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1. Quiz Name: Simulado Aula 6: PSPO I

4. If you selected multiple choice q

2. Question Type: 3. Question: Answer A:
All the work that has
Multiple choice What is the best definition of "Done"? been done previously

We know that customer satisfaction is an important success factor.

Multiple choice How often should it be measured? Once a year

The sprint had already begun when the customer decides to add a Add the feature to the
Multiple choice new features that she wants. The Product Owner could: current Sprint

Multiple choice Who or what limites the authority of the Product Owner? The CEO
development team
will know who is
Scrum determines that there is only one product owner per responsible
The Dev Team, for after
Multiple choice product. Why is it important? prioritizingthe
clarifying the backlog
requirements with the
Multiple choice Who is responsible for creating estimates of Product Backlog items? Owner

An INVEST backlog item must be small. What does "small" Small enough
Before to build in
the sprint
Multiple choice represent? 1 Sprint to plan how
much work will have to
be done in the Sprint to
Multiple choice When should a product owner update the release plan? deliver na increment.
Attend every daily scrum
What is typical work for a Product Owner in a sprint? (Choose 2 to monitor the team's
Multiple choice answers) work

The sprint has begun and the Priority Product Backlog items are not
Multiple choice clear to the development team. What is the impact of this? Sprint should not start
The development team advises the product owner that a top
manager has requested that a status report be drawn up during the
Multiple choice Sprint. The Product Owner will Do the report and send it
To identify and remove
What is the role of management in an organization that uses people that aren’t
Multiple choice Scrum? working hard enough

The Product Backlog should be complete and exhaustive before the

Multiple choice first sprint can start True

In the context of Scrum, the success of a product is measured by:

Multiple choice (Choose 3 answers) Costumer satisfaction.

Multiple choice How long is a Sprint Review? 1 hour

The set of non-functional requirements must be included in DoD

Multiple choice (Definition of "Done") True

Given the Scrum events, in which of them, the lessons learned over This does not happen in
Multiple choice Sprint are most strongly discussed? Scrum

Which of the following artefacts are optional in Scrum? (Select 2

Multiple choice answers) Burndown
Scrum is based on empirical process control theory. "Transparency"
is one of the pillars of empiricism. What are the two actions that The product Backlog is
Multiple choice ensure transparency to the product backlog? (Choose 2 answers) ordered.
The amount of work
agreed upon with the
product owner to
complete the selected
backlog item until it is
"done" according to the
What is the amount of work a development team should devote to "definition of done"
Multiple choice a (pulled) backlog item over a 20-day Sprint? established
One of the responsibilities of a Product Owner is to ensure that
customers, users and stakeholders are properly heard during the
Multiple choice Sprint Retrospective meeting. . True

When the Sprint goal

Multiple choice When can a Development Team cancel a Sprint? becomes obsolete

After the review meeting, stakeholders are invited to reorder and

Multiple choice reprioritize the Product Backlog. True
Complete project in
The Development Team should have all the skills scope, time and
Multiple choice needed to: estimated cost

Keep stakeholders happy

Multiple choice Which statement best describes a Product Owner's responsibility? and informed.
What activity does the product owner need to worry about
completing within the interval between the end of one sprint and Refine the product
Multiple choice the beginning of the next? backlog.
The Sprint Review is a
If it bringswhen
moment benefits
the to
Product increasing
Owner shares
Multiple choice A done increment is valuable if: yourcurrent
the satisfaction.
moment or criterion
state of
to perform
Product this activity
Backlog Items.
The be established
of theby
Multiple choice When is the best time to update the Product Backlog? the Product
Done Owner.
Increment, leads to
Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation are the basis of an updated Product
empiricism. Which of the following sentences best represent the Backlog for the next
Multiple choice inspection process? Sprint.

Everyone knows
Multiple choice What does transparency mean for Scrum? everyone's life.
The item has high value
Which option represents a possible criteria for ordering the Product and therefore is at the
Multiple choice Backlog? top.

Multiple choice Who has the responsibility to keep the stakeholders engaged? The team leader

What should a self-organized team choose to best perform their What is the best way to
Multiple choice work? do the work to be done.
Higher value deliveries
have greater uncertainty
Multiple choice What information do we have from the "cone of uncertainty"? as well.

The only two moments of product backlog update are: refinement

Multiple choice and sprint planning True

Multiple choice The Product Owner is not required at the Daily Scrum. TrueScrum Guide does
not mention value
Ordering the backlog using "value points" can bring benefits. Select points, so it is not an
Multiple choice the alternative that reflects one of the benefits of this practice: accepted practice.

If there are multiple teams working on the same product. Each

Multiple choice team show have an exclusive Product Owner. True
Scrum has values. Which of these are triggered when we commit to
not producing backlog items that are of low value to the customer
Multiple choice and the business? (Choose 3 answers) Respect.

Who has the ultimate responsibility of launching a product with the

Multiple choice highest possible value to the customer? The Scrum Team

Which of the following are the roles of a Scrum Team. (Choose all
Multiple choice that apply). Development Team.
It is a good practice for the development team to appoint a
member as the person responsible for defining the product
Multiple choice architecture. True
The team must challenge
themselves and for this,
even if they realize that
We are in the sprint planning meeting, when the development the work is too big, they
team realizes that they are selecting more items than they will be must accept the
Multiple choice able to build. What should he do? (Select 2 answers) challenge.
He/She is responsible for
selecting the backlog
Which statements below represent the role of the Product Owner items that will reach the
Multiple choice (Choose 2 Answers)? Sprint goal.
When the team realizes
In what situation can a Sprint be canceled or terminated they will not be able to
Multiple choice prematurely? do all the work.

Multiple choice ROI is the only way to measure the true value of a backlog item True

Multiple choice Who owns the Sprint Backlog? Nobody

Responsibility for launching a high-value product for the business

Multiple choice and for the customer lies with the development team. True

Sprint review is an excellent opportunity to validate hypotheses and No. The product backlog
Multiple choice receive feedback from customers and users. True
belongs to the Product
Owner and only he or
Can the product owner delegate any work related to product she can perform any
Multiple choice backlog maintenance? If so, which one? workreadiness
The related towith
it. which
Select three ways that the Product Owner can ensure that the the product has been
product will deliver value to users and customers. (Choose 3 absorved by users and
Multiple choice answers) used by them.
In a company that is scaling up Scrum, by adding one more team to
product development, the productivity of other teams tends to
Multiple choice increase as well. True

The development of the architecture and its respective discussions Evolve along the sprints,
Multiple choice should be: in product development.

Which are two appropriate topics for discussion in a Sprint Ordering of backlog
Multiple choice Retrospective. (Choose 2 answers). items for the next Sprint
Which of the following stakeholders is the most important one to
have your expectations met by the product and therefore the focus
Multiple choice of the Product Owner? The CEO
ability and
competitive advantage of
When defining the length of a Sprint, what factors should we going
If to market with
self-organizing to the
Multiple choice consider? (Choose 3 answers). product the work
required to turn a
What is the responsibility of the development team from the backlog item into a
Multiple choice perspective of Scrum? "Done" increment
The positive impact on
customer expectations
Multiple choice How can you measure the success of a product? and satisfaction.

In which events the entire Scrum Team must participate? (Select all
Multiple choice that apply) Sprint Planning

When a Sprint is canceled, items that have not been completed

Multiple choice return to the product backlog True

Scurm is better than

Multiple choice What
An are the true
important statements?
stakeholder asks a(select
member2 answers)
of Dev Team to solve an waterfall
urgent problem that started the operation. Time recommends that
the executive talk to the Product Owner first. Is this
Multiple choice recommendation correct? Yes

How much time must a product owner spend with the

Multiple choice Development Team. 100%.

A product increment must be released to production at the end of

Multiple choice each Sprint, so that users have access and provide feedback. True

Are Non Functoinal Requirements acceptable on a product

Multiple choice backlog? True
According to the Scrum Guide, which of the following statements Ensuring that the most
best represent two activities performed by a Product Owner? valuable feature is
Multiple choice (Choose 2 answers). produced first, always.

What is the main reason why stakeholders are invited to the review So that they feel
Multiple choice meeting at the end of Sprint: respected and involved.

Same person shouldnt play both Scrum Master and Product Owner
Multiple choice roles. True

Stakeholders can be invited by the Product Owner to partner with

Multiple choice the Product Backlog refinement throughout Sprint True

Which of the following best describes an increment of working Product tested and
Multiple choice product documented.

Each increment of potentially usable product delivered at the end

Multiple choice of a Sprint must be released to the market by the Product Owner. Without exceptions.

The backlog refinement sessions need to happen at a specific time,

Multiple choice previously defined and agreed between the Scrum Team. True

Multiple choice What happens before the Sprint Planning? Nothing specifically

How to know that a backlog item has been refined enough? (select The Product Owner will
Multiple choice 2 answers)? know how to
Sprint has started, and over the course of days, the development
team realizes that it will not be able to convert all pulled backlog
Multiple choice items into a "done" increment. What should be done next? Cancel the sprint.
Often, to improve the
How often should the composition of the development team sharing of knowledge in
Multiple choice change?
As Sprint progresses, the complexity increases and the team the organization.
The team has committed
realizes that the remaining work is greater than its capacity. Select and must work, even
two sentences that best describe what to do next (choose 2 overtime, to reach the
Multiple choice answers) Sprint goal.

Who must do all the work to make sure that the selected Product
Multiple choice Backlog items conform to the Definition of “Done?” The Scrum
This reducesTeam
the chances
of increasing the
Select three benefits of including testing on development activities technical debr of the
Multiple choice performed during Sprint: (choose 3 answers) product
A separate product
How can non-functional requirements be worked out by the backlog should be
Multiple choice development team? (select 2 answers) created

Multiple choice Which of the roles below best represent a "Project Manager"? Scrum Master
elected multiple choice question, enter answers below each column: 5. Optional (Choose correct ans
more correct answers. Students
The definition of B:
done is Answer C: Answer D: Answer E: correct.)
used to assess when work That's all the team
is complete on the A definition made by the has to do to end a
product Increment. Scrum Master day's work. B
Never Daily Frequently D
Introduce the new
Ask the client to open a feature in the next Sprint
formal change request Planning deny the request C
The Main
Nothing The Scrum Master Stakeholders B
Only one person should This decision reduces This rule does not
be the team leader staff costs exist A
The Project Manager The Dev Team's
The Product Owner alone and his/her team leader A
It is a Three Story Point It should fit on a
The product Backlog is
the longer
plan inthan oneItweek
Scrum. is Item small card A
updated as new It is work for the
information and insights Project/Program After the daily
emerge. Manager.detailed
Creating scrum A
Work with
Support thethe Dev Team
Product reporting upon the Collaborate with
to makewith
the insights
backlog and progress reported by stakeholders, users
information into high Development
Ask the ScrumTeam.
compensated and Dev
if the to
Master The customers.
Team will B
value product and system Product
teach theOwner givesthat
executive the
have difficulties to
team a clear Sprint Goal
create a forecast of
capabilities. Support the
Nothing in particular.
Scrum Master to cause
in the
comes from the
work for a Sprint. D
Ask the Dev Team
organizational to
change inspection of an Ask the manager to
include the report into increment in Sprint formalize the
the Sprint
organization, Review. request C
bottom-up intelligence, There is no
and intelligent release of Monitor staffing levels of management at a
software. the Development Team. Scrum Organization B
False B
The delivery of the The impact on revenue Baseline needs to be
defined scope. (ROI) achieved A
It depends on the length
2 hours of the Sprint 4 hours The team will define C
False B
Sprint Planning Sprint Review Daily status meeting Sprint Retrospective E
Velocity Product Backlog Definition of Done Kanban Board A
The product Backlog only The product Backlog
has work for the next 3 The backlog is signed by is available to all
sprints. de sponsor stakeholders. A
The team will do
As much as it can fit in whatever it takes to All the work needed
Sprint. Any work that is complete all of the to achieve the
not completed is backlog items you have definition of ready,
automatically transferred committed during the some test and some
to a subsequent sprint. planning meeting documentation A
False DevTeam can not. Only
When a serious fault
in the product is B
the Product Owner has identified making
If the product owner is the authority to cancel a the continuity of
not available to do so. Sprint. work impossible.
Turn the Product C
Backlog items it
Do all the work you need,
False the work that
selects into an
increment of B
requires high expertise, Self-organize the work potentially
such as testing or so that everyone knows shippable product
documentation. how to do everything. functionality Optimizing the value D
Control and direct the Effectively manage the of the work the
work of the development project, ensuring that Increase revenue for development team
team. objectives
There aresuch
are no achieved. Validate
the organization.
all does. E
activities. The next sprint documents
Update the project plan starts automatically after produced during the
with Stakeholders. the current sprint. previous
At sprint.
the end ofoccurs
the C
When it is made It is delivered when the planning
All documentation
only in themeeting,
according to product owner expected the and sprint
tests have been
The product owner it.
of the
by the
inspects daily whether Only after a Sprint should not
Product last more
Owner to
Between review meeting Review if agreed to by verify
than 10%thatofthethe
and fulfilled
next sprint
the planning the stakeholders. time of aitems
selected Sprintare A
commitments made at Constantly inspecting necessary and
The previous day's baselines of scope, sufficient tocode
meeting. in product
schedule, and costs.
The system
the sprint
posted goal.
to the A
development is visible organization's
and available to everyone Documentation is intranet for
at all times. available to anyone everyone to audit. B
The item has
The risk related to not dependency on another
doing this item is high. backlog item All of the above. D
The sponsor The project manager. All the aScrum
When sprintteam The product owner. E
The ordering and Which stakeholders should be canceled,
prioritization of the should participate in the because its goal is
product backlog. review no longer
The feasible.
estimate of the A
Improving estimates is Where the cost of work that is more
part of the team's quality outweighs the distant in time has
assignments. benefits. less precision. D
Although Scrum does not B
determine use as
"mandatory," it is one of
Falseaccepted best
the Value points help control A
practices for promoting the productivity of the It's the only way to
transparency about the development team have accurate
backlog order. throughout the sprint. estimates. B
False B
Courage Focus Inspection Adaptation A
The Project Manager with
the Product Owner The Product Owner. The CEO. C
Stakeholders. Users and Customers Product Owner. Scrum Master. A
False B
The team can
increase Sprint
The team should duration by up to
communicate the concern 10% to
to the product owner and accommodate
monitor the evolution of Remove items from the estimation errors
work throughout Sprint It Sprint Backlog for
is responsible and extra
Defines work.
the criteria B
The Product Owner refining the product that will establish
estimates the size of the backlog throughout the the order and value
Sprint Backlog sprint, keeping it D.E.E.P. of the backlog items C
When all work is When half the team is When the Sprint
completed unavailable Goal cannot be met D
False B
The Customer, whoThe
customer, who is paying
The Dev Team for the product. The Product Owner. B
False B
False A
Represent the Detail requirements
Assign value to backlog Product Owner at and write user
items Cancelpercentage
What a Sprint of the meetings.
Speak directly to the stories. in the
Reduction E
The product design and requirements user to receive number of change
quantity of requirements developed, in fact, is feedback on the requests issued by
included in the launch being used by users. released product.
Architecture must customers. A
be handled by the
False should be made
architect of the
development team B
prior to the start of The basis of the and others must
product development, on architecture should be followwe
Sprint 0. the first 2 Sprints.
How will
incorporate A
The relationship between feedback from users
team members and Refinement of Definition into the product
communication. of Done backlog B
The level of
Managers and C-Level The Scrum Team
The Product
regarding theUsers
The availability of
stakeholders to D
Historical data from technology used in provide feedback
Vacation period of the other teams working on product and interact with
development team. similar products. development.
Ensure that the the team. A
highest value item is
Continuously report Resolving internal team present in the
productivity for the board conflicts. current sprint A
Reduced costs and
Planned Scope x Scope TCO (Total Cost of
Executed Positive impact on ROI Ownership) A
Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint
A Retrospective
Sprint 0 is A
required for the
Only the Product Owner entire environment
should cancel the Sprint. to be pre-organized B
Estimating backlog items Others can influence and then
is the sole responsibility his/her decision to development
of the development team cancel. begins. B
No However much time A
Enough to be able to development team asks No more than 10%
control the work being the product owner to be of Sprint time for
done present. Refinement C
False B
False A
Provide the development
team with a detailed So they can inspect
specification of everything So
Draw the
that burndown
they can sign the
the "Done"
they need to work on charts to track daily Interact and engage
during the next Sprint.
Sprint progressthe
feedback A
So that they can follow product made and that will guide
the baselines of the authorizing the next product
project stage development. D
functionalities, in
operational state, A
within the definition
Operating in the
of done, that
increase what has A
Acceptance agreement environment and ready already been
signed and approved by to be tested in real delivered in previous
the client environment iterations. D
When the support
When there is no work and training team is
When it makes sense. not done ready B
The kanban board
should be populated B
with candidate
When the details are
All requirements must sufficient
backlog items for the When it's small
Weekend be signed
so that
the next Sprintteam enough that it
development A
can commit
Leave the to doing reaches the
When it meets the When it is small enough Scrum
so and iscan estimate Settlement Made in
definition of done to be done
Rework thebybacklog
a person "Software
a robust
and is aThe
frameworkrunning Sprint
Development D
items with the Product ensures
more important
that Team ensures that
Owner so that you can than extensive
Change the Sprint Goal. Asachieve the while
needed, Sprinttaking
goal Team
exchange the information is
can beand
done at any known to the
Product C
into account a short time, without
Owner should Product Owner and
Never, because it reduces term reduction in detrimentremoving
to team together they
productivity. productivity.
or changing Sprint monitor the next C
The team should meet backlog items in few days to see if
and consider recruiting order to preserve the goal is still
more people. Cancel the Sprint. the goal. preserved. D
The Project
The Development Team The Product Owner Manager
The amount of work The Scrum Master B
A potentially usable remaining for the
Transparency of Product
the product increment will next Sprint
them to
Increment is increased.
with Product be easier
Adding to achieve
them to decreases
They should be A
Owner's consent and definition of "Done" and processed after the Scrum does not
collaborate to estimate make the Product Owner product has been intend to clarify this
and order them aware of them launched
The role of the type of question B
Project Manager
does not exist in
Product Owner Scrum Team Scrum D
ptional (Choose correct answer - you may leave this blank, or choose one or
correct answers. Students must select all the correct answers to be scored










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