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Reading passages about
just how amazing the
human body is!

Mary Beth Hatch 2017

The Body in Space
The human body isn’t exactly the same on Earth as it is in
space. Of course, we know that gravity plays an enormous part in
the difference. But there are other things that factor into how the
human body behaves while in space. Here are three amazing facts
that describe how the body acts and even changes while in space.
Did you know the body can actually grow taller while in
space? That’s right! Because of the absence of gravity the human
spine has the ability to expand causing the person to grow taller.
As interesting as this is and maybe even awesome for someone
that wants to be taller, they return to their normal height once
they return to Earth.
Another intriguing fact is that astronauts have a hard
time sleeping is because cosmic rays flash through space. Once
they close their eyes to get some rest they continuously see the
rays pass through their vision. So if you don’t like going to bed at
night, this could be the job for you!
Finally, the heart changes its shape and size while in
space. The cardiovascular system actually changes all together.
Without gravity the amount of blood pumped out of the heart is
decreased. A human’s blood pressure is also lower while in space.
If you’re thinking about becoming an astronaut there is a
lot that the body has to do to get prepared for each voyage.
Astronauts prep for months and even years in advance for a
mission. Once the body is in shape the astronauts have to keep
their fitness up while in space too. They complete hours of exercise
each day to maintain muscle mass and bone density.
Mary Beth Hatch 2017
Name ______________________
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1. Which word means the same as absence, as it is used in the

a. Dogs c. Loss
b. Stretch d. Gain

2. What makes it hard for astronauts to sleep in space?

a. Gravity c. Not enough food
b. Cosmic rays d. Loss of blood

3. True or False: A human’s blood pressure is higher in space.

a. True b. False

4. How do astronauts prepare for a mission into space?

a. Walking their dogs c. Eating a lot of calories
b. Stretching their clothes d. Exercising and working out

5. In the space below, write two facts from the passage. Make sure
you write your answers in complete sentences.





Mary Beth Hatch 2017
Your amazing teeth
One thing you probably take for granted every day
are your teeth. We don’t really think about how important
our teeth are until we lose them or they hurt. When they
hurt, most of the time that means you have a cavity and
need to see the dentist. Teeth are very vital to the health
and function of the human body.
Our teeth are actually the hardest substance in our
bodies! Most people probably think bones are but its
actually those pearly whites that chew our food. The specific
name of this substance is called enamel.
Did you know that you can’t actually see all of your
teeth right now? That’s right! One third of your teeth are
hidden down below your gums. So that means you can only
see two thirds of your teeth. But those parts of your teeth
down below are still very important and actually keep your
teeth held in place while they work on your food.
Babies teeth start forming when they are still inside
their mother’s bellies. Their teeth start emerging through
their gums as early as fourth months old. By the time they
are three kids have about twenty teeth. But it doesn’t stop
there! Adults have thirty-two teeth. That’s the same amount
as an adult giraffe!

Mary Beth Hatch 2017

Name ______________________
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1. Which word means the same as vital, as it is used in the

a. important c. bad
b. hungry d. shiny

2. What is the hardest substance in our body called?

a. bone c. muscle
b. enamel d. saliva

3. True or False: You can see half of your teeth.

a. True b. False

4. What does the word emerging mean as it is used in the

a. Falling down c. Breaking through
b. Crumbling d. Drinking their milk

5. In the space below, write a fact that compares human teeth to

animal teeth. Make sure you write your answer in complete




Mary Beth Hatch 2017
Sweat Science
Do you think sweating is repugnant and terrible?
Well, you might change your mind after you read this!
Sweat is very important to our health. We actually need to
sweat and here’s why.
We sweat because we get hot. We can get hot by
exercising, playing, working outside in the heat, getting
nervous, or being on a team through sports. Your brain
actually recognizes you are hot and sends signals to your
sweat glands. You have sweat glands over almost all of
your body. Once the brain says “go!” the glands get to
Once the glands produce the sweat your body
begins to cool down. Seems strange, right? We are hot and
sweaty but our body is actually cooling down. But to cool
down, your sweat must actually evaporate off of your body.
Sometimes our body can get us in some “stinky”
situations. The sweat from our armpits is actually a
different kind of sweat than the sweat from our foreheads.
This armpit sweat comes from a different gland called the
apocrine gland. When this gland produces sweat it also
produces an odor. So the next time you want to cool down,
sweat a little!

Mary Beth Hatch 2017

Name ______________________
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1. Which word means the same as repugnant, as it is used in the

a. fantastic c. helpful
b. disgusting d. great

2. What sends signals to your sweat glands when you get hot?
a. Your heart c. Your teeth
b. Your hair follicles d. Your brain

3. True or False: You cool when your sweat evaporates.

a. True b. False

4. What does the word produces mean as it is used in the

a. makes c. drains
b. tears down d. imagines

5. In the space below, write two facts about sweat. Make sure you
write your answers in complete sentences.




Mary Beth Hatch 2017

Mary Beth Hatch 2017

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