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Girl with a broken halo

by Alyzza Jessica Superio

Every girl dreams on having a perfect life

Perfect in everything; even to become a perfect wife
A girl like me, my life won’t be perfect like unicorns and rainbows
Life drags you down and it gives you a broken halo

My life starts with everything dark and gray

Too lifeless; no more words to say
It was always a cold gloomy weather
And I sort of believe it will last till forever

Blessed as they call it, because I have my saviors

First is God; He made me a warrior
Through faith I believe I’m not walking in the path of torture alone
For He is with me; He made brave and strong

My family is the second thing that always comes in mind

They taught me to be focus on the good things and stay kind
Don’t lose sight on the right path that I’ve chosen
And keep on dreaming with my eyes wide open

Friends are of course, the next in line

They’ll inspire and encourage, until you shine
But be warned there are friends venomous than snakes
They stab at the back, leaving you with tears and heartaches

If life gets tough, and sometimes gone wrong

Have faith on your saviors and have the courage to stay strong
Always take the leap of faith; take all the risks
Don’t get scared for any life twits

Yes, every girl dreams on having a perfect life

Perfect in everything; even to become a perfect wife
A girl like me, my life won’t be perfect like unicorns and rainbows
But I’m girl with a broken halo; strong enough to face every life’s sorrows

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