MSC Assessment Form

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MSc Thesis Assessment

Course Code Marker’s name

Student’s name 1st, 2nd or 3rd marker
Student’s ID number Submission date


(A) Presentation and style of writing – 20%

General appearance, structure and style of writing: Overall look, care, neatness and tidiness. Quality of written English.
The use of paragraphs to develop ideas. Presence of main sections. Logical progression.
Representation of technical information: Quality, content, clarity, level of detail and preparation of figures and tables.
Accuracy of equations and mathematics.
Referencing: Correctness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of referencing and bibliography. Referencing of figures and
tables in the main text.
CGS grade for presentation and style of writing:

(B) Technical content and merit of the dissertation – 50%

Abstract: The comprehensiveness and conciseness of the abstract; coverage of relevant information, methodology and
important findings.
Introduction and Literature Review: Accuracy and clarity of aims and objectives, background to the work & appreciation
of underlying issues. Retrieval and use of appropriate source material and its assimilation.
Research Approach: Accuracy and clarity of account of the work undertaken and methods used. Development of ideas,
procedures, logical progression to solution, insight or exploration of alternatives, knowledge of to how to tackle problem.
Presence and appropriateness of the risk assessment and the ethical review.
Depth and Appropriateness of Analysis: Deep, thorough and clear grasp of fundamental concepts. Ability to stimulate the
reader, relevance of material, level of detail. Appropriateness of adopted research methodology.
Conclusions and Recommendations: Linked to the aims and objectives. Supported by the results and findings presented in
the dissertation. Recommendations are clear and relevant to the work and the topic.
CGS grade for technical content and merit of dissertation:

(C) Evidence of critical reasoning – 30%

Literature Review: Evidence of imaginative thought and ability to critically analyse and interpret work of other authors
with demonstration of understanding. Link with the project objectives.
Methodology and Analysis: Well-reasoned justification for choice of research methodology. Discussion and awareness of
limitations of approach. Understanding and creativity in the application of engineering concepts.
Findings and Discussion: Analysis of data and interpretation of results indicating awareness of trends and understanding
of implications, limitations and practical applications. Demonstration of intellectual contribution to knowledge.
CGS grade for critical reasoning:

A B C Final
Overall CGS Point
(keep 2 decimal places)
(0.2× )+(0.5× )+(0.3× )=
(Out of 22)

Signature _________________________________________ Date _____________________

Please write a minimum of two sentences justifying your mark for category A: presentation and style of writing of the

Please write a minimum of two sentences justifying your mark for category B: technical content and merit of the

Please write a minimum of two sentences justifying your mark for category C: evidence of critical reasoning shown in the

Please comment on the student’s overall performance, noting that at MSc level, CGS A1-A5 is a distinction, B1-B3 is a
commendation, C1-D3 is a pass and E1-G3 is a fail.

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