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S146 Diabetes Care Volume 39, Supplement 2, August 2016


Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes: Ofri Mosenzon, Rena Pollack, and

Itamar Raz

From “Guidelines” to “Position

Statements” and Back
Recommendations of the Israel National
Diabetes Council
Diabetes Care 2016;39(Suppl. 2):S146–S153 | DOI: 10.2337/dcS15-3003

Given the increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes worldwide, most patients are
treated by their primary health care team (PHCT). PHCTs need guidance in
choosing the best treatment regimen for patients, since the number of glucose-
lowering agents (GLAs) is rapidly increasing, as is the amount of clinical data
regarding these drugs. The American Diabetes Association/European Association
for the Study of Diabetes Position Statement emphasizes the importance of
personalized treatment and lists drug efficacy, risk of hypoglycemia, effect on
weight, side effects, and cost as important parameters to consider when choosing
GLAs. The suggested Israeli guidelines refocus earlier international recommen-
dations from 2012 and 2015, based on emerging data from cardiovascular outcome
trials as well as what we believe are important issues for patient care (i.e., durability,
hypoglycemia risk, and weight gain).

We suggest prioritizing glucose-lowering agents (GLAs) according to their effects on

the parameters listed above as well as adherence to therapy and cardiovascular (CV)
safety. We suggest, in parts of the world where it is economically feasible, treatment
with second-line therapy drugs that have a decreased side effect profile, do not
cause hypoglycemia or weight gain, and have established CV safety. Using these
presumably “safer” drugs allows us to strive for tighter glucose control. The three
groups of GLAs that meet these criteria are dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-4 inhibitors,
glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs), and sodium–glucose cotrans- Diabetes Unit, Division of Internal Medicine,
porter (SGLT) 2 inhibitors. For patients with an HbA1c .7.5% at diagnosis, initial Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital, Jerusalem,
combination therapy should be considered, and for those with symptomatic hyper- Israel
glycemia or HbA1c .9%, initial (possibly short-term) insulin therapy should be Corresponding author: Itamar Raz, ntv502@
considered. For most patients, we consider BMI the leading reference for choosing
between the three groups: DPP-4 inhibitors or SGLT2 inhibitors for BMI ,30 kg/m2, This publication is based on the presentations
GLP-1 RAs or SGLT2 inhibitors for BMI 30–35 kg/m2, and GLP-1 RAs for BMI .35 kg/m2. at the 5th World Congress on Controversies to
Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hyperten-
Often, combination of two GLAs is not enough to achieve target glucose control; the
sion (CODHy). The Congress and the publication
addition of a third GLA can be determined by different patient characteristics including of this supplement were made possible in
age, renal function, presence of previous CV disease, etc. part by unrestricted educational grants from
The American Diabetes Association/European Association for the Study
© 2016 by the American Diabetes Association.
of Diabetes Position Statement: From Guidelines to Position Statement Readers may use this article as long as the work is
Type 2 diabetes is a complex disease to treat, and there is no specific treatment properly cited, the use is educational and not for
algorithm that will be appropriate for all patients. Therefore, the best approach profit, and the work is not altered. Mosenzon, Pollack, and Raz S147

according to the American Diabetes As- leave some PHCTs without sufficient why should we limit it only to a selected
sociation (ADA)/European Association guidance. population? Shouldn’t the target for a
for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Position specific patient be driven by the safety
For Whom Are Guidelines for the
Statement is for the clinician to individu- of the measures used to achieve this tar-
Treatment of Patients With Type 2
alize therapy by considering the available get? Should we maintain treatment once
Diabetes Written?
treatment options and then determine a patient has achieved or even exceeded
According to the International Diabetes
the optimal approach for the individual his/her specific glycemic target? How-
Federation atlas (9), diabetes is on the
patient (1,2). Two major changes were ever, even if we use safer drugs, are the in-
rise, with .415 million patients affected
included in the 2012 ADA/EASD Position creased cost and the polypharmaceutical
worldwide as of 2015. Owing to these
Statement compared with the previous burden worth procuring lower targets?
numbers, most patients with diabetes
ADA/EASD guidelines (1,3). The first is set- The suggested guidelines presented in
are and will in the foreseeable future be
ting the HbA1c target as approaching near this article stratify HbA 1c targets not
treated by their respective PHCTs. Early
normoglycemia, with different degrees of only by patient characteristics but also
intervention trials (most prominently
stringency according to patient character- by treatment regimendthe risk the
the UK Prospective Diabetes Study
istics. The second is the listing of six (1) treatment poses for hypoglycemia and
[UKPDS] follow-up study [10]), compared
options of GLAs as second-line options of the individual’s risk for hypoglycemia
with later intervention trials (Action to
therapy. The ADA/EASD Position State- (Fig. 1).
Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes
ment leaves all possibilities open for the Second, the number of drugs and
[ACCORD], Action in Diabetes and Vascu-
discretion of the treating physician. In this classes of GLAs are increasing rapidly,
lar Disease: PreterAx and Diamicron MR
article, we will discuss this approach, as with multiple combinations of therapies
Controlled Evaluation [ADVANCE], and
well as offer our alternative suggestions. available. The level of evidence required
Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial [VADT]
today for the introduction of new GLAs
[11–13]), demonstrated the importance
Medical Guidelines for the Treatment differs from what was required in the
of early intervention in prevention of CV
of Type 2 Diabetes past (23), and no such information will
and microvascular complicationsda phe-
A medical guideline (also called a clinical be available for some of the older drug
nomenon called “metabolic memory”
guideline, clinical protocol, or clinical prac- groups. However, the experience of
(14). When one looks at referral patterns
tice guideline) is defined as, “a document health care providers as well as patient
from family physicians to endocrinolo-
with the aim of guiding decisions and cri- experience with the older GLAs should
gists/diabetologists around the globe
teria regarding diagnosis, management, not be dismissed. How can we compare
(15), it is clear that most patients with
and treatment in specific areas of health- two totally different means of evidence
type 2 diabetes who are referred to spe-
care” (4) (italics added). However, clinical collection?
cialists have long disease duration and
guidelines have certain limitations. Most Third, the amount of data available
often already suffer from diabetes com-
importantly, clinical guidelines can never from clinical trials in general, and CV
plications. Thus, it is important to provide
replace clinical judgment. By definition, outcome trials in particular, is increasing
treatment guidelines for PHCTs who
they cannot “cover” all possible clinical rapidly. After the U.S. Food and Drug
play a key role in both diabetes preven-
situations and do not take into account Administration 2008 guidance to the
tion and early treatment of diabetes so as
interpatient variability in response to industry regarding the necessity to dem-
to prevent diabetes micro- and macrovas-
treatment, side effects, personal values, onstrate CV safety of GLAs (24), the
cular complications.
and preferences. International guidelines world of diabetes clinical research has
are even more limited by regional and ra- The Complexity of Treating changed (25). Recently, .150,000 pa-
cial differences (e.g., a-glucosidase inhib- Hyperglycemia in Patients With tients with type 2 diabetes have taken
itors are not an option in the ADA/EASD Type 2 Diabetes part in CV outcome studies with GLAs,
guidelines [1–3], while they are commonly Treating patients with type 2 diabetes and the amount of data these trials pro-
used in some parts of Asia). Importantly, has become a complex issue owing to vide, regarding both CV safety (26–29)
differences in medical coverage, prices of at least three different components. and efficacy (30), as well as other out-
drugs, and the income of patients may First, individualization of the strin- comes (hospitalization for heart failure,
have great influence on GLA choices. Un- gency by which glycemic control targets renal outcomes, adverse events of spe-
like in oncology, personalized medicine in are set (1,16–19) has left many open cial interest, etc.), is vast. How should
diabetes treatment is based on pheno- questions regarding the best glycemic these data affect our guidelines? How
typic rather than genotypic expression target for a given patient (20–22). While can we extrapolate data from very
(e.g., patient weight, age, fasting and post- the ADA/EASD Position Statement (1,2) specific patient populations to the gen-
prandial glucose levels, etc.), on health supports a target HbA1c of ,7% for most eral population of people with type 2
care provider experience, and, often, on patients, it recommends a more strin- diabetes?
trial and error (5). Some of the most com- gent target (HbA1c 6.0–6.5%) for select Considering the fact that diabetes is
monly used diabetes guidelines/Position patients, as long as it can be achieved only one of the countless medical condi-
Statements (3,6–8) include lists of treat- without increased risk of hypoglycemia tions that PHCTs treat, it is challenging to
ment options, which allow the treating or other prominent side effects. How- keep up with this mountain of data. It is
PHCT and patient to tailor treatment ac- ever, what is the evidence that tighter difficult for the PHCTs to sort the data
cording to the drug properties, therapeutic control is beneficial? If tighter control by strength of evidence and to judge the
target, and patient preferences but may can be achieved without increased risk, data relevance with respect to individual
S148 Israel National Diabetes Council Recommendations Diabetes Care Volume 39, Supplement 2, August 2016

Figure 1—The Israel National Diabetes Council guidelines for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. AGI, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors; BSA, body surface area;
CVD, CV disease; DPP-4i, DPP-4 inhibitors; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; FPG.180, fasting plasma glucose .180 mg/dL; HR2, high risk of
hypoglycemia; LR1, low risk of hypoglycemia; MDI, multiple daily injections; MET, metformin; SGLT-2i, SGLT2 inhibitors; TZD, thiazalidinediones.

patient within the short time available for large proportion of weight gain attributed The ADA/EASD Position Statement
each patient in the primary care setting. to the initiation of insulin therapy can be Versus the Israeli Suggested
PHCTs therefore are in need of expert avoided with simple lifestyle reinforce- Guidelines: Consideration for the
guidance! ment measurements. In consideration of Choice of GLAs
lifestyle modification or any other long- Although the place of metformin as first
The ADA/EASD Position Statement: term treatment of type 2 diabetes, the line in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
Lifestyle Modification importance of teamwork and patient em- is well established, it is important to
Both the 2012 and 2015 ADA/EASD Posi- powerment cannot be underestimated note that the only CV outcome trial to
tion Statements (1,2) include a visual (18,19). Teamwork includes a multidisci- support its beneficial CV effect was the
diagram stressing the importance of plinary team of nurses, dietitians, social UKPDS trial (10), where only 342 pa-
continued emphasis on lifestyle modifica- workers, medical psychologists, and the tients were included in the metformin
tion throughout the course of diabetes treating physician. At the same time, arm and the number of coronary death
treatment, although lifestyle modification teamwork includes communication events was 16 with metformin com-
is not proven to improve CV outcomes and shared responsibilities between pared with 36 in the competing arm.
(31). Previously, lifestyle modification the PHCT and the diabetologist/endo- This amount of data would not have
was often thought of as a prerequisite crinologist and timely referral of the been sufficient by today’s standards.
“first step” in diabetes management in more difficult-to-manage patients to As more data become available from
order to advance to the next step of med- specialists. Above all, teamwork refers SGLT2 inhibitor, GLP-1 RA, and other
ical intervention; the more modern inte- to the involvement and empowerment CV outcome trials, we might need
grative view is better represented in the of the patient and his or her immediate to make adjustments to the current
ADA/EASD Position Statement by the sur- family and friends (18). In order to em- guidelines.
rounding of the entire graph with the light- phasize its importance, we added team- With regard to metformin and the six op-
blue box/line of lifestyle modification. work and patient empowerment to our tions of second-line agents, the ADA/EASD
Lifestyle modification is often essential to suggested guidelines, alongside the rec- Position Statement (2) lists five important
the success of glycemic control, even when ommendation for continued reinforce- parameters to consider when choosing a
the most powerful GLAs are used (32). A ment of lifestyle modification (Fig. 1). GLA: efficacy, risk of hypoglycemia, effect Mosenzon, Pollack, and Raz S149

Figure 2—ADA/EASD Position Statement versus Israeli recommendations. *Low direct cost of medication but high cost for treatment of side effects
including hypoglycemia, fractures, etc. **Cost is variable, with newer insulin analogues being more expensive. High cost for treatment of side effects
including hypoglycemia. †According to ADA/EASD Position Statement. GI, gastrointestional; GU, genitourinary; Hypo, hypoglycemia; HF, heart
failure; fxs, fractures.

on weight, side effects, and cost (Fig. 2). poor durability (36). We therefore think referring to the newer basal insulins.
However, when one looks at the six that while TZDs, GLP-1 RAs, and insulin However, we should bear in mind that
groups of GLAs according to these pa- might be more effective in achieving the ORIGIN population comprised re-
rameters as well as CV safety, treatment and maintaining glycemic control than cently diagnosed patients who used
durability, and compliance, it is striking the other GLAs, SUs, DPP-4 inhibitors, very low doses of insulin and who had
how different the results are for the dif- and SGLT2 inhibitors may be considered residual b-cell function. This might be
ferent groups of GLAs. to have similar effects on blood glucose very different than treating a more ad-
reduction (37), with limited information vanced patient. Often hypoglycemia
Efficacy and Durability
on durability available thus far. The ongo- prevents patients from achieving better
The ADA/EASD Position Statement (2)
ing Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Di- glycemic control, has a deleterious ef-
lists sulfonylureas (SUs), thiazolidine-
abetes (GRADE) randomized control trial, fect on quality of life, and is associated
dione (TZDs), and GLP-1 RAs as having
which is testing glimepiride, sitagliptin, with a major economic burden including
high efficacy; DPP-4 inhibitors and SGLT2
liraglutide, and insulin glargine as second- the need to self-monitor blood glucose
inhibitors as intermediate; and insulin
line therapy, will provide us with impor- levels and days lost at work (40). Since
as having the highest efficacy. In head-to-
tant data regarding the durability of these GLAs that carry a very low risk of hypogly-
head trials comparing DPP-4 inhibitors
therapies (38). cemia exist, shouldn’t low risk of hypogly-
(33) or SGLT2 inhibitors (34) with SUs, cemia be considered a requirement for
some show initial benefits with SUs; how- Risk of Hypoglycemia drugs to qualify as a second-line (and
ever, within a year, there is no difference The ADA/EASD Position Statement lists not third-line) option?
in glycemic control between these groups SUs having as a moderate risk for hypo-
of drugs. Direct comparison of GLP-1 RAs glycemia and insulin as high risk. When Weight
to basal and even short-acting insulin also considering the relatively low rates of The rate of obesity among patients with
did not yield significant differences in gly- hypoglycemia in the Outcome Reduc- type 2 diabetes varies in different regions
cemic control (35). When discussing GLA tion with an Initial Glargine Intervention of the world (9); however, it is strongly
efficacy, we cannot avoid referring to the (ORIGIN) study (39) despite excellent associated with type 2 diabetes and is
issue of glycemic durability; SUs, specifi- control, we might conclude that this dif- often referred to as “diabesity” (41).
cally when compared with TZDs, have ference no longer holds true when Increased weight is associated with
S150 Israel National Diabetes Council Recommendations Diabetes Care Volume 39, Supplement 2, August 2016

increased morbidity and mortality both in example of the great expense of “low- We added emphasis on the importance
the general population and among pa- cost” GLAs. New drugs, although expen- of teamwork and patient empowerment in
tients with type 2 diabetes (42). However, sive, may reduce the frequency of blood endorsing lifestyle modifications through-
insulin glargine and pioglitazone cause glucose monitoring (48) and might have out the course of treatmentdas a back-
weight gain but have not been associated lower rates of side effects. The immedi- bone for all other interventions.
with increased mortality (39,43,44). Since ate, sometimes very high cost of newer The setting of an HbA1c target is based
certain classes of GLAs do not cause GLAs must be weighed against potential not only on patient characteristics but
weight gain (DPP-4 inhibitors) and may downstream cost spent on treatment of also on the GLA used. When metformin
even promote weight loss (metformin, side effects and complications. When cost and lifestyle intervention are the only
GLP-1 RAs, SGLT2 inhibitors), the use of is a major limiting factor, less preferable treatments administered, we may strive
these GLAs over others that cause weight GLAs to be consider include pioglitazone, to normalize blood glucose levels also in
gain should be encouraged. a-glucosidase inhibitors, insulin, and SUs. patients at high risk for hypoglycemia,
CV Safety without significant increased risk for
Side Effects and Patient Adherence
The ADA/EASD Position Statement did not side effects or cost. When suggested
Drugs with a low side effect profile and
list this parameter as a consideration when second-line agents that carry minimal
minimal need for daily glucose measure-
choosing GLAs, although the approach of risk of inducing hypoglycemia are used,
ments may be associated with improved
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration dif- we can aim to achieve tight glycemic
adherence compared with those associ-
fers (1,2,24). The dispute over the necessity control (HbA1c ,7%), even in a high-
ated with higher rates of side effects,
of CV outcome trials is ongoing (23,25), risk patient population, owing to proven
specifically, weight gain and hypoglyce-
while the amount of data emanating microvascular benefit (12,13). However,
mia (45). Some GLAs have a low side
from published trials is immense. Clinical at this treatment stage, the achieve-
effect profile and subsequently high
trial data are available for the CV safety of ment of normoglycemia should be con-
rates of patient adherence to therapy,
insulin (39), pioglitazone (43,44), DPP-4 in- sidered according to individual patient
most notably DPP-4 inhibitors (33),
hibitors (26–28), GLP-1 RAs (29), and SGLT2 adherence and the cost of treatment.
while others do not (e.g., TZDs, SUs,
inhibitors (30). The recent data regarding When the risk for side effects, most
GLP-1 RAs, insulin). Side effects may
CV superiority of the SGLT2 inhibitor em- prominently hypoglycemia and weight
also partly explain why patients have
pagliflozin (30) and a recent press release gain, is increased by the GLAs used (rec-
higher rates of drug discontinuation in
regarding the Liraglutide Effect and Action ommended as third-line GLAs), an individ-
“real-world” observational trials com-
in Diabetes: Evaluation of cardiovascular ualization of the HbA1c target according to
pared with clinical trials (46). Individual
outcome Results (LEADER) trial (CV safety patient characteristics is recommended
patient beliefs, preferences, and specific
of the GLP-1 RA liraglutide) (49) indicate (,7% in patients at low risk for hypogly-
lifestyle circumstances (for example,
the potential for further changes in our cemia vs. ,8% in patients at high risk for
fear of hypoglycemia, fear of injection,
drug selection in the future. While many hypoglycemia).
high-risk occupation [drivers], tolerabil-
more data are being collected regarding For most patients, we recommend life-
ity of gastrointestinal side effects, etc.)
the newer agents, it has become even style intervention and metformin as first-
are always important considerations
harder to compare them with older agents, line therapy unless they are unable to
that cannot be incorporated into any
for which such data are not available. tolerate it; then a DPP-4 inhibitor or
suggested guidelines and need to be dis-
SGLT2 inhibitor may be a good alterna-
cussed on a one-to-one basis.
Guideline Suggestion tive. The suggested guidelines state two
Cost The guideline suggestion (Fig. 1) pre- exceptions where additional therapy
The cost of treating patients with diabe- sented here is an updated version of one should be initiated at the outset: the
tes around the world is a major consider- that was previously published (50) and ac- need for combination therapy or the
ation for patients, health care organizations, cepted by the Israel National Diabetes need for insulin therapy. The American
and governments (9). Cost might be the Council, a multidisciplinary team chosen Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/
most prominent limiting factor in the use to serve as an advisory board to the Israeli American College of Endocrinology guide-
of newer, more expensive agents both at Ministry of Health. This suggestion should lines (6) suggest that combination ther-
the patient level and at the national level. be considered within the context of the apy be initiated when HbA1c is .7.5%.
However, it is important to emphasize Israeli health care system, which includes We would like to suggest that the actual
that a large part of the expense is incurred universal health coverage as part of a stat- HbA1c is not the only value of importance;
when treating diabetes complications utory/obligatory health insurance system. rather, the difference in HbA1c from the
(hypoglycemia, end-stage microvascular All citizens can choose from among four patient’s individual target should be con-
disease, CV disease, etc.) and not due to competing nonprofit health plans, which sidered. Since most oral antidiabetes
GLAs. Insulin and SUs, which are consid- are charged with providing a broad pack- drugs only reduce HbA1c by ,1%, when
ered inexpensive drugs, have been shown age of benefits stipulated by the govern- HbA1c is significantly elevated above goal,
to be the second and fourth leading cause ment (51). The guideline suggestion only combination therapy or use of inject-
of emergency room admissions due to presented here differs from the previous able agents (insulin and/or GLP-1 RAs)
drug side effects among patients .65 version as well as from the ADA/EASD and can reduce HbA1c to target.
years old in the U.S. (47). The rehabilita- American Association of Clinical Endocri- The second exception mentioned in our
tion of a woman after a fracture of the nologists/American College of Endocrinol- suggested guidelines is the need to con-
hip associated with TZD use is another ogy guidelines in the following aspects. sider immediate, sometimes short-term, Mosenzon, Pollack, and Raz S151

insulin treatment for patients with HbA1c good option especially for patients with in this guideline suggestion according
.9% or in a symptomatic patient. Current increased BMI, are injectable agents with to specific patient characteristics (age,
evidence reinforces the importance and more gastrointestional side effects, there- BMI, history of CV disease, etc.) (Fig. 1);
safety of early short-term insulin therapy fore limiting patient adherence (46). however, there are many possibilities. It
and the ability of such treatment to de- For patients with BMI 30–35 kg/m2, should be noted that since at this stage,
crease glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity and to we consider SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP- some combinations of therapy include
preserve b-cell function (39,52). 1 RAs as equally good options, and while drugs that may induce hypoglycemia
One of the most important aspects of compliance might be better with SGLT2 and weight gain, consideration should
all guidelines, well represented in the inhibitors, weight loss may be greater be given to the possibility of less stringent
ADA/EASD Position Statement, is the with GLP-1 RAs. DPP-4 inhibitors might HbA1c targets for some of these patient
setting of timelines for when to progress not be preferred in this group of patients populations.
from one step to the next (53). It has pre- owing to the agents’ weight neutrality. Finally, fourth-line therapy should be
viously been shown that depending on However, due to their good safety record managed in a specialty multidisciplinary
HbA1c, the addition of another GLA takes and limited side effect profile, which setting and include a combination of
an average of 5–19 months (54). We sup- greatly enhance compliance, DPP-4 inhib- short- and long-acting insulin therapy, as
port the ADA/EASD Position Statement, itors remain a reasonable option, espe- well as GLP-1 RAs, oral therapy, and even
which specifically proposes that if a pa- cially in selected patients such as the consideration of metabolic surgery. At
tient has not achieved his or her glycemic elderly and those with renal failure this point in treatment, we must carefully
target within 3–6 months, treatment (58,59). weigh the potential benefit of any treat-
should be changed or intensified. For patients with BMI .35 kg/m2, ment against potential harm and adjust
In a setting where cost of GLAs is not a GLP-1 RAs constitute our second-line the glycemic target accordingly.
key limiting factor, we recommend as drug of choice. GLP-1 RAs have the Alternating between different members
second-line therapy agents that do not greatest potential for weight loss (60); of the same class of GLAs has not yet been
cause hypoglycemia, weight gain, or sig- however, the typical reduction in body studied and therefore cannot be recom-
nificant side effects that might adversely weight is relatively small, and it is not mended. While some head-to-head stud-
affect drug adherence. Since there are clear whether this reduction has an ef- ies between different GLP-1 RAs exist (62),
many options for the treatment of dia- fect on long-term outcomes. SGLT2 in- the data regarding such a comparison for
betes and since the risk of hypoglycemia hibitors are an acceptable option, and DPP-4 inhibitors are limited (63). It is there-
and weight gain is an important hurdle they cause similar (albeit a little less) fore preferable to improve glycemic con-
in achieving glycemic control in patients weight loss; however, as opposed to trol by adding or switching to a different
with type 2 diabetes, as is also stated in GLP-1 RAs, they do not have an effect class of GLAs.
the ADA/EASD Position Statement (2), on the hunger-satiety mechanism. For When can we declare a certain GLA as
we consider these two requirements to achievement of long-term sustainable ineffective and stop treatment? With
be a prerequisite for qualification as a rec- results that lead to changes in life expec- most classes of GLAs, a drug can be con-
ommended second-line treatment option. tancy, many of these patients will even- sidered ineffective if no improvement in
Additionally, all second-line recommended tually need to undergo bariatric surgery glycemic control (in most cases, HbA1c re-
treatments are newer agents that have (61). The option of bariatric surgery should duction of .0.5%) occurs within 3–6
been studied in large clinical trials, includ- be discussed with possible candidates in months after exclusion of technical and
ing CV outcome trials. The amount of the early stages of their diseasedbefore adherence issues. However, with GLP-1
safety data that are and will be available they develop micro- and macrovascular RAs, and possibly also with SGLT2 inhibi-
for these agents is reassuring. However, complications. Preoperative treatment tors, all metabolic effects should be con-
data regarding the durability of these with GLP-1 RAs or SGLT2 inhibitors to im- sidered (weight, blood pressure) before
drugs are still limited (55,56). When cost prove both glycemic control and weight treatment is discontinued.
is a major limiting factor, less preferable might be beneficial. In conclusion, we present here a sug-
GLAs to be considered include pioglitazone, Often, two GLAs are not enough to gestion to modify existing guidelines for
a-glucosidase inhibitors, insulin, and SUs. reach a patient’s specific glycemic tar- the treatment of hyperglycemia in pa-
Besides HbA1c, as explained above, get, at which point a third GLA or switch- tients with type 2 diabetes. We hope
we choose to use BMI as the basis for ing to a more potent GLA may be this option will provide PHCTs around
recommending a preferred second-line considered. Primary care physicians the globe with a more coherent, easy-
treatment for a specific patient. BMI will sometimes consider referring pa- to-follow guide to aid in our task of pro-
might be the strongest phenotype to tients reaching third-line therapy to a viding the best possible treatment to all
follow when considering treatment for diabetes specialist. This depends to an patients with type 2 diabetes.
patients with diabetes (57). For patients extent on the resources available in the
with BMI ,30 kg/m2, we consider DPP-4 primary health care setting versus the
inhibitors and SGLT2 inhibitors as equally multidisciplinary diabetes clinic. Duality of Interest. O.M. has served on the
preferable second-line treatment options. For third-line therapy, we also sug- advisory board for Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, Sanofi,
Both classes of drugs are easy to adminis- gest treatment with a GLA that best Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), Boehringer In-
gelheim (BI), Janssen, Novartis, and AstraZe-
ter and well tolerated, with increased ad- suits the patient’s medical condition neca; has received grants (paid to institution)
herence to therapy, and to date have been and personal preference. Some options as a study physician by AstraZeneca and Bristol-
known to be safe. GLP-1 RAs, although a for possible combinations are provided Myers Squibb; has received research grant
S152 Israel National Diabetes Council Recommendations Diabetes Care Volume 39, Supplement 2, August 2016

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