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Graphic images in class PSA

Int. dark room

A man sits in the room in a chair with his head down, and the camera slowly zooms in until he

looks up.


We have a serious problem in our community, it affects young people in our schools, it distracts

our students, and puts them in a state of arousal. I'm talking about a real issue that we need to

come together and put an end to right now. I'm of course talking about, sending "graphic" images

to your friends in class. I'm talking about images like

Cuts to images of blurred out peaches


These, these, and these

cut back to the narrator


It seems that we can’t show these images due to their graphic content, but I have a feeling you

know exactly the kind of images I am talking about. They include images of the body, but with

fewer clothes on. These images are very dangerous and the classroom is not the place to be

sharing them.

Int. classroom

The narrator walks into the shot, a kid is already there sitting at a desk with a computer, back to

the camera.


this here is Billy


my names not...

so Billy here is sitting at his computer minding his own business, trying to pay attention in class

when suddenly a wild graphic image appeared on his laptop

(Billy opens up a photo to see a blurred peach on his computer)

This images distracts Billy, making it impossible to focus on the class, and will cause him to feel

strange. But more importantly, Billy sits in the front row of class, all of the young judgmental

kids behind him can see this photo, Billy could look behind him

(Billy turns around)

but they all look away, pretending they didn't see what it was BUT THEY SAW, they will

forever know what they saw and judge him forever, and Billy will know they know for the rest

of his life, thinking about it and making him feel embarrassed at the thought.Do you want that?

Do you want to do that to your friends when you send them pictures like that?




Narrator is sitting in his chair again facing the camera


as you can see, the classroom is not an acceptable place to be sharing pictures like this, but this

isn't the only time not to share illicit photos

cut to a list that slowly fades in as the narrator reads


you also should avoid sharing photos: while the person is driving, when they're at work, when

they're at a funeral, when they're with children, when they are doing homework, when they're
showing their parents a photo album, and when they're with their girlfriend. Wedding, driving a

car, visiting their grandparents, presenting at a business meeting, at a Hawaiian Luau, and when

they're looking for the lost city of atlantis.

(can add or subtract to list for time sakes)


Narrator is in the room with Billy, both are facing the camera, slowly panning out


Now you see the danger that graphically revealing photos can have on a student and know when

it's a bad time to send people your revealing photos. So remember, next time you want to share

your special pictures with that special someone, remember to pick that teach, over the peach.

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