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Nama : Intan Purnama

Kelas : XI Kep 3

Susulan B.inggris

1. Future Plan
my plan after graduating from school, I want to go to college
and hopefully get support from parents. And after that I hope I
can work and achieve my goals and be proud of my parents,
and most importantly I can make my family happy

2. Used to
I used to play jumping rope but now I don't
Artinya: Dahulu saya suka bermain lompat tali tetapi
sekarang sudah tidak

3. Translate Teks (Sosial)

Today's teenage behavior is like a peanut who forgets about his
skin, where today's teenagers are more inclined to adopt
western culture than their own culture. What's worse, the
western culture adopted is precisely the negative cultures, such
as drugs, drunkenness, and so on. The cause of this is due to
the lack of ability of adolescents to absorb western culture, as
well as their lack of absorbing moral values possessed by the
Indonesian people. Applying local cultural values in the learning
process and daily life, can be a solution so that teenagers are
not like peanuts who forget their skin.
Tingkah remaja di masa kini seperti layaknya kacang yang lupa
akan kulitnya, di mana remaja-remaja masa kini lebih condong
menganut budaya barat dibanding budaya sendiri. Yang lebih
parah, budaya barat yang dianut tersebut justru adalah budaya-
budaya yang negatif, seperti narkoba, mambuk-mabukkan, dan
sebagainya. Penyebab dari hal tersebut adalah karena
kurangnya kemamampuan para remaja dalam menyerap
kebudayaan barat, serta kurangnya mereka dalam menyerap
nilai-nilai moral yang dimiliki oleh bangsa Indonesia.
Menerapkan nilai budaya lokal dalam proses pembelajaran dan
kehidupan sehari-hari, bisa menjadi solusi agar para remaja
tidak seperti kacang yang lupa akan kulitnya.
4. Regular & Irregular
 Regular
No Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb3
1. Accept Accepted Accepted
2. Add Added Added
3. Advise Advised Advised
4. Agree Agreed Agreed
5. Belive Belived Belived
6. Borrow Borrowed Borrowed
7. Call Called Called
8. Cause Caused Caused
9. Clean Cleaned Cleaned
10. Climb Climbed Climbed
11. Close Closed Closed
12. Cook Cooked Cooked
13. Cry Cried Cried
14. Define Defined Defined
15. Describe Described Described
16. Die Died Died
17. Drain Drained Drained
18. Dry Dried Dried
19. Edit Edited Edited
20. Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed
21. Follow Followed Followed
22. Greet Greeted Greeted
23. Hope Hoped Hoped
24. Join Joined Joined
25. Marry Married Married

 Irregular
No Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3

1. Become Became Become

2. Begin Began Begun

No Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3

3. Buy Bought Bought

4. Come Came Come

5. Cut Cut Cut

6. Do Did Done

7. Drink Drank Drunk

8. Eat Ate Eaten

9. Fall Fed Fed

10. Fly Flew Flown

11. Get Got Gotten

12. Go Went Gone

13. Hold Held Held

14. Keep Kept Kept

15. Make Made Made

16. Meet Met Met

17. Ride Rode Riden

18. Ring Rang Rung

19. Run Ran Run

20. Say Said Said

21. See Saw Seen

No Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3

22. Shoot Shot Shot

23. Show Showed Showen

24. Sit Sat Sat

25. Sleep Slept Slept

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