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To study the effect of temperature on yield in a chemical process, five batches were produced at
each of three temperature levels. The results follow. Temperature: 50 degrees C: 36,26,38,41,34
60 degrees C: 32,33,36,25,29 70 degrees C: 29,34,34,36,37 1. Construct an analysis of variance
table ( to 2 decimals) Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square "F"
Treatments ____________ ________________ _________ ___ Error ____________
________________ _________ ____ Total _____________ ________________ _________
____ Use a .05 level of significance to test whether the temperature level has a an effect on the
mean yeild of the process. Calculate the value of the T-stat (to 2 decimals) What is the p-value?
What is the conclusion?

Null hypothesis: H0: The temperature level has no effect on the mean yield of the process.
Alternative hypothesis: H1: The temperature level has some effect on the mean yield of the

50 60 70
degrees degrees degrees
36 32 29
26 33 34
38 36 34
41 25 36
34 29 37
Sum 175 155 170
Sumsq 6253 4875 5818
Means 35 31 34
mean 33.333333

Total sum of squares = 279.33

Sum of squares between groups =

Sum of squares within groups = 279.33-43.33 = 236

Source DF SS MS F F-critical p-value
Treatments 2 43.33 21.67 1.1017 3.885294 0.363693
Error 12 236.00 19.67
Total 14 279.33

The computed value of F is 1.1017 which does not exceed the critical value of F.
The p-value 0.3637 is not less than the level of significance 0.05.

We cannot reject the null hypothesis. The data does not support the alternative hypothesis.

Conclusion: The temperature level has no effect on the mean yield of the process.

Note: The statistic used here is F and not T.

The value of F statistic is 1.1017

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