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M onter Caste Corporation

K evan Corporation

This casebook is just the beginning of many stories. Monter Caste Company and Kevan
Company have experiences spanning decades of CSR practice in various fields of operation.
We didn‟t always did it right but it is our hope that by sharing our stories with you, we hope
that we can impart the leanings for implementing our CSR.

The cases presented here can be used by many groups of people: by students, teachers,
practitioners, believers and even skeptics. It can instruct critique or differentiate, but more than
anything else, we hope that it inspires.

Translating our belief in others, sharing the bounties of our enterprise, expanding the
reach of our resources can be a powerful tool in creating a more sustainable and equitable soci-
ety. We do our best to benefit users and customers. We are permanently focused on the path
towards sustainability, since we believe this is an extremely important target. Sharing is re-

Thank you everyone.

Table of Contents

Monter Caste Corporation

 Vision and Mission 1

 Corporate Objectives 1

 Historical Background 2

 Product Description 4

 Corporate Social Responsibility Activities and 5


 Rationale of CSR Activities 10

 Organizational Structure 11

Kevan Corporation

 Vision and Mission 12

 Corporate Objectives 12

 Historical Background 14

 Product Description 15

 Corporate Social Responsibility Activities and 16


 Rationale of CSR Activities 20

 Organizational Structure 21
M ission

To provide the Monter Caste‟s guests and customers with supportive and valued
products and services, as well as meaningful savings and benefits in an environment that deliv-
ers an excellent customer experiences. Conducting programs for the development and advance-
ment of our highly productive staffs for them to achieve their full potential in doing responsibil-
ities as a staff.

V ision

The vision of the Monter Caste Corporation is to be the most trusted, respected
and successful corporation in the industry. To expand our business and benefit an increasing
number of customers and staffs. We plan to do this by bringing our products and services in a
unique and variety features according to our customers taste and demand.

O bjectives

 To provide outstanding lodging facilities and services to our guests in able for them to relax
and enjoy our products and services.

 To provide high quality unique eco-friendly furniture‟s and handicrafts and maintain out-
standing customer and supplier services.

 To provide a fair return to our owners and to increase net profit by 10 percent annually.

 To recognize well-trained motivated and enthusiastic employees by aligning incentives and

rewards with performance.

 To continually learn and adopt current best working practices and standards.

 To increase community outreach for the benefit of needy people.

 To provide safe and healthy environment that promotes active and wellness lifestyle to our
guests, customers, employees, local community and nature.

 To foster genuine partnership with our new and existing customers through exceptional
standards of service, handicrafts and furniture.

 To improve the way communities live by providing work opportunities.

H istory

Pioneer Years

Our history begins in 1946, with the foundation of Caste. In 1964, Harry Bray who is
the owner of Caste, together with Daniel Henry founded a furniture company which is now
known as the Monter Caste Corporation. During this time, Monter Caste entered hotel and re-
sorts business as it continue to grow to give the satisfaction worthy of our customers.



Harry Bray, French-born, works at furniture factory for almost about 7 years. With his
knowledge of furniture making, he started a furniture shop-Caste. “Caste” was derived from
the name of his daughter, Cassandra(Cas), and wife, Teresita(Te). His works was commonly
bought for household or other businesses. Due to the high quality of the products, his works
started to be known in the public.


Due to the high demand of his shop, he established his own furniture factory. Bray de-
veloped the use of rattan as a raw material for his furniture. With his new innovation, sales rap-
idly grew. He started supplying five-star hotel, restaurants and other known establishments.
These gained interested investors on his business.


Daniel Henry, a rich businessman from the Philippines was interested with the business
of Bray. Henry is willing to invest in his business and make Caste officially a corporation.
Sometimes mid-year of 1964, with Henry and Bray as the owners, Monter Caste Corporation
was established. “Monter” is a French term for rise, combining it with Caste, it means “Rise
Caste”. Henry and Bray want their company to continue to rise over time.


Travinsky Hotel which is located in Paris by Peter Travinsky, who is a colleague of both
Henry and Bray.

Their friendship started when Monter Caste supplied furniture to the hotel. In 1972,
Monter Caste acquired 80% of the shares of the hotel and in 1975, Monter Caste bought the re-
maining shares of 20%, renaming the hotel as Monter Caste Hotel. The corporation changed to
nurture the business and transform it into a popular and rapidly growing hotel.

The corporation has a total of 10 factories in Europe that supplies famous businesses all
over the country built three hotels after the acquisition.


In 1983, the corporation signed a contract with Bora- bora, a famous owner of a resort
in the Philippines to supply them their furniture's. In 1985, the corporation bought the resort for
₱2.5 million. The resort was renamed as Monter Caste Resort.

The corporation opens new offices not just in Asia but also in Japan, America and a lot more.


Monter Caste Corporation continued expanding its business all over the world. Monter
Caste Furniture has a total of 43 shops and 17 factories. Monter Caste Hotel has 16 branches
just around the Europe and plans to expand in Asia.

During this time, Monter Caste Corporation is one of the highest grossing corporations
in Europe. As its name means, Monter Caste will not fall. It will continue to rise.

Aside from providing best furnitures and giving the place and services, Monter Caste
also manifests its social responsibilities and commitment to public service through community
projects and philanthropic activities that the Monter Caste Foundation undertake.

We are committed in ensuring the best of all our product and services and would be able
to help the public especially those who need it most. In doing so, we effectively bridge the dis-
tances between those that need help and those extending a helping hand.

Product Description
Monter Caste Hotel is a charming hotel located
in Paris, France that is within short walk dis-
tance to all sites and is surrounded by impres-
sive churches, buildings and monuments. As
you enter this hotel, you will immediately
sense its special intimate atmosphere for a per-
fect relaxation or makes you feel like being in
your home.

Comforts and Services:  Dry cleaning

 Bar  Breakfast in the room upon request
 24-hour front desk  Morning newspaper delivered to your room
 Elevator  Coffee and tea available 24 hours a day in
 Baggage storage the sitting room
 Meeting facilities  Free Wi-Fi is available in all areas
 Room service Free public parking is available in the area
 Laundry
“Furniture and Handicrafts”

Monter Caste Furnitures and Handicrafts is

a budget-friendly company that produces all kinds
of woodcrafts. We specialize in all types of rattan
and hardwood furniture including unique or exotic
designs. We are also maker and designer of several
handicraft products such as sculpture and wood
carving of any type. All products are subject to
quality control and arrange individually by our staff
who are highly trained and extremely efficient.


Monter Caste Resort is a special place where

nature and man exist in harmony. It is a beach
resort enchantingly framed by a crystal clear
water splendid pine forest. Monter Caste Re-
sort will overrun your expectations in every
way. A calm and peaceful setting where you
can enjoy nature and comfort and where there
is always something new to enjoy. A place
where we will indulge your every wish and
help you rediscover the simple things in life.

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities


Feeding programs are a „Band-Aid “HELP OUR YOUNG CHILDREN” is a

solution‟ or are taking over the responsibili- continuing project of the Samaritan‟s Purse a
ties of parents; feeding programs are an im- feeding program for young children ages 4-5
portant part of the solution for hungry kids years old.
today. March 02, 2016, Samaritan‟s Purse or-
ganized a feeding program to all kindergarten
in coordination with Mrs. Leonarda Tamayao
at Luna St., Ugac Sur, Tuguegarao City.

This said activity of the organization

aims to provide both health and educational
benefits for our young and parents.

Samaritan‟s Purse is committed to-

reaching out to the hungry with both physical
and spiritual nourishment to value the health
Board of Directors together with the kindergarten
of every people in the community. pupils.

Volunteers participating in the feeding program.

Samaritan‟s Purse is an organization composed by a group of employees and board of
directors of Monter Caste Corporation that aims to help parents to prepare nutritious food for
their children ages 4-5. These ages are very critical for their body development so parents must
focus on their health to be able to start in achieving their full development.

“Trees for Life”

The Tree Planting Drive in Teresita Boulevard,Tuguegarao City., last March 5, 2016,
Monter Caste Corporation took up this green initiative to plant trees as a CSR together with
the employees by starting to plant trees nearby the river of the said place. As we saw the place,
we can say that no one will appreciate the beauty and the benefits that it will give. The first
time we saw it, there are some marks of sugar cane that have been planted. This gave us more
of the idea to beautify the place and to restore it..

Expressing the Love for Future by planting trees.

We know that there are many benefits of tree planting like: it combats climate change, it
also helps in cleaning the air, it provides oxygen, helps prevent soil erosion, it creates economic
opportunities, and the likes. This program adds value to the communities nearby because some
members of the Board itself join the activity on planting trees together with the employees.
That is why our corporation took up this green initiative to help our environment and
also give an economic opportunity to the community nearby . Despite of heavy rains after the
plantation, the young saplings today are beautifully growing into healthy growing trees. Today,
the community who were once doesn‟t know and cares about this project have come to realize
how vital and fruitful it is for their lives and are investing their faith in us. They have also
promised to plant more trees instead of leaving the area unplanted .

“Spic-and-Span Drive”
Community service is one way to promote environmental sustainability and maintaining
the cleanliness and orderliness of the community that benefit the people. Employees accompa-
nied by the Barangay Kagawad of the Barangay Bagumbayan initiated the cleaning along the
streets that is vacant or forsaken by others on February 28, 2016 at Maura Street, Centro 1, Ba-
gumbayan, Tuguegarao City.

Clean and Green Program for the Barangay.

Aside from promoting environmental activities, Monter Caste Corporation helps people or the
community to prevent from any sickness due to unhealthy environment. Another importance of
community service is uniting people from diverse background to work on common goal and
promotes building camaraderie and teamwork. This means community service is not only about
helping other people or helping the community alone buts it also helps the society. Our corpora-
tion has always felt strongly about helping other people that is why they organized activities
like this. The long standing presence of our company means that we will continue to care for
the people by extending our support to those in need whenever necessary and helping as many
people as we can to achieve their hopes for a better future leading to longer healthier life. And
through community service, we can encourage citizens to engage in supporting organizations
that cultivate meaningful opportunities for the people.


Our corporation is engage in conducting school feeding programs, tree planting and ad-
minister community service. The purpose of these corporate social responsibility activities are
to enhance and prioritize the health of the children, help and save our environment and help the
community for the benefit of the public.

Nutritional and health status are powerful influences on a child‟s learning and how well
a child performs in school. When we compare those children who are well nourished and those
who are lack in nutrients, the well-nourished children have more potential for learning. Weak
health and poor nutrition diminish their ability to participate in learning experiences thus they
perform less in their studies. Nowadays malnutrition among children is rapidly increasing be-
cause of the increase of poverty. To address in this issue, our corporation is engage in school
feeding program to ensure and improve the health of the children by providing them nutritional
foods. By improving their health we can now improve their educational performances and en-
sure the future of these children.

Nowadays our environment is in deep trouble. We are now experiencing climate change
and global warming. Trees are vital in the existence and well-being of our environment. Trees
are vital in the existence and well-being of our environment.

Not only do they improve the quality of the air we breathe, but they are providers of food and
shelter of human beings and wildlife. It also helps in climate control. Trees play a major role in
erosion control, protection and conservation of water supplies and preventing floods. Our cor-
poration wants to promote environmental care, increase its understanding in the environmental
issues and disseminate good practices in protecting and helping our environment. As an indica-
tor of our sustainable practices and commitment, we engage our corporation in tree planting.
Our corporation is also committed in making continuous improvement

Organizational Structure

Keisha Mae Costales


Kristelle Miah Vergara


Board of Directors

Nhayvie Labbao Noemi Calano Genella Trellas Janica Aquino

M ission
Kevan Company is dedicated to provide the finest facilities in the market in
order to meet or exceed guest or customer expectations. To emphasize superior products
done by motivated and enthusiastic employees and provide reasonable return on investments
by its owners.

V ision
It is our vision to be recognize by our product quality standard and to be con-
sistent in promoting our product in the industry. And to consistently provide customers the
best possible value and experience

O bjectives

 To provide high- quality office equipment products.

 To increase market share by 10% over the next three years by increasing capital and in-
vestments, such as attracting new shareholders and investors by improving credit worthi-
ness and cash flow.

 To improve our service approach for new and existing customers to meet their satisfaction
by reducing the delivery and distribution time of products and services, decreasing the
number and frequency of customer returns and complaints, and improving the response
time of client inquiries.

 To increase community outreach.

 To develop and implement promotional plan to drive increased business.

 To continually learn and adopt current practices by implementing a company-wide train-

ing program.

 To develop and sustain a positive image of well-established trademark.

H istory


William Kevan graduated with degree in electrical engineering at Stanford University in

1963. In 1975, William Kevan established “Kevan” in his house at Toronto, Canada with his
savings and a little help from his family gaining an initial investment of US$713. He decided to
name his company after his surname. Kevan incorporated on July 13, 1979 and went public on
January 6, 1983.


Kevan acquired IBM‟s personal computer business in 1988 including laptop and tablet
lines. Kevan‟s acquisition of IBM‟s personal computer division accelerated access to foreign
markets while improving both Kevan‟s branding and technology. Kevan paid US$1.5 billion
for IBM‟s computer business. This acquisition made Kevan the fourth largest computer maker
worldwide by volume.


In 1993, Kevan introduced both ink set and laser printers for the desktop. Along with its
scanner product line, these have later been developed into successful multifunction products,
the most significant single unit printer/scanner/copier/fax machine.


In 2001, Kevan expanded their computer product line which initially had been targeted
at University, research and businesses users to reach consumers.

Later in that date, Kevan opened Kevanshop.com as an independent subsidiary to sell

online direct to the consumers.


Kevan entered the smartphone market in 2008 and quickly became the largest vendor of
smartphones in Canada. In 2009, Kevan announces an investment of US$913 million in the
construction of a mobile phone manufacturing in Canada.


As of the present, Kevan continue to grow as a multinational computer technology cor-

poration. It produces its brands all over the world that makes it on top of other corporations.

The twentieth century has witnessed the rapid growth of the It market and the increas-
ing popularity of its associated technologies thus make Kevan Corporation a successful one. In
connection, the corporation is committed to public service through Kevan Foundation and that
makes the latter environmentally, morally and socially responsible.

Product Descriptions
Kevan Corporation printers can be bought
for less than ₱50,000. Our best printer starts
around ₱65,000 to ₱150,000. It is expensive but it
will satisfy you and it contains high quality. Our
printer can handle text, heavy documents such as
students‟ coursework or minutes from a meeting. It
can also print photos and do better job than other.
When you buy a computer, you must consider
the following characteristics:

 Speed- In general, no human being competes

in solving the complex computation faster than
the computer. A powerful computer is capable of
performing about 3-4 million single instruction
per second.

 Accuracy- Since computer is programmed, whatever input we give, it gives accurate

result. Error that may occur can always be attributed to human errors.

 Storage- Computer can store mass storage of data with appropriate format. Today‟s
computers can store large volumes of data. A piece of information once stored in the com-
puter can never be forgotten and can almost be retrieved instantaneously.

 Accuracy- Since computer is programmed, whatever input we give, it gives accurate
result. Error that may occur can always be attributed to human errors.
 Storage- Computer can store mass storage of data with appropriate format. Today‟s
computers can store large volumes of data. A piece of information once stored in the com-
puter can never be forgotten and can almost be retrieved instantaneously.

 Diligence- Computer can work for hours without any break and creating error unlike
human being. Therefore, computers are better than human beings in performing volumi-
nous repetitive jobs.

Computers of Kevan Corporation contain all of these characteristics and also

contain high level language which is easily understandable or readable by human.


Kevan Corporation Smartphone is a

device that has “always-on” cellular data inter-
net connection or simply use in a nearby wire-
less network. Modern smartphone include high
resolution touchscreens and web browsers that
display standard web pages as well as mobile
optimized. It is small in size but powerful, the
ideal screen size ranges from 4.0-5.0 inches it
is more comfortable to hold in one hand, rela-
tively light weight, and they easily fit into your
pocket. It also got a good price and not to
mention its cool air shuffle features.

“O+(plus) specifications and features”

 Browser: Opera  Battery: 1000mah

 Connectivity: WiFi and Bluetooth  Headset/earphone jack: 3.5mm standard
 Memory: Memory expandable up to 16gb  Multimedia: FM radio, music player,
 Camera: 3.2 megapixel (can zoom up to voice recorder, video recorder, and player
 Sim: Dual sim capable
Corporate Social Responsibility Activities

“Operation: I Do Mass Wedding”

Marriage is the intimate union and equal

partnership of a man and a woman. It comes to us
from the hand of God, who created male and fe-
male in his image, so that they might become one
body and might be fertile and multiply.

Nowadays, it is expensive to have a wedding. There are many couples that have been
together for dozens of years and are still unmarried. Mass weddings are sometimes preferred for
economic and social reasons, such as the reduction of costs for the venue, officiates, decora-
tions, as well as the celebrations afterwards which can sometimes be shared between multiple
families. Kisses, hugs and tears abounded after dozens of couples exchanged vows at a mass
wedding in Sto. Niño Church, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao City, February 13, 2016 sponsored by
our corporation– Kevan Corporation. Some 26 couples took part in “Operation: I Do,” a project
that gives even live-in couples the chance to be accorded the Sacrament of Marriage. The cou-
ples‟ ages ranged widely this year, with three of them past 65 years old with the rest in their
50s, 40s, 30s and 20s.

Exchanging of vows.

The purpose behind the mass wedding is to help these couples to their wedding expens-
es, for how many years that they are living together they are still unmarried and as an answer
to their long awaited desire we sponsored a free mass wedding.

The Operation I Do team is made up of sincere, energetic, so sacrificing and flexible
volunteers to cater to whatever the needs of the couples. In our sincere intention of seeing cou-
ples receive the Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church, we practically offered our-
selves and go out of our normal way in order to accomplish this mission.

“Run for Them”

Is what the fun run for this year is

all about. Our foundation conducted the
activity during February 6, 2016 it started
at Jollibee Tanza until Tuguegarao City
Science High School having a distance
about 5 kilometers in coordination of
Red Cross.

Ready Get Set GO…. Together with the Red Cross Volunteer.

The purposes of this activity are to raise funds for the charity and to promote a healthier
body. It is what our fun run for this year is all about. The beneficiary of this activity is Raven
Bran, Incorporated- a charity dedicated for homeless individuals who are abused and aban-
doned and it would benefit the health of our participants. It is not just the participants‟ money
give that counts but they also give their best effort and sweat to finish the activity until the end.
Even though they get tired after the run at least they willingly and wholeheartedly sup-
port the activity for the charity because they know that they are one that will benefit and it will
be a huge help for others. The collected fund will directly go to Raven Bran, Incorporated. That
is why it is beneficial to the chosen charity because it may help them in supporting their needs
especially for their food and for their maintenance.

“Giving Gift, Giving Love”
Giving a gift is a universal way to show interest, appreciation, and gratitude, as well as
to strengthen bonds with others. There is an enormous sense of satisfaction when seeing the
expression on the face of someone you‟ve given a gift to. A way to express feelings, giving
reinforces appreciation and acknowledgement of each other. Gifts also strengthen the bonds
between people. We all have a longing to be known, understood and loved by our community.
The best gifts meet that need.

On February 14, 2016 at Centro Plaza, Tuguegarao City, Kevan Corporation conducted
the “Giving Gift, Giving Love Activity”. Gift-giving activities are short-term stop-gap
measures meant to bridge efforts to lead communities to self-sufficiency while recovering from
calamities or confronted with long-term problems due to poverty.

The Gift-giving Program is the signature program of Raven Bran, Inc. that launched its
charitable endeavours. Gift-giving projects are undertaken to address immediate needs such as
shortages in food and clothes, especially in poor communities.

A gift remains a symbol of care, or, by case, of love. You offer someone a present be-
cause you want to make him happy. You offer a present because you want to bring a little
piece of life in someone's life. And by offering gifts, you find an easier way to express your
feelings toward a person. Sometimes it is easier to make such a gesture than speak... So, gifts
have been throughout history a way in which people express feelings. That is way gift giving
and receiving should always remain pure gestures, made only with sincere care...

A gift manages to bring a piece of light in the hearts of the receiver as well as the giver.
A gift manages to make a bond between two persons, a gift manages to destroy for just
a second the meaning of money and profit.
Give a gift to the ones you love and especially to those who lack of it and see the
glimpse in their eyes when they receive along with that gift a piece of you heart. This is true
happiness... Learn to give, learn to receive, learn to live!


Our corporate social responsibility activities are fun run, mass wedding and we also con-
duct gift giving to the less fortunate people in the streets. The fun run is about running for a pur-
pose. Now the purpose of our fun run is to help a charity which support and care to the aban-
doned children. The mass wedding is for the couples who have no budgets and cannot afford to
prepare a marriage and wants to marry. The gift giving is to help the homeless children and dis-
abled persons in the streets.
Our corporation is engage in fun run. Not only to benefit the health of the participants
but also for the charity. The collected money will be used in giving funds for the charity which
will use in buying supplies for the tutorial of the children and also foods for them.

There are lots of preparations to have a wedding and nowadays it‟s so much expensive.
Some other couples cannot afford to prepare their weddings. Our corporation is organizing mass
wedding for these couples to be able to help them.

Because of poverty some people opted to live in the streets. They have no house to live
so they only settle in the streets and became beggars. Some people just ignore and just pass by
them. There are not given so much attention so our corporation decide to help them by giving
them foods and clothing. By these small things we are able to leave them with a smile in their

Organizational Structure

Ariel Lappay

Kritzel Nyll Angan-angan


Board of Directors


Criscel Batang Precy Gatchalian Serene Jessica Santos Beljun Galamay


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