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Suspect: Social Media


A Thesis Paper presented to the Faculty Members of

Senior High School Department,
Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc.

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for Practical Research 1

Gregorio, Psalm Dominic V.

Magrata, Cris P.
Bracia, Jerome Paolo F.
Gabriel, Joyce G.
Ramos, Stephanie M.

April, 2017

Suspect: Social Media


Suspect: Social Media



This thesis hereto entitled:


prepared and submitted by Gregorio, Psalm Dominic V., Magrata, Cris P., Bracia,

Jerome Paolo F., Gabriel, Joyce G. and Ramos, Stephanie M. in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for Practical Research I course has been examined and is recommended for

acceptance and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of

_______________________ on the ____ day of ________________ 2017.

_________________________________ ______________________________

Panel Member Panel Member


Suspect: Social Media


Certificate of Originality

This is to certify that this research paper is our work and does not contain any
material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a
substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any degree in Dr.Yanga’s Colleges,
Inc., and other educational institutions, except where due acknowledgement is made in
the thesis. Any contribution made to the research by others, with whom we have worked
at Dr.Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the thesis.

Name of Students

Gregorio, Psalm Dominic V.

Magrata, Cris P.
Bracia, Jerome Paolo F.
Gabriel, Joyce G.
Ramos, Stephanie M.

Date: ________________________

Attested by:



Suspect: Social Media


The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks

to everyone who became a part of this study.

 To their Professor, Mr. Jethro Kenneth G. Tan for sharing his expertise,

imparting his knowledge in research, and for his unceasing patience and time.

Truly, the researchers’ gratitude for himm is immense.

 To Mrs. Belen G. Gregorio, for assisting the researchers in terms of grammar and


 To the Co-researchers, who allotted their time, for warmly accommodating the

researchers and giving their full trust and cooperation. This research would not be

feasible without them.

 To the researchers’ family and friends, their source of unceasing love and


 And to Almighty God, for constantly showering His blessings and sustaining the

hope for the researchers to go on. This is offered unto Him.


Suspect: Social Media


Attempted suicide is a serious problem in youth right now, the curiosity and
influence manipulating them psychologically is a reason for them to perform it. Still, this
circumstance statistically arises over the years especially until now. The risky part of it is
how the social media involved in that situation and how it helps the problem even more
dangerous. In this matter, the researchers aimed to know if social media truly contribute
for a youth to attempt suicide by studying their cases or experiences and have an in-depth
understanding of each data or information gathered. The researchers conducted
qualitative research along with case study method and to further analyze through an
interview and by providing semi-structured questions for the guidance counselors of Dr.
Yanga Colleges Inc., a private school and Taal National Highschool, a public school, as
the research locale. The research informants were the guidance counselors of the research
locale. Preparing semi-structured interview, researchers interviewed of a total of four
guidance counselors to gathered different cases and analyzed data substantially. Aside
from that, validation of data was made between researchers and participants. Reviewing
and re-reading of transcribed interviews from the audio output after the interview. The
researchers generate and revealed three themes of how social media affects suicide
attempts to youth. The themes include Social Media’s Unaware Impact to the youth
which shows the social media dominates and influences to youth and have involvement
in various cases of attempted suicide. Chat Influence the youth represents the effective
feature of social media, chat or communication through online can harm youth by
influence or trigger suicidal thoughts. Lastly, Descriptive Excerpts of other people which
a normal Facebook status, photos or videos can elicit negative thinking and lead to
attempt suicide. Based on the findings it is concluded that youth is hardly dealing with
suicidal thoughts and using social media frequently won’t help but push them instead to
attempt suicide. As for youth, not only social media can express their feeling with but the
families, friends and loved ones that they’re known them.

Keywords: Social media, suicide, Attempted Suicide, Facebook


Suspect: Social Media


Title Page ……………………………………………………………………..……i

Approval Sheet………………..……………………………………………………iii

Certificate of Originality……………………………………………………………iv



Table of Contents………………………………………………………………..…vii

List of Tables………………………………………………………………………...x

List of Figures……………………………………………………………………...xi

Chapter 1: The Problem and its Background


Background of the Study……………………………………………………2

Theoretical Frameworks…..…………………………………………………2

Conceptual Paradigm ………………………………………………………4

Statement of the Problems…………………………………..……………….5


Scope and Limitations………………………………………..…..…………6

Significance of the Study…………………………………...………………7

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………8

Review of Related Literature………………………………………...……..8

a. Youth’s Health on Social Media …………………………………….9

b. Youth Usage of Social Media in the Philippines…………………..9


Suspect: Social Media

c. Risks of Social Media ………………………………………………..10


Chapter 2: Research Method

Research Design……………………………………………………………..12

Research Locale……………………………………………………………..13

Research Informants……….…….…………………………………………..13

Research Instruments……………………………….……………………….14

Data Gathering Procedure………………………….………………….…….16

Data Analysis……………………………………….……………………….17

Ethical Considerations……….…………………….………………………..18

Chapter 3: Result and Discussion

Case no. 1……………………………………………………………………19

Case no. 2……………………………………………………………………20

Case no. 3……………………………………………………………………22

Case no. 4……………………………………………………………………23

Emergent Themes……………………………………………………………24

Social Media’s Unaware Impact to the youth ………………………………27

Chat’s Influence to youth……………………………………………………29

Descriptive Excerpts of other people ……………………….………………31


Suspect: Social Media

Chapter 4: Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings…………………………………………………………33






Letter of Administer…………………………..……………..…………….…46

Letter to the Informants ……..……………………………………………….47

Research Instruments ……..……………………………………………...….48

Letter of Edit ……..………………………………………………………….49


Electronic Copy of Interviews……………………………………………….98

Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………...………99

Suspect: Social Media


Table No. Title of Table Page

Table 3.1 Suicide’s Action Caught by

3.1 24
the theme clusters

3.2 Table 3.2 Socilal Media a Thief of Mind 27

3.3 Table 3.3 Decietful Messages 30

3.4 Table 3.4 Wall of Harms 32


Suspect: Social Media


Figure No. Title of Figure Page

1.1 Figure 1.1 Paradigm Of The Study 4

2.1 Fig. 2.1 Research Procedure 16


Suspect: Social Media



Today the most powerful medium in the world is social media. Social

media allows people to share information, express themselves, share what interest

them and other forms of expression via virtual communities. It is not surprising

that social media got the interest of the youth today. In just one click, other

people would know about your life. Most youth use social media in their everyday

life compared to the other age group of people.

There are 2,053 suicide cases that have been recorded in the Philippines

and most of them are from ages 20-24. 279 of them are males and 63 were

females (In the know: Suicide Cases in the Philippines, 2016) The most common

forms of suicide are ideation, attempting and committing. Ideation is when a

person has the idea to commit suicide while attempting suicide is when a person

tries to commit suicide. Committing suicide, is when a person already committed

suicide. attempting suicide is the most alarming because most of the process

happens in during this stage and the person is already trying to commit suicide

that may cause killing himself.


Suspect: Social Media

Background of the Study

When 20th century come, the term internet has become so popular and

social media affects our daily living from Friendster to today's G mail, Twitter,

Instagram, and Facebook. As of September 30, 2016 there are 1.79 billion

monthly active users (Facebook Fast Facts 2017). Philippines has a population of

102,624,209 and 54,000,000 of it are Facebook users as of June 2016 (Asia

Marketing Research, 2017). Nowadays most of the users are teens and they

established 71% online profiles climbing up from 61% from the previous year

(Teen Internet Statistics, 2017).

According to some data in 2013, there were 1,748 deaths by suicide which

had been recorded (TEENSAFE, 2016). These cases were related in their usage of

social networking sites like Facebook.

Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework is like a window in research and helps the

researchers view the different lenses. In this study, the researchers make use of

Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of

Suicidal Behavior.

Interpersonal Theory of Suicide conducted by Thomas Joiner shows

information and etiology of suicide as well as the understanding of factors

behind it. As, for the first factor, Family Conflict, which is common now

Suspect: Social Media

indicated that domestic violence, familial discord or stress and being a

burden on a family can generate risky and lethal suicidal behavior. Mental

disorder, suffer by approximately 95% died because of suicide (Cavanagh, Carson,

Sharpe, & Lawrie, 2003) and most of them are depression (Bostwick & Pankratz,

2000), schizophrenia (Palmer, Pankratz, & Bostwick, 2005) and bipolar disorder

(Harris & Barraclough, 1997). Previous suicide attempts believed that history of

suicide act can be an initiator of today’s ideation, attempting and committing

suicide. Physical Illness can be a factor and in fact, one-third of people who died

because of suicide have a medical illness such as HIV/AIDS (Conwell, 1994;

Harris & Barraclough, 1997) and brain cancer (Harris & Barraclough, 1997).

Social isolation probably is the most powerful factor in committing suicide

(Conwell, 1997; Dervic, Brent, & Oquendo, 2008; Joiner & Van Orden, 2008;

Trout, 1980) since loneliness, lack of social support, divorced marriage , and

broken families can retaliate mental and suicidal behavior. Unemployment is also

a factor but it may be a risk only for vulnerable people. (Thomas Joiner 2009)

On the other hand, the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal

Behavior, by Thomas Joiner Ph.D. points out what pushes people to

commit suicide. It assumes that perceived burdensomeness, too much load

in family, friends or in society, are more worthy than their lives.

Another reason is low belonging or social alienation in their circle of

friends, family and their valuable group. This theory also gives the

acquired ability to enact lethal self-injury from the said cause ( Joiner,


Suspect: Social Media

This theory gives the idea that youth usage of social media

can fill the missing link that can push youth to attempt suicide

because it believed that it can expose people to loneliness and be ignored (Aj

Agrawal, 2016) which is related to the theory.

Conceptual Paradigm

Social Media

Chat Post


Attempted Suicide


Interview professionals

At the end of the study the

researchers would know
how social media lead
youth to attempted suicide

Figure 1.1 Paradigm Of The Study

Social media is the input in the research and what youth commonly do in

the social media is to chat or to post. The research aims to know how social

media leads youth to commit attempted suicide and to know this, the process

starts. Professionals who handled cases where in a youth attempted suicide are the

Suspect: Social Media

ones who will be interviewed. The researchers will prepare questions to

find out how social media leads youth to attempted suicide.

Statement of the Problems

The statement of the problem are the problems that the researcher’s need

to solve. These are questions that need to be answered at the end of the


Facebook as one of the crazes of today generation that can affect the life

of many. This social media is said to be a great help not only to people but to the

society. Now a days a lot of suicide are discovered because of this sites, But how

Facebook affects the number of suicide cases of today’s youth?

1. Is it possible to social media to contribute to the attempted suicide

of youth?

2. What are the reasons of teenagers to commit suicide?

3. Why do teenagers attempt suicide?

4. What are the signs that the teenagers is leading to suicidal attempt?

5. Does social media contribute to the increasing number of the

teenagers that attempt suicide?


Suspect: Social Media


In conducting this research the researchers think of two

possible anticipated outcomes.


1. Social media can lead youth to atempt of suicide.


2. Social media have nothing to do with youth’s attempt of suicide.

Scope and Limitations

This study aims to know the activity or the experiences of a

normal person on social media and how it leads to depression or

else suicide attempt. Social media is so popular nowadays and no

one can't deny that it takes over in the society. The subject

involved in this study are the millennials who's spending a lot of

time in social networks. The research will focus on the cases of

youth who attempted to commit suicide to tract down how social

media contribute in that cases. The study will run for two months

and the limitations are will be the attempted suicide cases are online

covered and does not affect the real world suicide cases. All the

information must only come from the professionals. The informants


Suspect: Social Media

identity will be anonymous since the research includes a

sensitive experiences issues.

Significance of the Study

The research highlights the information of some causes of

attempted suicide brought by social media. The study serves as

caution for the society that over much use of social media can lead

them to attempt suicide. The researchers believe that this research

can help:

 PARENTS - For them to be educated on how social media can

affect their children in terms of suicide.

 STUDENTS - The study is a warning that will help the

students know the impact of social media to their

personal behavior that may lead to depression or killing


 TEACHERS - for them to gain knowledge of how their

students deal with problem or situation on popular social

media networks.

 SCHOOL – This study can educate their teachers to know how

social media can affect their students and be aware of their social

media activities.

Suspect: Social Media

 YOUTH - To know their responsibility behind those addictive

social networking sites that may harm them or others.

 PSYCHOLOGIST - They can use this to their studies and

may discover new ideas regarding this topic.

 RESEARCHERS - For future researchers to improve this

topic and continue the study to know more other aspects of

social media that push youth to attempt suicide.

Definition of Terms

1. Attempted Suicide- Commiting a suicide but failed or survived

2. Cybercrime- Criminal acts done with or in social media.

3. Social Media- Term used for social networking sites like

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

4. Suicide- an act ending life intentionally.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

The researchers collect works and studies related to the study. With these

researchers able to create three themes (1) Youth’s Health on Social Media,

(2) Youth Usage of Social Media in the Philippines and (3) Risks of

Social Media. This help the researchers know what are already know about the

chosen research topic.


Suspect: Social Media

Youth’s Health on Social Media

Suicide is a worldwide public health problem amongst adolescents (Bertera,

2007). Suicide is a leading cause of death for youth in many countries including

Canada, the United States, Norway, Japan, and Belgium. The global statistics for

youth suicide, 15-19 years old, show that suicide is the second most common

cause of death after road traffic incidents (Wasserman et al. 2005).

Researchers speculated that these two risk factors had a reciprocal

relationship resulting in increased negative impacts on mental health (Lasgaard et

al. 2011; Sun and Hui 2007). Depression, an overwhelming feeling of sadness and

hopelessness, is associated with social withdrawal and self-perceived social failure

which can increase the risk of loneliness (Lasgaard et al. 2011). Being lonely in

adolescence may not only include feeling alienated from peers but also the feeling

of having failed in the critical task of being socially connected (Apter 2010).

Youth Usage of Social Media in the Philippines

According to GMA News Online, Conducted by UP Population Institute

and the Demographic Research and Development Foundation, YAFS4 found that

among 15 to 19 year olds, the rate was 13.4 in 2002, and 8.7 in 2013 (Lapena


The study also noted a low level of suicide attempts in the same age

group, with 3.4 in 2002 and 3.2 in 2013. However, there was an increase in the

Suspect: Social Media

proportion of suicide attempts among those who had thought of suicide,

with 25 in 2002 and 36.7 in 2013.

Among Filipino students surveyed in the 2003–2004 Global School-based

Student Health Survey (GSHS), 42 percent had felt sad or hopeless for two

weeks or more in the past year, 17.1 percent had seriously considered committing

suicide in the last year and 16.7 percent had made a plan about how they would

commit suicide.

Social Networking is a great communication tool to get in touch with other

people. As time goes by, social media is being misused and abused be the most

of the people who use it especially the teenagers. Evidence continues to amass on

the significance impact of media coverage on suicide.

Risks of Social Media

Over the last decade, it has become apparent that social media may act as

a vehicle for youth to communicate signs and symptoms of mental health distress,

suicide ideation and severe depression (Luxton et al. 2012)

The media has covered numerous cases of youth who committed suicide

and communicated their mental distress through social media such as Facebook,

Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube (Curry, 2012)

For example, a recent Canadian case was that of Amanda Todd, a 15 year

old who communicated her depression and suicide ideation on YouTube over

several months before taking her own life. (National Post, 2012)

Suspect: Social Media

Cyber bullying on social media is linked to depression in teenagers,

according to new research that analyzed multiple studies of the online

phenomenon. Social media use is hugely common among teenagers, but the health

effects of cyberbullying on social media sites is largely unknown. Regular, face-

to-face bullying during the teen years may double the risk of depression in

adulthood, and bullying's effects can be as bad or worse than child abuse, studies


Thus, social media have become a key expressive tool for youth where

they may express signs and symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation.


With the review of the related literature, the researchers find out the risks

of social media shows how these services can harm the life of every youth. One

example of this was the case of Amanda Todd who took her life using YouTube.

The health of youth in social media that researchers shows the increased negative

impact on the mental health. And, usage of social media here in the Philippines

of youth.

Suspect: Social Media



This chapter presents on how researchers gathered the data and

information for the research and how the researchers make the study.

This chapter serves as the skeleton of the research and as the map

for the researchers. It also explains the research method that would be

used in the research.

Research Design

Researchers conducted a qualitative research for this research

aims to dive deeper, to determine how social media affects youth in

attempted suicide. In this study, the researchers used a case study. Case

studies are research that attention on and accumulate inside and out data about a

particular individual, gathering, group or occasion. According to the importance of

case studies in research, Case studies can give extremely point by point data

about a specific subject that it would not be conceivable to obtain through

another kind of experimentation. A further quality of this technique is that

examination can be done on bizarre cases that it would not be moral to complete

some other way. It do have some exceptionally valuable favorable circumstances;

particularly the way that normally dishonest matters can be tried through this

technique (The importance of case studies in research, 2011). This research


Suspect: Social Media

present and explain each cases of the researcher’s informants to

shed light to the chosen topic.

Research Locale

The research locale is Bocaue, Bulacan. The researchers have

chosen Bocaue for it has a lot of schools with 20 mix public and

private school (Map data, 2017). The researchers decided to conduct a

research at schools because the researchers believe that most of the

youth are studying. The researchers chose two schools which were

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges Inc. a private school and Taal National High

School a public school, both schools are populated school.

Research Informants

The research sampling procedure was purposive which the informants

are selected with by the objective of the research and they will be

chosen by the researchers’ judgement.

The informants should be a guidance councelor, handled cases or have

expriences of handling suicide related cases and aware or have knowledge about

social media.

The informants of this research are all the guidance counselor

of the research locale. They have the legal duty in protecting their

students if they are potentially dangerous to themselves because suicide


Suspect: Social Media

is possible to predict (Responding to Students Who May be At-Risk for

Suicide-School Counselors, 2017).

Research Instrument

The research aims to know how social media, particularly

Facebook, affects youth in attempting suicide and this set the research

instrument which is interview. The method used in the interview is

semi-structured where in the researchers prepared a set of open

questions where in the informants are free to answer with no


Researchers interviewed the guidance councelor with these prepared

set of questions that showed their knowledge, understanding, experience and

also their opinion.

These are the questions that the researchers prepared to ask to

the informants.

1. How do you define attempted suicide?

2. What are the differences between having an idea of suicide, attempting

suicide from committing suicide?

a. Do you think there is a process from having an idea to attempt to

commit in terms of suicide?

3. Have you handled this kind of case?


Suspect: Social Media

4. Can you tell us some of the cases you handled where in a youth

attempted suicide?

5. Can you tell us what way they attempt to commit suicide?

6. What are the common denominators of those youth whom you handled

cases who attempted suicide?

7. Do social media have a part on that cases?

8. What kind of intervention did you offer?

a. Can you explain that intervention?

9. What are the common problems of youth attempting suicide?

10. What are the different signs of youth before they try to attempt


11. Is social media a risky platform for youth? Why?


Suspect: Social Media

Data Gathering Procedure

Researchers prepare a letter signed by the parents, subject adviser and

the school’s guidance couselorfor the informants to ask them to an

The interview was recorded on audio or video was

encoded and translated into English.

The researchers went back to the informants to check the

transcribe interview.

The data were used according to the research design

Fig. 2.1 Research Procedure

Formulating the right questions are the first part in researchers

data gathering. Researchers think of 11 semi- structured questions

checked by the subject adviser to make sure it is not bias. Once the

Suspect: Social Media

eleven questions have been approved that is the time where the

researchers prepare a letter for the informants. It is a must to ask

them their preferred date for the interview. Once all the informants

have been interviewed all the collected data would be recorded. Then

the data be encoded and translated into English and the researchers

go back to their informants and ask them to check them. Data are

thematized and be used according to the research design which is

case study.

Data Analysis

The researchers used qualitative research to understand deeply how social

media leads youth to attempted suicide. All the researchers’ data were collected

from the informants through interview. All the interviews were transcripted and

the entire transcript was sorted. After sorting the data the chunking took place

where in the data were being organized into subgroups. Next to it all the

subgroup were organized and finally all this data were interpreted and presented.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers were under the Philippines copyright law which is

known as Republic Act No. 8293. Every information that the researchers

use are assured to properly cited.


Suspect: Social Media

The research followed the right steps in asking permission and

communicating to the informants. Researchers made sure that no one was


All the information that the researchers have are all related to

the research. The cases that the informants shared are well kept and

used. The researchers done this by changing the name and using the

information with full-confidentiality in presenting the cases they handled.


Suspect: Social Media


Findings and Discussions

This chapter presents what the researchers will find out and explain the

findings. Researchers did this by following the chapter two. In this chapter every

case was presented and organized by themes.

Emergent themes are themes that came up in our cases, our themes are:

Social Media’s Social media is always connected to

millennials and unaware it could give
impact to the youth to attempt suicide.
Impact to the youth.

Chat’s Social media is also used to comunicate to

other people and it can also influence other
Influence to youth people.

Descriptive A lot of people use social media to post or

share excerpts (files, videos, music, photos)
Excerpts of other people and youth are being dictated by this.


Guidance counselor no. 1 is a guidance counselor at the Taal National

High School for senior high school. As a guidance counselor of a populated

school, it is a big challenge for her to do her job, especially in terms of wanting

to have a conversation with each student of the said school. In her 15 years in

Suspect: Social Media

teaching and as a counselor, she handled a lot of suicide cases, from

ideation, and attempted to commit suicide.

For her family absenteeism is the main reason that pushes youth to attempt

suicide. This brings depression to the youth because she believes that today’s

youth need someone to talk to and to share their feelings with. In her 15 years

being a guidance counselor she handled a situation where a youth attempted

suicide by self-implying because of its problem, cyberbullying, but she was able

to stop the process of suicide, break up that leads to attempted suicide, listening

to death metal music that also leads to attempted suicide and discriminated boy

because he is fat. She believes that Facebook is just a factor for youth to

attempt suicide. Everything God created is for good and internet is made for

good but it is up to the user.

Love is the answer and the end for every youth is suicidal tendencies.

“… Still, I’m standing onto my disposition that it’s never the social

media, yes it’s one of the factors but it does not play a major role”.


Guidance counselor no.2 This guidance counselor from Taal National High

School believes the fact that social media plays a big part for initiating suicide.

Suspect: Social Media

She managed to handle this kind of situation but it still bothers her why

these cases escalated so quickly among the youth. She stated that she handled

of cases like ideation of suicide because of photo scandal, slashing wrist since its

popular, victim being influenced others through chatting sites and suppressing their

life by hanging themselves.

She offers intervention by making their parents know it first, and talk

about the situation that their children suffer. Coordinating with them by giving

talks for example, most of the girls slashing their risk because it’s popular she

make sure that the guardians have an idea of how they deal with that by keeping

away sharp objects and by always having conversation with them. Another is a

girl who sent pictures to her boyfriend and the pictures got leaked in social

media. The girl said that the humiliation she gets is what pushed her to attempt

suicide. The other one is a girl who joined a chatting group talking about suicide

attempts and ways to do it, the idea she gets made her attempt too. The most

serious case she handled where suicide succeeded is where someone ended her

life by hanging herself..

For her youth can’t handle this kind of emotion and their negligence of

using social media may lead to killing themselves.

“It is risky if the student is really not intelligent and responsible

enough to use social media.”


Suspect: Social Media


Guidance counselor no. 3, believed that suicide is one of the third causes

of death among youth. She had a client with different kinds of suicide attempt.

One of her client, took a lot of medicine to overdose oneself, some slashed their

own wrists, they even thought of drinking the poisonous cleaning product, Zonrox.

She handled a lot of cases with different styles of killing oneself and

different reasons why they did it. One of her clients attempted suicide by

drinking a bunch of medicines, however, her client vomited the medicines after

she took them. Another one was a student who slashed her own wrist. Another

one was having a thought of drinking a poisonous cleaning product. She believed

that the most common reason for these act was because of social media. People

are reading unnecessary posts, watching live videos from Facebook, encouraging

them to kill themselves because of what they have been through. She also

mentioned that social media is now being used to kill oneself. For example, the

one that she mentioned, she saw a person who was using Facebook Live to

witness the act.

According to her, the higher risk of attempting suicide, in terms of gender

when comes to youth was men. Because She said that men often shares their

problems with other people than women who has a good interpersonal relationship.

Suspect: Social Media

For her, social media is a good platform in way of communicating with

other people, but there is also a bad side of it. She wants the owner of this site

to improve some features, to create a filter that will halt the persons thought of

killing oneself because that makes social media a risky platform.

"SOCIAL MEDIA can be a bad platform to destroy other people".


This person, a psychometrician in a school who encountered a lot of

school cases regarding physical bullying and social media bullying. She talked to

different students who wanted to commit suicide. One of those was someone who

thought of committing suicide because of being bullied through the use of social

media through nasty posts and chats.

According to her, there are some people who does not want to use

Facebook, but some of them are forced to use it because of school-related


One of the cases she mentioned was a student who was bullied both in

school and through the use of social media. As time goes by, the student started

drinking water as his defence mechanism. Every time he was being bullied, he

drinks a lot of water so he can ignore those people who are hurting him.

Another case was, drug related. A student who has a lot of negative thoughts

with his friends, family and supportive groups attempt suicide. He used illegal

Suspect: Social Media

drugs as defence mechanism so he can forget nasty things. Another case

was about a girl who was very popular in Facebook, she had a family problem

and she used her boyfriend to forget about her family. Because of so much love

to each other, the girl eventually became pregnant. She attempted to commit

suicide because she was afraid what her social media friends would tell her.

She noticed that since Facebook became a trend, many people use it,

especially here in the Philippines. You can see people browsing friends’ contents

Facebook while riding a jeepney or everywhere. They also post their own

emotions even if it is an irrelevant one.

Table 3.1 Suicide’s Action Caught by the Ttheme Clusters

Emergent Theme Significant Statement

She believes that Facebook is just a factor

Social Media’s for youth to attempt suicide

School believes the fact that social media
Impact to the plays a big part for initiating suicide


3 She believed that the most common reason


Suspect: Social Media

for these act was because of social media. People

are reading unnecessary posts, watching live

videos from Facebook, encouraging them to kill

themselves because of what they been through.

… She attempted to commit suicide because she

was afraid what her social media friends would

tell her.

Posting their own emotions even if it is an

irrelevant one.

Cyberbullying that leads to ideation of suicide but

she was able to stop the process of suicide

… victim being influence others through chatting

sites and suppressing their life by hanging


Influence to
The other one is a girl who joined a chatting
group talking about suicide attempts and ways to

do it. The idea she gets make her attempt too.


Suspect: Social Media

… social media is now being used to kill

oneself. For example, the one that she mentioned,

she saw a person who was using Facebook Live

to witness this act.

She talked to different students who want to

commit suicide. One of this is because of being

bullied through the use of social media through

nasty posts and chats.

listening to death metal music that also leads to

attempted suicide

…. pictures got leaked in social media, she said

Descriptive that the humiliation she got is what pushed her to

attempt suicide
Excerpts of

other people
People are reading unnecessary posts, watching

live videos from Facebook, encouraging them to

kill themselves because of what they have been


Suspect: Social Media

because of posts they are being bullied through

the use of social media.

This table presents all the emergent theme of this research. Through this

the researchers conclude that.

Social Media’s Unaware Impact to the youth

Emergent Theme Significant Statement

She believes that Facebook is just a factor

for youth to attempt suicide

School believes the fact that social media

Social Media’s plays a big part for initiating suicide

She believed that the most common reason
Impact to the for these act was because of social media. People
youth 3 are reading unnecessary posts, watching live

videos from Facebook, encouraging them to kill

themselves because of what they been through.

4 … She attempted to commit suicide because she


Suspect: Social Media

was afraid what her social media friends would

tell her.

Posting their own emotions even if it is an

irrelevant one.

Table 3.2 Socilal Media a Thief of Mind

Social Media’s Unaware Impact to the youth shows the informants point

of view in terms of social media and youth as the user. This shows to the

researchers’ that all of the cases are really believing that social media , has a part

on every attempted suicide cases of youth, wheter it is a factor or a cause.

Social media‘s impact. Maryanne Gaitho said that social media impacts

can be felt by every individuals (Gaitho, 2016) and youth are being easily

impacted by social media (Crawford, 2015). The impact of social media is already

there most especially to youth age group of 12-21 for they are the one who

mostly uses it. This generation has been labeled as the “dumbest generation ”

said by Mark Bauerlein an author. It is up to the user how are they going to

deal with it. (How does social media affect youth? 2015).

On WEBVTT NEWS 5’S, a daughter almost killed herself because of

Facebook. In an interview, she is asking everyone to check their children’s

Facebook activity. A page in Facebook influence the girl to attempt suicide by

taking a whole bottle of pills and by cutting her wrist. A veteran psychologist

Suspect: Social Media

Dr.Stuart Bassman says that online platforms like Facebook compounds

their feeling resulting to suicide.(WLWT5, 2016) . Case 1, 2 and 3 believes that

social media has a part in every youth’s attempted suicide. It either they get the

idea to attempt or the main reason to attempt suite. Sarah Philips says that using

Facebook about more than 5 hours a day gives depression and suicidal thoughts.

(Philips, 2016)

Social media gives an unaware impact to the youth, able to present why

and how social media contribute to attempted suicide of youth.

Communication’s Influence the youth

Emergent Theme Significant Statement

Cyberbullying that leads to ideation of suicide but

she was able to stop the process of suicide

… victim being influence others through chatting
Influence to
sites and suppressing their life by hanging

The other one is a girl who joined a chatting

group talking about suicide attempts and ways to


Suspect: Social Media

do it. The idea she gets make her attempt too.

… social media is now being used to kill

oneself. For example, the one that she mentioned,

she saw a person who was using Facebook Live

to witness this act.

She talked to different students who want to

commit suicide. One of this is because of being

bullied through the use of social media through

nasty posts and chats.

Table 3.3 Decietful Messages

Chat’s Influence to Youth specify the risky impact of chatting on social

media. Social media is arguably the most influential platform to society right now

and the ability it have to send message or communicate is able to put up

convenience to people. On the other side, it can be a way that can harm people

physically and mentally when also talking about suicide.

In the said statements cyberbullying, chatting sites and online-streaming

about attempting suicide are being discuss, they are different processes but related

as a whole. Almost half of teens have been bullied in social media and 87% of

Suspect: Social Media

it happened on Facebook and the most common virtual location for it to

happen is in chat rooms (Cyberbullying Statistics, 2016). In that case, the negative

thoughts and emotional pain they feel can strongly lead to suicidal thoughts

(Kevin Caruso, 2017).

With this theme the researchers now know how chat or Facebook

massages push youth to attempt suicide.

Descriptive Excerpts of other people

Emergent Case
Significant Statement
Theme study

listening to death metal music that also leads to

attempted suicide

Descriptive …. pictures got leaked in social media, she said

2 that the humiliation she got is what pushed her to

Excerpts of
attempt suicide
other people

People are reading unnecessary posts, watching

3 live videos from Facebook, encouraging them to

kill themselves because of what they have been


Suspect: Social Media


because of posts they are being bullied through

the use of social media.

Table 3.3 Wall of Harms

Descriptive excerpts of other people, this themes shows how social

media dictates youth through the excerpts of others. Excerpts are referring to

shared photos, videos, article, stories or even statuses.

Posting on social media can really express oneself but it can get

discrimination since you can react or give an opinion to everybody. In teens 69%

of them have computers and mobile devices and 80% of them are active on

social media (Cyberbullyhotline, 2013) then, daily post and unable to respond to

messages or posts can prone you to discrimination and depression since social

media can assess emotional behaviour (Dr. Woods and Scott). Even posting of

pictures can also affects the users according to (Social media pics affect risky behaviour,


Through this theme the researchers concluded that posts of other people

can push the youth to attempt suicide.


Suspect: Social Media


Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings

Attempted suicide is one of the major problems which some youth are

engaged psychologically, undergoing to circumstances they can’t overcome and

come up to an idea of ending their lives. On the other side, the influence of

social media are dominating in this modern day which everything is

technologically-powered and it’s easy to socialize online with a single click.

Merging attempted suicide and social media is the main idea of this study.

The researchers studied if social media can affect youth in committing attempted


The researchers conducted this study to know if it possible. The

researchers use the case study as the research design for this study tends to

explain and analyze, by the use of interview as the research instrument and

offering semi-structured questions to guidance counselors of Dr. Yanga Colleges

Inc. and Taal National High School as the informants because of the purposive

sampling procedure that been used to this research.

Does social media has a part in youth attempted suicide cases? Researchers

answered this question through the emergent themes gotten in the data.

Suspect: Social Media

Social Media’s Unaware Impact to the youth

Researchers present this theme as the unawareness in social media this day

and their careless activity through it. It also shows the impact of social media on

the youth who's the most active user. Aside from that researchers believes that it

also have a part in attempted suicide cases.

Social media impact right now can feel by anyone and since the youth are

into technology this day, they are prone to get affect by it. Spending a lot of

time in social sites like the well-known Facebook can give an individual a

depression, anxiety and the most serious, suicidal thoughts. On top of it, it can

access by anyone as long as they have internet access which make it more risky

to youth.

That’s why researchers believes social media impacted the youth to attempt


Chat Influence the youth

By terminology, Chat is a popular word in social media which means talk

or communication Online message is one of the foremost feature of

social media which almost everyone uses. But it can be a harm to manipulate

suicidal thoughts.

Suspect: Social Media

Youth nowadays do not always think about what they are saying especially

in social media and since most of the social interaction made from Facebook are

from chat rooms, it makes it more risky to them. It can trigger negative thinking

and any negative thoughts that affects emotional understanding can lead to suicidal


Social media chatting is a great for social interaction but it can be a

sensitive issue that precipitate suicide attempt to youth.

Descriptive Excerpts of other people

This theme shows how social media dictate to youth by the excerpts of

other people. In social media, you can share media produced like videos, photos

or even posting like Facebook status or tweets.

Posting statuses, photos or videos is great for expressing emotion or

experiences but someone can react to it and make it vulnerable to discrimination

or opposed reaction. Youth can be sensitive and this kind of response can

provoke them to attempt suicide. Aside from that, you can find through their

post, pictures or shares the signs that they’re having suicidal thoughts.

At the start of the study, the researchers formulated two assumptions for

this study and the emergent themes the researchers got the the answer if social

media can lead to attempted suicide. Therefore, Social media can lead youth

to attempt of suicide.

Suspect: Social Media


The researchers had confirmed that Facebook affects the number of

attempted suicide cases of today’s youth in light of the accompanying reasons:

 It is possible that social media can contribute to the attempted

suicide of youth.

 Social media can give idea to commit suicide.

 Facebook ‘s posts can encourage the users to commit attempted


 Chat and group chats can give influence to attempted suicide.

 Peer pressure can be get at Facebook that can lead to attempted


 Low self-esteem caused by Facebook that can lead to attempted


 Facebook compounds the users feelings that lead to attempted


 Too much use of social media leads to depression and suicidal


 Facebook messages and posts can give discrimination.


Suspect: Social Media


The researchers are hoping that the society will give consideration to this

study because the researchers believe that life was important and to lose

someone’s life was a failure of everyone.

To the researchers who want to study more about this research, the

researchers suggest to consider the people who attempt suicide because of social

media as the informants because the researchers are too young they are prohibited

by the school’s guidance counselor. This research is a complex one that needs a

larger time bound. The researchers recommend to:

• Involve more informants who are the victims of attempted

suicide on social media.

• Collaborate with government agencies who handled this kind of


• Focus on other social networking sites if they can effect on

youth's attempted suicide cases.

• Focus on a specific feature of social media that could lead to

attempted suicide.

Suspect: Social Media



Curry (2012). Youth 2.0: Social Media and Adolescence: Connecting, Sharing, and

Empowering, page 159.

Lasgaard et al. (2011) . Youth 2.0: Social Media and Adolescence: Connecting,

Sharing, and Empowering, page 150.

Luxton et al. (2012) . Youth 2.0: Social Media and Adolescence: Connecting,

Sharing, and Empowering, page 163.


Aj Agrawal (2016). Are Social Networks Causing Loneliness Among Teens? Retrieved


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Suspect: Social Media

Carmela L. (2015). Suicide and pinoy youth retrieved from:

Facebook Fast Facts (2017). Retrieved from:

Google-Map Data, (2017). Google retrieved from:

Responding to Students Who May be At-Risk for Suicide-School Counselors(2017).

Syracuse University School of Education retreived from:

Philippine Daily Inquirer (2016). In the know: Suicide Cases in the Philippines.

Retrieved from:


Katherine M. BS and John C. (n.d. ). Characterization of Depression in Children with

Autism Spectrum Disordens retrieved from:

Suspect: Social Media

Kerry L. knox PhD, Yeates Conwell, MD and Eric D.Caine,MD (n.d.) retrieved from:

Lapena (2015). ). retrieved from:

Michael W. (2016). Youth 2.0 Social Media and Adolescence retrieved from:

Mike (2017). Teen Internet Statistics. Retrieved from

Ramasubbu S. (2016). Influence of Social Media on Teenagers retrieved from:


Social Media and Suicide: A Public Health Perspective (2012) retrieved from:

The importance of case studies in research (2011), retrieved from :

Suspect: Social Media

The National Post (2012). retrieved from:

Thomas Joiner (2009). The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal Behavior:

Current Empirical Status. Retrieved from:

Thomas Joiner (2009). Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Retrieved from

Wasserman et al. (2005). ). retrieved from:

World Psychiatry (2016). Global suicide rates among young people aged 15-19 retrieved


Suspect: Social Media

Appendix I

The Suicidal Message: Excerpts from Transcript of Interview

Transcr Line Formulated Emergent
ge Statement
ipt no. no. Meaning theme

death metal music about sa walang

Even music Descriptive
god about death it talk about black eh
iyon nakukuha nya. can lead to
349- Excerpts
1 59
352 Death metal music is about attempted of other
believing that there is no god and it
talks about death and black suicide people
that’s what they get from it.
Isang factor din na because of social
media iba din naging cause dahil nga
kumalat yung picture na depress sya
na bash siya and resulted for student Attempted
mag iisip ng suicide o ng idea na Descriptive
magsuicide. suicide has

696- Excerpts
2 67 something
701 That’s one factor of social media and
of other
because of that picture got leaked she to do with
got depressed and bashed. It resulted people
for her to have idea or to think to self-esteem
attempt suicide.

Yung picture ngayon marami nang

nakattanggap at naibulak na ishare na Descriptive
sa different ways ngayon nakausap ko
ang bata she as idea maam gusto ko suicide has Excerpts
2 67 690-
napo magpakamatay gusto ko napo
696 something of other
magpakamatay kasi po sa kahihiyan

to do with people
That picture got shared in different
ways and I talked to that girl and said

Suspect: Social Media

she’s having an idea to attempt suicide self-esteem

because of shame
Siguro basically lang yung ano yung
social media in terms of dahil may
they get the idea diba nakuha nila
yung idea na ah pede ko pa lang gawin Social
to minsan kasi nakakapanuod kayo ng Everything Media’s
459- video kaya nakakalungkot lang bakit Unaware
can Impact to
465 may mga nagpapakamatay lalo sa
1 61 states diba. the youth

Basically they get idea from social youth

media and its very saddening that they
can also watch video about it


Ahhh the thought also kaya nga sabi though it is

ko sa inyo diba the fact that I Chatting
intervene already wala ng commited a process, Influence
438- to youth
441 still it is
From the fact that I already gave
1 61 intervention I already stopped them possible to
from commiting suicide

May idea ang bata na mas inimporce

pa dahil pumasok sa chatting group Wrong way
kumalat saan ay mga nandun members
ay nagcommit or attempt na talaga ng of
suicide and parang nakita nya forms
seraching Influence
643- kung paano ginagawa ay naiinganyo
to youth
651 dumating sa punto na naglalaslas na for a
sila dahil ganon daw ang experience
2 66 na nakakakuha sila support

Youth can be influenced by those group

chatting groups formed by the suicide
attempt victims to attempt suicide and

Suspect: Social Media

start slashing their risk because they

said that’s the idea they gathered from

typical,Cyber-bullyi-ng normally ano Cyber

lang parang ganto its just a thought its Commini
an idea only pero never na merong na cation’s
434- nasaktan sya Influence
1 61 437
gives idea
to youth
Typically, Cyber Bullying normally
to commit
Is just a thought,
It gives only idea but never leads to suicide
attempted suicide

For example, if I have notice, uh..

uh…, I know that you have know
Everything Descriptive
that.. uhh.. uhh.. the youth who uh…
use Facebook Live to commit suicide, can Excerpts
3 88 1500- to hang himself
1504 influence of other
For example I noticed some youth use people
Facebook Live to telecast themselves
commiting suicide

lahat nalang ng emosyon nila na kahit Social

minsan na irelevant na post ay usage of
pinopost naman nila don. Media’s
4 97 1897- social
1899 media that Unaware
They always post their emotion in can affect
social media even if it’s irrelevant Impact to
the youth
sa social media sa Facebook sa chat or
what so ever dun kasi mas mabilis lalo Wrong Commini
na sa ages nyo na magattempt sila ng cation’s
suicide usage of Influence
97 1906-
4 1908 to youth
In social media like Facebook chat, social
post etc. Its easy for them especially at
media that
their age to attempt suicide

Suspect: Social Media

can affect


still im standing onto my disposition is

never the social media yes its one of Social
the factor Different
585- Media’s
1 65 point of
587 Im still in my disposition, it’s not the
social media itself but it is one of the view
factors. Impact to
the youth
I.. think the owners, the management
or the admin of Facebook should have
a good filter kung paano nila aalisin
There’s Social
iyon because some people will have a
1504- thought of doing that because some of something Media’s
3 88 1509 us has a difficulties
wrong with Unaware
I think Facebook should have a good
Facebook Impact to
filter to remove that suicide-related
content because some of us have the youth
difficulties dealing with that

Suspect: Social Media

Appendix II
Letter of Administer

To Whom It May Concern,

Good day,
We are students from 11- Jobs and we are working on our Research entitled:
Suspect: Social Media. This research is under our subject Practical Research 1 in our 11th
grade. As a youth of our generation we are taking stand, in studying why and how
Facebook affects and somehow causes them to attempt suicide.

In lined with this we are asking for your consideration to let us (Psalm Dominic
V. Gregorio, Stephanie Ramos, Joyce Gabriel, Cris Magrata) don’t attend our classes on
March 15, 2017 Wednesday afternoon for us to have an interview at the Dr. Yanga’s
Colleges Inc., College Guidance office and Junior High School office.

We are hoping that you will consider this request to help us find how Social
Media became a Suspect in every suicide cases of our today’s youth.

Respectfully Yours,

Gregorio, Psalm Dominic V. Magrata, Cris P. Bracia,Jerome Paolo F.

Ramos, Stephanie M. Gabriel, Joyce G.

Jethro Kenneth G.Tan

Subject Adviser

Ma. Carmela S. Cantor

Student Affairs Directress

Suspect: Social Media

Appendix III
Letter to the Informants

To Whom It May Concern,

Good day,

We are students from Dr. Yanga’s Colleges Inc. and we are working on our Research
entitled: Suspect: Social Media. This research is under our subject Practical Research 1 in our 11 th
grade. As a youth of our generation we are taking stand, in studying why and how Facebook
affects and somehow causes attempt suicide.

In lined with this we are asking for your cooperation and information to help us in our
research through having an interview with us. We are hoping that you will consider this request to
help us how Social Media became a Suspect in every suicide cases of our today’s youth.

We can assure you that we will keep your information with full-confidentiality.

Respectfully Yours,

Gregorio, Psalm Dominic V. Magrata, Cris P. Bracia,Jerome Paolo F.

Ramos, Stephanie M. Gabriel, Joyce G.

Jethro Kenneth G.Tan

Subject Adviser

Guidance Counselor

Suspect: Social Media

Appendix IV
Research Instruments

Name:___________________________________ School: ( )TNHS ( )DYCI

1. How do you define attempted suicide?

2. What are the differences between having an idea of suicide, attempting

suicide from committing suicide?

a. Do you think there is a process from having an idea to attempt to

commit in terms of suicide?

3. Have you handled this kind of case?

4. Can you tell us some of the cases you handled where in a youth
attempted suicide?

5. Can you tell us what way they attempt to commit suicide?

6. What are the common denominators of those youth whom you handled
cases who attempted suicide?

7. Do social media have a part on that cases?

8. What kind of intervention did you offer?

a. Can you explain that intervention?

9. What are the common problems of youth attempting suicide?

10. What are the different signs of youth before they try to attempt

11. Is social media a risky platform for youth? Why?


Suspect: Social Media

Appendix V

Letter of Edit

This is to certify that research, Suspect: Social Media, has been edited and
proofread by on. This is an assurance that the research is free from grammatical errors,
inconsistent style, and unclear ideas, Thus, providing a more sufficient and academic
construction and presentation of thoughts.

Signed by:

Gregorio, Psalm Dominic V. Magrata, Cris P. Bracia,Jerome Paolo F.

Ramos, Stephanie M. Gabriel, Joyce G.


Belen G. Gregorio Ed.D.


Suspect: Social Media

Appendix VI



Reference No. Line No. Statements

1 Attempted meaning to say the person

Guidance Counselor 2 particularly how has the tendency have
3 already done might have been verbally
No. 1
4 told. The person na pede siyang gusto
5 niyang mamatay or self-inflected. Yung
6 immediate personally yung emo emo yon
7 that is one that is attempted suicide.
8 Especially yung nga sabi ko sa inyo diba
9 especially as a guidance counselor yun
10 yung triggering ano namin questions
11 from a casual couselling session. Doon
12 mo palang ma aasess kung yung bata eh
13 may suicidal tendencies. Kaya nga sabi
14 ko sa inyo automatically when a student
15 thought iwant to die if someone write
16 something pano mamatay, pano pumatay
17 that is a actually triggering point na yon.
18 So basically and meaning to say that is
19 attempted suicide now when you say
20 commiting meaning to say he is or
21 already at the process pero typically
22 dapat and I need ideally a guidance
23 counselor. Yun naman trabaho naming
24 dapat never will there be a commited
25 suicide kasi meaning to say pag
26 nagcommit ng suicide yan failure kami
27 and even the parents.
28 Just like when I told you kaya nga im
29 asking you a while ago when you think
30 about the thought about death suicide,
31 although yes sabi mo nga kanina you

Suspect: Social Media

32 have found crisis pero without

33 intervention ng parents, teachers, people
34 who love you. How will they answer you
35 partically about them how you came
36 about na ang death its something not
37 typically talagang pinaguusapan na
38 casual why? Because they are people na
39 sensitive bakit? Kasi meron tayong ibat
40 ibang issues diba we have to be sensible
41 na kaya nga yun na nga trabaho naming.
42 Im not saying you have the possibility
43 pero yun yung darating yung anong lang
44 role ng teacher mo, advise ng guidance
45 counselor, you have to think of kasi yung
46 kilos nyo palang yung papanalita nyo pa
47 lng. Dapat naoobserve naming yan
48 overall not just when we are teaching but
49 also when you are outside the school and
50 even this one the topic you have chose.
51 Malaking factor yan and they have really
52 ako I have advise you come to the
53 couseling session at the guidance
54 counselor para mapag usapan nyo. Hindi
55 ko naman sinasabing masama sabi ko na
56 depende sa maturity ng tao and maturity
57 does not comes the age of the person
58 does depends upon you. If you are really
59 up accept if ever napag-uusapan nya
60 atleast maiintidihan mo diba.
61 Much better you talk about kung anong
62 nakuhang nyong findings dito diba they
63 will be recommendation you have
64 thought of something. Pagusapan nyo
65 maam bakit po ba ganon and I know for a
66 fact you will have questions diba eh
67 mahirap yung may tanong na hindi
68 masagot ng tamang tao. Kasi magseseek
69 kayo sa ibang tao eh ang tanong eh yung
70 sineek nyo ba kamuka non magseseek
71 kayo sa barkada. Sa kung sino diba the

Suspect: Social Media

72 problem is yung sineek nyong tao eh

73 tama kaya yung maiisagot sainyo eh
74 better yet go to the guidance counsil who
75 knew diba and even your parents. Much
76 better nga un eh diba its same as sex
77 when were talking about sex which is
78 taboo nuon but the thing is yun yung
79 nakakatakot kasi the one that we are
80 backstab dun sa ito nalang pag usapan
81 natin. Kasi bawal yan lalo kayong
82 nagseseek ng ibang tanong sagot sa
83 tanoong so talk about it pero to the right
84 person to the appropriate one.
85 Diba sabi ko sa inyo eh dun pa lng sa
86 naiisip o nakakatakot na sya kasi ibig
87 sabihin there might be possibility, ibig
88 sabihin kapag inisip mo merong nag
89 attempt. Diba meron tumutulak sayo para
90 maisip mo yung death, is it all about the
91 problem of your home o ako isa lng
92 naman sagot ko kung bakit talaga bakit
93 nakakaaffect dun sa suicidal tendencies
94 or it meaning to said impression lng ng
95 bata meron ng absentees. Kasi malaking
96 factor talaga kung may nakakausap kayo
97 especially at your age ang kulang kasi sa
98 inyo yung nakikinig diba yung
99 mapapagsabihan kayo. Not necessarily
100 may nagsasalita sa inyo na nag-aadvice
101 kasi kahit naman advice naming, di nyo
102 naman gagawin diba tama ako. Lahat
103 naman tayo ganon we may seek advice
104 but nevertheless it is not 100%. We will
105 follow it kasi bakit may sarili tayong
106 gods will we have to decide on our own
107 and that good. Ibig-sabihin nagkakaroon
108 ka ng self disposition to do what you
109 think is correct and if mali eh de accept
110 the consequences that is really mature.

Suspect: Social Media

111 Oo, many times pero sabi ko sa inyo diba

112 that is where I can say I succeeded when
113 my intervention get to know way and the
114 idea was stop off.Iibig sabihin sa idea pa
115 lang naputol ko na bakit naputol ko na its
116 because na asses ko na sya ng tama, hindi
117 na nya naisip pa na lumawig pa ung idea
118 na ayoko na kasi naisip nya na masaki at
119 masama diba.

120 Kasi bakit ba nagkakaroon ng suicidal

121 tendencies? Kasi may mga problema
122 syang nag put up nagpapatong na di na
123 nya alam kung saan ilalabas kaysa naman
124 matapos na. Lets put a stop pakamatay na
125 ko yon naman dahilan ng pagkakamatay
126 ng tao. I want to stop it ayoko na
127 hopeless case na sya eh ang taong
128 nagpapakamatay wala ng hope kaya
129 nakakatakot na walang ng pag asa sa
130 buhay. Pag nawalan ka ng pag asa sa
131 buhay period diba it never stops diba at
132 earlier stage it should be stop its simple
134 as that. Sabi ko nga sa inyo simpleng
135 ganito lang na pumili kayo topic about
136 death its something else, yes it has to be
137 talk about pero tandaan natin it shoud be
138 talk about, it should be discuss by a
139 professional para magamit nya yung
140 tamang term. Na masabi sa inyo ng what
141 is suicide ba talaga and how come they
142 earn tendencies to be to attempt suicide.
143 Anong nag uugat don para maintindihan
144 nyo ahhhh kaya pla and then when you
145 find out iwasan nyo na kasi alam mo na
146 ngayon diba dun naman nag uumpisa.
147 Normally naman yung pinaka siguro
148 yung pinaka malala is that is the self
149 deflecting kunwari, diba yung magaan na
150 nahiwa sabihin natin na ginagasgasan

Suspect: Social Media

151 yung braso because the thought they will

152 die from that. Pero alam mong takot
153 silang mamatay kasi magaan tandaan nyo
154 diba yung blade basta naman ginagasgas
155 nyong ganyan mamatay ka ba don?
156 Hindi, diba dapat madiin dapat sa pulso I
157 would even teach them na eto eto yung
158 pulso napag pinutol dun kamamatay pero
159 nagasgas ka lang ng ganun di mo
160 ikakamatay dun. Siguro naeexperience
161 ko through counseling and follow up na
162 stop na and they understood, ay oonga
163 bakit ng aba diba. Its simple as this sabi
164 ko sa kanila anak natapos na yung
165 problema mo pero yung peklat nung pag
166 sugat mo sa sarili nandyaan. Ibig sabihin
167 tandaan mo itong pagkakamali ko bang
168 ito uulitin ko ba diba kasi pero yung
169 problema mo natapos na hindi mo naisip.
170 Yung nagcocommit at nagaattempt diba
171 sabi ko sa inyo yung nagcommit its
172 because hopeless na sya pero nag
173 aattempt. Takot narin sya mamatay its
174 just so happen kasi in the first place if
175 you really want to kill yourself sasabihin
176 mo bang pakakamatay ako, diba will you
177 left with will you leave a note na
178 magpapakamatay ako. Kasi nagbreak
179 kami ng boyfriend ko and so on and so
180 forth, nanuod ako nagsuicide ginaya ko,
181 nabully ako papakakamatay ako will you
182 leave a note hindi diba. Kasi may takot
183 ibig sabihin naghihintay po akong may
184 titigil sa kin kaya lang wala. Kaya naging
185 commited that’s why commited suicide
186 there are a lot cases sa social media. Diba
187 makikita natin sige tingnan nyo maigi
188 bakit sa palagay nyo binibidyuhan pa
189 nya kasi why? Kasi yun yung masamang
190 epekto pa ng social media sa inyo bakit

Suspect: Social Media

191 sisikat kayo feeling nyo eh ang masakit

192 na katotohanan. Hindi nyo naiisip after
193 doing that period wala na hindi ba hindi
194 mo naresolbahan yung, ano yung
195 problema talaga. Diba and doon
196 nagkukulang ang magulang kadalasan
197 kaya nga sabi ko sainyo its still parents
198 absentees o pamilya issue. Yung
199 pinakamajor problem that’s why
200 maraming bata who needs from
201 depression to attempting suicide to
202 commiting suicide.
203 Yes they wanted really they badly really
204 wanted someone to help them kaya nga
205 lang minsan-minsan nawawala, bakit
206 busy parents nagtatrabaho si ate si kuya
207 may kanyang kanyang buhay. Hindi
208 napansin ni teacher, hindi na counsil ni
209 maam guidance, hindi naitanong, diba its
210 too unfortune nakakalungkot kaya nga
211 dapat diba as much possible you wanted
212 to reach out to everyone kasi hindi to
213 madaling kaso at hindi isang beses na
214 gagawin. Kaya nga sakin pag particular
215 bilang guidance although ngayon eh
216 designated lang ako. Very important
217 yung casual na ganto na pakikipag usap
218 sa estudyante kasi makikita mo eh
219 mahuhuli mo rin naman casual lng na
220 pakikipag usap pero makikita mo they
221 need somene to listen at baka mamaya
222 yun nga makahuli ka makatuklas ka ay
223 yung bata may suicidal tendency, diba
224 very crucial trabaho talaga.
225 Yes, pero sabi ko nga it doesn’t need to
226 suicidal naman diba kasi syempre yung
227 palang kaya nga malaking bagay kaya
228 nga mas sinasabi naming sa guidance
229 counseling dapat tlga may bully program
230 at the start of the school pa lang. Para

Suspect: Social Media

231 alam na ng lahat diba kaya nga sabi nyo

232 sa tv diba may lamang ang may alam
233 diba kasi di pa man mangyayare sayo
234 alam mo na ang gagawin. Aminin nyo na
235 pag ikaw nabully para matuto ang
236 pagbubully magsumbong ka kasi pag
237 hindi mo sinabi na kaw ay nabubuli at
238 tuloy tuloy yon na tendency is ano
239 vicious cycle na sya. Pinayagan mo sya
240 na ibully ka ikaw din papayag kaba na
241 binubully ka lang mambubully ka din
242 papasa iikot sya vicious cycle walang
243 nagsumbong eh tumahinik kayo lahat eh
244 nakatakot ako. Hindi magtitigil kaya may
245 lamang ang may alam kung may umpisa
246 pa lang ng school year dapat may
247 programa ang iskwekalahan. Ano ba ang
248 bully ano ang dapat mong gawin kapag
249 nabubully ka then walang kahit kailang
250 mapupunta sa attempted suicide o kahit
251 commiting suicide.
252 Normally kasi technically hindi naman
253 dahil wala naman kasama sa bahay pero
254 dahil ano kasama lang yaya, katulong,
255 nasa abroad si nanay si mommy, si
256 daddy, especially yung in the private
257 school di ba yan ang malaking problema
258 kasi sa totoo lang naman diba eh hindi
259 naman lahat kayo but the problem is your
260 parents is to do their job to provide.
261 Marami sa inyo ang mga magulang nasa
262 abroad nagtatrabaho and most of the time
263 wala sa bahay so ang tendency sino ang
264 kasama ng bata sa bahay wala so doon
265 nag ugat diyan depression to do suicide.
267 Early pregnancy oh diba to bullying
268 marami problema na nag uugat dahil na
269 wala kasama sa bahay walang makausap
270 not necessarily but diba someone to talk
271 to di ko sinisi sa lahat ng magulang pero

Suspect: Social Media

272 tandaan natin lahat nandun talaga

273 naguumpisa. Kasi kung ikaw binusog ng
274 pagmamahal ng magulang mo siguro
275 yung set of values mo na bata ka pa lang
276 buo na sya but the thing is they have to
277 accept the fact na ito ang realidad ng
278 buhay. They have to provide they have to
279 work they have to do that but the
280 problem is my disadvantage and
281 consequences and that is bad.
282 Attempt ano pag nagbreak diba
283 especially at your age diba in senior high
284 at you age particularly being adolescent
285 diba between 15-17. Ito yung panahon na
286 kung kalian na kapag kayo eh na bigyan
287 dahil nga natandaan natin kaya nga sabi
288 ko sainyo yung most generally sa lahat
289 ng age level nyo you seek attention, you
290 seek love kasi kulang so kung may
291 nagprovide sa inyo ng pagmamahal na
292 akala nyo tunay na tunay at akala nyo
293 pag kayo nainlove kayo sa unang
294 pagkakataon. Akala nyo hanggang huli
295 ayun na eh diba kaya ang tendency
296 masyado kayong seyoso o so ano ng
297 mangyayari diba pag ka ako eh nabreak
298 ng boyfriend ko, ng girlfriend ko
299 pakakamatay na lang ako. Yun na ang
300 tendency nya eh ang nanay at tatay eh
301 hindi alam may girlfriend, may boyfriend
302 na pala hindi natanong diba eh si
303 guidance di rin naman alam di naman si
304 sisa lovelife diba halimbawa wala sa
305 school yung girlfriend boyfriend na sa
306 ibang school or sa yanga at nasa taal o di
307 malalaman diba. So kaya talagang
308 malaking factor talaga na may
309 nakakausap kayo hindi naman kasi
310 kailangan pormal na counsil na session
311 eh may ma sabihan kayo eh, tandaan ntin

Suspect: Social Media

312 ahh first time un yung lagi kong sinasabi

313 maybe not teacher also now kahit sabihin
314 nyong wala akong advisory class I get to
315 talk to each student. Also diba sa
316 pagchichismis but to find out ano ba
317 yung diba baka may problema dun
318 malalaman yun eh, as long you go along
319 diba you develop with each one of you
320 when i get turn trust dun eh lumalabas ng
321 kusa kahit hindi kita tanungin lalabas ng
321 kusa yung pinagdadaanan.
322 Kasi avid fan sya eh meaning to say itong
323 pag i-idolize nya dun sa particular na
324 artista akala nya kasi lahat ng gagawin
324 nya gusto kong gawin diba so
325 pakakamatay sya with the thinking na
326 mali ito diba ang iniisip nya lang diba.
327 Parang ganto nalang parang Diyos ito
328 yung commandment ko ito yung sundin
329 mo kaya nga minsan diba idolizing rin
330 dapat it has to be with guidance also kasi
331 minsan pagiidolize dun a mga artista dun
332 sa mga singer. Minsan kaya nga dapat
333 guided with the parent kasi ito ba ay
334 good mode diba ito bang napili mong
335 artista eh mabuting ehemplo ba sa inyo,
336 makakatulong ba sainyo, kapag hindi
337 dapat nalalaman ng magulang diba
338 specially oh example na lang diba may
339 mga bata eh may gusto death metal
340 music eh diba yun yung mga death metal
341 music talks about death diba pagkanta eh
342 kayang minsan unconsciously naaassess
343 ng utak akala nyo ok.

344 Na may death metal yes so basically ang

345 nangyare dahil nga naassess nya ang
346 akala nya anti Christ na rin sya yon so
347 diba yung itsura, di nmn itsura ang
348 naatratract nya eh even the ideology ng

Suspect: Social Media

349 about being about sa death music. Death

350 metal music about sa walang god about
351 death it talk about black eh iyon
352 nakukuha nya.
353 Di mo nakakausap magulang mo? Pero di
354 nyo nabrobroad up up mga ganyang
355 topic?
356 pano nila kiniclear up? Eh kaya lang at
357 your age hindi lahat you entertain biblical
358 yes given na kasi yon eh kaso minsan
359 nacucuriuos ka sa iba diba may tendency
360 syempre bat ka eh nandun yon eh yun
361 naman ang gusto ko ren kung baga
362 lalawakan mo syempre. Hindi lahat eh sa
363 religion natin its good that you have your
364 religion yes syempre minsan may
365 maeencounter ka ng taong di naniniwala
366 duon. Then we have to think bakit nga ba
367 diba yon yung naisip mo para
368 maintindihan mo sila eh also malaman
369 mo maintindihan mo pano ko ba
370 tatratuhin yung mga ganung kaso. How
371 will I influence those people na syempre
372 yun naman yung ano natin sa sarili mo
373 diba lalo yung mga kaidad mo kasi its
374 good for you. You learn that from your
375 parents eh pano dun sa mga hindi
376 nakakaintindi diba hindi natatapos diba
377 no man is an island lahat eh kailangan
378 nila yon eh diba eh ikaw yung mga
379 kaklase mo di ba napapansin nyo. Yun
380 nga yun nga yung sinasabi ko. Hindi
381 naman dalawa kasi yon eh yung makulit
382 you seek attention also nagagawa kasi
383 nila yon kaso sa bahay hindi diba ano yan
384 eh kaya lang yung lang nman pinupunto
385 ko minsan kasi yung extreme na sobrang
386 tahimik at sobrang makulit pareho ng
387 given eh pano yung nasa gitna minsan
388 yung nasa gitna at risk. Especially now

Suspect: Social Media

389 diba given na yon eh social media does

390 affect malaki talaga epekto pero yung
391 epekto na yon kung mabuti ang relasyon
392 mo sa magulang sa church lahat yan wala
393 kang magiging problema kasi hindi ka
394 maaapektuhan nun kasi matibay na yung
395 settle values alam mona yun, bibigyan
396 mo ng importansya di ka na magtatanung
397 sa sarili mo di ka narin maghahanap ng
398 sagot.

399 Kaya nga sabi ko nga sainyo is a simple

400 as this pag ikaw ay puno ng pagmamahal,
401 hindi mo dadamin di mo iindahin yung
402 suicide o kung ano naman kasi bakit kasi
403 pag uwi mo sa bahay di mo man lng
404 pagmamahal sa eskwalahan o
405 discrimination sa ibang tao pero paguuwi
406 mo sa bahay siguradong merong
407 pagmamahal.
408 Yes it boils down then and again dun sa
409 family kung pinuno ng pagmamahal ng
410 pagmamahal ang bata there will be no
411 question of what ever tendency kahit
412 discrimination man yan bully what so
413 ever it will not affect not at all . Actually
414 yun yung tuwang tuwa ako kinukwento
415 the child is really ano sya yung typical na
416 binubully na mataba na hindi mo sya
417 attractive diba and normally pag ganun
418 yung itsura ng bata. Diba alam nating
419 binubully sya binubully siya ng kaklase
420 nya pero mukha nya never mong
421 makikita na nalungkot sya na
422 nadiscriminate sya no bakit actually yung
423 bata ampon pero hindi nya alam nya rin
424 na ampon sya pero makikita mo sa kanya
425 busog na busog sa kanya. Bukod sa alam
426 mong busog sya dahil mataba siya pero
427 alam mong busog, busog yung puso nya

Suspect: Social Media

428 dahil mahal na mahal sya ng nanay nya

429 kayanga sabi ko nga sa inyo I believe in
430 that isa lang ang sagot sa bawat tanong
431 na meron kayo yes its love from the
432 family pag nandun yon.

433 Blade na hinihiwa lang yung

434 typical,cyber-bullying normally ano lang
435 parang ganto its just a thought its an idea
436 only pero never na merong na nasaktan
437 sya.
438 Ahhh the thought also kaya nga sabi ko
439 sa inyo diba the fact that I intervene
440 already wala ng commited
441 hanggang dun na lng sa idea tayo yun
442 lang pinakamalala sigurong naranasan ko
443 yung kasi nagawa na nila tska ko pa lang
444 napaprocess dun pa lang sya na stop pero
445 yung sabihin nyong malala na sya yung
446 tumakbo sya sa kung ano man sa ospital
447 umiinom ng ano may sinaksak pa sya
448 wala naman.
449 Parent absentees yun na naman common
450 as of now and even though hindi
451 according to research according to my
452 experience to all the students I have been
453 the guidance counselor for 15 years
454 laging iyon ang pinagmumulan. Kapag
455 wala na silang makuha ng pagmamahal
456 ng lakas na pedeng ibigay nagaling sa
457 pamilya din kada iyan social media inom
458 drugs boyfriend girlfriend having sex.

459 Siguro basically lang yung ano yung

460 social media in terms of dahil may they
461 get the idea diba nakuha nila yung idea
462 na ah pede ko pa lang gawin to minsan
463 kasi nakakapanuod kayo ng video kaya
464 nakakalungkot lang bakit may mga
465 nagpapakamatay lalo sa states diba.

Suspect: Social Media

466 Nakakatakot na nauupload pa sa youtube

467 na napapanuod nyo and does it affect yun
468 yung sinabi ko sainyo. What you do not
469 know will harm you di mo alam di ka
470 masasaktan the more that you know then
471 mas may tendency na masaktan ka diba
472 kasi may idea ka eh.

473 counseling basically,

474 counselling just like us diba aside from
475 this interview pero yung one on one talk
476 that you have to get know kung ano ba
477 talaga let the client talk sya mismo kaya
478 nga sabi nga naming sa counselling.
479 Hindi isang beses maraming beses dapat
480 para makuha mo yung trust nya and at
481 the same time para makuha mo ng totoo
482 pero syempre hindi isang beses lng to
483 kailangan marami.
484 Intervention ang pinakamalala ofcourse
485 lalo kung talagang medyo not just the
486 idea kungbaga pag navalidate ko na
487 talagang ooops may suicidal tendency
488 then the intervention coming from the
489 parents also,parents conference nato
490 syempre ang unang makaalam ng
491 problema ng bata ay parents
492 kasi ang magiging solusyon naman don
493 at makakatulong naman dun sa
494 pagbibigay ng solusyon dun ay parents.
495 Actually magugulat ka eh ito eh babase
496 sa social media makikita its just as petty
497 as what lovelife pakikipagbreak
498 boyfriend, girlfriend nabully napakapetty
499 kung titingnan natin totoo naman siguro
500 sabihin natin o baka sa bihin nyo maam
501 sa inyo po petty sa amin po malaking
502 bagay, why? Bakit ba nagiging malaking
503 bagay dun naman tayo babalik eh kasi
504 nga walang nakapagbigay ng

Suspect: Social Media

505 enlightenment at pagmamahal na bakit

506 nangyayari to diba kasi tandaan natin
507 talaga naman life is not just good lng
508 may bad din pero how are you handle
509 both.
510 Ayun when you talk about it when draw
511 about it there are things you can’t see
512 kaya laging sinasabi ko lalo na kung
513 may parents conference ako lagi kong
514 advise sa magulang kasi ang mahirap
515 ngayon eh ang cellphone nyo may code
516 na eh di na nabubuksan eh. Pero if they
517 can get to the password of the facebook
518 para makita ang messages doon tingnan
519 nila pag gabi tulog kayo buksan lahat ng
520 wallet nyo
521 dun mo makikita eh. Minsan kasi pag
522 masama ang loob mo you get to write it o
523 kaya magdo-draw ka o magdodoodle
524 kaya nga sabi ko sa inyo even ayun nga
525 yung case ng pag dinorowing nya eh
526 gusto nyang mamatay dahil hindi nga
527 matanggap na sya ay tomboy ayaw ng
528 parents nya pero nakakadrowing
529 ibigsabihin meron na syang idea of
530 killing herselves. Kaya lang dahil the
531 parents have tired na ayoko ng idea mo
532 eh hindi mo mapipigilan diba hindi mo
533 mapipigilan kayanga malaking bagay
534 talaga. You have to play the part between
535 the parents the teacher lahat contributions
536 talaga.

537 Yes we are always responsible with each

538 other kayo sa amin kami sa inyo sa
539 parents nyo sa eskwelahan.
540 Ako nagtuturo ako ng komunikasyon sa
541 pananaliksik ngayon ang pinakagawa ko
542 sa last requirements ko
543 to get away with being guidance sa

Suspect: Social Media

544 kanila. I told them to make video out put

545 from their parents na gagawa sila ng
546 video na nakikipagtitigan sila sa nanay o
547 tatay nila without talking 4 minutes lang
548 yon daming reklamo sakin di naman ok
549 lang naman kurapan basta walang
550 magsasalita from there tingnan natin dun
551 malalaman natin may problema eh. Pag
552 ganyan nakita mo nag iiyakin na sila
553 along the way o biglang sinampal na lng
554 dun pala mahuhuli mo na diba malaking
555 bagay yon kaya nga sinasabi ko pag ako
556 nagpagawa ako as much as possible
557 nakukuha ko rin yung information ng
558 bata. Kasi iyon ang kulang eh and minsan
559 kahit ako sa klase gumagawa ako ng
560 paraan para makipag kwentuhan kasi yon
561 na lang ang paraan kaya kahit sa teacher
562 yun sinasabi ko wag lagi binabawalan
563 ang bata lalo pag nagdadaldalan kayo.
564 Kasi mahuhuli sa pagdadladalan nyo diba
565 minsan nagdaldaldan kayo kahay dapat
566 matalas ang dapat ng teacher talasan ang
567 tenga ng teacher kahit nandun ka sa
568 harapan pag nanapakinggan mo kasi
569 kahit minsan sa daldal lumalabas sa bibig
570 nyo. Mga problema malalaman mo kahit
571 di mo sya tinanong from there
572 magkakaidea ka kung may idea ka
573 gumawa ka na ng paraan gagawa na kami
574 intervention pedeng dumaan muna sa
575 adviser kaya dun pa lang eh.

576 Sabi nga natin diba everything that god

577 created is never at risk di sya ginawa ng
578 diyos para makasama sa tao ito ay
579 depende sa gumagamit nito diba. As an
580 ict student you know that ang
581 teknolohiya para tumulong satin para
582 mapagaan sa buhay natin hindi para

Suspect: Social Media

583 pabigatin kaya lang to nagiging problema

584 dahil sa taong gumagamit kaya nga again
585 in this interview, still im standing onto
586 my disposition is never the social media
587 yes its one of the factor pero major role
588 to affect a student to hindi ko sinasabing
589 to really commit suicide to attempted
590 suicide yung nga parent absenties yung
591 family isang malaking factor talaga.

592 ok so para sakin miss understand

Guidance Counselor 593 attempted suicide ito yung ang interest ng
594 bata o meron siyang umawa ng paraan
No. 2
595 ahh king saan saktan ang sarili niya
596 pangalawa bawiin ang buhay niya may
597 mga pagkakataon na ibat ibang paraan so
598 nagkakaiba lang ang kanilang paraan
599 pero eto yung mga bata na may mga
600 pinagdadaan actually hindi kana man
601 magsusuicide emotional na budgets Ok
602 sakin mga expirience na bata cases na
603 handle ang isa ay nagbikte ayun talaga
604 nagsuicide sya nawalan talaga ng buhay
605 ahm. Isa ay life ok yung kanya tapos
606 magkakaroon siya yung isa naman may
607 attempt lang talaga pero still commit ng
608 suicide basta hindi naman tinuloy kung
609 baga na nagkaroon ng intervation.
610 Ok so i have idea katulad nga nang
611 nabanggit ko nasa isip yung naiisip
612 niyang solusyon na para makatakbo ang
613 problema nya so gusto ko nalng na
614 magsuicide nasa taught nasa isip sabi din
615 natin itutuloy o hindi ba attempt at
616 posible knfe blade or aditional object still
617 inag attempt pero hindi namatay ok
618 commit suicide is talagang namatay hindi
619 pa namamatay attempted idea adun ang
620 taught so nandun ang stages so talagang
621 counsilor nandun na ang idea medyo

Suspect: Social Media

622 dapat viginal alarm din naaalarma mo na

623 sa support group na meron idea aabi nga
624 natin idea na nagsuicide Ahh
625 sakinnaman kasi ano din ang nagtulak
626 sayo bakit nga ba ayun din ang interest
627 mo mahirap kasi mahirap din ikaw
628 mismo sa sarili mo makakasagot how do
629 define suicide so nasa tao din kami ako
630 nasa pagnaside kana nafeel mo na may
631 mga pahiwatig na ang bata like kahit na
632 ilang pahiwatig kami some kind
633 defression na pinagdadaanan may
634 posibility na bata hindi ganon katibay
635 ang dibdib sa paghawak ng problema
636 medyo ayon talaga ang magpupush like
637 nabasted ng girlfriend ng boyfriend na
638 niligawan na nagbreak sila ayun din kasi
639 ang mga factors din kasi sabi mo nga
640 kanina sa ahm. Social media yes kasi ahh
641 sige tuloy na natin ahmt. Meron akong
642 case na ok sige related social media
643 why.? May idea ang bata na mas
644 inimporce pa dahil pumasok sa chatting
645 group kumalat saan ay mga nandun
646 members ay nagcommit or attempt na
647 talaga ng suicide and parang nakita nya
648 forms kung paano ginagawa ay
649 naiinganyo dumating sa punto na
650 naglalaslas na sila dahil ganon daw ang
651 expirience na nakakakuha sila sabihin na
652 natin plessure sa pananakit sa sarili na
653 nakikita nila ang nakakatulong sa kanila
654 som how yung pananakit can we just
655 risky can just especially school ahm ah
656 mental. Para sakin ok it can influence
657 other why yan malaking influence lalo na
658 nasa social media group chating
659 kiniwento nga kasi sakin na may
660 nakakausap ako from board at masaya
661 sila some kind like attitude sabihin na

Suspect: Social Media

662 natin ahm pwedeng na manakit ka ng iba

663 kahit imposible ahm over rounds ee kahit
664 mismo sinaktan mo yung sarili mo at
665 define plessure ayon imposible kasi
666 nakakahawa siya lalo na sa kabataan na
667 uso sya will back siguro seven years ago
668 sa states na pinanggalingan ko marami
669 akong finanes written even why kasi
670 reason na emo emo na that naglalaslas
671 tanungin mo bakit wala lang its a fun its
672 a case tinanong kumg may problema ba
673 pero king iba ginagaya sila the idea it
674 affect it show other na meron silang
675 sugat na nakabaned. Posible it a show
676 gusto mo ikw din kasi parang ano nga
677 feeling i dont attension marami kasing
678 ways bakit yung iba sinasaktan nila yung
679 sarili nila na sabihin na natin na motivs
680 maraming dahilan din pero sabihin na
681 natin yung iba nagreresolt kasi hindi
682 makayanan yung pinagdadaanan iba iba
683 ng case and other case was ahm. Why as
684 ahh dahil meron siyang boyfriend and
685 chatting and very dedegated to send
686 photo a new photo yes they are why a
687 said at ito rin ang nangyayari ma share
688 nya dun sa guy ngayon si guy eto ngayon
689 nagyari hindi alam kung pano nangyare
690 yung picture ngayon marami nang
691 nakattanggap at naibulak na ishare na sa
692 differenr ways ngayon nakausap ko ang
693 bata she as idea maam gusto ko napo
694 magpakamatay gusto ko napo
695 magpakamatay kasi po sa kahihiyan
696 isang factor din na because of social
697 media iba din naging cause dahil nga
698 kumalat yung picture na diffression sya
699 na bashers siya and resolted for student
700 wag iisip ng suicide oo ng idea na

Suspect: Social Media

701 magsuicide.
702 Im sorry yah. Parang nakikita ko yes
703 kung sa idea palang himdi mo na sya
704 naresolt like she did not taik any one she
705 did not share the problem to a friend to a
706 mother or some kind na katulad namin
707 sabi nga natin dito sa school posibleng it
708 go would partner magkakaroon ng
709 attempt kaya idea palang dapat na
710 aadress na para himdi nya maisip na
711 tanging solusyon sa problema nya ay
712 magpakamatay magsusuicide dun palang
713 dapat na address na para hindi niya
714 maisipan na makikita mo yun lalo na
715 kumg ang bata bigat na bigat sa problema
716 dinadala iyak ng iyak hindi mashare na
717 tapos takot na takot sa pagiging reaction
718 sa tuon ng magulang ayon makikita mo
719 yung tinatakasan yung problema nila
720 yun. Yah i have i think dalawa tatlo but
721 like mo sa mga na handle ko must girl
722 yes dahil nga iyan improve the different
723 sabihin na natin ibat ibang cases ahhm
724 yan first cas was ahhm sa school sabi ko
725 nga sayo marami sila na naglalaslas we
726 ask them bakit ako first counsilors na
727 sabi nila ay wala lang dahil uso lang ang
728 paglalaslas ahm sa part naman yun
729 syempre i ahh naging move namin was
730 ahmm with talk the parents ito na naging
731 process pinatawag ang magulang kaya
732 pinaalam namin na meron ganun attempt
733 kasi nakita namin na naglaslas din siya
734 then ahh third dahil private naman ito we
735 as the parent na ahhm to ask for a
736 assessment for a assessment for as to
737 baka meron pang ibang problema na
738 pinagdadaanan si student kaya sya
739 nagattempt ng suicide and then we found

Suspect: Social Media

740 out wala naman ahhm talagang ahhm na

741 ano lang siya nanawa lang with other sa
742 makilala siya. Yes na crazy sila the
743 second ahhm case was girl then the
744 reason was dahil ahh siya yung bata na
745 pumapasok sa chat room ng nagsusuicide
746 meron factor na nagtulak sakanya na ahh
747 ang bata ay tiyak na left behind ng mga
748 friends parang naiwan sya na OP sya sa
749 parent na nagkaroon ng tampuhan
750 iniwana sya ngayon wala syang kasama
751 hindi niya makaya na yung bestfriend
752 nya ay iniwanan sya so ahm ng ng sinabi
753 nya sa akin na umamin sya na naglaslas
754 ny kamay immediately ang akin ginawa
755 was ahm pumunta sa dito sa schilool no.
756 Pag uwi ay hinatid ang bata sa bahay ako
757 personally dinala ko ang bata sa bahay
758 kinausap ko ang pinaka malapit na pwede
759 makausap ah instant so that ahm moment
760 yung tita na guardian dahil seperate na
761 interest so pinagbigay alam ko ang
762 nagawa ng bata na merong siyang idea na
763 suicide ee yung kayang interestna
764 magattempt ng suicide dahil sa
765 pakikipagchat sa mga nagcocomit ng
766 suicide na may mga attempt ng suicide
767 pinagbigay alam so ayun yung sakin as
768 counsilor ee syempre inadvance nireport
769 din sa school na may meron kaming bata
770 na ganun ang lagay ok the third one want
771 was kinausap ang bata ok pinureseso ang
772 bata head.

Dahil eto nga yung case na nagdala siya

774 ng picture sa boyfriend na ngayon ay
775 kumakalat sa scial media yes ayun yung
photo so pinagbigay alam natin sa
777 magulang kasama na maging partner ang
778 magulang sa pagbibigay ng ganitong

Suspect: Social Media

779 babala warning na ang anak nyo po ay

780 ahm may idea o fact committing suicide
781 unan uma nakakaaala dapat support
782 group magulang na bantayan ang bata
783 with in 24 hours or more ahh. Tignan
784 kung ano wag iiwanan ang bata sa
785 kwarto wagpalilibutan ng sharp objects
786 noh.make sure na kinakausap ang nata
787 king mga problema pang pinagdadaanan
788 wag magbibigyan ng pagkakataon ang
789 bata na makagawa ng sya lang mag isa
790 kasi posibleng even ahh isa pang
791 pwedeng gawin nila ay gamot ay yung
792 sharp na like biogesic yes day a kill
793 basag na baso na bote salamain yung yun
794 sharp yan. Event medicines lahat na yan
795 pwde nilang gamitin kaya mga pag ganon
796 advice agad sa magulang bantayan ang
797 bata sa kayang kinikilos sa aktobidad
798 yes.
799 Yung isa ay yah. Ayun nga naglalaslas
800 gumagamit ng kutsilyo yung isa din
801 naman blade ok dalawa halos ang
802 nagaattempt na talagang meron physical
803 talaga na saktan ang skin nila kaya namin
804 nalaman na nagaattempt sila then yung
805 isa is the idea palang as counsilor shinare
806 nya sakin na maam gusto ko napong
807 magpakamatay dahil sa kahihiyan yung
808 yung kanina yes so address naman namin
809 agad immediately at yun yung maganda
810 idea palang meron na kausap no naitama
811 agad na bantayan agad yung bata.

812 Yah ok tingin ko ang naging common

813 sakanila ay na yung na dodown nasaktan
814 napapahiya yung yung mga nakikita ko
815 ng so defression talaga kasi nga napahiya
816 siya sa nangyare so ayun yung nakikita
817 ko at ang common pa is hindi matatag

Suspect: Social Media

818 yung dibdib to take some challenges kasi

819 sabi nga natin problema na yan kung
820 kayo mong harapin kayang lutasan hindi
821 magiging arternative mo is to killing your
822 self diba talakasan ang problema so ayun
823 ying nakikita kong medyo mahina
824 pagdating sa paghandle ng emosyon
825 yung yes yon at group no and sabi nga
826 natin nagcause ng diffression nya at ng
827 lungkot nya was pagkalat ng pocture true
828 social media and bashing of course yun
829 yung sign ahh. Wala wais the case of
830 ahm dun nga sa ano hindi nga natin na
831 ano da dicussion base dun sa case na yun
832 nag nang talaga sya out of dahil
833 mapahiya sya which hindi intensyon na
834 mapahiya pero still dalawa ng bugson ng
835 damdamin nung oras na yun dahil pag
836 naisip nya yung is maalis sa sitwasyon
837 pag iwi nya bg bahay nagbikte sya yung
838 sa knife if ahhm..... Social media yes ah
839 dahil ah nakikita ko na nagayagaya nya
840 dun sa mga kachat nya na mag ok
841 nakaresolt ng problema ang pananakit ng
842 sarili yung sinasala niya kaya nakita ko
843 na kachat nya na ýun ang ano lalo sabihin
844 na natin nag iba ng inforce na sige gawin
845 mo iba kung baga mas nabigyan ka ng
846 mas tama ng ahh ng impormasyon sa pag
847 hahawak ng king hindi ka chat ay mga
848 taong nagsusuicide hindi malamang
849 naging maternative ahh no solusyon sa
850 problema sa nagaattempt ahh nakikita ko
851 dahil hindi pa masyadong ka demind iba
852 kasi matagal na matagal yung mga
853 fecebook Facebook wala di tingin ko
854 friends kasi naging ano dun naging gaya
855 gaya talaga blade yan kasama yan sa
856 social media so ang laki ng factors social

Suspect: Social Media

857 media anfd friend.

858 Ako personal counsilor syempre one and

859 one counsilor compare to the parents
860 conference the school head of course kasi
861 sa school den home visit no. Uuhmm...
862 Nagpupunta ko and ah sabi nga natin
863 yung continues counsilor natin bata
864 kalilangan mabantayang bata no so ayun
865 yung aming nagawang interventaion and
866 we found it naman na effective kasi
867 immediately lalo na yung mga
868 nagattempt na hindi itinuloy garding ang
869 magulang no o yung gardian na
870 mabantayan yung kinikilos ng bata and
871 event the teachers is conferences
872 importante si teacher nagbabantay sa
873 kinikilos nya ng bata ok na nagawa
874 namin sa intervention sabi ko nga sayo
875 counseling he moment repair at nakausap
876 ko syempre hindi ko na kinausap ang
877 bata nagcocounsiling session ng 3 hors
878 yata kami yes oo pangalawa
879 intervensional na ginawa is himatid ko
880 sya naghome visit ako hinatis ko
881 personality kahit saan pa sya nakatirs just
882 the make sure the student we will home
883 safety ok another was callimg from the
884 parent tinawag ko ang magulang to let
885 them go asap hindi pwedeng bukas hindi
886 pedeng sa isang araw ngayon napo kasi
887 very ereject buhay ang pinag iusapan dito
888 Orayt ahm inaalarma natin ang magulang
889 na may ganitong activity planong activity
890 ang bata no dun sa mga pwede kasi dun
891 sa namatay wala na tayong magagawa
892 kasi agad namatay talaga sya pero dun sa
893 attempted idea confirm to the parents
894 conference school head at syempre
895 kaylangan din alam ng atimg pricipal no

Suspect: Social Media

896 puno ng school na ang mga bata ay may

897 ganito na nagiging problema immediately
898 para mabigyan din ang alarm o warning
899 ang ating mga teachers na brigiland at
900 mas maging masubaybayan sa mga bata
901 na pinagdadaanang problema dahil hindi
902 natin alam any moment pwde gawin ng
903 bata yan o kaya continous na magcounsil
904 sa kanya at follow up sa magulang tung
905 mga aming nagawa syempre observation
906 classroomand continous the teachers
907 ayan yung nagawa and sabi naman natin
908 na hindi na natuloy Ok lalo natigil dun
909 hindi na naulet siguro is good indicater
910 sucess indicater yes dahil wala nang
911 sumunod dun siguro ako siguro ay find it
912 ahhhhm... sakin im find it ano ee its life
913 half happy its complishment with some
914 one solve problem went you help other
915 people even i now wxtra badge i have
916 personal ano its sabi nga natin ahhm
917 natutuwa ako its i am plessure with my
918 help people dont mabigat kailangan
919 maano ka wisdom mo to judge tnx paano
920 gagawi mo sabi nga natin its how you
921 make i brave the student dahil kapag mali
922 ang move na nagawa at pagbabayaan mo
923 dares are dis agree na sabi natin
924 nagdeligates the part of the counsilor of
925 the school kaya dapat alam mo agad
926 nalaman nyo nlaman mo agad may action
927 agad action plan intervention program
928 yun yung magkakasama ano ang aksyon
929 mo ano ang intervention mo as
930 acounsilor and effective counsilor nakita
931 ko naman na yah. Kailangan mayroon
932 kang paln of action especially the case na
933 ganyan degarting im still rewarding it do
934 its hard ok still diba ang success ang
935 indecator nito is kaylangan is napapabuti

Suspect: Social Media

936 ang bata but is a long process is gradute

937 process hindi naman agad kinausap na ok
938 kana no it's no long process kaya sabi
939 natinnever say die never give up if you
940 want to help student tlaga it the passion
941 ok sa nakikita ko sa kanila habang
942 sumasakit kasi nageenjoy sila yung pain
943 dined finding plessure dala ng bakit
944 walang nararamdaman dala ng emosyon
945 mas mataas yun emosyon yung galit
946 rather done dun nededesplace yung ahm,
947 yung galit yung pinagdadaanan sa pain
948 sabi nga natin ah naging manhid sila then
949 dala ng galit hiwang hiwa rayt at dun
950 napupunta sumasakit mentras na
951 sumayasaya at sumasarap at dun narin
952 nila nilalagay dun napupunta ang galit at
953 emosyon nila nakakalungkot nga dahil
954 yun yung naisip nila paraan sa sarili
955 which it sabi nga natin morally we dont
956 have the right take the life diba god given
957 as it is pressure and we have to taken
958 have one life if we dont it then diba yung
959 ang mabigat dun diba ok, Ahmm...
960 nakikiya ko ngayon it more on
961 pornography yes top of top the line
962 pornography nakikita ko and which i can
963 account to social media .also yes right
964 ayandownload the photos videos romital
965 round vaping also smoking and vaping
966 vase of people ahmm. Parang nakikita
967 din nila ang vaping na naeenjoy ahm. As
968 early as grade 7 ganyan na ganyan
969 nakikita kong pop concern namin
970 nagdadala sila sa mga napapanood nila
971 ngayon ang nangyayare is put into the
972 action malisyoso nanghahawa nagsasalita
973 ng malisya kaya medyo aabi nga nila
974 dapat nagagabayan mabuti ang bata sa
975 napapanood no dala ng television at ng

Suspect: Social Media

976 nababasa at ang kanilang inter action see

977 ahmm i have encounter to students no.
978 Girls same for students kumalat ang
979 video and still new photo boyfriend as
980 this photo top less yung sins nasisira ang
981 pagkatao ng bata dahil sa ahmm, yung
982 nga sa social media sa maling paggamit
983 ng social media that why we are sabi nga
984 natin stressing to the women to the girls
985 now please to be careful if what it post
986 and waht you send kasi when you send
987 the photo alam mo na if can never
988 believed if a thousand can give a copy
989 how could you now that you have copy
990 with them diba ilang ang meron ilang ang
991 nag delete dis guys may mga lalaking
992 nanghihinge as them i told them na di
993 bonura ko na pero we dont have any
994 proof na binura niya talaga nya what if
995 kung ipasa nya sa iba kaya yun isa yun sa
996 nakikita kong problema namin and
997 pornography and down vaping ayan mga
998 ano problem namin.
999 Ok ahh different signs sabi nga natin
1000 unang una nakita mo na may
1001 pinagdadaanan na ang bata mabigat hindi
1002 kinakaya tumamlay,na defress medyo
1003 hindi nagpapapasok ayaw makipag usap
1004 sa ibang tao nakikita mo agad dito yun sa
1005 school ee ahhm.... pag hindi na sya yung
1006 katulad ng dati malaki yung potential ano
1007 ang pinagdadaana lalo na kumg ang
1008 problema ay nagrecare kung mag die at
1009 nakikita mo yung tao na sya ahh
1010 nagbubukas ng damdamin sa iba tao
1011 yung sinasarli ang problema yan
1012 malaking factor yan na taging solusyon
1013 ay ayan na na laslasin ko nalamg yung
1014 braso ko kasi sobrang bigat ng

Suspect: Social Media

1015 pinagdadaanan ko at ang pagtingin sa

1016 sarili ay maliit noh. Yung self is till
1017 kapag nakikita nya yung sarili nya na
1018 feeling wala ako useless napahiya ako
1019 binush ako pinagtatawanan nila ako
1020 aukong mapagalitan aukong masisi ayan
1021 ang mga imposible na makikita natin
1022 pwde pwedeng mag attempt ng suicide
1023 ang isang bata kaya makita mo palang
1024 ang bata na medyo na nagsabi na
1025 nagbigay na nang haging na hindi ko na
1026 kaya ang problemang pinagdadaanan ko
1027 dun sa intervention and that's why.

1028 Umhhh ... Yes why i would like is yes if

1029 the student is really really not be ahmm
1030 intelligent and why enough to use to
1031 social media a sign said ahmm one word
1032 just Google it everything lalabas talk
1033 about sex into comma indifferent forms
1034 sabi nga natin hindi na screen ahmm
1035 student have in access so lahat ng data
1036 hindi naman lagi katabi ang magulang
1037 kapag gumagamit ng internet we should
1038 chat and sabi nga namin eto wah ahmm
1039 itong caht na ito hindi sila common
1040 friend lang kung saang inadd lang at
1041 different from different school hindi mo
1042 nga malaman kumg bogus or identity
1043 kind inaad mo nakipag chat ka nakipag
1044 close ka nakipag kita posibleng marape
1045 ka true social media dahil hindi kang
1046 naging inresponsable hindi naging
1047 maingat naging boyfriend mo online
1048 hiningian ka ng picture padalan mo nama
1049 ako ng pictures na wala kang
1050 undergarments oh and the woman's the
1051 girl na teenagers dahil sa magpapamahal
1052 mo dito sa sabihun na natin na hindi natin
1053 pansinin ang ka facebook nya ahh ee

Suspect: Social Media

1054 magpapadala sya eto na ngayon na ttreet

1055 pag hindi naging maingat ang bata, sa
1056 paggamit ng social media fofood into ahh
1057 danger ang buhay niya pero ang bata
1058 sasabihin ko think before your click kung
1059 ikaw ay nag iisip bat pako hihingian ng
1060 ganito kung ano matinong lalaki to kung
1061 mahal talaga ko neto diba hindi ako
1062 hihingian ng ganito diba kung nirerespeto
1063 ako diba sabi nga natin imbis na ang bata
1064 ay hindi maiulatan tungkol sa sex tungkol
1065 sa newed photos tungkol sa kung ano ano
1066 hindi maimulat ang isip nila rayt pero
1067 ngayon kasi hindi na nanay hindi na
1068 textbook ang source at ang information
1069 reason ano na anak google rayt wala
1070 nang nagbabasa very fixation maganda
1071 kung nireresearch ay magagandang
1072 bagay na sa tungkol sa pinagaaralan
1073 tungkol sa pagpapaunlad sa sarili but if
1074 this is student are who to list search
1075 because of corriosity ayun nakakatakot
1076 what are did you want too now and wala
1077 naman adult right you cant lock too room
1078 if is strong we could lock of access wacth
1079 the video in long night all i ask may
1080 student noh. And ahh. pornt when the
1081 watch it at 9 kapag tulog napo sila so is
1082 access the internet website kumg saan
1083 yung mga pornt at alam nyo yung at
1084 nakakalungkot sahring it end share it lang
1085 sshare lang meron kanang copya right 2
1086 minuits meron kana and everybody we
1087 cant enjoy the watching kaya it really ano
1088 ahmm... responsibility in using social
1089 media garding and guiding to student to
1090 use to social media ako personally amin
1091 an siguro noh wala naman kaming access
1092 im still pero may lumakalat padin dapat
1093 bata palang itatama na natin what of

Suspect: Social Media

1094 plessure it memorable sa bata hindi pa

1095 tama sakanila ang nanakatakot kasi ind
1096 to full and to fill the action kung ano ang
1097 mapanood nyo orayt it like dangerous sa
1098 akin siguro tatanungin ko kung ano ang
1099 pinagdadaanan mo ngayon bakit ka
1100 magaattempt ok may nangyari ba
1101 kahapon may nangyare ba ngayon anong
1102 nararamdaman mo kasi from dare kung
1103 makakaclarify koyung taught mo siguro
1104 hindi mo maiisip what can't i do is to
1105 open share open ways open channel of
1106 looking for solution is not me who by the
1107 reasoning allow in power you that suicide
1108 is not a solution diba sabi natin
1109 maraming paraan para naresolt ang
1110 problema you ar empowering an good
1111 person ok or a person submitted of
1112 wisdom kaylangan empower sayo para
1113 tumibay ang loob mo ahm decision
1114 making the skills judgment mo kailangan
1115 makita mo how are you going to judge
1116 tuition kung makikita mo at matalino
1117 kana sapat na yung skills mo bat ako
1118 magpapakamatay e may tree thousand
1119 ways of solving may problem mabye i
1120 cant help you will ahm empowered you
1121 to think other solution diba solution
1122 focus tayo what you can do rather tou
1123 killing your self ahhm sakin kasi if ahh
1124 you will 3 fits a game but sabi nga natin
1125 ahhm maraming games online na
1125 marahas which cant have and effect
1126 hanggat magagawa nga natin doon
1127 expose for are young is first sa ganung
1128 klase ng laro if could see them very
1129 violent diba if form ng laro may dash
1130 kung para nung araw hindi alam na natin
1131 na may ganun mga gawain ng bata pero
1132 ngayon ang laro ay Hindi ang piko hindi

Suspect: Social Media

1133 na, sabi natin ahhh.. moro moro Hindi na

1134 ganun laro saan internet ay dota diba ano
1135 ang tema ng dota diba. yun nga yung
1136 patayan ind ba saksakan hindi pa patayan
1137 diba bloody kaya sabi ko kaya sabi natin
1138 kung ang bata ay kung kayang i proseso
1139 na ito lamang ay laro okey lang pero
1140 anxiously meron effect sa bata noh. Lalo
1141 na kung kaharanasan mas dapat
1142 subaybayan may ibang laro na pwdeng
1143 pangpatalas ng isip pwdeng ina no natin
1144 yung ganon laro pero ind natin ngayon na
1145 ano ang craze ng bata is gaming which
1146 ang tema ay patayan sakupan kailangan
1147 mong magnakaw para makuha mo ito or
1148 kaylangan mo makuha yung pag aari nito
1149 may mga ganun at nakakatakot I applied
1150 setting right dun tayo papasok would
1151 paunawa sa mga bata na ang larong
1152 ganito na alam natin modimate lang ang
1153 ingay mausok madumi hindi nakakain
1154 nagmumurahan it take the value i will
1155 taking a play this people diba na unang
1156 una kong nakikita pag aaral. Ok. Sana
1157 hindi na papabayaan ang pag aaral they
1158 wood rather play sabi nga natin
1159 nagkakasakit ng hyper tannel dahil
1160 kalalaro kagaganyan its some kind
1161 muscle problem at dahil kalalaro. Hindi
1162 na kumakain diba we have a lot of a
1163 incident sabi nga natin. Yung napanood
1164 pa natin sa t.v before na hindi sya si
1165 ahhh.. michael tan felix. Na ang bida na
1166 nag iinternet sya dahil kalalaro nya
1167 Hindi na siya nakakain ng tanghalian ang
1168 nanyayari sakanya dahil naiinganyo sa sa
1169 pera namatay sya dahil napabayaan nya
1170 yung health nya so ayun na yung
1171 maganda opiners sa ating kabataan ow
1172 really so i hope lot of information and

Suspect: Social Media

1173 sana tulungan nyo kami na as counsilor

1174 marami pa kayong natitira ok na ang pag
1175 susuicide ay hindi isang solusyon kapag
1176 kamo may problema ka talk to cousilor
1177 or teacher pwdeng pag usapan bago mo
1178 pa gawin yun yun lang yung akin kung
1179 ikaw or sa klassmate may narinig kana
1180 agad ireport mo na kay teacher dun
1181 palang matatapos na nating yung
1182 problema about sabi nga natin
1183 magtutulungan natin mahanapan ng
1184 solusyon ng problema rather ok thank
1185 you very much. Salamat i have really
1186 found reallyout to talk to you Ok.

1187 Uhm.. First and foremost when we talks

Guidance Counselor 1188 about suicide, it is one of a..actually… it
1189 is one of the third causes of death
no. 3
1190 towards youth today. However, when we
1191 define attempted suicide, this is the act of
1192 committed suicide. Uhh.. ‘Pag sinabi
1193 nating attempted suicide, meron talagang
1194 action to kill oneself, okay? Diba when
1195 we talk about suicide it is mostly about,
1196 uhh.. killing oneself we time to, uhh.., to
1197 end our own life. So attempting suicide is
1198 the attempt to do, uhh.., to kill ourselves.

1199 Okay, so first, uhh.., when we talks about

1200 idea of suicide it convey the suicidal
1201 ideation, when an individual has suicidal
1202 ??? , they have the idea or the thought of
1203 doing it. You just have a thought. When
1204 we talks about attempting suicide, there
1205 is an act of killing oneself it could be in
1206 any forms, it could be drinking, uhh…,
1207 poison, it could be drinking, uhh.., or it
1208 could be overdosing medicines, it could
1209 be slashing your rest, okay, it could be
1210 using guns, that is an attempt. When we

Suspect: Social Media

1211 talk about committing suicide, that is the

1212 process of doing the suicide itself, okay,
1213 it could be, uhh.., it could lead towards
1214 lethal or ‘yun talagang the person totally
1215 die or it could be having, uhh.., it could
1216 have a, uhm…, somehow lead to
1217 medical, serious medical attemption. And
1218 then…

1219 Okay, so, do I think that the process?

1220 Uhm.., okay so, actually, uhh…, in
1221 suicide, it really deals with process,
1222 okay? Uhm.., uh.., people who attempts
1223 to do suicide thinks about doing suicide,
1224 is really mostly for… focusing on, uh…
1225 not telling anybody, okay…, there is an
1226 act of uh… step by step on how they are
1227 going to do that, there are planning on
1228 suicide itself. Okay. But however, uhm...
1229 one thing that that we should consider is
1230 that most of the people who wanted to
1231 kill themselves don’t tell other people
1232 okay so, uhh…, for people who are,
1233 uhh.., we know, who have the a
1234 possibility to do suicide we should really
1235 Who have the who have the a possibility
1236 to decide which should really be careful
1237 because we don't know what will be the
1238 greatest indication of doing it there is a
1239 real process first it is mostly the thought
1240 then you have the Eagerness to do it and
1241 then you really temp to commit. Like
1242 what you have told me a while ago.

1243 Uh.., yes, haha…, so many times.

1244 Okay, um, before we go directly with the

1245 cases I would just like to remind you that
1246 suicide is a very controversial issue to be
1247 discuss with especially here in
1248 Philippines. We are so conservatives,

Suspect: Social Media

1249 religious and we know that suicide is a

1250 sin thing to do. Just like that one of that
1251 ten commandments, is says that: thou
1252 shall not kill however, the act of
1253 committing suicide is also killing
1254 ourselves it is not killing other people but
1255 killing ourselves. We have that indication
1256 that people who commit suicide also
1257 deals with a sin so therefore, suicide is
1258 considered, here in the Philippines, as a
1259 sin. However the notion of taking a
1260 suicide is fastly changing because not
1261 everyone who deals with a suicide is a
1262 sinful man however people deals with
1263 suicide needs a certain professional help
1264 from the experts. Uhmm.. So, there are a
1265 lot of cases from youth today that mostly
1266 thinks to slash their wrist, okay. Youth
1267 today are slashing their wrists, uhh, there
1268 are some cases that I have handled who
1269 drinks a lot of medicines, however, hindi
1270 nag-continue niluwa din nita after i-
1271 intake. I have experience a youth, a
1272 student, who really slashed their wrist,
1273 they have a thoughts of drinking Zonrox
1274 because they are having a hard time.
1275 Uhmm.., next questions.

1276 Most of them to come and think to what

1277 are they dealing with it is really
1278 connected a personal issue or matter most
1279 of the issue comes from their difficulties.
1280 Sometimes in our sessions, they seems to
1281 be hopeless, powerless to their problems,
1282 and then they think that they cannot do
1283 about it so why do bother about it and
1284 end our life so wala na kaming po-
1285 problemahin diba? ‘Cause they think,
1286 most of my clients thinks that suicide is
1287 the initial solution to their problems than

Suspect: Social Media

1288 to solve it. So they have that thought that

1289 I don’t what to face my problem, why do
1290 I need, why do I need to face them if can
1291 escape with my problems. So they
1292 commit suicide.

1293 Actually social media is one of the one

1294 factor why they have eagerness to do it
1295 social media has nothing to do with
1296 problems but social media It could be a
1297 social media is one of the reason that I
1298 feel so hard in life to be there problem
1299 because I hate the experience I hate the
1300 experience negativity in life by merely
1301 looking at some by merely looking at
1302 some people's posts and they don't feel
1303 enough support to work their problems
1304 out of kumbaga instead of telling other
1305 people to get support okay. Social media
1306 helps a lot of that because of social media
1307 nobody is one of the best part of
1308 communication to however social media
1309 affects to have a huge negativity in the
1310 life of others so social media has a pros
1311 and cons but in suicide mostly is in a
1312 negative way because instead of reaching
1313 other people do to spread positivity social
1314 media helps people who have difficulties
1315 in life to spread negativity, okay.., like
1316 for example I am dealing with my life I
1317 am here and I have a I am experience
1318 hard time today and I’m going to post it
1319 to the social media. So why should I face
1320 my problem if also some of people are
1321 experiencing it. Some ways naman first
1322 one is to spread negativity naman, second
1323 is that social media is nowadays the main
1324 source of bullying to other people in
1325 which they boosting the confidence of
1326 other people, who have difficulties in

Suspect: Social Media

1327 life, mas dina-down nila yung tao. Next

1328 is that living in society that is full of
1329 insecurities, Instead of boosting our own,
1330 boosting our own self-esteem, social
1331 media helps us to be very insecure
1332 because we tend to compare ourselves to
1333 other people. It is somehow connected
1334 with the first factor, or the negative factor
1335 of social media. Instead of helping
1336 ourselves through the use of social
1337 media, we are now discouraging
1338 ourselves through the use of social
1339 media. So…

1340 Well, actually, intervention in suicide is

1341 very, very difficult and very, very hard to
1342 deal with because most special in youth,
1343 for minor, okay, we should always
1344 involve with the help of the parents,
1345 okay? Because the parent is the first hand
1346 who can help the students, okay, it is the
1347 first the parent, intervention with the
1348 parent and of course with the student.
1349 Mahirap kasing tulugan and isang taonga
1350 yaw tulungan ang sarili. In helping other
1351 people, you should be the first one who
1352 should be helped, before you wanted to
1353 be helped, you should first help yourself,
1354 because it is very difficult for other
1355 people, they are willing to help you, but
1356 you don’t want to help yourself, okay,
1357 the first thing that the client should have
1358 is acceptance, or acceptance in
1359 willingness that he or she should be
1360 helped and then that’s the right time that
1361 the intervention will come. And then in
1362 the intervention most of the, most thing
1363 that we offers or options we give to the
1364 students, they have the power to change
1365 their life, in difficult situations, reality

Suspect: Social Media

1366 base, that in a real world, we face a lot of

1367 difficulties, hindi puro happiness, we
1368 don’t see unicorns and rainbows in our
1369 lives diba? There are times things are
1370 difficult that you feel darkness okay that
1371 we tend to be sad or lonely however, in
1372 the intervention suicidal people, we
1373 impose that you have the power to
1374 change your life, that shortcoming, the
1375 hardships, the difficulties in life are just
1376 temporary, temporary situations in your
1377 life that you could change it if you
1378 wanted to change it and then we really
1379 make it sure to them that suicide is not an
1380 option to solve their problems, there are a
1381 lot of other ways to solve them, they just
1382 need to be strong to face it. And then of
1383 course we do, we need the help of the
1384 parents and significant people to support
1385 students who are having difficulties, or
1386 having the thought of suicide

1387 What are the common problems… In

1388 youth, actually, okay. First in foremost it
1389 is the family. They are being affected
1390 with the problems of the parents, that is
1391 the first one. Second in the family
1392 problem is the neglecting of the neglect
1393 of the appreciation of the parents because
1394 a lot of parents intend to be very busy,
1395 don’t have enough time to give to their
1396 children. Third is that again in family
1397 problem mostly is financial difficulties.
1398 They are putting the weight of the world
1399 to their shoulders in which hindi naman
1400 dapat nila pinoproblema. The parents
1401 should be the one, to be a…, to be a…,
1402 doing that. And then of course we have
1403 the intrapersonal problems with peers,
1404 with people around us and then people

Suspect: Social Media

1405 who are having hard time in dealing with

1406 their love life, relationship problems.
1407 People who tend to commit the proper
1408 commitment, because in statistics, a…,
1409 people who has a greater risk of suicidal
1410 ideation is female attempted (inaudible
1411 19:18) but the total commitment to
1412 suicide, which leads to death, is male
1413 because female have a…, female have
1414 a…, a good interpersonal relationship
1415 however with male, there are hard times
1416 to, to deal with their difficulties, with
1417 their problems or share their problems
1418 with others. So, mas marami talaga ang
1419 population ng mga lalake na talagang
1420 natutuluyan or namamatay because of
1421 suicide, however, papasok doon yung
1422 common problems of youth today
1423 because a…, people who tend to commit
1424 suicide that leads to death, are mostly
1425 males who are uh…, experiencing,
1426 hard… difficulty in maintaining
1427 couping… good couping mechanism to
1428 handle their… their… love life problems.
1429 Yun talaga yung reason ng marami
1430 because sa pag-ibig. That’s the truth,
1431 okay? Hindi nalang problema sa pamilya
1432 ang iniisip kundi pati yung buhay pag-
1433 ibig na ang pinoproblema.

1434 What are the different signs of…?

1435 Youth..? okay, that commits to suicide.
1436 Ahem. First is uhh.., withdrawal. When
1437 we talks about with drawal, we tend to
1438 isolate ourselves with the people around
1439 you. We could see differences for
1440 example with family they tend to be
1441 close with their parents, they talks about
1442 their problems, however, ang nangyayare
1443 nga eh unti-unti na silang nagwiwithdraw

Suspect: Social Media

1444 with their good relationships to their

1445 parents. For example, friendly naman
1446 yung…, friendly naman yung estudyante
1447 tapos nakikita mong nagiisolate nalang
1448 ayaw nang nakikipag-usap, ayaw nang
1449 nakikipag-salamuha, that is one. Okay.
1450 Number two are having irrational
1451 thoughts ibig sabihin non that they are
1452 thinking differently the way the think,
1453 uhh.., lastly is…, they feel really
1454 depressed their moods are really
1455 changing in ways na nagbabago na yung
1456 panananaw nila sa , sa, sa mundo, iba na
1457 yung tingin nila sa pag-handle ng
1458 problema nila, iba na yung way ng
1459 paghandle nila sa buhay nila

1460 Actually… Risky platform… As I’ve

1461 said a while ago, social media has a pros
1462 and cons but I think it is not a risky
1463 platform, it could be risky without
1464 proper, proper way of uh… or proper and
1465 responsible way of really dealing with, of
1466 really dealing with social media,
1467 beacause uhh.. social media tend to be a
1468 good platform to spread, to spread
1469 information, to spread knowledge, to
1470 spread positivity, to spread negativity,
1471 however, nowadays sad to say na
1472 maraming gumagamit ng social media to
1473 really be a platform to destroy other
1474 people, to destroy a good image of the
1475 person. In which, the only thing that
1476 dilute should be uhh…, thinking of…,
1477 they should be responsible in.. uh.. in
1478 maintaining social media. Okay.
1479 Uhmm… because di ba nga sabi natin na,
1480 uh…, words of individual could kill, or
1481 uhh.. , could kill, break or make a person
1482 however it is also same with the social

Suspect: Social Media

1483 media. Everything that we see, make or

1484 break an individual. It is up to us on how
1485 are we going to advocate social media.
1486 Okay. But uh… that is the role for the
1487 youth or the social media holder. But I
1488 think, uh, people who really… who are
1489 the owner of these sites, should be very,
1490 very also think of a better way to… uh…
1491 manage their sites, to lessen yung…
1492 the… ano ‘to… to lessen their everything
1493 na lumalabas sa social media. Uh, I have
1494 noticed that in Facebook? Or YouTube,
1495 they tend to delete uhh… child
1496 pornography… like that but I’m also
1497 wishing that people who owns these sites
1498 also tends to have, uh.. uh.., a good filter
1499 in spreading news or in some post of
1500 individual. For example, if I have notice,
1501 uh.. uh…, I know that you have knowing
1502 that.. uhh.. uhh.. the youth who uh… use
1503 Facebook Live to commit suicide, to
1504 hang himself, okay, uh, I.. think the
1505 owners, the management or the admin of
1506 Facebook should have a good filter kung
1507 paano nila aalisin iyon because some
1508 people will have a thought of doing that
1509 because some of us has a difficulties.
1510 What is my only resort is to kill oneself.
1511 To kill myself and I only.. only… uh…
1512 waiting for a sign to do it. Parang ang
1513 konti nalang, gagawin ko na siya tapos
1514 nakakita pa ako ng ganong video. So
1515 parang nakapag-boost yon ng eagerness
1516 to really commit suicide. So ang
1517 mangyayare doon ay maadopt yon ng
1518 ibang tao in which, mas lalong lalaki
1519 yung population diba ng suicide so
1520 nakakalaungkot lang that the real essence
1521 of social media nowadays, nababago na
1522 siya. The objective of using social media

Suspect: Social Media

1523 is very fast-changing. That… the…

1524 actually the main purpose of the social
1525 media is to… have a good
1526 communication, a fast communication,
1527 with other people na mas sobrang layo sa
1528 atin but nowadays, social media is being
1529 used as a negative, uh, negative influence
1530 to all of the people.
1531 So that’s it.

1532 Thank you po ma’am.

1533 Nahirapan ako, hehehhe. Okay na tayo…

1534 So far wala na….

1535 Attempted suicide yun yung yun

Guidance Counselor 1536 pangyayari kung saan ang isang tao
1537 nagkakaroon na kagustuhan na
no. 4
1538 magcommit ng suicide. so pang
1539 kagustuhan so may ang nangyari
1540 mangyari sakanya kaya nagattempt siya
1541 ng magsuicide yun yung from the world
1542 attempt, so meron siyang kagustuhan
1543 willingness na gawin yung suicide na
1544 yun, Ahh.. siguro maaaring gawin
1545 negative maaaring nabully siya sa social
1546 media, Ahhh.. kaya nabully siya ng mga
1547 classmate nya, usually kasi mga attempt
1548 suicide na yan may mga negative taught
1549 sila na naisip nila yun yung mga attempt
1550 suicide, idea suicide parang nagkaroon
1551 kalang ng isip mosa naisip mo na gusto
1552 mo magsuicide, Ok so paano yun Ahhh..
1553 Halimbawa parang nagkaroon ka ng
1554 masamang pangyayari ginagawang bagay
1555 para matuluyan or ahh magattempt nga
1556 yung suicide na yun yunng parang
1557 nagpakamatay talaga kung baga
1558 maglaslas kaya ako nagawa nya na talaga
1559 kung kasing attempt, Anong pinagkaiba

Suspect: Social Media

1560 ng attempt sa commit yun yung attempt

1561 parang eto palang susubukan ko palang
1562 gusto kong may makakita parang ganun
1563 halimbawa dumugo na yun ano mo tas na
1564 hospital kana. pede naman na nagbikti ka
1565 kaso ano pala weak pala yung ano
1566 anohan mo basak kadin so parang ganun
1567 nagyayari na talaga sya so yung naman
1568 yun committing suicide, meron siyang
1569 process na naiisip na idea gaya ng
1570 question number 2 yung kanina so meron
1571 nga siya senquence so nagsimula muna
1572 siya inisip mo kasi may maaaring
1573 mangyari sayo negative na pangyayari na
1574 kung saan ahh... Nagkaroon ka nang idea
1575 na magsuicide kaya ako gusto ko
1576 magpakamatay, And then pagkatapos
1577 naman noon syempre gagawin mo na sya
1578 so kapag attept palang siya ahh. So ayun
1579 nga parang nagkaroon ka ng pagkilos
1580 pagna commit mo na so magagawa mo
1581 na talaga sya na nangyare na mismo uung
1582 suicide na sinasabi mo maistop panong
1583 maistop yung process ahh.. Yung suicide
1584 na yun ay may masamang epekto sa
1585 kanya or parang na process na agad
1586 internally na yun yung pagsusuicide ay
1587 hindi nakakabuti sakanya. so maaaring
1588 magstop sya so pwde narin namang idea
1589 attempt kasi minsan yung attempt parang
1590 gaganyanin mo lang yung mo palang
1591 yung blade tapos bilang kinakalabit ng
1592 consensual mo na wag mong gawin yan.
1593 so pwedeng idea pwde siya masama sa
1594 idea pwde pa naman na magjump pa sya
1595 hanggang sa attempt. And then syempre
1596 commit wala na yan kasi yun na yung
1597 pinagcommitan nya pero attempt pwde
1598 pa pa syang magistop pa don yes sa
1599 previews work ko. Tska dun sa nature

Suspect: Social Media

1600 nga namin so ayun nagkaroon na rin ako

1601 ng cases na ganito mga suicide ok. Nung
1602 una kasi numg nakaraan yung isang
1603 studyante namin so parang nagbully kasi
1604 siya sa social media and then pati yung
1605 na din sa school parang nangyayari ay
1606 yung bata na yon gusto nya nang
1607 magpakamatay so nakita lang sya ng
1608 kapatid nya nang magpakamatay so
1609 nakita lang siya nong kapatud nya na
magattempt na sya ng suicide and then
1612 pinacheck ko na din siya sa isang
1613 phycologist yun pala ang naging cause is
1614 bullying ng classmate at tska yung
1615 bullying din sa social media so parang
1616 nagkaroon na kami ng ng time na kumg
1617 saan ay ahh naiihi na siya sasabihin
nyang ahh.. Consually nagkaroon ng
1620 ahh.. Pag ihi sa sarili nya kasi ahh...
1621 Yung ginagawa ng difense mechanism ay
1622 pag inom ng tubig. Ok and then pati na
1623 din sa magulang nya parang feeling nya
1624 lahat nalang ng nasa paligid niya ay puro
1625 negative nagkakaroon din siya ng attempt
na magsuicide ok. Tatlo kasi yung case
1628 na yun isa hindi ko pa nababanggit yung
1629 isa naman e yung pregnancy ayun yung
1630 parang natatakot kasi siya mabully din sa
1631 social media kasi medyo famous yung
1632 tao na ito oo medyo famous yung student
na yon so parang ginawanya itry din siya
1635 na magattempt na suicide na pano yung
1636 method na ginagamit nya, or pano yung
1637 attempt na ginawa nya so yun nga parang
1638 maglalaslas na sya or magbibigti diko na
1639 natandaan kung anong eksakto nakita
1640 siya ng nabay nya pag bukas ng kwarto
and then ayun na istop na pagaattempt na
1643 magkaroon ng suicide, dun naman sa
1644 isang studyante namin noon so ayun din

Suspect: Social Media

1645 parang nakita ng nanay na naglalaslas na

1646 din yung bata kasi parang hindi na
1647 kinakaya yung mga nangyayari sakanya
bully sa social media at tska bully sa
1650 classroom may time pa nga na hindi na
1651 siya pumapasok kasi parang yung
1652 kaklase nya na nangbubully sakanya
1653 ahmm... Mayroon may ari sila ng funeral
1654 service yon so parang laging down yung
1655 binubully niya classmate niya na sige na
pakamatay kana bibigyan kita kabao buy
1658 1 take 1 kasi parang yun nga parang may
1659 ari sila ng funeral service so parang yung
1660 batang babae na so parang natresyon so
1661 yun ng lagi niyang ginagawa umiinom ng
1662 tubig pagkinabahan sya kaya ang
1663 nangyayari sakanya naiihi sya, Consually
tapos dahil nga ang nakikita ng magulang
1666 niya abnormal na yung nangyayari
1667 sakanya parang mr.bean na so pinatingin
1668 na siya sa phycologist so yun pala ang
1669 pinakacause pala non is bullying sa social
1670 media at tsaka sa classroom tas yung isa
naman sa drug related so ayun din parang
1673 puro nasosobrahan puro negative taughts
1674 sa family sa friend at tska yung
1675 supportive group nya na kaya
1676 nagkakaroon siya ng attempt na
1677 magsuicide sa papaanong paraan so ayun
1678 din parang minsan daw nakita nung
nanay nya na parang magpapakasagasa
1681 so puro ganun naman yung case parang
1682 pinaka method o pinaka attempt nila
1683 yung nilalaslas o kaya magbibikti ahh...
1684 Yung isang tao nagattempt ng suicide ay
1685 magkakaroon ng defense mechanism
1686 tama ba normal naman yun kasi diba
ahhm. Gaya nung tinanong nyo kanina na
1689 kung pwede ba siyang maistop so idea
1690 halimbawa naisipan mo na gusto mo

Suspect: Social Media

1691 magsuicide so negative taught yon. Pano

1692 mo siya magiging rational sa pagigung
1693 rational nung irational taught na yung
kasi irational yon yun gustong
1696 magpakamatay yung pagiisip mo
1697 magiging rational defense mechanism na
1698 yun kasi yung parang frear mo na yun na
1699 kagustuhan mo na magpakamatay ay
1700 dinadivarate mo sa isang bagay so diba
1701 according sa theory ni Sigmund froy,
meron tayong tinatawag na defense
1704 mechanism so maaaring rationalization.
1705 yun yung halimbawa lahat ng tao sa
1706 paligid mo gusto kana mamatay pero ikw
1707 gusto mo pang mabuhay so yun consider
1708 siya as defense mechanism kasi ikaw
1709 mismo sa sarili mo rationalize mo na
hindi dapat kailangan mabuhay so ayun
1712 naman pag inom ng tubig ng student na
1713 yun so part din siya ng defense
1714 mechanis,na kung saan ay yung takot na
1715 yung takot na yung dinadivert sa iisang
1716 bagay para kung saan kung takot na yun
ay ahhm. Malesen or ayun nga divert sa
1719 isa pang bagay and then yun anamang
1720 ahh. Diba yunggaya na sinabi ko kanina
1721 drug adik defense mechanism din yung
1722 pagddrug diba nga kasi negative taught
1723 nga yun mga negative feelings, negative
1724 yung mga nangyayari sa paligid nila yun
defense mechanism niya gumagamit siya
1727 ng droga para makalimutan niya yun
1728 fears yung takot yung lungkot na
1729 mararamdaman niya sa paligid niya and
1730 then hindi niya talaga kinaya Consually.
1731 at tska siya nagaattempt ng suicide and
1732 then dun sa teenagers pregnancy
mayroon din siya problema sa pamilya,
1735 so parang nangyari defense mechanism
1736 nung bata na yun yung parang irerelate

Suspect: Social Media

1737 lang niya yung emosyon nya, and

1738 feelings niya dun sa kapartner niya so
1739 nagkaroon sila ng sexual contact nabuntis
siya so ayun defense mechanism din kasi
1742 ineecape fared niya kasi ganun natin
1743 dinedefine yung defense mechanism niya
1744 escaping fear. oo kasi may case kami non
1745 part gaya ngayon ahmm... Part ako ng
1746 facilitator ng tas 4 phycological
1747 associations of the Philippines, so
naasign ako sa batasan hills so inaalam
1750 namin kung ano ba talaga yung mga
1751 naging cause kung bakit nalulong siya sa
1752 punagbabawal na gamot. so hindi lang
1753 nila basta basta trip yun so parang ano
1754 din siya may factor din yung family
1755 social support tska yung mga tao na nasa
paligid niya, ang common dinaminator
1758 kasi nila ay parang madalas nga puro
1759 social media kasi parang gaya nung
1760 nabuntis yung studyante pwera nalang
1761 dun sa drug adik yung dalawa na kasi na
1762 yun dahil parang melenia sila mga
kabataan so more on social media sila
1765 nagfofocuz sila dun sa mga kung
1766 sasabihin ng ibang tao sa paligid nila. so
1767 parang ano siya ayun nga parang famous
1768 soya sa facebook kasi kilala siya
1769 maganda kasi pagnalaman nila na nabutis
1770 siya, so baka mabully daw siya lalo na sa
social media sa facebook sa twitter
1773 naman dun sa isa studyante na nabully so
1774 yung bully naman na yun e nagsimula
1775 din yun sa social media. so nagkikita lang
1776 sila sa classroom pero pinaka ano parin
1777 non sa social media sa mga post. tas
1778 minsan meron pa dun yung groupchat
nila, so parang dun ugat ng stress ng bata
1781 nagkakaroon siya ng attempt ng suicide
1782 oo nakakapagbigay siya some how stress

Suspect: Social Media

1783 diba yung mga tao ngayon according sa

1784 literature, so parang yung mga tao ay
1785 nakafocus lang sa halimbawa pagpopost
ka nakafocus sila kung ilan ang maglilike
1788 ilan magcocoment. so parang so parang
1789 nakavase so ayun bata na yun parang
1790 nagpost yung classmate nya na parang
1791 bili na kayo ng ganito, so parang trip siya
1792 agad na gusto na parang gusto nyan
1793 magpakamatay gusto nya
nangmagsuicide kesa pa makita pa yun
1796 yung post ng classmate na and then
1797 naman dun sa chat meron kasi sialng
1798 group chat na sa section nila, so parang
1799 doon nabubully din sya so parang wala
1800 naman siyang magagawa kasi kailangan
1801 niya mag online kasi parang may
requirments silang sa isang subject na
1804 dun lang sa facebook makikita, so parang
1805 no choice sya na kada magoonline siya sa
1806 facebook na nagpupump yung message
1807 tapos na iisatress sya lalo. so kaya iyon
1808 parang aano siya magattempt ng suicide
malabo kasi lalo na ngayon puro
1811 kabataan na mahilig ng magpost na
1812 pagaatempt ng suicide so yun nga gaya
1813 nung nasabi ko kanina nakafocus lagi
1814 siya sa social media parang yun na nga
1815 yung ginagawa nila fast timer or hobby
1816 so parang feeling nila yun nga so factor
talaga yung malaking sicoal media kasi
1819 dun naka focus yung mga kabataan
1820 ngayon kung saan a praise ng mga tao
1821 approval nila sayo so parang feeling nga
1822 nila mga panahon na yon kapag ka
1823 nabully sa social media wala lanang
1824 ligtas wala kanang takas kasi parang
duon na yung punot dulo social media
1827 talaga yung focus nung mga tao na
1828 nanabubully. Oo kasi pag nagsimula

Suspect: Social Media

1829 duon sa social media tapos sa personal

1830 magkikita kayo so parang sa social media
1831 parang mas madali kang makakagawa ng
support group na ayun nga parang
1834 bullying ganyan so kapag ka pareparehas
1835 kayo umoo duon sa sinabi ng isang tao na
1836 yun. Ok kasi yung ano na yun REVT
1837 ahh... Parang nagfofocus ka duon sa
1838 pinaka pag iisip nung tao rational kung
1839 baga yung irational taughts nila gagawin
mong rational so gaya nga ng example ko
1842 kanina parang gusto nya nang
1843 magpakamatay so ngayon itatatago mo
1844 yun parang kailangan maisip or marialize
1845 ng tao na yun na mali yung iniisip nya
1846 yun na gusto nya nang magpakamatay.
1847 Ayun yung iba nagpopost ng picture sa
facebook na parang yung iba diba parang
1850 nabalita sa tv na puro negative yung mga
1851 sinusuot negative yung pinopost sa
1852 facebook yung iba naman ay ahh...
1853 Parang yung iba emo emo na hindi
1854 nagaayos ng sarili pero sabi sa base on
study meron kasi kong pregnant. so
1857 parang most common doon sa mga
1858 nagaatempt ng suicide ahh. Every
1859 monday ng madaling araw ok bakit so
1860 every monday ng madaling araw doba
1861 mga tao ay busy so madaling araw kasi
1862 during the time that time yung mga tao
1863 na yun ay nasa opisina na mga tao sa
1864 bahay nila busy na magayos ng mga
1865 kanilang mga sarili nila so parang
1866 nagaattempt sila ng suicide parang
1867 nagcocommit sila ng suicide na ayun nga
1868 early morning ng monday. Ngayon
1869 nakafocus sa approval nung mga tao sa
1870 paligid nila so kapag nabully ka sa social
1871 media so feeling nila infer na sila parang
1872 wala na silang sense of self sense of fort

Suspect: Social Media

1873 kasi parang may mga tao na mas malakas

1874 ang loob nila na maglabas ng emosyon
1875 sila sa social media pero kpag naman
1876 kinomfront mo naman personally wala
1877 din naman silang nasasabi or wala na din
1878 silang ahh... Commit sayo. Ok and then
1879 balik tayo sa question number 10 yung
1880 since of fiut before to itry to attemt
1881 suicide so ayun marami din kasi uhhmm.
1882 Ahhh. Tawag dito marami ding since
1883 bukod dun sa pagpopost ng malulungkot
1884 na since or malulungkot na post sa social
1885 media so yung iba naman parang yun nga
1886 stressless na sila or heart less na sila
1887 parang ayaw na nilang kumain ayaw na
1888 nilang matulog ayaw na nilang makipag
1889 usap parang down na yung self nila or
1890 parang wala na silang ahh.. pakiramdam
1891 na meron pang saysay yung buhay nila
1892 parang sobrang sad nila tapos yung sa
1893 question number 11 yun nga kasi diba
1894 mag mula nauso yung facebook lahat
1895 nalang ng tao na kahit makasakay mo sa
1896 jeep lahat sila ng brorows ng facebook so
1897 parang lahat nalang ng emosyon nila na
1898 kahit minsan na irelevant na post ay
1899 pinopost naman nila don. Ahhh.. minsan
1900 din kasi sa pagkakaalam ko
1901 nagcoconduct ng seminar about dun sa
1902 bullying so taon taon naman mayroon na
1903 yan dun palang nagcacause mga bata na
1904 magsusuicide kasi kung ok naman sila sa
1905 pamilya, pero nabubully sila sa school, sa
1906 social media sa facebook sa chat or what
1907 so ever dun kasi mas mabilis lalo na sa
1908 ages nyo na magattempt sila ng suicide,
1909 so yung intervation na ginawa nila dito sa
1910 school yun nga parang taon ng seminar
1911 about cyber bullying ayon.

Suspect: Social Media

Appendix VII

Electronic Copy of Research


Suspect: Social Media


Name: Psalm Dominic V. Gregorio

Address: 313, Turo, Bocaue, Bulacan
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09


Age: 17
Date of Birth: 3, January 2000
Place of Birth: Sta. Maria, Bulacan
Height: 5 feet,3 inches
Weight: 51 kilograms
Gender: Male
Religion: CMPI
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: Filipino and English
Skills: Computer literate


Primary Level
Turo Elementary School 2005-2011
Turo Bocaue, Bulacan,

Secondary Level
Dr. Yanga's Colleges, Inc. 2016-to present
Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

Suspect: Social Media


Name: Cris Magrata

Address: Sta. Rita Guiguinto Bulacan
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09991783967


Age: 17
Date of Birth: 23, September 1999
Place of Birth: Marilao, Bulacan
Height: 5 feet,10 inches
Weight: 60 kilograms
Gender: Male
Religion: Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: Filipino and English
Skills: Computer literate


Primary Level
DEAP Elementary Scholl 2005-2011
Sta. Rita Guiguinto Bulacan,

Secondary Level
Dr. Yanga's Colleges, Inc. 2016-to present
Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

Suspect: Social Media


Name: Stephanie M. Ramos

Address: 0408, Tuktukan,Guiguinto,Bulacan
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09754177292


Age: 17
Date of Birth: 16, April 2000
Place of Birth: Guiguinto, Bulacan
Height: 5 feet,4 inches
Weight: 48 kilograms
Gender: Female
Religion: catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: Filipino and English
Skills: Computer literate


Primary Level
Tuktukan Elementary School 2005-2011
Felizardo C Lipana National High school 2012-2016

Secondary Level
Felizardo C Lipana National High school 2012-2015

Dr. Yanga's Colleges, Inc. 2016- present

Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

Suspect: Social Media


Name: Jerome Paolo F. Bracia

Address: 246 Sta. Rita Village, Tabe,
Guiguinto, Bulacan, Philippines
Email Address:
Contact Number: +63 (906) 510-0209


Age: 17
Date of Birth: 9, February 2000
Place of Birth: Guiguinto, Bulacan
Height: 5 feet,5 inches
Weight: 53 kilograms
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: Filipino and English
Skills: Computer literate


Primary Level
Angel of Light Academy 2012

Secondary Level

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. To present


Suspect: Social Media


Name: Joyce Marie G. Gabriel

Address: 525 Malis, Guiguinto, Bulacan
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09364078822


Age: 17
Date of Birth: 30, December, 1999
Place of Birth: Guiguinto, Bulacan
Height: 5 feet, 2 inches
Weight: 49 kilograms
Gender: Female
Religion: Aglipay
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: Filipino and English
Skills: Computer literate


Primary Level
Malis Elementary School 2005-2011
Malis, Guiguinto, Bulacan,

Secondary Level
Guiguinto National Vocational High School 2011-2016
Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan

Dr. Yanga's Colleges, Inc. 2016-to present

Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

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