Sharpening The Skills: Sexual Hook Point

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Sexual hook point
Free in your Expressions not in my agenda
No filters
Not pedestal, not taking her too seriously
Free fun
Physical but calibrated

Law of state transference

Passion & fun in transferred to the other person

Is having fun and being the party
Vibing = joy & hapiness is addicting
Fun Is the value provided (leading is a high value guy)
Endorphon dopamine serotonine oxytocine
Connection, Fun, Challenge = Seduction

Structure of verbal game

Talk with emotions to create positive and negative emotional
I love you
I hate you

Negative Expressions
Generates trust
Relevance vs Relatability

Balance Flatline + Spikes

Best indicator of good interaction is "am I getting bored?"

She is getting bored- say fuck you
She is getting weird - more flatline

Go To Rule
She ask a question
First answer is a spike
Spike then flatline

Negative Emotional Spikes

She does not know you so she can get offended
1. Neg her very subtle and be naive (eg. Hiiiii are you a waitress :)
2. Look at her reactions (smiles means keep spiking, keep looking
at her face) if she gets offended statement of empathy.
3. Calibrate after

If she seems offended

Statement of empathy
Eg.oh sorry I can totally tell you you think I am a dick I am just in a
good mood.

Spikes build upon each other, if she keeps laughing or the spikes I
keep going with the fun.

The emotional spikes leads to her qualifying for me. Max keep
negging her and started to qualify herself so it means she is
getting aroused so she throws a shot test of open his friend.
Max mood did not change or subjected to her shitest. So he gain
more attraction.
Do not react to her shitest.
Max quickly opened her friend.

Validation Seeking Girl (Trait of LSE GIRL)

Pretty girls are younger and if they are younger the identity has
not fully formed so they are subjected to this validation kind of
thing. She respond super well to negative emotional spikes
directed to her. Because you take validation away from her.
She wants validation to treat you like a beta but her vagina will
wake up and she will try to qualifiy herself.

Non validation Seeking girl

Negative Emotional Spikes does not cause reaction and brush it
Screen with Little negs towards her and she how she reacts.
Not look try hard for her to have a good time.

You make me feel like (us)
Right now I feel like
You look like
You have a style like

:I bet you are this..."
(Use funny stereotypes of the opposite)
Be very funny saying it...
Neg spikes..

No need to lead the convo to sex...
Just ask...
What kind of guys you like...
Use an assumption: you know girl, you look like you like the bad
guys, smells like gasoline...
You can disqualify yourself...(I bet you only like tall strong blond
guy with blue eyes)
What's your favorite position....
What was the last time you had sex...
I bet you like hard and heavy and we are talking about music here
Neg her with emotions spikes when she says about her preference
of man, choose a guy from environment that is beneath her level.

Buying Temperature is Arousal

You can steal other guys girls

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