Process and Plant Optimization: Magazine For Industrial Automation

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Process and plant

How to collect and use data to improve
your production while lowering costs


Management message 3
The ANDRITZ umbrella brand for digital solutions
Automation on a global scale 4

ANDRITZ Automation 6

Hannover Messe 2019 13

Foresee digitally with Metris 14

Moving AHEAD
Optimization 16 The ANDRITZ GROUP has an excel- This close working relationship
in industrial
lent reputation around the world serving key industries gives ANDRITZ
A self-driving mill? 20 automation for its comprehensive portfolio of Automation broad expertise and
products and services in key indus- a comprehensive portfolio of AEI
Drawing conclusions from data 28 tries such as pulp and paper, pow- (automation, electrification, and
er, hydro, metals, and separation instrumentation) solutions as well
IDEAS 30 processes. For decades, we have as drive systems. Globally, we have

The smart press shop 33 20 been integrating electrification and

automation systems into virtually all
more than 2,000 engineers at 110
locations who are designing, build-
A SELF -DRIVING MILL? our deliveries. These activities are ing, configuring, and commissioning
Automation news 35 How Metris OPP helps making the taking on a much more tailor-made and vendor-indepen-
Celulose mill more autonomous critical and promi- dent AEI solutions.
Functional safety 38 “For decades, nent role as industries
quickly shift to digi- We are very excited to present this
we have been tally driven production first issue of AHEAD Magazine for
integrating to improve efficiencies industrial automation. In addition
and reduce costs. to explaining our automation port-
electrification folio in more detail and highlight-
and automation Our automation ex- ing key projects, we hope that it will
perts have worked inspire you in your quest to optimize
systems into
closely with our busi- your plant – and let you know that
ANDRITZ AG virtually all of ness areas and prod- you have a competent automation
Automation Department uct specialists for partner available to support you.
Stattegger Straße 18
IDEAS our deliveries.” many years – to fully
8045 Graz, Austria Expanding horizons
understand custom- Let’s enjoy the journey together – er requirements, pro- AHEAD with ANDRITZ Automation!
cess requirements, and the nuances
Project Director: Patricia Puschnik
Editorial Board: Patricia Puschnik, Gerhard Schiefer, Luis Binotto, Xie Ruiying, Simon Scherrenbacher of the production machinery and Best regards,
Contributing Writer: Robert Puhr arrive at customer-centered solu-
Contributing Photographers: Harald Tauderer, Robert Puhr, Peter Rigaud, Werner Beitel, Schuler,
tions. Reliable ANDRITZ Automation
Croce & Wir, Archives of Eldorado Brasil
Design: Peter Michael Schaffer - solutions are characterized by sus-
tainable process optimization of
All data, information, statements, photographs, and graphic illustrations contained in this publication are without any obligation to the publisher and raise no liabilities to
ANDRITZ AG or any affiliated companies, nor shall the contents in this publication form part of any sales contracts, which may be concluded between ANDRITZ GROUP
the plants to make them even more Wolfgang Semper
companies and purchasers of equipment and/or systems referred to herein. © ANDRITZ AG 2019. All rights reserved. Some content is protected by intellectual property
rights of ANDRITZ. No part of this copyrighted work may be reproduced, modified or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in any database or retrieval system, efficient and profitable.
without the prior written permission of ANDRITZ AG or its affiliates. Any such unauthorized use for any purpose is a violation of the relevant copyright laws.

Due to legal considerations, we must inform you that ANDRITZ AG processes your data for the purpose of informing you about the ANDRITZ GROUP and its activities.
Find out more details about our privacy policy and your rights on our website: You can easily unsubscribe from receiving printed AHEAD magazine

2 3

early adopters that we find in each industry sector. These are the people
we want to know and have dialogue with.

Yet, we also know that the process industries are not adventurous. There
is too much capital at stake, so risks have to be mitigated. Our challenge
is to make sure that our solutions are balanced: HIGH in technology and
performance and LOW in risk.

What are the key facts about ANDRITZ Automation that you would like
customers to know?
That we provide automation services and solutions for a wide range of
industries. That we offer a range of skills and services from pre-feasibility
consulting, to estimates, to project management, to hardware and soft-
ware engineering, up to plant simulation, optimization and commission-
ing on site. That we have more than 2,000 automation experts around
the world in 110 locations. That we have a close connection with our col-
leagues in the Business Areas so that we integrate process + machinery +
automation in a single interface to reduce commissioning, start-up, and

Innovative automation optimization times and increase productive operating hours.

What good examples are there of innovative solutions at ANDRITZ

on a global scale Automation?

Our Metris system, Metris OPP contracts, and our network design using
Edge devices are truly innovative. Not only are they technically elegant
solutions – they are also very practical and offer a measurable return on
An interview with
Innovation seems to be an overused word – what does it mean to you at The Metris solution is platform-independent and enables local control as
Gerhard Schiefer, ANDRITZ Automation? well as plant-wide connectivity in a simpler, more elegant solution. Today,
Chief Automation It seems like everything is innovative these days. Unfortunately, frequent a classic, industrial automation network relies on a rather rigid hierarchy
use of the word has caused it to lose much of its meaning. The irony is that in order to operate. Optimization software is separate from this hierarchy,
Officer the NEED for innovation remains high among our customers, who are faced and the topology can be complex. The Metris concept combines the in-
with ever-changing, competitive global pressures. They know that they put/output, condition monitoring, and overall control. Unit level controls
have to do things differently (i.e. better). can be easily linked to perform machine automation or complete process
automation. It is “configured” rather than “programmed” using a highly
For us at ANDRITZ Automation, innovation graphical, functional interface. Metris OPP (Optimization of Process Per-
means being able to deliver higher-value formance) combines Big Data analytical capabilities with our highly skilled
“Innovation means being
performance, oftentimes using breakthrough process and equipment experts to perform a truly unique service. With
able to deliver higher- technologies, in more manageable ways. It is Metris OPP, the vast amount of data generated by plant sensors and con-
value performance, often- difficult, if not impossible, to be innovative in trol systems becomes a valuable “raw material” for optimization. Metris
a vacuum. So we work side-by-side with cus- OPP looks for data interrelationships and patterns that a human being
times using breakthrough tomers and research institutions to arrive at with a spreadsheet could never uncover. Then intelligent algorithms create
technologies, in more solutions faster and better that meet our cus- control models to exploit these patterns. The human experts verify wheth-
manageable ways.” tomers´ needs. R&D has been at the heart of er the proposed modifications to the process and/or operating proce-
ANDRITZ’s technologies since its founding al- dures will be effective.
most 170 years ago.
Our Metris OPP team is creating an increasing number of mobile apps that
What are the main challenges ANDRITZ Automation is facing and how address specific plant needs – to untether managers and operators from
are you addressing them? the control room. Supervisors can see alarms in real-time on their smart-
Our main challenge is to closely follow – and actually anticipate – the phones no matter where they are. Business managers have real-time pro-
very dynamic needs of the industry sectors we serve. There are amazingly duction and cost data in hand. Maintenance technicians have logbooks,
rapid changes, especially in the area of smart sensors, the Industrial Inter- checklists, repair procedures, and other documentation instantly available
net of Things (IIoT), and Big Data analytics. We address this challenge by for each asset they are observing. Information can be exchanged easily
being in constant contact with customers – especially the pioneers and among team members or from one shift to another by smartphone. •

4 5

ANDRITZ The ANDRITZ Automation services and tools

provided cover a wide range of industries,
such as pulp and paper, mining, or oil and
start-up and operator training and contin-
ues with maintenance and engineering work
for expansions and improvements. ANDRITZ
consolidates the concentrated process knowl-
edge that creates significant advantages and
customer-focused solutions.

Automation gas. Customers around the world rely on

ANDRITZ Automation, which has a total of 110
different locations, in various fields like pulp
Automation is the full capability controls,
electrical and power system integrator, fill-
ing the roles from owner’s engineer to S/MAC
By investing in research and development,
ANDRITZ Automation drives innovation and con-
and paper, separation, stainless steel or food (Simulation and Main Automation Contractor), tinually improves both processes and plants.
ANDRITZ Automation is a leading and beverages. from small improvements to turnkey projects. The main goal is to raise the efficiency, sustain-
supplier of machines and plant ability and profitability of the plant and its pro-
ANDRITZ Automation assists customers from With plant control systems, simulation and cesses while reducing costs and downtimes. •
control systems operating
project concept to execution and through- advanced control tools, automation experts
worldwide and with head- out operations, starting with pre-feasibility help plants to become operationally ready
quarters in Graz, Austria. studies and front-end engineering of con- within a short start-up period through com- CONTACT
trols, electrical and power systems engineer- prehensive process know-how and pre-test- ANDRITZ AG
ing and followed by estimating, scope de- ed components. The close cooperation be-
velopment, and value engineering. This also tween ANDRITZ Automation experts and all
includes project management, erection work, business areas within the ANDRITZ GROUP

6 7
Hydro Pulp & Paper
Automation Automation
The pulp, paper and power plant automation de-
partment focuses on automation, electrification and
instrumentation systems, helping mills to realize their
full potential. The department serves the capital and
service divisions on chemical pulp mill, power boiler,
paper and tissue machine projects globally.
It supplies dynamic simulation, patented advanced control solutions
ANDRITZ AG and operator training tools, focusing on simulation, electrical and
controls, operator training, and process optimization. Engineering
specialists are mainly based in the product homes and are assisted
by local support staff.

The dedicated products developed for the core equipment include

electrification and control systems for stacker-reclaimers used for
chip storage in woodyards, K4000 digester chip level measurement,
the BaleMaticTM control system for bale finishing lines (automation,
electrification and instrumentation), as well as the DryMaticTM dryer
ANDRITZ Hydro Automation provides innovative control system and safety related systems (SRS) for various process
and competitive solutions for the complete sec- areas. Developments in digitalization, industry 4.0 and IIoT ensure
ondary technology in power plants, thus covering constant further development. Maximum availability and advanced
cyber-security standards and practices are key to enabling cus-
the entire value chain: development, marketing,
tomers to use their equipment efficiently to produce pulp, paper,
sales, engineering, design, commissioning, and tissue, and steam for energy or district heat generation or
after-sales service. methanol for biofuel. •

ANDRITZ Hydro Automation is an overall solution provider for sec-

ondary technology, its strengths being the provision of integrat-
ed solutions for all power plant subsystems: turbine governor, ex-
citation, protection, control technology, as well as monitoring and

ANDRITZ Hydro Automation supplies solutions tailored to the cus-

tomer’s needs for large new plants in the Large Hydro business seg-
ment and highly standardized products in the Compact Hydro busi-
ness segment. Rehabilitation of plants of all sizes mainly requires
highly adaptable products and thorough process know-how. The
NEPTUN concept, which is already in use in a large number of power
plants, comes into its own throughout all applications. •

8 9
Metals Separation
Automation Automation
ANDRITZ Separation is the world´s leading separa-
tion specialist with the broadest technology port-
folio and more than 2,000 specialists in 40 coun-
tries. Industries ranging from environment to food,
chemicals, and mining and minerals are benefitting
from basic automation solutions and on to sophis-
ticated technologies that recognize changes and
imbalances within the production process.
The ANDRITZ Separation specialists use their in-depth expertise to
provide scalable solutions that are individually tailored to region-
al and application-specific requirements, be this automation for
new equipment or upgrades to prolong the equipment’s life cycle.
Customized upgrades, process optimizations, safety audits, and
training complete the range of full services. With the aid of Metris
addIQ control systems, plant performance can be enhanced mea-
surably while keeping downtime to a minimum. As a supplier for cut-
ting-edge automation technologies and digitalization, best-in-
class performance is ensured. •

ANDRITZ Metals supplies complete, integrated

electrical equipment and automation solutions for
the cold rolling industry. ANDRITZ Metals stands
for state-of-the-art solutions in the metal industry
and provides experts for electrical equipment and
automation in every section of the processing line.

The core strengths are optimum project handling, based on CONTACT

well-engineered and process-optimized models from L1: PLC/HMI ANDRITZ AG
to L2: MES, and dealing with specified and application-oriented
solutions. ANDRITZ Metals E&A engineering works with data-based
CAE tools and is especially known for its experience in mathe-
matical modeling. By introducing flexible and application-orient-
ed automation technology together with standardized hardware
and software systems, customers receive all-in-one electrical and
automation solutions. •

10 11

Schuler ANDRITZ Digital Solutions –

Interdisciplinary competences
in Automation, IT & OT


Schuler is the technological and global market

leader in the field of forming technology. The com-
pany provides presses, automation solutions, dies,
process expertise, and service for the entire
metalworking industry and for lightweight
automobile construction. EXPERIENCE THE METRIS HANNOVE R
MESSE 2019
Schuler’s customers include automotive manufacturers and sup- Metris technologies are the state-of-the-art
pliers as well as companies in the forging, household appliances, outcome of the latest developments in the
packaging, energy, and electronics industries. Schuler is a leading era of digitalization, IIoT and smart solutions. APRIL 01 - 05
supplier of minting presses and implements system solutions for a ANDRITZ incorporates its interdisciplinary
wide range of different high-tech sectors. know-how gained in several industries into ANDRITZ Booth
digital solutions under the Metris umbrella Hall 6, E29
From the individual press to the complete press line, Schuler is a sys- brand. Experience a 3D-printed and digitally
tem supplier. Schuler automates forming lines with intelligence and augmented machine in operation, connected to
an eye to practical utility. In this way, Schuler boosts a line’s produc- a control system with interfaces that allow every
tion performance efficiently and economically. Whether customers optimization potential required to also be used.
are looking for a broad portfolio of parts, high productivity or have
a need for compact equipment, Schuler automation solutions win We will introduce you to predictive maintenance
over customers with high efficiency and reliable production pro- combined with smart services, scalable from a single
cesses. Schuler also modernizes existing lines, while Schuler Service machine to end-to-end solutions. The ANDRITZ team is
offers a tailored portfolio of services covering the entire equipment looking forward to meeting you at our Metris booth at
life cycle. • the Hannover Messe 2019. •

12 13

Smart Customer
Sensors Care

Provide IIoT solutions to im-

prove customers‘ machine Big

and process performance


Provides customers with

Augmented a unified point of entry to
Smart Service


Coordinate venture capital Spare Parts

and startup a
­ ctivities within
As a technology leader Catalog
with extensive and long-

term experience in supplying
industrial measurement, con- Portfolio options created
trol, and optimization solutions for industry and in general
for various industries, ANDRITZ is as well as the specific require-
combining its process and equipment ments of key industries served by
expertise with the latest advancements in ANDRITZ all rely on the three strategic fo-
the digital era. The result of this power- cus areas of the Metris brand: Industrial IoT
ful combination is Metris: a portfolio of technologies, Smart Service concepts, and
Industrial IoT, Industry 4.0, digita- ANDRITZ digital solutions. Venture activities. The main technological
lization – current buzzwords that advancements integrated into individu-
industries use when seeking to One of the flagship capabilities of al Metris products are derived from Big
Metris is its ability to optimize industrial Data analytics, Smart Sensor tech-
improve their performance and
processes, known as Metris OPP. Metris nologies, and Augmented Reality
equip themselves for the OPP has been developed over the solutions. Smart
future of industry. past decade and is installed today in
over 50 locations around the world. Metris helps customers to fore-
It combines powerful analytical see digitally. With this forward slant,
and data mining software with the ANDRITZ is continuously improving the
knowledge of the world’s top process portfolio and its performance
experts to deliver a smart service – providing tailored and
initiative for customers. fully integrated digital
solutions from a
The depth and effectiveness of the single source. •
Metris portfolio continues to improve Big
thanks to ongoing R&D, collaboration
with key customers and institutions,
and venture activities.


14 15

Imagine the ability to produce Life is busy. We are all busy. The self-help gurus for industrial optimization formed on a longer-term contractual basis,
exist as well. In most cases, they are much that improves the performance of a produc-
the best product at the lowest We often cram too many activities into our more effective at helping optimize a plant’s tion system. Metris OPP has helped clients
days – both at work and at home, to the performance than the ones at the bookstore worldwide save millions, with pulp mills,
cost every hour of the day – point where it can seem chaotic. At work, we claiming they can help us get our lives back steel mills and chemical plants among the
are stressed due to deadlines or meetings. in order. industries that have reaped benefits in
based on the current realities, In our spare time – especially with the rise of weeks rather than years.
social media – we spend our “free” time However, optimization is a tricky word. The
constraints, and opportunities. staring at screens, texting and tweeting. key to optimization is to “get to the root” of Metris OPP is part of the Metris family of
what it means to be “optimal” for a given ANDRITZ Digital Solutions. It is based on
That is optimization in a All this “busy-ness” and activity may give the process. Is it consistent quality? Lowest cost? continuous developments in the three main
Highest throughput? Highest availability? Metris technologies – Smart Sensors, Big Data
nutshell. Automation plays illusion that we are living life to its fullest. Yet,
inside, we feel that things are not in balance. Lowest equipment wear? Nevertheless, once and Augmented Reality – and improves

a critical role in achieving Self-help gurus come to our rescue – giving

us tools to “optimize” our everyday life.
this has been defined, there are automation
tools, such as Metris OPP, that will adjust
production systems by analyzing a huge
amount of data collected throughout

optimal performance and The same can be true of industrial processes

inputs/outputs in real-time to achieve
optimal operations at any given moment.
the systems.

remarkable results. – all the “busy-ness” of flow rates, tempera-

tures, pressures, speeds, inputs, and outputs. Not a small task. But achievable.
Yes, a certain chaos can ensue when things How does Metris OPP work? The analytical
are out of balance. PROVEN BENEFITS software collects information from systems

Optimi zation
Metris OPP (Optimization of Process Perfor- about each control loop, control valve, mo-
mance) is an ANDRITZ service, usually per- tor, and all the variables in the process. So-
phisticated signal processing and statistical
tools in the software identify control loops
and assets that are not performing to the »

Local analyst
• Full-time on site

Regional specialist
• Remote support

Collaborative network DCS & ERP
• Control, automation, and
Metris platform
maintenance experience • Platform & methodology
• Best practices • Continuous R&D

16 17
optimum and predict the economic impact
this will have on the process. Then human

50 50
expertise takes over. ANDRITZ experts
work with the customers’ operations and
maintenance staff to prioritize opportunities
and make corrections. In some cases, it can
be a simple fix such as repairing a valve.
Others require analysis of the overall control
objective and changing the process control CONTRACTS IN 14 COUNTRIES MILLION EUROS SAVINGS PER YEAR
strategy to eliminate off-spec production,
overconsumption of chemicals and energy
or sources of process variability. The result is

32 200
increased operational stability and reduced OVER


“Talk to those who can make you better
than you are.” – Seneca already knew that MILLION TONS OF PRODUCTION EXPERTS WORLDWIDE
this strategy is a reliable way of triggering
improvement and working towards achieving

new goals. When using Metris OPP, a client
can be sure of being heard. A customer-
oriented workflow focused on individual
targets and KPIs is crucial, like cost savings Benefits of Metris OPP
in production, reduced energy consumption
• Identifies opportunities for savings and
or smoother long-term operation. As soon as efficiency enhancement
the KPIs are specified, actions are taken to • Powerful signal processing and statistical CAPITAL INVESTMENT
achieve the goal of improving the processes analysis of control effectiveness
within the 3-month test phase. Under the ple with the Logbook. This stored user data • Reduces off-spec production or wasted
basic pricing model, charges are only can be utilized to enhance daily operations, raw materials
incurred once concrete savings have been find solutions to recurring problems, or train • Increases production by enhancing
realized. Both within the test phase and the new operators. Smart controls and opera- process stability
following quarterly periods, the higher-level tor assistance facilitate an array of start- • Better quality in end product –
goals defined are analyzed, evaluated, and up sequences, diagnostics and root cause less variation
• Predicts failure in specific equipment
adapted if necessary. This approach always analyses as well as adaptive set-points, mul-
and increases equipment availability
guarantees that the ANDRITZ experts and tivariable predictive controls and neural net-
• No capital investment required; flexible
the customer all pull together. works. Regulatory control functions include
payment can be based on savings achieved
control loop tuning and assessment as well • Field-proven model in many contracts
GAINING INSIGHTS THROUGH DATA as dead-time compensators and feed-for- in different countries
Metris OPP can be compared with a tool ward options. • Knowledge database continuously
kit and offers a variety of functionalities incremented
and apps. Tools such as the dashboard REAL-TIME DATA AND AUGMENTED • Continual R&D
allow managers to gain a clear overview REALITY
and access KPIs, balanced scorecards and Field operators and maintenance technicians
project management tools. Engineers, on the can perform more effectively with on-hand,
other hand, can draw on OPP’s powerful data augmented reality support. Real-time data
analytics tools such as data mining, statistics and diagnostics coupled with remote sup-
and power spectral density to quickly port allow improvements to be implemented
implement any efficiency modifications. as and when they are needed. OPP also has
functions that allow a malfunctioning valve
ENHANCED DAILY OPERATION or motor to be adjusted or replaced before it
OPP is an especially powerful aid for op- has had any significant negative impact on
erators and shift supervisors, for exam- production. •

18 19

A self-operating mill?
Big thinking and big results at FACTS
Eldorado Celulose
Três Lagoas, Brazil
Bleached market pulp
(1.7 million adt/a)
Automation tool:
Metris OPP

Autonomous automobiles use a variety of techniques to

gather data about their surroundings and feed this data
to advanced control systems that interpret the inputs and
identify appropriate navigation paths. The development of
autonomous pulp mills using Metris OPP is following a similar
path – and Eldorado Celulose is an early adopter of this
technology. The results have a big economic payback.

20 21
Experiments began with automat-
ed operation back in the 1920s or
“I can tell you this,” he says. “The results in
the first year have been impressive.”
“Metris OPP is a tool
even earlier. The first truly autono-
mous cars appeared in the 1980s. An increase in operational efficiency from
that helps us stay
The development of autonomous
mills is moving at a much faster
89.2 to 93%; variable cost reduction of 7%;
38,000 admt production over the bud-
pace thanks to smart sensors and geted amount; AND controls in automatic Leonardo Pimenta,
tremendous computing power in mode 95% of the time. Technical Control Manager, Eldorado Celulose
small packages that are part of
ANDRITZ’s Metris OPP (Optimization The control room at Eldorado is the action center for production control. OPP soft- METRIS OPP
of Process Performance). ware resides in the DCS for advanced control of fiberline processes and also links Increasing operating efficiency by 3.8% may the smooth, gradual integration of the pro-
process, maintenance, and asset management information into one network.
not sound like a tremendous improvement. cess improvements without impacting daily
Metris OPP is a combination But in a mill currently producing 1.7 mill t/a – mill routines.
of sophisticated software and that amount is equivalent to millions of Bra-
knowledgeable human experts. “I can tell you this. The zilian real in the end. The fact that Eldorado “The main challenge was never the engineer-
This system is aimed at improv- operates sustainably at 13% above design ing itself, but rather the adjustments required
ing production through data results in the first year capacity without any additional capital in- in the way that operators and managers
mining and control strategies, vestments is proof of its efficiency. worked,” Figueiredo says.
with the goal of reducing costs have been impressive!“
and increasing profits. It has Carlos Monteiro, But why would a mill already operating in “The key to us achieving results is the belief
been around in various forms for Industrial Director, Eldorado Celulose the top tier choose a service like Metris OPP? that processes are better controlled by au-
over a decade and is constantly “We are well-managed and have tight cost tomatic, advanced process control than by
evolving and improving. Metris controls,” says Leonardo Pimenta, Technical manual operator intervention,” says Pimenta.
OPP has been implemented in Control Manager at Eldorado and in charge “Stability is essential. Every loop in automatic
over 50 plants in 14 countries. Arguably the do. “Most of our work at Eldorado to date still of the OPP project. “But we can always im- mode makes us money.”
most impressive Metris OPP project is the au- has an operator in the driver’s seat, so per- prove our position. We focus on every detail
tonomous mill at Eldorado Celulose near Três haps ‘automated mill’ more accurately de- to stay ahead of our competitors. Metris OPP KPIS ARE MEASURED CONSTANTLY
Lagoas (MS), Brazil. scribes what we are doing today – with an is a tool that helps us stay ahead.” “They were pretty high targets, especially for
eye towards autonomy in the future.” a well-run mill,” Figueiredo admits. “But we
AUTOMATED OR AUTONOMOUS? STEP-BY-STEP TRANSFORMATION were committed – both Eldorado and us –
“Autonomous implies acting independently,” Carlos Monteiro, Eldorado’s Industrial Direc- The high level of automation at Eldorado to achieving them. We signed an agreement
explains Leonardo Soares Figueiredo, tor, does not care whether it is autonomous didn’t come over night. All changes within in August 2016 with the idea that we would
ANDRITZ’s OPP Project Manager at Eldora- or automated. Monteiro is focused on results. the processes of the mill were and are done have all the front-end work done by the end
step-by-step and executed on a daily basis. of the year so we could start measuring re-
The advantage of this approach is seen in sults in January 2017.” »

Arthur Santos, ANDRITZ OPP Analyst (left), gives a progress update to Carlos Monteiro, Eldorado’s Industrial Director,
while touring the fiberline. According to Monteiro, OPP has made a “big difference” in Eldorado’s performance.

22 23
“There were pretty high targets, es-
pecially for a well-run mill,” Figue-
iredo admits. “But we were com-
mitted – both Eldorado and us
– to achieving them. We signed an
agreement in August 2016 with the
idea that we would have all the
front-end work done by the end of
the year so we could start measur-
ing results in January 2017.”
Tiago Garcia (Utilities DCS Operator), Douglas Freitas (Power Boiler DCS Operator),
Early in the project, Eldorado and Adriano Cabral (Automation Analyst) and José Spadon Jr. (Fiber Line DCS Operator)

ANDRITZ set clear goals

against which to measure
success. These goals, known In less than one year, some import-
as Key Performance Indica-
tors (KPIs), form the basis for
ant milestones were achieved: a new
30% of ANDRITZ’s payment, so record for quarterly production from
they are important. What gets January to March; a new month-
measured gets done.
ly production record in May; a new
The three KPIs selected as be- quarterly production record from April
ing most critical are: 1) oper- to June; and in August a new average
ational stability in the 90-93%
production record.
range; 2) a reduction in vari-
able costs versus budget; and
3) all the APC routines will be
turned on at least 90% of the time. AUTOMATIC START-UP SEQUENCES planning software to retrieve vital information
At the bleach plant, an automatic start-up on Eldorado’s 23,000 assets in the database
Arthur Santos, OPP Technical Spe- sequence has been implemented and test- and combine this with process info from the
cialist at ANDRITZ, believes that the ed. “The operators only have to press one but- DCS. The whole team is working on making
front-end work of analyzing control ton, and the plant starts up by itself,” Santos this communication between the databases
loops and then “tuning” each loop is says. “After the process has started, Metris OPP mutual.
responsible for helping achieve the takes over to control bleach production. The
results Eldorado is seeing today. “It expansion of this sequence within our autono- “This gives us a new level of knowledge
all starts with reliable data, which mous mill has reaped tangible rewards already, about our assets,” Araujo says. “Understand-
comes from reliable instruments and which is why we are now developing similar ing the process is fundamental to under-
sensors,” Santos says. “We complet- start-up control for the washing processes.” standing the health of our mill. Identifying the
ed over 40 projects using combi- risks early prevents unplanned stoppages.”
nations of smart sensors, APC, loop SUPPORT FOR RISK-BASED MAINTENANCE Each asset has been categorized A, B, C, or
Eldorado Celulose’s senior management team (left to right): Luiz Roberto Araujo,
tuning, data mining, and so on that Three reliability engineers are part of the AN- D, depending upon the critical importance of
Maintenance; Marcos Steyer, Woodyard and Chip Preparation; Murilo Sanches,
created the infrastructure and a Recovery, Utilities and Energy; Leonardo Pimenta, Technical Control Manager; DRITZ-Eldorado team working on the Metris the equipment to the mill’s operations. “We
standardized way of operating.” and Marcelo Martins, Production Manager. OPP project. According to Luiz Roberto Arau- monitor the risks for each asset and focus our
jo, Eldorado’s Maintenance Manager, these attention on the highest-priority risks to our
ALMOST 100% AUTOMATED CONTROL for the remaining 2-3% of control tasks. three are supporting the mill’s culture of risk- most critical assets,” Araujo explains. “One
Today, the Eldorado mill runs in automatic For the rest of their shift, operators can safe- based maintenance (RBM) by centralizing glance at a computer screen shows us where
mode 97-98% of the time, enabling Eldorado ly turn their attention away from mundane information from the process and the equip- to focus our efforts to avoid unnecessary
to progress from basic control to “hands off” control tasks. “By running in auto, we can ment in the same database. shutdowns.”
and even “eyes off” operation. However, op- re-assign operators to more highly leveraged
erators mostly still start and stop the produc- tasks,“ Pimenta says. “If you think about it, It sounds simple, but the amount of work is The result? “We’re operating at 95% overall
tion process and take over when malfunc- even the best operator in the world can’t be quite challenging. ANDRITZ OPP analysts equipment availability,” Araujo says. “That is
tions or breakdowns occur, which accounts alert and on-duty 24/7/365. have tapped into the mill’s SAP maintenance an excellent result.” »

24 25
“Metris OPP has made a big Eldorado is unique in that a joint team was
formed – ANDRITZ and Eldorado personnel --

difference in Eldorado’s from the very beginning and works together

every day.
performance. In a short “You can find Eldorado process and mainte-
time, we have achieved nance reliability engineers and ANDRITZ OPP
analysts In the same room,” Santos says. “We
excellent results.” interact constantly, collaborating and solving
problems together.”
Carlos Monteiro,
Eldorado’s Industrial Director
“We have put all our efforts into the success of
this project,” Monteiro says. “I don’t think there
are other mills working this way with a team of
METRIS OPP MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE committed resources on a full-time basis.”
According to Monteiro, Metris OPP has made
a “big difference” in Eldorado’s performance. According to Pimenta, when Eldorado de-
“We have achieved excellent results in just a cided to go with OPP, it did so in a big way.
short time,” he says. “Every loop in APC makes “We chose to apply all the concepts and all
us money. Selfishly, I would prefer if no other the technologies that OPP offers at the same
pulp mills were to investigate Metris OPP. But time,” he says. “We didn’t want to do it in
even if there are some who do, we intend to pieces, but all at the same time and as quick-
keep pushing and to stay ahead.” Leonardo Pimenta, Technical Control Manager, meets with the ly as possible. That’s the Eldorado way.” •
achieving a higher level of autonomy of the OPP team to discuss progress. The team consists of Eldorado
process engineers, reliability engineers, and ANDRITZ OPP
“I suppose there are some people who be- mill because then we will have a powerful analysts working side-by-side.
lieve that the Industrial Internet of Things tool that will manage production throughout
(IIoT) is just a marketing gimmick,” says Dan- the mill using real-time data.” FOUR FACTS
iel Schuck, Vice President of Technology for
ANDRITZ APO. “Maybe they said the same The mill is also working on an Augmented Re-
thing about transmitters and the early distrib- ality project to help maintenance staff ob-
uted control systems. But what we are doing is tain instant information in the field simply by

98 % +3 %
not pie-in-the-sky fantasy. We are using new looking at a piece of equipment with Aug-
tools to do traditional things – saving mills mented Reality glasses. At the moment, El-
millions of dollars a year.” dorado has made considerable progress in
making checklists available for operators and
“We might have tried to do some of this alone, maintenance people on their mobile devices.
but we chose to bring in an experienced part-
ner with ANDRITZ,” Pimenta says. “They have In addition, there are Metris OPP projects to AUTOMATIC MODE OPERATIONAL STABILITY
the tools and the experience to help us reach optimize ash leaching, dissolving tank TTA,
a much higher level of performance faster. Our lime kiln energy efficiency, and other control
results show that there is a lot to be gained by strategies being developed. Creation of ma-
extracting the hidden capacity from our as- chine learning tools, automated data an-
sets before having to make additional capital alytics to predict process disruptions, and

investments.” two-way-communication between Metris

OPP and the SAP software of the mill are also
Another project is currently underway to de-
termine the best production mill balance at
any given time. “Think of it as level control
There are various “flavors” of Metris OPP in
for the entire mill,” says Santos. “We are writ- various plants. The one thing they have in REDUCTION OF CHEMICAL
ing software to monitor all the tank levels in common is that the work is performed in col- AND ENERGY COSTS
the mill and combine this info with key pro- laboration with mill personnel – operators,
cess variables. This software will be crucial in technical resources, and management.

26 27

Drawing conclusions tal reductions in the consumption of chemi-

cals, energy, and so on. One of the intangible
Data analysis tools, automatized analysis
and data visualization. It supports the evo-

from data: the Datalytic

results is the teamwork this approach en- lution from purely physical information (flows,
courages, bringing data scientists and pro- temperatures, pressures, basis weights) to the
cess experts from ANDRITZ together with the desired state of adding intelligence to the
plant’s operating, maintenance, and techni- data. Unlike us humans, Metris is not over-

Team @ work
cal personnel – all with a common goal. whelmed by massive amounts of data. The
longer data is collected, and the more data
WHAT ROLE DOES METRIS PL AY? is collected, the more the system learns –
Our Metris platform provides a bridge be- which is the basis for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
tween the types of expertise required – Big and Machine Learning (ML) technologies. •
An interview with Everton Rocha de Souza,
Coordinator of ANDRITZ Automation’s “At some mills, we EVERTON ROCHA DE SOUZA
Datalytic Team have more than 70,000 is an electrical engineer and is currently taking a Master’s degree in Data and Information

variables in the system. Science. With experience as an operator for the Brazilian pulp producer Suzano S.A., he
joined the Automation department in Graz in 2011. After planning safety systems for pulp mills,
We never know which programming distributed control systems and handling Metris OPP contracts in

might be of most value Europe, he has been coordinating the Datalytic Team since 2016.

to solve a particular
problem, so we have Everton Rocha de Souza explaining data
visualization in the new PrimeLine
Manufacturing plants generate a lot of data a powerful system to Performance Center.

within their instruments, distributed control collect, track, and

systems, laboratory and business systems. analyze data.”
Most of the data is used as a “snapshot”
to take a controlling action or similar. Few Everton Rocha de Souza
plants have an efficient, practical way to sift
through the data they generate and make
sense of it in the longer term.

The Datalytic Team pro-

vides these tools – the
ability to efficiently track,
store, filter, and visualize
a plant’s data. We dis-
cover data relationships
and patterns that a human
being with a spreadsheet
would never uncover. When
these are presented to an experienced pro-
cess expert, decisions can be made to run
the plant more profitably. Then we help cus-
tomers develop models so that these deci-
sions can be automated and integrated into


Datalytic Team Graz from left to right: Paul Schneeweiss,
The results are primarily faster and more
Christoph Aigner, Everton Rocha de Souza, Günter Jaritz,
profitable decision-making – things like fast- Zohil Villa-Carreno, Jaime Pinheiro and Lauri Salminen
er start-ups, less downtime, and incremen- (missing in the picture)

28 29

With the need to verify designs, check out automation equipment

prior to installation, improve operational efficiencies, comply with
stringent safety standards, or thoroughly train operators in a
virtual, safe mode prior to a major start-up, process industries
are relying increasingly upon dynamic simulation to extend
and expand their efficiencies.


Process simulation was a fledgling technol-

ogy in the early 1980s, but has grown to its
current position of primacy, aided by Moore’s
law of predicted accelerated growth in com-
puting power. IDEAS™, a proprietary simula-
tor from ANDRITZ, has been catering to the
high-fidelity simulation needs of the pulp
and paper, mining and mineral processing,
power, and oil sands processing industries
for the past three decades.


The dynamic simulator IDEAS optimizes over-
all plant design for flowsheet, equipment,
capacity and performance alter-
natives. As a project progresses,
ANDRITZ Automation experts build a
“Digital Twin” of the plant. This
Digital Twin is a fundamental aspect
of a cyber-physical system – one of
the basic pillars of Industry 4.0 – and
is closely integrated with artificial
intelligence and advanced analytics.

IDEAS mitigates project risks and shortens

actual ramp-up up time by checking, revis-
ing, and validating the P&IDs, operability,
and process control logic before start-up. »

30 31
* Trademark of the ANDRITZ GROUP.
The Digital Twin in the IDEAS simulator is con- upgrades to the development platform of
nected to the customer’s control system so IDEAS’ dynamically linked libraries with code
that operators can be fully trained in all the optimizations.
start-up, shutdown, and operating scenari-

os in a virtual, safe mode. So when the plant ELECTRICAL POWER NETWORKS AND
is actually started up, the operators are al- DATA ANALYTICS
ready in a position to achieve the capacity, IDEAS includes objects for modeling electri-
performance, and reliability goals expect- cal load networks such as generator, grid,
ed and the project becomes an outstanding transformer, buses, breaker, and plant load

success. There are dozens of documented units. The electrical solver simulates the pow-
examples of world record-breaking start-ups er balance and load flow distribution in the
and ramp-ups achieved with the assistance network with a real-time response to the
of the IDEAS simulator. dynamics of the plant, such as start-up and

load variations in the process.
In operation, IDEAS models are connected to
real-time data in order to be executed paral- The process units and the electrical networks
lel to the process. Real-time execution of the can be integrated into a single monolithic
Digital Twin allows the creation of new appli- model and solved simultaneously. Additionally,
cations and capabilities in the customer’s sys- the functionalities of R-language and Python
tem, such as building virtual instrumentation, are invoked through the External Code Inter- Schuler’s answer to Industry 4.0
deploying condition monitoring systems, and face object. In the current era of Industry 4.0,
performing real-time optimization. computationally intensive data analytics and
machine-learning algorithms are rendered
MEETING INDUSTRY NEEDS WITH viable for practical applications – thanks to
CUTTING-EDGE UPGRADES the ascendancy of computing power. A com-
Continuously revitalized with feedback and putationally superior platform is already being
developed and is set for release in 2019. • OE E TR ACK & PROCESS CONDITION POWE R SMART
cutting-edge ideas from a global team of Overall Equipment
scientists and engineers, IDEAS is constantly Effectiveness

evolving into newer, more powerful versions.

For example, IDEAS is used extensively to
model thermo-hydraulic and electrical net- New features in IDEAS
works in power generation plants. The simu-
lation of supercritical boilers poses inherent
Strengthening New At the Hot Stamping TechCenter in Göppingen, Schuler is currently conducting a field test on condition monitoring.
challenges in two major areas – stability of
the core avenues
the solution and speed of convergence. The Thermodynamics Electrical
upgraded, thermodynamic property cor- enhancements product Like many other manufacturers, producers of discrete parts using met-
relation solving techniques in IDEAS 6.5.0 – al forming presses face new challenges in terms of higher efficiencies,
Multiple R-language and
the current version in release – allows faster
models Python interface higher quality, and reduced waste. This is especially evident in the au-
convergence and enables real-time solving,
which is a characteristic essential in operator Speed tomotive industry – both for automobile manufacturers and suppliers
training simulations and model-based tools improvements to this industry. Schuler is responding to these challenges with solu-
to support operations in real-time. tions based on Industry 4.0 criteria: the Smart Press Shop.
The new version also allows users to
run multiple models in a segregated In the intelligent and fully networked press The Smart Press Shop from Schuler, which is
or modular arrangement. A single shop of the future, it will be possible to predict part of the family of Metris industrial IoT solu-
instance of the IDEAS application potential downtime accurately with the aid tions, delivers improved reliability and in-
can now seamlessly host multiple of data collected from sophisticated sensors creased cost-effectiveness within the forming
models, while each model can be and actuators, and to avert this downtime technology sector. The system is suitable for
linked to the DCS with an indepen- well in advance. Removing disturbances and use with both new and existing equipment.
dent communication host through unplanned downtime will not only increase a
the OPC framework. Users report plant’s productivity. It should also increase the MACHINE MONITORING SYSTEM
improvements of up to 100% in the Successful start-up of the ANDRITZ PrimeLineCOMPACT VI tissue quality of the parts produced while minimizing At the heart of Schuler’s digital toolkit is its
model speed execution thanks to production line at Bashundhara Paper Mills Limited in Bangladesh. waste and energy requirements. Machine Monitoring System (MMS). There are

32 33

six functional modules making up the MMS:

Monitoring of Overall Equipment Effective-
of parts produced, how many of these parts
are acceptable, and which shift had the best Performance at a higher level:
ness (OEE), Track & Trace, Process Monitoring,
Condition Monitoring, Power Monitoring, and
new PrimeLine Performance
Center now in operation
Smart Diagnostics. These modules collect, The data collected also serves as a basis for
analyze, store, and evaluate production pro- functions like Track & Trace of safety-relat-
cesses and machine conditions. The MMS can ed parts. The system links these parts to in-
be ordered with new machinery from Schul- formation on the initial material used and the
er or retrofitted to existing machinery. In ad- material’s origin, the system’s lubrication and ANDRITZ’s new Prime-
dition, the communications interface is very drawing force, and other production condi- Line Performance Center
flexible: directly at the machine or via a plant tions. All of this makes it possible to provide a is designed to provide
network -- and in the future also from the complete trail of documentation in the event digital service and sup-
cloud. of quality-related complaints (Process Moni- port for paper, board,
toring). and tissue mills around
the world based on a re-
“The digital transformation of the press shop al-time connection be-
“The digital is well underway,” says Domenico Iacovelli, tween ANDRITZ and each
Schuler’s CEO. “Major automakers and medi- customer.
transformation of um-sized suppliers can use the Smart Press
At EuroBLECH in

the press shop is Shop to achieve more efficient production

and have fewer rejected parts. This helps
Hanover, Schuler
presented the new
With the Metris platform
connected remotely to

well underway.” them create and maintain the competitive MSP 400 servo press the mill’s DCS for anal-
with the Smart Assist
edge they need.” • operator software.
ysis and optimization,
Domenico Iacovelli, ANDRITZ process and
CEO Schuler equipment experts in
Graz, Austria, can be vir- The PrimeLine Performance Center is located at the ANDRITZ headquarter in Graz, Austria.
tually at the side of any
customer needing help up, as customer person- “Digitalization plays a ma- al Automation. “The Metris
A new Schuler press, the MSP 400 servo press, with start-up, trouble- nel and ANDRITZ start- jor role in all our business platform makes this pos-
features process monitoring integrated into shooting, loop tuning, or up engineers on site areas, and we want our sible and allows us to pro-
the control unit that ensures overload pro- optimization of process have real-time access to digital assets to be agile in vide smart services along
tection across the entire path of the pressing machinery. the top experts for ma- the face of rapidly chang- the digital value chain of a
force profile. Under development is the ca- chinery, process, and ing market demands,” paper mill. It offers features
pacity to integrate additional sensors (e.g. for “We know that strong automation as need- says Gerhard Schiefer, tailored to each custom-
acceleration, oscillation, or pressure) in order customer support is of ed. For example, if there Vice President for Glob- er’s preferences.” •
to enable comprehensive system condition utmost importance in is a problem with aux-
monitoring and prevent unplanned down- any mill,” says Klaus iliary equipment (e.g., a
time. In addition to productivity improvement, Blechinger, Vice President pump or some stock prep The center offers:
the process and condition data for each part for Tissue at ANDRITZ. equipment), the ANDRITZ • Optimization of Process Performance (OPP) with
produced will provide a basis for full quality “With the PrimeLine Per- expert can quickly join Metris by combining the latest technology insights
control. formance Center, we can colleagues in the Prime- in digitalization with in-house process experience
offer support to our cus- Line Performance Center • Process knowledge and specialists in production
COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION tomers from our com- to help provide a solu- start-up support as well as implementation of
Schuler has also already demonstrated its pany’s best experts ex- tion. new control philosophies
• Direct customer contact and faster response by
ability to fully network different production actly when the customer
online, real-time sharing using the latest commu-
facilities with its systems used by customers needs it. No delays or Another advanced ser-
nication and augmented reality (AR) tools
who manufacture train wheels. Among other high costs for travel, we vice is the ability to col-
• Remote support for stable and economic process
things, this process requires data that is suit- are able to react quickly lect digital information conditions in case of any process and equipment
able for determining and increasing the over- and efficiently.” remotely from the DCS in issues for customers worldwide
all equipment effectiveness (OEE Monitoring). order to apply Big Data • A training center for workshops and trainee
This data is gathered by the system so that The services at the analytics to optimize programs for internal and external employees,
a quick glance is all it takes for the produc- PrimeLine Performance production processes or i.e. special troubleshooting courses for operators
tion manager to determine the total number Center are especially provide decision support and process engineers
valuable during a start- to mill personnel.

34 35
Modernizing the equipment
and automation at FRIPA
The Bavarian tissue pro- are also included in the signed to be consistent
ducer Papierfabrik Albert scope of supply. with the displays imple-
Friedrich (FRIPA) recently mented in the ANDRITZ
selected ANDRITZ to ex- The special challenge is PrimeLineCOMPACT ma-
pand its stock prepara- to plan a new operating chine (PM6) installed in
tion plant and integrate logic and control rou- 2008. This uniformity will
control of the new equip- tine for the modernized make it easier for an op-
ment into an existing stock preparation plant erator to start and stop
control system. The scope even though some of the the machines in just a
requires modernization documentation has been few steps. After comple-
of the existing operating lost over the years. Ex- tion of the programming
stations and servers. isting equipment from a work in April 2019, start-
stock prep line that was up is to follow in May. •
ANDRITZ Automation will and compile logic dia- shut down will be moved
compile flow sheets of grams after finalizing the to the PM5 line and a
the existing plant sec- functions with the mill. screening plant will be
tions, update the instru- Services such as software modified to now handle
ment lists for previous testing, start-up assis- the processing of broke.
rebuilds, produce supple- tance and delivery of The logic and screen dis-
mental screen displays, the field instrumentation plays on PM5 will be de-

ANDRITZ Hydro will provide the instrumentation and control equipment at five hydropower stations on the Inn River.

NEPTUN system to The latest customer to or-

der a NEPTUN automation
tion and control equip-
ment (automatic control,
ANDRITZ Automation technology
be delivered for and control system, which
will be fully networked, is
mechanical protection),
the governor and its hy- installed in Asia’s largest
five run-of-river
the Austrian-based util-
ity VERBUND AG, which
acquired 14 run-of-river
draulic oil units, the exci-
tation system based on
HIPASE, and a complete
effluent treatment plant
power plants power plants from E.ON of
replacement of the trans-
ducers. The new instru- On the equipment side, ANDRITZ Automation in
mentation and controls ANDRITZ will supply a China will supply the de-
ANDRITZ Hydro’s NEPTUN NEPTUN systems will be will allow fully automated complete drying and in- tailed engineering, elec-
system is a comprehen- installed at five of the operation, with the gov- cineration system for trical and automation
sive solution for controlling plants on Germany’s Inn ernors ensuring optimum expansion of the Bail- systems engineering, and
hydropower installations. River. Installation will be efficiency and maximum onggang wastewater installation services (in-
The systems include ex- completed by 2021. The energy yield thanks to treatment plant in Shang- stallation supervision and
citation and turbine con- five stations are equipped their Adaptive Cam Con- hai, China. Construction commissioning) as well
trol as well as modules for with a total of 21 Kaplan trol (ACC) and redun- started at the end of 2018, as the DCS system, MCC
monitoring and diagnosis, turbines (master units), dant water management with first firing expected control cabinet, and ca-
protection, synchroniza- two Kaplan bulb turbines, automation. • by the end of 2019 for one bling for this massive
tion, and overall power and 19 gates. ANDRITZ will of the world’s largest ef- project. •
plant management. provide the instrumenta- fluent treatment plants
and the largest in Asia.
A strong move towards digitalization

36 37


Functional safety
of HAZOP or Risk
assessment and
PL/SIL Assign-

Creating safety for high-end technology solutions activity of Functional
safety relevant SUPPORT
standards and evaluation
When designing machinery, planning a new plant, or
optimizing existing facilities, all reasonably foresee-
able hazards have to be identified and evaluated in
a HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) and/or risk assess- VA AND PROCESS
ment. By doing this, potential threats are minimized
with the help of a safe mechanical design and addi-
tional technical measures. LUA
ION Validation
One of these additional technical measures is function-
N TAT Safety
al safety.
LE ME of safety
IMP relevant
Functional safety is defined as the absence of unac- on-site loops
ceptable risks due to hazards caused by the malfunc-
tioning of electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic or electronic
SIG Discussions
systems. Hazards caused by malfunctions in electrical, DE
pneumatic, hydraulic or electronic systems may include: with notified
• Errors in specification
• Implementation or realization errors
A NA There are ISO and IEC standards
• Failure during operations that share a risk-based approach FUNCTIONAL SAFETY LIFECYCLE
• Reasonably foreseeable operational errors to establishing functional safety In order to prevent an accident,
systems and assessing safety risks
• Reasonably foreseeable misuse the design, engineering, manufac-
over the lifecycle of the product.
turing, assembly, and start-up have
to be documented and verified in
line with international and local
regulations and with recognized
technical rules.
There are several consequences
when safety is neglected. Be-
Meeting requirements and reducing sides financial and legal dam-
potential risks to a minimum is the age, a company can tarnish its
overall goal that must be achieved. reputation. ANDRITZ Automation
Moreover, functional safety does not attaches extremely high impor-
At ANDRITZ, this applies to pa- deal with hardware alone. It focus- tance to the functional safety of
per, board, tissue or pulp mak- es on software solutions and en- its products, offering high-end
ing and finishing machines, for sures that safety-critical process- technologies that are also safe
example, boiler and exhaust es are controlled better, faster, and to own and operate.
gas cleanings systems, machin- more easily. Functional safety covers
ery and plants for steel forming the entire lifecycle of a machine or
and treatment systems, ma- product to ensure that it has a long-
chinery for the feed and food term und sustainable impact on the
processing industries, hydro- plant’s performance.
power plants, and safety func-
tions in control systems.

38 39


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