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Cardiac Arrhythmias - Cardio tachometer: instrument that records by the height

 Abnormal rhythm of the heart of successive spikes the duration of the interval between
 One or combination in the abnormalities in the rhythmicity- successive QRS complexes on ECG
1. Abnormal rhythmicity of the pacemaker SIGNALS WITHIN INTRACARDIAC CONDUCTION PATHWAYS
2. Shift of the pacemaker from the sinus node to another a. Sinoatrial block
place in the heart - Impulse from the sinus node is blocked before it enters the
3. Blocks at different points in the spread of the impulse atrial muscle
through the heart - Cessation of P waves standstill of the atria
4. Abnormal pathways of impulse transmission through the - Ventricles pick up a new rhythm  impulse originates in the
heart AV node  QRS slowed but not altered
5. Spontaneous generation of spurious impulses in almost b. Atrioventricular block
any part of the heart - Bundle of his
ABNORMAL SINUS RHYTHMS - Impulses travel from atria to the ventricles
a. Tachycardia - Conditions that decrease the rate of impulse conduction in
- Fast heart rate; >100 bpm the bundle or block the impulse entirely:
- 72 bpm normal heart rate o Ischemia of the AV node or Av bundle fibers-
- Causes: increased body temperature, stimulation of the coronary insufficiency causes this and also causes
heart by sympathetic nerves, toxic conditions of the heart ischemia of the myocardium
- HR increases by 10 bpm for each degree of Fahrenheit/ 18 o Compression of the AV bundle by scar tissue or
beats per degree of Celsius during increased body calcified portions of the heart can depress or
temperature but only up to 105 Fah or 40.5 C beyond, HR block conduction from the atria to the ventricles
decrease due to progressive debility of the heart muscle as o Inflammation of the AV node or AV bundle
a result of the fever (myocarditis due to diphtheria or rheumatic
- Fever causes tachycardia due to increased temperature fever)
increases metabolism of the sinus node increases o Extreme stimulation of the heart by vagus nerves
excitability and rate of rhythm block impulse conduction through the AV node
- Shock/ semishock  loss of blood  sympathetic reflex (carotid sinus syndrome)
stimulation of the heart  increase HR 150-180bpm c. Incomplete Atrioventricular heart block
- Weakening of the myocardium  sympathetic reflexes  o Prolonged PR or PQ interval
increased HR kailangan ni kay weakened myocardium does  First degree incomplete heart block
not pump blood in the arterial tree to a normal extent (>0.20s)
b. Bradycardia  First degree heart block means delay of
- Slow heart rate <60 bpm conduction from the atria to the
o Bradycardia in athletes ventrivels but not actual blockage of
 Athletes heart is larger and stronger conduction
pump large stroke volume output per  PR interval >0.35-0.45s  conduction
beat even in rest through the AV bundle is depressed 
1. At rest conduction stops entirely
2. Excessive quantities of blood  Acute rheumatic heart disease 
pumped into arterial tree assess PR interval
3. Each beat initiate feedback  PR interval decrease in tachycardia and
circulatory reflexes increase in bradycardia
4. Bradycardia o Second degree block
o Vagal stimulation causes bradycardia  There is P wave but no QRST wave with
 Any circulatory reflex stimulates vagus dropped beats of the ventricles
nerves  vagus nerves release Ach at  AV bundle slowed to increase PR
the vagal endingsin the heart  interval to 0.25-0.45s
parasympathetic effect  bradycardia  Action potential sometimes passes
 Carotid sinus syndrome through the bundle and sometimes
baroreceptors (pressure receptors) in NOT
the carotid sinus region in carotid artery  2:1 rhythm  atria beating twice for
walls very sensitive  mild external ever beat of the ventricles
pressure on the neck  strong  Also 3:2 or 3:1
baroreceptor reflex  circulatory reflex o Third degree block – Complete AV block
stimulates vagus nerves  vagus  Ventricles establish own signal
nerves release Ach at the vagal endings originating the AV node or Av bundle
in the heart  parasympathetic effect  Ventricles escaped from control of the
 bradycardia atria so beating at their own natural
c. Sinus Arrhythmia rate
- Quiet respiration: HR increased and decreased no more  P waves dissociated from the QRST
than 5% waves
- Deep respiration: HR increased and decreased with each  So no relation between the P wave and
respiratory cycle by 30% the QRST waves
- Can be caused by alterations of sympathetic and o Stokes Adams syndrome- Ventricular escape
parasympathetic nerve signals to the sinus node  Borderline ischemia of conduction
- Respiratory type of sinus arrhythmia: system- impulses from atria to
o Spillover of signals from medullary respiratory ventricles for a period of time and
center into the adjacent vasomotor center during suddenly impulses are not conducted.
inspiratory and expiratory cycles of respiration Duration of block is dependent on when
o Spillover causes alternate increase and decrease mubalik jud ang normal conduction
in the number of impulses transmitted through  Complete AV block comes and goes
the sympathetic and vagus nerves to the heart  Ventricles start own beating when
there is 5-30s delay from atria 
overdrive suppression
 Overdrive suppression- ventricles stop - Mild toxic conditions like smoking, lack of sleep, coffee,
contracting for 5-30s  ventricles alcoholism; healthy people and athletes
excitability is first suppressed because - Pulse deficit: heart contracts ahead ventricles not
ventricles have been driven by the atria completely filled  stroke volume output depressed or
at a greater rate than natural absent  pulse wave to radial artery so weak cannot be felt
 Ventricular escape- overdrive  deficit of radial impulses compared to contractions of
suppression then purkinje fibers begins the heart
discharging 15-40bpm and acts as the b. AV nodal or AV bundle premature contraction
pacemaker of the ventricles - Premature contraction originated in the AV bundle or Av
1. Brain cannot remain active without blood node
in 4-7s nya delay bya ug 5-30s so mu faint - No P wave kay na superimposed in the QRST complex
ang patient because the cardiac impulse traveled backward into the
2. Ventricular escape allow enough blood atria at the same time it travelled forward into the
to allow rapid recovery ventricles
 Interval of ventricular standstill and c. Premature ventricular contraction
onset of complete block is long that - Abnormal t waves since the timing and direction of
causes death repolarization is abnormal
 Artificial pacemaker- small battery - Cigarette, coffee, lack of sleep, mild toxic states, emotional
operated electrical stimulator planted irritability, stray impulses, reentrant signals that originate
beneath the skin; electrodes connected around the borders of the infarcted or ischemic areas of the
at the right ventricle ; provides heart
continued rhythmical impulses to take - Increased PVC higher chance of developing lethal
control of the ventricles ventricular fibrillation that can be initiated by this PVC
d. Incomplete intraventricular block- electrical alternans during the end of the T wave when ventricles is out from
- Partial intraventricular block every other heartbeat refractoriness
- Tachycardia  some portion of purkinje fibers do not o QRS is prolonged kay ang impulse from the slowly
recover from previous refractory period quickly to respond conducting muscle of the ventricles and not from
to every heartbeat the purkinje system
- Depresses the heart (ischemia, myocarditis, digitalis o QRS has voltage because:
toxicity) incomplete intraventricular block  electrical  Impulse travels in one bundle branch to
alternans another  not together
PREMATURE CONTRACTIONS  One side of the ventricles is depolarized
- Contraction of the heart before the time that normal ahead of the other
contraction would have been expected o The cardiac muscle that depolarize first will
- Extrasystole, premature beat, ectopic beat repolarize first  T wave has an electrical
- Most premature contraction result from ectopic foci ( emit/ potential polarity opposite to the QRS complex
produce abnormal impulses at odd times during the cardiac PAROXYSMAL TACHYCARDIA
rhythm) - Can be stopped by producing a vagal reflex to press the
- Ectopic beat- beats arise from fibers outside the region of neck in the regions of the carotid sinuses to cause vagal
the heart muscle reflex to stop the paroxysm
- Atrial ectopic focus- atrial cell outside the SA nodes initiate - Quinidine, lidocaine depress normal increase in Na
depolarization; part of conduction system or from cardiac permeability of the cardiac muscle during action potential
muscle cell blocking rhythmical discharge of the focal point causing
- Causes of ectopic foci: paroxysmal attack
o Local areas of ischemia - Reentrant loops for depolarization in all directions through
o Small calcified plaques at different points in the the heart
heart press against the adjacent cardiac muscle so - Ectopic focus becomes the pacemaker of the heart
the fibers are irritated - Paroxysmal- means that the HR becomes rapid in
o Toxic irritation of the AV node (drugs, alcohol, paroxysms with the paroxysm beginning suddenly and
caffeine) lasting on few secs, mins or hours then ends suddenly with
o Mechanical initiation during cardiac the pacemaker of the heart shifting back to the sinus node
catheterization ( large numbers of premature Atrial paroxysmal tachycardia
contractions often occur when the catheter - Inverted P wave before QRST complex
enters the right ventricle and presses against the - P wave superimposed in T wave
endocardium) - Origin of the paroxysmal tachycardia is in the atrium but
a. Premature atrial contraction abnormal in shape so not near the sinus node
- Atria contractions earlier than normal AV nodal paroxysmal tachycardia
- Atrial ectopic focus- atrial cell outside the SA nodes initiate - Missing or obscured P waves; almost normal QRST waves
depolarization; part of conduction system or from cardiac
muscle cell !!!! Supraventricular tachycardias- Atrial and AV nodal
- Can be caused by reentrant loop  do not depolarize right paroxysmal tachycardia; grows out to predisposition to
 scar tissue na mu depolarize around the adjacent cells tachycardia after adolescence; frightens a person tremendously
mao makacontract causes weakness during paroxysm seldom permanent harm
- Ectopic focus depolarizes the SA node causing the SA node from the attack
to skip a cycle
- Location of the ectopic focus: Ventricular Paroxysmal tachycardia
o Bottom of the atrium then upside down kay - Series of ventricular premature beats occurring one to the
opposite to the direction of the depolarization other without any normal beats interspersed
o Close to AV node then short PR interval kay dali ra - Serious condition:
maabot sa AV node since duol ra sya o Occur only in considerable ischemic damage in
o Tachycardia- P wave and T wave is one, making a ventricles
camel lump o Initiate lethal condition of ventricular fibrillation
- Compensatory pause- interval between the premature - Drug digitalis causes irritable foci leading to ventricular
contraction and next contraction is slightly prolonged (mas tachycardia
layu ang ectopic focus sa sinus node)
- Quinidine increases refractory period and threshold for 4. No repetitive ECG pattern
excitation of cardiac muscle to block irritable foci - Ventricular muscle contracts 30-50 small patches of muscle
VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION at a time; ECG potentials change constantly and
- Quivering from uncoordinated muscle contraction spasmodically kay all directions ang electric currents sa
- Not contracting at the same time heart
- Tissue heterogeneity  signal radiates out  PVS  >3 PVS - ECG voltages in VF 0.5mv then decay after 20-30s then 0.2-
in a row is called ventricular tachycardia that can progress 0.3mv. 0.1mv recorder after 10 mins na nagstart ang VF
to VF Electroshock defibrillation of the ventricles:
- Functional reentry- spiraling of signals in focus to initiate - Strong high voltage alternating electrical current 
another depolarization  fibrillation together mu depolarize together ang refractory
- Anatomical reentry- scar tissue spiraling signals - 2 large electrodes in 2 sides of the heart
- Electrical stimulation on upslope of the T wave to induce - All action potentials stop and remains quiescent for 3-5s
fibrillation so some cells are ready for depolarization and then beats again with the sinus node however if focus is
some not so some contract and some don’t kay still present then fibrillation occurs again
refractory phase  abnormal conduction  reentry - Fibrillation stopped by 100 mv of 60 cycle alternating
- Fib waves current applied for 0.1s or 1000 volts applied for few
- Defibrillation- high energy shock to depolarize everything at thousandths of a second
once - Dog defibrillated 130x through the chest wall
- When ventricular fibrillation is not stopped within 1-3mins HAND PUMPING OF THE HEART (CARDIOPULMONARY
- No coordinate contraction of ventricular muscle at once - Kung imo i-defibrillate after 1 minute nag fibrillation 
- Ventricles neither enlarge or contract but remain heart is weal to be revived kay lack of nutrition from
indeterminate stage of partial contraction pumping no coronary blood flow so revive the heart by pumping the
blood or negligible amounts heart by hand (intermittent hand squeezing) for 90 mins
- Fibrillation begins  unconsciousness within 4-5s lack of along with artificial respiration is called CPR and defibrillate
blood in brain  death in tissues the heart later
- Initiate fibrillation: - So small blood is delivered into the aorta and renewed
1. Sudden electrical shock of the heart coronary blood flow develops
2. Ischemia of the heart muscle, conducting - Lack of blood flow to the brain for 5-8 mins causes
system or both permanent mental impairment/ brain tissue destruction
Re entry - Caused by atrial enlargement resulting from heart valve
- Circus movements as the basis for ventricular fibrillation lesions that prevent atria from emptying into ventricles or
o Pathway along the circle is too long by the time damming of blood in the atria
the impulse returns to the 12 o’clock position, the - Dilated atrial walls slow conduction for atrial fibrillation
originally stimulated muscle is no longer - Blood flows passively from atria to the ventricles
refractory and the impulse will continue around - Decreased 20-30% ventricular pumping
the circle again - A person can live for months or years with atrial fibrillation
o Decreased velocity of the conduction so hinay but reduced overall heart pumping
mutuyok igo mahuman ang refractory period - AV node will not pass a second impulse for about 0.35
o Shortened refractory period second after the precious one so at least 0.35s must elapse
- Long pathway occurs in dilated hearts between 1 ventricular contraction and the next
- Decreased rate of conduction due to blockage of purkinje - Interval of 0-0.60s occurs before one of the irregular atrial
system, ischemia of the muscle, high blood K level fibrillatory impulses happens to arrive at the AV node
- Shortened refractory in response to EP, after repetitive - 0.35-0.95s interval between successive ventricular
electrical stimulation contractions  irregular heartbeat
- Abnormal patterns of contraction that ignore the pace - HR 125-150 bpm
setting effects of the sinus node ATRIAL FLUTTER
CHAIN REACTION MECHANISM OF FIBRILLATION - Circus movement of the atria where electrical signal travels
- Not a single impulse moving in circle but degenerated into as a single large wave in one direction around and around
a series of multiple wave fronts that have the appearance the atrial muscle mass
of chain reaction - 200-350 bpm in the atria
Fibrillation caused by 60 cycle alternating current - One side of atria contracting and one side relaxing 
o Alternating current is BAD kay mu cause amount of blood pumped by the atria is slight
fibrillation - Signals reach the AV node to rapidly for it to be passed to
o Block of impulses in some directions then the ventricles kay AV node and AV bundle has high
successful transmission in other directions refractory period mao dili ma pass
creates one of the necessary re entrant signal to - 2 or 3 beats of the atria per beat of the ventricles 2:1 3:1
develop - P waves very strong due to semicoordinate masses of
o Rapid stimulation of the heart causes two muscle
changes in the cardiac muscle itself both of Cardiac Arrest
predisposes (making susceptible) to circus - Final serious abnormality of the cardiac rhythmicity
movement conduction system
 Decreased velocity of the conduction - Cessation of all electrical signals in the heart
 Shortened refractory period - Likely to occur during deep anesthesia where many
o Division of impulses- progressive chain reactions patients develop severe hypoxia due to inadequate
with many wave fronts ready to depolarize; respiration
irregular patterns of impulse travel causes many - Hypoxia  no normal electrolyte con in muscle fibers
circuits routes for the impulses to travel greatly across membrane  excitability affected that automatic
lengthening the conductive pathway that sustains rhythmicity disappears
fibrillation - Myocardial disease causes cardiac arrest
ECG in VF - Implanted electronic cardiac pacemaker to maintain
1. Coarse irregular waves impulses in the heart
2. Corse contractions disappear
3. Low voltage very irregular waves

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