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Case Study

Discipline Dilemma at Akash Cement Limited

Mr Ravi Kumar has been with Akash Cements Limited for the past 26 years and still has five
more years of service in the company. He is a senior technician in the production department. He
is known for his commitment and his supervisors and managers have had high regard for him.
He has maintained an unblemished service record in his entire career and has been disciplined in
the past only for complaints like late attendance and availing leave without prior permission. As
regards the disciplinary actions taken in this regard, he was counselled by his supervisors
immediately after the occurrence of these misconducts. As such, no written reprimand was
served on him for these minor offences. Thus the personnel file of Ravi was devoid of any
serious complaints against him. until a serious misconduct was reported against him last week .
Last Saturday, when Ravi Kumar was busy arranging the machine and materials before
commencing production, he picked a job-related quarrel with Rakesh Ray, a co-worker in the
designation of a machine assistant, regarding work sharing for that day. What started as a wordy
duel soon developed into a full-fledged confrontation. Finally, it ended up in a physical brawl
between these two employees. In the process, Ravi Kumar dealt some injuries to Rakesh Ray.
The latter had to be given first aid and leave with pay for that day. Since the duty supervisor was
away from the work spot due to his scheduled meeting with the manager, the supervisors had to
depend on the statements of the witnesses, all of whom were unanimous in their view that Ravi
Kumar was primarily responsible for the incident as he had been the first one to use physical
force and Rakesh Ray had merely defended himself. However, the employees were aware neither
of the exact conversation between them before the scuffle nor of what enraged Ravi Kumar. The
code of conduct of the company was clear about how a case of fighting must be dealt with. It
recommended an emergency suspension of the employee involved in the fighting pending
enquiry. However, the duty supervisor was not in favour of suspending Ravi Kumar immediately
as he perceived no danger from him and was also aware of his past record. Moreover, he was
afraid that this harsh punishment could affect Ravi Kumar's performance. He recommended to
the HR manager that Kumar be allowed to work till the disciplinary proceeding was over and its
outcome was known. The HR manager was against the opinion of the supervisor for he felt that
this concession could set a bad precedent and, thus, weaken the disciplinary system of the
organization. The management is in favour of helping Ravi Kumar without violating the
discipline code of the company.
Challenges in the case:
1. Indiscipline

Discipline is always one of the least popular issues to tackle in the workplace, and also the point
at which the HR department can help resolve incidents satisfactorily for employer and
employees. The disciplinary process requires plenty of evidence, and the HR department will
often need to obtain statements, records and other supporting data to resolve issues legally and
ethically, all of which is time consuming.

2. Absenteeism:

Absenteeism is an employee's intentional or habitual absence from work. While employers

expect workers to miss a certain number of workdays each year, excessive absences can equate
to decreased productivity and can have a major effect on company finances, morale and other

3. Poor Communication:
Poor communication is one of the main causes of conflict between employees in the workplace.
This can result in a difference in communication styles or a failure to communicate. For
example, a manager reassigned an employee’s task to the employee’s co-worker but failed to
communicate the reassignment to the employee. This may cause the employee to feel slighted,
which can transform into animosity among the two employees and the manager. Failing to
communicate in the workplace may cause employees to make incorrect assumptions and believe
workplace gossip. Poor communication in the workplace not only causes conflict but decreases
productivity and employee morale.

4. Different Values:
Similar to personalities, the values of employees differ within the workplace. A difference in
values is seen clearly when a generational gap is present. Young workers may possess different
workplace values than older workers. The difference in values is not necessarily the cause of
employee conflict in the workplace, but the failure to accept the differences is. When employees
fail to accept the differences, co-workers may insult each other's character and experiences.
When insults occur, the conflict intensifies until the right solution is offered and accepted.
5. Competition:
Unhealthy workplace competition is a cause of employee conflict. Some industries foster
competitive environments more than others. When salary is linked to employee production, a
workplace may experience strong competition between employees. Competition that is not
properly managed can result in employees sabotaging or insulting one another, which creates a
hostile work environment. Unhealthy workplace competition discourages teamwork and
promotes individualism.

Suggestions that can be implemented to resolve the


1. Find why an employee is underperforming:

It’s important to not jump to conclusions regarding why an employee is underperforming. Rarely
does a person set out to intentionally do a bad job. The problem could be as simple as not having
the proper resources or being under trained. There could be outside influences distracting them
from their work. It’s possible that the employee is conflicted about company goals or has lost
motivation to fulfill the mission of the company.

2. Encourage Communication:
Clearly communicating underperformance is challenging but necessary. Managers should also
open the floor to the underperforming employee to articulate what barriers are standing in their
way so that the manager can improve their circumstances.
Employee performance can be improved when both the manager and the employee understand
where they are, where they need to be, and how they are going to get there.
3. Create a positive work environment:
With open communication underway, it’s now time to review the work environment. It wouldn’t
make sense to encourage communication in an environment where people are intimidated by
superiors, arbitrarily reprimanded and their concerns dismissed. Rather, work towards a work
culture that allows employees to voice their opinion and reinforce that their opinions are heard.
Giving employees a healthy and happy work environment will foster better results.

4. Provide effective training:

Right from the start, provide all new employees with proper training. Make sure that employees
know what to do, and the most efficient way of doing it. Once the processes for getting the job
done are routine, they’ll be able to contribute their unique ideas and be effective at getting things
done. But don’t make the mistake of thinking training is a one-time thing. Training should be
ongoing so that employees can continue to develop their skills. Ongoing training is the way to
continuously improve employee performance.

5. Acknowledge contributions:
If you want to boost your employees’ morale and motivate them to give the best they can, then
you have to recognize their individual contributions and accomplishments. Be generous with
your praises and you’ll notice that staff will become more creative and eager to work.

The Importance of Discipline in an Organization

Discipline in business is a type of training in which individuals are subject to particular
regulations designed to mold behaviors. It is necessary to instill a disciplining program in your
small business in order to move forward. An effective regimen will help improve workplace
performance, provide a safe and honest environment conducive to production.

1. Promotes Appropriate Behavior:

A disciplined environment helps put both management and employees on their best behavior.
Managers must strictly adhere to the company's protocols in order to effectively lead those
looking to them as examples. Employees who enter this type of administration know what the
expectations are as well as the penalties for committing infractions. This knowledge promotes
appropriate actions and conduct which are essential in a small company.
2. Efficiency
Efficiency is tied to a disciplined organization. Staff members must discipline themselves in
working in a timely manner to produce quality output. Small business owners must strive to
cultivate a workplace in which standards are set which everyone in the organization is called
upon to meet. This allows management and workers to get things done. Discipline requires
concentration, time management and orderliness, which all contribute to efficient labor.

3. Peaceful Environment:
Peacefulness ensues when you have a workplace that is committed to values of a concentrated
regimen. The environment that exists in organizations which do not issue specific guidelines for
behavior is frequently impulsive, erratic and uncertain. It is extremely difficult for management
to effectively lead workers under these conditions. A disciplined facility, however, encourages a
pleasant environment that promotes good management and employee relations.

4. Ensures Safety:
Safety in your small company is of vital importance. You do not want any of your staff or
customers to suffer preventable accidents from which personal harm occurs, which could also
lead to possible legal action. You must abide by all occupational safety regulations and train your
staff appropriately. Kelly Services' Smart Manager website says that a disciplined environment is
necessary to provide a secure workplace. For this reason, it is necessary to train all employees on
safety procedures. Employees who fail to follow safety directives are subject to disciplinary

Questions and Answer:-

1.Do you agree with the recommendation of the supervisor regarding the suspension of
Ravi Kumar?

Ans:- Yes, I agree with the recommendation of the supervisor regarding the suspension of Ravi
Kumar He has maintained an unblemished service record in his entire career and has been
disciplined in the past only for complaints like late attendance and availing leave without prior
permission. As regards the disciplinary actions taken in this regard, he was counselled by his
supervisors immediately after the occurrence of these misconducts.
2. How would you approach the issue if you were the HR manager of this company?

Ans:- If was the hr manager of aakash cement limted I would suggest these points:-

a) personally I will conduck a meeting with mr ravikumar. in that we will discuss his
b) I would reccomend him to follow the rules and regulation of the organization.
c) Third I will recommend him to give the first priority to his work rather than others.

3.How would you help the management in resolving the disciplinary issue in the way the
management wishes?

Ans:- I will help the management in resolving the disciplinary issue in these ways:-

1. Give employees incentives to follow the rules. By understanding how obeying the rules
will benefit them, they may be more inclined to comply. For example, give promotions,
pay raises, awards or prizes to employees who abide by, and perform according to or
above, company standards. Do not reward unacceptable behaviors
2. Clarify the responsibilities of HR and managers so clear lines relating to employee
relations are drawn
3. Establish a clear code of conduct that defines acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in
the workplace.
4. Develop a zero tolerance policy for violating the code of conduct and state the
consequences. Depending on the severity, penalties may include a verbal and written
warning, suspension and termination. State that the rules apply to all levels of the
organization, including management.
5. Provide leadership training to managers so they learn to lead by motivating and inspiring
their workers rather than by intimidating them. Discipline is learned behavior; therefore,
when managers lead by example, their employees might follow.


By doing this assignment we get to know that how to maintain the discipline in the organization.
How to interact with our employees. Establish a clear code of conduct that defines acceptable
and unacceptable behaviors in the workplace. we get to know how to deal with the problems and
identify its main cause and solve it. whenever changes are made to the policy. Encourage them to
read it thoroughly. Instruct them to consult with HR or the equivalent if they have questions or

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