Internship Report: Section 6 (1) of The Right To Information Act, 2005

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Name: Garima Raijada

Program : 4th Year B.A.,LL.B(H)
Mentor Assigned: Mr. Saubhik Chauwdhury
Period of Internship: 1st August- 31st August,2019

Duties and Responsibilities Undertaken

Did research on:

 Whether Non-Banking Financial Company information can be attained be

through Right to Information?
Section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005
 Is Core Investment Company a Non-Banking Financial Company?
 How to make an Application under the Right to Information Act, 2005?
The Application is to be made through online portal by accessing the
link where the RTI fees can be paid online and the
requester gets the registration number upon submission of the request
and can track the application.

Read sections 1-14 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,2016 to

understand the scope and application of the act.

Prepared and Drafted a Rejoinder on Section 7 application (Initiation of

corporate insolvency resolution process by financial creditor) of the
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,2016.

Did research on:

 Whether hearsay evidence is admissible in the court of law?
Section 60 of the Indian Evidence Act,1872 says that, oral Evidence to be
admissible, it must be direct. In other words, Hearsay Evidence is
no evidence.
 The rule against Hearsay
(Res gestae under Section 6, Admission and Confessions (Under Section
17 - Section 23 and Section 24 – Section 30), (Dying Declaration. Section
32(1), Evidence given in the former proceedings (Section 33), Statements
in public documents (Section 35) under the Indian Evidence Act,1872

Visited Court Proceedings in Court Room No.13 relating to rejection of


Attended conference along with my mentor on a case relating

Development Agreement with the Clients.

Visited National Company Law Tribunal to observe the court proceedings.

Participated in the moot court competition organised by the firm.

Was given a Development Agreement, drafted a chart depicting the

obligations of the Developer and the Owner from the same.

Did research on:

 Whether the director who has conflict of interest with the related parties
can excuse himself/herself from attending the Board meeting?
(Related party- Section 2(76) of the Companies Act,2013, Contract or
Arrangement with a Related Party - Rule 15(2) of the Companies
(Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules,2014).

Attended Debate conducted by the Indian Law Institute & Indian Lawyer’s
Association, Kolkata in the memory of Dr. Tapas Kumar Banerjee and Mrs.
Archana Sengupta on the motion “This House believes that artificial
intelligence is really a boon for mankind”.

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