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A Research Study Presented

To the Faculty of
Urdaneta City National High School


In Partial Fulfilment of
Requirements of the Subject
Research in Daily Life 2


Mikhael Mendoza
Vince libaste
Henry Lucena
Ed Jacinto
Dan Lantano
Alona Dumangas
Audrey Guillermo
Francis Sermese
Jerken Mapanao
Jollyjohn Ramirez
Janmark Trinidad
Fernan Reasonda
Kerby nazarro

Background of the Study

This chapter will provide the readers a glance of the entire contents of this

research work and how the researchers will solve the problem.

Today, mobile phones have changed our way of life or how we live, it allowed us

do the impossible; like talking to our friends and relatives all around the world in

just a few taps. Mobile phones clearly made things easier, even when playing

games. Before mobile phones came, the gaming platforms were not as portable

making someone play only at home or at certain places where their gaming

platforms are placed. But as the widespread of mobile phones began, playing

games have been a lot easier; this caused excessive playing and led to addiction

to some people. It is true that mobile phones can help students in studies but

only if they use them wisely.

Most of the students become addicted to mobile phones and are fond

playing games, chatting with their friends and watching movies and other stuff. If

students are busy keeping their eyes on their mobile phones at all times they

won’t get time for studying which would lead to poor grades. When you hear

about the effect of mobile games you tend to think about the negative effects

first. Like the fact they are causing addiction, in behavior and in their health. The

addiction to the rivalry and excitements of the games make them the most

common recreational programs for today’s teenagers, so that they do anything to

reach a higher level of the game, they immersed in the game so much that they

completely separate from their surroundings.

In today’s generation, the continuous growth of the modern technology is

developing too fast. Because of technology, new things were created that made

our life easier, comfortable and handy at most of the time. It has become

extremely popular source of entertainment and leisure activities especially to the

students. One particular game is called Mobile legend it is created by China

developer is Moonton Technology Co. Ltd and shanghai mulong network and

technology Co.,ltd. July 11, 2016. Mobile legend bang bang is a game designed

which only for phone, this game has two opposing teams to defend the fort so as

not taken over by the opponent.

Besides, mobile legend is very popular and in demand from various circles

from teenagers to adults. This game is very popular in Asian as many as ten

million accounts are known to have downloaded this game on the Google Play

Store. Due to the fast advancement of technology nowadays, students were

getting involved with too much playing of mobile games Thus, research focuses

on how online games affects the academic performance of Grade 12 General

Academic Strand students of Urdaneta City National High School.

These are the reasons why the researchers will conduct such study to

know the effects of mobile legends towards the respondents academic

performance and subsequently propose a plan of action to address the effects.

Statement of the Problem

This study will focus on determining the effects of mobile legends towards

the academic performance of the students in S.Y 2019-2020.

Specifically it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

a. age

b. sex

c. strand and

d. income of parents

2. What is the effects of mobile legends towards the academic performance of

the senior high school in terms of;

a. performance

b. written works

c. quarterly assessment

3.What is the academic performance of the senior high school students?

4. What plan of action will help the students address the effects of Mobile


Scope and Delimitations

The primary concern of this study is to know the effects of Mobile Legends

towards the academic performance of General Academic Strand students. The

researchers conducted this study during the 1st semester of S.Y. 2019-2020.
A questionnaire will be used to determine the effects of mobile legends. The

primary respondents of this study are the selected General Academic Strand

students who plays Mobile Legends.

Significance of the Study

The researcher believed that this research will be significant for the following:

Faculty. The result of the study will serve as a guide or that will serve as a

springboard for further implementation of guidelines regarding the topic.

Teachers. The result of this study aims to help the SHS teachers to

determine their student's cause of low academic performances.

Readers. The information presented will enable them to know how mobile

legends affects the academic performance. they will be able to see the benefits

and advantage/disadvantage.

Students. This will benefit them in knowing the positive and negative

effects of mobile legends

Parents. The result of the study will help the parents in determining what

might be the effects of playing mobile legends a\or any other games like it to the

academic performance of the students.

Future Researchers. The outcomes of this study will provide baseline

information for future researchers who will engage in similar studies and Include

other variables which are not within the scope of the study
Definition of Terms

Player. Is a person who plays a game or a sport. In this study, players are

the respondents of the study who plays Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends. Is created by China, developer is Moonton CO.LTD. In

this study, Mobile Legends is the game where we correlate the academic

performance of the respondents and whether it has effects on it.

Leisure. Time when you are not working, when you can do whatever you

want to do. In this study, it refers to the freedom to play of the respondents.

Addiction. An unusually great interest in something or a need to do or

have something. In this study, it refers to psychological condition of the

respondents that can affect the academic performance.

Rivalry. state or situation in which people or groups are competing with

each other. In this study it refers to the race of the respondents to higher levels of

the game or to be more advanced than the others, being one of the reasons of

videogame addiction.

Immersed. To make yourself fully involved in some activity or interest. In

this study, it was used to describe how the respondents become too focused and

forget about their surroundings.

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