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Avaliação Oficial de Inglês - 2ª Unidade

SÉRIE 2º Ano do Ensino Médio TURMA A DATA / /

The Maine Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education Program

The Maine Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education (BPSE)
Program is dedicated to educating cyclists, pedestrians and drivers. The
program provides education to over the thousand kids and adults
annually. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Education Program
provides presentations that teach people the basics of safe walking and
bicycling in schools, at community events and other venues.

Question 01: O texto fala:

a) Do programa para evitar acidentes de trânsito.
b) De pedestres que precisam melhorar sua educação no trânsito.
c) Do programa de educação de ciclistas.
d) De um projeto de passeio ciclístico.
e) De como utilizar as pistas de ciclistas nas ruas.
Question 02: “In Seattle, there are a lot of librarians from the Seattle Public Library that brings
books to communities and to old people. The Program is a great success and the reasons are
simple. “Books on Bikes” is green sustainable, and represents the Seattle bike culture that people
really loves.”
- Mark True (T) or False (F) about the text:
a) There are many librarians in Seattle. ( )
b) These librarians visit communities to bring books. ( )
c) The books are only for old people in the communities. ( )
d) “Books on Bikes” represents the Seattle bike culture. ( )
e) All the people in Seattle love the bike culture. ( )
A sequência correta é:
a) T, T, T, T, T
b) T, T, F, F, T
c) F, T, T, T, F
d) T, T, F, T, T
e) F, T, F, T, T
Question 03: Mark the correct alternative that presents the Present Perfect Continuous’ structure:
 Alice is reading books for the next test. She started two hours ago:
a) Alice has read books for the test.
b) Alice has been reading books for the test.
c) Alice has been read books for the test.
d) Alice has reading books for the test.
e) None.

Question 04: De acordo com os estudos sobre Present Perfect Continuous:

“My parents are French but they ______________________ in Brazil since 1934.”
a) live d) are living
b) have been living e) living
c) lived
Question 05: De acordo com os estudos sobre Present Perfect Continuous:
“How long have your parents been married?”

a) No, they haven´t.

b) Yes, they have been married since then.
c) They are married for seventeen years.
d) They have been married for seventeen years.
e) nenhuma das alternativas.

Question 06: Mark the correct statement about the comic strip:

a) Jon se assusta com seu cabelo que está caindo muito.

b) Garfield sujou a escova de Jon.
c) Jon grita porque a escova não está limpa.
d) Jon grita porque está usando escova de gato.
e) Jon grita porque sua escova está estragada.

Question 07: Como você falaria com o seu amigo para pedir uma ajuda com o dever de casa?
a)Could you help me with my homework?
b)Can you help me with my homework?
c)Should you help me with my homework?
d)Would you help me with my homework?
e) None

Question 08: Imagine que você está em sala de aula e precisa pedir para ir ao banheiro. Qual a melhor
a)Can I go to the toilet, please?
b)Could I go to the toilet, please?
c)May I go to the toilet, please?
d)Would I go to the toilet, please?

Question 09: Read and circle the correct words.

a) I don’t know where Tyler is. He might / can be in his bedroom.

b) What’s wrong with your eyes? You may / should see an eye doctor.
c) I can’t find my keys. I should / may have left them in the car.
d) My friends should / must be stuck in traffic. They’re so late!

Question 10: Qual Modal Verb expressa Obrigação e Proibição (quando estar na negativa):

a) Can/Can’t
b) Must/Mustn’t
c) Should/Shouldn’t
d) Could/Couldn’t
e) May/May not

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