Why Your Teamstepps Program May Not Be Working: Timothy C. Clapper, PHD, Grace M. NG, MS, RN, CNM, C-Efm

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Clinical Simulation in Nursing (2013) 9, e287-e292


Review Article

Why Your TeamSTEPPSä Program May Not

Be Working
Timothy C. Clapper, PhDa,*,1, Grace M. Ng, MS, RN, CNM, C-EFMb
American Public University, Charles Town, WV 25414, and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado
Springs, CO 80918, USA
New York Simulation Center for the Health Sciences, New York, NY 10016, USA

KEYWORDS Abstract: Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient SafetyÒ (TeamSTEPPSÔ) is
communication; a patient safety tool developed by the defense industry and based on four competencies: leadership, com-
CRM; munication, situational monitoring, and mutual support. Unfortunately, there are barriers that prevent
incivility; TeamSTEPPS from reaching its full potential, including: (a) lack of administrative support and resources,
just culture; (b) lack of training focus to address hierarchal differences and incivility at all levels of health care practice
leadership; and administration, (c) inadequate TeamSTEPPS instruction and simulation practices, and (d) educators’
mutual support; resistance to change from crew resource management concepts. Suggestions for improvement include
simulation; providing command and health care agency emphasis for the TeamSTEPPS program, providing adequate
situational monitoring; material and personnel resources, designing training that is geared to trainer implementation at the depart-
TeamSTEPPSÔ mental level, prioritizing and saturating training, and striving toward a just culture.

Cite this article:

Clapper, T. C., & Ng, G. M. (2013, August). Why your TeamSTEPPSÔ program may not be working. Clin-
ical Simulation in Nursing, 9(8), e287-e292. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2012.03.007.
Ó 2013 International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. Published by Elsevier
Inc. All rights reserved.

Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and inspection by the Joint Commission, through a professional
Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPSÔ) is a robust patient safety tool publication, via conference, or by word of mouth, the Team-
developed by the defense industry and based on four compe- STEPPS message is slowly gaining ground. Unfortunately,
tencies: leadership, communication, situational monitoring, there are barriers that prevent TeamSTEPPS from reaching
and mutual support. For those embracing the four Team- its full potential, including (a) lack of administrative support
STEPPS competencies, the potential for improving the work- and resources, (b) lack of training focus to address hierarchal
place environment and patient safety is unlimited. Since 2006, differences and incivility at all levels of health care practice
the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has offered and administration, (c) inadequate TeamSTEPPS instruction
a free curriculum to any organization willing to embrace its and simulation practices, and (d) educators’ resistance to
concepts (Clapper & Kong, 2011). Whether it is during an change from crew resource management (CRM) concepts.
Organizations truly interested in embracing TeamSTEPPS
1 and realizing its full potential will approach the problems
Current affiliation is University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX
76019, USA, and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, and suggestions with an open mind and be prepared to
Colorado Springs, CO 80918, USA. reengage their employees with suitable training and
* Corresponding author: timothy.clapper@gmail.com (T. C. Clapper). communication for the good of all their patients.

1876-1399/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Why Your TeamSTEPPSÔ Program May Not Be Working e288

Lack of Administrative Support and Resources also applied this concept to other simulation-based courses,
including the cardiac code team course, as well as both the
The Saturation Model basic and advanced airway courses. While follow-up re-
search is needed to assess the true value, initial conversa-
Any initiative worth pursuing requires the attention of all tions with department chairs (personal communication,
parties. For administrators to make a statement that 2011) suggest that the training is positively affecting the
everybody will receive culture of safety and clinical skills within each department
Key Points TeamSTEPPS training is across the 11 hospitals. Caroline Jacobs (2011), vice presi-
 Use the Saturation not sufficient. If one is go- dent of the largest municipal hospital and health care sys-
Training Model pro- ing to really make a differ- tem in the United States, reported a significant drop in
posed by Clapper to ence in any training Erb’s palsy, an increase in reporting of near misses, a reduc-
effect change in a cul- initiative, a saturation train- tion in intensive care unit infections, and decreased triage-
ture in a short period ing model is necessary, in- to-assessment times during a 3-year period. This was
of time. cluding periodic follow-up accomplished by including some TeamSTEPPS training
 Administrators and training. As an example, with other health care improvement initiatives. To improve
organizational leaders one of the authors (T.C.) patient care and the culture within departments, the same
need to provide the has proposed and stressed saturation training must exist for TeamSTEPPS training it-
necessary resources the saturation training self. However, greater gain may have been realized if ev-
and staffing to allow model as part of the simula- erybody had received initial and follow-up TeamSTEPPS
for implementation tion training for numerous training early on in the implementation.
and sustainability of clinical courses, with great A challenge to the saturation training model may be that
TeamSTEPPS in clin- success. The saturation too often, executive leaders may decide to adopt Team-
ical practice. training model states that STEPPS for the organization and hand the initiative over to
 Incorporate more stu- departments and organiza- a patient safety representative to conduct master trainer or
dent-driven, authentic, tions may see a change in train-the-trainer courses. What is often missing is the
and collaborative learn- culture or behaviors if requirement for departmental and unit level leaders to
ing strategies to teach enough learners are trained buy into the TeamSTEPPS plan. As a result, staff may not
the four TeamSTEPPS in a skill or procedure in be assigned to participate in training in a timely manner or
competencies. a short time. Argyris and may not get assigned at all, leading to sporadic or
Sch€ on (1974/1992) recog- prolonged implementation. The earlier example of one
nized that through reinforcement of behavior models, person’s receiving training and not applying what he or she
groups develop norms to support organizational structures learned because of the lack of saturation illustrates that this
and policies. Training entire departments allows for re- would not be an effective way to implement TeamSTEPPS.
cently trained personnel to assist others with the transition Therefore, buy-in and support from department and unit-
toward inquiry and learning by confronting their theories- level leaders is critical. In addition, health care compliance
in-use and inconsistencies (Argyris & Sch€ on, 1974/1992; agencies are requesting evidence of TeamSTEPPS training.
Vygotsky, 1978). Obstetrics departments saw significant re- This requirement is also an important motivator for
ductions in shoulder dystocia complications and improved applying a saturation model to generate the greatest effect
teamwork when entire obstetrics (OB) departments re- in the shortest time.
ceived shoulder dystocia training that included Team-
STEPPS training along with an oxytocin bundle protocol
(Jacobs, 2011). Provide Resources Necessary to Carry Out
The saturation training model makes sense because TeamSTEPPS Principles
a clinician may receive shoulder dystocia or most any
training, but on completing the course, if nobody else in the Executive and senior leaders must support teamwork as an
department is using the skills and equipment addressed in organizational value (Jacobs, 2011). However, acceptance
the course, the learner may stop using them. This appears to of the concept by itself is not adequate. Implementing
be the case when numerous central line placement courses and sustaining TeamSTEPPS require ongoing assessment
were taught by one of us (T.C.) across the 11 public and financial support. It is not sufficient to conduct Team-
hospitals in New York City. During the quarterly corpora- STEPPS training without tangible support being committed
tion analysis of the impact of training, some improvements in the form of materials and personnel resources. Inade-
in central line infection and errors were noted (Jacobs, quate staffing, lack of equipment, or outdated or broken
2011); however, the gains appeared sporadic because the equipment is not compatible with patient safety. These con-
training was hit or miss. On the other hand, the same author ditions are recognizable barriers to effective implementa-
who used the saturation approach to train entire OB depart- tion and sustainability of TeamSTEPPS. For example, the
ments in shoulder dystocia teamwork and skills training cardiac code team course aimed for learners to understand

pp e287-e292  Clinical Simulation in Nursing  Volume 9  Issue 8

Why Your TeamSTEPPSÔ Program May Not Be Working e289

that using a step stool is necessary for delivering high- at all organizational levels with the recognition of weak
quality chest compressions, and the shoulder dystocia areas within their own system and culture. TeamSTEPPS
course aimed to teach clinicians to apply suprapubic pres- can assist with addressing these issues for the organization.
sure at the correct angle in order to relieve an impacted fe-
tal shoulder. But teaching that a step stool can make a huge
difference is a moot point if stools are not available or Cultural Incivility and Empowerment: Reasons
a team member must run down the hall to locate one, for the Four Competencies
thereby wasting valuable time. Excessive frugality of re-
sources or supplies can undermine the successful imple- Although TeamSTEPPS is geared toward clinical teams,
mentation of TeamSTEPPS by destroying key concepts administrators and managers should also receive ongoing
and devaluing priorities that were drilled into the trainees TeamSTEPPS training, because their behaviors may be the
during their saturation training. Administrators may need root cause of toxicity and mistrust contributing to
to invest in peripheral devices to support communication employee turnover (Branham, 2005). When employees
and enable situational monitoring with timely communica- know the right thing to do, but the organization harbors
tion mechanisms to verify contact, call-outs, and check- an unjust culture that prevents them from doing it, the re-
backs and facilitate closed-loop communication explained sult can be morally distressing for the employees (Ganske,
by Clapper & Kong (2011). 2010; Jameton, 1984). All employees, including
Lack of equipment can be a deterrent to implementing housekeeping staff, unit secretaries, clinicians, and admin-
TeamSTEPPS, and inadequate staffing can have equally istrators, must feel that they are stakeholders and
devastating results. TeamSTEPPS calls for having discrete empowered to move the four TeamSTEPPS competencies
teams with team roles. If a unit is consistently short staffed, to total actualization. At the same time, they need to be
with the result that team members are always overwhelmed held accountable to TeamSTEPPS behaviors. Trainers
with multiple roles, they will not be able to perform their must make the four competencies relevant for ancillary,
primary function in their intended roles. For example, clinical, and administrative employees so that these em-
nurses may often need to take the role of the runner and ployees understand how the four competencies can be ap-
leave the team to obtain medications from the pharmacy, plied to change the culture. Trainers must understand that
because of inadequate numbers of ancillary staff, thus a way to improve the culture is to address the manner in
slighting a necessary role within an effective TeamSTEPPS which employees communicate with and treat one another.
complement. Consequently, the core team may be incom- This is often not an easy task. People desperately protect
plete, and staff members may be unable to sustain the existing ways of doing things in order to maintain a favor-
TeamSTEPPS practices they learned. Not providing ade- able perception of self, even when the existing system is
quate resources on the units sends the message to stake- ineffectual (Argyris & Sch€on, 1974/1992). Unlearning
holders that patient safety is not important. TeamSTEPPS and relearning is a necessary part of change and can pro-
was just another lecture to be endured but not to be applied duce great uncertainty in most people (Ford, 2006, p. 517).
in the work environment. One of the reasons the shoulder dystocia and code team
In terms of financial implications, a typical shoulder courses were so successful in creating positive changes
dystocia litigation payout can easily average $3 million across the 11 hospitals was the application of Team-
(Clark, Belfort, Dildy, & Meyers, 2008). When the re- STEPPS, which addressed ineffectual teamwork and
search calls for clearly defined team roles, adequate equip- clinical management. The learners practiced the four
ment, and resources such as stools for cardiac code teams competencies during realistic, case-based scenarios. For
and shoulder dystocia teams, department administrators example, the concepts of situational awareness and mutual
need to find the financial means of providing the person- support were brought to life when the learners noticed
nel and the equipment. One would assume that if money fellow team members performing inadequate suprapubic
is available for these extraordinary payouts resulting pressure or chest compressions. Other team members
from litigation and damages, then up-front investments quickly engaged by bringing a step stool, offering to take
for personnel and equipment resources would be a priority over the performance of chest compressions, or assisting
for administration and management. with more effective suprapubic pressure. Trainers must
Providing resources and opportunities for training may acknowledge these types of examples with praise to solidify
seem practical, but as Chris Argyris observed, bosses and and reinforce the training. While training how to implement
staff members are known for inane rhetoric that is not valid the four competencies is necessary, addressing the organi-
from their perspective yet temporarily pacifies team zational culture issues, including hierarchal differences and
members (Abernathy, 1999). Some 90% of organizations rudeness, is equally needed. Otherwise, the training may be
are aware of gaps and disconnects in other organizations, in vain.
but they cannot see when their leaders are creating the Incivility among employees, including tension and con-
problems themselves in their own organizations flict between baby-boomer and Generation-X employees,
(Abernathy, 1999). Master training can assist staff members can lead to patients’ making negative inferences about the

pp e287-e292  Clinical Simulation in Nursing  Volume 9  Issue 8

Why Your TeamSTEPPSÔ Program May Not Be Working e290

organization, poor health in the younger cohort, and reduced monitored by senior executives and, if possible, their pub-
job satisfaction (Leiter, Price, & Spence, 2010; Porath, lic stakeholders.
Macinnis, & Folkes, 2010). Victims of incivility in the work-
place bring this stress home to the family domain, where it
influences relationships with loved ones (Ferguson, 2011). Inadequate TeamSTEPPS Instruction and
Conversely, happy employees produce more, show up to Simulation Practices
work, are less likely to quit, and attract workers who are
like themselves (Spreitzer & Porath, 2012). Research by The initial master trainer course involves 2.5 days of heavy
Spreitzer and Porath (2012, p. 94) found that four conditions lecture-based instruction, which is often taught out of
can be created that allow employees to thrive in the work en- context and includes material that is unnecessary for the
vironment: (a) providing decision-making discretion, (b) TeamSTEPPS departmental trainer. There is so much in-
sharing information, (c) minimizing incivility, and (d) offer- formation in the 2.5-day master trainer course that trainers
ing performance feedback. The four TeamSTEPPS compe- come away wondering how and what to train their staff
tencies allow for each of these to occur, especially when members on in order to get TeamSTEPPS running effec-
leaders create a shared mental model and think aloud to pre- tively. Too often, valuable time is dedicated to explaining the
pare the team for next steps. The shared mental model cre- culture and climate of the organization to departmental
ates the information sharing that is necessary for team trainers during TeamSTEPPS. The assessment and surveying
members to evaluate the situation through situational moni- should be shared in a comprehensive implementation plan,
toring, anticipate next steps, take responsibility required for but the trainers do not need this detailed information at this
their role, and assist others to maximize care to the patient. point, when it only contributes to information overload for
The current master trainer model does not adequately pre- the departmental trainers, diluting the essence of the training.
pare departmental trainers to take action to rectify existing It would be optimal if this information was shared with them
cultures and successfully implement the four competencies, prior to the TeamSTEPPS training.
nor does it address the hierarchies that may exist. As noted by Baker, Amodeo, Krokos, Slonim & Herrera,
As team members, physicians may not feel the same (2010), a climate survey measures perceptions of organiza-
need to collaborate because they see themselves as the tional constructs such as commitment to safety, leadership,
authority or leader (Garber, Madigan, Click, & interpersonal interactions, attitudes toward stress, and
Fitzpatrick, 2009, pp. 337-338). This stance can create knowledge of how to report adverse events. This is essential
problems for the team because (a) the authoritarian information for top-level administrators but has little value
exercising control over others can create fear and vulner- for trainers. Instead, training should be focused on assess-
ability in the group, (b) group relationships become ing teamwork skills through the four competencies via
defensive rather than facilitative, (c) the defensiveness Baker et al.’s TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Question-
may lead to mistrust and to conformity to rigid group naire, which was developed to be aligned with Team-
behaviors, and as a result, (d) team members will be un- STEPPS and can be used to diagnose teamwork skills
comfortable with exploring alternatives (Argyris & and the effectiveness of training on the four competencies.
Sch€on, 1974/1992, p. 73) or exercising the four competen- Modifying the master trainer course to emphasize trainer-
cies. Since physicians often lack formal leadership level skills may help to eliminate the confusion that many
training (Clapper & Kong, 2011), they may not have the learners may feel at the end of the training session.
education or experience to know how to build a team Everything that a department trainer needs to emphasize
and communicate effectively. is in the pocket TeamSTEPPS guide (Agency for
Communication has been shown to be an essential Healthcare Research and Quality, 2006). The master trainer
factor in effective primary health care teams (Sargeant, course needs to be modified from its current reliance on
Loney, & Murphy, 2008). Communication flows easily lecture-based instruction so that trainers have an opportu-
and freely in a downward direction, but for TeamSTEPPS nity to immerse themselves in the four competencies
to flourish, it must be able to move upward with the same through the use of active, authentic activities and feedback.
ease. As noted by Clapper and Kong (2011), simulation Lecturing to the trainers on these points does not guarantee
can offer learners the opportunity to practice teamwork real understanding that instills confidence to enact training
and communication, but a psychologically unsafe envi- in their departments. Managers and administrators may
ronment in any departmentdclinical or administrative- need to receive survey training, but the details can be
dis not conducive to open communication. Leaders at removed from the master trainer course, as trainers should
the top of an organization may not be aware of the human focus on caring for patients and training the staff. Concen-
factors, including disruptive and toxic environments that trating on too many master trainer objectives and subjects
their subordinate managers can generate. Leaders need only confuses the trainers and creates anxiety as they try
to insist on a just culture and candor (Clapper & Kong, to develop an instructional plan. There are more than 130
2011) and offer an open-door policy free of reprisal. TeamSTEPPS scenarios or miniecase studies that a depart-
The entire culture of an organization should be actively ment trainer can customize to an appropriate specialty

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Why Your TeamSTEPPSÔ Program May Not Be Working e291

(Clancy, 2007). These can be used in role-play form to Educators’ Resistance to Change From CRM
solidify the four competencies. As one OB department Concepts
chair stated after the shoulder dystocia teamwork and skills
course, in which the four competencies were heavily inte- A search for the terms CRM and health care with three
grated into the curriculum, ‘‘I’ve been trying to teach search engines (Science Direct, Ebscohost, and ProQuest)
TeamSTEPPS as a master trainer for 3 years in my depart- from 2010 to 2012 led to 529 results. Certainly this does
ment, and this is the first time it made sense’’ (personal not imply that each of the results specifically advocates
communication, 2011). Learners and trainers need to CRM as a principal teamwork and communication strategy.
know how to apply the competencies to the clinical context However, the same search using TeamSTEPPS and health
of their particular specialty. care as search terms led to only 71 results. One cannot
After completing the master trainer course, the trainers take concepts such as CUS (I am Concerned; I am Uncom-
must develop a similar active learning lesson plan, as well as fortable; there is a Safety issue . . . Stop the line), apply it to
coaching and sustainment strategies, to teach their staff CRM principles, and refer to CRM in the same way as
members to recognize and use the four competencies. The TeamSTEPPS; CRM still comes up short (Clapper &
trainer must recognize that an ongoing practice of modeling, Kong, 2011). As Clapper and Kong (2011) showed, Team-
reinforcement, and sustainment is the only way to solidify STEPPS includes the CRM concepts and more. CRM
what was taught. The trainer’s modeling of the competencies evolved into TeamSTEPPS in 2006, and clinicians should
allows the learners to see the ideal state they should strive for evolve also. As with medical and nursing practices, one
(Argyris & Sch€ on, 1974/1992, p. 111). Without ongoing re- would have to question why we are using dated concepts
inforcement, teamwork behaviors and the four competencies rather than embracing the latest, evidence-based programs.
deteriorate over time (Helmreich, Merritt, & Wilhelm, 1999). Therefore, it is highly recommended that a national
Team communication and behaviors must be reinforced and patient safety campaign take place that expresses the
followed through on the unit level on a daily basis so that importance of clinicians’ and health care professionals’
learners can see the consequences and effectiveness of the learning TeamSTEPPS, implements the four competencies
new behaviors (Argyris & Sch€ on, 1974/1992, p. 99). in all applicable instructional areas and in the clinical
Departmental and unit leaders must buy into Team- environment, and discards dated CRM concepts. Here again,
STEPPS, and when they do, they become the primary drivers for optimal outcomes, implementation should be generated
for reinforcing TeamSTEPPS. Nursing leaders must be held from top-level management and infused down throughout the
accountable for managing the process, setting the expecta- hierarchy. This means that the Agency for Healthcare
tions, and reinforcing TeamSTEPPS concepts in practice, Research and Quality, the Accreditation Council for Grad-
including actively modeling TeamSTEPPS behaviors every uate Medical Education, the Joint Commission, the National
day if the program is to be successful. When staff members do Patient Safety Foundation, and other health care manage-
a good job of applying TeamSTEPPS, nursing leaders need to ment organizations must issue statements that express the
point it out to others specifically for positive reinforcement. importance of education and inspection for compliance with
When staff do not do that, or refuse to adhere, nursing leaders the TeamSTEPPS initiative. In addition, journal editors and
need to counsel them individually. In addition, all partici- scientific publications can encourage the sharing and dis-
pants need to take advantage of simulation opportunities to semination of research that relates to TeamSTEPPS in order
solidify TeamSTEPPS practices. to promote the latest evidenced-based teamwork and com-
Simulation educators must have a thorough understand- munication practices related to patient safety.
ing of the four competencies and be able to integrate them
into every course that is offered through their center in
order to support the department sustainment process. In this Conclusion
way, clinical teams can understand that competencies such
as situational monitoring can mean recognizing that a fellow TeamSTEPPS is a valuable teamwork and com-
team member is short (and the bed was raised), and thus munication tool that has been shown to improve patient
CPR compressions were not performed adequately. safety. Organizations may wish to integrate this important
Through mutual support, one team member can grab a stool tool into their patient safety program but may be discour-
and either provide it to another team member or take over aged to learn that the time and resources they dedicated to
compressions to relieve a colleague fatigued from perform- the initiative meant it was not as effective as it could have
ing prolonged nonergonomic chest compressions. While we been. Reflecting on some obstacles and barriers to success
recognize that many conducting simulation are still tied to within the organization can help administrators and educa-
outdated and antiquated teamwork and communication tors with preparing a plan for success. Success may stem
programs, we are optimistic that once enlightened to the from providing command and health care agency emphasis
benefits of TeamSTEPPS, many will move to the more for the TeamSTEPPS program, providing adequate material
active, student-centered teaching practice that Team- and personnel resources, designing training that is geared
STEPPS emulates. to trainer implementation at the departmental level,

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Why Your TeamSTEPPSÔ Program May Not Be Working e292

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evidenced-based strategy that can be applied in all health ing, 15(3). Manuscript 6. doi: 10.3912/OJIN.V0115N003Man06.
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sicians and residents. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23(4), 331-340.
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pp e287-e292  Clinical Simulation in Nursing  Volume 9  Issue 8

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