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A Research Presented to the Faculty of DPRO

Senior High School Department
Olivarez College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in HUMSS 002:

Introduction to the World Religion and Beliefs System

Aaron John Santos
Aica Pigar.a Chavez
Andrea Llanera. Tajuna
Jemalyn Saquilayan. Rufo
Kyle Joshua Lund. Cruz
Maria Clarissa Cooper. Willkom

Ms.Kristian Brewer
Introduction to the World Religion and Beliefs System, Teacher

March 2019


Title Page ……………………………………………………………………. i
Approval Sheet ……………………………………………………………… ii


Introduction …………………………………………………………………...
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………...
Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………
Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………….


Related Literature ………………………………………………………………

Foreign Literature ………………………………………………………
Local Literature ………………………………………………………...
Related Studies …………………………………………………………………
Foreign Studies …………………………………………………………
Local Studies …………………………………………………………...

CHAPTER 3: Result, Conclusion, Recommendation


Figure 1 ………………………………………………………………………



In Duterte’s regime, EJK is the most rampant and contemporary issue argued

by many people. According to Wikipedia, An extrajudicial killing or also known

as extrajudicial execution is the killing of a person by governmental authorities or

individuals without the sanction of any judicial, since they bypass the due process

of the legal jurisdiction in which they occur. The often forgets of this killing are

the leading political, trade union, dissident, religious and social figures, and drug

addict are only those carried out by the state government or other state authorities

like the aimed forces or power, as extra-legal fulfilment of their prescribed role. .

Specifically, extrajudicial executions or killings are those executions or deaths

caused intentionally by the attacks or killings by State security forces or

paramilitary groups, death squads or other private forces cooperating with the

State or tolerated by it.

However, the Catholic Church are strongly against by this. The catholic belief

that was written in the Ten Commandments states that “You shall not kill” they

are dealing and protesting to stop the EJK. Because every human’s life is a gift

from God that no one have the right but only God can retrieve it from us. Not all

the victims of EJK are guilty, some are innocent whole were killed brutally

because they don’t have a superior to do so, some are being framed up just to

cover up for the crimes they didn’t do. That’s the time when Senator Leila De

Lima take an action. Last October 12, 2016 she filed a Senate Bill 1197 also

known as “The Anti-Extrajudicial Killing Act of 2016” The bill is supposed to

strengthen the PNP or Philippine National Police, NBI National Bureau of

Investigation and CHR or Commission on Human Rights in Investigating said

killing. But the credibility of this bill is questionable because of conspiracy that

causes to failed the implementation of the bill.

Extrajudicial is essentially punishment carried out by the government, official

bodies or a group of citizens supported by the government, without the permission

of a court or legal authority. Though extrajudicial killing are known to be

prominent features of repressive governments, the governments of many large

democracies also employ such methods in certain circumstances. In nations where

there is political instability, armed conflict, natural disasters or other situations in

which a proper judicial system is not present or cannot function, extrajudicial are

common place. In many cases extrajudicial occur due to lack of proper

government structure or a weak judiciary. Extrajudicial killing which is usually

carried out directly by the government or with their silent approval. These killings

are usually masqueraded and justified as disappearances, suicides and self-defense

responses and are usually committed by departments of the governments, the

army of police task forces. Considering that such practices occur outside and in

the absence of the judicial system, those living in conflict areas are extremely

susceptible to such punishments. Extrajudicial killing being carried


out by both governments and rebels against civilians, humanitarian actors and

journalists. ( Dhirubhai Ambani 2016 International Model United Nations)

Every human being does have the right of physical and psychological

integrity – this is a central concept of human rights. We speak of a human right

violation if either of the same integrities is harmed without legal grounds by state

actors or agents of the state, or by non-state actors who are practically granted

impunity due to the state’s neglect of its general obligation to

Protect its citizens or populations under its jurisdiction against offenses

against their physical and psychological integrity, their property, or other

fundamental freedoms. Both vertical and horizontal forms of political violence

such as extra-judicial killings (EJKs) appear to be rather constant features in the

Philippines. The persistence of the problem often is explained with reference to

distorted checks and balances. (October 26, 2015)


Statement of the Problem

This study will aim to know more about of Catholic people who are against and

agree to EJK.

Specifically, it will answer the following:

1. Does the religion has an effect to EJK?

2. Does the EJK is a justifiable solution?

3. What are the feelings of the member of the church for continuing EJK?

4. Are you in favor or not in favor of EJK in this Philippine?

Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is to know what are the perception and point of view

of Filipino Catholic people about EJK. And the results of the study will be great

benefit to the following:


 This study provide information about this locked of action in the said

issue. It will be the guidance of the decision making processes.



 This results of this study will provide a distance administrator of a

church regarding the assist of every church and playing their vital role

and to prepare for one of the most stimulating importance of this



 This study will be a significant in promoting good work environment

and will also be beneficial to the students and instruction in strategic



This chapter contains a reviewed complication of related studies and literature

conducted locally and in other countries which are relevant to the problem under

this study


Local Literature of Studies

Clashing theories about the impact of broad process of Human rights have a long

demand indicators that allows human rights conditions across the countries and

over time. Human rights have reached for metrics to answer some of the most

difficult questions facing those who care about rights: Does international human

rights law especially as codified in international treaties actually influence state

behavior over time? This type of analysis requires right metrics that can be used

for traditional quantitative test such as correctation and regression analysis.

The term extrajudicial killing in its original meaning refers to homiciles that are

committed write the legal system with no prior judgement of a court. In this sense,

the term comprise a large amount of violent acts with different motives, victims,

and perpetrators. For instance, differ in that they claim extrajudicial killings to be

politically motivated acts. In the Philippines, a large amount of killing look like a

suicidal act where the perpetrator was masked and made a fest escape on a

motorcycle ( Melo et al. 2007). During this period of time, only 1% of all EJK

resulted in a conviction (Al Parreno 2010).

Because the use of EJKs is an unwritten state policy in the Philippines, the only

way to prevent it is for the people themselves to demand a stop to the practice.

(Teddy Casiño, 2016)

Foreign Literature Study

Strengthen its legal framework, institutions and instruments aimed at guaranteeing

that those responsible for crimes of extrajudicial executions are subjected to fair

procedure and, if convicted, punished (Switzerland)

‘Extrajudicial executions or killings (EJKs) have been on the rise’ (Sheppard,

Sandler & Neumann 2007, 19: 25). In this paper, EJKs shall be referred to as

either ‘alternative procedures - illegal liquidations’ (Melo Commission’s Report

in Sheppard, Sandler & Neumann 2007, 19), or ‘political killings –

disappearances’ (International Convention for the Protection of All Persons From

Enforced Disappearance in Sheppard, Sandler & Neumann 2007, 19) allegedly

perpetuated either by the government through the Armed Forces of the

Philippines (AFP) particularly that of the Philippine Army (PA) or the Philippine

National Police (PNP), or by the Communist Party of the Philippines-New

People’s Army (CPP-NPA).

Similarly, for the latter, ‘faith is a liberating power that saves life, giving it

wholeness and efficacy, in the midst of bondage, estrangement and guilt’ (Dulles

in Haughey 1977, 32). In short, it is argued in this study that people may turn into

faith or religion for relief in order to cope up with harrowing tales or experiences

such as EJKs.

In 1982, United Nations have created the post of Special Rapporteur on

extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. His job is to search and evaluate

the cases of extrajudicial killings around the world while at the same time holding

Governments to account the extent of their or their agents‟ responsibility and the

cases where the preventive measures of the state towards unlawful killings or its

response towards the same actions were inadequate (Thessismun, 2013).


Definition of Terms

Extrajudicial Punishment

 Extrajudicial punishment is essentially punishment carried out by the

government, official bodies or a group of citizens supported by the

government, without the permission of a court or legal authority.

Special Rapporteur

 Special Rapporteurs are part of the UN mechanisms that take care of

country specific and

The Matic issues. They are in charge of holding inquiries into violations

and to intervene on specific

Issues or urgent situations. They therefore play an important role in the

protection of human rights.

Arbitrary Detention

 The arrest or detention of an individual in a case in which there is no

likelihood or evidence that


They’re committed a crime against legal statute, or in which there has

been no due process of law.

Forced Disappearances

 A forced disappearance takes place when a person is arrested, detained or

abducted by the state of agents acting for the state, who then deny that the

person is being held or conceal their where a bouts, placing them outside

the protection of the law. Often the final fate victims of such crimes is

unknown or cannot be properly verified.

Death Squads

 A clandestine military or paramilitary group employed to carry out

political killings.


 A civilian force with military structure conducting armed operations

against a ruling or occupying power




This chapter present the results of theoretical study “Does the Catholic

People are against or agree to EJK.

1. All of the respondents are not agree of EJK

2. All respondents are not agree that EJK is not a only a solution to end the drug


3. All the respondents are agree that EJK has a big impact to the catholic people.

4. As a catholic people, How would you stop EJK in a good way

5. Base on the respondent, the victims of EJK are innocents


Therefore we conclude that the enjoyment of rights and freedoms are severely

curtailedin an over all context of a total lack of rule of law. The commission also

finds that the judations in the areas of Extra Judicial executions, torture (including

sexual torture). The Judiciary is not independent. Judges are appointed, reassigned

and dismissed at the will of the president and are directed in their actions and

influenced. They are unable to move at will to express themselves freely, to

practice their religion without undue interference, to enjoy unrestricted access.


 To enact a law clearly defining “Extrajudicial killings” in line with

internationally recognized standards.

 To conduct an impartial investigation and prosecute all cases of

extrajudicial or summary killings. This entails proper documentation of

each alleged violation, including the preservation of the evidence


 To ensure protection of witness to alleged enforced disappearance and

extrajudicial killings and their immediate families.



The researchers would like to express their gratitude to the following:

First, The researchers would like to thank GOD for his guidance to conduct our

theoretical study.

Second, The researchers would like to thank our research teacher Ms. Kristian

Brewer for giving us a chance to conduct a study.

Lastly, to the group members and friends, the researchers would like to thank for

all giving the positive and happy moments for this study to be successful.




“Redefiining Human Rights Lawyering Through the Lens of Critical

Theory:Lessons for pedagogy and practice” (2011).

Almendral, Aurora. “When Hald a Million Drug Users Surrendered in the

Philippines, Authorities Send Some of Them to Zumba.”

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