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One Day Tutorial

April 2005
Metech Pty Ltd
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acQuire Version 3.9.0


29 April 2005

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Acquire Software Pty Ltd is the owner of the software and of all icons and logos within the software,

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Before You Start the Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Who should do the Tutorials? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
You need to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Conventions used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Some new words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Extra Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Features and look . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Tutorial flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Tutorial 1
Import Drilling Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The story so far . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The steps are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Start here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Tutorial 2
Create Sample Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The story so far . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The steps are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Start here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Tutorial 3
Importing Assays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
The story so far . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
The steps are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Start here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Tutorial 4
Exporting Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
The story so far . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
The steps are... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Start here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III
Covered in the Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III
Installing the Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III
Start SQL Server (MSDE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV
Create an ODBC link to 1Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV
Before You Start the Tutorial - 3

Before You Start the Tutorial

Who should do the Tutorials?
The Tutorials are aimed at new users of acQuire who want to

_ Enter data into acQuire.

_ Undertake everyday tasks of viewing, entering, creating and exporting data.

You need to
1. Have acQuire installed on your machine.
2. Install the Tutorial from the acQuire CD or from the acQuire web site.

Make sure that you

select Tutorial.

3. Start SQLServer service using SQL Server Service Manager if it has not been started.
Go to the Start button on your desktop and select Programs.
You will have either a MSDE or a Microsoft SQL Server program entry. Select either and
navigate to the Service Manager. (Usually the SQL Server Service Manager is installed
and started when you install acQuire.)

SQL Server Service

Manager. Click
Start/Continue to
start SQL Server.

acQuire Tutorial Introduction

4 - Before You Start the Tutorial

4. Make sure that the acQuire security key is plugged into a parallel or USB port on your
5. Start acQuire. Go to the acQuire icon on your desktop to start acQuire or go to Start,
Programs and select acQuire.
6. In acQuire, go to File, Recent Workspace on the main menu and select
<your acQuire installation folder>\Tutorials\One Day.qwsp.

7. In acQuire, the SQL Server Login dialog box will open. Your response will be

Login ID: sa


8. Click OK. You will have entered the One Day workspace and will be ready to work!

Your first view of the

One Day
workspace. On your
left is a shortcut tree
with a set of objects
- A through to F.
The first shortcut, A.
Import Drilling is
open and on view in
the object work area
to the right.

Conventions used
The following explains some of the terms that you will come across:

One Day The Tutorial workspace (see definition below). This is the name of
the set of folders and acQuire objects that access the 1Day
database. Both the workspace and the database are included in the
acQuire Tutorial installation.

1Day The Tutorial database. This database has a set of acQuire tables
with data. This database is the basis of the Tutorial.

Introduction acQuire Tutorial

Before You Start the Tutorial - 5

Right-click Click the right mouse button.

Double-click Click the left mouse button quickly twice - usually to open an object in
the workspace.

Dialog A page/sheet that acQuire opens when you open an object or select
an option from a menu. On the page/sheet you enter data or select
an option.

File, Save Workspace Directions to a function in acQuire. For example, this direction takes
you to File on the main menu and then to Save Workspace under
File. Other directions will be written similarly - menu items separated
by a comma.

Some new words

MSDE One of the relational database management systems (RDBMS). It is
more or less the same as SQL Server although it has some
limitations on the number of users and on its database size.

acQuire Data Model A group of tables that resides in the database. Each table has one or
more fields. This is where your data will be stored. The acQuire
Data Model is also referred to as the ADM. You will find a copy of
the acQuire Data Model.pdf in <your acQuire installation folder>\bin.

Table A database consists of a collection of tables which are, in turn,

probably related/linked to one another. Each table holds data about
a particular topic. Each item of data in a table is somehow related in
theme. Each table consists of one or more fields.

Record A row or line of data in a form.

Field Each cell of data in a record is a field. Each field has a field name.
For example, in acQuire there is a table called HoleLocation. One of
the field names is HoleID. This field is a collection of unique hole
identifiers. Some fields in some tables are nominated as essential or
primary key fields. Primary key fields must have unique data.

Another term for a field is a column - a field or column of data.

Filter A filter can be applied to subset the data that you work with - in a
form, export and more. Forms with a large amount of data can take a
long time to open so it is best to apply a filter that is saved with the

acQuire Tutorial Introduction

6 - Before You Start the Tutorial

Workspace An acQuire users work area. A collection of objects in folders that

allow you to view your data and to work with it. You can get to a
workspace area by clicking onto the Workspace bar. A workspace
can be saved (the layout, forms, imports etc) to a workspace name.
Workspaces have many of the features of Explorer - you can create,
delete and rename folders, forms and imports (use the menu
available when you right-click in your workspace). There is no need
to go outside acQuire to do your ‘housekeeping’.

The workspace tree Main menu

is a filing system for Icon toolbar
your acQuire
objects. It consists Shortcut bar
of a set of folders. Workspace bar
Each folder can Workspace name
have any number
and type of acQuire
The shortcut in the Data Entry object
Exploration shortcut
bar link to objects in

One Day workspace

the workspace tree, SQL object
to acQuire tools or
to external files. Folder
Form object

Import object

Workspace filter

Database bar

Object An item in a folder in your workspace. Object types are many and
varied - each performs a different function. acQuire objects are
constructed by the users on site. The following summarises the
object types.

Briefcase This object copies data from one acQuire database to another
acQuire database. This means that the second database can be ‘up
and running’ with all, or a subset of the data of the original, very
efficiently. This is a good way to ensure that company codes and
reference material are retained throughout the company.

Introduction acQuire Tutorial

Before You Start the Tutorial - 7

Data entry Data entry is one of the acQuire that resides in you workspace or on
a PDA (personal digital assistant). A data entry object is designed to
create data that has some regularity about it. The data can be
inserted or updated into the database. A data entry object differs
from an import object which inserts or update data into the database
from a source file.Briefcase

Form A view of the data in the acQuire database. A form may be made up
of a single table or a number of tables of data in the database.

Export An object in your workspace to export Collar, Survey, Assay and

Geology data to a text file or software client specific file format.
Export, for example, to MineSight, Gemcom, Micromine and
Datamine files.

Import An object that is constructed by the user to import data into the

LogReporter An object to produce a graphic log of drillhole data. The log can
incorporate validation codes displayed as patterns, analytical results
displayed as bar plots and core photographs.

QAQC An object in the workspace tree. This object is used to statistically

summaries and graphically chart the analytical results that you have
in the database.

Report An object in the workspace tree. This object presents a customised

report of data. The acQuire manager on site designs and defines the
sheets that make up the report. It can consist of one to many sheets.

Script This object can consist of a number of sheets. Each sheet can have
a queries to access the database and return a result - a set of
database records that meet the query criteria or to construct a view,
for example.

Workspace filter A filter can be applied to our workspace. The filter is based upon the
fields in Collar. For example, the filter may be

ProjectCode = Merlot.

All forms that are opened when that workspace filter is applied will
have only the data that is defined by

ProjectCode = Merlot.

The Workspace filters name should give you some indication of its
function (they are defined and named by the user). They can be
applied when required.

acQuire Tutorial Introduction

8 - Before You Start the Tutorial

Hole navigator Once a workspace filter has been applied, it is possible to apply a
hole filter. All forms that are opened will only have information about
the selected HoleID.

Automatic requery can be set (Tools, Options, Workspace Settings)

so that forms that are open will automatically refresh as the hole filter
is changed.

Extra Information
Extra information for your interest is presented as follows

h Extra information that could be of interest will be presented like this - a green line at the top
and bottom.

Features and look

The following will give you some idea of what acQuire looks like and some of the

terminology used in the Tutorial.

Shortcut bar Record Field



Workspace bar
Database bar

Tutorial flow
The Tutorials must be completed in the following order:
1. Import Drilling Information. You have received the latest diamond drilling data from site
and you want to enter it into acQuire.
2. Create Sample Numbers. You want to create some sample numbers or names for the
diamond holes, in readiness for the analytical results.

Introduction acQuire Tutorial

Before You Start the Tutorial - 9

3. Importing Assays. The analytical results have arrived and you want to enter them into
4. Exporting Results. You want to export all the geochemical data that you have in your
database into a spreadsheet.

acQuire Tutorial Introduction

10 - Before You Start the Tutorial

Introduction acQuire Tutorial

Tutorial 1
Import Drilling Information - 13

Import Drilling Information

The story so far
Imagine that you receive some drillhole data from site (it is collar and survey information). It

has been downloaded to a file that is in CSV format (comma delimited) and you want to
load it into your database.

The steps are

1. Select the import object for the CSV files.
2. Use the import object or template to insert the source file into the Collar and Survey
areas of the 1Day database.
3. View and check the results.

Lesson Time: 20 minutes.

Start here
1. To import the files, click on A. Import Drilling in the Exploration shortcut tree. The
import object (pictured below) will appear in the work area to the right.

Select A. Import Drilling shortcut Browse to locate the source file

The import object
consists of a Control
Sheet (the white tab
on the lower surface
of the object) and
two other sheets -
Johnson Rig and
Johnson Survey.

Preview of the execution

Execute to Insert or Update the source file
into the database

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 1

14 - Import Drilling Information

2. Browse to find the two source files

Tsdcol.csv The collar file.
Tsdsur.csv The survey file.
You will find them in:
<your acQuire installation folder>\Tutorials\Data

3. Every drillhole that is entered into an acQuire database MUST be assigned to a project.
The term project is referred to as ProjectCode within acQuire. From the drop-down list
select the Project Code Merlot.

4. Next select the Survey Instrument. Although survey data can be loaded into an acQuire
database without a defined survey instrument, the object has been designed in such a
way that it MUST be entered.
From the drop-down list select the Survey Instrument EastSS.
5. Click the Preview button. This will action the import but not pass the data to the
database. You will be able to preview what data will be loaded from the source file to
which fields in the database.

The Destination row shows the field names in the database. The field names that are red MUST have data
entered into them. The Preview section shows the data in the source file.

An import object takes the data in the source file and enters it into the database or
updates the data that is already there. En route, from the source to the database, an
expression can be applied to the data to change or to check it.
6. Now all you need to do is to execute the function. Go to the Control Sheet. Click on

Tutorial 1 acQuire Tutorial

Import Drilling Information - 15

7. The Import - Execution dialog will open. Because there can be many sheets in an import
object, it is possible to have numerous source files importing data to numerous tables
within the database on a single execution. Each sheet can be set to execute as an
insert, update, merge or as a check for these types. It is a good idea to do a check
before you import to see if you have defined the import object correctly or the source
data is correct.

Execute dialog. Note that both sheets are ticked as Active. Each sheet will be
imported as Type = Insert.

8. Click Execute Now to insert the data as defined.

9. When it is finished you will get a message that ‘Data Import Ran Successfully’.
It is a good idea to read the import report. You will find a summary (and any errors listed
if they occurred) of the importing process. Each sheet is summarised in the report. You
will find that:

Johnson rig 3 records processed. No errors found.

Johnson Survey 8 records processed. No errors found.

You have just imported into the database Collar and Survey data for the following
TSD009, TSD011 and TSD012
10. Click Close to exit the dialog.
11. Go to File, Close on the main menu to exit the object. You will be asked if you want to
save the changes to Collar - Run Mode?. Respond with No.
12. You must check that the import functioned the way that it reported. First check that the
Collar data was imported (the Johnson rig sheet in the import object). Make sure that
you are still in the Exploration bar. Click on B. Check the Collars shortcut in the
Exploration tree. The form Drilling will open.

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 1

16 - Import Drilling Information

13. Drilling is a view of some of the Collar data in the One Day database. To find the
drillholes that you have just imported you will need to:
• Make one of the cells in HOLEID active.
• Go to Edit, Find on the main menu.
• Type in TSD009 (type in upper case as the database is case sensitive).
• Click Find Next.
• The record with a HOLEID=TSD009 will be highlighted.

Click on B. Check the Collars. Go to Edit, Find on the main menu to find a record.

The records below this will be TSD011 and TSD012. Thus the drillholes were
successfully imported into the database.
14. Click Cancel to exit the Find dialog.
15. You can see that all the records in this form have a PROJECTCODE = Merlot. This
means that the form has been filtered on PROJECTCODE = Merlot.
To see this filter:
• Activate the filter icon on the icon menu.
• The acQuire filter will open at the bottom of the form.
• To close the filter, re-click on the filter icon.

Tutorial 1 acQuire Tutorial

Import Drilling Information - 17

16. Close the Drillhole form by going to File, Close on the main menu. Because you have
not made any changes to the object you will not be asked if you want to save it.
17. Now check that the survey data was loaded. Click on the the object in the Exploration
tree C. Check the Surveys.
18. The process to find the new data in this form is the same as previously mentioned
• Make a cell in HOLEID active.
• Go to Edit, Find on the main menu.
• Type in TSD009.
• Click Find Next.
• The first cell for HOLEID=TSD009 will be displayed.
Alternatively you could go to the bottom of the form by clicking on the last record icon on
the main menu and view the new surveys at the bottom of the form.
19. Click Cancel to exit the Find dialog. You will find records for TSD011 and TSD012
below that for TSD009.

h Asort,quickactive
way to sort data in a form is to make one of the cells in the column that you want to
(click on a cell). Then highlight the column by clicking on the field name (Dip, for
example). Double click very quickly while it is still highlighted and the data will be sorted
alternatively in ascending and descending order on the selected field.
Please remember that this type of sort cannot be saved with the form.

20. Close the Survey form by clicking on X on the upper right of the object.

h Ifimport
you have an acQuireManager security key attached to your machine you can inspect the
object more fully to see how it was constructed and works. Open the object again by
clicking on A. Import drilling in the Exploration tree.
Click on the Johnson rig tab to make the sheet active. Right-click on the sheet and select
Toggle Design/Run Mode. This will display some of the design features of the sheet. You
will be able to see more rows - the:
Column Name Defined if referenced in an Expression.

Expression Second row which defines the expression that will be applied to the
data in the source file before it is imported.

Destination Field names in the database that will receive the data.

The Expression, an Excel-type query, can range in complexity. On the Johnson rig sheet,
ProjectCode is passed from the Control Sheet to Johnson rig via the statement {ctrl::Project
Code:}. The Destination EAST is imported from the source file via the Expression
It is possible to construct very complex expressions. For example, you could test if one of
the columns in the source file is “NULL”. If it is, you may not enter any other data from that
row. This expression might be:

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 1

18 - Import Drilling Information

Another Expression could concatenate the HoleID and the From to generate a series of
unique sample numbers and so on.
You may like to see some more information about the functions that can be used in
expressions. Go to Help, acQuire Help on the main menu. Select the Index tab and type in
‘expressions’. Select ‘functions’ from the list of topic options. Exit Help.
To see how the source file is defined right-click again and select Import Definition.
The Import Definition dialog consists of a number of tabs - Source file properties, Sheet
properties, Data section and Header section.
Source file properties Defines whether one source file will be used for all the sheets in the
object or not. Also defines the Data format (comma, tab, space
delimited, Micromine and so on) of the source file and its location.
Browse to find the source file.

In this example the source file is passed to the sheet from the Control
Sheet via the statement {ctrl::Collar File}.

Sheet properties Defines the execution type and other properties.

Data section Defines the row on which the field names occur and the row on which
the data starts. The field names of the source file are also defined.

The actual source file must be defined in the Source File Properties tab. On the Data Section tab
you define the location of the data section and the field names in the source file. To achieve this,
complete the ‘Data starts on line’ and ‘Field names on line’. Click Auto fill and the field names will
be displayed in the Name list.

Header section Defines the location of information in the source file header that is to
be imported. This is useful when importing analytical results and
accessing data in the header of the laboratory source files. In this
example this section is not used.

Click OK to exit the dialog. Close the object. Do not save it when you close.
You have investigated the way that the source file is defined and now it is time to return to
the object in Run Mode.

Tutorial 1 acQuire Tutorial

Import Drilling Information - 19

Right-click and select Toggle Design/Run Mode.

Tutorial 1 has been completed. The following information has been added to the database:

Collar TSD009, TSD011, TSD012

Survey Eight new records for TSD009, TSD011 and TSD012

You are now ready to create some sample numbers for these new holes (Tutorial 2) and to

import the results when they arrive from the laboratory (Tutorial 3).

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 1

20 - Import Drilling Information

Tutorial 1 acQuire Tutorial

Tutorial 2
Create Sample Numbers - 23

Create Sample Numbers

The story so far
You have entered collar information for some drillholes and surveys into the 1Day database

and you want to enter sample numbers and intervals for these holes in readiness for the
assay results that will arrive later.

The steps are

1. Create the sample numbers for drillholes that were imported in Tutorial 1.
2. Review the results.

Lesson Time: 20 minutes.

Start here
You must be in the Exploration tree.
1. Click on D(i). Create Sample Tool. This will open at the Specify Holes dialog. This
dialog is part of one of the Tools provided by acQuire - Create Samples.
2. Select the Existing Holes tab.
3. On the left under Select Collar form definition, select One Day, All Collar.
4. Apply a filter so that you can efficiently select the appropriate drillholes. Select the filter
HoleID LIKE TSD% from the drop-down list.

Applying a filter subsets

your data. The only
wildcard that you can use
in a filter or other parts of
acQuire is %. This
character is used to take
the place of one to many

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 2

24 - Create Sample Numbers

5. Click Select Holes and you will find only those drillholes in the database that have a
HOLEID that starts with TSD will be displayed in the lower grid.
6. Click Next> to move onto the next dialog box - Order Holes.
7. In the List of Holes, highlight TSD009. Click on the > button in the centre. The drillhole
TSD009 will move to the List of Selected Holes. This is one way to move drillholes to
the List of Selected Holes.
8. Another way is to double-click quickly on TSD011 in the List of Holes. This drillhole will
move to the List of Selected Holes.
9. Now move TSD012 from the List of Holes to the List of Selected Holes by
double-clicking on it.

You have selected the three new drillholes that you have just imported into the database:

TSD009, TSD011 and TSD012.

10. Click Next> to move onto the next dialog box - Create Samples.
11. You will fill-in the following information for your new sample numbers, checks or field
duplicates and standard:

Options Selection Information

Starting SampleID: R30702 The first sample number.
Sample numbers will be incremented by
Sample Increment: 1
Start Interval at Depth: 0 Sample numbers will start at Depth=0.
Interval Length: 2 Each interval will be 2m down hole.
At least 1.5m must exist at the bottom of
Min Interval Length: 1.5 the hole before a new sample number
can be generated for it.
A company defined system of prioritising
Sample Priority: 1
sample results.
Sample Type: 2m Select from the predefined sample types.

Tutorial 2 acQuire Tutorial

Create Sample Numbers - 25

Select from the drop-down list of

Despatch Number: DN2000
despatch numbers in the database.
Tick if you want to define sample
numbers to Standards. These will be
Company Standards: a
saved into the Check Assay area of the
Every 20th sample number will be a
Frequency: 20
Restart the counting for each new
Restart for Each Hole: a
No of Standards: 1
Standard ID: RF60
Tick if you want to define sample
numbers to Field Duplicates. These will
Field Duplicates: a
be saved into the Check Assay area of
the database.
Every 10th sample number will be a
Frequency: 10

12. Click Next>. You will progress to the Preview Samples dialog.
13. View the data that will be generated, as per our instructions, for Samples, Duplicates and
Standards under each of the tabs. It has not been committed to the database at this

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 2

26 - Create Sample Numbers

In this exercise, the Create Samples tool has created entries to the
_ Assay (Sample table)
_ CheckAssay (CheckSample table)
_ Despatch (DespatchSend table) region of your acQuire Data Model.
It is a good idea to view the Data Model to understand what has been achieved.

Listed are the samples that have been created for TSD009. Click
Commit if you are happy that the information is correct. Click
<Back to create samples for the other two drillholes.

14. If the information looks correct, click Commit. The new samples will be entered into the
15. You will receive a message to say that the samples were inserted into the database.
16. Click Finish to exit the tool.
17. To view the sample numbers you have entered into the database select the next object
in the Exploration tree - E. View Sample Numbers. You should check that the sample
numbers were entered into the database.
The object, Assay Group 2 <Filtered> (see the name on the upper left of the form) will
open to show all the samples in the database with a PROJECTCODE = Merlot.
18. To change the filter so that you only see records with
Open the filter by clicking on the filter icon (p. ) on the icon menu. The filter dialog will
19. Add another field to the Field section of the filter (the right-hand side). Click somewhere
in the Field section (right-hand side) to make sure that this section of the filter is active.
Use the + button to add another field. The Link will be defined as AND (by default).
Define the new field
_ From the Field drop-down list select SAMPLEID.

Tutorial 2 acQuire Tutorial

Create Sample Numbers - 27

_ From the Operator select LIKE.

• In the Val1 column enter R%.
• In the row above, for the Link column select AND.
• Click the Apply button and the form will be filtered by the statement.
The first SAMPLEID is R30702.
20. Close the form (File, Close on the main menu). You will be asked if you want to save it
(because you made changes to the filter). Respond with No. (If you respond with Yes, it
will be open next time with the changes saved.)
21. Close the filter at the bottom of the acQuire window by clicking on the filter icon on the
toolbar - click to open the filter; click to close the filter.

h In the Exploration tree another object has been included - D(ii). Create Samples Intervals.

Create Sample Intervals, a Data Entry object. This is presented to show that
there are many different ways to achieve a similar objective.
This object would have to be developed further by the acQuire manager on site
to equal the functionality of the previous tool (D(i). Create Sample Intervals).

This has been included to show you that there is another way to create regular sample
numbers for drillholes that have been entered. It is based on another object type in acQuire
called data entry.
Close the object.
The types of objects that you have encountered to date are:
Import Import Drilling used to import the source data from site into the

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 2

28 - Create Sample Numbers

Form The Collar and Survey forms that you opened to check that your data
was entered correctly.

Data entry The current object to enter regular data into the database.

All these objects are created by the acQuire manager on site. These objects can include
the field names that are created on site. The acQuire manager must be using an
acQuireManager security key.

You have completed the Tutorial 2. The sample numbers of TSD009, TSD011 and TSD012

are in the database, ready for the analytical results (Tutorial 3. Import Assays).

Tutorial 2 acQuire Tutorial

Tutorial 3
Importing Assays - 31

Importing Assays
The story so far
The analytical results for the current diamond drillholes have arrived and you want to enter

them into the database.

The steps are

In summary:
1. Select an import object.
2. Run the import.
3. Review the results.

Lesson Time: 20 minutes.

Start here
To achieve this:
1. Click onto F. Import Laboratory Results in the Exploration tree. This will open an
import object. You have a view of the Control Sheet of the object.
This object consists of the Control Sheet and six other sheets. The Control Sheet is
used to define variables which are passed to the other import sheets. In this exercise
there is only one variable - the source file. There is one source file for all the other
The seven import sheets load data from one laboratory source file into various tables in
the database.
2. Browse to find the source file - the analytical results from the laboratory. You will find it
<your acQuire installation folder>\Tutorials\Data\LABDN2000.SIF
3. On the Control Sheet, click the Preview button to show what will be imported by each of
the sheets. Preview does not insert data into the database.
Move through the sheets, using the tabs on the bottom of the sheets, and view the data
in the grid (from the Preview row and below) to see what will be imported if you execute
the object.
Each sheet imports data to a different table/s in the database from one source file.
4. Select the Original Samples sheet (click on its tab and it will come to the front).
You will be particularly interested in the task that this sheet is performing.

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 3

32 - Importing Assays

5. Right-click somewhere on the sheet and select Toggle Design/Run Mode. You have
changed from Run Mode to Design Mode within the object and will be able to view the
Expressions that have been used.

Original Samples is matching the assay results from the lab (the SIF file) with the sample
numbers that were generated for the drillholes in the previous Tutorial - D(i). Create
Sample Intervals.
Note that Expressions have been used very effectively. The expressions for the
Destinations fields Cu_MET102_ppm and Cu_MET102_ppm_dsc separate numeric data
from non-numeric.
In the SAMPLEID Preview column some of the rows display SKIPROW instead of a
SampleID. These records from the source file are entered into the database on other
sheets. This is because they are either:
_ Field duplicates. Entered in the Field Dups sheet. These samples were submitted as
a check on the laboratory results.
_ Laboratory repeats. Entered on the Lab Rep sheets. They are repeat results that the
laboratory has created. They have a X suffix SampleID.
6. Now to import the data. First you will need to go back to Run Mode. Right-click on the
sheet and select Toggle Design/Run Mode.
7. Go back to the Control Sheet - use the Control Sheet tab to get there.
8. Click the Execute button. On the dialog that opens, you will see a list of all the sheets in
the object. Each has been ticked as Active.
You will note that most of the execute types are listed as Insert and some are Update.
The execution types are:

Tutorial 3 acQuire Tutorial

Importing Assays - 33

_ Insert. Insert a new record to the database. That is, the data in the primary key fields
(those fields that are printed in bold on the acQuire Data Model) does not occur in the
_ Update. The primary key fields DO occur in the database for these records. There is
a match on these fields and other fields in the record are updated. (The primary key
fields will not change.)
9. Select Execute now. When the import has finished you will get a message that ‘Data
Import Ran Successfully’. Read the report to check that the final result was as per the
You will find:

Sheet Name: Original Samples Sheet

48 Records Processed
48 Records Updated

10. Click Close to finish the execution. Select File, Close to close the object. Do not save
the object when you close it.
A list of all the sheets that will be executed.
Some are an Insert, others are an Update.

Click Execute now

11. Check that the analytical results have been entered correctly by going to the Workspace
tree. To get to the Workspace tree, click on the Workspace bar at either the top or the
bottom of the Exploration bar.
12. Go to the Merlot\Assay folder in the Workspace tree. Open the Assay Group 2 form.
This form has been filtered for PROJECTCODE=Merlot.
13. Make a cell in the SampleID column active and go to Edit, Find. Type in R30702 - the
first SampleID for the new drillholes.

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 3

34 - Importing Assays

14. Click Find Next. The record with a SampleID=R30702 will be highlighted. View the
analytical results for all the R% sample numbers to make sure that the data was inserted
15. To make it easier to view your data, you may like to hide the columns that have no data.
To hide columns, click on the field name of the columns you want to hide (hold down the
Ctrl key to select a group). Go to Column, Hide Column on the main menu.

16. Save the form so that next time you open it the columns will be hidden. Go to File, Save
or click on the Save icon - the first icon on the toolbar.

h The sheets in the import object (F. Import Laboratory Results) perform the following

Order Sheet Name Type Form Definition Function

The user enters or selects
Control Sheet information that is passed to the
other sheets.

Copy the LabJobNo from the

1 Despatch Return Insert DespatchReturn source file to create a new one in
the database.

Match the source file original

sample numbers with those in the
2 Original Sample Insert Chemistry database (you created them in
Tutorial 2) and insert the
analytical results.

Update the
3 Sample Despatch Update SampleDespatch relationship (created in Tutorial 2)
with the LabJobBNo from the Lab

Match the lab file field duplicates

with those in the database
4 Field Dups Insert CheckChemistry (created in Tutorial 2 - every 10
sample) and enter the analytical

Tutorial 3 acQuire Tutorial

Importing Assays - 35

Enter the analytical results for the

5 Lab Rep Insert CheckAssay
Lab repeats.

Update the CheckID/DespatchNo

relationship (created in Tutorial 2)
6 Check Despatch Update CheckDespatch
with the LabJobNo from the lab

Note that you have imported both the numeric and the text information from the source file.
The numeric information resides in fields like
Cu_MET102_ppm (the element name, the suite name and the units all incorporated in
the field name).
The non numeric or character assay information is in fields like
Following this method of data collection, the original data has not been lost.

You will also note that there are no analytical results for HOLIED=TSD012. Check in the file
from the laboratory, LANRN2000.sif - the results were not sent.

This completes the Importing Assays Tutorial. You have analytical results in your database

for drillholes TSD009 and TSD011.

Continue onto Tutorial 4 - Exporting Results.

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 3

36 - Importing Assays

Tutorial 3 acQuire Tutorial

Tutorial 4
Exporting Results - 39

Exporting Results
The story so far
You would like to export all your geochemical data into a spreadsheet format file for a report.

This Tutorial will introduce you to some of the features of forms.

The steps are...

1. Display the data.
2. Export the data.

Lesson Time: 30 minutes.

Start here
To achieve this:
1. Go to the Workspace tree. Select the folders Merlot, Geochem. Select the form Rock
Chips. Double-click and the form will open.
2. In this Tutorial you will re-arrange the information to make it more practical. The steps
will be
_ Make the fields narrower.
_ Freeze a column.
_ Move columns to rearrange the data.

Narrow fields

Double-click on the top left cell (highlighted above) of a form to make the column/field width
equal to the field name of the column.

acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 4

40 - Exporting Results

You might like to make adjustments to the widths of individual columns. Move the
mouse to the intersection of two of the field names. Your cursor mode will change to
‘horizontal resize cursor mode’. In this mode the cursor you can change the
column widths by moving the cursor to the left and right.

Freeze columns
To freeze a column, for example, highlight the PointEast column (click on the field
name). Go to View, Freeze Columns on the main menu.

PointEast will be positioned to the left of the Form and will appear ‘rigid’ . PointEast
will not disappear from view; it will always be on the left of the form.

Move fields
Highlight the column that you want to move by clicking on the field name. Click again
on the field name of the column and keep the mouse key depressed. Your cursor will
change into ‘move’ mode.
With the mouse button depressed, move the cursor and the field to the new location.
Release the mouse and the column will move to that location.
3. When you have the form and the fields displayed so that you only include the fields that
you want to export (if fields are hidden the data will not be exported) and they are in the
order that you want in the exported file, you can proceed to export the data. You will
export it to a spreadsheet format.
While the form is still open, go to File, Export on the main menu. An Export dialog box
will appear.

Save as type: Comma Delimited Files (*.csv).

File name: Browse to locate the

<your acQuire installation folder>\Tutorials\Data\
and type in the new file name Geochem2003

Tutorial 4 acQuire Tutorial

Exporting Results - 41

4. Click Save. You will receive a message that the file was created successfully.
5. Close the form.
6. Check in the <your acQuire installation folder>\Tutorials\Data\ folder for the file
7. Open it to check that the data is the same as that which you exported.

h You may like to save the new ‘look’ of your geochemical data (columns narrower, column
frozen and fields moved) so that next time you select Rock Chip in the Workspace tree it will
be opened with the same ‘look and feel’.
Go to File, Save. If you want to save it to another file name or put it into another folder, go
to File, Save As. Navigate to the folder that you require and define the name of the file.
This process saves all the settings that you have implemented. It does not actually save the
data - it saves the view of the data. Next time that you open the Rock Chips form the data is
retrieved from the database and displayed with these settings.

You have completed all the acQuire Tutorials.

To exit acQuire go to File, Exit.


acQuire Tutorial Tutorial 4

42 - Exporting Results

Tutorial 4 acQuire Tutorial

Connections - III

Covered in the Appendix
Installation of the Tutorial. Included are topics on

_ Starting the SQL Server Service Manager - essential for the 1Day database.
_ An ODBC connection called 1Day made for the database.
_ A working MSDE database called 1Day.
_ A workspace connection to One Day - go to File, Recent Workspace.
Manual creation of an ODBC link to 1Day if required.

Installing the Tutorial

If the Tutorial was not installed during the initial installation of acQuire

1. You must log onto your machine as the administrator.

2. Run the acQuire installation from the acQuire CD. Select Modify as the installation
option. During the installation process at the Installation Options dialog box, make sure
that Tutorial is selected.

Make sure that you

tick Tutorial when
you install acQuire
so that you can work
on the Tutorial.

The 1Day database will be installed and the SQL Server Service Manager started on
completion of the installation.
3. Make sure that the SQL Server Service Manager is on Start/Continue (see Start SQL
Server on Page III).
4. Start acQuire.
5. In acQuire simply go to File, Recent Workspace and select:
<your acQuire installation folder>\acQuire\Tutorials\1Day.qwsp.
6. A SQL Server Login dialog box will open. Type in the following

Login ID: sa


III acQuire Tutorial

IV - Connections

7. Click OK. You will be connected to the One Day workspace. This connects you to the
1Day database.

Start SQL Server (MSDE)

Start SQL Server
1. Click onto the SQL Server Service Manager icon on the far right of the status bar on
your computer.

Click on
Start/Continue to
start the SQL Server
Service manager

2. Click Start/Continue and the green arrow head will show that SQL Server has started.

Create an ODBC link to 1Day

1. Start acQuire.
2. Go to File, New Workspace. The Select Data Source dialog box will open. Select the
Machine Data Source tab. Complete all the dialog boxes as per the figure below.

Select New

Select User Data Source

Click Next

Select SQL Server

Click Finish

Appendix acQuire Tutorial

Connections - V

3. Test that the connection has been made and click Next and Finish.

Type in 1Day

Select or type in [local]

Click Next

Type in sa. Click Next.

A Password is not needed

Type in or select 1Day

Click Next

4. The Select Data Source dialog will open. Under the Machine Data Source tab highlight
the ODBC link name that you just created.
5. Click OK.
6. The SQL Server Login dialog box will open. A password is not necessary.

Login ID: sa


7. Click OK and you will be connected to the 1Day database. The Options dialog box will
8. Click Cancel.
9. Go to File, Open Workspace and select:
<your acQuire installation folder>\acQuire\Tutorials\One Day.qwsp.
10. Click Open.
11. The One Day workspace will open and will look like the figure on the following page.
12. Save the workspace so that next time you go to acQuire it will look the same. Go to File,
Save Workspace.
You are now ready to begin the Tutorials.

V acQuire Tutorial
VI - Connections

When your object

work area looks like
this, you have
connected to the
One Day

Appendix acQuire Tutorial

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