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Contact: Jenn Farr

Phone: 650.741.1324
Address: 1001 4th Ave STE 4322
Seattle, WA USA, 98154-1116
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Sam Goodman, Founder of FSC

Full Bio

Sam Goodman believes that everyone wants to become their best selves, be happy and lead
a fulfilled life. Unfortunately we are not taught how to do so in school. Always up for a
challenge, Sam has spent years compiling information from the worlds’ top minds in
neurology, biology, psychology, nutrition and genetics to create the Fulfillment Source
Code; a 20-hour course that a 10-year-old finds fun to learn. After teaching the course in
two of the top international schools in Beijing, Sam set up a non-profit and is now working
towards scaling the FSC.

As a serial entrepreneur, author and family-man, Goodman is no stranger to navigating

uncharted waters. He has a can-do, will-do mentality whether building a chain of cafés to
negotiating multi-billion dollar nuclear power plant deals in China where he has lived since

This experience inspired his book - Where East Eats West: The Street-Smarts Guide to
Business in China, which has been used in business management and entrepreneurial
curriculums worldwide in institutions of higher learning from Boston College, Rutgers and
Tufts, to the North South University in Bangladesh.

Goodman believes in doing well by doing good, and as a father he became focused on the
education system. Noticing a stark difference between the typical 12-16-year school
experience and life itself, he realized he was equipped to initiate real, tangible change for
problems that affect all of us far beyond our formative years.

“After a traditional education, we have little idea what we need to create a fulfilled life and
after we realize life is a lot harder than we thought, some may turn to self-help, while others
self-medicate; trying to fix what they think is ‘broken’. Without getting into the weeds about
depression and opioid epidemics, I wanted my daughter to take a different path.”
Between speaking engagements and managing the FSC, the Canada native has recently
authored Life’s Six Buckets - the Fulfillment Source Code: Human Edition which contains the
fundamentals of the FSC course’s first class.

When not acting up in front of a camera, Sam can be found trying to roll out of one of his
daughter Sophie’s wicked rear-naked choke holds or playing with his equally energetic
border collie, Buddy.

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