological well-being; and that status characteristics theory can be used to explain
the effects of attractiveness on well-being and achievement.

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Local Studies

Roy (2010). Ganda Mo; Perception of Feminine Beauty Shaped by Internal and
External Factors.
Conducted focus group discussions and focus interviews in order to determine
how the physical appearance has the factors that influenced those idea formations. She
found that a number of internal and external factors contribute to a person’s formation of
concepts relating to beauty, including advertisements and media. The study also showed
that most people equate beauty with being thin. Despite these things, however, the
respondents acknowledged that internal beauty or beauty from within is more important
and longer lasting than external beauty. They also stated that beauty is more often
related to the outward appearance of a person because it is what is most easily seen.
Roy continued to say that most people try to achieve the western kind of beauty because
they think it will give them self-fulfillment and wider acceptance from others.

Gaw (2014)
Found that light television viewers’ main source of information for coming up with
such preferences, in the case of beauty, was Felipe Gaw states that “respondents
thought of certain ideals of beauty primarily because of the comfort that it brings and its
aesthetic value dictated by the judgments of their immediate senses.” This personal
assessment was also often caused or influenced by their personal observations and
personal experiences in their immediate environment. In addition, in the case of Gaw’s
study, the respondents’ preferences were not as influenced by television viewing, since
they were light viewers of television, and was mostly due to this value system. This

Basic Education Department - Senior High School
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand
concept of personal assessment only reinforces the fact that beauty is indeed in the eye
of the beholder.

Scott (2014)
An institutional approach to the study of social order and social change is
beneficial in understanding how institutional problems are created and sustained. It is
concerned with the idea of legitimacy, which creates compliance, or rule following. the
institution tells us what to do and we follow it because we see the institution as having
legitimate power, which influences other organizations to follow the same structure,
resulting in isomorphism, where organizations start to look, act, and feel the same.

Ferrera (2011)
This leads to the second part of this research that uses the theory of colorism, and
apply this to research conducted on Asian women who hate undergone cosmetic
surgery or use skin lightening products. to indicate how colorism affects mental health, I
will reference previous research on skin lightening and cosmetic surgery, as well as
interview transcripts on second generation Filipino Americans from Ferrera’s research
on colonial mental.

Mears and Finlay (2005)

Emphasize how modeling is also highly regarded in U.S. culture, as evident by
fashion magazines that cater to a young demographic who are seen to see it as a
lucrative career. Women who pursue a modeling career are constrained by strict rules of
how they look and act, such as attractiveness, acne free skin, straight teeth, and fall
between a particular height and weight requirement that is informally implied. On

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average, models are five feet eleven incvhes and 117 pounds. should they digress from
these rules, they are rejected by the agency.

Glenn (2008)
historically, their use of lighter skinned actors says to the rest of the world that this
is what the standard of beauty looks like. come of the highest rated television shows in
the philippines, such as Tayong Dalawa, Walang hanggan and Maria Clara hate lead
roles, both men and women, who are lighter skinned than most Filipinos. this also
implies that Japanese, Korean, and Chinese women are considered the ideal Asian
beauty, while also continuing to adhere to Western standards of White beauty.

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand


This chapter presents the research methodology used in conducting the study.
These include the method, sources of data, research instrument and data gathering

Research Design
All the data was gathered through qualitative approach using case study research
design. Data from the qualitative research were collected from the survey questionnaires
distributed by the researchers to the selected student that will stand as our respondents.
The selected students from Grade 11 HUMSS Strand were given a questionnaire
containing all the questions related in our research on how does beauty really affect a
relationship or a bond.

The quality of the research design, data collection, data management, and data
analysis depend on the reliability of findings and conclusions extensively by the
researchers. This chapter will be dedicated to the description of the methods and
procedures don in order to obtain the data, analyzed, interpreted, and how the conclusions
will be reached. This section is to account for the means in which the study was obtained
and will held in giving it strength and purpose it will then be trustworthy and analytical. All
these will help in the processing of the data and formulation of conclusions. Specifically,
this research will cover the following:

Basic Education Department - Senior High School
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Respondents of the Study

The chosen respondents in this study are the students in senior high school
humanities and social sciences strand studying in Lyceum of Alabang. we have a target
of 100 respondents that are divided into 2 groups. 50 in grade 11 and 50 in grade 12.
They’re will the respondents of the distributed questionnaires of the researchers.

Sampling Technique
The sampling method that we use is an availability sampling. We, the researchers
have the target population of 100: 50 Students in Grade 11 HUMSS and another 50
Students in Grade 12 HUMSS to distribute questionnaires to those who are involved in a
romantic relationships.

Research Locale
The study will be conducted in selected HUMSS student in Lyceum of Alabang. It
will be divided in two Grade. Grade 11 and Grade 12. The researchers chose the following
students as a Respondents. The study will be conducted in the second semester of the
academic year 2018-2019.

Research Instrument
The Instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire to gather information
for the student's profile. The draft of the questionnaire was based on the researchers idea,
readings, previous study, publish and unpublish thesis relevant to the study.

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Statistical Analysis of the Data

The data collected by the researchers will be positioned based on the complications
stated in the statement of the problem. For the reason of giving out and presenting
accurate, analyzing and summarizing results upon accumulation the results upon tallying
in the results of the survey given to the respondent of the study. Moreover, the following
statistical methods are to be use.

1. Percentage – The Percentage is applied to interpret the accumulated data from the
results of the survey used to the respondents on the questionnaires as per demographic
profile and on evaluating the effectiveness of Physical Appearance in a relationship to
Grade 11 and Grade 12 Students of HUMMS Strand in Lyceum of Alabang.
Furthermore, a frequency divided by the sample total of the respondents is computed
through the percentage of a specific item then multiply by one hundred


P=f/n x 100

Where: P = Percentage
F = Frequency
n = Number of Respondents
100 = Constant Value

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2. Mean – This is applied to calculate for the average of a certain problem using the
mean formula. This is statistical method is used to determine the central tendency of the
preference of the respondents with the choices that ar formatted in the likert-type scale
and recognition form.

𝑋̅ = (Σ 𝑥𝑖)/𝑛

Where: 𝑋̅ = Σ 𝑥𝑖 Mean
Σ 𝑥𝑖 = The Sum of the variables present in the sample
𝑛 = The Total number of the sample

3. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient – The full name is the Pearson Product Moment
Correlation or PPMC. It shows the relationship between two sets of data. It is used to
measure how well are beauty related in a relationship of the HUMSS Students in
Lyceum of Alabang. This formula will help you to determine the relationship between the


√[𝑛𝛴𝑥 2 −(𝛴𝑥)2 ][𝑛𝛴𝑦 2 −(𝛴𝑦)2 ]

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Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

Where: r = represents the pearson correlation

x = independent variable

y = dependent variable

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers secured the consent through a letter asking for the agree to the
teachers as well as the respondents of the study. After the document was prepared and
confirmed. The researchers explained the purpose of the study and make sure that the
respondents of the study are qualified. The survey questionnaires were given after. After
the data has been collected, the data were tallied, check and analyze to get the interpreted
correspondents data associated to the study.


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