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Pressure Relief System Documentation Equipment

Based Relational Database is Key to

OSHA 1910.119 Compliance
P. C. Bat) Berwanger and R. A. (Rob) Kreder
Berwanger Incorporated, Houston, Texas 77027

Under OSHA 1910.119, all Process Safety Management Why the Old Pressure Relief System Data Structure Does
(PSM facilities are required to keep theirpressure relief Not Work
system design fnformation current. This article demon-
To understand why the old pressure relief system data
strates why a pressure relid’ system design verification
structure, which is based on a relief device list and a filing
effort must be based on an equipment list, rather than a
cabinet full of relief device data sheets (see Figure 1) does
relief device list, in order to ensure that every piece of
not work, take a look at the typical distillation column ex-
equipment i s adequately protected. 7he formerly com-
ample shown in Figure 2.
mon practice of simply checking the design bases of all
Five potential overpressure scenarios have been identi-
existing relief devices is deficient since this technique
does not systematical& ensure that evely piece of equip
ment is protected. inlet control valve failure
7he “BemiangerMethod” is a step by step processfor blocked outlet
designing or analyzing a pressure relief system to meet loss of overhead coolant
OSHA 1910.119 Process Safety Infomation (PSI) and reboiler tube rupture
Process Hazard Analysis (PHR) mandates. The method external fire
uses a relational database which tracks the relation-
ships between protected equipment, potential overpres- For these five potential overpressure scenarios, we have a
sure scenarios, and protective devices. single PSV.
The challengefacing an operating company does not Thus, this example helps illustrate the natural relation-
end once the design basis has been “verified’-the de- ships (i.e. data structures) that exist between pieces of
sign basis information must also be maintained and be equipment, overpressure scenarios, and relief devices. Fig-
readily accessible to avoid costly reinvention of the wheel ure 3 shows that, in general, for each piece of equipment,
down the road. 7he “Bemuanger Method” also ad- there can be one or more overpressure scenarios and relief
dresses these maintenance issues. devices.

PressureRelief S y s t e m s and OSHA 1910.119: Three Goals

As process safety managers, we generally have three
goals for a pressure relief system as it relates to OSHA PSV Data Sheet
Goal #1: Ensure the plant is adequately protected against
all potential overpressure scenarios.
To ensure protection, we must address all thepG
tential overpressure scenarios associated with
every piece of equipment.
Goal #2: Maintain the safe design as changes are made to
the plant.
To maintain the safe design, we must have a r e
alistic and reliable information management
Goal #3: Implement the verification and maintenance ef-
fort at low cost.
To minimize costs, we must carefully define tasks
and then execute each task with the most e#i-
cient people and tools. FIGURE 1 Traditional relief system documentation.

Process Safety Progress (Vol. 17, No. 1)

Spring 1998 39

FIGURE 2 Example distillation system.

FIGURE 4 Relationships between equipment, overpres-
sure scenarios, and relief devices.

G? Relief Devices

form for each piece of equipment in the plant, we have a
means of tracking all the overpressure scenarios as well as
the protective devices.
With this in mind, a physical metaphor for our relief sys-
tem information would consist of the two filing cabinets
shown in Figure 6. One for equipment information forms
and the other for relief devices.
Of course, it would be even more efficient to store the
FIGURE 3 Relationships between equipment, overpres- relief system design information electronically in a rela-
sure scenarios, and relief devices. tional database with the basic structure shown in Figure 7.
In electronic format, we do away with the paper, and the
information can be accessed from a PC and/or over a com-
Now, let us remove the relief device from the distillation puter network.
column example-as illustrated in Figure 4. And then, ask
ourselves a few questions: A Step by Step Procedure for Analyzing a Relief System
If we are verifying overpressure protection in our OK, now we know how we can store and access the re-
plant by working our way down a PSV list, at what lief system design information. The next question, how do
point in this “process” would we discover that a we create the information in the first place? The four step
piece of equipment without a relief device (such as process described below has proven most efficient for both
the distillation column) was unprotected? new designs and verification of existing facilities.
Answer: There is not any point in this ‘process”for Berwanger has filed for patent protection of certain aspects
determining that a piece of equipment is without of this process.
Where would we store information about potential Step 1: For each piece of equipment, an “expert” identifies
overpressure scenarios (that could affect the distilla- all potential overpressure scenarios.
This is unquestionably the most critical step in the
tion column) if there was no relief device?
Answer: We certainly could not store the informa- process. Only after an overpressure scenario has
tion with the relief device data sheet. However, we been identified by the “expert” can it be ad-
could store the information with the equipmentfile. dressed. Table 1 of API 520, “Bases of Relief Ca-
If we changed a relief device, does this change the pacities Under Selected Conditions” provides a
potential overpressure scenarios? widely recognized checklist for this purpose.
Answer: No, the potential oueqressure scenarios For the most part, the remaining three steps can be
reduced to computerized algorithms. Except for
would still be there.
quality control, the “expert’s”work is largely done.
In light of the above; does it make sense to use a
Step 2: For each overpressure scenario identified in Step 1,
relief valve list, rather than an equipment list, as the
quantify the required relief rate.
basic checklist for relief system verification? Does it
The required relief rates for the majority of over-
make sense to store potential overpressure scenar-
pressure scenarios, such as tube rupture, external
ios with the relief device data sheets rather than the
fire, control valve failure, etc.... can be “canned.”
The use of computerized algorithms, so long as
Answer: No, it doesn %-- but, this is what a lot offolks
their applicability are subject to the “expert’s” ap-
have been doing.
proval, not only greatly improves efficiency, but
also improves quality and consistency.
A n Equipment Based Data Structure Solves the Problem Step 3: For each required relief rate in Step 2, verify that
The key to resolving our dilemma is the equipment in- there is a relief device of adequate capacity.
formation form in Figure 5 , which lists protective devices Again, relief valve sizing can largely be accom-
as well as overpressure scenarios. In we prepare such a plished with a computer. For years, API 520 has

40 Spring 1998 Process Safety Progress (Vol. 17, No. 1)

f /- Reviaion Record - - \

Berwanger, Inc. Tag No: V-l

Equipment Information Form NO: 01 Date: 04/19/95 Initials: A A A
Propylene Purification Vessel

Reference Information
Manufacturer: Vessels, Inc. PFD NO: 100-IA
Nat‘l Board No: 4235 m N 0 : 200-IA
I S 0 NO: 300-IA

Equipment Description
Type: Vettical Vessel (Cylinder) HeighULength: 200 A
Material: Carbon Steel
Mode: Contlnuous Equip volume: 400 0 A3
contents: Om-Purne Fluid Volume: 4000 A3

Normal Operating Pres: 350 PS% Normal Operating Temp: 150 d egF
Max. ODeratine Pres: 360 .D S I Y- Max Operating Temp: 150 degF
Max. Working Pres: 400 PS% Max Working Temp: 150 degF

Is equipment insulated7 Yes Inwl. Mat‘l: I ” Ca Silicate

Is equipment cooled? No Capacity:
Is nuid agitated? No

tquipment Notes

The vessel could be overpressured in the event of thermal expansion due to ambient temperature rise
while the fluid is blocked in. The reliefrequirement is nominal compared to the external fue reliefcase

In the event of an external fup. the initial relief will be flashing liquid. Upon formationof a vapor space,
the reliefwill be vapor. The reliefdevice should be sized forthe case requiring the largest orifice area.

Protective Devices Causes of Overpressure

PSV-I External Fue: V. Vessel w/ Liquid 5t469 lblhr

PSV-2 Failure ofAutomatic Controls: Inlet 25093 lblhr
Thermal Expansion 416.9 lblhr

FIGURE 5 Equipment information form.

provided the basis of most relief valve sizing equa-

tions. More recently, the Design Institute of Emer-
gency Relief Systems (DIERS) has provided more
accurate, and complicated, correlations for two
phase flow situations. All these correlations are
subject to computerization.
Step 4: With due consideration of all the scenarios identi-
fied in Step 2 , and the actual relief device capaci-
ties determined in Step 3, analyze the relief head-
Having information on all the individual scenarios
quantified in Step 2 available in a relational
database greatly simplifies the process of combin-
ing individual scenarios to arrive at “global” sce-
narios which may be of most concern to the relief
header network.
For example, if one wants to identify all the exter-
nal fire scenarios for equipment in a specific area
FIGURE 6 New relief system files. of the plant-which have the potential to occur si-

Process Safety Progress (Vol. 17, No. 1)

multaneously-one could query the database for a risk is assessed, a timely plan for resolution devel-
detailed listing of scenarios for those pieces of oped, and responsibility for resolution assigned.
equipment as well as the effected relief devices. issuing a detailed report which is then used to effec-
Likewise for other “global” scenarios such as cool- tively communicate the substance and findings of
ing water failure, or instrument failure. the PHA.

Rounding Out a Complete Relief System PHA

Insofar as Process Hazard Analyses (PHA’s) are con-
cerned, OSHA 1910.119 does not limit itself to the “en- Potential overpressure scenarios exist whether or not re-
gineering” analysis which has been described above. Other lief devices are there to protect the affected equipment. To
elements which must be addressed are: ensure that every piece of equipment is protected it is es-
sential that the pressure relief system design verification be
hazards of the process (paragraph e.3.i) based primarily on the equipment list. The formerly com-
0 previous incidents (e.3.ii) mon method of simply checking existing relief devices is
0 engineering and administrative controls (e.3.iii) inadequate since this technique does not systematically en-
consequences of failures (e.3.i~) sure that every piece of equipment is protected.
facility siting (e.3.v) It is most efficient to store relief system design informa-
human factors ( tion in a relational database where overpressure scenarios
qualitative evaluation of safety and health effects and relief devices are associated with the effected equip-
(e.3.vii) ment. This system can be implemented electronically and
team/employee input (e.4) made available across a computer network. Most of the
necessary calculations can be “canned’ which improves
The author has addressed these other elements by:
efficiency and quality control.
developing a written Process Hazards Analysis pro- Relief systems can be designed and documented using
cedure, approved by company management, which the four step procedure which forms the heart of the
clearly sets forth the scope, requirements, relevant “Berwanger Method.”
documents, materials and equipment, and proce- Other OSHA mandated Process Hazard elements such as
dure for performing the PHA. facility siting, consequence evaluation, and human factors
performing operating employee interviews, and have been integrated into the “Berwanger Method,” so that
otherwise inviting employees to express their opin- in its entirety, the method can be used to meet OSHA
ions, to ensure that their concerns are addressed 1910.119 PHA requirements.
review of previous incident reports
review of previous PHA reports
conducting a plant management review session, mispaper (41d waspresented at the AIChE Spring National Meeting
during which, for each concern raised, a qualitative in Houston, Z, on March 11, 1997.

42 Spring 1998 Process Safety Progress (Vol. 17, No. 1)

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