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usiness otancla
FRIDAY, 2 A U G U S T 2 0 1 9
24 p a g e s i n 1 s e c t i o n ^ ^


Sensex 37,018.3T 462.8

10,980.0T 138.0
Nifty futures* 11,015.3 L 35.3
63.4" 64.1 * *


Brentcrude ($/bbl)»
Gold (10 gm)«» ~34,482.0T
*(Aug.) P r e m i u m o n Nifty Spot; **Previous close;
# O v e r previous close; # # At 9 pm IST;
# # # M a r k e t rate exclusive of VAT; Source: IBJA P U B L I S H E D S I M U L T A N E O U S L Y FROM A H M E D A B A D , B E N G A L U R U , B H U B A N E S W A R , C H A N D I G A R H , C H E N N A I , H Y D E R A B A D , K O C H I , K O L K A T A , L U C K N O W , M U M B A I (ALSO P R I N T E D I N B H O P A L ) , N E W D E L H I A N D PUNE


Fed's hawkish cut sends
markets into a tailspin
The government will go ahead with its
plan to issue overseas sovereign bonds.
It will do so in tranches after wider
consultations w i t h all the regulatory and

Auto sector
ministry official said on Thursday. The
official said the first tranche was unlikely
to be 'humongous', even as discussions
Sensex, Nifty close attheir lowest levels in five months

slowdown 'Current tech

on the shape and structure ofthe bonds
are still beingdiscussed. The official also
said thatoverseas bonds would be SUNDAR SETHURAMAN

worsens doesn't enable

issued in differenttenors - from those M u m b a i , 1 August SENSEX
w i t h a five- to seven-year maturity to % Chg -1.2 37,600
long-term bonds above 20 years. 4 • he domestic equity and Global markets

Unnao rape: SC transfers

all related cases to Delhi
T currency markets

production of
dropped along with
their emerging market A S I A
peers after the US Federal T a i w a n TAIEX T a i w a n
Country Aug1,


Jul 31

small e-cars'
Reserve cut interest rates but S h a n g h a i Se NIFTY SALES SLUMP
Tighteningthegripon now-expelled said the move was not the start C o m p o s i t e China 2,909 -0.8

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator of a long-running rate-cut cycle. H a n g S e n g H o n g K o n g 2 7 , 5 6 6 - 0 . 8 % Chg-1.2 11,150 •Jul'18 "Jul'19 % c h g YoY
Kuldeep Singh Sengar, the Supreme Court The comments saw the bond Kospi S o u t h Korea 2,017 -0.4 TOTAL 249,336 172,992 -30.6
(SC) on Thursday ordered transferring all yield and the E U R O P E *
five cases in connection w i t h the Unnao dollar rise, FTSE100 10,850 Maruti Suzuki 152,427 ^ ^ m
^ " - 3 6 . 3
rape incidentto a court in Delhi from a PAGE 10 triggering Britain 7,585 -0.03 96,478 ^ ^ m Maruti Suzuki announced yet another month of drop in
court in Uttar Pradesh. A three-judge ANALYSTS SAY risk-aversion DAX G e r m a n y 1 2 , 2 5 4 0 . 5 3 H y u n d a i M o t o r 4 3 , 4 8 1
-10.0 sales on Thursday after June quarter net profit slipped by
Bench, led by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, MORE PAIN among CAC40 France 5,557 0.70 R U P E E VS D O L L A R
3 9 , 0 1 0 H 27 per cent. Chairman R C BHARGAVA talks about the reasons
also said the Delhi court would hearthe AHEAD FOR investors. AMERICA**
( I n v e r t e d scale)
H o n d a Cars 19,970 • forthe slump and challenges for e-cars in an interview
matter on a daily basis and finish The bench- D o w J o n e s % Chg-0.38 68.70 10,2501
with Surajeet Das Gupta. Edited excerpts:
it in 45 days.
mark Sensex I n d u s . A v g US 26,864 -1.2 68.80 Mahindra 19,781 •
fell as much S & P 5 0 0 16,831 •
-15.0 Your sales have been falling month-on-
as 787 points, or 2.1 per cent, in * A t 9 : 3 5 p m IST; * * aUSs o f J u l y 31 2,980 -1.1
^ M l P ^ month and there is stress on profitability.
intra-day trade before recoup- S o u r c e : B l o o m b e r g
T o y o t a K i r l o s k a r 1 3 , 6 7 7 1
COMPANIES P2 69.18 -24.0 ™ Youhadsaidtheslowdownwouldbecorr-
ing some of the losses, helped
Ul 31 Augl
Buy now, pay later at Future
ected after the elections, yet it goes on. What is the reason?
C o m p i l e d b y BS R e s e a r c h B u r e a u

by short-covering and a rebound Itisarealsurprise,as there is nothing in the government's

Source: Companies

Group retail outlets soon in shares of Reliance Industries, The Sensex ended 463 points, shed 138 points, or 1.24 per cent, SHALLYSETH MOHILE policy that will stop customers from buying a car. We are
AspartofKishore Biyani's digital the country's second most or 1.23 per cent, lower to close at to close at 10,980. M u m b a i , 1 August checking data on whether the same trend is there in
valued company. 37,018, while the 50-share Nifty discretionary consumer spending across sectors like

Private sector going through

transformation strategy, Future Group is Turn to Page 23 •
trying to make a fresh attemptatextending Auto sales in July continued to go down as com- FMCG and brown goods. I am on the board of Dabur, and
loans. The company is planningto give a panies curtailed dispatches to dealers owing to they seem to have grown by 10 per cent.
poor demand, showed the monthly sales data Both first-time buyers and those looking for

challenging times: L&T's Naik

short-term credit facility, or loans, to its
customers through a 'digital' n o n - b a n k i n g released by auto companies on Thursday. replacements are deferring purchases. We can only
financial services company (NBFC), two Auto companies in India count dispatches guess what's on their minds. Maybe they are expecting
sources in the know ofthe plans told to dealers as sales. c armakers to go for a fire sale and offer huge discounts
Business Standard. YUVRAJ MALIK writes Cumulative sales of India's top five manu- on BSIV cars, as no such
facturers of passenger vehicles — including car can be registered
Maruti Suzuki India, Hyundai Motor India, from April 1,2020, when £• ^• I eD Ov N(WAGON
ECONOMY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS P4 AMRITHA PILLAY annual general meeting on lenging times in terms of invest- Mahindra and Mahindra, and Toyota the BSVI emission norms R)
Steel companies push M u m b a i , 1 August Thursday. "I think the government ment; only one third is able to Kirloskar Motor — fell by 30.6 per cent to kick in. Or, consumers WILL BE LESS THAN
knows the economy is slowing." keep what they have. A number 172,992 units over the same month last year. feel they should wait, as ~10 LAKH. EVEN THE
exports to clear stock India's gross domestic product He added: "It is going to take a of companies now need to sell The sharp decline in sales, for the ninth low-coste-cars are round ELECTRIC BATTERY FOR
Apoorofftakefromalmostall (GDP) growth will be 6.5 per cent year or a year and a half before what they have to repay debt." consecutive month, has heightened the pitch the corner and they will
this year, and accelerated spending accelerated spending for devel- He doubted the data on the for a fiscal stimulus in the form of a GST (goods have a lot of choice.
® segments is prompting steel THIS WILL HAVE TO BE
companies to divert material to is unlikely to happen in the next 18 opment comes." He said he was capacity utilisation level for and services tax) rate cut. IMPORTED. EVEN IF I
export markets to clear stocks. months, according to A M Naik, cautiously optimistic about this industry the Reserve Bank of Auto companies are expected to keep a tight How far has Maruti PRICE I T A T ~ 8 LAKH,
At least fwo majorsteel producers chairman of Larsen & Toubro estimate. India (RBI) has been quoting. leash on dispatches in the months ahead even responded to the
said the stock position was around 45 days (L&T), the country's largest engi- On the debt burden Naik questioned the veracity as they expect sales to recover, though mar- government's aggressive TELL ME HOW MANY
against15 days that the industry generally neering conglomerate. of Indian companies, of data points and statistics on ginally, with the onset of the festive season. electric vehicle (EV) INDIVIDUALS WOULD
carries. Mostofthe producers said they were "Growth is going to be not Naik said: "The pri- India's economy. Turn to Page 23 • push, especially on small BUY IT"
exporting more to bring down the more than 6.5 per cent this vate sector is in chal- Turn to Page 23 • cars that comprise the
inventory. ISHITAAYAN DUTT writes year. My feeling is that A I R T E L POSTS F I R S T Q U A R T E R L Y LOSS n
majority of the market?
though they (government) IN 10 Y R S , A T ~ 2 , 8 6 6 C R O R E
The fact is that the current battery tech does not enable
P 2

claim it is 7 per cent plus, if " I T IS GOING TO TAKE AYEAR OR AYEAR A N D A Bharti Airtel onThursday slipped into
producing an electric small car. Such a car will require
we can maintain 6.5 per HALF BEFORE ACCELERATED SPENDING FOR the red asthetelecom company posted its
range and meet customer expectations, like charging
Renewable power may cent, we will be DEVELOPMENT COMES"
first quarterly net loss, of?2,866 crore, in over
time and affordability. I expect in 5-8 years there will be
get cheaper by 25p/unit lucky," said Naik a decade, battered mainly by stiff
a significant breakthrough—like solid state lithium
at the company's A M N A I K , chairman,L&T competition from RelianceJio.
batteries or batteries made of other material. Also, in
Thelatestbiddingforpower terms of charging infra, unlike two-wheelers, you need
transmission projects to three-phase power to charge a car at home. The question
connect renewable energy . . . B U T FUTURE HOLDS HOPE is how many customers have it at home.
with the national grid saw
Banks are tightening inventory financing and that will
leading private companies bring
down project costs by 40-50 percent. Adani GST COLLECTION OVER TRILLION MONSOON IN AUGUST-SEPTEMBER have an impact on your dealers. Is it a right move?
There is some justification for what banks have done.
Transmission, Sterlite Power, L&T, and Tata
Power were in the race for ~1,500 crore There have been a lot of defaults because dealers took
worth of projects. SHREYAJAI writes money for working capital but diverted it elsewhere. If
Collection f r o m t h e GST M O P - U P The India Meteorological Department (IMD) in its 22 per cent of our dealers have done this, it is clearly
goods a n d services tax forecast f o r t h e second half of the monsoon has widespread. We have suggested dealers sign an affidavit
stating they will take working capital loans from one
(GST) rose above T1
~1.02 trillion said rain in August and September is expected
ED raids premises of Singh trillion in July mainly to be100 percent of t h e Long-Period Average bank, so the company and the lender can monitor in a
brothers in PMLA case o n account of a June'19: (LPA). This should come as a big relief for better way. Monitoring has been lax but we have asked
higher m o p - u p ~99,939 crore farmers. The LPAforAugustand September, our field force they should get deeper into the financial
The EnforcementDirectorate (ED) on under t h e integrated t h e last t w o m o n t h s o f t h e southwest management of the dealers. Without this, you cannot be
a global company. It has been a big learning.
Thursday raided multiple premises linked to GST. However, t h e
~96,483 crore monsoon season, i s a r o u n d 42.83 cm, w h i c h is
the erstwhile Religare promoters, brothers central and state 49 per cent o f t h e precipitation f r o m June to
Malvinder Mohan Singh and Shivinder portions r e m a i n e d more t h a n 2 p e r c e n t September, w h i c h is estimated at 89 cm. 6 • But do you think banks have been harsh?
Mohan Singh, and others in connection with s u b d u e d , posing a challenge higher t h a n the f 99,939 Banks should realise that a majority of the dealers have
a money-laundering case, officials said. They for t h e revenue t a r g e t for t h e crore in June a n d 5.8 per c e n t
MANUFACTURING SECTOR G R O W T H not defaulted. The action needs to be customised. Don't
said the raids were conducted atseven loca- fiscal year. GST c o l l e c t i o n at~1.02 h i g h e r t h a n t h e ? 9 6 , 4 8 3 crore
punish the honest ones by imposing 50 per cent collateral
tions in Delhi, includingthose connected to t r i l l i o n in t h e m o n t h w a s s l i g h t l y in July l a s t y e a r . 7> before lending to all. If someone is guilty, we will cancel
his dealership and appoint a new one.

DSPMFinitiates legal action againstDHFL to recoverdue

the Singh brothers, former CMD of Religare Turn to Page 23 •
Enterprises (REL)SunilGodhwani,REL
executivesN KGhoshal,HemantDhingra.


NCLATsets aside order

on Jaypee Infra land circular, banks are mandatorily required to DHFL had bank loans of ~40,600 crore and

Litigation may delay housing sign on the ICA to mark their consent to work debt securities of ~45,380 crore to be repaid as
The National Company Law Appellate
financier's resolution plan on a resolution process between lenders and of March 31,2019. Its assets stood at ~98,000
Tribunal (NCLAT) on Thursday setaside a the defaulter. crore, of which about~35,000 crore is
National Company LawTribunal's Allaha-
• DSP M u t u a l Fund holds NCDsof
It is understood that DHFL, along with key wholesale loans. Over the next two months,
bad Bench's May18,2018, order, which had
DHFL, e s t i m a t e d at~169 crore
HAMSINI KARTHIK& SURAJEET DAS GUPTA lenders led by Union Bank of India, is in the DHFL has an interest obligation of ~440 crore
directed Jaiprakash Associates (JAL) to • DHFL resolution plan • The h o u s i n g f i n a n c e M u m b a i / N e w Delhi, 1 August final stages to wrap up the resolution plan and to meet towards secured lenders (those
return a land b a n k o f 8 5 8 acres toJaypee will be placing it before the holding NCDs) against a
consortium of lenders. A resolution principal outstanding of
may allow repayment companymaygetfresh
Infratech(JIL).The land pool, which belo- In a move that might disrupt the resolution
process being worked out for Dewan Housing committee has been formed by ~4,770 crore.
t o i n d i v i d u a l unsecured m o n t h l y credit As p a r t o f t h e
nged to JIL, was pledged by JAL w i t h various
Finance Corporation (DHFL), DSP Mutual DHFL for this. As part ofthe Sources added that in the
creditors oversecured lines o f ~ 1 , 0 0 0 - resolution p l a n ,
banks as collateral for the loans ittook. lenders 1,500 crore
Fund (DSP MF) has initiated legal action resolution plan, sources said DHFL D H F L w o u l d pay
process of resolution, banks
against the housing finance company for would pay individual unsecured individual
might also provide a
• Tenure o f existing loans m a y be e x t e n d e d
recovery of its dues. creditors fully, which would be unsecured creditors
moratorium of 6-12 months
"As mutual funds are not formally bound by followed by secured creditors. fully, w h i c h w o u l d
towards the principal loans due
However, no final decision has for repayment. "If there are
• DHFLmayget6-12 months' moratorium
the inter-creditor agreement (ICA) signed by be f o l l o w e d by
Quarter ended Jun 30,2019; common sample o n principal r e p a y m e n t
banks, they can take legal recourse to been taken on it. secured creditors.
other repayment obligations
of 535 companies (results available of 605)
strengthen their position," said a person in the According to the terms However, no final
that arise for DHFL during this
• NCD o b l i g a t i o n s have t o be
know. DSPMF had an exposure of about suggested in the resolution plan, decision has
period such as NCDs, these
Jun 3 0 , ' 1 8 22.0% ~8.54trillion •
m e t irrespective o f t h i s
~169 crore, largely as non-convertible the company will get fresh monthly been taken
obligations will be met by the
debentures (NCDs), as of April 30, according to credit lines of ~1,000-1,500 crore a company," said a senior
Jun 30, '19 9.2% ~9.33 t r i l l i o n •
the data published by Value Research. month and the tenure of the existing loans may executive at a public sector bank. In such a
NET PROFIT The DSPMF spokesperson could not be be extended if found suitable. Banks may also case, mutual funds due for repayment of NCDs
4 . 8 %
reached for comment. A spokesperson for convert part of their outstanding into equity need to be repaid on the date of maturity,
Jun 30, '18 ~69,218 crore Q
DHFL did not respond to a query on the issue. capital, if required. Sources, however, say that he added.
Jun 3 0 , ' 1 9 3.0% ~71,303 crore H According to the resolution mechanism laid the total debt likely to be converted into equity
out by the Reserve Bank of India in its June 7 may be restricted to 10 per cent. With inputs from Jash Kriplani

• • •• • • •• • • •• • • ••
Companies w h i c h have reported zero sales are excluded
Data compiled by BS Research Bureau; Source: Capitaline


STOCKS > Zee Entertainment Enterprises

Invesco Oppenheimer
> CARE Ratings
Q1 net profit down
> Delta Corp
Smaller Cap World
> Trent
Q1 standalone net profit
Q1 net profit down
IN THE NEWS buys 11% stake in the 47% at ~13 cr YoY Fund sells 1.59 million rises 51% to ~58 cr YoY 65% at ~178 cr YoY
company for ~4,224 cr shares at ~144 apiece

~346.70 CLOSE ~608.35 CLOSE ~145.80 CLOSE ~421.05 CLOSE ~576.90 CLOSE
* OVER PREVIOUS CLOSE  4.08% DOWN*  19.28% DOWN*  4.46% DOWN*  5.98% UP*  3.12% DOWN*
> .

Lenders unwilling to provide NCLAT sets aside order on Jaypee Infra land
extra funds to Jet Airways NCLT had directed Jaiprakash Associates allegation made by the resolu-
tion professional,” a Bench said.
Insolvency Resolution Process
(CIRP) period of Jaypee
to return 858 acres to the company In its judgment, the appel- Infratech for 90 days during
Lenders have expressed their late tribunal also said it was not which fresh bids for the compa-
inability to provide further capital AASHISH ARYAN on May 18 last year set aside the open to the NCLT to hold that ny can be submitted. Though
to pay one month’s salary of Jet New Delhi, 1 August deal and said the transaction the said mortgage deeds were fresh bids can be submitted by
Airways employees following a was “fraudulent” and “under- made by way of transactions NBCC, Adani Infrastructure and
recommendation from the The National Company Law valued”. It had then also asked which come within the meaning Development, among others,
National Company Law Tribunal Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) on the parent company Jaiprakash of fraudulent trading or wrong- the NCLAT had said Jaiprakash
(NCLT). A proposal was submitted Thursday set aside a National Associates to release and dis- ful trading. Jaiprakash Assoc- Associates would not be eligible
by the resolution professional to Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) charge the interest created over iates had created these mort- to place new bids.
the committee of creditors in its Allahabad Bench’s May 18, 2018, the patch of land to lenders. gages to secure a total loan of Jaypee was taken to the
second meeting on Thursday. The order, which had directed Challenging the NCLT order, ~20,510 crore. NCLT by an IDBI Bank-led con-
committee took a sympathetic view of the request but is unwilling Jaiprakash Associates to return a consortium of banks, includ- On Thursday, Jaiprakash sortium for failing to repay debt
to provide further capital, a source said. An amount of ~90 crore a land bank of 858 acres to ing the State Bank of India, Axis Associates separately moved the worth ~24,000 crore. In the first
was sought to pay salary to around 8,000 Jet employees. In the Jaypee Infratech. Bank, ICICI Bank, among oth- Jaiprakash Associates was taken to NCLT by a consortium led by Supreme Court against a round of proceedings conduct-
first meeting, lenders had agreed to release around ~70 crore The land pool, which ers, as well as Jaiprakash IDBI Bank for failing to repay debt of ~24,000 crore NCLAT’s July 30 order that ed last year, the ~7,350-crore bid
to the airline for asset preservation purposes but the amount is belonged to Jaypee Infratech, Associates had subsequently barred it from placing fresh bids of Lakshdeep, part of Suraksha
yet to be processed. Jet was referred to the bankruptcy court on was pledged by Jaiprakash approached the NCLAT, which “We have held that the trans- dence to show that they were for Jaypee Infratech. The top Group, was rejected by lenders.
June 20 by State Bank of India after bankers failed to find any Associates with various banks on Thursday said “the transac- actions were made in the ordi- made to defraud the creditors of court will hear the case on In October 2018, the RP started a
takers despite months of negotiations. Jet stopped flying on April as collateral for the loans it took. tions were made in the ordinary nary course of business in the Jaypee Infratech or for any Friday. The NCLAT had on July second round of bidding to
17. The deadline for submitting expressions of interest for Jet ends The NCLT Allahabad Bench had course of business”. absence of any contrary evi- fraudulent purpose, on mere 30 extended the Corporate revive the debt-laden realty firm.
on August 3. However, sources said the resolution professional had
not got any bids for the airline so far. The deadline for submission
of bids may be extended beyond August 3 if no bids are received
Cognizant net up 11.6%, brothers,
Amazon to expand
fulfillment centre
in Hyderabad
Sales hit, Ashok
Leyland cuts cost
to save ~500 crore
Airtel posts first cuts revenue guidance
executives in
quarterly loss in
Amazon on Thursday annou- Commercial vehicles major
nced a lease with GMR Hyde-
rabad Airport City to expand its
Ashok Leyland, which is taking a
hit on sales, is cutting costs to
Chennai/Bengaluru, 1 August
largest fulfillment centre in the save around ~500 crore. Parameter YoY
country. With this, Amazon has However, the company said it Despite posting largely in-line sec- growth PRESS TRUST OF INDIA

10 yrs, at~2,866 cr
over 3 fulfilment centres in would continue with its ond quarter numbers, IT services New Delhi, 1 August
Revenue $4.14 bn 4.7%
Telangana with processing area important capex plans, which major Cognizant on Thursday fur-
of over 8.5 mn sq ft. "We are would entail ~1,700-2,000 crore. ther revised its revenue growth Netprofit $509 mn 11.6% The Enforcement Directorate
excited to create more hundreds Ashok Leyland’s Director and downwards for the whole year as Operating 14.9% 180 basis (ED) on Thursday raided mul-
of skilled jobs in the region and Chief Financial Officer Gopal the Teaneck-based company margin points tiple premises linked to erst-
empower thousands of local Mahadevan said the cost- MEGHA MANCHANDA continues to pursue cost optimi- Source: Company while Religare promoters,
sellers to use the local infrast-
ructure," Amazon-Asia Cust-
cutting measures were being
taken up in administration,
New Delhi, 1 August
POOR SIGNAL sation measures.
For the whole year, the compa- existing accounts and generate new
brothers Malvinder Mohan
Singh and Shivinder Mohan
omer Fulfilment Vice-President manufacturing, travel, comm- harti Airtel on Thursday slipped into ~20,738 cr: Consolidated ny guided for a revenue growth in ones in coming quarters. Singh, and others in con-
Akhil Saxena said. BS REPORTER< unication, and consulting.
Asked whether the firm reduced
manpower, he said instead of
B the red as the telecom company post-
ed its first quarterly net loss in over a
decade at ~2,866 crore, battered mainly by
revenues, up 4.7% YoY
~8,493 cr: Consolidated Ebitda
the range of 3.9-4.9 per cent in con-
stant currency terms, which was
lower than its previous guidance of
“We are implementing actions
in the second half of the year that
we expect will lower our existing
nection with a money laun-
dering case, officials said.
They said the raids were
MG Motor India hiring people "we are looking stiff competition from Reliance Jio, besides 41%: Consolidated Ebitda margin, 3.6-5.1 per cent issued in May. cost structure and allow for greater conducted at seven locations
sells 1,508 units at optimising the existing depreciation of 3G network equipment and up 6.4% For the second quarter ended investment in growth, talent, and in Delhi, including those con-
resources". BS REPORTER< operating costs on network refarming. June 30, Cognizant posted growth digital solutions,” said Karen nected to the Singh brothers,
of Hector in July However, the company’s average revenue ~5,047 cr: Capex for the of 11.6 per cent in its net profit at McLoughlin, chief financial officer former CMD of Religare
MG Motor per user (ARPU) was the industry’s best at quarter $509 million as compared to the at the company. Enterprises (REL) Sunil
India on Fiat Chrysler India ~129 for the June quarter on a subscriber base 94%: Mobile data traffic growth corresponding period in the previ- Among verticals, the growth in Godhwani, REL executives N
Thursday chief Kevin Flynn to of 320 million. ous year. The revenue at $4.14 bil- financial services segment was rel- K Ghoshal and Hemant
said it had The company was able to retain its top ~129: India mobile ARPU lion grew 3.4 per cent on year-on- atively flat at 0.3 per cent YoY, while Dhingra after an Enforcement
retailed head Australia ops spot in the market in terms of revenue as its year (YoY) basis while in constant the segment accounted for 35.6 per Case Information Case (ECIR),
1,508 units Auto maker Fiat Chrysler top line was up 2.8 per cent at ~15,345 crore. "The first quarter of the financial currency terms, the growth rate was cent of total revenues. the police equivalent of a case,
of SUV Hector in July. The Automobiles (FCA) said on Vodafone Idea posted revenue of ~11,269.9 year has begun with a healthy 4.7 per cent. “Segment revenue growth was was filed by the agency.
company had launched the Thursday its crore in the June quarter and Reliance Jio’s and equitable growth across all In comparison, larger peer Tata driven by modest improvement in The ECIR has been filed
model on June 27 but deliveries Indian arm revenue was ~11,679 crore. our lines of businesses. Consultancy Services' revenues banking, though it was partially off- under criminal sections of the
began in first week of July. head Kevin Airtel’s India revenue is an integrated Headline pricing grew 10.6 per cent YoY on constant set by continued softness with a Prevention of Money Laun-
Commenting on the sales Flynn number comprising wireless, landline, and remained stable, currency term, while Infosys few of largest banking and insur- dering Act (PMLA) after tak-
performance MG Motor India (pictured) had broadband services. albeit at low levels" reported 12.4 per cent growth dur- ance clients,” the company said. ing cognisance of a Delhi
Chief Commercial Officer been made During the first quarter of the current ing this period. “We are taking the In July 2019, the firm offered Police Economic Offences
Gaurav Gupta said, the firm chief of the financial year, Airtel’s mobile revenue saw GOPAL VITTAL necessary steps to position retention awards to certain key Wing (EOW) complaint filed
remains strongly focused on company's year-on-year (YoY) growth of 3.7 per cent. MD and CEO (India and Cognizant for improved commer- employees, which would result in in December.
timely vehicle deliveries and operations in Australia. Flynn Mobile 4G data customers increased by 63.3 South Asia), Bharti Airtel cial and financial performance,” additional realignment charges of REL’s subsidiary Religare
seamless assistance. MG Motor has assumed the charge of his per cent to 95.2 million from 58.3 million in said Chief Executive Officer Brian $48 million during the remainder Finvest had filed the com-
India has temporarily stopped new position from August 1, the the corresponding quarter last year. Humphries. “While there is lots of of the year. In February, the plaint with the EoW, alleging
bookings for the SUV after firm said in a statement. He “The first quarter of the financial year mainly due to a charge of ~142.7 crore towards work ahead, I am encouraged by Nasdaq-listed company which has fraud and misappropriation
bagging 28,000 bookings for will, however, continue his has begun with a healthy and equitable accelerated depreciation of 3G network what I have seen to date and am huge delivery presence in India, of funds to the tune of ~740
the model. PTI< responsibility as president and growth across all our lines of businesses. equipment/operating costs on network optimistic on our future.” appointed Brian Humphries, a for- crore and had named the
managing director of FCA India Headline pricing remained stable, albeit at refarming and upgradation programme,” The company said that it was mer top Vodafone executive, its Singh brothers and others.
in addition to this. PTI< low levels,” said Gopal Vittal, managing Bharti Airtel said in a statement. planning to hire over 500 cus- new CEO, replacing Francisco On their part, the Singh
Biocon and Mylan director and chief executive officer, India & While Reliance Jio posted a profit of tomer-facing and sales support pro- D'Souza, who is now the vice-chair- brothers had blamed
launch cancer drug Affirma Capital to
South Asia, Bharti Airtel. ~891 crore, Vodafone Idea posted a net loss of fessionals who will help expand man of the company. Godhwani for the troubles
Airtel had logged a net profit of ~97 crore ~4,873.9 crore in the June quarter. faced by the group.
Ogivri in Australia invest $50 million in the same period of the previous year. “We Consolidated earnings before interest, The EoW FIR had been
Biocon and its exclusive partner
Mylan launched their cancer in Tirupati Group have re-farmed spectrum from 3G networks
to 4G across both the 900 as well as 2,100
taxation, depreciation, and amortisation
(Ebitda) at ~8,493 crore increased Tata Power profit drops registered for offences,
including cheating, criminal
drug Ogivri (trastuzumab), a
biosimilar to Hoffmann-La
Roche's Herceptin, in Australia.
Affirma Capital, a newly formed
independent private equity (PE)
firm to be managed by the team
bands and begun the process of shutting
down 3G networks in India,” Vittal said.
The overall revenue of the Sunil Mittal-led
24.2 per cent year on year.
Consolidated Ebitda margin increased
by 6.4 per cent to 41 per cent in the quarter as
86% to ~231 crore in Q1 breach of trust, misappropri-
ation, fraud and forgery and
criminal conspiracy. The REL
The drug is for the treatment of from Standard Chartered Private firm, including non-mobile businesses, rose compared to 34.5 per cent in the correspon- Tata Power’s consolidated net prof- ed net profit before exceptional was controlled by the Singh
HER2-overexpressing breast Equity, has agreed to invest in 4.7 per cent to ~20,738 crore during the first ding quarter last year mainly due to the adop- it declined by 86 per cent to ~230.80 items stood at ~254 crore in Q1 brothers until February, 2018.
cancer and metastatic stomach the Tirupati Group, a leading quarter ended June 30 as against ~19,799 tion of new accounting standards in India. crore in the quarter ended June 30 against ~252 crore in the year-ago After their exit from the board
cancer. Ogivri is the first trastu- nutraceuticals-focussed crore in the year-ago period. The consolidated net loss after excep- (Q1), due to exceptional gains in the period due to lower losses in of REL in February 2018, the
zumab biosimilar approved contract research and manuf- For the June quarter, Airtel’s India ARPU, tional items for the quarter stands at ~2,866 same quarter of last year, according Mundra on account of lower price boards of REL and RFL have
and launched in Australia and acturing company in India. a key performance metric of mobile phone crore. “Airtel’s net profit has been narrowing to a regulatory filing. of coal, capacity addition in renew- been re-constituted.
available on the pharm- Affirma will invest $50 million operators, stood at ~129 against ~123 in the ever since Reliance Jio entered the market The company had posted a con- ables, favourable regulatory order The ED is probing alleged
aceutical benefits scheme (PBS). to support the organic and inor- March quarter. Vodafone Idea’s ARPU during and in this quarter loss was almost solidated net profit of ~1,735.12 crore in Maithon and steady operational misappropriation of over
Mylan and Biocon's trastu- ganic growth initiatives of the the same period was ~108, while that of inevitable,” said an analyst. for Q1 in 2018, boosted exceptional performance across all segments. ~2,397 crore funds in this case
zumab biosimilar is approved in company. Affirma Capital is one Reliance Jio was ~122. Airtel had posted a surprise profit of ~107.2 gains of ~1,897.24 crore from the Total income during Q1 rose to and is probing companies like
more than 65 countries around of the three PE firms that hold “Exceptional hit during the quarter end- crore in the quarter ended March because of sale of non-core investment. ~7,874.64 crore from ~7,404.97 crore Arch Finance and RHC,
the world. BS REPORTER< a stake in CCD. BS REPORTER< ed June 30 was ~1,445.4 crore (net of tax), a one-time gain of ~2,022.1 crore. Tata Power said the consolidat- in the year-ago quarter. PTI officials said.

Buy now, pay later at Future Group retail outlets Xander buys ~900-cr
YUVRAJ MALIK marketing, and cross-selling. can emulate,” read a statement in
office property in Pune
Bengaluru, 1 August “Biyani’s vision is to focus on the 20 the report. In June 2018, the group
million customers that come to his set up a unit called Tathastu, led by RAGHAVENDRA KAMATH erty portfolio of 7 million sq ft
As part of Kishore Biyani's digital stores, and drive ~100,000 worth of Vivek Biyani, to work on advanced Mumbai, 1 August in Bengaluru, Delhi, and
transformation strategy, Future business from them every year,” technologies in retail innovation. Chennai. Besides, it has also a
Group is trying to make a fresh a source in know of the group’s Vivek, son of Kishore Biyani, is a In one of the largest commer- mall joint venture with Dutch
attempt at extending loans. The digital strategy said. director at Future Group and head, cial property deals in the coun- pension fund APG.
company is planning to give short- Initially, the NBFC, which is digital business initiatives. try this year, Xander Inves- Recently, property fund
term credit facility, or loans, to its learnt to have got an approval from Tathastu is currently working on tment Management (XIM), the Ascendas India Trust said it
customers through a ‘digital’ non- the Reserve Bank of India already, features like mobile point-of-sale, private equity (PE) real estate had agreed to buy IT-focused
banking financial services company will offer up-front credit to e-Bill, smart self-checkouts, chat arm of global investment firm special economic zone Blue
(NBFC), two sources in the know of customers walking into Future bots, and virtual reality-enabled The Xander Group, has bought Ridge phase III with leasable
the plans, told Business Standard. retail outlets. Only those customers experiences, among others. an office property in Pune from space of 1.8 million sq ft in
This is not the first time the who are on Future Pay app will be Future Group owns Big Bazaar, another PE firm New Vernon Pune’s Hinjewadi area.
group is testing waters in the able to make cashless check-outs by fbb, Central, Brand Factory, Easy for ~900 crore ($130 million). The deals in leased and rent
credit business. In 2007, the group scanning a QR-code. They can then Day, and a dozen brands in fashion The property named yielding office properties have
set up Future Capital Holdings, pay the dues at the end of the and consumer-packaged goods Weikfield IT-CITI Infopark is gone up in the recent past.
which had a major play in wholesale month. “It’s a ‘buy now pay later’ categories. Its three listed entities — spread across 1.1 million square Blackstone bought major por-
loans and mortgages. But five years facility,” said one of the persons Future Retail, Future Consumer feet and has clients such as tion of One BKC building in
later, that business was sold to cited above. them onto Future Pay, a captive little about their customers. But we and Future Lifestyle Fashion — Maersk, WNS, Whirlpool, PTC, BKC area of Mumbai for ~2,600
Warburg Pincus for ~800 crore as In the first leg of the roll out, payments app-cum-wallet have seen online-first ventures together posted ~63,500 crore Nihilent, Tavisca, and others. crore. In another deal, K Raheja
part of the group’s strategy to off- expected soon, buyers will be launched in 2018. creating successful businesses revenue in 2018-19. “The asset complements Corp emerged final bidder to
load non-core business. offered credit. Later, working Digital payments not only on the back of data,” said Singhal. Flipkart and Amazon, which our existing, 100 per cent buy Citibank’s former head-
This time around, the company capital credit is likely to be extended creates a hook for customers but “Offline retailers are now playing operate PhonePe and Amazon Pay, owned and operated portfolio quarters in the same area for
is riding on extensive data and to small vendors and suppliers, too, brings in valuable data — spending catch up.” respectively, crunch peta-bites of across key Indian cities, and ~400 crore.
analytics to extend credit, the sources said. pattern, preferences, age and so on The group had hinted at a consumer data every day. This helps enables us to offer a strategic The Xander Group has
people in the know said. The firm is Future Group did not respond to — to the company as actionable massive digital push when it them in everything from inventory Pune location to tenants,” committed over $3 billion to
creating a repository of consumer a request for comment. insights, said Arvind Singhal, unveiled Future Retail’s 2018-19 management to reducing delivery said Arpit Singh, principal at the Indian market across pri-
data, seeded from its retail touch Sources said the group wants to chairman, Technopak Advisors. annual report. “A data-led digital times and predicting what the XIM, Singapore. vate, public, credit and venture
points, for profiling, targeted envelop customers by bringing “Retails businesses know very platform is being built that world customer will buy next. Xander has an office prop- investments since 2005.


“The passing of the Bill is indeed a “The Indian electorate tells the ruling party, I am giving you “We have received a proposal from Pakistan. We are
great moment in India’s legislative enough seats to form the government but please remember evaluating it (Pakistan's offer of granting consular
history. It is a major social reform you do not have our total mandate. That means you have to access to Kulbhushan Jadhav) in the light of the ICJ
that will go a long way in ensuring carry along those who have not voted for you because they judgment. We will maintain communication with
justice for Muslim women” are the people of this sovereign democratic republic” Pakistan in this matter through diplomatic channels”
M VENKAIAH NAIDU, vice president
PRANAB MUKHERJEE, former president RAVEESH KUMAR, external affairs ministry spokesperson
on Triple Talaq Bill
> .

National Medical Commission

Bill cleared in Rajya Sabha Steel companies push exports to clear stock
ISHITA AYAN DUTT HRC prices have dipped by $20-$25 a tonne over
Kolkata, 1 August
FINISHED STOCK the past three months, whereas Indian HRC prices
(in million tonnes) have declined by close to $35 over the same peri-
Poor offtake from almost all segments is prompt- April May 9.93 10.10 od. Amid the slowdown, producers are pointing
ing steel companies to divert material to export fingers at rising imports from FTA countries.
markets to clear stocks. 7.49 7.40 Imports from Japan and Korea accounted for 49
At least two major steel producers said the per cent of total imports in FY19, compared to 45
stock position was around 45 days against 15 days per cent in FY18.
that the industry generally carries. The silver lining, however, is that raw materi-
Most of the producers said they were export- al prices, especially coking coal, has come off its
ing more to bring down the inventory. Also, they high. Coking coal prices are now hovering around
were planning to advance maintenance shut- $170 a tonne. Roy said international coking coal
downs. Some cold rollers, on the other hand, have prices have softened by over $30 in the last
resorted to a production cut by around 50 per 2018 2019 three months, providing a cushion to Indian
cent over the past few months. blast furnace operators.
The Rajya Sabha on Thursday passed the National Medical Senior Vice-President, ICRA, Jayanta Roy, “However, given the lead time for procure-
Commission Bill for replacing the MCI with a new body. pointed out that JPC figures show that the total with a 4.6 per cent drop in June. year low and general engineering at three-year, ment of imported coking coal, the full benefit of
Doctors at several government hospitals across the country finished steel stock at the end of April 2019 was at Consumer durables which had seen a good said one of the major producers. The weak dem- lower coal cost is unlikely to be realised by steel
boycotted work, held marches and raised slogans to 9.93 million tonnes compared to 7.49 million summer is also sluggish. “People are curbing on and is telling on prices in both flat and long steel. players in the second quarter. Consequently, the
protest the Bill PHOTO: PTI tonnes in the previous year. At the end of May discretionary spending,” a steel producer said. Prices of hot rolled coil (HRC) in May was at margin outlook in the second quarter for many
2019, it was at 10.1 million tonnes vis-a-vis Monsoon is typically a slow phase for the con- ~40,250 a tonne and is now hovering at ~38,000. domestic steel companies is weaker than the same
7.4 million tonnes in 2018. struction sector and whether it picks up after the Prices of TMT bars have seen a deeper dive from in the first quarter, if domestic steel prices remain
IN BRIEF According to producers, demand has tapered season will have to be seen. Industry sources said ~35,000 a tonne at the end of May to ~30,000 now. subdued in the next two months,” he said.
across segments. Auto sales have been skidding steel demand for auto had dipped by 20 per One of the producers said even at lower prices Domestic steel producers are not expect-
for almost four quarters now. Passenger car sales cent, which for yellow goods is down by 40 per there were hardly any takers. ing a recovery till November, which is when
BSNL, MTNL fail to pay July — an important indicator for the segment and the
economy — have continued its downward trend
cent and construction 25 per cent.
The demand from shipbuilding is at a five-
Though prices have softened globally, the
decline in India appears to be sharper. Roy said
government spending on infrastructure is like-
ly to be visible.
salary to 198,000 employees
Loss-making telecom PSUs Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL) and
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam (MTNL) have failed to clear salaries of
their 198,000 employees for July, a Union leader said on Thursday.
There is no assurance from the management on when the salaries
would be paid which are usually credited on the last day of every Foreign bond issues to be Manufacturing
month, All India Unions and Associations of BSNL Convenor P
PMI inches up
in tranches, says FinMin
Abhimanyu said. “Salary for the month of July has not come. There is
also no information when will it be credited,” he said. BSNL has 176,000
employees across India while MTNL has around 22,000 employees. This
is for the second time the two companies have defaulted on payment
of salaries this year and for the first time after the new government took
charge. The two PSUs had delayed payment of salaries for February
to 52.5 for July
until mid-March due to a financial crisis. PTI< Govt to proceed with INDIVJAL DHASMANA
plan following wider New Delhi, 1 August

Ashutosh Karnatak Delhi makes power consultations: Official After a weak core sector data,
the widely tracked purchasing
assumes charge as free for usage up ARUP ROYCHOUDHURY managers’ index (PMI) gave
GAIL chairman & MD to 200 units New Delhi, 1 August some relief on the manufac-
turing side.
Ashutosh Delhi Chief Minister Arvind he government will go ahead with The manufacturing sector
Karnatak on
Kejriwal on Thursday
announced that consumers
consuming up to 200 units of
T its plan to issue overseas sovereign
bonds. It will do so in tranches after
wider consultations with all the regulato-
activities improved in July as
new work orders and output
strengthened from the previ-
charge as electricity won't need to pay ry and market stakeholders, a senior ous month, leading to increase A BREATHER
chairman and their power bills. Those finance ministry official said on Thursday. in employment at the fastest
managing consuming 201 to 401 units of The official said the first tranche is pace in five months, according 56
director of GAIL (India). electricity will continue to get unlikely to be ‘humongous’, even as dis- to PMI survey. 51.0
Karnatak carries an 50 per cent power subsidy from cussions on the shape and structure of the PMI rose to 52.5 in July
experience of over 37 years in the government, Kejriwal said. bonds are still being discussed. The official from 52.1 in June as companies 52
the hydrocarbon sector and The government will have to also said that overseas bonds will be issued scaled up production in
was also concurrently serving spend ~1,800 crore to ~2,000 in different tenors — from those with a response to a quicker upturn in
crore on power subsidy five- to seven-year maturity to long-term factory orders. In PMI parl-
as the company’s director 48
(projects) since March 2014. annually, according to the chief bonds above 20 years. ance, a print above 50 means
BS REPORTER< minister. PTI< “There needs to be credibility around expansion, while a score below 46
the government. The investors are going to that denotes contraction. Apr ‘13 Jul ‘19
Note : A figure above 50 means
question your Budget announcements if process of consultation is ongoing, and ment banks from August onwards to get On the price front, the sur- expansion; below that signifies
28,000 more troops RBI advertises for you don’t fulfil them. We can’t brush those the details will be finalised at a later date,” a better understanding of the global vey said the overall rate of contraction
Source : IHS Markit
being deployed deputy governor’s aside. We need to build credibility to said the official. bond markets. The contours of the inflation was at a three-month
ensure we do what we say,” the official told According to the existing plan, the instrument will be finalised by October, low and well below its long-run
in Kashmir Valley position reporters, adding, “The ideal way to do bonds will be issued in the second half of including the currency these bonds will average, which may prompt industry core sector output
Over 280 companies of security The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) this would be in different tranches and 2019-20. Government officials have clar- be pegged at — whether dollar, euro, the RBI’s monetary policy was almost flat in June. Core
forces are being deployed in on Thursday advertised tenor, in an order to develop the market.” ified that 10 per cent of the year’s yuan or others. committee (MPC) to go for sector industries grew by 0.1
the Valley, sources said. About applications for the post of The official said that people in the total gross borrowing requirement will Since the Budget announcement, the another rate cut in its meeting per cent in the month, down at
28,000 troops, mostly CRPF deputy governor, as the central government were aware of the benefits be raised overseas. That amounts to Narendra Modi government has not only next week. a 50-month low. However,
personnel, are being bank has now three deputy as well as the drawbacks of issuing over- roughly $10 billion. received criticism on the matter from for- “The relatively negligible PMI gave some sort of relief on
deployed in vulnerable spots governors, instead of four, seas sovereign bonds, and There were reports that the mer Reserve Bank governors Raghuram increases in input costs and the manufacturing front.
across the Valley. However, no following the departure of Viral there will be consultations The official said the Centre was considering the Rajan and Y V Reddy, and others like output charges, signalled by “Following a slowdown in
reason was given for the move Acharya on July 23. with all stakeholders. This first tranche is option to raise $10 billion in Rathin Roy of the Economic Advisory the PMI survey in July, suggest growth in the opening quarter
late in the evening. PTI BS REPORTER< was an indication that in unlikely to be one go from its first overseas Council to the Prime Minister, but also that we are likely to see a fur- of the 2019-20 fiscal year, some
spite of widespread criti- ‘humongous’, even bond sale as early as October. from its affiliates like the Rashtriya ther reduction in India’s momentum was regained in
cism, the Centre would go as discussions on Also, the government Swayamsevak Sangh and Swadeshi Jagran benchmark interest rate as the July. Measures for factory
ahead with its plan as the shape and favours a long- term tenor for Manch, that are learnt to have called for a RBI continues its effort to sup- orders, production and
announced in the Budget. structure of the the bonds — no less than 20 rethink on the matter. port economic growth,” said employment improved in the
Finance Minister Nirmala bonds are still years — and top officials will The government has maintained that Pollyanna de Lima, principal latest month, although rates of
Sitharaman, in her maiden being discussed embark on roadshows to drum not only the decision to raise debt over- economist at IHS Markit. expansion remained below
Budget speech on July 5, had up investment once the con- seas will reduce the cost of borrowing The next MPC meeting will trend,” said Lima.
announced: “India’s sovereign external tours are finalised. The roadshows to and take advantage of excess liquidity begin on August 5. In the According to the survey, the
debt to gross domestic product is among major financial cities to meet big institu- in global markets, but will also create June review meeting, the main factor boosting produc-
the lowest globally, at less than 5 per cent. tional investors could include Sitharaman, additional space for corporate bonds in RBI had cut key lending rates tion was a sustained rise in new
The government would start raising a part Minister of State for Finance Anurag the Indian markets. by 0.25 per cent for the third work inflows.
of its gross borrowing programme in exter- Thakur, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) The government has maintained that time this year to spur eco- “Survey participants linked
nal markets in external currencies. This Governor Shaktikanta Das, Chief not only the decision to raise debt over- nomic growth, which the uptick in growth to a pick-
will also have a beneficial impact on the Economic Advisor Krishnamurthy seas will reduce the cost of borrowing declined to 6.8 per cent for up in demand, mostly stem-
demand situation for the government Subramanian and others. and take advantage of excess liquidity 2018-19, the lowest in the Modi ming from successful market-
securities in the domestic market.” Unlike the domestic bonds issues by in global markets, but will also create government’s first tenure. ing efforts, competitive pricing
“The relevant paragraph in the Budget the RBI, the finance ministry issuing additional space for corporate bonds in Official data released on and favourable public poli-
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar (centre) on Thursday remains our reference point for this. The these bonds will start talking to invest- the Indian markets. Wednesday showed that eight- cies,” Lima added.
held a series of bilateral meetings in Bangkok with his counter-
parts from Thailand, New Zealand, Japan and the European
Union, during which he discussed a host of issues,
including Indo-Pacific and maritime partnership PHOTO: PTI

Vande Bharat goes slow, Train 20 may be shelved

CIL to spend ~700 cr SHINE JACOB
New Delhi, 1 August
cancelled. Of the ~100-crore spent
on the first rake, about ~35 crore was BRAKES ON
Bharat series is likely to be launched
soon from New Delhi to Katra. For

to buy rail wagons The ambitious aluminium-bodied

Train 20 project — considered the
on the propulsion system.
“Train 20 is almost shelved.
However, for Train 18, a third tender
this, the railways ministry is report-
edly awaiting the final nod from the
Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). After
AVISHEK RAKSHIT wagons and a back of the enve- successor to Vande Bharat Train or may be coming up for more partici- the bids got derailed, plans for 45
Kolkata, 1 August lope calculation indicates that Train 18 — is likely to be shelved by pation from the multinational new Vande Bharat trains by 2021-22
one rake can move 1.4 mt of the Indian Railways. This comes at a majors,” said a person privy to the by the ICF board may get delayed.
Coal India (CIL) has decided to coal per annum. Last month, time when two consecutive bulk development. Two other persons Union Railway Minister Piyush
invest ~700 crore to procure 40 Coal Minister Pralhad Joshi tenders for the propulsion systems involved with the project confirmed Goyal had earlier said there was a
rakes, which will enhance its had said there have been spo- of Train 18 got cancelled recently, the information. plan to have 100 such train sets, aft-
evacuation capability by 56 mil- radic instances of resistance citing technical reasons. “The comparison between Train er the launch of the first indigenous
lion tonne (mt). The move will from local population for A third tender, estimated around 18 and Train 20 is not justifiable, semi-high speed trainset Vande
allow the state-owned miner to movement of coal through road ~1,300 crore for 37 trains, is likely to and the latter was supposed to be Bharat Express from New Delhi to
have control over moving coal due to various issues including be floated soon. Sources said the having additional safety features Varanasi on February 15. The train
to desired power plants and he- environmental concerns. plans for Train 20, on the other and had aluminium body too. The that was considered to be a Make in
lp debottleneck pithead stocks. The life span of these wag- hand, were shelved as the features derailment of the Train 18 tender India success has around 80 per
“These rakes will be owned ons, the latest addition in were already incorporated in Vande too may not help the entire concept cent of indigenous components.
by CIL and dedicated only for Indian Railways, is expected to Bharat, except the aluminium body of Make in India in the long run,” According to an initial plan
transport of our own coal. In be 35 years. As against conven- that helps in attaining better speed said an industry veteran. Sources lined up by the ICF, it wanted to
turn, it will help us in pushing tional carrying capacity of 70 for high-speed trains. also indicated that an Indian com-
~1,300 cr Size of fresh ~1,000 cr New Delhi come up with one trainset every
higher volumes of coal to the tonnes, the new wagons have Though bids for 43 Train 18 sets pany had declined the two trains tenders to be launched for Cost of making to Katra alternate month till March 2020,
power sector,” a company capacity to carry 80 tonnes of were invited first, orders for only allotted to them during the first ten- 37 new Vande Bharat first Vande Expected route for and one rake per month from April
executive said. load. However, initially, these three were given, including one for der because of the small size of the propulsion system Bharat train the second train 2020. Another source said the rail-
The public sector unit can wagons will not be able to carry Spanish major CAF and Medha deal. Both Train 18 and Train 20 had ways was in the process of identify-
also enhance allocation of rakes the maximum designated load Group that supplied for the first got their names because of the year The engine-less Train 18 has the normal train. Train 20 was expected ing fresh routes for new Vande
to its non-power clients. as the bearing capacity of rail- Vande Bharat Train. Following this, in which the government wanted to advantage of attaining a maximum to have a sleeper facility too, advan- Bharat trains, which are supposed
According to a company offi- way tracks needs to be a second tender was floated for 37 launch them, 2018 and 2020, speed of 130 km/hour within 45 sec- tageous for long distance travel. to replace Shatabdis and Rajdhanis
cial, one rake comprises of 59 increased, too. Train 18 propulsion systems that got respectively. onds, compared to 5 minutes by a The second train in the Vande in the longer run.

Zero-deficit monsoon likely in Renewable power may

get cheaper by 25p/unit
second half of season, says IMD Bidding sees 50% price cut for new green energy corridors
Better rain will help OVER THE YEARS SHREYA JAI
New Delhi, 1 August
improve yield in crops 2017 witnessed no deviation
from normal levels The latest bidding for power
planted, say experts Monsoon departure transmission projects to con-
Year from normal (%) nect renewable energy with the
SANJEEB MUKHERJEE national grid saw leading pri-
New Delhi, 1 August
2014 -23 vate companies bring down
2015 -3 project costs by about 40-50 per
he India Meteorological cent. Adani Transmission,

T Department (IMD) in its forecast

for the second half of the mon-
soon has said rain in August and
Sterlite Power, L&T, and Tata
Power were in the race for
~1,500 crore worth of projects.
September is expected to be 100 per 2019 -9 This is estimated to bring
cent of the Long-Period Average (LPA). down the cost of renewable Project cost Final bid Winning
Source: IMD
This should come as a big relief for power by 25 paise a unit (kilo- Project name (in ~ cr) (in ~ cr) company
farmers. watt hour). State-owned Power
The LPA for August and September, eral states and set in over the Kerala coast The data sourced from the depart- “Farmers may opt to take advan- Grid Corporation also partici- GEC
the last two months of the southwest with a time lag owing to cyclone ‘VAYU’ ment of agriculture shows that till tage of this pickup in rainfall to sow pated in these tenders and won WRSS21 (A) 147.05 95.12 Adani
monsoon, is around 42.83 cm, which is and its after-effects. July 26, because of the delayed onset of short-duration crops ... However, the two projects. A new entrant, Transmission
49 per cent of the precipitation A big monsoon break in August and the monsoon in several rainfed areas, late pickup in sowing is likely to weigh India’s leading clean energy WRSS21 (B) 317.05 178.9 Sterlite Power
from June to September, which is esti- September would have spelled havoc pulses were sown in around 8.29 mil- upon yields. This may also have company, ReNew Power, also
mated at 89 cm. for the already delayed kharif crops and lion hectares, which was around some impact on food prices, which is bid for the transmission proj- Rajasthan SEZ 232.05 122.06 PowerGrid
The Met said rain in August was affected their yields. 18.58 per cent lower than in the same an emerging concern related to the ects. However, it didn’t win any. Rajasthan SEZ 205.36 100.05 Adani
expected to be 99 per cent of the LPA. Officials said good rain in August — period last year. outlook for food inflation,” ICRA said Company executives said diver- Transmission
Both the forecasts have set a model though it might not improve acreages The biggest drop was in the area in a report. sifying into transmission is a
error of plus and minus 8 per cent and 9 much for most crops except urad, under moong and arhar, where the Shubhada Rao, chief economist, YES natural progression for ReNew; Bhuj-II 170.51 123.67 Power Grid
per cent, respectively. moong, and paddy — would help in acreages fell by 24.74 per cent and 14.73 Bank, in a note said if the pace of rain sus- it already has an extensive net- Non-GEC
The Met also retained its monsoon improving yields in the crops planted. per cent, respectively, till July 26 as com- tained through much of August, there work of generation projects. Udupi-Kasargode 107.1 84.74 Sterlite
forecast at 96 per cent of the LPA, which “In the case of arhar, I don’t see any pared to the same period last year. was a likelihood that for the season as a Of the five green energy cor-
is normal. big improvement in acreage because in “These acreage numbers will change whole, there could be only a minor short- ridors (GEC) offered, Adani UP Obra Transmission 144 84.35 Adani
“Currently, the sea surface tempera- most places sowing is over, but the show- in the days to come,” Singh said. fall in precipitation vis-à-vis the Met’s Transmission got two, Power- UP Jawaharpur 99 53.81 Power Grid
tures (SSTs) as well as the atmospheric ers should boost the acreage of urad and All kharif crops have been sown in forecast of a 4 per cent deficiency. Grid two, and Sterlite Power Total 1,422.12
conditions over the equatorial Pacific moong, which are usually planted in late around 68.87 million hectares till last Since July the rains picked up pace bagged one. These corridors are
GEC= Green Energy Corridor; Non-GEC
Ocean indicate El Nino Southern July and early August,” N P Singh of the week, which was 6.43 per cent less than and covered the country faster than in the western Indian states,
Oscillation (ENSO) neutral to borderline Indian Institute of Pulses Research, last year and 7.87 per cent less than the expected. The deficit narrowed to 9 which host the maximum COMPARATIVE CHART
El Niño conditions. The latest forecasts Kanpur, told Business Standard. normal acreage, which is the average for per cent by the end of July. Experts renewable energy projects.
indicate that these conditions are likely He said the moong acreage would the last five years. said this deficit might disappear in the GEC is an alternative trans- Project Estimated cost Final bid Difference
to continue during the remaining part of go up owing to good rain in the “Not only pulses, even paddy will next few weeks. mission system for renewable name (in ~ cr) (in ~ cr) (in %)
the monsoon season,” the Met said. latter half of the monsoon because it benefit due to the late surge in rain while The improvement in rain boosted the energy projects. The first phase Rajasthan SEZ 205.36 100.05 51.28
Rain in June was almost 33 per cent was a short-duration crop and matured in South and Central India a good late water level in the 91-odd reservoirs of of GEC was constructed by Rajasthan SEZ 232.05 122.06 47.40
less than normal, which is among its in 60-65 days. monsoon could translate into healthy the country from 26.94 billion cubic PowerGrid; the second phase is
worst performances in the past five years. “In places where farmers could not rabi crops,” said P K Joshi, former direc- metres (BCM) on July 4 to 40.83 BCM in now being awarded through UP Jawaharpur 99 53.81 45.65
The amount of rain was small plant arhar, they could go for moong and tor of the International Food Policy July 25, an increase of 51.5 per cent in competitive bidding. WRSS21 (B) 317.05 178.9 43.57
because the monsoon arrived late in sev- urad,” Singh said. Research Institute (IFPRI). less than a month. Senior industry executives
UP Obra 144 84.35 41.42
said on an average, 41 per cent
reduction was achieved in the WRSS21 (A) 147.05 95.12 35.31
project cost, with the highest Bhuj-II 170.51 123.67 27.47
RBI allows Bank of China to offer services in India Bank credit up 12%, deposits 10.6% reduction of up to 51 per cent
from these bids. “These states Udupi-Kasargode 107.1 84.74 20.88
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Thursday Limited’ has been included in the Second Bank credit and deposits rose by 12.01 per cent and 10.59 per cent to ~96.57 would have paid ~1,200 crore Source: Industry
allowed the Bank of China to offer regular Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, trillion and ~126.491 trillion, respectively, for the fortnight to July 19, shows the for these transmission lines for
banking services in the country. All 1934...,” the central bank said. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) data. In the year-ago fortnight, bank credit 35 years. But now with reduced dered, of which one was won by construction of a 765 kilovolt
commercial banks, like SBI, HDFC Bank, In another notification, the RBI said stood at ~86.09 trillion while deposits were at ~114.371 trillion. In the previous bids, they would end up paying Adani, the other by PowerGrid. (kV) line and 400 kV sub-sta-
Punjab National Bank and ICICI Bank, are in ‘Jana Small Finance Bank Limited’ too has fortnight ending July 5, bank loans had grown by 12.02 per cent to ~96.97 ~700 crore,” said the executive. The average cost reduction was tion to support increasing pow-
the Second Schedule. Banks falling under been included in the Second Schedule. trillion and deposits by 10.32 per cent to ~126.746 trillion. Non-food credit, on a Apart from GEC, four proj- 45 per cent in these two proj- er demand in the region. Given
this schedule have to adhere to the Further, the name of ‘The Royal Bank of year-on-year basis, increased 11.1 per cent in June same as the year-ago period. ects were offered as part of the ects. Another corridor connect- that the two state-level projects
norms of the RBI. Scotland plc' has been changed to ‘NatWest Loans to agriculture & allied activities was up by 8.7 percent in June 2019 as transmission expansion and ing Karnataka and Kerala was witnessed such high interest,
“We advise that the ‘Bank of China Markets Plc’ in the Second Schedule. PTI compared with an increase of 6.5 per cent in June 2018. PTI strengthening across the coun- won by Sterlite Power, quoting two more such system-streng-
try. Two projects in Uttar Prad- 21 per cent lower tariff. thening ones will be bid out
esh totalling ~350 crore were ten- Both these projects involve soon, said a government official.


Sebi warns MFs on GST collection

over ~1 trillion
despite subdued
EAC-PM sets up task force on jobs
The Economic Advisory
Council to the Prime Minister
and NITI Aayog member
Bibek Debroy, EAC-PM mem-

23 lapses in FY17
(EAC-PM) has set up a task ber Rathin Roy, among others.
CGST and SGST force on employment. The
task force had its first meet-

ing on Thursday and its brief More on

DILASHA SETH will be to present to PM former EAC-PM member
New Delhi, 1 August Narendra Modi a note or
Repetitionof statement on what the gov-
Collection from the goods and ernment can do to alleviate
breacheswillbe services tax (GST) was above growth slowdown, and
viewedseriously, ~1 trillion in July, mainly on
account of higher mop-up
hence, create jobs, Business
Standard has learnt.
fundhousestold under the integrated GST.
However, the central and
The members of the task
force are EAC-PM Chairman
JASH KRIPLANI state portions remained sub-
Mumbai, 1 August dued, posing a challenge for
the revenue target for the fis-

he Securities and cal year.
Exchange Board of GST collection at ~1.02 tril-
India (Sebi) sent a letter lion in the month was slightly
to the mutual fund (MF) pointed out instances of mis- Inter-scheme transfers of more than 2 per cent higher
industry body — Association leading the investors by debt securities continued to than the ~99,939 crore in June
of Mutual Funds in India reporting incorrect data on be a concern. According to and 5.8 per cent higher than
(Amfi) — raising concerns investor complaints, instances Sebi, there have been the ~96,483 crore in July last
with 23 irregularities that its of inappropriate utilisation of instances of non-disclosure of year. However, Central GST
inspection team found short funds meant for investor edu- transactions of debt and mon- collection was just ~17,912
of the best-industry practices cation, such as spending on ey market securities (includ- crore in July, down from
or in breach of the existing reg- programmes meant for finan- ing inter-scheme transfers). ~18,366 crore in June.
ulatory framework. cial advisors, charging of “Inter-scheme transfers State GST collection too
“Sebi, after considering the expenses to the said funds for have always been under Sebi was lower at ~25,008 crore in
observations of the inspection stationery items such as note- lens. That is also the reason the month against ~25,343
team for the period April 1, books, planners and calen- why regulator clamp-down of crore in June.
2016, to March 31, 2017, and dars, and charging of expens- the practice where MFs used It was the IGST that rose
the comments of asset man- es without adequate records. valuations from inter-scheme to ~50,612 crore against ~47,772
agement companies (AMCs) “To be sure, the inspection transfers to value the debt crore in this period.
and trustees thereon, has tak- is for 2016-2017, but MFs must securities on their schemes,” Subdued revenue collec-
en adverse view of the follow- make sure investors’ interests said senior executive of a tion poses challenges for
ing additional observations are protected and they are not fund house. Finance Minister Nirmala
with respect to the practices misled in any way. Keeping Some of the other observa- Sitharaman with a growth tar-
for MFs,” the regulator’s let- investors’ interest central to tions raised concerns over get of 16 per cent for the cen-
ter read. all transactions is important MFs’ dealings with distribu- tral GST in 2019-20, reinforc-
Further, the regulator as they are critical to the tors. The regulator said there ing the need for emphasis on
directed MFs to take corrective growth of the industry,” said were instances wherein the data intelligence and policies
action in respect of the adverse an MF advisor. AMC continued to accept busi- to plug leakages.
observations mentioned in its In another observation, the ness from distributors, who The CGST collection tar-
letter. “Any repetition of the regulator pointed out failures were suspended by Amfi. get was revised downwards
violations or non-compliance to liquidate equity portfolio of Further, AMCs also failed to to ~5.26 trillion for the fiscal
… would be viewed seriously,” close-ended schemes on or ensure no commission is paid year from the ~6.1 trillion esti-
Sebi’s letter said. before the maturity date. Sebi to the distributors when they mated in the Interim Budget,
Some of the practices also pointed out lapses to are suspended. following a 9 per cent short-
pointed out by the regulator ensure direct plans have a low- Sebi also highlighted fail- fall in collection in the previ-
showed instances where er expense ratio than regular ures to identify and appropri- ous year.
investors’ interests were get- ones, so that the difference is ate all the expenses in the indi-
ting compromised. as much as the distribution vidual scheme, according to Read full report on
The market regulator commission expenses. the regulatory requirements.

Business ‘institutions’ essential for India’s growth > CHINESE WHISPERS

Recall the tribal and Dalit communities Gehlot makes a point

Like brakes and shock absorbers in a car, society needs cushioning from shocks and volatility in India, or the Arabs in the world eco- While Union Social Justice Minister
nomic order, as examples of the tor- Thaawar Chand Gehlot is the leader of
ists and social sector people through health, housing and communications with good results for the national good. mented. Lastly, there are “the aspi- the House in the Rajya Sabha, Home
examples of the venal among them. In being the gear). Third, like brakes and For example, Unilever and Tata have rants”, the people who fight with Minister Amit Shah is the person BJP
my last column, I concluded with the shock absorbers in a car, society been highly ethical and responsible industriousness and hard work to win ministers and floor strategists turn to for
statement that there is a difference needs cushioning from shocks and companies for over a century, and they a better life for themselves and their guidance whenever he is present.
between a company and an institution, volatility (regulations, surveillance). have done so with occasional displays descendants. Think of the South Asian, However, on Thursday Gehlot had his
and that, more and more, India needs The three components of a whole- of the human frailties that all of us are Chinese and Indian economies. Just as opportunity to assert his position. As the
institutions to realise her potential. some society are business, infrastruc- prone to. In fact, it is those occasional the nurturing and support of the south Rajya Sabha reconvened after lunch to
Business and entrepreneurship can be ture and governance. frailties that remind the observer that eastern, Chinese and Indian economies continue the debate on the National
soul-elevating, I know that. Atomic For the first 35 years after indepen- there are no gods in society — there are have been important for the global Medical Commission Bill, the Opposition
INNOCOLUMN physicist, Niels Bohr, said many decades
ago, “The opposite of a truth is not a
dence till liberalisation, Indian busi-
ness was regarded by society with huge
some outstanding people, many good
people, with a small number of misdi-
economy, business and enterprise, the
aspirant class in the Indian economy
protested that neither Health Minister
Harsh Vardhan, nor his deputy Ashwini
R GOPALAKRISHNAN falsehood. It may be yet another truth.” suspicion. Over the next couple of rected people. needs growing and legitimate nurtur- Kumar Choubey was present in the
Business makes most of the stuff decades since liberalisation, Indian As some scholars have pointed out, ing in the coming years. House. It is customary for at least one
that we enjoy, it gives the nation jobs business spread wings in India as well society has three types of people, all Business and entrepreneurship can minister of a department to be present in

eading recent books on business and is a synonym for both opportunity as globally. For sure, some over- operating in the same cauldron. There do what governments and infrastruc- the House when it is discussing a Bill
— pharma, financial services, and for prosperity. Business deserves a stretched, a few shockingly so. are “the fearful”, who are people with tures cannot. Business and trade alone moved by the department. Deputy
technology firms — it appears high status in society and should be However, this is a phase in larger eco- wealth and status but who are afraid of can create wealth, growth and jobs. I Chairman Harivansh had to adjourn the
that we love to hate business. The truth respected for its virtues, while striving nomic development. losing them swiftly. Think of zamindars feel optimistic that this distinctive role House for 10 minutes. A message was sent
is that we just cannot do without them. to reduce its vices. Business is human. India needs great business institu- and the princely states from before for business in the national economy to the two ministers. As the two ministers
So we mock them, criticise them. The frauds by corrupt business are an tions, not just companies. Institutions Independence; think of the wealthy, will be supported by society in the that reached the House nearly out of breath,
Listening to populist politicians, extension of the propensity of society. have durability, philosophy, talent and slow-growing Japanese or European is developing. Business management Gehlot scolded them: “What is this
economists, academics and journalists, Business practitioners stand as much structures, leading to dependable per- countries, which are anxious that their is a great career for young people — for tamasha? Neither of you were here and
one could conjure up a vision of the on a pedestal as educationists, doctors, formance. The building of companies future generations may be worse off at least the next 50 years! the House was adjourned.”
inhabitants of the commercial world as administrators and the defence forces. as institutions is at a nascent stage in than their own generation. Then, there
greedy, power-hungry megalomaniacs. Society needs aggressive, India. Creating and celebrating strong are “the tormented” who seek to estab- The author is a corporate advisor and
It would not be an incorrect vision, entrepreneurial people, they are like business institutions must become a lish themselves as equal members of Distinguished Professor of IIT Kharagpur. He English versus Hindi
but it would be a seriously partial one. the fuel in the car. Second, business national priority. society — a position that they have was Director of Tata Sons and Vice Marumalarchi Dravida
It would be as true and as valid as damn- energy must be guided with capabili- Business is a fabulous force for good failed to achieve because of the histor- Chairman of Hindustan Unilever Munnetra Kazhagam
ing all politicians, bureaucrats, journal- ties and infrastructure (education, in society, conducted by good people ical malpractices of the privileged. (MDMK) leader and Rajya
Sabha Member Vaiko
(pictured) on Thursday
rattled everyone — from

India-UK relations need a reboot

Treasury Bench
members to the
Opposition, including the ally Dravida
Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK). As Union Health
Minister Harsh Vardhan began his reply on
Is Boris Johnson the man to do it? the National Medical Commission Bill in the
evening, Vaiko demanded the minister
like India are now major economic expanded list of countries from which speak in English since the issue was a
powers in their own right and expect student visa applicants require national one. While the Chair said an
to be treated as equal partners in accor- “reduced level of documentation”. A interpretation facility was available, MPs of
dance with their new status has not decision described by Lord Bilimoria, the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Janata
fully sunk in. Chancellor of Birmingham University, Dal (United) tried to shout Vaiko down and
Here’s what British Parliament’s as “another kick in the teeth for India”. demanded the minister speak in Hindi.
influential Foreign Affairs Committee The May government also tried to When Harsh Vardhan, who had switched to
said in a report only a few weeks ago: arm-twist India into taking back thou- English, reverted to Hindi, Vaiko protested.
“India's place in the world is changing sands of people who it says are Indian When the Congress’ Jairam Ramesh and the
fast and the UK government needs to citizens living in Britain illegally. But DMK’s Tirushi Siva tried to mollify him, Vaiko
HASAN SUROOR adjust its strategy to fit India’s India has questioned the figure. Modi shooed them away. Harsh Vardhan was
enhanced influence and power; the UK declined to sign an MoU on the issue rattled enough to tell Union Home Minister
cannot afford to be complacent or rely during his UK visit last year for the Amit Shah that he was unsure as to which

oris Johnson’s elevation to on historical ties.” Commonwealth conference. language he should speak in. The MDMK
Downing Street has evoked con- It warned that Britain risked being During the Brexit referendum cam- leader has championed the anti-Hindi
flicting reactions ranging from left behind in the global race to engage paign, Johnson promised to open up movement in Tamil Nadu, and, during
a mixture of barely-suppressed with India and called for an urgent immigration from Commonwealth co- slogan shouting in the Rajya Sabha, makes it
ridicule and concern in Europe and review of its current approach. Is the untries once free movement of workers a point not to add his voice to Hindi slogans.
Russia to hoops of joy in the White Johnson administration willing to take from the European Union stopped.
House with Donald Trump hailing it up the challenge? It will mean ditching Now, however, he’s touting an
as “excellent” news for US-UK rela- successive Tory governments’ policy Australian-style points system to be
tions. Prime Minister Narendra Modi solely focused on pressuring India into applicable to all applicants with no exe- Tug of war
confined himself to a bland tweet say- opening up its economy to British busi- mptions for Commonwealth citizens. An upcoming mega convention centre was
ing he looked forward to working with nesses while offering little in return. Looking for clues to Johnson’s India policy in his rhetorical flourishes and Priti Patel, in-charge of immigra- allotted land in the capital’s south-west
Johnson to “further strengthen India- Johnson’s predecessors, David cabinet choices is to ignore the real issues that divide the two countries tion, has made clear that only those sub-city of Dwarka last year and
UK partnership”. Cameron and Theresa May, talked a with “highest skills” would be consid- construction was expected to be completed
Currently, for all the apparent bon- good talk describing India-UK ties as dating given his much-adumbrated India policy (to the extent that he ered — and that too “only if they have by the end of 2019. Now the department
homie, the “partnership” is not exactly one of the “most important relation- “India connection” (through his might have a cogent policy given his a job offer from an employer registered executing the project is believed to be
flourishing. The two countries are just ships of the 21st century” but then went estranged wife Marina Wheeler’s reputed impatience with details) in his with the Home Office and if they can lobbying for extra land beyond the allotted
about muddling through, avoiding any on to take decisions that directly hurt Indian ancestry), and his personal rhetorical flourishes and cabinet speak English”. perimeter while the Delhi Development
major crisis but showing little sense of Indian citizens — like retrospective chemistry with Narendra Modi. He has choices is to ignore the real issues that So, as of now, the prospects of Authority (DDA), the city’s land-owning
urgency to reboot a flagging relation- changes to residency rules for high- called him a “firecracker”, and a “polit- divide the two countries. The most improved India-UK relations don’t look agency, is trying hard not to cede ground
ship. Will things look up now that skilled immigrants that forced many ical phenomenon”. contentious of these is immigration too promising. But the threshold is so beyond what it has allotted. The reason, say
there’s a self-proclaimed Indophile legally settled Indian migrants to return His appointment of Priti Patel, a with India pressing for a preferential low that even a slight bounce might top DDA officials, is that the land at the
(calling himself India’s “son-in-law”) home. Indian protests were ignored. Modi supporter, as home secretary (one visa regime for its citizens on the lines seem like a great leap forward. location comes at a huge premium. Now the
in-charge at No 10? Indians have also been affected by fre- of the three great offices of state), and of the one China enjoys to facilitate a Assuming of course that Johnson him- DDA has intensified efforts to auction the
At the heart of the problem is a lin- quent tightening of visa rules for stu- promotion of Alok Sharma and Rishi “grand” post-Brexit trade deal Britain self survives the Brexit turmoil. patches adjoining the allotted land because
gering colonial mindset that still dents and intra-company transfers. Sunak to senior positions are seen as a is seeking. it fears that high-profile people involved in
informs British foreign policy treating Indian businesses find visa rules a nod towards the BJP/Modi leaning sec- The May administration’s response The writer is based in London. His new book, the project may use their clout to get what
former colonies simply as markets to major hindrance to trading with Britain. tions of the Indian diaspora. was a blunt “no”. Adding insult to Who Killed Liberal Islam, is published they wanted, said sources.
be mined. The reality that countries Will Johnson be more accommo- But looking for clues to Johnson’s injury, it excluded India from an in August


Is economics enamoured by taboos? CAG’s imputation wrong

termined mindset. pick up government debt when private This refers to “2 years after roll-out, GST
Another difficulty that impacts eco- debt is risky; that is exactly what is hap- glitches still exist, says CAG report” (July
nomics as a subject is the fact that the pening now. However, this cannot be 31). The Comptroller and Auditor
future is inherently uncertain: it can- called crowding out as claimed in the General of India (CAG) in his report on
not be calculated. A lot of human paper. Additionally, a jump in govern- GST for 2017-18, which was tabled in the
behaviour and some fundamental eco- ment debt results in a decline in pri- Parliament on Tuesday, pointed out that manufacturers. So the slowdown in the
nomic institutions — the desire to hold vate debt, clearly implying we are in a “the invoice matching system has not collection of revenue is not because of
money, for example — are the result demand constrained economy. kicked-in”. The CAG also said, “Invoice evasion. A 100 per cent matching of
of this fact. Let us also consider the example of matching is a critical requirement that invoice is never done in any country.
SOUMYA KANTI GHOSH & SAMIR K JHA Let us again begin with what hap- monetary policy. Even after years of would yield full benefit of this major tax They all depend on audit and intelli-
pened after the financial crisis. In 2011, quantitative easing (QE) and ultra-low reform”. The report’s indirect implica- gence gathered by the department con-
when the unemployment rate was 9 interest rates, advanced economies — tion that a slowdown in tax collection is cerned. So the CAG could better advice

ince the global financial crisis, per cent, Reinhart and Rogoff had particularly the Eurozone — have con- because of not matching 100 per cent of that the whole idea of 100 per cent
there have been serious doubts explained that “current debt trajecto- tinued to undershoot even the mini- invoices, isn’t correct. Such an imputa- invoice matching should be given up
about the theory that the econ- ries are a risk to long-term growth and mum inflation targets. Thus the long- tion is based on the presumption that straightaway. As an ex-insider having
omy functions best with “invisible stability, with many advanced standing assumptions about evasion is taking place because of not knowledge about invoice matching, also
hand” and it should not be jeopardised economies already reaching or exceed- demand constrained, increase in pri- downward nominal wage rigidity of matching. The reason why it is not cor- having experience derived from other
through government “intervention”. ing the important marker of 90 per cent vate investment will only lead to higher the 60s and 70s when organised labour rect is that an overwhelmingly large per- countries, I can definitely say that
In particular, the discipline (read eco- of GDP”. However, even eight years output. And, a part of the higher output were much stronger is clearly not in centage of tax payers are not evaders. attempt to match 100 per cent invoices
nomics) has somehow rejected the down the line, there has been no such will be saved and, in return, will be suf- vogue now. Employees are willing to Government-owned companies which should be given up immediately. It will
pattern of simple policy prescriptions tipping point. ficient to support private investment. work even at a lower wage rate explain- manufacture a very large amount of never succeed. Nobody is willing to say
— that any standard economics text- However, that did not stop one Fact is, only when growth is capacity ing much of the slower growth in goods and services do not evade. Large so but that is a fact. Matching should be
book imbibes. from arguing that the main threat to constrained, which apparently is not labour productivity and a breakdown companies having excellent reputation done only for suspected companies. GST
At the outset, it can be put on the economy was spiralling debt and the case right now in India, any idea of of the Phillips curve. We are witnessing and big service sector companies (such is an amalgamation of central excise, ser-
record that just as it is important not a resulting spike in interest rates crowding out can be deemed relevant. similar situation in India right now as Tata, Mahindra and Mahindra and vice tax and state VAT. Since for all these
to overstate what economics can do, that would lead to the crowding out Similarly, government borrowings with minimum wage growth and Infosys etc) do not evade either. three taxes no 100 per cent of matching
it is critical not to understate it. After of private investment and a stagfla- pushing up interest rate is also being declining productivity. There is already a huge audit system of invoice was being done, there is no
all, who would expect to predict glob- tion crisis of the type experienced in pointed out, again mostly by the same Another big theoretical assump- which conducts auditing with the help logic in introducing 100 per cent match-
al outcomes that depend on the indi- the 1970s. Such warnings miserably set of experts who are making the tion, particularly at the micro level, is of computer system installed in the ing for GST.
vidual actions of about five billion failed to come true but it did not noises about crowding out. But again, how strong profit growth will attract department. Training from Canadian Sukumar Mukhopadhyay
working-age individuals, not to men- stop the misplaced policies of fiscal we need to keep in mind the fact that new entrants to the market, encourag- Government for systemic auditing has via email
tion the intervention of natural and austerity. If we look at Greece, it is a the government borrowings are the ing more investment. But in recent also been very effective. Then there is
man-made disasters? While this is classic example of secular stagna- additional flow demand, while inter- times, corporate profits and market an anti-evasion organisation looking Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
true, it is also true that economics tion. In fact, Greece were to undergo est rates are, primarily determined by concentration are both on the rise. into the evasion aspect of companies The Editor, Business Standard
Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
provides the essential tools for under- heavy austerity but did not walk stock demand and supply of funds. To sum up, knocking economics prone to it. They depend on collecting
New Delhi 110 002
standing, and to some degree, shap- down that path and currently yields Instances like the above, quite justi- has become a popular sport, even with- intelligence. Matching of raw materials Fax: (011) 23720201 · E-mail:
ing those events. are at 2 per cent. fiably, force those with not much in the profession. But the world would with the final production of goods is con- All letters must have a postal address and telephone
Herein lies the crux of the problem. Sadly, this crowding out argument interest in the debate to conclude be much poorer without its contribu- ducted by the audit parties of individual number
Such understanding often results in has gained enormous precedence in (rightfully?) that economics is just a tion to understanding how societies
economists limiting their options by India too. This was clearly evident in a way for the economists and their function and without economists’ sug-
reducing their subject to a set of issues speech by former RBI Deputy Governor brethren to rationalise what they gestions as to how politicians might > HAMBONE
that could be modelled. In the process, Viral Acharya just a few days back. As already believe. improve them. And economists them-
they are committed to their methods economists, we have been now follow- However, the problem is also in the selves could do wonders by simply
and beliefs that any further movement ing this debate for ages that combined other direction, that is, misguided fis- incorporating the country-specific fac-
in the economy, new problems or new savings of the government is crowding cal adventurism that had played spoil- tors in their econometric models rather
topics of interest, are more likely to sit out private sector investment in India. sport in a country like India. But again, than just applying them in toto.
outside their self-defined purview At the same time, we are also witness the link between a higher fiscal deficit (The authors thank Prof Sabyasachi
than within. Most of the times, the to the rising noises about slowing down and inflation or CAD seems to have Kar for his comments)
experts get tempted, therefore, to bang of growth in India due to falling broken down in recent years.
such new problems into shapes to demands. Simple economics suggests Importantly, Dr Acharya’s paper Ghosh is group chief economic advisor and
redefine them as per their own prede- these two cannot co-exist. If growth is rightfully argues that market players Jha AGM, SBI. Views are personal




Fear on D-Street
Tide of bad news has spooked the market state governments pay for them. When elections are

n interest rate cut by the US Federal Reserve, the first since 2008, held simultaneously, such expenses are shared
should have brought cheer to the equity markets. Instead the between the Union and states. In brief, both Union
Indian markets saw huge swings on Thursday and settled lower and states have respective needs on account of
defence and internal security, respectively.
in line with other Asian bourses. Though the Fed highlighted
It is hoped that the XV Finance Commission will
global growth concerns, it did not signal the beginning of a rate-cut cycle, consider these fundamental issues apart from oper-
leading to nervousness. As a result, the BSE Sensex, which had declined 2.1 ational problems and, in any case, it is not obliged
per cent in intra-day trade, staged a partial recovery, closing the day 1.2 per to give its recommendations on each and every ToR.
cent lower. The broader market has been under stress for quite some time On the process of consultation with states in
now, with the BSE MidCap and SmallCap indices down 26 per cent and 37 finalising the ToR of the Finance Commission, the
per cent, respectively, from their peaks. The Nifty is down about 9 per cent Sarkaria Commission observed: "Any consultation

Risks to fiscal
to be meaningful should be adequate." This partic-
from its peak, but that’s because of a handful of large-cap stocks only.
ular ToR has serious implications for the Union-
For the Indian market, the global economy is only one of the concerns. state relations. Have states been consulted or will
It’s the local condition that is worrisome with a consistent flow of bad news. they be consulted on the additional ToR?
Since the IL&FS crisis erupted, non-banking financial companies have been The Constituent Assembly in its deliberations

badly affected. The new bankruptcy law, which was supposed to find quick concluded that the acceptance of the recommen-
resolutions, is still seeing a majority of the cases dragging on for two years. Jet dations should not be left only to the Parliamentary
approval since the recommendations affect both
Airways ended up in insolvency after being unable to find any suitor. Auditors
the Union and state governments. Hence, the
and rating agencies are under the government’s scrutiny. Further, the Budget Constitution provides for placing of the action taken
did little for industry, and the super-rich tax has spooked both the C-suite and To minimise risks, the president may consider seeking response from on every recommendation together with an explana-
foreign investors, some of whom will have to bear the additional burden. tory memorandum by the president of India before
Other reports such as core sector growth slowing down to a four-year-low, an states and the Centre on the 15th Finance Commission’s suggestions Parliament. The assumption is that the president
earlier-than-expected shift to electric vehicles, more powers to customs and will exercise his discretion and act not merely as

he government has proposed to the president an increase in defence revenue expenditure (includ- head of the Union, but as head of the Republic of
excise officers, the amendment to the Right to Information Act, and the
to extend the 15th Finance Commission's term ing salaries) of 30 per cent in 2016-17 which will India consisting of the Union and state governments.
prospect of a jail term for violations of corporate social responsibility guidelines by a month, and mandate the panel to suggest incorporate the Pay Commission impact, with a sta- In view of recent developments, the practice of
are not something that investors were looking for. ways for allocation of non-lapsable funds for defence ble growth rate of 20 per cent per annum in the keeping the recommendations of the Finance
Fundamentals, liquidity, and sentiment — three of the key factors that and internal security. remaining years (Para 6.35).” Commission confidential until the decisions are tak-
drive stock markets — are all in short supply at present. First-quarter earnings Under the terms of reference (ToR) of the “Much of the demand on resources from the en and action taken placed before Parliament has
have been disappointing across most sectors because the economy is in the Commission, it is proposed to ensure an assured Ministry of Defence has been in the nature of capital implications for the fabric of Indian fiscal federalism.
allocation of resources towards defence and internal expenditure, which is beyond the scope of our (FFC) To minimise risks, the president may consider plac-
midst of a severe slowdown and consumption is now sputtering. Automobile
security imperatives. “The amendment provides assessment. Recognising that revenue expenditure ing the report of the XV Finance Commission in the
sales have been falling year-on-year for several months and growth in con- that the XV Finance Commission shall also examine is critical for defence preparedness and mainte- public domain and also seek specific responses from
sumer products is also slowing. With a slump in assets across equities and whether a separate mechanism for nance, we (FFC) have kept the state governments and the Union government before
real estate, the wealth effect has disappeared altogether, as domestic investors funding of defence and internal defence revenue expenditure-GDP a final view is taken on the recommendations.
are seeing a large fall in their net worth. In such a scenario, they are going to security ought to be set up and if so ratio constant during our projection In this connection, it may be useful to quote
hesitate before investing in equities. Foreign portfolio investors, who brought how such a mechanism could be period, instead of allowing growth extracts from the Republic Day speech of a chief
operationalised," an official state- to decelerate as was the case in the minister in 2012:
in net inflows of ~79,000 crore in the first six months of 2019, pulled out
ment said. past. In other words, the rate of “There is even larger destruction of the federal
~12,000 crore in July. Domestic institutions have been buying for the last The proposed additional ToR defence revenue expenditure has structure in fiscal areas. In the name of ‘public good’
three months, but if flows into mutual funds slow, even they would not be raises a number of questions. First, been allowed to increase at the or ‘people’s rights’, more and more funds are making
able to provide liquidity. Under the current scenario, a 25 bps rate cut in the how does it fit into the overall same rate as the GDP, which is sub- their way to New Delhi. The Finance Commission
policy next week from the Reserve Bank of India will not do much for the scheme of fiscal federalism, Budget stantially higher than the past allocated substantially lesser resources to states
Indian markets. and financial management, as per growth of defence revenue expen- keeping the lion’s share of funds with the Centre.
our Constitution? The taxes collect- diture (Para 6.36).” The Centre has become adept at passing populist
Till there are clear signs of an earnings revival, investors may not commit
fresh funds. But since the economy is slowing, an earnings revival may not
ed by the Union government to be
shared with states are distributed
WHAT NEXT Yet, it was the Union govern-
ment that has been empowered by
schemes but there is no financial support given to
states for their execution. Adequate central funds
happen fast. At this point, the best that the market can hope for is government between the Centre and states after Y V REDDY the Constitution to make an actual are not an obligation from New Delhi but the right
action in terms of reforms that will help bring back investor confidence. deducting the collection charges allocation to defence. Is it appropri- of every state to pursue development.”
attributable to states. The respective shares are allo- ate for a body like Finance Commission to suggest “These concerns I am sharing today are not only
cated to the consolidated fund of India for the Union specific allocation for an important sector with as a chief minister but also as a common citizen of

Taxation blues government and the consolidated fund of the respec-

tive states. Grants-in-aid, as recommended by the
Finance Commission, are transferred out of the
implications both for the spirit of Parliamentary
control over expenditure allocations and the chang-
ing demands of security considerations?
India. Why is it that chief ministers cutting across
party lines are expressing serious apprehensions on
these repeated attacks on India’s federal structure?
CAG raises valid issues on revenue system inadequacies resources of the Union government which includes Third, internal security to a substantial extent is It is high time the Centre realises that giving to the
the Union government's share of taxes. the responsibility of state governments since law states what rightfully belongs to them will not weak-

anaging government finances in India is becoming increasingly Second, the allocation for defence is entirely the and order is their responsibility. In fact, when the en the Centre. The states must co-ordinate with the
difficult with lower revenue collection and higher spending responsibility of the Union government. In fact, the services of the Central Reserve Police or the Border Union government and not remain subservient to
commitments. If corrective measures are not taken immediately, 14th Finance Commission (FFC) had recognised the Security Force are requisitioned by state govern- it. Co-operative and not coercive federalism must
it would continue to affect economic growth. On the revenue inadequate allocations in the past, as the following ments, they have to be paid for out of their Budgets. be the norm in our country."
side, the inadequacy of the tax administration, particularly in the context of extracts will show: Further, when their services are utilised by state
“...Accordingly, its projections have provided for governments for the purpose of elections exclusively, The writer is former governor, Reserve Bank of India
the goods and services tax (GST), is severely affecting collections. As a recent
report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) showed, the
GST, which is rightly seen as one of the biggest reforms in recent history, is

Financial markets: Gatekeepers of money

not working as desired, and some of the implementation issues remain unad-
dressed. For instance, as the CAG noted, even two years after the roll-out, sys-
tem-validated input tax credit by invoice matching is still not in place.
Predictably, the inadequacies of the system have had a direct impact on

revenue collection. For example, growth in indirect tax collection fell to 5.8 per ccording to the Bank of England, financial asset quality review (AQR) was conducted. (vehicles, white goods) are down and even staples
markets exist to bring people together so Banks were forced to recognise bad loans and sales are now at threat.
cent in 2017-18, compared to a growth rate of over 20 per cent in the previous
money flows where it is needed the most. NPA started piling up (it would eventually rise to Equity mutual funds did little to counter this. In
year. The estimated collection was revised lower even for the last fiscal year. Businesses in need of capital should be able to raise 11.5 per cent by 2018). Banks curtailed loan growth 2014, about 60 per cent of domestic equity invest-
Also, the insufficiency of the system has not allowed the appropriate settlement it from these markets and repay when no longer in and focussed on personal loans. Industry, which ments (mutual fund and insurance) were in the top-
of the integrated GST (IGST). Therefore, instead of lowering GST rates randomly, need. In theory, financial markets act as gatekeepers had about 44 per cent of all bank loans in 2015, 50 companies by market cap. Between 2014 and
the GST Council would do well to work on improving the system. of people’s money. But as Yogi Berra famously said: received only 9 per cent of incremental loans 2019, three-fourths of incremental money went to
The government’s auditor has also highlighted some structural issues in “In theory, there is no difference between theory between 2015 and 2019; personal loans (at 19 per these 50 companies, with the other listed companies
the direct tax administration. While collection and compliance have increased, and practice. In practice, there is.” cent of loans in 2015) got a whopping 41 per cent. receiving little investment.
there is again a need to improve the administration. For instance, the arrears of Of late, the situation in India has Industry’s appetite for loans had The Securities and Exchange Board of India
been the opposite. Businesses find waned, but banks left even those (Sebi) categorising mutual fund schemes by market
demand at the end of 2017-18 were in excess of ~11 trillion, and the tax department
it difficult to raise capital as debt is wanting to invest credit-starved. cap in 2017 forced them to sell some mid-caps in
thinks that over 98 per cent of this would be difficult to recover. Further, there funding personal consumption and NBFCs, which were glad to fill the existing funds. By 2018, provident and pension
are plenty of tax cases stuck in different courts. Clearly, there is a case for sim- equity funds invest in businesses void left by banks got the ammu- funds had decided to invest up to 15 per cent in
plifying tax rules, which will help reduce litigation and improve collection. with strong cash flows. The genesis nition when the currency was equity, but in the same 50-stock index. Supply of
Hopefully, the task force working on the new direct tax code will recommend of this situation can be traced to demonetised (in 2016). This took new paper is limited, and it is quickly becoming a
ways to reduce litigation. banks slowing loan growth after the shine off of real estate invest- case of too much money chasing a few stocks. The
Therefore, aside from the government’s expenditure commitments, subdued being forced to recognise bad loans, ments and households started Nifty50 index is down about 5 per cent from its all-
revenue collection is affecting the fiscal balance. According to the calculations and the meteoric rise and subse- moving from physical to financial time high, but more than 80 per cent of stocks are
quent collapse of non-banking savings. Mutual funds’ non-equity down more than 20 per cent and 50 per cent stocks
made by the CAG and presented before the Fifteenth Finance Commission, the
financial companies (NBFCs). The assets under management (AUM) have halved. A stock that has halved will face a
fiscal deficit of the Centre in 2017-18 was 5.85 per cent of gross domestic product flow of credit to the economy has JIGAR MISTRY jumped from ~5.8 trillion in 2015 to tough time raising equity.
and not 3.46 per cent as shown by the government. This basically includes bor- slowed considerably. The equity ~12.2 trillion in 2019, a majority of But it’s not all bad — India now has a bankruptcy
rowing by public sector undertakings to cover government expenditure. market’s conundrum is of too much which was invested in NBFC debt code and resolutions have started. A few battered
At a broader level, what this means is that the central government, central money chasing fewer companies, partly due to (commercial papers and non-convertible deben- NBFCs could end up with new managements or
public sector undertakings, and state governments are using the entire pool change in the mandate and largely because ‘nothing tures). Between 2015 and 2018, mutual funds with stronger partners, thereby stemming the rot.
of household financial savings. This also explains the overall approach of succeeds like success’. became the largest suppliers of credit to NBFCs (42 Nevertheless, the cost of capital in India is too high.
increasing borrowing from abroad, both at the government and corporate It started with the massive surge in private invest- per cent of funding), replacing banks (37 per cent) Despite policy rates falling 75 bps, the borrowing
ments in India during 2006-08 when global eco- and insurance firms (21 per cent). cost has not come off. The small savings rate still
levels, which has its inherent risks.
nomic growth was strong. Bad loans (non-perform- NBFC loans, which were at about 15 per cent of yields over 7.5 per cent; it needs to come down. Also,
The government should work on addressing the issues raised by the CAG ing assets or NPA) at the time were below 3 per cent. banking loans in 2014, garnered a third of incre- Sebi should allow mutual funds to invest a larger
on the tax administration, especially the GST system, and reassess its expendi- However, the 2008 global financial crisis marked mental loans between 2015 and 2019. Nevertheless, proportion of their funds across market caps and
ture. Though it is correct that rationalising expenditure would be difficult the turning point. Growth slowed materially and asset quality was often poor and many NBFCs turned provident funds must consider investing in a broad-
during a slowdown, reservations about Budget numbers and an unsustainable rendered many projects, which previously looked a blind eye to matching asset and liability durations. er index.
level of public sector borrowing can be more damaging in the medium term. If attractive, unviable. In the absence of effective This and the subsequent IL&FS collapse in If financial markets fail to help businesses raise
necessary steps are not taken in time, a course correction would become increas- bankruptcy code, Indian banks resorted to many September 2018 created a liquidity crunch. Credit money, economic growth will suffer. Participants in
ingly more painful. schemes (JLF, SDR and S4A) to combat rising bad markets froze, making it challenging for all NBFCs financial markets are the gatekeepers of people’s
loans, but failed. By 2015, NPA rose over 4 per cent, to raise fresh debt; and a few could not even refi- money; a more frequent reminder will help.
but the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) still believed nance their loans. Low liquidity has taken a toll on
that banks were not recognising all bad loans; an consumer sentiment — sales of discretionary goods The writer is director at Buoyant Capital

Anatomy of a flood
On the day of the flood, her parents’ home 800-odd people stuck in Urappakkam or Jayalalithaa’s health… over 200 such cases
— in which she and her brother grew up of Dr Bala, a gynaecologist whose private were filed by the AIADMK between 2011
— is inundated. After the flood waters hospital and pregnant patients were and 2016.” The same lack of transparency
withdraw, when her family returns, they marooned in the flood. The inclusion of plagued information about the floods. “I
that more than extreme weather it was living there vulnerable to such a weather find their home washed away: “…it looks some others, such as that of Anantha filed a query under the RTI Act to find out
administrative apathy that worsened the event. “If you live in urban India and find like a war was fought in there. A battle Narayanan, a resident of Keezhkattalai, the exact number of casualties due to the
situation. This is not a fact of which we are your home and your city sinking, it’s prob- with the Adyar River… What no one tells and his family, seem a little random. Chennai floods… The reply (was)… 38 per-
unaware but are often reluctant to ably because of the mismanagement of you about floods… is that it is not water Having said that, it must be acknowledged sons. …Thirty-eight is the official num-
acknowledge. water bodies,” she writes, “because rivers that comes into your home… what flows that every narrative — of the lucky sur- ber… Not 512 as the newspapers had report-
In the Prologue of the book, “How On remember”. They remember their old into your home when it floods vivors and those not so ed. Not 269 as the home minister had
BOOK REVIEW Earth Did This Happen to Us” (the title is homes and courses, even if people who is sewage… Mostly human Ms Ge seems to have lucky — is acutely claimed.” In a note of despair, she writes:
acknowledged to be inspired by Haruki have encroached upon them forget all waste….” conducted an endless poignant. “I, unfortunately, failed… to find out just
UTTARAN DAS GUPTA Murakami’s Underground: The Tokyo Gas about it. This forgetfulness and apathy on Her family is, of course, not number of interviews Another subject that which of these numbers was real.”
Attack and the Japanese Psyche), Ms Ge the part of the citizens expose them to the the only one that’s affected. Ms and she painstakingly the book explores is the Amartya Sen has asserted in his writ-

n December 1, 2015, a record down- writes: “My conversations and investiga- vagaries and fury of nature at times of such Ge seems to have conducted reproduces them in role played by journalism ings that famines cannot occur in coun-
pour of 490 mm — often described tions uncovered that the floods of 2015 in calamity. an endless number of inter- her book. This is a in reporting the floods — tries with a free press. After reading Ms Ge
as “once in a 100-year” rainfall — Chennai were a manmade disaster; that The floods in Chennai were widely views and she painstakingly powerful narrative and how it was prevented book, we can also assert that floods cannot
inundated Chennai, killing hundreds and the Tamil Nadu government had played reported on in the national and interna- reproduces them in her book. technique, from doing its job. She occur in a country with a free press — and
displacing thousands of its citizens. It also an undeniable role in drowning clueless tional media, but Ms Ge abandons the crit- This is a powerful narrative pitchforking the writes in detail about how the absence of one makes us vulnerable.
exposed how Indian cities are ill-prepared citizens without any warning… it had also ical distance expected from traditional technique, pitchforking the reader into the the overtly centralised gov-
for such extreme weather events, which played an active role in sabotaging the journalism and plunges into a personal reader into the calamity calamity through its ernment of former chief RIVERS REMEMBER: #Chennai
are likely to become more and more com- city’s water bodies.” narrative — of her home, her family, and through its recollection. Why recollection minister J Jayalalithaa pre-
mon as the climate change situation wors- As she demonstrates through her her city. In doing so, there a recognition she chooses some narratives vented the free flow of Rains and the Shocking Truth
ens. In Rivers Remember, Ms Ge — a writer, research, the administration had over the of privilege and vulnerability: “There’s a over others is not always clear. Some are information, not only about the floods, but of a Manmade Flood
editor and citizen of Chennai — investi- decades mismanaged the uncontrolled creeping sense of discomfort in the air, obvious, such as that of engineer and vol- also about the incumbent’s failing health.
gates what caused the calamity in her expansion of the city, permitting construc- which is new to those of us cushioned till unteer Muhammed Yunus, who gets “Many newspapers were sent criminal
Krupa Ge
hometown and arrives at the conclusion tion on lakes and riverbeds, making people now by the privileges of the salaried class.” together a contingent of boatmen to rescue notices for just speculating about Context (Westland); ~499; 218 pages
The Smart “Wall Street adage: A

Prices of natural rubber have corrected nearly
5 per cent in the last six weeks following weak portfolio is like a bar of
demand from tyre makers. Analysts say that soap. The more you handle
MUMBAI | the pressure on rubber prices is likely to it, the smaller it gets”
FRIDAY, 2 AUGUST 2019 continue as the auto sector is in a slowdown D MUTHUKRISHNAN,
mode and there’s no recovery in sight Certified financial planner

Surcharge to hit global fund entry ‘India witnessing a

Mumbai, 1 August

Fund officials in India Lehman-like crisis’

feel the pinch RAJ BHATT, vice-chairman and chief excutive officer (CEO) of Elara Capital, says that India is in a similar

he recent hike in surcharge may Senior officials of domestic asset situation as the US after the 2008 Lehman Brothers crisis. In an interview with Sundar Sethuraman,
dissuade overseas money man- managers have historically drawn high Bhat says that the government should take steps to address the risk aversion among banks and financial
agers from shifting to India and salaries and will be hit hard. For institutions. Edited excerpts:
result in a flight of senior fund profes- instance, HDFC MF managing director
sionals who advise global private equity Milind Barve and chief investment Why are the markets weak despite a stable
players to countries such as Singapore officer Prashant Jain’s annual government at the Centre?
and Hong Kong, which have far lower remuneration for FY19 stood at Globally, the US-China trade war is a
personal income tax rates. ~7.2 crore each. sentiment dampener. Europe is going
Several offshore fund managers of ICICI Prudential through a challenging time, and the interest
Indian origin, who manage the India MF’s MD and CEO rate in the US is indicating that it is going into
units of their global portfolios, have been Nimesh Shah took recession. Domestically, we have a liquidity
keen to shift to the country as it will home ~6.25 crore. crisis: Banks are not lending and companies
enable them to locally connect with The industry also are struggling to find growth capital. Banks
bankers, analysts, institutional investors, routinely gives one- are not lending because they have burnt their
as well as the company’s management. time payments and
IMPACT ON SUPER RICH (in %) adversely impact fund managers plan- fingers in the past. They are playing safe due
The shift was not possible because of ning to shift to India to benefit from the ESOPs that could to fears that their lending decisions may be
the adverse tax impact, given that the n Income (~2-5 crore) section 9A regime, because the compar- amount to a sizeable questioned at a future date.
presence of a fund manager in India n Income (>~ 5 crore) ative cost of moving to India will rise fur- amount in a
could entail business connection, per- ther," said Rajesh Gandhi, partner at particular year. What should be done to tide over this
manent establishment, and tax resi-
Earlier surcharge 15.00 Deloitte Haskins & Sells. For instance, liquidity crisis?
dence risks for offshore funds. 15.00 Gandhi added that the personal tax Motilal Oswal Asset I think we are in the same situation the US
To address this gap, the Finance Bill, rates in India were, in any case, higher Management MD was in during 2007-08, after the Lehman correction in the valuations. Over the last 10
Present surcharge 25.00
2015, had introduced section 9A in the than those Singapore and Hong Kong and CEO Aashish crisis. Banks were not lending to each other years, a lot of money came through the
I-T Act, 1961, to provide a safe harbour 37.00 even before the surcharge. Somaiyaa’s total and so the credit market was jammed. We exchange traded fund (ETF) route. ETFs look
regime for the onshore management of Effective tax rate 39.00 Further, several fund professionals remuneration for need to do something drastic like the US’s at the index returns and invest. ETF money
offshore funds. Despite the onerous based in India could relocate to other FY19 was ~39.6 crore. Milind Barve Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) will move out when the prices start falling. If
rules, the government has been giving 42.74 jurisdictions, resulting in a brain drain. This included a (top) and scheme. The US government created a TARP the markets fall, they exacerbate the fall. We
Source: Budget announcement
concessions to make the shift practically Many of the top global PE firms such as one-time payment Nimesh Shah of $400-$500 billion as the banks were not have to create some optimism in the market
feasible. ment activity for offshore funds. Blackstone, KKR, and Warburg Pincus owing to cumulative lending, and there was no trust from so that investors believe that your long-term
In May this year, the Central Board The government also provided some have advisory entities based in India vesting of equity shares earned over the investors. The government needs to create a story is intact.
of Direct Taxes (CBDT) had clarified that relief in the Budget by relaxing two minor comprising senior fund professionals. last 6.5 years, which materialised in FY19. special situation fund to take all the toxic
asset management companies (AMCs) conditions under section 9A. A few funds These are relatively mobile and may look Experts believe the tax impact could assets out of the system. Right now, printing How do you navigate in this market? What is
approved under Sebi regulations would were recently granted approvals under to provide such services from Hong Kong be reduced if the one-time payments money is not a bad option. We need at least ~5 your advice to investors?
be considered eligible fund managers this regime. The surcharge hike could, and Singapore, said experts. are deferred and vested ESOPs are not trillion, anything less than that is Investors will make gains if they
under section 9A. This allows Indian however, undo the progress made so far. exercised. dribs and drabs. invest for the long term. India is not a
AMCs to directly conduct fund manage- "The increase in surcharge will More on ASHLEY COUTINHO market for someone who cannot see
FPIs are on a selling spree after the losses. The demography of India will
Budget. Do you think the whole make sure companies will do well.
surcharge issue could have been handled
WORST JULY SHOWING IN 17 YEARS differently? How concerned are institutional investors
The surcharge issue has affected sentiment. about volatility in the market? What is the

Analysts say more pain ahead for indices The government should exempt funds from
it. How can you create a corporate structure
when the funds usually are unit trusts. Why
should you force this surcharge when the aim
feedback you are getting from your clients?
They are hoping that this government will do
something to improve sentiment. Corporate
governance issues are a significant concern.
New Delhi, 1 August
will have a bearing on infla-
tion and the interest rate tra-
NIFTY HEADS SOUTH The respective indices lost
between 1 and 2 per cent in July
“On an aggregate basis, the
performance recorded by 28
was to tax the super-rich. And, even the
super-rich, who are corporates in India, does
Institutional investors are cautious and
that’s why they do not invest in small
jectory — corporate earnings, on the NSE. firms showed that while the top not have to pay the surcharge. However, the companies. They invest in index stocks. This
The tax on foreign portfolio and the overall health of the “The Nifty has broken a line grew 8.2 per cent, the bot- real reason for the FPI sell-off is lack of change happened over the last few years as
investors (FPIs) proposed in the economy, besides global cues, number of key support levels. tom line fell 2.2 per cent. The confidence in the market. All the headline one scandal after the other shocked
Union Budget, weak corporate are factors that will have a It could slide another 3-5 per performance by 21 non-BFSI numbers are not positive, whether it is auto investors. Liquidity stress is also bothering
earnings amid a slowing econ- bearing on the markets. cent from here. Investors need entites suggests net revenue sales, jobs, or earnings. It will take time to them. Lack of continuity in policy is another
omy, and falling consumption “The short-to-medium term to be careful as the newsflow is growth of 7.3 per cent year-on- stabilise. Even marquee stocks are hit in this dampener. Now, the time has come where a
dented the market sentiment outlook is clouded by what’s not too encouraging. The FPI year, while net profit fell 11.1 per downturn. Right now, moderation in corporate contract with a state government
in July, causing benchmarks happening globally and at taxation issue needs resolution. cent,” says Jagannadham valuation will take place. The valuations were should be honoured regardless of which
Sensex and Nifty to slip close home. We did not see as dovish It is not the government’s job Thunuguntla, senior vice-pres- at elevated levels. Now, there is some party comes to power.
to 6 per cent. a commentary as was expected to tell FPIs how to structure ident and head of research
This was the worst July for from the US Fed when it cut themselves. In essence, the gov- (wealth), Centrum Broking.
the indices in nearly 17 years. rates by 25 bps for the first time ernment is doing what it should As a portfolio strategy,
On Thursday, the Nifty slipped in a decade, on July 31. Source: Exchange
not be doing,” says U R Bhat, Surendra Goyal, MD and head
below the 11,000-mark and has Economic data in India, too, MD of Dalton Global. (India equity research) at Citi,
so far dropped around 9 per has been weak and there are Markets Alternate Strategies. The fall in the mid- and increased his overweight
cent from its 52-week high of issues with the new FPI norms. Among sectors, the PSBs, small-cap segments has been stance on financials, primarily
12,103.05 hit on June 3. All this is making sentiment autos, metal, and infrastructure higher. The Nifty Smallcap lost through the addition of SBI Life
Analysts say there is more weak. That said, we remain were the top losers on the NSE. 11 per cent while the Nifty in his model portfolio.
pain in store, as both global constructive and bullish on the The negative sentiment also Midcap shed 8 per cent in July. His overweight sectors
and domestic cues are likely markets from a long-term hori- did not spare the FMCG, phar- As regards corporate earnings, includ healthcare/agrochem,
to further dent sentiment. zon,” says Vaibhav Sanghavi, ma, and IT segments — con- 28 Nifty stocks had reported financials, utilities, while mate-
Over the next few months, the co-chief executive officer, sidered defensive and safe- their respective June quarter rials and consumer staples
progress of monsoon — which Avendus Capital Public haven bets in a volatile market. numbers till July 31. remain underweight sectors.


Promotional offers dent Godrej Consumer’s Q1 show

Investors should SHREEPAD S AUTE The company indicated price drops
across the categories with soaps, liquid
improve hereon mainly from the
December quarter onwards.
wait for good The June quarter (Q1) performance of vaporiser and hair colour (Crème brand). What helped on the profit front was
Godrej Consumer Products (GCPL) was The muted top line growth of the India benign input cost.
earnings trend above expectations on the earnings front. business, coupled with a 0.6 per cent YoY GCPL’s gross profit margin and Ebitda
despite attractive Though consolidated net profit of
~407.6 crore remained almost flat as com-
decline in revenues from Africa, weighed
on the overall consolidated top line.
(earnings before interest, tax, depreciation
and amortisation) margin improved by
valuations pared to the year-ago quarter, it was more GCPL reported close to 5 147-148 basis points YoY to
than analysts’ expectations of ~315.3 crore. per cent YoY decline in net 56.8 per cent and 19.4 per
Base=100 120 However, GCPL missed estimates on sales to ~2,330.6 crore in the cent, respectively.
the top line front, given the price cuts and quarter, against estimates of Though the management
discounts. In order to push up volumes, ~2,482.7 crore. expects overall performance
Sensex the company reduced prices of products Yet, a 5.4 per cent revenue to improve, including its
100 and introduced promotional offers, which growth from the Indonesia Africa business, this should
weighed on sales realisations. business capped the overall reflect on the financials of the
In the domestic (India) business, sales top line fall. company if there is to be a re-
and trade promotion spends as a percent- While Africa has over 20 per cent rev- rating of the stock, says an analyst at a
80 age of sales rose by 128 basis points year- enue share, Indonesia accounts for 14-16 domestic broking house.
on-year (YoY) to 6 per cent in Q1. to GCPL’s consolidated top line. The trend Though valuations are attractive,
Godrej Consumer Therefore, despite a 5 per cent volume of chasing volumes with higher promo- investors should await a positive earnings
Products growth in domestic business (54-55 per tional spends is likely to persist in the growth trend. The stock currently trades
60 cent of overall revenue), domestic sales near-to-medium term. at 32 times its FY21 estimated earnings,
Jul 2,‘18 Aug 1,’19 of ~1,289.8 crore increased by just 0.9 per The management, during its analyst which is at a 41 per cent discount to peer
Compiled by BS Research Bureau
cent on a YoY basis. call, highlighted that volume growth will Hindustan Unilever.

Agile models support Shriram Transport, Chola Finance

Both were quick HAMSINI KARTHIK what has helped the two funding for replacement of Increasing loan exposure to
financiers is that they were tyres, insurance premium, fuel light CVs, two-wheelers, and
to adapt to a Much to the surprise of quick to adapt to the changing costs — which would enable used CVs has helped Chola
investors, results posted by environment. For instance, the fleet operator for seamless Finance in Q1. This strategy
changing Shriram Transport Finance Shriram Transport has functioning of business — has has also led to market share
environment Corporation
Cholamandalam Investment
and increased its focus on used
vehicle credit, which formed
helped Shriram Transport,
though they make up only a
gains in segments in which it
wasn’t very dominant earlier.
and Finance Company (Chola about 83 per cent of its loan small proportion of its loan The problem for both CV
Finance) exceeded expecta- book in the June quarter. book, says the management. lenders is that of cost of funds.
Base=100 tions. While loans to used vehi- Analysts at Edelweiss say At about 9.0-9.5 per cent, ana-
Both managed reasonable cles carry lower value against Shriram Transport’s niche lysts say costs have almost
profit growth in the June quar- loans to new vehicles in a mar- positioning and sustained petered out and therefore net
Sensex ter (Q1) and kept a neat check ket where demand for used investment in building fran- interest margin (NIM) should
100 on costs. Loan growth held up vehicles is marginally better, chise should lead to a relatively stabilise at 6.5 per cent for
reasonably well, too. Shriram the company’s ability to switch better H2FY20. Chola Finance and 7.5 per cent
Transport grew its loan book focus has helped mitigate the Chola Finance, whose loan for Shriram Transport.
by 4 per cent year-on-year slowdown in the commercial book is smaller than Shriram Consequently, Rajiv Mehta
80 (YoY) in Q1, though overall dis- vehicles (CV) space. Transport’s and traditionally of YES Securities says that the
bursement fell 8 per cent. The firm also increased its caters to heavy CVs and cars, two stocks are attractive at cur-
Shriram Growth was faster for Chola preference towards funding altered its focus, which helped rent levels — Shriram
Chola Finance Finance, which saw loans swell light CVs, demand of which is its loan disbursements grow 22 Transport for trading at 1.2
Investment 60 23 per cent YoY in Q1. better compared to other seg- per cent YoY in the quarter. times its FY21 book value, and
Jul 2,‘18 Aug 1,’19 Even if the growth rates sig- ments. Increasing focus on This is the highest growth Chola Finance for its ability to
Compiled by BS Research Bureau
nificantly trail the past trends, working capital loans such as posted by an NBFC so far. ride out a tough pace.


No relief in sight for Zee Entertainment Don’t permit

broker to trade
Stake sale meets only 38% of outstanding loans of promoter group
MFs’ Essel exposure on your behalf
Mumbai, 1 August

The stock of Zee Entertainment

may see 30-50% fall SANJAY KUMAR SINGH

A Delhi-based broker, Allied Financial Services, is

Enterprises (ZEEL) declined by 4 per JASH KRIPLANI Zee shares, a few had also lent against Dish in the news for the wrong reasons. Its activities
cent on Thursday, despite a stake Mumbai, 1 August TV shares, combined with the pledging of have allegedly triggered a default by its clearing
sale by the company’s promoters. Zee shares. In such cases, the fund houses member, IL&FS Securities Services. Odisha
The promoter pledge and stake sale Mutual fund (MF) players are expecting the concerned may not benefit to the same extent Cement, a client, has alleged that mutual fund
were key overhangs for the stock, proceeds from the Zee-Oppenheimer deal to as others, from the Oppenheimer deal,” said (MF) units worth ~344 crore were transferred by
but the announcement of the deal significantly reduce their outstanding debt a fund manager. the broker from the demat account of one of its
failed to trigger a rally. exposure to Essel Group entities. According “We understand that the group will subsidiaries. While the courts and the regulator
Including Thursday’s loss, the to people in the know, the deal could poten- engage with lenders in the coming weeks to probe deeper into the case, let us focus on some of
stock has shed over a third of its value tially reduce MFs’ exposure to the group com- release their pledged shares, which will be the mistakes investors must avoid in their relation-
over the past one year. panies by 30-50 per cent. transferred to Oppenheimer,” Citi analysts ship with their broker.
While the ~4,200-crore deal with The sources said a fall in exposure would said in a note. According to the management The first lesson, according to experts, is that
Invesco Oppenheimer — for a 11 per depend on whether the MFs’ exposure is of ZEEL, once the pledged shares are trans- clients should confine their relationship with their
cent stake in ZEEL — does allay near- pledged by shares of Zee or ferred to an escrow account, broker only to broking. Brokers are meant to only
term concerns, brokerages say it is any other group company. Oppenheimer will pay for the facilitate buying and selling of securities. They are
not enough to repay ~11,000 crore in “We will see our expo- RECOVERY PANGS shares. Earlier in the year, also permitted to offer advice on which stocks the
outstanding loans against shares of sure to Essel Group reduce MFs and other lenders had client should buy or sell. “Regulations do not per-
all listed entities of the group. by half, as our exposure Mutual funds with exposures entered into a ‘standstill’ mit brokers to manage customers’ money,” says
Parag Gupta and Sulabh Govila of EASING THE DEBT BURDEN was pledged by Zee shares. to Essel group entities agreement with promoters Nithin Kamath, founder and chief executive offi-
Morgan Stanley say the stake sale From ~1,500 crore, we *(~crore) of Essel Group to give them cer, Zerodha.
meets 38 per cent of the promoter
(in ~crore) should see it fall to ~750 Fund time till September to repay Allowing your broker to buy and sell on your
Exposure as
debt obligation. The balance needs Loans against shares 11,000 crore as a result of this deal. house of June-end* their dues. behalf can spell trouble. All is well in such a rela-
to be met through sale of non-media Our full exposures will get Most MFs entered into tionship so long as the broker makes profits and
assets, failing which a further stake Stake sale (11% in ZEEL) 4,224 cleared once the promoters Birla Sun Life MF 2,670 the agreement as they took gives the client the promised return. But once he
in Zee may need to be sold. They sell the balance stake in Zee HDFC MF 750 the stand that selling the makes losses, he may not
believe this is the first of many steps, Residual debt 6,776 as was envisaged,” said A pledged shares would lead only fail to pay the promised
but it doesn’t remove the overhang OPTIONS FOR PROMOTERS Balasubramanian, chief ICICI MF 718 to ‘sub-optimal’ recovery, returns but even the princi-
on the stock yet. executive officer, Aditya Franklin and was not in the best inter- pal. “If you get a call from a
Further, the deal was done at a Dish TV (57.5% stake) 2,700 Birla Sun Life MF. Templeton MF 613 ests of investors. However, broker saying ‘give us the
10.6 per cent premium to the closing The fund house would markets regulator Securities shares lying in your demat
price on Wednesday, whereas the ZEEL stake (25% stake) 8,324 be among major benefici- SBI MF 260 and Exchange Board of India account and we will earn
Street was expecting a premium of aries given the size of its UTI MF 98 pulled up fund houses and returns for you on it’, that
Infra (non-media) business* 8,000
15-20 per cent. The other expectation
was the best-case scenario of getting * equity value Source: Analyst reports
In response to an email
Kotak MF 65 questioned the legal basis for
such arrangements with
YOUR should set the alarm bells
ringing. Stay away from such
a strategic investor on board, which query on how the deal pro- Baroda MF 43 promoters. MONEY brokers,” says Kamath. He
did not happen. ceeds will be shared with Source: Value Research, * exposure may On Wednesday, Essel adds that clients who want
have reduced in recent weeks
The management indicated that latest transaction, the promoter assets has been going on for quite lenders, a company Group said it was offloading an entity to manage their
the need to close the deal by the end group still needs to pay about ~6,800 some time, analysts believe that mon- spokesperson for Zee said: 11 per cent of the nearly 36- If you want to money should invest with a
of July prevented them crore through the sale of etisation of the same is unlikely to “The value generated from ZEEL’s (Zee per cent promoter stake in ZEEL to the exist- make money by licensed portfolio manage-
from exploring the option After the latest road and solar assets, or a take place before the September Entertainment’s) 11-per-cent promoter stake ing investor, Invesco Oppenheimer, for a lending shares, ment service or MF house.
to scout for a strategic transaction, the stake sale in Dish TV. deadline. sale to Invesco Oppenheimer Developing consideration of ~4,224 crore. According to use the Sometimes brokers also
investor. Analysts at ICICI promoter group Given that the current Deepti Chaturvedi and Akshat Markets Fund will reduce the exposure of the management, the deal proceeds would exchange ask for the shares or MF units
Securities say that the still needs to market capitalisation of Dish Agarwal of CLSA believe that the MFs and non-banking financial companies. amount to ~4,000 crore after adjusting for platform meant lying in a client’s account and
stake sale to a global tech- pay about TV (the stock fell over 6 per chance of an asset sale closing in At this stage, we cannot comment on the pro- tax liabilities. The promoters aim to close for this purpose promise to pay a regular
nology/media player ~6,800 crore cent in trade on Thursday) two months is bleak, and a further portion.” the deal by August. interest on it. “The broker
could have added value in through the is close to ~4,700 crore, a 57.5 8-18 per cent stake sale in ZEEL is a The MF industry had ~5,000-6,000 crore “The promoters are backing up their res- uses those shares for his own business activities.
expanding its digital sale of road and per cent stake will fetch the likely outcome. exposure to Essel Group firms, which were olution plan with action. They are looking The risk in such arrangements arises if the broker
reach, and the failure to solar assets, or promoters close to ~2,700 The current stake of promoters, loan against share exposures. HDFC MF (~750 at resolving the situation by monetising their becomes insolvent,” says Shrey Jain, founder, SAS
do so has dampened a stake sale in crore. This is close to 24.5 per following the recent deal, stands crore exposure as of June-end), ICICI MF (~718 assets in a phased manner,” added Online, a Delhi-based discount broking firm.
sentiment. Dish TV cent of the promoter debt. reduced at 25 per cent. If there is fur- crore), Franklin Templeton MF (~613 crore), Balasubramanian. As the Oppenheimer deal Clients often fall for these schemes because of
The biggest worry for The equity value of the ther dilution, the promoters could SBI MF (~260 crore), UTI MF (~98 crore), and could potentially ease the overhang on the the desire to make some extra money on an ‘idle’
the Street, however, is the need for infrastructure assets could range end up being minority shareholders, Kotak MF (~65 crore) are among other fund schemes exposed to the group, ICICI MF asset. But such arrangements can be perilous. “If a
further dilution in ZEEL and a possi- from ~8,000-9,000 crore. However, putting the continuation of the cur- houses exposed to Essel Group entities. and Birla Sun Life MF sounded-off the dis- person is trading himself, he will probably under-
ble change in management. After the given that the process of selling the rent management in doubt. “While most fund houses had lent against tributors on the Essel development. stand the risks of what he is doing. But when he
lends his securities to a broker, he does not know
how much risk the latter will take with them,” says
Vikas Singhania, executive director, Trade Smart
Investors need to be on guard regarding any
activity in their demat account. If you sell shares
Nifty Bank Nifty Power Grid JSW Steel Tata Motors today, your depository will send a text message
and an email two days later informing you that the
Current: 10,980 (fut: 11,027) Current: 28,367 (28,586) Current: ~214 Current: ~225 Current: ~130 shares have been debited from your demat
Target: NA Target: NA Target: ~218 Target: ~220 Target: ~125 account. “If you get such a message even though
Stop long positions at 10,925 . Stop short Stop long positions at 28,400. Stop short Keep a stop at ~212 and go long . Add to Keep a stop at ~228 and go short. Add to Keep a stop at ~132 and go short. Add to you have not sold shares, complain immediately
positions at 11,125. Big moves could go till positions at 28,700 . Big moves could go till the position between ~216-~217 . Book the position between ~221-~222. Book the position between ~126 -~127. Book to the exchanges and to the Securities and
10,825, 11,225. A long Aug 08, 10,900p (48), 28,000, 28,850. Trend remains negative. profits at ~218. profits at ~220. profits at ~125. Exchange Board of India,” says Kamath. If you are
short 10,800p (29) could gain 10-15 If the not savvy enough, do not trade in the futures and
index drops below 10900. options segments and do not let any other entity
do so on your behalf, as leveraged bets in these
segments can result in massive losses.
Retail investors, who want to lend their shares,
should use exchange-based platforms like the
security lending and borrowing mechanism.
Borrowers and lenders both place bids and trans-
actions happen if there is a price match. The
Target prices, projected movements in terms of next session, unless otherwise stated
exchange charges a small margin.


Old gold selling by Indians UP asks mills to clear

cane dues byAug 31
at 7-year high, says WGC VIRENDRA SINGH RAWAT
Duty hike to hit demand INDIA’S GOLD ACCOUNT Lucknow, 1 August
Crushing season n 2017-18 n 2018-19
Payment (%) 68 75
only in short term; WGC Demand With the 2019-20 sugarcane crushing
cycle barely two months away, the Yogi
retains annual forecast

In tonnes Q2CY18 Q2CY19 % change


Adityanath government has set an



Jewellery 149.9 168.6 12.5 August 31 deadline for mills in Uttar

DILIP KUMAR JHA Bar & coin 39.3 44.5 13.2 Pradesh, the country’s top sugar pro-

As on Aug 1 International Domestic Mumbai, 1 August ducer, to settle farmer dues, of more than

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total 189.2 213.1 12.6 ~8,200 crore, for the current season.
Price %Chg# Price %Chg#
Consumers in India are selling old gold Against total cane payables of ~33,047
METALS ($/tonne)
to benefit from high prices. The same Supply crore, UP mills have, so far, paid 75 per
Aluminium 1,776.5 0.1 2,041.7 -4.7 is reflected in the data for the June Q2CY18 Q2CY19 % change cent or ~24,792 crore to farmers, thus Total cane Total payment Total
Copper 5,926.0 -7.4 6,458.2 -5.6 quarter that the World Gold Council Net imports 193.1 247.4 28.1 leaving 25 per cent or ~8,255 crore in
dues (July 31) by mills outstanding
Zinc 2,425.5 -16.5 2,751.2 -15.3 released on Thursday, in Gold Demand arrears for the 2018-19 season. Note: Figures in ~crore Source: Industry
Trends. Scrap 32.0 37.9 18.4 During the corresponding period last
Gold ($/ounce) 1,403.5* 9.9 1,553.0 9.4 The report stated consumers during year (2017-18), the unpaid component
Domestic supply 2.6 3.2 23.1
Silver ($/ounce) 16.0* 9.0 18.0 8.1 the quarter sold 37.9 tonnes of old gold, stood at ~11,161 crore or about 32 per cent Commodities Act (ESA), 1955, and
Total 227.7 288.5 26.7
ENERGY which is the highest quarterly sale after of the amount payable. issuance of recovery certificates (RC),
Source: World Gold Council Compiled by BS Research Bureau
Crude Oil ($/bbl) 64.0* -11.5 63.5 -11.9 September 2016, when old gold sale, or The central and the state govern- which authorise district administra-
scrap supply, was 39 tonnes. ments had announced separate soft loan tion to seize a plant and the stock for
Natural Gas ($/mmBtu) 2.3* -11.8 2.3 -14.5 Gold jewellery sold and repur- after August 2016”, said the WGC’s Gold Robust trade promotion and a high schemes for helping private sugar mills auctioning, if farmer dues were not
AGRI COMMODITIES ($/tonne) chased, or remaking gold, is not calcu- Demand Report. number of auspicious days helped pay farmers in the backdrop of sugar paid on time.
Wheat 178.1 -15.5 300.5 10.6 lated as part of old gold sale. The discount in spot prices over occasional gold buying. market glut, export market squeeze and In fact, Chief Minister Adityanath
Sugar 326.2* -1.7 477.0 1.0 In June, the gold price crossed the cost of import comes to ~500 per However, the price rise in June and falling sugar prices. had asked mills to settle their outstand-
$1,400 an ounce in global markets, 10 gm. expectations of an import duty cut The state cane commissioner, ing and stressed any delay in clearing
Palm oil 515.0 -1.0 825.4 -3.2 which was a six-year high, and since Somasundaram PR said, “We do not brought demand to a virtual standstill Manish Chauhan, holding a meeting arrears would not be tolerated.
Rubber 1,814.5* 8.2 2,143.1 16.5 then has remained above that. In addi- expect the hike in customs duty to have when the quarter ended. with the representatives of private mills “Sugarcane payment is incumbent
Cotton 1,390.7 -16.9 1,758.9 -6.9 tion, import duty has been raised by a long-term impact on gold in India, Purchases by central banks globally here on Wednesday, had issued stern on the liquidation of stock and it is the
* As on Aug 01, 19 1800 hrs IST, # Change Over 3 Months
2.5 percentage points, making gold although it will have a dampening and increased buying by financial directives for ensuring full payment by responsibility of the government to facil-
Conversion rate 1 USD = 69.1& 1 Ounce = 31.1032316 grams. even costlier. impact on demand in Q3. We continue investors who opt for gold-backed August 31. They were also instructed to itate the sale. We have been given limited
Notes: On an annual basis, the supply of to estimate India’s full-year gold exchange-traded funds have supported complete their annual repairing and quota for selling sugar and are facing the
1) International metals, Indian basket crude, Malaysia Palm oil, Wheat
LIFFE and Coffee Karnataka robusta pertains to previous days price.
scrap gold in India is likely to be at a demand to be in range of 750 to 850 demand, said the Gold Demand maintenance at the earliest, so that mills double whammy of maintaining inven-
2) International metal are LME Spot prices and domestic metal are seven-year high and may rise to 100 tonnes in 2019.” Trends. could start operations on time for the tory and not able to sell as well,” an offi-
Mumbai local spot prices except for Steel. tonnes, according to P R India’s gold demand in 2017 was 771 Central banks bought 224.4 tonnes upcoming sugar season (October 2019- cial with a leading sugar company told
3) International Crude oil is Brent crude and Domestic Crude oil is Indian
Somasundaram, managing director tonnes and in 2018 was 760 tonnes. in April-June, taking their first-half September 2020). Business Standard.
4) International Natural gas is Nymex near month future & domestic (India) of the World Gold Council. India’s gold demand went up by 13 buying to 374.1 tonnes, the largest net Private mills account for nearly 95 He lamented the government was
natural gas is MCX near month futures. In 2012, the supply of scrap gold per cent to 213.2 tonnes for April-June H1 increase in global gold reserves “in per cent of total arrears in the state at not extending any support to mills in
5) International Wheat, White sugar & Coffee Robusta are LIFF E future stood at 118 tonnes because people this year compared to 189.2 tonnes in our data series. In a continuation of ~7,800 crore, followed by UP cooperative the present crisis and private millers
prices of near month contract.
6) International Maize is MATIF near month future, Rubber is Tokyo-TOCOM encashed their jewellery owing to a the corresponding period last year. recent trends, buying was spread units at ~430 crore. Among top cane pay- have been ‘bluntly’ told to explore other
near month future and Palm oil is Malaysia FOB spot price. surge in local prices. “The increase in India’s gold across a diverse range of — largely ment defaulters are Bajaj Hindusthan sources of funding for settling outstand-
7) Domestic Wheat & Maize are NCDEX future prices of near month After the Union Budget, the flow of demand during April-June can be emerging market countries”, said group mills (more than ~2,800 crore out- ing. “We have apprised the state gov-
contract, Palm oil & Rubber are NCDEX spot prices.
8) Domestic Coffee is Karnataka robusta and Sugar is M30 Mumbai local
smuggled gold to India increased and attributed only to the price decline in the report. standing), Simbhaoli (~600 crore), Modi ernment of the tight liquidity situation
spot price. traders holding cheaper gold started April and May, when consumers found Gold-backed exchange-traded (465 crore), and Dhampur (~354 crore). with us, which is primarily responsible
9) International cotton is Cotton no.2-NYBOT near month future & selling. The spot gold market in an opportunity to accumulate their funds’ holding grew 67.2 tonnes in the Last month, the government had for arrears.”
domestic cotton is MCX Future prices near month futures.
Source: Bloomberg Compiled by BS Research Bureau
Mumbai was quoting at a discount of metal holding,” said P R April-June period to a six-year high of warned defaulting mills of filing of cas-
$23-25 per ounce, “which is the highest Somasundaram. 2,548 tonnes. es under Section 3/7 of the Essential More on

EV firms trim prices
Biz failures should Complex holdings
after GST breather
not be taboo: FM

Mumbai, 1 August

Owning an electric car and two-wheeler will now

be easier on the wallet. With a steep reduction in
Bengaluru, 1 August
sures about these entities,” said
a Mumbai-based trader.
the GST (goods and service tax) rate taking effect,
manufacturers of EVs have reduced prices of
Bill gets cleared For instance, the holding
Investors, especially institu- entity is home to a range of
their models — up to ~80,000 for e-cars and up to
~9,000 for e-two-wheelers.
in Lok Sabha tional, were never keen on businesses such as its logistics In a bid to spur the EV demand, Union
owning Coffee Day Enter- business Sical; tech park devel- Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had
INDIVJAL DHASMANA & PTI prises stock since its listing in opment unit Tanglin; and announcedareductioninGSTonEVsfrom12per
New Delhi, 1 August late 2015 despite the compa- financial services firm cent to 5 per cent in her maiden Budget.
ny operating a successful cof- Way2Wealth, among others, Sohinder Gill, director general at Society of

eacting to the death of fee retail chain, which had a making it impossible for an Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles (SMEV), said
Café Coffee Day significant brand recall. investor to understand where EV makers, which mainly include eight two- PRICE CUTS
founder V G Siddha- A complex holding struc- the value is being created, the wheeler makers, carmakers and three-wheeler
rtha, Finance Minister Nirm- ture and unrelated businesses trader said. makers, have passed on the benefit of the
Tata Motors
ala Sitharaman said business clubbed under one roof could “When a private equity (PE) reduced GST rate. Sells the electric version of Tigor and has
failures should not be a taboo. have been the reasons that firm says it holds this much in “While it may not have much impact on the reduced prices by up to ~80,000 across
Responding to the debate prompted investors to shun Coffee Day, it is only related to demand as the benefit from affordable two- its variants, with effect from August 1
on the amendments to the the stock, experts say. These the listed entity. Nobody actu- wheelers will only be ~4000-5000, it will boost
Insolvency and Bankruptcy are likely to impact the com- ally knows the exposure and sentiment,” said Gill. Hero Electric, too, has Mahindra & Mahindra
Code (IBC) in Lok Sabha on pany’s ability to raise funds, stake holding of the PE firms reduced prices across its range, he added. Prices of eVerito will come down by
Thursday, Sitharaman said, too, they add. in the group entity,” said an Tata Motors that sells the electric version of ~80,000 and cost ~10.71 lakh (including
“Business failures in this coun- Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the Lok Sabha “If you see the size of the investmentbankingsource.“In Tigor has reduced prices by up to ~80,000 across FAME benefits, on-road in Delhi)
try should not be a taboo, or during the ongoing Budget Session, on Thursday PHOTO: PTI company, mutual funds hold a this scenario, raising funds its variants, with effect from August 1. Tigor EV,
looked down upon. On the miniscule stake in the firm. FIIs from the market is likely to be which was earlier priced between ~12.35 lakh and
The price of Treo three-wheeler will go
contrary, we should give an Airways, Sitharaman said the respond to issues of financial (foreign institu- difficult because ~12.71 lakh (ex-showroom price in Mumbai) and down by up to ~20,000 and will now
honourable exit or resolution stakeholders were free to work creditors in the wake of a recent tional investors) financial institu- will now be available to customers between ~11.58 start at ~2.05 lakh (on-road)
to the problem in letter and out a resolution plan and they ruling with respect to financial only own very tions will be lakh and ~19.20 lakh. Hero MotoCorp-backed Ather Energy
spirit of the IBC.” were not obliged to use the IBC, and operational creditors. small percent- keen to know “In light of the recent announcement made
In the letter, purportedly which is optional. Recently, the National age. So, the the overall liabil- by the government to slash the GST rate for all Premium electric scooter firm also
written by Siddhartha, there Later, Parliament approved Company Law Appellate management ity of the firm.” electric-poweredvehiclesfrom12percentto5per announced a price cut of ~9,000 on
was mention of harassment by changes in IBC, providing Tribunal (NCLAT) had ruled in hasn't done a The ambigu- cent,thepriceofTataMotors’EVswillbereduced its flagship model Ather 450
the Income Tax Department. greater clarity over distribution the Essar Steel's case that the good job at sim- ity has also by up to ~ 80,000, starting 1 August 2019,” said
The I-T department has denied of proceeds of auction of loan- committee of creditors (CoC) plifying the impacted the Shailesh Chandra, president –Electric Mobility
the charges. defaulting companies. had no role in distribution of business struc- performance of Business and Corporate Strategy, Tata Motors, in down by up to ~20,000 and will now start at ~2.05
Telugu Desam Party MP The amendments give cred- claims and brought lenders ture and the stock. Coffee a statement. These prices, he added, do not lakh (on-road), the company said.
Jayadev Galla said businesses itors to a loan-defaulting com- (financial creditors) and ven- explaining it to Day Enterprises include the FAME subsidy and TCS (tax collect- Hero MotoCorp-backed Ather Energy that
may fail because of economic pany explicit authority over the dors (operational creditors) on a investors,” said shares have nev- ed at source). makes the premium electric scooter also
downturn or busi- distribution of pro- par. Sitharaman quoted a Shriram er crossed its Mahindra Electric, the EV-making arm of announced a price cut of ~9,000 on its flagship
nesscycle.Gallaalso On Jet Airways, ceeds and fix a Supreme Court judgment to say Subramanian, The share price of issue price of Mahindra & Mahindra, also announced price model Ather 450. At present, Ather scooters are
said that accounta- Sitharaman said timelineof330days thatwithimplementationofthe founder of cor- Coffee Day Enterprises ~328 per share cuts. “Mahindra will pass on the benefits to cus- available in Bengaluru and Chennai. Ather also
bility of banks need the stakeholders for resolving cases IBC, a defaulter's paradise no porate gover- plummeted 42.4% in since its 2015 tomers across our entire product range with plans to begin operations in major cities like
to come under were free to work under IBC, includ- longer exits. nance advisory the past three sessions public listing. immediate effect. This tax cut, along with the Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi NCR and Pune, and
scrutiny.“Signingof out a resolution ing time taken for Referring to the issue of firm InGovern. to close at ~110.50 The share price strong FAME II policy, will see the adaption rate 30 other cities by 2023, it said in the statement.
personal guarantee plan and they litigation. homebuyers, raised by some “Investors on Thursday of Coffee Day in EV going up drastically with a boost to India’s India sold close to 126,000 EVs in 2018-19; a
(by industrialist to were not obliged The amend- Opposition members, Sitha- have difficulty Enterprises has last- and first-mile mobility,” said Mahesh Babu, majorityweretwo-wheelers.Asofnow,Mahindra
take loan) is leading to use the IBC, ments, Nirmala ramansaidtheprovisionsofthe in understanding the company plummeted 42.4 per cent in CEO Mahindra Electric. and Tata Motors are the only two companies that
to (them) taking an which is optional said, would also Bill strengthen the hands of due to its complex structure.” past three trading sessions to After the reduction, prices of Mahindra sell EVs. Last month, Hyundai Motor India
extreme action like bring in more clari- homebuyers and the govern- According to the share- close the trade at ~110.50 on eVerito will come down by ~80,000 and cost launchedthepremiumelectriccarofferingKona.
suicide,” he said. ty on various provisions, ment would endeavour to do holding pattern of the compa- Thursday. ~10.71 lakh (including FAME benefits - on-road in Pricedat~25lakh,thecompanyclaimstohavegot
Biju Janata Dal MP Pinaki including time-bound disposal full justice to them. ny as of June 2019, while mutu- “With a total debt of ~6,547 Delhi). The price of Treo three-wheeler will go an encouraging response to its offering.
Misra referred to the death of at the application stage for res- The government, she said, al funds held 0.12 per cent, crore in Coffee Day Enter-
the coffee tycoon, saying it is olution plan and treatment of was also looking at ways to foreign portfolio investors had prises, along with the person-
unfortunate that the insolvency financial creditors. resolve the issue concerning 5.57 per cent stake. al liabilities of V G Siddhartha,
law “should continuosly con- Among others, the app- buyers of flat from JP Group
tinue to grow and expand in our roved resolution plan would be companies. She said the issueof
country”. He said it does not binding on Central and state inclusion of cross- border insol-
“Given the size of the com- the company’s capacity to
pany, institutional holding raise capital for debt servic-
should have been a lot higher. ing will be critical at this junc-
Now, #ZomatoUninstalled,
bode well for the country governments as well as statu- vency under the IBC was under
because “that is not how you tory authorities.
reach the $5-trillion mark”.
examination and the govern-
Sitharaman said the pro- ment would take a view after
But a mixture of various busi- ture. In that perspective, a
ness, unrelated to each other, simple structure will definite-
have been put under one ly help,” said the investment
#BoycottUberEats trend
On issues concerning Jet posed amendments also consulting stakeholders. umbrella without much disclo- banking source. NEHA ALAWADHI social media divided, the examples of complaints where
New Delhi, 1 August Jabalpur police in Madhya Zomato did not take a similar
Pradesh sought an undertaking stand. The tweet that began the

HCseeksgovt,RBIrepliesonPEseyeingassuredreturns A day after Zomato snubbed a

customer who refused an
order from a non-Hindu rider,
from the Zomato customer that
he would not spread religious
hatred. The controversy began
entire issue was, however, delet-
ed by Thursday morning.
DEV CHATTERJEE international commercial arbitration. lped them mop up an exorbitant rates of #ZomatoUninstalled trended on Tuesday when a Zomato to trended on Wednesday,
Mumbai, 1 August “Such clauses also threaten the unequiv- return, ranging between 15 per cent and on Twitter on Thursday, with customer tweeted: “Just can- #ZomatoUninstalled gathered
ocal enforcement under the enacted 30 per cent. “These are artificially struc- many accusing the online celled an order on @ZomatoIN steam on Thursday.
The Calcutta High Court has sought IBC,” the petitioner said. tured transactions, which need to meet food delivery platform of bias. they allocated a non-Hindu rid- "Bye bye Zomato, you lost
replies from the Reserve Bank of India In January 2014, the RBI had banned the fait accompli of not being in conso- #BoycottUberEats also caught er for my food they said they one precious customer, many
and the government on contracts signed such equity investments that give gua- nance with the Indian Contract Act. on after UberEats backed its can't change rider and can't more to come… Don't support
by private equities (PEs) with Indian pro- ranteed returns to an investor. In the case The Securities and Exchange Board rival’s “Food has no religion” refund on cancellation. I said one side if you can't resolve the
moters, which give PEs guaranteed of Tata DoCoMo, the RBI said, according of India had also banned such transac- comment. you can't force me to take a issue. #Zomato Uninstalled,”
return on equity (RoE) investments. to the law, guaranteed returns were not tions on October 3, 2013, except for Even as the incident had delivery. I don't want don't tweeted one user. Many unin-
The litigation assumes significance allowed. Hence, DoCoMo cannot seek spot-delivery contracts or contracts on refund just cancel.” stalled UberEats’ app as well,
following the death of Coffee Day guaranteed returns on its investments cash or contracts in derivatives to In response, the official and tweeted #BoycottUberEats
Enterprises founder-chairman V G Sidd- in Tata Teleservices. which the Securities Contracts Twitter handle of Zomato for supporting Zomato.
hartha, who complained of harassment According to the pact between (Regulation) Act is applied. tweeted, “Food doesn’t have a This is not the first time reli-
from a PE investor seeking guaranteed DoCoMo and Tata Sons, the Tatas had The petitioner said various Indian religion. It is a religion.” gious issues have prompted
RoE investments. Though Siddhartha proving that the investor can exit the given a guarantee that DoCoMo can exit regulatory authorities like the RBI are Zomato founder Deepinder users to uninstall an app.
has not named any PE, KKR and Stan- equity investment with assured rate of the company with at least 50 per cent of sending conflicting signals on the guar- Goyal tweeted: “We are proud of #BoycottAmazon had trended
Chart PE were the two prominent return, thus, providing the investment its investment even if the company fails anteedinternalrateofreturnsandhence, theideaofIndia—andthediver- on Twitter in May after toilet
investors since 2010 and hold stakes. the character of a debt instrument. to make money. DoCoMo later moved the court should ask them to give clear sity of our esteemed customers seatcoversandotheritemswith
The public interest litigation was filed “The foreign investors are tacitly the London Court of International Arbit- guidelines on this. The optional clauses, and partners. We aren’t sorry to images of Hindu gods were
by a Kolkata-based lawyer, Sanjib Kumar using the related mode of equity invest- ration and moved Delhi High Court to providing assured RoE investments, by lose any business that comes in spotted. In 2015, Snapdeal
Dan, and was last heard on July 15 when ment to garner the benefits associated enforce the award. their very nature have been illegal in the way of our values.” faced #BoycottSnapdeal after
the Centre’s reply was sought. with debt instruments through such The petitioner said the route taken by India. And even if there is an assured While several Twitter its then brand ambassador
The petition said several firms agreements,” said the petitioner. Such investors under the garb of equity share- RoE, it has to be lower than the present users came out in support of Aamir Khan said he may con-
received investments from foreign PEs, illegal clauses are being regularly holding not only flouted external com- sovereignyieldcurve,i.e.,therateoffered Goyal, others agreed with the sider moving out of India with
which invested as equity but had clauses enforced by investors taking recourse to mercial borrowing norms, but also he- bythegovernmentonitssovereignbond. customer and pulled out his family.

Ex-McKinsey executive turns failed business into $535-mn start-up

BLOOMBERG $125millioninjectionfromCoatue wantstoupendadiningbusinessmodel story—themorekitschythebetter.
Bengaluru, 1 August Management,GoldmanSachs,the inventedcenturiesagoandforge ChinesedishesfromMandarinOakwere
IndonesiandeliveryserviceGojekand somethingbettersuitedtothetimes. supposedlycreatedbyamonkwholived
WhenIndiandinersorderbiryanionline others.Thecompany,whichisvaluedat RebelFoodssaysits235kitchensin20 inanoakforestinChina’sShaanxi
fromRebelFoods,they’regreetedwitha $525million,saysitmorethandoubled citiesproduce2millionordersamonth. province.Slogan:ExploreHeavenly
culinaryhistoryofthefragrant,slow- saleslastyearandisnowexpandinginto Mostarelocatedinindustrialcomplexes, ChinesefromaWiseMonk’sWok!Firangi
cookedricedish.“Therecipewaslost SoutheastAsiaandtheWestAsia.Over18 firstfloorwalk-upsorsidealleyswhere BakesellsIndianversionsoflasagna,
foreverwhenKingCyruslaidsiegeto months,RebelandGojekwillbuild100 rentsarelow.AkitcheninMumbai’s quesadillasandmaccheese,lovingly
Behrouzuntilitwasdiscoveredamongst Indonesiancloudkitchensdishingout Vikhroliindustrialsuburbiscrammed preparedby“mysticalchef”GuruFiranga
theruins,”thestoryreadsinpart.“With biryani,pizza,Chinesefoodandlocalfave into800squarefeet.Everysquareinchof “withflavorsfromaroundtheglobe”.
thisbiryani,wehavebroughtbacktolife NasiGoreng.Rebelplanstoopen20 thespaceisfilledwithfreezers,shelves Theexpansionhasn’tbeenwithout
thislostrecipe.”Dinersareinvitedtoread kitchensintheUAEbyyear-end. brimmingwithkitchenequipmentand challenges.Indiandishesvaryfromone
theentireaccount,whichextendsto “Cloudkitchensareredhotbecause preppedingredients.Duringthelunch regiontothenext—biryanirecipeschange
14chaptersanddescribesaprotractedwar theyaddafast-deliverylayerontopof rushonerecentday,abouttwodozen every100milesorso—forcingBarmanto
betweentwoancientPersiankingdoms. restaurantbrands,allowingthemtoscale apron-cladmenandwomenarepreparing setupafoodlabandstandardisethemenu
Thewholethingismadeup—acanny quickly,”saysGVRavishankar,managing orders(twoshahibiryani,fourpaneer inawaythatprovidesconsistencywhile
exerciseinmyth-makingthathashelped directorofSequoiaCapitalIndia.Hesays piquantepizza,bhunachickenwrap, cateringtoregionalsensibilities.The
turnthemeal(namedBehrouzafterthe RebelFoodsiswellpositionedbecause (Top) Rebel Foods cloud kitchen in Mumbai. butterchickenroyalmeal)streaminginby qualityofingredientsalsovarieswildly
fictionalconflict)intoatop-seller. youngdinersinIndiaandbeyondare (Right) Jaydeep Barman, 45, runs Rebel Foods phoneandapp—allthewhiletryingnotto acrossthecountry;paneer,acottage
RebelFoodscallsitselftheworld’s eagertotrynewfoodsandflavors. from an office park in the Bhandup West collidewithoneanother. cheesefoundinmanyPunjabidishes,can
largestinternetrestaurantcompany,a Aroundtheworldinrecentyears,a area of Mumbai and grew up in the Witheachorder,thekitchenbecomes bemoreorlessfattyandsugary.SoRebel
boastthat’shardtodisprovebecausethere cropoffooddeliverycompanieslike food-mad city of Kolkata PHOTO: BLOOMBERG morefrenzied.Thefinisheddishesarrive selectedonepaneersupplierandhelped
aren’tmanychainsquitelikeit.Founded Munchery,Sprig,MapleandSpoonRocket inbowls,traysandsmallcartonsatasmall thecompanyexpandIndia-wideto
byaMcKinsey&Coalumnusnamed raisedtensofmillionsofdollarsonlyto pickupcounter,wheretheyarewhisked feeditskitchens.
JaydeepBarman,thecompanyservesa fail.Therewasnoshortageofdemandfor thereisn’tasingleglobalIndianfoodbrand. andsawthelight,”Barmansays. awaybyanendlessstreamofdelivery Gig-economyfirmssufferhigh
dozendifferentmenuswitheverything theirservices;manymillennialswould Thetriumphant2010IPOoftheIndian Ghostkitchenshavealsocaughtonin boys,whoroaroffonafleetofmotorcycles employeeturnover,andRebelisno
fromcheese-loadedItalianpizzasto ratherorderinthancookathome,and operatoroftheDomino’spizzachainwasa theUSandEuropeandhavevarious andscootersandfanoutacrossthe exception.Toensurethatkitchenstaff
99variationsofthedosa. UBS’sEvidenceLabpredictstheglobal signthatitwastimetoreturn.Hequit permutations.Uberco-founderTravis neighbourhood.Thekitchenproduces maketheindividualdishesconsistently
Allofthefoodiscookedinmorethan fooddeliverymarketwillgrowtenfoldby McKinseyjustafewmonthsfrom KalanickownsCloudKitchens,which about60lunchordersduringtheweek nomatterhowlongthey’veworkedthere,
200cloudkitchens,so-calledbecause 2030to$35billion.Thefirstwaveoffood becomingafullpartner.BackinIndia, doesn’toperateanyrestaurantsbutrents andtriplethatonweekends.Theentire foodengineerscreatedpre-prepitems
thesecentralisedoperationsservefar- deliverystart-upswerefelledbysteep BarmanteamedupwithINSEADbusiness cookingspacetothelikesoffast-casual RebelFoodsoperationrunsthe suchasa36-spicebiryaniblend.“That
flungcustomerswhohavenoideawhere operationalcostsanddiscounts. schoolclassmateKallolBanerjeein2012 chainSweetgreen. London-based “equivalentof1,600restaurants”,says takesthejudgementout,”Barmansays.
theirfoodiscomingfrom—muchlike Barman,whois45,runsRebelFoods andstartedabrick-and-mortarrestaurant Deliverooplanstousesomeofan AnkurSharma,RebelFoods’sseniorvice- Eachdishhasbeendeconstructedto
cloudcomputingservices.It’sbecomethe fromanofficeparkintheBhandupWest chaincalledFaasosthatsoldkebabwraps. Amazon-led$575-millionfundinground presidentofproductandsupplychain. createanexacttimeline;forinstance,
go-tobusinessmodelforfooddelivery areaofMumbaiandgrewupinthefood- WithSequoiaasanearlybacker,they toexpanditsnetworkofcloudkitchens. Besidesharnessingthecost-saving workerscanchurnoutdosaseverytwo
firmslookingtoside-stepthecostsof madcityofKolkata.Hiscareertookhimto openedabout50locations.Butcrippling OnRebel’shometurf,Swiggy,backedby powerofcloudkitchens,Barmanandhis minutes.Inateam-buildingexercise,the
runningtraditionalrestaurants. Switzerland,theUKandFrance,andhe rentspromptedtheduotoshutdownthe NaspersandTencentHoldings,isbuilding partnerleanedheavilyonmarketing cookshuddlethreetimesadayand
BackedbySequoiaCapital,Mumbai- realisedthat,despitethefar-flungpopul- operationthreeyearslaterandswitchto outitsownghostcookingoperation, lessonsfrombusinessschool.Eachof scream:“Tastytasty,freshfresh,that’s
basedRebelFoodsinJulyreceiveda arityofthecuisinefromhishomecountry, cloudkitchens.“Wewentcompletelydark SwiggyAccess.LikeKalanick,Barman RebelFoods’sdozenbrandshasaback whyRebelisbestbest.”


Pfizer clears the decks

for a fresh start
SOHINI DAS blockbusters that didn’t quite
MUMBAI, 1 August
PFIZER’S TOP 5 set the Indian drug stores on fire
off its deck, the company

merican pharma major BRAND CONTRIBUTION expects to spend more time and
Pfzer is unclogging the TO REVENUE(%)* money on its profitable brands.
marketing lines for its BECOSULES 9.58 Still, sceptics ask, given its fail-
band of bestseller drug brands MAGNEX 6.18 ure to leverage the big names,
in the country. Following the DOLONEX 4.95 can it really up the ante now?
transfer of six old global block- GELUSIL MPS 4.93 Ranjit Kapadia, senior phar-
busters that never really set the ma analyst tracking multina-
Indian market ablaze to an tional drug firms in India
Source: AIOCD AWACS , *MAT 2019
entity formed as a result of the explained that the fault lay in
merger between Upjohn the pricing strategy that had
(Pfizer’s off-patent branded been adopted for the drug in
drugs division) and primarily India. “Pfizer imports Viagra
generic drug maker Mylan, the hereandthusitspricingisnotat
company is hoping to flex par with the Indian counter-
some marketing muscle and parts. Also, before 1995, Indian
galvanize brands that have laws allowed making patented
worked well in the country’s drugs here if a different process
price-conscious and competi- PHOTO:iSTOCK (other than the patented
tive drug market. process) was used. This led
Pfizer’s Upjohn used to to copy-cat drugs.”
package old products like SLOW STARTERS He believes that the com-
Lipitor and Viagra (whose Pfizer’s global blockbusters failed to make much headwayin India pany has a window of oppor-
patents have either expired or except a fewthatrose to the top, but grewat a snail’s pace tunity here, as it needs to fix a
are about to) with its generic few minor quibbles to get the
business. In the Indian mar- Brand Market topsellingbrandstheirduein
ket, the six brands transferred Category Rank Share (%)* the country. Pfizer India,
into the Pfizer Upjohn Mylan Manforce (Mankind) Erectile dysfunction 1 56 which posted an annual sales
venture include Lyrica (used Penegra (Cadila Healthcare) Erectile dysfunction 2 11.6 of ~2,030 crore as on March
as an anti-neuropathic pain Viagra (Pfizer) Erectile dysfunction 3 7.15 2019 (a 5.5 per cent year on
drug), Amlogard (anti hyper- Stamlo (Dr Reddy's) Anti hypertension 1 19.3 year rise) has also lately
tension), Dilantin (anti- 2 17.1 focused on its profitable
Amlodac (Cadila Healthcare) Anti hypertension
seizure), Viagra (erectile dys- brands. Although its FY19
function), Fumycin Amlong (Micro Labs) Anti hypertension 3 14.1 turnover is lower than its
(anti-fungal), Daxid (anti- Amlogard (Pfizer) Anti hypertension 9 4 turnover as on March 2016
depressant). Lyrica (Pfizer) Anti neuropathic pain 1 28.3 (~2,072 crore) and has been
Pfizer sells around 150 Maxgalin (Sun Pharma) Anti neuropathic pain 2 19.5 falling for two consecutive
brands in India, with multi- Pregalin (Torrent Pharma) Anti neuropathic pain 3 13.7 years, profits have grown
vitamin Becosules, antacid *Market Share (%) as on June 2019, Source: AIOCD AWACS consistently. From ~305 crore
brand Gelusil, cough syrup inMarch2016to~429crorein
Corex being among the top ten runaway hit and soon became a Amlogard, is another example. March 2019, reflecting the
contributorstoitstopline.These billion dollar brand for Pfizer. It Once one of the most recalled impact of its sharper focus on
brands have managed to hold is also one of the most counter- brands in India, it has been cast popular brands.
their own even as the compa- feited drugs across the globe. in the shadows by the Kapadia felt that the transfer
ny’s global marquee brands However, in India Manforce by Hyderabad-based Dr Reddy’s will not dent Pfizer’s India rev-
havewitheredundertheglareof Mankind Pharma is the market Laboratories’s Stamlo, which is enues as these cumulatively
domestic competition. leader in the category, with a 56 the market leader in the cate- contributed around ~144 crore
Consider the example of per cent share of the market. gory (amlodipine) with 17 per to its topline, about 4.8 per cent.
anti-erectile dysfunction brand Viagra at third spot is way cent share. Pfizer’s Amlogard Instead, it could free up
Viagra. Launched towards the behind with 7 per cent share. has just 4 per cent share here. resources for brands already
end of the 1990’s Viagra was a Anti-hypertension drug But now with the six global doing well in the country.

slowing economy and a liquidity crisis have should replicate his earlier Gujarat model to
FROM PAGE 1 kept buyers from purchasing vehicles. expedite clearances for industry.
Reflecting the broad-based slowdown, “There should be a special desk to clear
Fed’s hawkish cut... domestic passenger-vehicle sales at Maruti
Suzuki India fell by a sharp 36.3 per cent to
all industrial permissions. A lot of open-
ness and reforms are required,” he said.
Both the indices closed at their lowest lev- 96,478 units in July over the same month a
el in five months. The rupee ended at one- year ago — one of the steepest declines seen
month low of 69.06, down 0.38 per cent — by the market leader in many years. ‘Current tech...
most since May 23 — over the previous Volumes at the Indian subsidiary of the
day’s close of 68.8 against the dollar. Japanese carmaker were dragged down by Does sales fall impact employment?
Most EM currencies weakened against a sharp fall of 38 per cent in mini and com- Of course, there is bound to be a down-
the greenback, with the South African rand pact car models, including the WagonR, stream impact on the number of jobs that
and the Indonesian rupiah dropping 0.9 Baleno, Swift, and Dzire. each car generates. We have started laying-
per cent and 0.7 per cent, respectively. Hetal Gandhi, director (research), off temporary workers, but there has been
OnWednesday,theFedcutinterestrates CRISIL, said passenger-vehicle volumes no action on permanent workers. The
by 25 basis points and said the rate cut was duringJulywereestimatedtohavedeclined Gujarat plant is working at much lower
a mid-cycle adjustment to policy. Market by ~27-31 per cent year-on-year. She said capacity than we had envisaged. Also, you
players said the comments made by Fed the fall was on account of manufacturers must remember that the auto industry is a
Chairman Jerome Powell were confus- aligning production to demand and ratio- large contributor of taxes — that will go
ing.“Sentiment is quite negative at the nalising stocks. down, too.
moment. It’s a bit confusing what Fed Chair Though much smaller than those of
wants to do,” said Andrew Holland, CEO, Maruti Suzuki, volumes at Hyundai Motor Maruti said it would be launching
Avendus Capital Alternate Strategies. India dropped 10 per cent to 39,010 units an e-car in 2020.
The hawkish stance by the Fed couldn’t over the same month last year. Sales at util- Yes, but the sales target we were looking at
have come at a worse time for the Indian ity vehicle market leader Mahindra & before the GST (goods and services tax)
markets, which have hit a downward slope Mahindra, too, dropped 15 per cent to 16,831 reduction is not more than 5,000, and that
since the Union Budget on July 5. The units over last year. is very small. Though I cannot tell you the
benchmark indices have corrected close to The trend was no different at the local price now, I don’t think the EV (WagonR)
6 per cent in one month amid a sharp sell- arms of Toyota and Honda. While dis- will be less than ~10 lakh. Even the electric
off by foreign portfolio investors (FPIs). patchesatHondadroppedbyasharp48per battery for this will have to be imported.
A lack of stimulus to prop up the econ- cent to 10,250 units over last year, at Toyota Our target audience for the product is car
omy, increase in income-tax surcharge on they were down 24 per cent to 10,423 units aggregators. We are not even looking at
FPIs, and taxes on buybacks announced in Honda attributed the drop to the high individual car buyers. Even if I price it at
the Budget have disappointed investors. baselastyear,whichwasinturnproppedup ~8 lakh, tell me how many individuals
FPIs have sold shares worth nearly ~14,000 by the launch of the second-generation would buy it?
crore in the past one month. Amaze, which was in its third month of
launch and garnered high volumes. But your firm is setting up an e-battery

Auto sector slowdown... Honda is witnessing a lot of deferment

in purchases because the July 2019 decline
factory in a JV. What will it be for?
Incentives are being offered to those
Auto sales in India have been in reverse was more severe than the June quarter who set up mega battery plants here.
gear for 11 of the past 12 months because a decline and that too when the industry had Our capacity is very small, I think some-
declined in July last year too. thing that can power 10,000-200,000 cars
CRISIL has pared its estimate and is meant for use in our hybrid cars,
of India’s gross domestic product which require a different battery chemical
> BS SUDOKU # 2806 growth by 20 basis points to 6.9 compositionfromanEV.Whyshouldafirm
per cent for 2019-20, following a put in big money in setting up a mass lithi-
triangulation of downside risks: um battery plant when it knows tech might
Weak monsoon, slowing global change in the next few years? Without mak-
growth, and sluggish high-fre- ing batteries in India, how can you have
quency data for the first quarter. mass-scale EVs?

Private sector... So, where do you think e-cars will

make a beginning in India?
“The situation is challenging It will be the big cars. And, we don’t have
…How much to believe what the any. So, Suzuki and Toyota are working on
government is saying … it is a some e-cars. Selling big e-cars makes sense
judgement that one has to make — the owners don’t live in flats, so they
and decide … that is what we are have infra to charge at home. The impact of
doing at L&T.” the GST reduction is more pronounced on
NaikaddedIndiahadsofarnot big cars than in small.
been able to capitalise on oppor-
tunities arising from the US-China Many say we have to quicken the
trade war. “In the trade war EV adoption because of the
between the US and China, a growing pollution.
number of industries have shifted Reports by IIT-Kanpur and TERI have
SOLUTION TO #2805 Very easy: to Thailand and Vietnam, but why shown that cars contribute to only 2-3 per
not to India?” he asked. cent of the pollution. In Delhi, it is the sand
Solution “For two years, the US that contributes most to the pollution. But
tomorrow President is talking about moving the focus seems to be always on cars as the
industries out of China … how big polluters. Though with Bharat Stage VI,
HOW TO PLAY many have come to India? We their share will come down even more.
Fill in the grid so were busy with elections, (and) we
that every row, did not do anything, (but) we Are you looking at any cost-cutting
every column should do something now,” he measures?
and every 3x3 added. Naik said the government There is only that much you can do in cost
box contains should now keep its promises cutting, and that the lack of demand is
the digits 1 to 9 made during the elections. The reflected in our financials clearly. Demand
chairman said the prime minister has to pick up.


Osama bin
Laden’s son Jeff Bezos sells $2 bn
growingitsexportshare Hamza killed:
US media of Amazon stock
AFP/PTI acKenzie Bezos is offi- has fallen by $1 billion since
Washington, 1 August cially’s April, when the settlement was
second-largest indi- first disclosed. Bezos, 55, the
Osama bin Laden’s son vidual shareholder. founderandchiefexecutiveoffi-
Hamza, chosen heir to the About 19.7 million shares are cer of the world’s largest online
leadership of Al-Qaeda, has now registered in 49-year-old retailer and web-services com-
been killed, US media report- MacKenzie’s name, according pany, retains a 12 per cent stake
ed on Wednesday citing to regulatory filings detailing worth $109 billion and remains
American officials. stock sales by her ex-husband, the world’s wealthiest person.
NBC News said three US Jeff Bezos (pictured). The trans- The value of the transfer
officials had confirmed they fer is a rare disclosure for a makes it the world’s most
had information of Hamza divorce whose financial terms expensive divorce. While Oracle
bin Laden's death, but gave have otherwise been shielded Corp.’s Larry Ellison has been
RONOJOY MAZUMDAR Asia. For India, China is the no details of the place or date. from the public. A King County, through multiple breakups,
Mumbai, 1 August third-largest market, after the The New York Times sub- Washington, judge had signed none has affected his owner-
US and the UAE. sequently cited two US offi- an order formalising the sepa- MacKenzie’s4percenthold- ship in the software maker.
The only major Asian econo- “Our biggest advantage is cials saying they had confir- ration on July 5. ing is worth $37 billion, enough Likewise, Google co-founder
mythat’sgrownitsexportshare that our product basket and mation that he was killed Bezossold968,148sharesfor to place her 23rd on the Sergey Brin’s stake remained
since the start of the tariff wars market basket are both quite during the last two years in an about $1.8 billion between July Bloomberg Billionaires Index, a unchanged after he and Anne
in 2018 is the one with the diversified,” said Rakesh operation that involved the 29 and July 31 as part of his ranking of the world’s 500 rich- Wojcicki divorced in 2015.
fewest trade links to China. Mohan Joshi, a professor at the United States. stock-sale plan, the filings show. estpeople.Thevalueofherstake BLOOMBERG
India’s share of world Indian Institute of Foreign Questioned by reporters in
exports rose to 1.71 per cent in Trade in Delhi. the Oval Office, President
the first quarter of 2019 from Trade tensions between the Donald Trump did not con-
1.58 per cent in the fourth quar-
ter of 2017, data compiled by
an opportunity to ramp up
firm or deny the NBC report.
“I don't want to comment
Oil crashes 6% as Trump announces
Bloomberg show. The share of
every other economy among
exports to both countries,
according to Ajay Sahai, direc-
on it,” he said.
Both reports suggested
additional tariffs on Chinese imports
Asia’s 10 biggest exporting tor general and chief executive that bin Laden may have been A prolonged trade war between
nations fell in the same period. officer of the Federation of killed well before the US State the world's two largest economies has
Part of the reason for India’s Indian Export Organisations. Department announced a $1 triggered worries about oil demand.
outperformance is that it’s not India’s exports to the US million bounty on his head in Brent crude, the international
as integrated into global man- grew at the fastest pace in six February 2019. benchmark,fell$3.85,or5.9percent,to
ufacturing supply chains as years in the year ended March The 15th of Osama bin $61.20 a barrel by 1:46 p.m. ET (17:46
peers, which means exporters 2018, while exports to China Laden's 20 children and a son GMT),havingdroppedaslowas$61.03.
are cushioned from rising trade surged 31 per cent, the second of his third wife, Hamza, U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI)
tensions in the region. highest annual pace of growth thought to be about 30 years crudewasdown$4.09,or7percent,at
It’s a sentiment that was in more than a decade, data old, was “emerging as a leader $54.49 after sinking to a low of $54.34.
flagged by central bank from India’s Ministry of in the Al-Qaeda franchise,” "Oil prices have fallen consider-
Governor Shaktikanta Das in a Commerce show. the State Department said in ably, today, done in by a one-two
recent interview. “China is more willing to announcing the reward. Oil prices plummeted more than 6 punch of the underwhelming Federal
“India is not part of the give market access to India Sometimes dubbed the per cent on Thursday, declining for Reserve easing moves and the
global value chain,” he said. than ever before,” said Sahai, “crown prince of jihad, he had the first time in six days, after US announcement by President Trump
“So, US-China trade tension pointing to increased access put out audio and video mes- President Donald Trump said he that more tariffs will be placed on
does not impact India as much for products such as rice, sages calling for attacks on the would impose an additional 10 per imported Chinese goods," said John
as several other economies.” fruits and vegetables, with United States and other coun- cent tariff on $300 billion worth of Kilduff, partner at Again Capital
China is the biggest buyer potential for greater exports tries, especially to avenge his ChineseimportsstartingSeptember1. Management. REUTERS
of goods from South Korea and of pharmaceuticals and auto- father's killing by US forces in
Japan, whose share of world mobile components to China. Pakistan in May 2011, the
exports have fallen the most in BLOOMBERG department said.

Number of sellers on
govt e-marketplace
double of Flipkart’s
2.1 mn orders worth ~28,000 cr have been placed on GeM
New Delhi, 1 August

he Centre’s e-commerce platform, gov-
ernment e-marketplace (GeM), was
launched in 2016 with an ambitious goal
to become the 'Flipkart' — then the byword for
large-scale e-commerce in India — of govern-
ment procurement. Three years and ~28,710
crore worth of transactions later, it has more
than double the number of sellers than Flipkart.
According to official statistics, the portal,
under the commerce and industry ministry, has
259,000 sellers and service providers combined. WHO’S SHOPPING ON GeM
Flipkart — currently the second-largest
e-marketplace by gross sales — doesn't sell
BJP states major buyers
services. But it advertises to potential sellers Stateswith highest procurementin 2018-19
that 100, 000 sellers showcase their goods (in ~cr)
on the platform. Uttar Pradesh 2,252
However, GeM is yet to catch up on its basic
Madhya Pradesh 1,652
task of digitising government transactions, esti-
mated at an annual ~5.5 trillion. The official Maharashtra 1,226
target remains ~50,000 crore for 2019-20, and ~1 Gujarat 1,028
trillion worth of procurements by 2021.
More than 2.1 million separate orders have
Chhattisgarh 838
been placed on the portal till now, with 1.7 mil-
lion orders in 2018-19 itself, up from 300,000 Ministries on buying binge
orders in the preceding year. Central ministrieswith highest procurements
All public sector agencies are mandated to in 2018-19 ( in ~cr)
directly purchase common-use goods and serv- Home 2,626
ices through the online portal. While most
states have signed a memorandum of under- Defence 2,299
standing (MoU) with the GeM authority, Uttar HRD 1,184
Pradesh, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh
Communications 983
remain the largest buyers.
Power 866
Start-up angle Source : Government e-Marketplace
The number of products on the portal has also
jumped exponentially, now featuring more Infosys, TCS and Wipro, etc., senior officials said.
than 1,113,000 products, from office stationery Other companies such as Godrej also figure on
to vehicles. Automobiles, computers and office the list. Cases of fraud dealerships and re-sellers
furniture are currently the top product cate- are now taken up by the original equipment
gories. Also, 14,147 separate services, including manufacturer concerned, officials added.
transportation, logistics, waste management,
web casting and analytical, among others are MSME push
listed on the portal. Cloud computing and man- Expandingtheoutreachofmicro,smallandmedi-
agement services, security and catering serv- um enterprises (MSME) on the platform remains
ices are the top focus of government buyers. the first priority, a senior GeM official said.
Many of these services and products have The government has started offering cred-
now been open to the more than 15,000 start- it facility to MSMEs on GeM through the Trade
ups recognised by the Department for Receivables Electronic Discounting System
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPI- (TReDS), seen as a step to woo small firms.
IT), and other start-ups keen to be a part of It is a bill discounting service supported by
this ecosystem. More than 2,500 start-ups are Small Industries Development Bank of India
on board, sources said. for pre- and post-shipment of products. As
Interested start-ups had been asked to pro- small enterprises find it difficult to deal with
vide their products and services free of charge for payment delays, GeM is ensuring that this issue
a fixed period of about two-three months. is resolved for MSMEs, which can now avail
Response from buyers on the platform will deter- the TReDs facility. Currently, 44,317 such firms
mine their long-term approval on the platform. doing business on the portal.
According to DPIIT officials, the move favours The GeM platform is also being used to place
smaller start-ups over those that have been in the orders for World Bank projects. MoUs have also
news for their marquee fund-raising. been signed with 12 banks to facilitate pay-
After an increasing number of buyers com- ments. The platform is also closely monitored
plained of being sold faulty or decoy products by by the Prime Minister's Office, with the Cabinet
distributors or re-sellers, the government part- Secretary holding a review meeting every three
nered more than 100 major brands such as HP, months with the committee of secretaries.

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