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The shock-less seat is proposed to reduce shock reaching to the user while driving (basically in terrain
areas) where shock travels from wheels to chassis and from chassis to user . it has a basic requirements
in automobile sectors in order to ensure safety and as well as to provide comfort to the user . it is
consider more as in the commercial vehicles like in truck ,public buses and as well as also in the type of
vehicles like which are compact in size or family vehicle or for the luxurious car where comfort matters
in travelling a little more.


All the greatest achievements of the history, Automobile is most probably the one which significantly
changed human life. The periodical improvement in the technology gives human race a new height. In
the later years after independence the number of vehicles subsequently increased but in the last two
decades it spreads drastically in every level of the society hence safety becomes the main concern.
Injuries resulting due to shocks account a severe threat to the lives in both ways physical as well as
financial, even after digital control of the vehicle. However, due to human avoidance, circumstantial
error and negligence injuries occur.
Many people acquire a major problems or injuries in their life every year in vehicle due to the major
shocks which are travelling to the body due to bumps ,high speed cornering , sudden slowdown or
sudden acceleration and in the places where vehicles are moving in continuous vibration while driving
and in traffic condition.
Where Major cases of shock can be associated with heart problems, inadequate blood volume, allergic
reaction, infection, and damage to the nervous system. Life-threatening shock from a car is often
associated with heavy internal or external bleeding from a serious injury or damage to the spine.
Recently some research was carried out on the shock absorbers in the vehicle to reduce shocks
travelling to the user. Some Various types of shock absorbers are used in modern vehicles are
1. Hydraulic type shock absorbers 2. Double acting shock absorbers 3. Single acting shock absorber 4.
Friction type shock absorber 5. Lever type shock absorber 6. Telescopic type shock absorber.
Although there have been many different designs for shock absorbers over the course of automotive
history, today there are four basic types available: 1. Twin-tube 2. Mono-tube
3. Gas-filled mono-tube 4. External reservoir .
Implementation of all these efforts were still not enough to counter the shock reciving by the user
In this paper we are introducing an mechanism held between the seat and chassis to counter the shock,
named as shockless seat . whereas all the mention shock absorber are associated between the tyres and
chassis of the vehicle. This paper work is originally motivated from the local traffic condition Hilly Areas
specially where slow moving traffic on hilly roads often leads to minor or major injuries . On ascending/
descending a hilly road in traffic sometimes causes injuries while overtaking, sudden braking on turns,
and loss of control while ascending on uphill roads. We develop a mechanism which will not only
provide driver a safe journey with long ride but also automatically actuates the safety on unusual

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