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Digital Assignment-1

Course Code : MEE2014

Faculty-In-Charge: Dr. Srinivasan Narayanan
Slot : F1

Name : Y Venkata Siva Prasanth


1. What are the points as a designer should consider when going for a
casting process and briefly explain with suitable example?

Incorrect casting product design is one of the reasons why you end up
producing faulty casting components. The communication language between
casting product design engineer and casting component manufacturer is casting
drawing. The following five tips will help you in designing a good casting
product and in preparing a correct casting drawing:

1. Deciding parting line: The parting line is the line around a casting
component where two molds meet each other. The parting line should be
decided by the casting component design engineer and should be shown in the
casting drawing. Ideally, the position of the parting line should be such that the
height of the mold box should be minimum, or, in other words, the draw
distance of the mold box should be minimum.
2. Draft Angle: The draft angle of the casting component should be designed in
such a way that easy removal of the pattern will be possible without disturbing
the sand mold cavity. Giving 1 to 2 degrees of draft angle is standard practice
for sand casting.
3. Uniform section thickness: A uniformly thick casting surface cools
uniformly, and uniform cooling is the utmost requirement for getting a sound
casting. Uniform cooling leads to stress-free and distortion-free casting. So,
while designing casting components, all the sections should be kept as uniform
as possible.
4. Gradual change in section: In case it is not at all possible to maintain
uniform thickness at any area of your casting design, then make the change
gradual rather than abrupt. Refer to the picture below:

5. Designing the junctions of uniform sections: Although the individual

sections may be of uniform cross sections, the meeting points of these sections
may become bulky in nature. You should take special care while designing such
areas. One method of keeping the area similar to the remaining area is by
creating a hole at centre like below:
Conclusion:Casting design plays an important role in producing defect free
casting components. The casting design tips discussed here will be handy for
both sand casting as well as die casting design.

2. Describe the different types of pattern material and pattern allowance with suitable
example of casting process.
Various pattern allowances in casting process

1. Shrinkage allowance
2. Draft allowance
3. Finishing or machining allowances
4. Shake allowance
5. Distortion allowance

Shrinkage in casting or shrinkage allowance in casting process:

shrinkage in casting Process one of Pattern allowances

The liquid melon metals are poured into cavity and the mold together after
cooling and solidify. In this case the phase change in metal shorten it`s volume.
It is known as shrinkage. Now, the patterns require incorporate suitable
allowance for shrinkage. So the patterns made slightly more than require shape
Draft allowance:

draft on external and internal surface

The leading edge are may be break off or get damaged during the pattern is
removed from mold. So that is avoid, the taper is to allow on the pattern and
easily remove from the edge of mold. In this taper having some of angle is
called draft angle. The draft angle depends upon the type of molding, height,
and complexity of pattern.

Finishing or machining allowance:

The produce the part by using sand casting method. The surface finish of the
part will be poor. So this avoid, the casting of product is machined together in
surface like turning or grinding to improve the surface finish during the
machining process, some sufficient amount of metal removed from the mold
part. To compensate this, the machining or finishing allowances are given in the
casting. This allowance is added together in basic size of the pattern.

The amount of allowance added to pattern based on,

 Type of machining process

 Material used
 Requirement of accuracy
 Molding method
It ranges from lower than 2 mm to 15 mm based on size and material of the
part. For too large machining allowance to increase cost of molten metal and
more removal of metal from mold part by machining.

Shake or rapping allowance:

The pattern are removed from the mold cavity, sometime the pattern are rapped
in easily remove from cavity. In this case the final mold cavity is enlarged. So
to compensate for enlargement, the pattern dimension to be reduced. It is called
shake or rapping allowance.

Distortion or camber allowance:

Distortion or camber allowance

When the mold is cooling process, the stress is developed in solid metal because
of the uneven metal thickness or more cooling to allow in the casting. These
stresses may be inducing distortion or bending in the casting. This can be
avoided by initially distorting the pattern in opposite direction.
The casting part thickness is uneven. Hence, the solidification process is not
uniformly and thermal stress provided on the section. So those castings are
distorted. To avoid that, the chamber provided in the opposite direction.

3. Explain very briefly the traditional casting and non-traditional casting


Traditional casting-sand casting

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