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Beating the Sicilian John Nunn 1st. Edition => Hello everybody! Hola a todos! We are a group of chess fans who are producing new chess material. We have members from ail around the world, belonging to different cultures and speaking different languages, all of us joined by our common love for chess! We hope you will enjay our work! Somos un grupo de famiticos del ajedrez, que estamos tratando de produeir nuevo material como este, desarollando diferentes proyectos ¢ ideas. Tenemas miembros de diferentes partes del mundo, provenientes de diferentes cultures, hablando diferentes lenguas, unidas por nuestra pasin por cl ajedrez!. Esporamos que disfraten de esta umucstra de estro trabajo! If you are interested in joining us, or send any commenis drop us an email at: Si alguien estuviese interesado en unisse al grupo nos pueden escribir a: eaissa lovers@ yalworcom Best regardsll Saludos! G => Hello everybody! Hola a todos! We are a group of chess fans who are producing new chess material. We have members from ail around the world, belonging to different cultures and speaking different languages, all of us joined by our common love for chess! We hope you will enjay our work! Somos un grupo de famiticos del ajedrez, que estamos tratando de produeir nuevo material como este, desarollando diferentes proyectos ¢ ideas. Tenemas miembros de diferentes partes del mundo, provenientes de diferentes cultures, hablando diferentes lenguas, unidas por nuestra pasin por cl ajedrez!. Esporamos que disfraten de esta umucstra de estro trabajo! If you are interested in joining us, or send any commenis drop us an email at: Si alguien estuviese interesado en unisse al grupo nos pueden escribir a: eaissa lovers@ yalworcom Best regardsll Saludos! G Fit publibed 194 Ton Nunn (980 ISBN 07134 0899 5 (inp) Photoset by Andek Printing, London ‘ad peated in Great Bein by Biddes Ld, Gutord, Survey forthe pane BI Butlord Ud 4 Fihordings Site. Toadon WIH-OAH A BATSFORD CHESS BOOK Advise: RG Woe Contents Intradacsion 1 Naidor! Variation 2 Scheveningen Variation 3 Clasiel Variation. 4 Pelikan Variation 5 Dragon Variation 6 Kan Variation 7 Maroczy Bind & Taimanoy System. 9 Sioian Four Kaights 10 Lowenthal Variation 11 Pin Variation 22. 416 B2. a6 14 Unusual Liner Index of Complete Gamer» Index of Variations Introduction might have boon, ip oer to caplea the eiflereces between ther Batsford books afd iis “Theueusl typeof opening book in wot necenuriy deal for the sreage ples A book ke Phe ‘Bon: forte Tourhament Payor tat a get eso ormation atge number of ame felerencee A vaiaona are dnalsed and Wa plajer wan (0 ow wien ie Ne shuld dope 4s Wate agaist the Beno for Sample, then ihe book presets fll he mcesaysaformation ard tone the render 0 make Up is ‘cummin based onthe gen aie na som pelerenes However, oemany players whohavetinied cera, would prefer ohne She es formato prsente Iman easy digestbietorm so het hnecan quickly prepare hime or ‘neti the Senor This book Tor people wns safer trom. sien problem It presente» complet reperis for White epee the Sila By restreting the lewpolst (jst (oe shor the hoa iti pou foci owt a huge amount cf lsevort ifermation ad ner ‘what s wally quite see ast iRarcasonbiy sized and priced) book am acerstingthe andre ‘pea Skin fob 82 03 amet shying 3 Sheds Dedbfor Whi, itking cach lack syne inte tnd deer bing hoo ee By ‘hoosing te ines Tor the reader Some Mec slot since fi possible thatthe lines have thoser ml nt sul eveyone Intron wo opponents. antl exeryone fence on 10 the Maw. AU he iatons suggested for White in Ue book have been thoroughly fasted at che grendmaer lea ‘Amongst dese haes wt sais the in etteon Haves are poste chown te aration, Shien vegas leet theories enlageFo ual, nods gn alae to phy azul hed Peis Ges 3 de ead Budd OH Seichdb I epeteds theese ‘elds fo ira sterp poss tilkimasis of theory aed ese tend inceed 6 Le, which Se fa ead to sushi sharp posbows, ‘now preciely shich move to puyva good undestanding othe eral principles shou sues {oiuide Ham throng he oper Shout anything 190. dra Sipping, Even inthe cones where there Sa god deal of Theory Gch a ‘ihe 9. 805 Ientioned above) f have often Into 1 promiing bat em anced ath, For examole continuing fore gundmase,ealoaachb ye have therefore taken ‘el ecrety amongst pacar Sed shien woud. probably do tven "beter at lower levels Honever ts te oem late to fay sharp postions. to # a's Bren for how tho. mort Prsitional acintion. ty Sere there fam aernatie ie for Whe where ister thst the thin meommenction would not Suit sme player ayes. To tae Sein etme gut Ue eS P'S io el sare tae 8 ecivey test to acept Blacks tree by 39 ase Geo Saas ed 6 ot B67 de acs 8 fads, but veconisin t the ‘ery sharp positon esting it {ery sme players T na ae Snajed te gat 3 QS wich jest given Who a vey Sy better cade Tr have chosen, 3. somes the vormation sthough Crag Prcht harem na et inhi opetine books on the Introduction “ws is not a pica Baisord pming ook. Conquer the Siectaeis iter boage an ‘time hae bom sn oder 10 Saplain the creme tween Sehernasors bones and hie Soe andthe reson Dein these ‘ise “The wna ope of wperian book fs rox nec el forthe rege pyer A hook Ses The enon forthe Tournament Player ou dale ermaton 2 fare number of Bae ‘letect "Al" eeohiore” re Seabed and a ployer want to ine whi in shold adopt ts White aint the Besos or ample, then the took press Si the necenaryttormation a ons the reader to make Opt rn mind bed onthe edie ‘end tiomt prcerenes Hower iirmany payer uno aetiaeé time at tet Capos the my fot be mach begs Ate Sm ‘Some oe ate renin ‘oat peop don't fee te gong through pape of ctaed sae Samp rene ith nate Even astrong pefoscnal pve eho perhaps want © pay 1 Ok ery "oxcsira to surprise Sononent uo ate eapecing ie fe ofien wal to knew White's fas before exomining she de fled operng notes. xOUKh fecomend ying ovr all ‘he pening notes fine tne round Stee thee Is 2 good deal of fnformtion 1 suppor the se of thie Book te 4 reerence Work inay be eurpione about ine ft hot. White score 9005/31 sed net that iere is bias in favour of Whe i te ali Hourver, bee that tis very Imporert for the author of 38 Dpeing. work 1 be abroltey bette ta his essosments All reins opering books ger vara, only 10 Tid thatthe batho’ assesses are ‘oloued by te desi 0 spor Wi thes any ses Tad that ack com probably eqaiee by ascurate pins, but of course ‘his tne nny opening = shose tea daw it played cel of won peer fo hate {Seach itonson ronal tnt ely Signe forme et ean uly repre msi er tein the Bee init sk mfr people who tater ftom sic problems desert comple pons ke Wine spat as Solan y rearenng the seapoet10 jat ‘Sma the Gard peste fo cat owt a bogs aman ircloont information and covet ‘atiraly questa get In Sreaconaby use (an pre Sook tam adventitia speaSiclan 1 ebeS2 80 ale string tle Sate Whe, ting eat isck ster arn fd cecrbing hw fore By Shooting the ies forte weak Some Revbity son. ines Bone ha he noe T hae ‘otra net wit svenere fence Howser by choca ‘rly Thopciokave minnned {8s potent ota ym Steios for secon af Bee hy sg th Njdor Dragon Eetctet” Ptah cat the es” sueted ‘Soult be ‘amongst set salable Thee tte sy enaly tes whch may Fool one ot imbalance woud be Tesome cies sally a ay tate stage of te snags Hane (Bven rioce than one move lot Mite "where thee is genie bt ab to which the best Sernatie. The sme hols for hear postions which ave beet fever) manaleed in other fori works ont openings hive devtedspacol ate Stew sebtnaty weal es ‘ch some ete hav 224 following. Examples of wis are the Liven varinon (Chapter Toy ante Pin vration (Chapter )"Thave nee ae patsy ne ery Boos for blake but they ace Tricky aad bre often wed as Surprise weapon Al te oft Whaepiiver when confronted oy One of these non re. Wil ‘eee 10 pay safe and ou eres ther main Uheorteal paths. I ‘Soong this he often throws away ny chance to gain theavartage. Shon resume of tween anes 8 ough to enable oe to mest Sec sual ns wih conden, Introaucton oo, sppotents anil erenone STiac7on toi tan Al oe Savana eat or Whiten Wi oct hee ten tencegly {Sacd atthe wonder lve ‘Amongst hoc ae ica RPh eeron ave soar peusblechoutn tar vege Ghee guar theorctel olor For canoe cesdbe Saino py agua eS Peis ons fal cha os ee Shab, Injtede Retbecne i iets fo Sarsterp posors Sithmais ofthe a recom Mend nased 6g wae ow tora we neh sap poston, Th vee he ead doe ck ow eck sch oreo Dag good undenssnding the fecal pnp ent ste {Stguds him theough be oping sihout anes too deutel Mireniap "Evel ne cis oy ‘Gueh at "he 6 aps trentonsé abo) I hove fen feowmtséaldcrinton e ints promatg bares aalesd ath For example coming Rome aes ater 2.067236 $000 Ad! hve gard et, hich onan on) been payed Tee vege ba tas seer Wate conten goad feakesnd pray seeder {ibe nue torte sions sar way 6 bg.0 and het would be pos shows “tthe Naor ese age Se of nny cubed ee Ieacuctin ep wit ths problem, Plenty of iagcem: ar ‘enviee! moments Droide Farther aitace Tope tha teaders il nave for grandmaster, alone achat layer: hanetetefore akan 2, the main ine whic ha seared Wel reer amongst pandas fed ‘shih woud probly do fen “beter at tower lve, Hoomever ts ge eften lento fay sharp portions, 10 6 4s ‘Bree for toxemia. more Pestionaliacincion. in any Ste thee isan sternshve ie Toe White weve itis er thatthe ‘aus rcommencetion wou not Sait some plner ste To take sotieretumple, agaist ek eS P'S die ea sre that to bjctvny beet to accept Black's Sage by 3 28 Gd54 Bel 6 S Oxi ed 6 ue Oe8 Tae BS 1 Aras, ut recopmiing tat he ‘ery sarp portions ring wl tennis sme players have a tated the get 3 c8 whic [Bt Bie en very ay tnusaal method for disposing the information, alekoug Craig Prot has ined nar hot fn hiecpering. ck on the Schoveningen aed’ he mec Indian, There are 31 panes which have Been fry cavefaly ane ated. with especially tad ates inthe operngh, The bet ‘ney 0. approash the book ‘robably 1 play over the gains Soe by out and Took back ne ‘pening stale ater ech game, uty the chosen game one 4 erly poten tee fn Ne opening concesed sad 5204 ack when meting this most Popular defence wo et cxcep Thappen to pay them in fe often ws to heew White's Sas belore examining she de fed cperang moter wcsint (ecomineng ying oe all the pening notes fn tone found, Shee theres 3 Bood deal oF Inlormetion to capper the se of this Book es 4 rrence Work hope thee 3 excl panes prone some plesure even ifthe Ronser aever pinye any of the ‘commended ie’ Sore faders Ihay be surpionsabeut che fac. ‘tat Whe scores 005/30 aed onctse that there fy it favour of White Inthe anv Pals thievery importer for the author of 8 pening work 1 be absolutely here fn hit assesment Al toootten on finds opesngtooks eporing Lo score. ome forgsten vriaion, ony to td ‘coloured by the deo por te these, In any cos Une that Black can probably eqalse by accuate play, but of course this eae nny opening = chess Mould bea dene a played pests, an unprovablestaemenk Barone which Tam S56 sre it ‘tue Tae ge White sore te met a cansaquence cf te ac. {har Tay concentatrg on Whie's viempont and sonata devote mech moreneton othe Scucrement Wintec amstons nthe gulfcation of Blacks {alberta the other way sound agree tha if tha book por Potied w give oth see" Mew 1 Najdorf Varia (Of alt the Sines in the Sician (rhc Blin atthe Nadot as developed the argon body of {hears Whee Books have est (tran on mere mibuantone of the. Najdorg for ample the Polgayeaky vacation aac the fbr ooned Pawn, Deine Soouner wen wate it fournament play, while st the fame tne necesiaing rativey Sigh ook knowledge, hs proved ‘speci bard The Najdrt tas tri the moves oteS 23 a6 Sut od 4 Badd Bie S O23 ao bees fist sia ss io. ply without slowing the 9 “Bose ahve the sceonary pout itta prepare queens expemsion ty oS Somat Wate etter pine the Nada arespeetcal's Meet at prevention cole fiers im Back) pay ths move in he Rope of apn imbalance woud be Drepscrous. ecm cats astlly a2 fy age stage ofthe snags, Hane (Bren taice than one move lor White "where there is genie cout a to which i te best ternative. The sume nol for sme postions which have bets feral isanalsed in other ‘heel wks onthe openings have devetedspasslatenten "few sebtnaly usual ne ‘euch in some eases ae a eat {ollowing. Euampls of dis ave the Lent variation (Chapter To) and te Pan vastation [Chapter 1} These ines ae pobebly at Nery go for Black, but hey r= Wcky and are often wed as Surpse veapon Alltoo often + Whee player hea contorted by ‘one of these wrod nea, Will “esi o play safe and nou cree the main theoretical paths. ‘dong ths He often teow 308 ny chance to ain thoadvantoge. ‘Ribortesume ota ericl ines Saongy eae oe o et bard nae pens fay deta onerage i ths book fot hese ofcompitenes. Ge prem wih he divon of moterat io. gies it Wat ‘Sale tino corkenent fore Teader whos starts at paar Lit feed ae leone ware Hine ‘ich yume consi a pala Theis noe so say, but am ‘usualy dea index sou ition accurately he ie tkely to be Svenmtelaed without desiping Sry rea counterplay. Even std inases have lst seckingly bit (pames playing Black agus 61, cours there ate good restore why 64s not seen more Frequenly in master play and in time we loots oe of Backs Fes ines, wrich cts un ino an” ending” Although tt ning i objectely abot 9a ‘unbalanced an bot ste re smost commonly encourteed it Tally in pune 5 ne ook at 6 a4 he. postional aration Imomones above. White Imm Giaey preven =. BS and glues Blak he option of ece paying feed. whe often apes practie”ahough Wis amet Ieracuctin hep wih this problem, Plenty of Sagem at envea! moments Drovide Farther asstace Tope tna teers wil nave 2 Naide Vaan which te may ot be failing while your om the repeteee ‘mend i ebook, i tneys be possible eeah ae of lira eaten a eampontion ‘es oe Gone 1 Otaann Sax Nom Sad 1978 «os one = 2 6 ater This moveisdsigned ioceseve the option of playing eS under bod ack when meting this most Popular deere to let oxcep i happen to psy them 9 slkhough there ae uraber ‘of rempriog posites Whites Postion should not be overrates) Wait (5 de 8 fo B54 946 136 pelar) 7 Ba? (Tae eb Bes ‘es 9n3 Sha io ge Spy 11 kes 0212 es tees Backs knight fut of pay on Hand 7 We 5 ded fe Ses U0 a5 WeS It ‘Wea is very good for White) BS 215 (ced Wrest Gul re smsplase Hicks king 9 ee. 10 gs and now Kaveok Byrne, US Ch 1078, continced 10 Hed Oxia i? data (3 Wadd Hulk 10 and Block gd ot nave enough forthe pece Seb: ‘Saguentls 1. We? was sagazrec ‘ita improvement, but athoug this moe & bene han 10 ee6 ite can eootinue wih 11 We? pie hima dangeracin tat, The bower the typeof pestion in wile Wate’ stusie ‘Gan collape silent rack, fates. soster-consous eases imap peer to deswer «a6 wth 7 ha sien ends othe ype ob positon ne wl encoun 1 Najdorf Variation Of al the ies in the Sictin Stic laa ado. the Naot ar deetped ihe gst body of rors Whole bookt nate Boot tines on me ob snnetons at the Nall for caamole. the Pohogeyeety variation ane the Inamoue Powoned Foun, Deviing counter when ie vse foarament psy, while ot the Sin tne netessitingrtively ‘ge teak tnswledpe rs proved ‘pov bard TheNjdort stare hn the moves hehe 2 Ot 6 Je cd @ Saud Bie 5 Se a6 ices frst aims (0D "3 wimout albwing the ep “assist te soconsay pont So prenereqveemice epansion ty essoneel Waicesyses Sin ine Nao wespecticly Be at preventing c3, wile ties lon Bock to py ths tov inthe hope of caping Thetackvard dpa ate. £19 Sra Set arse most oman epi, but a oth ead Yo es ehramipas I hve. tte on ‘oe famitar systems ce Serene and one potions! Te tggesine ce et wile in many ines ads 10 4 noteus hinge tack ty ‘wine Unies Back utes ve) Tos This wow is vitally foe, the ftoung ere sient Steno or Hace ies mane rb pcdsntattn'e he rage tt See an cutotan ncn ing tes ou) et Se UL Sstasrecen gmaicr Mig tut "non sce at Wancs cern ta neues W256 Tb05 ato. to Iaigeydany ans dc tone Queer was it os {2 te iegeed or Wht 10 So) ita act we ten’ ponton (or Whe iersnedicen Saturn 62 aocurately he ie tkely to be Gremmbelaed without Seeing ‘ny real eouatrplay. Even snd ‘aves have lst shockingly bet (pames playing Bac agaist 614 DF cours thre are good ressons Why 6 (4 is ot sexe) more Trequenly in master play and fame te lou a ne of Bane feline, wich votes hqusiion inte. on” ending” Although tn cing bletely about equal Ieisanatanced and both ides are ble to ply for ain In gases Tr} we fnvesgate the varatons ‘most commonly encountered it practice irl im game $ look at 6 "Mt the postonal varacn mentioned above. White imme Aste preven =. BS and gives Black he option of eter paying fe, had often Happens practie” although tis anos Erin god for White, oF of Teansponing tno another Siti Sem Hick con reach the Stheveriagon syst ithout oF) trouble, ba yang lo eampose to the Dragon more difielsnce tnorkein White's vou Inany se White hs the advantage {reg Block into estes wilh Neier Variation 3 (Fe fltowed by 26, when Back hes fprostems developing nis Kingsice Bene 8 of Inexpreneed White clavts sometimes ty 8 053 ba ae Tepiy t > BS Whe shale {ring dot elie! Satur ooking moves he 3 3 que ‘fears out Badia ibe ajo, which one reson ay ‘ideo popular Black pert oe 3 Se \Whie'senght mancene sty cstende the nets ef geate Spe he is now read to complete bis development by 0. and he Te Black dom noting stop ths then Whites potion willbe ry promsing, sos neat move ‘Sreted agen both the dvs ‘ax moves mentond above ° wii 1 may sem to be a major conczticn to ply suche move faeely i otder (9 achieve ke Std for a tag Ue 105 was 2 Naidet Variation hich te may one be fl whi yo ao the pete ‘esomended i th book, ‘hnays be posable o each oe of fheaths chasers Ca wampostion Gone 1 outonSax Not Sad 197% an « au 26 Get) 6 eur “Thismoveisaigned esse the epton of playeg eS under ‘tore favourable cursinccs iF ‘White should develop is icest unssiable squares 6 we? fame. whe Tes Una mover Shou give White an schontap 1G fe67 Dect be Fes O37 9 Bel de 10 oo e611 18 A054 2h gives White a sangre ise wirture fe the acces 6 86 (9 provocaine move atoning Wie play 5. but 4 Napioe Vaiaion stent moving backwards the rele ip away dsesteos. Which of ‘hese stesratives tually oscuts freer dvds owe tact! pots 2 happens hee. oe 10. heFctsa na ap ich erpon Once It kesMet Ty Bud Ged 18 Guat dace 14 Bred Wore and Blac wine wa, although Waite probly Faw sufesentcompensetion Craw The bw le gas 10 Ger eth tede 12 det Woo 3C0 D9 16 045 Eds [Sed We I6b4 ‘Daf 17 Seband Whitespowrfal ueemide, mvionty gee im oobi scvantage, Nop Ferner, Hale 978.” tt 2 de Here, wo, ths White's es ‘mover queen and sncee must. {ry to beep upthe moma ts einal te atack the cf pune: Everything then ages on wheter Wwhucean accel asta a slbiough there are unaber ‘of tempting posites Whites Postion should not be overrated) Wa (eS de 82 B44 96 135 aunekar) 7 Bg? (Te Sat Bes fips 9s ato gu ay 11 Ses (02 12 hes Heaven asks knght fut af play on hand 7 Wed 5 de5 fe Bes {0 ds Wes It Woe is vey gout or Who Be 3 a ced acs? Gua 1 ‘placer Hick’ king 9 ee D0 10-05 and aow Karak Byrne, Us ch [97k continued 1Oyn Hees wie ip actace 18 sod Heh If ded and Block di rot Ihave enough forthe pee. Sub ‘Sgucals 1D. WeT wav sazted san improvement tut sou tha move heer thse 10 ‘Wtute can sootinge with Ht We and the teat bused on ES acd Shei hina dangeounin ave, Thaw nmeer the ype of positon wh Waite’ srsite Ein colpee sudden atc Fates, ao feorconsions readers nay peer to aeswer BS with T kak sien ends othe spe ot postion ne will encoun (bane? Hore, however, Blk hs The ight advantage of not bag Shmmived io. Wer SJacree White rept move igpiebetly? a2 impose, {louescheveninacn sri, Soe (Chaps 2 games $11 ian, ‘his postion Irequety nse via the mave order § Red Sd? linaead of the more commen be, Ssh fh 3 09 Back wel like to ply 12 exch 1h Gexed aed 15 8 “ACS but White ioe rial by ie ane areie 17 gn DB ek Wet 19 Dds B80 >t has 21246. IE Black can't tak the ‘Ean inen ni whe plan aks Sloe, ut he cmuld he Trimmed he dendvantage ty 1a HGR. As played is king 9 sibjee to a devaiating stack 14 bat ‘wnat forsee Blak 1 ke the poisoned paws. Ths would ass fave beea the vepy fo De, Te ieee 12 ood 13 04s treceing ct and 0S fe leo home IE) Beael Dred 1¢ Set hed 1 ihe Ee [Now flack gee mate The bist pratoal chance mae to toon fhe enchange by 17 2 de, tlthoush 1&9 Wyo 79, Se ‘Teas 30 Was Wosr 31 hit 22 rr stacking the winerabe ‘ogre pose ehould win for This move & vinaaly forced, the toning Unereing ioe spleen or Black We (an actempe 0 rach Pentont shin v he Dron, but Fore whe cam ext sm ncrene ing tal resource) pa es (059 D3 deny good for Whi, but om te stems at Whites pawn" tube oats es 10 as ows 10 1) 9 Obs! Dab3 (9 Densd ned Gack 11 Was Oi 2s £5 13 good for Whitey 10a Gar ii gsteur Bet win an Ebertonfovon, Stu 172 270 bes OU 8 OL) a6 9 i flowed by Led des Sucetck a dsaray 8 53 00 9003 and nce aga the move, Putting the gueston to the Fetes shes Whites dear 337-8 suet hs oven Isaibet sew month ater ane good reply 2 65" AbN et sehen and. Bu Yad res Mea seperhonpostatco) Testo ito lorene wnte aca stoma avantags) eS de 19 awe | ows 19 dab? 20 aaT+ bbe 21 eich "dest inpossitle Became, Wie tabes the bishop Shh obec Le ‘The simplest. Motori se ant whites aiach agaist the ted bigoted Hin eo alee we ‘wer 22 Maat wil lod by 8 or Bat mins Bick at Bois ab Bows ae aks Resiew 25 aah D7 Wns Be 7 eli eat 29 BRO" de 30-ReS Game 2 Nese Grind lant! Tele Match 1981 teats 2G a Neier Variation 3 {efstowe by 66, hen Black hes roctems devloping mis Kingsie 4 of Iewperierced White players somtimes ty § 8 ur afer he feply # BS White should ee {hiking about equa Natce ooking moves tie 8 03 gue ‘tee stm out badly i the Neyo, which some reason ay ‘evo poplar wt lack payers ee sap “nies knght mancemre sty stends the sentne ef aguate fe his mow ready to complete 1s dsetopnent by 4 an 3, Track does rating to topes then Whites poston willbe vey romsing, 3o hs nex move ‘Sete aga both ihe Develop: tng moves entoned above a we wien 1. may seem to be a mice concession to pay steht mene fae fo otcer fo achieve Bes fd for a long time 10 15 ee BHhved in order t0 clay the Palatal dechton 10” waste te Vien ot Blowout ees Feeagased that” White sous Fein the option of opening up the postion by fe and tbe ‘meine ARIK shop pee toaay, The situation nti ite typiel of opening aration is sich Blak play cry ae even heep he native poe hen clemtnngtare ost wef Him, but he fale and bas Nalderf Variation 5 ‘iit’ steatey i this tine cather crue Heated a sagh forward snacking bul-ap onthe ini B70, 643, Welch an hepetaly 13, 6 and 5. OF Course Backs ale playing moves ne al this is ing cr Dati he fe comin naiely with. bs ‘Evclopnen wuhout aking epee Sountermeasares he come fll ‘etn fo Wha aac Tn ae Ir tiek jays 7 ob pe oF Black ha pisyes Wel very sar Shd Whites Bthop. is on fate han 2, Thee is wy le 4 Nope vaiaton set scving backwards the role isStstaly"destous. Which of ‘hese altesrtives tually eeuts Frequenly depends on obscure ‘acta pointy happens hee Coe ket 10. keFetsa neat tap which arpononcetetlinto™ It Reset 1 Bell Senet 13 Ggsot act 14 Bact Wo and Ulack wine pwn, although Waite pretty fas suffent compensctlon fray, The est ne pase 10 Get is fede 12 ded Bb 1360, Dots bas Dads sed We7 Loot Gad) des and White'spowefel Gumemdeajonty gee het P'Sobeantiel echantage, Vout” Fermangcz Halle 1978 fe n fe rt thi Whi’ bot. “ee iat force Mack to trae is ace, a ine st ‘tote eptbemonenin Everything the ges on wether Wie canuaceafy gab (5 Nair Varin ‘aanspesing. Finally Blick has Interesting” tanspesiional ea fmely T= e8 8 3 BS. The endiane of hs that afer eens 700 We? tam Fecoimenting 8 fo green bs. lamers" now Black ae Already ahaa 95. [tine Sarpreg tha Diack payer tae Mivantage of (hs pessbilty 50 Infeqomty. After 1 238 61 8: Wine sould cotine § 0.9 (Boar Wel BT HI al 3612 fede 13 Wh wit play sma to zane 3, although bere White does for have tne use of te ce ears (urnehar gained he move 381) sO) ae Or 8. bar (8 Whe poines nee White cst pay Snn)8 Bsns W wel whe tmoves in thie le are mst Independent af 'what Black i done! son on a. 00 Black woul tke 10 ply 13 fect 14 boxed Gu Th A ‘cS but ite ine steriby ie amet Reed 17 gi DOT ek Wet 19 Eds 5304 ae 21 pe. It Black cave tae the ‘Spnun tne ne whe plan eas Sepecious but he spuld he fimimsed hs diedvantage ty 1h. ast As played his King 3 Sete fo» evassuing act ie ‘white Forses Black 1 ake the poisoned paw This would als Fave been te epy to 3 eT 14.2 eek 15 045 thresteing cot and 85 ale hore. 1S) Beret ed Me Gace Maes 1 awe Beer [Non Back sus mated The bit beach chance ban to eto fhe exctange by 7 ae lihowgh Ue I? Web 0, Sa eas 20 Was ose 21 hl 22897 atucking the vulneabee lage "pawns should vin for Mite in the tg nn 1a wer) 13 ie ep 18 ph a6 tier 1a bo 1S ah Mick nme tnd an answer dS) 15 af BOTS 85 Soe 17 Ged and White's Initatine proved cechive i Sax Minit: Roti} Zagre 1925. 218. B8 (probably the best mmove,dimingto complet Blal'S Beccpmen before he ives White target io xtock by casing) 15 (attaceing moves he WM rene no function whe Bases King SU ithe coir) I de 13 fe qa'13 coe 18 rd wih an Atelear postion For the pawn White nee soe “nie tnd Buck has problems nding 2 ‘elas fr his king. Whie also hat the apcon of opening ics one Ateenste y a'umely a4 ahd In prsctce Bich wil not have am acy deensioe us ahead of him eM ns ployed" ShI befor preceding wiih bis atch, The ype of omlidaiigg move is oon = SSingxom of chess ainsi a 1 gare | avs 9.2) dnb? 20 whaTt bbe 21 "Wich “kess possible econ, Whe lakes the Bishop Tih chek ant whites auach agaist he ked blak hing must decisive 2 ds 2 ip ew 21 RATT ses 1 22 WAT. aes 22.n aa! 25 Wil fllowee by 5 or Bal nis, Be tect how ab Bowes Be sisi Rests 25 bah 27 Webs Se 2 ete wt 99 ARG det 30 Res Gone 2 Neen Eagand-lrael Tole Match 198 Los 2 be fa 4 Sa Se 3 as ae ower Wack vshast delay eSfor even dapense with alopeher) then this pronatly the mest feltte way 0 g0 about Blick Bods the aescal peoblens te fuling fram quick 5 by White Bndcamcortinas in Sevlopment by ako aT. ain and maybe BS and 0-030 wel 7806) permanent mating thre on 47 Flowever, ne recapture ‘ake Wit’ Krgitto come it and Bli’s = A? xmoves ita defense to this seus ta is wae eset wen 15 Bike be nay enabie Wack to deen, ty fe 8 pie Yelion-Valea, ernik 1979 Waite payed seh les gaa) whe Black sed At vecordetuce o play «cS fn tn afer To. be 14 BAS! ‘Baas sed es ie eng 17 es Bite a ash a eraenns attack is te anes 13" ng 14 Oy lack cannot move athe ig ‘Shs methy et Watecoela ck Deis wp by 203, Hall ete to tlimime the defensive iss at ‘e 1a ops 205) ‘Top late 8. Woe UE ‘QRS Is ed is goed fer White), Sahl Bhs an be. bat even Wen 16 2 theaening do ee and fs pes White a “iite’s state i his lie, cathe ere: Hermencs3 ie forward snacking buile-ap onthe ‘Engi by 00, 413, Wel ne and hereflly 1, dibé and pS. OF Course Blacks abo paying moves ‘aie all this sing cm bat ithe Ie cominoeenawely wth Selopmet without aking spot ‘Sountermeanars he comely fall ‘etm to Whites sie : * Black plays 7 ob ype of Scheverungea reached ia which Blac has payed We? verycary fro White's Bihop hoe 0 xpeiene. with this 99s of Frc but Whit’'s Best plan Froth lay fora quick Sty So. asana wet, weiepresersing Ine g} batop from eichange by faesting - Gx6 nih Ton Ob? feuds t9 positions Very sia 6 them ine fer ¥ eon $0, tltheagh ths ites move als Black ie vin a pawn by 8. Wee 3 he Hab. Whites compensation looks ey” good, however 50 ‘lac wa vie ay Napborf Varios 7 15 asfst ats re) 0 Be Waits material investment is very sight for such a sting tse The msi rest 18 35 ‘dads 19 cd attaching 46 280 preparing 94 folloned by the cmapaton of 26 by White's vat ” ents 17 eS 1 dS fac 1 ed at an fed" Bek 21 be followed by est & ako aintng a wan ‘Bas by Thee une 19 Sxo6tt sce 20-Bily 8 (29 BG A aaibe vias the uss) 21 ye dct 1 ces axes na os 2 Eur Bret bode thes 2h he Renae za 2 ane a4 wht B17 2S Bilt Wine venting Hen Coma Beating the Sicilian John Nunn 1st. Edition

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